Unemployment among recent veterans during the Great Recession.
Faberman, R. Jason ; Foster, Taft
Introduction and summary
Recent veterans have fared relatively poorly in the labor market
during and after the Great Recession. As figure 1 shows, veterans who
had recently served in the military had higher unemployment rates than
older veterans and nonveterans over this period. The three-month moving
average of unemployment peaked for recent veterans at 13.9 percent of
the labor force. The unemployment peak for nonveterans was 9.2 percent,
while the peak for older veterans was 7.9 percent. Unemployment remained
high for recent veterans throughout most of this time, before falling
sharply in 2012. In contrast, during the previous recession and
subsequent "jobless recovery" (early 2001 through late 2003),
unemployment rates for recent veterans and nonveterans were nearly
identical. During the preceding economic downturn (late 1990 to early
1992), however, unemployment rates among recent veterans were again
relatively high. High unemployment among new veterans has been
highlighted recently in the press. (1) It is also something that
employers are aware of, as several large companies have announced hiring
initiatives focused on veterans. (2)
In this article, we examine why recent veterans have such high
unemployment rates relative to the rest of the labor force. In theory,
there are several reasons we may observe relatively high unemployment
rates for recent veterans. For one, new veterans tend to be younger and
less educated than the average worker. These are groups that have high
unemployment rates in the general population, implying that the high
rates among recent veterans may be due to demographic factors. Second,
there is the question of how transferable military human capital is to
civilian employment. For example, Goldberg and Warner (1987) find that
experience in the military was transferable to a select number of
particular tasks and occupations. Thus, the relatively high unemployment
rates may simply be an artifact of the transition from military to
civilian life. Third, it may be that people who enter the civilian labor
force during an economic downturn end up worse off in their labor market
prospects than those who enter during better economic times, as research
by Beaudry and DiNardo (1991) and Kahn (2010) suggests. Their research
focused on entering the labor force after finishing school, but it is
plausible that new veterans entering the labor force during bad times
may face similar hurdles. Finally, relatively high unemployment may be
caused by factors that have less to do with the recession and more to do
with wartime deployments. Being deployed in a war zone may lead to
physical or psychological trauma that might make it difficult to find
work. It may also lead to more war-related duties (as opposed to
peacetime training duties) that generate human capital that is less
transferable to the civilian labor market. Further, wartime may induce a
selection effect along one or more margins. The high opportunity cost of
reenlisting during wartime may cause individuals who would have
otherwise chosen a military career to move to the civilian labor market.
If the skills and abilities of these individuals were better suited to
military life, such a switch may result in a "mismatch"
between their skills and the skills required for available civilian
jobs? Alternatively, the demand for new service members may cause the
armed services to relax their recruitment standards during wartime.
Individuals with lower skills or abilities, who might otherwise have
been considered unfit for service, may therefore be accepted for
military service and be counted among recent veterans when they enter
the civilian work force. This would skew the population of recent
veterans toward the low-skilled segment of the work force, driving up
the average unemployment rate for recent veterans during wartime.
In this article, we use data on both veteran and nonveteran labor
force participants to examine how various factors affect the relative
unemployment probability of recent veterans during the Great Recession.
We examine the 1989-2012 period, which gives us a natural comparison of
two periods (1990-92 and 2008-11) during which there was a rise in
wartime deployment that coincided with an economic downturn. We show
that neither demographics nor simply being a new veteran by themselves
can account for the rise in relative unemployment rates for new
veterans. Instead, our results suggest that prolonged deployments
overseas account for much of the difference in unemployment rates
between recent veterans and nonveterans. When we account for the
fraction of active service members who are overseas, there is
essentially no difference in the unemployment incidence of recent
veterans and nonveterans. We also find little difference between recent
veterans and nonveterans in their flows between unemployment and
employment. We do, however, find a slightly rising trend in the relative
flows of recent veterans between unemployment and being out of the labor
force, suggesting that recent veterans may be more likely to be only
marginally attached to the labor force than in the past.
Data and measurement
We use individual microdata from the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics' Current Population Survey (CPS) from January 1989
through April 2012 for our analysis. The period includes three
recessions, all featuring a weak employment recovery. Including these
weak employment recoveries, each downturn roughly spans 1990:Q3-1992:Q3,
2001:Q1-2003:Q3, and 2008:Q1-2010:Q3, respectively. The period also
includes two wartime periods: Gulf War I (1990:Q3-1991 :Q1) and the
overlapping Afghanistan War (2001:Q4-present); and Gulf War II
(2003:Q2-2011 :Q4). The veterans of these conflicts, unlike the veterans
examined in most previous studies of veteran employment outcomes, come
from an all-volunteer force. (4) This complicates our analysis somewhat
because the earlier studies were able to use exogenous variation in
draft outcomes as a control for unobserved differences across veterans.
In our analysis, we differentiate between "new" veterans
and "old" veterans, defined as follows. The CPS categorizes
veterans according to whether they served in a major conflict or between
conflicts (the "other veteran" category in the data). From
2006 forward, the CPS data include a "Gulf War-era IF'
category, which includes all veterans of the recent conflicts in
Afghanistan and Iraq. For this period, we define new veterans as those
within the "Gulf War-era II" category, and old veterans as all
other veterans. Prior to August 2005, the data only contained
categorizations for the Vietnam War, Korean War, and World War II. For
these data, we identify new veterans as those under age 40 in the
"other veteran" category, and old veterans as all others. We
do this based on a comparison of the age distribution of veterans in
this category during 1989-93 (that is, around the time of Gulf War I)
and veterans in the Gulf War-era II category from 2006 onward. Figure 2
shows that the distributions in the 18-40 age range are very similar,
and that this age range represents the left density of a bimodal
distribution for the other veteran category in the 1989-93 period.
Nonveterans are all other respondents who report never having served in
the military.
We focus only on labor force participants. This avoids issues with
changes in veteran nonemployment due to disabilities sustained while on
active duty. Our analysis examines differences in the incidence of
unemployment for labor force participants who are recent veterans,
compared with older veterans and nonveterans, controlling for various
factors. When we examine gross flows, we study all possible labor market
transitions, including those into and out of the labor force. We
calculate our gross flow statistics using standard methods in the
literature. (6)
Finally, we control for the fraction of active servicemen deployed
overseas using published statistics on deployments from the Department
of Defense Personnel & Procurement Reports. (7) The data are annual
through 2002 and quarterly thereafter. We use this measure as a proxy
for the probability that a new veteran served in a war zone.
Role of demographics and veteran status
We begin our analysis by examining the extent to which differences
in demographic characteristics between new veterans and others can
account for the observed differences in unemployment rates, particularly
during the Great Recession. Recent veterans tend to be younger and less
educated than the general working-age population, and younger and less
educated workers tend to have higher unemployment rates in the civilian
labor force. As table 1 shows, new veterans are 32 years old, on
average, compared with an average of about 43 years for the nonveteran
population. Older veterans are 61 years old, on average. The fraction of
new veterans with a college degree is just over 14 percent, compared
with 21 percent for the nonveteran population. Enlistment standards
cause very few veterans to have less than a high school degree, but the
fraction with only a high school degree is 42 percent, compared with 32
percent in the nonveteran population.
Wars and the business cycle may also affect military recruiting
standards. For example, during wartime, the armed forces may relax the
education requirements for some recruits if they have trouble meeting
their enlistment targets. Conversely, during poor economic times,
recruiters may be able to enlist more qualified candidates who would
have otherwise chosen civilian employment. The final three columns of
table 1 list the demographic characteristics of new veterans during the
1991-93 period (Gulf War I), 1994-2001 (peacetime), and 2003-11 (Gulf
War II era). It also lists the average fraction of military recruits who
scored in at least the 50th percentile of the Armed Forces Qualifier
Test (AFQT). The AFQT is a test of basic knowledge that is used to
determine whether an individual has the basic skills to enter the
military. There is no hard minimum score required, and waivers are often
granted for low-scoring individuals when the demand for new recruits is
high. In labor economics, the AFQT score is often used as a measure of
an individual's unobserved ability, particularly in studies that
use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth (NLSY). Table 1
shows that there are no clear differences in demographics between the
wartime and peacetime cohorts of new veterans, although there are
increasing trends in the average age and education level of new veterans
over time. Furthermore, the fraction of military recruits scoring in the
top half of the AFQT is substantially lower during the two wartime
periods. We return to the effect of changes in recruiting standards over
time later.
To examine the role of demographics, we first estimate a linear
probability model where we regress the incidence of unemployment for
individuals in our pooled CPS sample on a set of year dummies, indicator
variables for whether the individual is a new veteran or old veteran,
year dummies interacted with new veteran status, and year dummies
interacted with old veteran status. Formally, the model is as follows:
1) [u.sub.it] = [[gamma].sup.T] + [[delta].sub.0][NV.sub.it] +
[[delta].sub.1][OV.sub.it] + [[mu].sup.T.sub.0][NV.sub.it] + [OV.sub.it]
+ [[epsilon].sub.it],
where [u.sub.it] is an indicator equal to one if individual i is
unemployed in month t; [[gamma].sup.T.sub.t], [[mu].sup.T.sub.0,t], and
[[mu].sup.T.sub.1,t] are vectors of dummy variables for each of T years;
[NV.sub.it], is an indicator for whether the individual is a new
veteran; and [OV.sub.it] is an indicator for whether the individual is
an old veteran. The predicted unemployment rates for new and old
veterans relative to nonveterans (that is, [[??].sup.T.sub.0] and
[[??].sup.T.sub.1]) are depicted in figure 3. On average, old veterans
have lower unemployment rates than nonveterans, and there is little
variation in the difference over our sample period. The difference in
unemployment rates between new veterans and nonveterans, on the other
hand, varies widely over the period. During the 1990-92 downturn, which
coincides with Gulf War I, the unemployment rate for new veterans is
about 2 percentage points higher than the rate for nonveterans. New
veterans and nonveterans have similar unemployment rates between 1994
and 2004. This occurs despite the fact that there was an economic
downturn between 2001 and 2003. New veterans have relatively higher
unemployment rates starting in 2005. The relative rate continues to rise
until it peaks at 4 percentage points higher than the nonveteran
unemployment rate in 2011.
We next estimate the same model depicted in figure 3, but include
demographic and geographic controls. These are controls for gender,
education, race, marital status, household size, state of residence, and
a quadratic in age. Our specification assumes that the role of
demographics is fixed over time. The results of this model are in figure
4. Controlling for demographics has a large effect on the relative
unemployment rates of older veterans. They go from having unemployment
rates that are about 2 percentage points lower than nonveterans, on
average, to having unemployment rates that are about 1 percentage point
higher, on average. Demographics do little, however, to change the
pattern of relative unemployment rates for new veterans. There is only a
slight decrease in their unemployment rate relative to that of
nonveterans over the full sample period.
Note also that, outside of the relatively high rates during the
war/recession periods in the early 1990s and late 2000s, there is no
evidence of a fixed new veteran difference in unemployment rates over
the period. Both figures 3 and 4 show almost no difference in
unemployment rates between new veterans and nonveterans between 1994 and
Role of the business cycle and veteran status
Both figures 3 and 4 show clear variations in the relative
unemployment rates of new veterans over time. These differences may be
driven by the business cycle. Research on civilian labor force
participants has shown that individuals who enter the labor force during
a recession tend to fare worse than those entering during better
economic times and that these effects can last well after the end of the
recession. (8) It is plausible that recent veterans face similar
outcomes when leaving military service and entering the civilian labor
In some sense, the results in figures 3 and 4 already cast doubt on
the hypothesis that the relatively high unemployment rates of new
veterans are due to cyclical factors. For one, there is no rise in
relative unemployment during the 2001-03 downturn. Secondly, the rise in
relative unemployment rates during the Great Recession period actually
began in 2005, three years before the start of the Great Recession.
Nevertheless, we conduct a formal test of the effect of the business
cycle on the relative unemployment rates of new veterans. Formally, we
regress an unemployment indicator on indicator variables for whether the
economy is in recession or in a "jobless" recovery, additional
indicators for the Great Recession and its subsequent jobless recovery,
indicators for new veteran or old veteran status, interactions of these
indicators, and the demographic controls from our earlier model. We
report the relevant coefficient estimates in the first column of table
Table 2 shows, as one might expect, that all individuals have a
higher unemployment rate during recessions or jobless recoveries.
Contrary to the patterns observed in figures 3 and 4, the results
suggest that recent veterans have unemployment rates that are 0.4
percentage points higher than those of nonveterans regardless of the
business cycle. On the other hand, the results also show that there is
almost no difference in unemployment rates between new veterans and
nonveterans during the first two recessions, though new veterans have
unemployment rates that are 0.4 percentage points higher during the
first two jobless recovery periods. During the Great Recession and its
subsequent jobless recovery, new veterans are much more likely to be
unemployed. Combining the estimated effects, new veterans are predicted
to have unemployment rates that are 1.0 percentage point and 1.5
percentage points higher than nonveterans during the two periods,
respectively. Thus, if we only control for demographics, our estimates
suggest that, in contrast to the casual observations in figures 3 and 4,
new veterans did experience an increase in their unemployment rate
during the Great Recession period, particularly during the subsequent
jobless recovery.
Another way to examine the effects of the business cycle on the
unemployment rate of new veterans is to examine whether industries that
tend to employ new veterans are hit especially hard during recessions.
Table 3 shows that new veterans tend to work in construction,
manufacturing, transportation and utilities, and government, all
industries that had especially weak growth during the Great Recession
period. For each month, we calculate the employment growth rate for all
nonveterans by major industry and take the weighted average growth rate
across all industries. We then calculate a reweighted average growth
rate using the fraction of new veterans who work in that industry as the
new weight. If industries that tend to employ new veterans are hit
relatively hard during recessions, we would expect that the reweighted
average growth rate would exhibit larger drops in employment growth
during recessions. Figure 5, however, shows no notable differences in
employment growth between the two series over our sample period. The
reported differences in industry employment in table 3 are not large
enough to generate a sizable difference between the actual and
counterfactual growth rates. This implies that the relatively high
unemployment rates of new veterans are not due to their sorting into
industries that are more cyclically sensitive.
Role of wartime deployment
Finally, we examine what role, if any, deployments during wartime
have on the incidence of unemployment among recent veterans. We do not
have direct measures of whether veterans in the CPS were deployed
overseas, nor do we have information on when they were discharged from
the military. Therefore, we use aggregate data on the fraction of active
duty personnel that are deployed overseas. This measure should vary over
time in conjunction with major armed conflicts, even if the overall size
of the (all-volunteer) military was relatively stable over this period.
Figure 6 confirms that this is the case. The share deployed overseas
rises from 25 percent to 30 percent of active personnel during Gulf War
I, then falls to almost 15 percent during the 1990s. It rises to just
over 32 percent at the start of the Afghanistan War, and remains around
that level until the major drawdown of troops in Iraq at the end of
operations related to Gulf War II in late 2011. The fraction of the
labor force made up of recent veterans varies over this period as well.
(9) The fraction fell somewhat following Gulf War I, but remained
relatively high for much of the 1990s. It fell steadily between 1999 and
2005, but has been rising steadily ever since.
There are several reasons one might believe that deployment during
wartime may have an effect on the incidence of unemployment for new
veterans. First, there are the physical and psychological effects of
warfare. Individuals who return from wartime service may suffer from a
variety of issues when returning home that can affect their employment
prospects and not be captured by our demographic controls. Second, the
training individuals receive during a wartime deployment versus what
they receive during a peacetime deployment may differ. If skills gained
from peacetime training are more transferable to the civilian labor
market, then those veterans who return from wartime service may be at a
relative disadvantage when seeking civilian employment. Third, the
higher demand for personnel during wartime may cause recruiters to
reduce enlistment standards. As noted above, recruiters may relax
education standards in response, and the evidence in table 1 (p. 5)
suggests that fewer recruits had acceptable AFQT scores during the two
wartime periods in our sample. Recruiters might also relax other
standards not captured by the data, for example, standards relating to
physical fitness or criminal history. If these characteristics are
correlated with a lower probability of finding a job among the civilian
population, then an influx of individuals with these characteristics
during wartime will cause the subsequent new veterans to have lower
job-finding probabilities, on average. Finally, wartime may cause a
selection effect for new veterans. That is, wars increase the
opportunity cost of (re)enlistment. This may cause individuals who may
have been better suited for either starting or continuing a military
career to choose civilian work instead. This may cause a
"mismatch" between the skills of these individuals and the
skills required for the available civilian jobs, limiting their job
prospects. This notion of mismatch is analogous to that in models of
structural unemployment. (10) In these models, workers in declining
industries (for example, manufacturing) are eventually forced to search
for work in industries where their skills are less valuable.
Consequently, they have a harder time finding work, and often earn lower
wages as a result. Figure 7 reports reenlistment rates for active
service members based on their total years of military service. We focus
on individuals with three to six years of tenure because, empirically,
they are the most likely to exit the military among individuals with
less than ten years of service, as well as individuals with 20 years of
tenure, because the start of pension eligibility at that point causes a
discrete drop in retention. Note that there is a similar drop in
retention after four years because that is when the commitment
requirements for officers trained through the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps ends. The figure shows sizable drops in retention
following Gulf War I and after the start of Gulf War II. It also shows
large increases in retention when labor market conditions are weak,
notably during the 1991 recession and during the 2001 recession and
subsequent jobless recovery. Notably, however, the Great Recession
period does not show nearly as large a spike in retention rates as the
previous two downturns. We consider this to be suggestive evidence that
wartime deployments may have had at least some effect on the
reenlistment decisions of longer-tenured active service members.
We estimate the effects of wartime deployment on the unemployment
incidence of recent veterans by expanding the model from the first
column of table 2. The second column reports the results of adding the
share of active service members deployed overseas, both by itself and
interacted with new veteran status, directly to the ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression. We use the level rather than the change in the
share deployed overseas because our hypothesis suggests that potential
wartime should stem from the total number of veterans serving overseas,
not the change in the number. The results suggest that wartime
deployments have a substantial effect on the unemployment outcomes of
new veterans. First, the effect of being a new veteran switches its
sign, yet it remains statistically significant. The results now suggest
that, all else equal, the unemployment rate of recent veterans would be
1 percentage point lower than the rate for nonveterans. Furthermore,
while there remains a significantly positive effect of jobless
recoveries on the unemployment incidence of new veterans, the additional
effects of the Great Recession and its subsequent jobless recovery
disappear once we add the controls for the percentage of service members
serving abroad. The estimates are somewhat positive (about 0.3-0.4
percentage points), but neither is significant. The percentage abroad
variable alone predicts lower unemployment, implying that wartime
deployments and unemployment are negatively correlated over our sample
period. The interaction of percentage abroad with new veteran status,
however, predicts a sizable increase in the incidence of unemployment.
Being a new veteran when the percentage of service members deployed
overseas rises by 1 percentage point predicts a 7 percentage point
increase in the probability of being unemployed. Thus, once we control
for all factors, extended wartime deployments, not the effects of the
Great Recession, appear to account for the relatively high unemployment
rates among recent veterans.
Dynamics of new veteran unemployment
As a final exercise, we examine the gross flows of individuals into
and out of unemployment to see where the differences between the
experiences of new veterans and others are greatest. In particular, we
want to know whether the high unemployment rates of new veterans are due
to relatively lower job-finding rates, higher probabilities of job loss,
or weaker labor force attachment.
We calculate the transition rates between employment (E) and
unemployment (U) and between unemployment and out of the labor force (N)
separately for new veterans, old veterans, and nonveterans. We estimate
a model as in equation 1, with the same demographic controls as before,
but this time we use the probability of transitioning to another labor
force state as the dependent variable. We estimate the relative
differences in transitions for flows between employment and unemployment
(EU), unemployment and employment (UE), unemployment to exiting the
labor force (UN), and entering the labor force as unemployed (NU). Note
that our measure of new veteran status does not identify individuals
right at the point of military discharge, so the observed transitions
may occur following one or more spells of employment or unemployment.
This also implies that NU transitions are likely not direct transitions
from military service to unemployment.
Our results are shown in the four panels of figure 8. Panels A and
B show the relative differences in movements between E and U. In both
cases, differences between old veterans and nonveterans are almost
nonexistent. The differences between new veterans and nonveterans are
also relatively small. If anything, new veterans show somewhat higher
job-finding rates (UE transitions) from 2005 forward. Panels C and D
show movements between N and U. These panels show that old veterans have
a consistently higher probability of either entering or leaving the
labor force. New veterans had a somewhat lower chance of either entering
or leaving the labor force in the mid-1990s, but there is an increasing
trend in their relative difference so that, by the late 2000s, new
veterans have a slightly higher chance of moving between unemployment
and out of the labor force. This suggests that recent veterans may now
have weaker labor force attachment than they did previously, though the
differences with nonveterans are not statistically significant at any
point during the sample period.
Recent veterans have had high unemployment rates relative to
nonveterans during and after the Great Recession. These relatively high
rates did not appear during the late 1990s and early 2000s, though
recent veterans also had relatively high unemployment rates in the early
1990s, at the time of the 1990-91 recession and Gulf War I.
We find that demographic differences between new veterans and
nonveterans account for only a small fraction of the differences in
unemployment rates. We also find only limited evidence of an effect from
the business cycle. For example, there are no differences in the
incidence of unemployment during the 2001-03 economic downturn. Instead,
we find evidence that deployments during wartime have a strong negative
effect on the subsequent labor market outcomes of recent veterans. We
find little evidence that this is due to differences in the unemployment
dynamics between new veterans and nonveterans, though new veterans
exhibit a slight declining trend in their labor force attachment over
the sample period.
While the effect of wartime deployments appears strong, the root
causes of this effect are uncertain. Wartime deployments may affect the
physical or psychological abilities of new veterans or restrict the
amount of training they receive that would be transferable to the
civilian labor market. Deployments may also be a time of lax recruiting
standards for the military, and the high unemployment rates may simply
reflect the reentry into the labor force of individuals who would have
had trouble finding work regardless of military service. Finally,
wartime deployments may reduce the incentive for individuals to reenlist
and, consequently, lead individuals who were best suited to a military
career to seek civilian employment instead. Such a mismatch of military
skills with the civilian labor market for these individuals may lead to
a lower job-finding rate.
We conclude that the extended deployments that began in late 2001
and continue to the present period have not only put a strain on these
individuals during their military service, but also appear to be
hampering their labor market outcomes once they return to civilian life.
We hope that further research on the relationship between wartime
deployments and the labor market outcomes of new veterans can shed light
on why such an adverse effect exists.
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(1) For example, see Fletcher (2011) and Dewan (2011).
(2) For example, see the efforts put forth by JPMorgan Chase Bank
(www.chase.com/online/military/military-jobs.htm) and the Walt Disney
Company (http://disneycareers.com/en/working-here/ heroes-work-here/).
(3) Mismatch in this sense has been studied theoretically for
individuals who switch sectors in which they have accumulated some
amount of sector-specific human capital, which is lost upon movement to
a new industry. Examples of economic models along these lines include
Moscarini (2001) and Shimer (2007). This is also related to policy
discussions of a skills mismatch potentially leading to structural
unemployment (see, for example, Sahin et al., 2012).
(4) A notable exception is the study by Angrist (1998).
(5) See, for example, the studies by Angrist (1990) and Angrist and
Krueger (1994).
(6) See, for example, Frazis et al. (2005) and Shimer (2012).
(7) Available at http://siadapp.dmdc.osd.rnil/.
(8) See, for example, Beaudry and DiNardo (1991) and Khan (2010).
(9) In this section, we use an indicator for new veteran status
that is adjusted for the change in the definition used between 2005 and
2006. We do this to remove any break in the time series created by the
definitional change. When we reestimated our earlier results with the
adjusted measure, we obtained nearly identical results.
(10) See, for example, the model by Shimer (2007), and empirical
work by Sahin et al., (2012).
R. Jason Faberman is a senior economist and Taft Foster is a senior
associate economist in the Economic Research Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Demographic statistics by veteran status
Nonveterans Old veterans
Average age 42.6 60.8
Percent [less than or equal
to] 35 years old 40.1 1.5
Percent male 42.1 96.0
Percent married 53.2 74.7
Average household size 3.1 2.5
Percent white, non-Hispanic 70.4 85.7
Education level
Percent < high school 20.8 13.7
Percent high school
graduates 32.4 35.0
Percent some college 17.9 19.6
Percent [greater than or
equal to] bachelor's
degree 21.4 22.7
Person-month observations 24,631,423 2,937,437
Percent of recruits scoring
in top half of AFQT
New veterans
All 1991-93 1994-2001 2003-11
Average age 31.9 30.3 32.3 32.9
Percent [less than or equal
to] 35 years old 71.3 84.2 67.7 65.6
Percent male 86.5 88.2 86.9 84.1
Percent married 56.7 55.2 58.3 55.4
Average household size 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Percent white, non-Hispanic 71.9 72.8 72.5 69.8
Education level
Percent < high school 3.5 5.1 3.1 2.0
Percent high school
graduates 41.7 48.5 42.1 33.1
Percent some college 29.2 27.1 29.6 31.8
Percent [greater than or
equal to] bachelor's
degree 14.5 9.3 15.0 20.6
Person-month observations 387,865 66,386 172,623 90,011
Percent of recruits scoring
in top half of AFQT 57.6 55.9 59.7 55.4
Sources: Authors' calculations based on pooled monthly data from the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey
(demographic statistics), or annual recruiting data from the U.S.
Department of Defense, Population Representation in the Military
Services: Fiscal Year 2011 Summary Report (Armed Forces Qualifier
Test, or AFQT, statistics).
Veteran status and business cycle effects
No percentage With percentage
of service of service
abroad abroad
New veteran 0.0043 * -0.0103 *
(0.0005) (0.0017)
Recession effect 0.0055 * 0.0059 *
(0.0004) (0.0004)
Jobless recovery effect 0.0015 * 0.0014 *
(0.0004) (0.0004)
Recession effect x new veteran -0.0002 -0.0019
(0.0016) (0.0016)
Great Recession effect x new 0.0099 * 0.0039
veteran (0.0029) (0.0030)
Jobless recovery effect x new 0.0042 * 0.0043 *
veteran (0.0011) (0.0011)
Recent jobless recovery effect x 0.0104 * 0.0032
new veteran (0.0026) (0.0027)
Percentage of active service -0.0157 *
deployed abroad (0.0040)
Percentage of active service 0.0704 *
deployed abroad x new veteran (0.0076)
R-squared 0.039 0.061
* Significant at the 1 percent level.
Notes: The results are for the ordinary least squares (OLS)
regressions of the probability of unemployment on demographic and
geographic controls and the listed explanatory variables. Standard
errors are in parentheses.
Source: Authors' calculations based on pooled monthly data from the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey.
New veteran and nonveteran
employment shares by industry
Industry Nonveterans New veterans
Agriculture and mining 2.7 2.0
Construction 6.5 9.2
Manufacturing 13.5 16.9
Transportation and utilities 4.9 9.7
Wholesale and retail trade 18.6 15.8
Education and health 21.1 10.5
Other services 28.5 24.5
Government 4.2 11.5
Note: The columns report the percentage of nonveteran and new
veteran employment by major industry group.
Source: Authors' calculations based on pooled monthly data from
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey.