Auto production footprints: comparing Europe and North America.
Klier, Thomas H. ; Rubenstein, James M.
Introduction and summary
Today's footprints of motor vehicle production (1) in Europe
and North America appear at first glance to be remarkably similar: In
both regions, plants producing motor vehicles are highly agglomerated,
which is typical of manufacturing activities. The auto industry is a
global industry: A dozen or so mass producers compete with one another
around the world. Because these automakers employ similar production
models in their plants, one might expect similar forces to shape their
production location decisions. This article evaluates whether the same
general factors explain the broad patterns seen in the auto
industry's footprints in Europe and North America. This question is
of particular interest because to date, little comparative analysis of
this kind has been performed, especially involving Europe as a whole. In
general, most auto industry analysis of Europe has focused on its
individual countries instead of the entirety of the region.
We begin the article with a description of the current distribution
of motor vehicle production in both North America and Europe. Then we
review the principles of agglomeration and industrial location theories
and discuss their applicability to auto production siting decisions.
Next, we examine whether these principles adequately explain changes in
the geographical distribution of auto production in North America. We
outline key events in Europe around 1990 that affected the spatial
distribution of auto production there. And we evaluate to what extent
the principles of agglomeration and industrial location theories are
sufficient to explain the changing geography of auto production in
Europe. In doing so, we also illustrate the growing importance of a
northwest-southeast corridor in Europe, where the auto industry has
become concentrated. Furthermore, we discuss trends in auto assembly
plant openings and closings--both inside and outside this European
corridor of production--since 1990. Finally, we highlight the features
of auto production in Europe and North America that are not consistent
with agglomeration theory.
The current geography of auto production in North America and
Motor vehicle production involves two types of firms: vehicle
assemblers and producers of parts (or parts suppliers). Today about a
dozen carmakers put together light vehicles (see note 1) at
approximately 80 assembly plants in Europe and approximately 70 assembly
plants in North America. The roughly 15,000 parts that go into each
vehicle are produced at several thousand parts supplier plants in both
regions. (2)
For the purposes of this article, Europe is defined as the 16
member countries of the European Union (EU) (3) that have produced at
least 100,000 motor vehicles in any year between 1990 and 2013. The 16
countries are Austria, Belgium, Czechia, (4) France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (UK). In 2013, auto production
reached at least 100,000 units in 15 of these 16 countries; the
exception was the Netherlands, where auto production last hit 100,000
units in 2005. In this article, Central Europe refers to Czechia,
Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia, while Western Europe
refers to the other ten auto-producing countries. Here, North America
refers to Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
Motor vehicle production in North America is clustered in a
north-south corridor, mostly in the United States, called "auto
alley" (see figure 1). This corridor is roughly 800 miles long and
250 miles wide, (5) extending between Michigan and Alabama. The spine of
auto alley is formed by the north-south interstate highways I-65 and
I-75. Auto alley extends into Canada along Route 401 (Klier and
Rubenstein, 2008; Klier and McMillen, 2006, 2008; and Rubenstein, 1992).
Within the United States, auto alley accounted for nearly 90 percent of
light vehicle production in 2013.
In Europe, motor vehicle production is clustered in a corridor
along a northwest-southeast axis between the Danube River and the North
Sea, with an extension across the English Channel into the United
Kingdom (see figure 2). (6) This corridor is roughly 800 miles long and
250 miles wide; it encompasses nearly the same amount of area and has
almost the same shape as North America's auto alley. In Europe, the
corridor of motor vehicle production encompasses the assembly plants of
the United Kingdom, northeastern France, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Germany, Austria, southern Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary. The
corridor lies roughly along the major east-west highways E30 and E50.
Its eastern and western ends are approximately equivalent to the maximum
distance that truck drivers can reach in one day from southwestern
Germany--Europe's economic and population center. (7)
It is remarkable that the motor vehicle production corridors in
North America and Europe do not just appear rather similar but also
represent comparable shares of their respective regions' total auto
plants. Approximately 73 percent of North America's auto assembly
plants and 62 percent of its parts supplier plants are located in auto
alley, including the Canadian extension. And approximately 73 percent of
Europe's vehicle assembly plants and 74 percent of its parts
supplier plants are located in the auto production corridor, including
the UK extension. (8)
Most of North America's motor vehicle production outside auto
alley takes place in Mexico, which is home to 19 percent of the
region's assembly plants and 20 percent of its parts supplier
plants. In Europe, Spain is the leading area of auto assembly outside
the corridor, and Romania and Italy are the leading areas of auto parts
production outside the corridor (Frigant and Miollan, 2014).
Agglomeration and industrial location theories
Agglomeration is the association of productive activities in
proximity to one another (Gregory et al., 2009, p. 14). As shown in
figure 3, three competitors may independently compute each of their
optimal plant sites as locations A, B, and C. But if all three locate at
location X, they benefit from agglomeration economies. According to
Marshall (1920), agglomeration can reduce the cost of obtaining inputs
and shipping final goods, the cost of moving workers across employers,
(9) and the cost of disseminating new ideas (thereby encouraging
"knowledge spillovers" and faster rates of innovation).
According to Ellison, Glaeser, and Kerr (2010, p. 1195), "the
benefits of agglomeration ultimately reflect gains that occur when
proximity reduces transport costs," which include not only shipping
costs but also the costs of moving employees and ideas.
As noted before, manufacturing activity tends to be agglomerated
(see, for example, Krugman, 1991; Ellison and Glaeser, 1997; Head and
Mayer, 2004; and Duranton and Overman, 2005, 2008). Among manufacturing
industries, the auto industry is consistently ranked as one of the most
agglomerated (Ellison and Glaeser, 1997; Duranton and Overman, 2005; and
Goldman, Klier, and Walstrum, 2015). Indeed, there tends to be a high
degree of co-location of auto assembly plants and parts supplier plants.
Competing carmakers have, in many cases, placed their assembly plants
fairly close to one another geographically. Moreover, these assembly
plants often share a network of parts suppliers that are within a
reasonable distance from their locations. The proximity of auto assembly
plants to parts suppliers can result in lower prices for inputs for
carmakers; meanwhile, suppliers benefit from being able to do business
with multiple auto assembly customers.
Industrial location theory helps researchers within the field of
economic geography better understand and explain plant location
decisions. The theory comes from the work of Alfred Weber (1929). Weber
argued that the optimal location for a factory is the point that
minimizes the aggregate costs of bringing in inputs from suppliers and
shipping out final products to consumers. So, according to Weber, the
least-cost location can be computed from a geometric model. As shown in
figure 4, the optimal location for a factory with one market and two
sources of inputs is a point that minimizes the aggregate cost of
shipping the two inputs to the factory and shipping the finished product
to the market.
In his theory of industrial location, Weber (1929) distinguishes
between two types of industries--namely, bulk-reducing industries and
bulk-gaining industries. In a bulk-reducing industry--one with inputs
that are heavier or occupy a greater volume than the final
product--production facilities tend to locate near the sources of inputs
in order to minimize the shipping costs (see the schematic on the left
in figure 4). Conversely, in a bulk-gaining industry--one whose
fabricated product is heavier or occupies a greater volume than the
inputs--production facilities have a tendency to be near the markets for
the final good in order to minimize the shipping costs (see the
schematic on the right in figure 4).
Copper and steel provide examples of bulk-reducing industries. For
example, in the United States, most copper concentration mills,
smelters, and refineries are located near copper mines in Arizona (O
hUallachain and Matthews, 1994; and Rubenstein, 2014). In addition, in
the United States, integrated steel mills are clustered in the southern
Great Lakes region to minimize the aggregate shipping costs of the two
principal inputs--coal from Appalachia and iron ore from northern
Minnesota. As the U.S. steel industry has been increasingly relying on
foreign sources of iron ore, the transportation cost advantage of a
southern Great Lakes location has been reduced (Hogan, 1987; and
Rubenstein, 2014).
Motor vehicle assembly is an example of a bulk-gaining industry. An
assembled motor vehicle occupies a much greater volume and is more
expensive to ship than the sum of its individual parts. Consequently,
carmakers have selected assembly plant sites that minimize their costs
of shipping finished vehicles to dealerships. It should be noted,
however, that other factors, such as economies of scale in production
and the ability to acquire and assemble pieces for a large enough tract
of land at an affordable price, also affect carmakers' plant
location decisions (Rubenstein, 1992).
The literature on production agglomeration and industrial location
includes numerous papers that estimate the role of specific factors in
explaining the distribution of manufacturing in general, as well as that
of individual industries (for a detailed tabulation, see Arauzo-Carod,
Liviano-Solis, and Manjon-Antolin, 2010). As one of the largest
manufacturing industries, the auto industry has been the focus of much
attention in this literature. Nearly all of the empirical analysis
relies on U.S. and North American data. For instance, Woodward (1992)
examines foreign direct investment in the U.S. manufacturing sector, and
finds evidence that access to interstate highways plays a crucial role
in where foreign carmakers decide to establish plants outside
metropolitan areas. Smith and Florida (1994) estimate a model for
Japanese-affiliated automotive-related plants within the United States,
and find proximity to assembly plants to be an important factor in the
location decisions of components supplier plants. Klier and McMillen
(2008) estimate the location pattern of motor vehicle parts plants by
way of a conditional logit model, and find the observed location choices
are well explained by factors linked to agglomeration. Two of these
factors--namely, good highway access and shorter distance to assembly
plants--suggest that cost considerations of transporting goods play a
significant role in supplier plant siting decisions. A third
factor--shorter distance to Detroit--suggests such decisions may be
partly based on wanting to have ready access to the news and innovations
(knowledge spillovers) emanating from the center of the auto industry in
the United States. Incidentally, that article illustrates the
reorientation of supplier plant locations along the north-south auto
alley (from a concentrated area surrounding Detroit, with southern
Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio as its hub). It establishes that the degree
of agglomeration for old and new plants is quite similar, despite this
reorientation. More generally, Klier and Rubenstein (2008, 2013 a)
provide an extensive account of how the footprint of the auto industry
in North America has evolved over the past several decades.
The evolution of North America's auto production footprint
While motor vehicle production in North America tends to be
concentrated today, as it has in the past, the industry's footprint
has changed over time (this section draws heavily on Rubenstein, 1992).
In North America, motor vehicle production experienced two periods of
intense agglomeration. The first period began during the first decade of
the twentieth century, and the second started during the 1980s. In the
intervening years, the industry's assembly footprint broadened with
the establishment of the system of branch assembly plants.
When commercial production of motor vehicles began in the United
States during the 1890s, more than half of the firms were located in the
Northeast. The distribution of producers changed twice in the early
twentieth century. First, most production shifted from the Northeast to
southeastern Michigan. Motor vehicle production clustered in
southeastern Michigan in the first years of the twentieth century
primarily because of existing agglomerations of producers of critical
components. In 1900, southeastern Michigan was the center of production
of gasoline engines, which at the time were used primarily to power
boats and farm machinery. The area was also the center of production of
horse-drawn carriages, which were later developed into car bodies. In
1913, southeastern Michigan accounted for 80 percent of total motor
vehicle production in the United States.
While most parts continued to be made in and near southeastern
Michigan after that date, most assembly plants were relocated to major
urban areas around the country, such as New York, Los Angeles, and
Chicago, beginning in the second decade of the twentieth century. After
clustering their operations in southeastern Michigan in the first decade
of the twentieth century, Ford and General Motors (GM) opened branch
assembly plants around the country. Ford started doing this during the
1910s, and GM followed suit during the 1920s. Instead of shipping
finished vehicles from southeastern Michigan to consumers around the
country, the leading carmakers determined that it was cheaper to ship
parts around the country and put together vehicles at branch assembly
plants situated near population centers, where vehicle buyers were
clustered, essentially following Weber's (1929) principles for
siting factories for a bulk-gaining industry. (10) Production of parts
remained in the Midwest, as rail cars--the principal mode of shipping
freight in the early decades of the twentieth century--could accommodate
stacked-up parts, intended for assembling vehicles at branch assembly
plants, far more easily than fully assembled vehicles.
Carmakers began to abandon the branch assembly plant system during
the 1960s. As a result, the assembly footprint began to tighten again.
The impetus for this change was the introduction of a variety of models
of different sizes that could not be built on the same assembly line.
Instead, each assembly plant was devoted to producing models of a single
size. Consistent with the principles of industrial location theory based
on Weber (1929), carmakers calculated that if a single-sized model was
to be assembled at a single plant, its location needed to minimize the
aggregate cost of shipping to consumers throughout North America. That
region became known as auto alley (see figure 1 on p. 102). (11) In
calculating the optimal location for their assembly plants, carmakers
determined the key factor was the percentage of the nation's
dealerships that could be reached within a one-day drive by truckers.
(From the 1960s onward, trucks were the primary mode for delivering
assembled vehicles.) A location in auto alley makes possible one-day
delivery to population centers between New York and Texas. Note that
auto alley is several hundred miles east of the U.S. center of
population, located in Missouri--which is too far west to permit one-day
delivery to the East Coast markets and not far enough west to reach
California markets in one day.
Later on, in the 1980s, Japanese-owned carmakers began to assemble
vehicles in the United States. They too determined that in order to
minimize the costs of shipping their final products throughout North
America, the optimal locations for their assembly plants were in auto
alley (Woodward, 1992).
The history of Europe's fragmented auto production footprint
In this section, we discuss the historical distribution of motor
vehicle production in Europe. In the following section, we highlight
factors that precipitated changes in this distribution late in the
twentieth century.
For most of the twentieth century, motor vehicle production in
Europe was fragmented among the region's individual countries.
Europe's automobile industry represented a collection of national
industries, with each of the major vehicle-producing countries dominated
by one or a small number of vehicle producers headquartered in that
country--the so-called national champions (Lagendijk, 1997). Fiat of
Italy, Volkswagen (VW) of Germany, Renault and Peugeot of France, and
Leyland and Rover of the United Kingdom were examples of national
champions during the twentieth century. (12)
While consumers were able to choose among products from virtually
every auto producer in Europe, each vehicle assembler's production
facilities were clustered in the country where it was headquartered (see
figure 5, which illustrates this pattern for 1990). Accordingly, most
motor vehicles sold in France were produced in France by French
companies, and most motor vehicles sold in Italy were produced in Italy
by Italian companies--and this pattern also held in the United Kingdom,
Spain, and less populous countries, such as Sweden and Czechoslovakia.
While the U.S. auto industry clustered in the early twentieth century
around the single geographical node of southeastern Michigan, Europe
featured multiple nodes, including Paris, France; Wolfsburg, Germany;
Turin, Italy; and Coventry, UK (Bentley, Bailey, and MacNeill, 2013; and
Lung, 2004).
Despite the polycentric nature of Europe's motor vehicle
industry, which persisted for most of the twentieth century, the
region's pioneering carmakers were collaborating across national
boundaries as early as the late nineteenth century. For example, engines
from Germany's Benz (a predecessor of today's Daimler) were
used in vehicles made throughout Europe, and France's Panhard et
Levassor (a predecessor of today's PSA Peugeot Citroen (13))
created the assembly platform structure with the engine in front that
became the auto industry's standard (Flink, 1988, pp. 15-22).
But during World Wars I and II and the interwar period,
protectionist policies effectively precluded region-wide agglomeration
of Europe's motor vehicle industry (Flink, 1988, p. 253). That is,
each of the more populous countries in Europe protected its own motor
vehicle industry from producers of other countries through high
tariffs--which deterred region-wide auto production agglomeration. In
1915, for example, the United Kingdom imposed a 25 percent tariff on the
import of assembled vehicles, as well as a 10 percent tariff on imported
parts (Womack, Jones, and Roos, 1990, p. 228). In 1931, the average
tariff on the import of manufactured goods was 30 percent in France, 21
percent in Germany, 46 percent in Italy, and 63 percent in Spain
(Bairoch, 1993, p. 40). As a result of tariffs, as well as patriotic
loyalty to domestic brands, the distribution of motor vehicle production
across Europe remained polycentric. The British auto industry
agglomerated around Coventry in the United Kingdom, the Italian auto
industry around Turin in Italy, and so on across Europe's
individual countries.
Spatial fragmentation of Europe's auto production persisted
after World War II. The Iron Curtain (14) divided Germany in two and
isolated Central European countries from most consumer goods produced in
Western Europe. The agreements and organizations promoting economic
unity in Western Europe, beginning with the 1951 Treaty of Paris and
1957 Treaty of Rome, removed some of the barriers to trade within the
six original members of the European Economic Community, or EEC
(Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany).
(15) However, some restrictions on the trade of motor vehicles across
borders remained in place (Flink, 1988, pp. 298-299).
Incidentally, agglomeration of motor vehicle production was also
discouraged by EEC policies promoting investment in areas within the six
member states--which were suffering from high levels of poverty and
unemployment, as well as significant losses in manufacturing. As part of
these policies, the manufacturing sector received incentives to disperse
new production facilities to areas not traditionally associated with
industrial production, such as Belgium, southern Italy, and western
France (Lung, 2004).
The economic slowdown in the 1970s, triggered by the two oil shocks
of the decade, brought some restructuring to motor vehicle production in
Europe. In response to the slowdown, some countries protected their
national champions of automotive production and some did not. France and
Italy were examples of the former: They maintained policies protecting
their domestic carmakers, thereby limiting the entry of foreign
competitors, especially those based in Asia. Additionally, domestic
carmakers based in France and Italy consolidated around this time: In
Italy, Fiat took over Lancia (in 1969) and Alfa Romeo (in 1986); and in
France, Peugeot merged with Citroen (in 1976) (Flink, 1988).
Meanwhile, major changes in motor vehicle production were occurring
in the United Kingdom and Spain. In the UK, after the consolidation of
the domestic auto industry in the 1960s, the last British-owned
carmaker, British Leyland (later renamed Rover), still struggled in the
1970s and 1980s (despite receiving government aid). Eventually, its
assets, including its UK plants, were sold to foreign producers (Gibbs,
2013; and Northedge, 2009). In Spain, foreign carmakers built a number
of assembly plants, in particular during the 1970s and 1980s. (16) At
the time, Spain was considered an attractive location for the
combination of its proximity to European consumers and its relatively
low labor costs within Western Europe (Pallares-Barbera, 1998).
Figure 5 (on p. 107) shows the distribution of auto assembly plants
in Europe in 1990. The proximity of assembly plants to each other should
not be mistaken for agglomeration influenced by economic factors. The
locations of the three largest auto assembly plants in Europe circa
1990--Wolfsburg, Germany; Sochaux, France; and Mirafiori,
Italy--illustrate the lack of importance of economic geography factors
in site selection (as discussed earlier in the section on agglomeration
and industrial location theories). Wolfsburg, a city constructed from
scratch by the Nazis during the 1930s in order to build "the
people's car," is located in Lower Saxony, a state of Germany
not traditionally associated with manufacturing, some distance away from
the Ruhr Valley, historically the center of production (and population)
in Germany (Flink, 1988). Sochaux--in far eastern France, fairly remote
from Paris, the country's principal market--was the home of the
Peugeot family (Flink, 1988). In Italy, the Mirafiori factory was built
in a suburb of Turin--hometown of Fiat's owners, the Agnelli
family, but quite far north of Rome, the country's largest market
(Clark, 2012).
Toward auto production agglomeration across Europe
A sizable literature describes and analyzes the evolution of the
auto industry in Europe (see, for example, Bentley, Bailey, and
MacNeill, 2013, for an extensive discussion, as well as Domanski and
Lung, 2009; Domanski and Gwosdz, 2009; Jugens and Krzywdzinski, 2009;
and Lung, 2004). During the early 1990s, two key economic and political
events had a profound impact on Europe's motor vehicle industry:
the ratification of the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht Treaty)
and the dismantling of the Iron Curtain. These two events enlarged the
market of Europe and ultimately enabled a more agglomerated distribution
of motor vehicle production across the entire continent.
The Treaty on European Union--the single most important step in
European unification--was drafted in 1991, signed by the 12 member
countries in 1992, and implemented beginning in 1993. It established
common foreign and security policies; assigned stronger decision-making
authority to the European Parliament and other supranational
institutions; and set the groundwork for the economic and monetary
union, including the introduction of the euro as a common currency
across the region. (17) For the auto industry, European unification
ushered in a uniform region-wide regulatory framework for energy
efficiency and pollution-control technologies, as well as other
vehicular technologies. Tariffs were removed, and national differences
in the pricing of motor vehicles were reduced (Lung, 2004).
The dismantling of the Iron Curtain unified the western and eastern
parts of Europe, and rather quickly led to a considerable enlargement of
the market for motor vehicles and other goods. The fall of communism in
Europe that occurred between 1989 and 1991 brought about democratically
elected governments in several countries that are now referred to as
Central Europe (see p. 102 for the countries we consider to be part of
this region for the purposes of this article). Negotiations between
certain Central European countries and the European Union removed trade
barriers during the 1990s, and culminated in the accession into the
European Union of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia in
2004 and of Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. EU membership required the
adoption of EU regulations--a source of stability for the conduct of
business in Central Europe. As a result, making a substantial investment
in Central Europe became not only a feasible option but an attractive
one for carmakers to consider (Domanski, Klier, and Rubenstein, 2014;
and Domanski and Lung, 2009).
More than any other factor, the accession of Central European
countries into the European Union promoted region-wide integration of
the region's motor vehicle industry. Central Europe was home to an
auto industry under communism. Yet under communist rule, factories there
produced small cars and trucks that were quite different from those in
Western Europe and that had little appeal to consumers in other
countries. Trade barriers to the West had resulted in the import
(export) of very few new vehicles into (out of) Central Europe. By
contrast, in a unified Europe, motor vehicles no longer varied widely
among the region's individual countries. Automobile production
subsequently expanded eastward in a major way. (18) This expansion of
the auto industry's footprint led to a significant increase in its
production capacity. As Central Europe increased its share of
Europe's light vehicle production from just over 5 percent in 1990
to 20 percent within two decades (Domanski, Klier, and Rubenstein,
2014), more than ten new assembly plants were opened in that region (see
figure 6). The auto assemblers' move into Central European
countries was motivated by a desire to gain access to the newly opened
local markets, as well as by the cost advantages (especially for labor)
these nations offered (Domanski and Lung, 2009). (19) Between 1990 and
2013 the number of large assembly plants (capable of producing at least
100,000 vehicles per year) in Central Europe rose from eight to 18. (20)
The majority of these additional plants were located in just three
countries: Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia. Prior to that time, Spain and
Portugal had been the main beneficiaries of new automotive investment in
Europe. (21)
Around 1990, European carmakers also faced two key challenges that
threatened their long-term competitive positions in their respective
home markets. One principal challenge concerned quality and productivity
issues. The 1990 book The Machine That Changed the World--produced by
researchers with the International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP) at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (22)--was highly critical of
European motor vehicle industry practices, suggesting that European
producers lagged their international competitors in terms of
productivity and quality. The other principal challenge to European
carmakers at the time was increased competition from Japanese carmakers.
In 1990 Japanese carmakers had a more modest presence in Western Europe
as a whole than in North America (where they had opened seven assembly
plants during the 1980s). Japanese auto companies held 24 percent of
light vehicle sales in the United States in 1990; in contrast, Japanese
auto assembly firms had only 11.6 percent of comparable sales in Western
Europe in 1990. (23) The only two Japanese-owned assembly plants in
Europe in 1990 were operated by Nissan in Sunderland, UK, and in
Barcelona, Spain; and neither had yet reached annual production levels
of at least 100,000 units. (24) Conventional wisdom in 1990 was that
Japanese carmakers would soon attain in Europe as a whole the levels of
sales and production found in North America and in smaller European
countries (Dicken, 1992; and Lagendijk, 1997). European carmakers
responded to both challenges by adopting Japanese-inspired production
methods that closed the gaps in quality and productivity with their
foreign competitors. (25) More to the point of this article, European
carmakers also altered the spatial distribution of auto production
within Europe, favoring locations consistent with Weber's (1929)
principles of factory site selection for an industry producing
bulk-gaining goods. This was yet another way for European auto
assemblers to improve their productivity in response to competition from
North America and Asia.
Features of agglomerated auto production in Europe
As we explained in detail in the previous section, the changes in
the underlying economic geography of Europe encouraged agglomeration of
the region's motor vehicle production. Following the collapse of
communism in Central Europe, the footprint of Europe's motor
vehicle production changed from a multinational polycentric distribution
(with production generally self-contained within individual countries)
to a region-wide agglomeration in a corridor with a northwest-southeast
axis (figure 6 on p. 109). (26) The new distribution of auto production
across Europe more closely resembles the clustering of auto production
observed in North America. Auto producers in Europe today are optimizing
their operations over a much larger area than before 1990, choosing
plant locations that minimize the costs of reaching a large market. In
this section, we elaborate on two distinctive trends of Europe's
increasingly agglomerated distribution of motor vehicle production:
namely, 1) that most new auto production facilities have been situated
inside an agglomerated corridor and 2) that new automotive investment
within the corridor has been occurring primarily in the eastern portion.
Changing distribution of auto production facilities across the
whole of Europe
In 1990, carmakers operated 74 large assembly plants in Europe
(with each plant capable of producing at least 100,000 vehicles per
year). Between 1990 and 2013, 20 large auto assembly plants were opened
in Europe and 14 were closed. As a result of these changes, in 2013
Europe had a total of 80 large auto assembly plants (see table 1).
Europe's large auto assembly plant count had risen since 1990
mostly because of the clustering of investment in the region's auto
corridor. The number of large plants inside the corridor increased from
52 in 1990 to 58 in 2013, while the number outside the corridor remained
at 22. Forty-one of the 52 large plants inside the corridor in 1990 were
still open in 2013, while 11 were closed and 17 new ones were opened
(see figure 7 and table 1). Meanwhile, 19 of the 22 large plants outside
the corridor in 1990 were still open in 2013, while three were closed
and three new ones replaced them (see figure 7 and table 1).
As a result of these plant openings and closures, the percentage of
Europe's large auto assembly plant production located in the
corridor increased noticeably between 1990 and 2013: In 1990, 68 percent
of the region's 14.4 million vehicles were assembled in the
corridor; however, in 2013, 78 percent of the region's 15.4 million
vehicles were assembled in the corridor (see table 1). By comparison,
approximately 73 percent of North American production took place in auto
alley in 2013. (27)
As a bulk-gaining industry, the motor vehicle industry tends to
have its assembly plants agglomerate in order to minimize the costs of
shipping the final products to the consumers. Consistent with this
principle of industrial location theory based on Weber (1929),
Europe's auto production corridor is situated within the
continent's area of highest population concentration. Figure 8
shows each NUTS-3 (28) region's level of population within a
450-kilometer radius from its centroid as of 2013. The highest values
appear for NUTS-3 regions within Germany, northeastern France, and
western Czechia. This area represents the heart of Europe's auto
production corridor.
Within a one-day drive of Europe's auto production corridor
(roughly 600 kilometers) are clustered approximately 80 percent of the
region's population, about 85 percent of the region's total
gross national income (and therefore buying power for new vehicles), and
around 70 percent of the region's new vehicle sales in 2014. (29)
As the region's largest auto producer, Volkswagen has been the
carmaker with the most location decisions affecting (and affected by)
the agglomeration of assembly plant production in Europe. VW built six
of the 20 new plants in Europe between 1990 and 2013 and owned only one
of the 14 that were closed (a plant in Barcelona, Spain, that was
replaced with a new facility nearby). In addition, VW took over five
plants in Central Europe--specifically, three in Czechia and one each in
Slovakia and Poland--along with one plant each in the former East
Germany, Portugal, and Spain. Asian carmakers opened seven new plants
across Europe--specifically, two each in Czechia and the UK and one each
in France, Hungary, and Slovakia (two of the plants were joint ventures
between Toyota and PSA). (30)
Most auto parts suppliers' plants are also located in the auto
production corridor, although the percentage is lower than that for
large auto assembly plants. The 100 largest parts suppliers (by
revenues) together had 1,825 plants in Europe in 2011, and 74 percent of
these were located in the auto production corridor. (31) Moreover, of
the nearly 1 million employees working for parts suppliers in 2010,
about 688,000, or around 70 percent, of them had their auto parts jobs
in the corridor (see table 2).
Assembly plant distribution within the auto production corridor
Europe's auto production corridor is subdivided into a western
portion and an eastern portion. The dividing line follows the old Iron
Curtain. The eastern portion encompasses the auto assembly plants in the
Central European countries of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, as
well as the former East Germany. The western portion encompasses the
auto assembly plants in Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the
United Kingdom, and the former West Germany. The western portion of the
corridor accounted for 56 percent of all large auto assembly plant
production in Europe in 2013 (down somewhat from 64 percent in 1990),
while the eastern portion accounted for 22 percent of it (up
substantially from 4 percent in 1990) (see table 3).
Most of the new assembly plants were sited in the eastern portion
of the auto production corridor, while most of the closed plants were
situated in the western portion (see figure 6 on p. 109 and figure 7 on
p. 111). In 1990, the western portion had 44 of the corridor's 52
large auto assembly plants (capable of producing 100,000 vehicles per
year) and the eastern portion had eight. Twelve of the 17 large assembly
plants that opened in the corridor between 1990 and 2013 were in the
eastern portion. In contrast, nine of the 11 large auto assembly plant
closures in the corridor over this period were in the western portion.
As a result, the number of large assembly plants in the eastern portion
increased from eight in 1990 to 18 in 2013 (specifically, from three to
five in Czechia, from zero to three in Hungary, from one to three in
Slovakia, and from one to four in the former East Germany). Meanwhile,
the number of large assembly plants in the western portion of the
corridor declined from 44 to 40; three of the four net closures occurred
in Belgium, while very few changes in the number of large plants
occurred in the three primary car-producing countries in the western
portion (that is, the number of assembly plants remained at 15 in the
former West Germany and at 11 in France, but decreased from 11 to ten in
the UK) (see table 3). The corresponding increase of the auto
corridor's production share (up from 68 percent in 1990 to 78
percent in 2013) was even more tilted in favor its eastern portion: The
light vehicle production share of the western part of the corridor
dropped by 8 percentage points--from 64 percent to 56 percent--whereas
the eastern part's share more than quintupled--from 4 percent to 22
percent (see table 3).
As indicated earlier, the carmakers' push into Central Europe
after the dismantling of communism and removal of trade barriers was
initially motivated by the lower costs of labor in the countries there.
(32) The hourly compensation cost for auto workers in 2007, for example,
was (at a purchasing power parity, or PPP, exchange rate (33)) $11.30 in
Poland, $12.30 in Hungary, and $16.64 in Czechia, compared with $44.47
in Germany, $26. (34) in France, $28.02 in Spain, $27.66 in the UK, and
$24.64 in Italy (Stanford, 2010, p. 392).
Several indicators suggest that auto production has become
integrated across a much wider area of Europe than it was in 1990.
First, the tight linkage between motor vehicle production by the
national champions (VW, Fiat, PSA, and Renault-Nissan (34)) and their
respective home countries has been noticeably eroded (see figure 9 and
table 4). (35) Today all four of these major European auto producers
have a substantial production presence in Central Europe. Their new
investments in production facilities sited in Central European countries
lowered the share of auto production in their respective home countries
(to just around 50 percent of total European auto production in 2013
from well above the 50 percent mark in 1990; see table 4). (36) For
further evidence of motor vehicle production having become integrated
across a wider expanse of Europe than in 1990, we point to two low-cost
automotive brands that are produced in Central Europe for sale in all of
Europe. Renault-Nissan produces Dacia vehicles primarily at its Pitecti
plant in Romania. VW produces Skoda vehicles primarily at two plants in
Czechia (Mlada Boleslav and Kvasiny). For both brands, most of their
European sales now take place in Western Europe. For Dacia, the Western
European sales share grew from 0 percent to 83 percent between 2000 and
2013; for Skoda, it increased from 55 percent to 74 percent over the
same period. (37)
Outliers of auto production agglomeration in Europe and North
From our previous discussion and map figures, it should be clear
that motor vehicle production in Europe and North America does not take
place exclusively inside their respective auto industry corridors today.
Some investment continues to flow toward production facilities located
outside these corridors. In this section, we briefly touch on the
principal exceptions to the patterns of agglomeration of motor vehicle
production in Europe and North America. (38)
In Europe, 19 of the 22 large plants in operation outside the
corridor in 1990 remained open in 2013, while three were closed and
three new ones were opened (see table 1 on p. 110). In both 1990 and
2013, Spain had ten of the 22 assembly plants and Italy had seven. The
three closed plants were in Italy, Spain, and Sweden, and the three new
ones were in Italy, Portugal, and Spain. In Spain, the new plant in the
Barcelona area was built to replace the one that had been shuttered
there. Yet, simply reporting the counts of auto assembly plants in 1990
versus 2013 can be a bit misleading because production volumes within
assembly plants can be adjusted noticeably. The percentage breakdown of
European auto output by location shows a larger change in the production
footprint in Europe: For plants outside the auto corridor, the share of
production declined noticeably from 32 percent in 1990 to 22 percent in
2013 (see table 1 on p. 110).
In Spain, large-scale investment in motor vehicle production began
in the early 1950s. A Spanish-owned carmaker SEAT (Sociedad Espanola de
Automoviles de Turismo) was established in 1950 by a state-owned
industrial holding company, and it became a subsidiary of VW in 1990. In
addition to SEAT's Barcelona plant, four other assembly plants were
opened in Spain in the 1950s, and these four are still in use; they were
built by Daimler, Renault, Chrysler, and Citroen (the plants built by
the last two are now owned by PSA). A second wave of investment in the
late 1970s and early 1980s resulted in the openings of five more of
Spain's current inventory of ten assembly plants. Carmakers are
expected to maintain the current roster of assembly plants in Spain, but
new assembly plants have been situated by Renault-Nissan and PSA on the
other side of the Strait of Gibraltar, in Morocco (to take advantage of
relatively lower labor costs there). New vehicle production in Spain
stood at around 2 million units in both 1990 and 2013.
Since 1990, auto production in Europe has been increasing in an
extension of the corridor toward the east. Romania, which we did not
include in the definition of the corridor, is a major production center
for Renault-Nissan. Several carmakers have important production
facilities in Turkey that export vehicles to Europe. After the breakup
of the Soviet Union, production in Russia also appeared likely to become
integrated into the European market, but events in recent years have
pushed that likelihood into a future beyond the planning horizon for
carmakers' investment decisions (see, for example, Adomanis, 2015).
In North America, the principal center of motor vehicle production
outside auto alley is in central Mexico. Sixteen assembly plants were in
operation in 2013, with three more under construction at that time.
Production in Mexico increased from 820,558 vehicles in 1990 to
3,038,196 in 2013, so not surprisingly, its share of North American auto
production rose from 6 percent in 1990 to 19 percent in 2013. The
primary factors driving increased auto production in Mexico have been
relatively low production costs and strong export opportunities (Klier
and Rubenstein, 2013b). Approximately 60 percent of Mexico's auto
production is for export to the United States and Canada, about 20
percent is for export to other regions, and around 20 percent is for
domestic consumption. (39)
The footprints of motor vehicle assembly (and parts) production in
North America and Europe are concentrated today. In this article, we
laid out in broad strokes the process by which the geography of
Europe's light vehicle industry has changed since 1990. It turns
out that the auto industry in Europe restructured its footprint
according to the principles of agglomeration and industrial location
theories (including the key principle of locating assembly plants closer
to customers for bulk-gaining industries). Those principles also help
explain the current footprint of motor vehicle assembly observed in
North America. Today both North America and Europe display agglomerated
distributions of motor vehicle production that are strikingly similar.
While the two regions have reached their respective patterns of auto
production agglomeration based on different histories, similar forces
have shaped the spatial convergence of auto production now observed in
both regions.
North America's spatial pattern of auto production has been
formed through decisions made by international carmakers to site their
plants in auto alley and decisions by Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler
to replace coastal branch assembly plants with new plants in auto alley.
Europe's auto production corridor has developed primarily through
decisions by the region's long-standing national champions--VW,
Fiat, PSA, and Renault-Nissan--to replace country-specific production
strategies designed to serve country-specific markets with region-wide
production strategies designed to serve the economic space of an
enlarged Europe following the fall of the Iron Curtain.
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(1) Specifically, we are interested in light vehicle
production--that is, the production of passenger cars and light trucks
(referred to as light commercial vehicles in Europe). Excluded from our
analysis are heavy-duty trucks (such as those used in the construction
industry) and buses.
(2) In this section, unless indicated otherwise, references to
assembly and parts plant counts and light vehicle production (and their
percentages by various geographical divisions) in Europe are from
authors' calculations based on data from the ACEA (Association des
Constructeurs Europeens d'Automobiles, or, in English, the European
Automobile Manufacturers' Association; see, IHS
Global Insight, and auto (assembly and parts) company websites. Also,
unless indicated otherwise, references to assembly and parts plant
counts and light vehicle production (and their percentages by various
geographical divisions) in North America are from authors'
calculations based on data from Ward's AutoInfoBank (database by
subscription), Elm Analytics, and auto company websites.
(3) For a description of the EU and further details on its history
and policies, see
(4) The Czech Republic is the English translation of the
country's constitutional name, but Czechia is the official English
short form of the name according to the United Nations. The use of
Czechia instead of the Czech Republic is equivalent to the use of the
United Kingdom instead of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. See
(5) As shown in figure 1 (p. 102), auto alley is approximately
1,300 kilometers long and 400 kilometers wide.
(6) In figures 2 and 5-9, we refrain from labeling individual
countries (or states) because the plant data would be obscured. For a
detailed map of Europe with all the countries identified, use the map
function at Moreover,
the set of auto assembly plants shown in these map figures is slightly
less restrictive than the one used in tables 1 and 3, where we limit
ourselves to just large plants. Large plants are defined as plants
capable of producing at least 100,000 units per year.
(7) According to Google Maps, from Stuttgart, Germany, it is 11
hours by truck to Coventry, United Kingdom; nine hours to Budapest,
Hungary; 12 hours to Barcelona, Spain; and 13 hours to Naples, Italy. We
include the United Kingdom in the European auto production corridor
based on road travel times.
(8) Analysis of European auto parts suppliers is based on data
obtained by authors from the websites of the 100 largest parts suppliers
(by revenues) in Europe. The data referenced here apply to 2011. (For an
earlier version of these data [for 2010], see Klier and McMillen, 2013.)
(9) In theory, industry clustering leads to labor market pooling,
facilitating economies of scale. As firms fail, workers can quickly move
to other employers, thereby maximizing their productivity and lowering
the variance in worker wages. Moreover, clustering facilitates better
worker-firm matches.
(10) In the past, each assembly plant produced a much smaller
number of vehicles than the 200,000 per year that are typically made
today. For example, in 1925 Ford assembled 1.5 million vehicles at 32
assembly plants, for an annual average of fewer than 50,000 vehicles per
plant (Rubenstein, 1992).
(11) The location of parts-producing plants has shifted southward
(from the area centered on southeastern Michigan) as well. However, as
noted before, Klier and McMillen (2008) find that the degree of
agglomeration among parts supplier plants has remained essentially
(12) Not all of these auto assemblers survived. For example,
neither Leyland nor Rover continues to exist as an independent British
company. Some have changed their corporate structure. For example, Fiat
merged with Chrysler in 2014 and is now known as FCA (Fiat Chrysler
Automobiles), Renault formed a partnership with Nissan in 1999, and
Peugeot merged with Citroen in 1976.
(13) The official company name is PSA Peugeot Citroen, but it is
commonly referred to as PSA.
(14) Over the period 1946-90, the term Iron Curtain referred to the
border between the democratic countries of Western Europe and the
communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (the Eastern Bloc).
For more details, see Iron-Curtain.
(15) The European Economic Community was informally known as the
Common Market. The European Union replaced the EEC in 1993. For more
details, see
(16) Spain and, to some extent, Portugal had managed to attract
initial auto assembly plant investment long before then, during the
1950s, because foreign auto producers wanted to gain footholds in those
two markets. The presence of auto assembly operations in southwestern
Europe grew noticeably during the second half of the 1970s and the early
1980s, before both countries joined the European Union in 1986.
(17) See
(18) Note that during the Cold War (1947-91) many Central European
countries, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and East Germany,
had their own automobile industries and motor-vehicle-producing
companies. As Central (and Eastern) Europe opened up to market-based
competition and outside competitors, those motor vehicle producers
either went under or were absorbed by Western European producers (for
example, Volkswagen acquired the Czech producer Skoda, and Renault
acquired the Romanian producer Dacia). In addition, many new auto
assembly operations (so-called greenfield plants, such as Opel's
plant in Eisenach, which is within the former East Germany) were
established (information from IHS Global Insight and auto company
(19) Domanski and Lung (2009, p. 5) state that "on the whole,
the relatively high productivity of the CEE [Central and Eastern Europe]
labour force based on its skills and motivation together with the new
technology and organization of production and combined with lower wages
led to the attraction of a great amount of foreign direct investment in
the auto industry during the last 15 years."
(20) An additional plant was announced in 2014. It is to be built
in Wrzesnia, Poland. Production at the plant is scheduled to start in
2016. See
(21) Authors' calculations based on data from ACEA, IHS Global
Insight, and auto company websites.
(22) Womack, Jones, and Roos (1990).
(23) Authors' calculations based on data from Ward's
AutoInfoBank and Crain Communications Inc. (1992).
(24) IHS Global Insight.
(25) For an example of how consumers have responded to improvements
in European automotive quality, see J.D. Power (2014).
(26) Note the differences in the footprint of auto production in
2013 (figure 6 on p. 109) versus 1990 (see figure 5 and its description
on pp. 106-108).
(27) Authors' calculations based on data from Ward's
(28) NUTS stands for Nomenclature of units for territorial
statistics (or, in French, Nomenclature des Unites territoriales
statistiques). The NUTS classification is a standard developed and
maintained by the European Union for dividing up its members'
territories in order to produce regional statistics. The NUTS system
favors existing administrative units. For more details, see web/nuts/overview.
(29) Authors' calculations based on data from Eurostat.
(30) This information is from IHS Global Insight and auto company
(31) Authors' calculations based on data obtained from company
websites of the 100 largest auto parts suppliers (by revenues).
(32) Within Europe there was a widespread expectation that these
new locations of auto production in Central Europe would evolve into
sizable centers of new auto demand. See, for example, Jullien and Pardi
(33) Purchasing power parity exchange rate refers to the rate at
which one country's currency would have to be converted into
another's to buy the same amount of goods and services in each
(34) As mentioned earlier, Renault began its strategic alliance
with Nissan in 1999. For further details, see
(35) Brincks, Klier, and Rubenstein (forthcoming) specifically
address differences among the national champions, especially in regard
to changes in their respective production footprints across Europe.
(36) The share of national champions' light vehicle sales in
their home countries also fell over the period 1990-2013 (see table 4 on
p. 115).
(37) Authors' calculations based on data from IHS Global
(38) In this section, unless indicated otherwise, references to
assembly plant counts and light vehicle production (and their
percentages by various geographical divisions) in Europe are from
authors' calculations based on data from the ACEA, IHS Global
Insight, and auto company websites. Also, unless indicated otherwise,
references to assembly plant counts and light vehicle production (and
their percentages by various geographical divisions) in North America
are from authors' calculations based on data from Ward's
AutoInfoBank and auto company websites.
(39) Authors' calculations based on data from IHS Global
Thomas H. Klier is a senior economist in the Economic Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. James M. Rubenstein
is a professor emeritus in the Department of Geography at Miami
University, Ohio. The authors would like to thank Corey Brincks and Sam
Goldberg for excellent research assistance and our editor and reviewers,
as well as seminar participants, for helpful comments.
[C] 2016 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Economic Perspectives is published by the Economic Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The views expressed
are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.
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President and Director of Research, David Marshall, Senior Vice
President and Associate Director of Research, Spencer Krane, Senior Vice
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ISSN 0164-0682
Number of large auto assembly plants and
their share of auto production, by location
within Europe, 1990 and 2013
Inside Outside
Assembly operations corridor corridor
Number of assembly plants
Total in 1990 52 22
Opened between 1990
and 2013 17 3
Closed between 1990 and 2013 11 3
Total in 2013 58 22
Percentage of production
1990 68 32
2013 78 22
Notes: The corridor refers to the auto production corridor in Europe.
See table 2 for a list of the ten countries inside the corridor and
the six countries outside it. The sample for this table is limited to
large auto assembly plants, which are defined as plants capable of
producing at least 100,000 units per year.
Sources: Authors' calculations based on data from ACEA, IHS Global
Insight, and auto company websites.
Auto parts supplier employment in Europe, 2010
Location of jobs
Western portion of corridor 390,299
Germany 244,382
France 61,759
United Kingdom (estimated) 56,600
Belgium 10,947
Austria 11,956
Netherlands 4,655
Eastern portion of corridor 297,054
Poland 105,762
Czechia 102,425
Hungary 51,617
Slovakia 37,250
Outside corridor 295,911
Romania 97,072
Italy 86,022
Spain 66,421
Portugal 21,433
Sweden 16,454
Slovenia 8,509
Total 983,264
Source: Authors' calculations based on data from Frigant and
Miollan (2014).
Number and share of large auto assembly plants and their share of
auto production, by location within Europe, 1990 and 2013
Western Eastern
portion of portion of Outside
corridor corridor corridor All
Number of large 44 8 22 74
assembly plants
Percentage of large 59 11 30 100
assembly plants
Percentage of 64 4 32 100
Western Eastern
portion of portion of Outside
corridor corridor corridor All
Number of large 40 18 22 80
assembly plants
Percentage of large 50 23 28 100
assembly plants
Percentage of 56 22 22 100
Notes: The corridor refers to the auto production corridor in Europe.
See table 2 for a list of the countries in each of the three
geographical categories. In this table, Germany is accounted for
somewhat differently than it is in tables 1 and 2: Plants located in
the former West Germany are included in the western portion of the
auto corridor, while plants located in the former East Germany are
included in the eastern portion of the auto corridor, as noted in the
text. This is done to allow for a more detailed discussion of the
geography within the auto corridor. The sample for this table is
limited to large auto assembly plants, which are defined as plants
capable of producing at least 100,000 units per year. Certain
percentage rows may not total because of rounding.
Sources: Authors' calculations based on data from ACEA, IHS Global
Insight, and auto company websites.
Home country share of auto production and sales in Europe,
1990 and 2013
Home Home
country country
percentage of percentage
production of sales
Automaker (home country) 1990 2013 1990 2013
Fiat (Italy) 91 56 71 48
Volkswagen (Germany) 72 55 46 41
Renault-Nissan (France) 55 27 54 37
PSA (France) 73 48 48 42
Notes: The 1990 and 2013 production values and the 2013 sales values
apply to the 16 European countries of interest in the article (see p.
102). However, the 1990 sales values apply to only the following ten
countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The six Central
European countries for that year were excluded because trade barriers
prevented imports of new vehicles into these countries. Renault began
its strategic alliance with Japanese automaker Nissan in 1999 (see
note 34 for further details).
Sources: Authors' calculations based on data from ACEA, IHS Global
Insight, Crain Communications Inc. (1992), and auto company websites.