Impact of mentoring on academic performance & career self-efficacy of business students.
Jain, Rachna ; Chaudhary, Bharti ; Jain, Neetu 等
To enhance effectiveness of business students, mentoring is used as
pedagogy for ensuring the makeover into professionals. A faculty
mentoring was examined for its impact on academic performance and
self-efficacy of the business students. Data was collected from 327
postgraduate business students pursuing MBA from Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, North Delhi Region. For measuring career self-
efficacy, the Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSSO)
has been administered. College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS) has been
used for measuring faculty mentoring. Faculty mentoring and career
self-efficacy were found to be significantly related to academic
achievement of students. Impact of mentoring of business students on
their academic success and career self-efficacy has been low but results
are significant.
In today's information era, business students need to be
highly skilled in order to meet the complexities and challenges of the
workplace environment. Business students are anticipated to be ready for
work when they enter into the market. They encounter numerous problems
in the process of transition from college life to the market. To enhance
effectiveness of business students for facing all environmental issues,
mentoring pedagogy may be used as an effective tool for their
professional development. It has a positive impact on the personal and
professional growth of youth (Levinson et al, 1978). Mentor can play a
significant role through providing information, direction, inspiration,
and guiding them in the process of effective transition (Levine &
Nidiffer, 1996). This is why number of colleges offering mentoring is
increasing (Haring, 1997). Mentoring for students may be used as a
strategy in college to feel them associated and involved on campus and
leads to improvement in their career as well as academic results
(Pascarella, Duby & Terenzini, 1983). It may offer emotional and
instrumental support to achieve the goal. It also helps students to cope
with unstable personal situations and make them understand the outside
world (Rauner, 2000; Freedman, 1993). It has a positive impact on the
career development of MBA students (Dreher & Cox, 1996).
Thus, mentoring delivers career, social, and emotional support for
self-exploration which leads to academic and personal outcomes for
students (Johnson, 2006; Crisp & Cruz, 2009) and guide them to
become a successful professional (Schlosser, Knox, Moskovitz & Hill,
2003). Mentoring is a process of faculty-student interactions for
sharing and advising which has positive effect on student self-efficacy
also (Vogt, 2008). It has been found that greater frequency of contact
leads to higher levels of self-efficacy (Santos & Reigados, 2002).
This study attempts to examine the role of faculty mentoring as
predictor of academic performance as well as relationship of faculty
mentoring with business student's self-efficacy.
Mentoring & Academic Performance
Mentoring has been a prevalent area of research in the field of
business, education, and psychology for the past several decades (Crisp
& Cruz, 2009). Research has shown the significant benefits of
mentoring in the organizations, so it is logical to accept that it also
benets students in business school. Researches indicate that mentoring
is important not only for business people but equally for students
(Crisp, 2009; Lockwood, 2006; Gilbert, 1985; Dreher &Cox., 1996;
Nora & Crisp, 2007). Mentoring has been deseribed as "a
formalized process in which a more experienced individual play a
supportive role of supervisor, motivator for learning with a less
experienced and knowledgeable individual, to facilitate personal and
professional progress" (Roberts, 2000).
Mentoring has been identified as the most rewarding and important
relationship a student can have with his or her faculty. Mentoring is
considered as a proven development intervention and tool for learning,
training and development to cope with organizational changes (Rigsby et
al., 1998; Hunt & Michael, 1983). Mentoring has been considered as a
part of the business school's pedagogy to bridge the gap between
the theoretical and empirical concepts of students (George &
Mampilly, 2012). Mentoring also stimulates the levels of academic
achievements and promotes growth among the students (Jaccobi, 1991;
Waldeck et al., 1997). Mentoring has a significant impact on mentored
minority as compared to non-mentored minority student's academic
success (Cantwell, Archer & Bourke, 1997).
Mentoring & Self-Efficacy
Mentoring is a process of directing and encouraging mentee to cope
with challenges and complexities related to job and personal issues such
as stress, motivation, work relationships, and performance (Rayle et
al., 2006; Stewart & Knowls., 2003). In academics, mentoring is an
established tool which may give positive impact on mentee outcome in
terms of psychosocial intellect (Dubois & Neville, 1997; Vieno et
al., 2007) and academic performances (Rayle et al., 2006). In an
institution, psychosocial intellect is perceived as socialization
process to campus life which involves self-confidence, social
integration and well-being (Dutton, 2003; Santos & Reigadas 2005).
Research conceals that the impact of mentoring program on student's
outcome is indirectly influenced by the perceptions of self-efficacy
(Rayle et al., 2006; Vieno et al., 2007). Self-efficacy is a
person's belief in their capabilities to take the necessary actions
to produce a specific outcome (Bandura, 1997). It has been explored that
there is a positive correlation between mentoring and self-efficacy
(Hayes, 1998; Day& Allen, 2004). It has been highlighted that
perceived self-efficacy is related to business knowledge and career
success (Bandura, 1997). Mentoring may influence the development of
career self- efficacy in students by providing vicarious experiences and
verbal persuasion, important sources of self -efficacy (Flood, 2012).
Due to the high significance of mentoring in business and its
association to self-efficacy (Dreher & Cox, 1996; Ragins &
Cotton, 1999, Day & Allen, 2004) this study will focus specially on
the impact of mentoring on students' career self-efficacy.
Objectives of the Study
The main purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of
a faculty mentoring program on business student's academic
performance. This study has two major objectives. The first is to
examine the effect of mentoring of business students on their academic
performance (average percentage). The second is to explore if there is
any significant impact of mentoring on student's career self-
efficacy. It was anticipated that the faculty mentoring program will
affect the academic success of mentees in a positive way (Cantwell et
al., 1997; Folger et al., 2004). It was also expected that mentoring
process positively affect the career self-efficacy of the business
students (Flood, 2012; De Freitas, 2012). Self-efficacy has a
well-established influence on academic achievement.
Research Design
Survey methodology has been used to test the research hypothesis.
The study population consists of students pursuing MBA from Guru Gobind
Singh Indraprasta University specifically from North Delhi Region to
fill the questionnaire. Students were randomly selected for the survey.
They are ready to join the corporate. Therefore, data extracted would be
much more suitable to provide insights into the research study.
The study has a total of 397 respondents. Some have not filled the
questionnaire properly while some questionnaires have missing data. Out
of the 397 respondents' sample, data from 70 respondents were not
complete. So, the final data include 327 postgraduate business students.
Response rate of the survey was 82.3 percent. CPA (cumulative percentage
average) has been used as a parameter for academic performance.
Instruments Used
The questionnaire used in the study has three parts. First part
consisted of demographics and academic history of the respondents (age,
year of study etc.). Second part consisted of career self-efficacy scale
statements. Career self-efficacy was assessed using the Task-Specific
Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSS) developed by Osipow, Temple,
and Rooney (1993). The original form of the scale was developed by
Rooney and Osipow (1992). A summarized form of the scale was developed
for greater competence (Osipow & Temple, 1996). The TSOSS consists
of 60 items that measure four skills: verbal interpersonal skills,
quantitative, logical, and business skills, physical strength and
agility, and aesthetic skills (Osipow & Temple, 1996). For the
purpose of this study, only interpersonal skills and quantitative skills
were administered (Gault et al., 2000; Abraham & Karns, 2009) having
in total 30 questions. Skills were selected based upon the studies which
show that above mentioned skills are important to be successful as a
business professional (Gault, Redington & Schlager, 2000; Abraham
& Karns, 2009). A Likert 10 point scale has been used in the
Third part consisted of mentoring scale statements. For measuring
the faculty mentoring, College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS) developed
by Nora & Crisp (2007) was administered. The scale is confined to
four factors: Psychological and Emotional Support (eight items), Degree
and Career Support (six items), Academic Subject Knowledge (five items),
and Existence of a Role Model (six items). A Likert 5 point scale was
used to calculate the scores (Crisp, 2009). There are evidences of
strong validity of the scale (Crisp, 2009).
SPSS (22.0) statistical package was used for data analysis.
Statistical tools such as mean, Cronbach alpha, regression, correlation
and t-test were used.
H1: There is no significant relationship between mentoring and
career self-efficacy.
H2: There is no significant impact of mentoring and career
self-efficacy of business students on their academic performance.
Reliability of the Scales
The Cronbach alpha was calculated and evaluated to measure the
reliability and validity of the scale used in the study. The Cronbach
alpha for the TSOSS scale is .943 and the CSMS scale is .920
respectively. Since the reliability coefficient's values are closer
to 1 the scale adopted was considered to be objectively reliable.
Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics (Table 1) includes minimum, maximum, mean
and standard deviation of raw data. Out of 327 students, there are 187
males and 140 females. Average age of the sample students is 20.5.
Academic Performance
Academic performance explained by CPA (cumulative percentage
average) is given in Table 1. CPA of 16 students is less than 60%, 103
students percentage lies in the range 60-70%, 155 students percentage
lies between 70.5 and 80% and 53 students having percentage more than
80. Minimum percentage of the respondent is 59, highest percentage is 89
while average percentage is 70.6.
Mentoring & Self--efficacy
Mentoring score and self-efficacy score are also given in Table 1.
The range of self -efficacy scores lies from 5 to 15.8 whereas the
average of the scores is 11.28. Mentoring scores range from 4.63 to
16.25 though the average score is 12.13.
Mentoring, Self--Efficacy & Academic Performance
The main purpose of the study is to explore the interrelationships
between faculty mentoring (CSMS), self-efficacy (TSOSS), and academic
performance (CPA). Correlation has been analyzed to measure the strength
and direction of the linear relationship between variables. T-test has
been used to check the statistical significance of the same. It has been
found that the correlation between academic performance &
self-efficacy is very low and positive (0.213) whereas correlation
between academic performance and mentoring is high and positive (0.477)
(Table 2). Correlation matrix indicated that mentoring and self-efficacy
are also positively linked (0.319). The correlation is less than 0.5
which infer that it is weak but positive among the three examined
Regression (Table 3) has been run to examine the impact of
mentoring on self-efficacy. Mentoring has positive beta results on
self-efficacy (0.287). The findings indicate that HI is rejected (p<
0.05) that proves significant impact of mentoring on career
self-efficacy. The adjusted R-square value (6.6%) shows the variance
explained on TSOSS. Thus the independent variables in this regression
only explain the very low percentage of variance in students'
business career self-efficacy scores. Durbin-Watson statistic has been
used to analyse the problem of auto-correlation. The result (1.837)
indicates that variables are not auto correlated as the value is closer
to 2.
Second objective of the study is to examine the impact of mentoring
and self-efficacy on the academic performance of the business students.
Inter correlation shows moderate and positive association between
mentoring (CSMS) and academic performance whereas correlation between
mentoring and self-efficacy (TSOSS) is low but positive. Regression
results also confirmed the same. The findings indicate that H2 is
rejected (p<0.05) which proves that there is a statistically
significant impact of mentoring and career self-efficacy of business
students on their academic performance. Durbin- Watson statistic has
been used to analyse the problem of auto-correlation. The result 1.820
indicates that variables are not auto correlated as the value is closer
to 2. Adjusted R-square result shows that 20.3 % academic performance is
explained by mentoring and self-efficacy variable.
Findings indicate that faculty mentoring has influence on business
students' academic performance and career self-efficacy. It was
clear that mean values of mentoring were higher than career
self-efficacy. It can be inferred that mentoring is an important tool
for the academic success of the students. Further, results highlight
that there is a positive but low correlation among mentoring, career
self-efficacy and academic performance. It can be inferred that other
factors like achievement, understanding, confidence level of students
etc. can play a vital role in their academic success.
Analysis also indicates that there is a significant impact of
mentoring on career self-efficacy. Though the variance explained is very
low but it is significant. This result is very important for the
educational organizations/institutions. It can be inferred that
mentoring program should be a part of curriculum of business students.
Results also indicate that when both mentoring and career self-efficacy
are considered as factors, academic performance will get improved. It
helps the job seekers to establish their edge over the competitors.
Thus, the discussion emphasizes on the need for educational institutions
to implement mentoring programs in a way that improves their
students' academic performance and consequently helps them in
getting jobs in the current complex environment.
Mentoring provides valuable experience (Bandura, 1997) and verbal
advice (Fagenson-Eland et al., 1997) which are the important sources of
self-efficacy. In higher education, mentoring has become the matter of
intense academic study and extensive research due to its significance
(Clutterbuck, 1992). The study shows moderate evidence of higher
academic performance of mentored students. Mentoring includes the
transmission of academic skills, communication and trust which leads to
psychosocial ease that enables a student to grow academically and
socially (Redmond, 1990). The results of the study also support the
same. Business schools should be able to create a learning environment
through faculty mentoring so that students can get the exposure to the
practical aspects of today's fast changing environment. Mentoring
can be an effective tool to transfer the adequate knowledge, attitudes,
skills and abilities to succeed in this turbulent social environment.
The relationship of mentoring and self-efficacy have been found positive
but low (Flood, 2012). Same result has been supported in the earlier
studies also (Hayes, 1998).
Faculty can therefore, make an effort to understand the need of
business students. Faculty, through mentoring, can help them in
enhancing their capabilities, skills and potential. They can also help
students in improving their academic performance and to achieve a better
job in the real market.
This paper presents important findings which can help understand
how faculty mentoring can enhance the efficacy, potential, capabilities
and skills of the students. This ultimately helps the students in the
real market to get selected in the corporate. The finding of the paper
is important for the educational institutions, faculty of higher studies
and for the students. The result proves that mentored students could be
at a better place in the job market after improving their academic
performance. The study is also important for the prospective employees
or job seekers especially for those who are inexperienced and ready to
join corporate as they can understand the significance of mentors and
can take steps to find one.
First limitation of the study is that our findings cannot be
generalized to a wider area as it is confined to a specific area only.
Second limitation of the study is that research has not considered the
other factors such as personal characteristics like achievement
motivation, competencies in study skills, social, demographic
characteristics of the students that can affect academic performance
(Cantwell et al., 2001; Le et al., 2005). In essence, future research is
needed to repeat results in more generalizable situations so that
researchers can find out more about the impacts of other personal
characteristics like achievement motivation, competencies in study
skills, and social, demographic characteristics of the students and
their impact on academic performance.
Rachna Jain (E-mail:
[email protected]) & Bharti
Chaudhary (E-mail: bhartimaims are Assistant Professors,
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi 1100 85. Neetu
Jain is Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Public Administration,
New Delhi. Email:
[email protected].
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Table 1 Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
CPA 327 59.0 89.0 70.611 8.5684
TSOSS 327 5.00 15.80 11.2870 1.71878
CSMS 327 4.63 16.25 12.1357 2.05203
Table 2 Correlation Matrix
CPA 1.000
TSOSS .213 1.000
CSMS .477 .319 1.000
Table 3 Regression Results of CSMS
Model Un-standardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 8.765 .659 13.296 .000
TSOSS .287 .059 .262 4.890 .000
Table 4 Regression Results of CPA
Model Un-standardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 46.619 2.662 17.511 .000
TSOSS 1.056 .197 .274 5.348 .000
CSMS 1.054 .180 .299 5.845 .000