Public health capacity development through Indigenous involvement in the Master of Applied Epidemiology program--celebrations and commiserations.
Guthrie, Jill ; Dance, Phyll R. ; Kelly, Paul M. 等
The Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) program at the National
Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at The Australian National
University places scholars in field-based organisations with the aim of
developing expertise in applying epidemiological methods to health
problems and systems, strongly emphasising prevention, intervention,
evaluation and policy development. The aim of the MAE is to improve
health and wellbeing in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities across
Australia by means of five overarching objectives: strengthen national
and regional public health capacity to respond to emerging and current
disease threats; maintain and enhance rigour in surveillance and
outbreak and investigation to invigorate disease control systems;
develop sustainable and flexible communication and networking capacity
in disease control practice; contribute to local and national health
policy development; and develop a national capacity to investigate and
report upon disease related to environmental factors (Hall et al. 2010).
Since its inception in 1991 the MAE has developed scholars' skills
and confidence and provided opportunities for potential future leaders in national and global disease control and public health.
In 1998 the inaugural Indigenous ('Indigenous' is used to
refer to anyone who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) MAE commenced, addressing the documented inequality at that
time of Indigenous people in the public health workforce with
professional qualifications --49 percent of Indigenous people in
health-related occupations had a diploma or certificate, of whom only 3
percent had a bachelors' degree, compared with 75 percent of the
overall public health workforce. Clearly, an equivalent level of
qualifications was necessary in order for Indigenous health
professionals to access similar vertical and lateral employment mobility
(Sibthorpe et al. 1998).
The MAE has been a major contributor to Australia's overall
public health workforce. Its genesis, impacts and legacy--and its
imminent demise--have been discussed elsewhere (Douglas et al. 2010;
Kelly 2011). We argue that another major legacy of the MAE results from
its involvement with Indigenous scholars and associated stakeholders. We
discuss the personal and professional transformative impacts of that
involvement--both for those Indigenous MAE scholars (we define
'scholars' as 'all graduates and current students')
whose high-level epidemiological, methodological and advocacy skills
continue to impact at multiple levels of the public health system, and
for the public health system, per se, in Australia and internationally.
Data collection
In late 2009, using MAE administrative records and assisted by
snowballing techniques to verify current contact details, notification
was emailed to all Indigenous MAE scholars to advise of a forthcoming
survey aimed at documenting their experiences, contributions and career
outcomes. The survey, conducted throughout January and February 2010,
explored issues regarding each respondent's pre-, during- and
post-MAE experiences. The survey also explored self-reported and
documented contributions to public health resulting from the training
and discipline gained through those experiences while enrolled as an MAE
scholar. It allowed respondents' participation electronically
(using the web-based SurveyMonkey (2007) software) or by telephone
interview. Where the latter occurred, to ensure consistency of questions
and interpretation of answers, two Indigenous team members (JG, SF)
interviewed respondents alternately, providing transcripts for
Respondents were also asked to provide a list of their
peer-reviewed publications and presentations since enrolment. Other data
sources utilised were MAE administrative data, graduates' bound
volumes, previous surveys, and specifically targeted interviews and
written materials.
Data analysis
MAE administrative data and policy documentation were analysed to
calculate numbers of enrolments, completions, scholars and associated
policy decisions. A list of scholars' MAE projects (totalling more
than 120) was analysed and organised into common themes; indicative
examples of the scope and scale of the completed projects are reported.
A list of all placements, project settings and study populations was
analysed and organised by MAE course requirement; representative samples
were selected and are reported to illustrate the breadth of coverage.
Open-ended responses were analysed thematically; illustrative quotes
were modified to maintain anonymity and are reported to highlight key
themes. A PubMed search using the individual scholar's name was
also conducted, limited to articles related to an MAE project and
published during candidature or within five years of graduation where
the scholar was a first or subsequent author.
Ethical approvals
Ethical approvals were received from AIATSIS and The Australian
National University Human Research Ethics Committees. All respondents
provided informed consent.
Results: MAE administrative data
The inaugural 1998 Indigenous intake comprised eight scholars. It
was envisaged that similar numbers would enrol in ensuing years, but for
reasons related to numbers of eligible applicants this was not possible.
Cohorts of six, five, four and four scholars respectively were enrolled
in the Indigenous MAE annually from 1999 until 2002. A decision taken
prior to the 2003 intake coalesced the Indigenous and general MAE
streams, incorporating two Indigenous-designated positions annually. In
total, there have been 42 Indigenous Australian enrolments, comprising
12 who did not complete and 30 (27 graduates plus three current
enrolments at time of survey) scholars whose administrative data were
examined (Table 1).
Indigenous community experience was a prerequisite for candidature.
Although most candidates had qualifications in nursing or health
sciences, scholars had diverse educational backgrounds including
sociology, English literature, archaeology, management and international
studies. Approximately 66 percent had a bachelor's degree, others a
diploma or graduate diploma.
Indigenous MAE scholars' field placements have primarily been
in the eastern states and south Western Australia (Figure 1).
This evident concentration of urban placements does not reflect the
geographic diversity of project settings, which include national, urban,
rural and regional locations. Study populations were also diverse,
including Indigenous whole-of-community hospitals; health service
providers; prisoner, adult, children, male, female and marginalised
groups; and a variety of cultural and social groups (Table 2).
Results: Indigenous cohort survey
Contribution through employment
Thirteen eligible scholars (43 percent) responded to the survey.
Not everyone answered every question, as was their prerogative; one [JG]
is a co-author of this paper (therefore only her administrative data
were analysed) and three were enrolled during the survey period
(therefore questions relating to post-MAE endeavour were not
applicable). Ten graduates responded to questions regarding their
post-MAE endeavours. While some, we suggest, were simply
self-deprecating rather than objective, most responses attributed a high
level of relevance of the MAE to subsequent professional achievements.
Two respondents lamented that epidemiology was not more prominent in
terms of their current work. Exhibiting that self-deprecation, one
respondent suggested that this was simply because they were not
utilising epidemiological skills directly. Two others did not perceive
of their work during or post- MAE as impacting on public health in
Australia or internationally, while others perceived that most impact
had been domestic, primarily on Australian Indigenous peoples.
Respondents indicated that collaborations on epidemiological studies
with other health researchers since graduating had resulted directly
from their MAE experiences. Largely, those contributions reverberated at
multiple levels, as demonstrated by one respondent:
The [Indigenous organisation] I worked for
lobbied successfully for [appropriate antibiotic
therapy] ... We won [an] Award for
innovative research. [I also worked for a
mainstream organisation] ... based on developed
skills sets derived from [the] MAE, we
were able to put together the first National
Guidelines around the detection and management
of [disease and] lobbied government to
fund a ... national co-ordination of Indigenous
[disease] ...
All current work roles of respondents were health related: research
institutions were most frequent employers, where skills being utilised
included epidemiology, research methods, teaching, writing, management
and mentoring. Graduates were pursuing various careers, including in
research management positions, epidemiology, postgraduate study and
public health policy analysis. Most graduates had multiple roles, as
expressed by one respondent:
[I am] studying full-time doing a PhD; I am an
Adjunct Lecturer [at the] Indigenous Health
Centre with [Name] University; I have formed
a consultancy company ... through which I
am ... working with the Aboriginal Health
Council of [State]; I am also employed as a
Senior Research Officer at [Institution].
Post-MAE employment roles included working with Aboriginal
communities, in community-controlled health organisations at national,
state and local levels, and in other Indigenous settings; three worked
in non-Indigenous organisations; and two had contributed to overseas
research. Respondents remarked positively about the MAE's impact on
them personally, as expressed by one-'people are always impressed
when I say, "I did the MAE"'--as well as its reputation
more broadly, as expressed by another--'Everything
done since the MAE is because of the MAE!' Most believed that
the MAE was 'very relevant' to their post-MAE activities, as
expressed by yet another: 'I learnt how to do work in the research
area--it really paid off!'
Contribution to scholarship
Indigenous MAE scholars have authored or co-authored more than 70
peer-reviewed publications and more than 100 conference presentations
since enrolment. These numbers capture all contributions and all
Indigenous scholars, not just survey respondents, and not just those
specifically related to work completed during MAE candidature. They
include one contributing book author and 27 peer-reviewed publications
directly emanating from projects completed during enrolment and
published within five years of candidature (see Appendix). Twelve
Indigenous MAE graduates (41 percent) have pursued health-related
doctoral studies, comprising five completions and seven current
Overall, respondents believed the MAE had contributed greatly
towards their professional development, referring to peer-reviewed
publications, award nominations, curricula development and overseas
research--including, for one, a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship. Some
had also made contributions not specifically in Indigenous health: for
example, although Indigenous health research was the catalyst, one
respondent's contribution benefits Indigenous and non-Indigenous
health research by enabling legislative change for data linkage (Lovett
et al. 2008).
Respondents' reflections on the overall MAE experience were
mixed, though largely positive, as captured by several comments:
Positive experiences were meeting some great
people and making some great contacts with
people who mostly understand the bigger
picture on Indigenous Health issues.
An excellent program. I hope that it continues.
Many of the people I know of personally
and professionally who completed the course
are making important contributions to public
One respondent felt that Indigenous health issues should have more
prominence in the MAE curriculum, making the point that non-Indigenous
MAE scholars would benefit from being placed in Aboriginal health
My MAE experience was rewarding professionally
and personally. Graduating from the
program with a Masters exceeds all expectations
both negative and positive! I enjoyed
the highs and learned from the lows. The
negatives were that there were not enough
Indigenous health issues in the program. It
was frustrating at times trying to give these
issues an important part of the discussion of
Australian population health concerns. They
really need to be reviewed and re-worked into
the MAE program. Non-Indigenous MAEs
should also be encouraged to be placed in
Aboriginal health settings for all or part of
their MAE training.
Much of the 'negative' feedback centred around
respondents' Indigenous identity and an associated perceived lack
of credentials for undertaking such a course of study. Others reflected
on self-doubts, but this was balanced with a recognition of the
resilience required (and acquired) through being part of a national
program aimed at building workforce capacity in the Australian health
workforce, as illustrated in the following three responses:
A negative was that I always felt as though
I was not really good enough to be amongst
those people ... that I only had the placement
because I was Aboriginal. A positive was in
gaining the skills provided by the program
I could make better sense of things that were
presented to me and I was able to pull apart
the contents to better interpret what I was
I had moments when I thought I might pull
out ... We were told when started that we
would find it the hardest thing we ever did.
What made you not pull out ... I just worked
through the processes ... and I realised I had
to keep going. My own maturity made me
realise I had to do this, even though there
were certain obstacles, mentally physically
and emotionally, but I overcame those.
The course was great for me and I think
others. I often think its impact has been
underestimated, probably because black fellas
aren't very good at talking themselves up ... I
think It's a cultural thing. Many of the graduates
I've spoken to have encountered lateral
violence/tall poppy syndrome/internalised
oppression from peers. I think the 'stepping
up' and getting a post grad qualification is
still new in our communities and Indigenous
graduates face a different post MAE experience
to their non-Indigenous counterparts.
I'm not sure how well prepared people are for
MAE 'success' elements included its flexibility m terms
of scholars being able to remain in their current location for their
field-based placement, while for others it was the flexibility of being
able to move to another location in order to take up that field-based
placement. A supportive cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous fellow
scholars, and being surrounded by like-minded Indigenous and
non-Indigenous alumni, staff and mentors, as well as the scholarship
stipend, were also cited as reasons why the MAE model was seen as
successful by respondents. The MAE stipend, which is comparatively
generous, was designed to attract mid-career, mature-aged candidates who
could otherwise not afford to be full-time students.
The future of the MAE is unclear due to cessation of the
overarching program through which it is funded, the Public Health
Education Research Program (Douglas et al. 2010). This is despite
several compelling arguments for its continuation: for example, the
National Advisory Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Information and Data: Strategic plan 20062008 recognised the need to
develop a stronger Indigenous workforce skilled in collecting,
assembling, analysing, interpreting, disseminating and communicating
Indigenous health statistics (AIHW 2006); a Commonwealth-commissioned
review recommended improved workforce and research capacity for
Indigenous Australians, specifically in areas such as epidemiology and
bio-security (Australian Government 2005); a 2010 review by independent
experts including an Aboriginal public health academic concluded that
the MAE was of a high standard, its objectives remain valid, and it was
still necessary in the Australian context to support the public health
workforce (Hall et al. 2010); and a 2009 National Training Award from
the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (Australian Government
Our research shows that an important legacy of the MAE, because of
its commitment to and support of Indigenous scholars, has been its
contribution to public health through a multitude of epidemiological
projects. Moreover, for many of the Indigenous graduates, the MAE has
been a platform for further postgraduate study, notably in the form of
doctoral studies. Importantly, an Indigenous person trained in a
'mainstream' discipline such as the MAE ultimately contributes
not only the skills and knowledge gained through that particular
training, but he or she also brings a suite of cultural knowledge and
alternative perspectives as an Indigenous Australian to that
discipline--invaluable in terms of the Australian Government's
strategy to 'close the gap' in disparities between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous health status. In terms of its impact on Australian
public health generally and Australian Indigenous public health more
specifically, the MAE's legacy results from the cumulative effects
within individual scholars of the confidence it has instilled and the
networking and experiential learning it has enabled. As scholars have
demonstrated, that individual-level legacy has reverberated at multiple
levels--in the Indigenous community(ies) and the wider Australian
community at national, sectoral and local levels--in the management of
health systems and data collections, through improvements in chronic and
infectious diseases, and through dissemination of their research.
A study limitation was our inability to reach the 17 individuals
who did not participate in the survey or the 12 who did not complete the
MAE. Attempts using snowballing methods to reach both these groups of
people were unsuccessful. We speculate that overburden from the multiple
roles and responsibilities that many are currently engaged in, as
evidenced through feedback from other respondents, may have prevented
some from participating. Anecdotal evidence suggests reasons for
non-completion of the MAE included alternative employment prospects and
that it did not align with individual expectations. Despite this, we
proffer that the MAE Indigenous graduates have impacted significantly on
Australian public health generally and Indigenous public health in
The MAE has greatly increased and enriched Australia's
Indigenous epidemiological workforce and has been uniquely effective in
developing Indigenous research careers. In that context its value
derives from its being a discipline- and placement-based applied
learning model, occurring within and between cohorts of Indigenous and
non-Indigenous scholars who are enabled to interact with other
Indigenous and non-Indigenous peers, experts and mentors with whom they
may not have otherwise had contact. At multiple levels, the impact of
the MAE on Australian public health, because of its involvement with
Indigenous scholars and associated stakeholders, has been remarkable.
Its contribution to the development of Australian Indigenous
epidemiologists and researchers is cause for celebration, and should be
acknowledged not simply as a moral goal, but as an innovative strategic
goal. The imminent demise of the MAE is regrettable, not least because
of its achievements in terms of developing the Indigenous
epidemiological workforce. For that reason, we commiserate its passing
with everyone who has hitherto had involvement, as well as potential
scholars and associated stakeholders who may have hoped to enjoy
experiences and outcomes similar to those we have described.
We are grateful to Dr Cressida Fforde, AIATSIS, for her comments on
a final draft of the manuscript. Thanks to the respondents for freely
giving their time. The Master of Applied Epidemiology is funded by the
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing until the end of
2011. Paul Kelly's salary is supported by a career development
award from the National Health and Medical Research Council.
Peer-reviewed articles (n=27) and book contributions (n=1) by
Indigenous MAE scholars during candidature or within five years of
graduation (names of Indigenous MAE scholars are bolded and italicised).
Adams, K, T Dixon and JA Guthrie 2004 'Are you Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander? Improving data collection at BreastScreen
Victoria', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Adams, K, T Dixon and JA Guthrie 2004 'Evaluation of the
Gippsland Regional Indigenous Hearing Health program, January to October
2002', Health Promotion Journal of Australia 15(3).
Brown, A, W Walsh, T Lea and A Tonkin 2005 'What becomes of
the broken hearted? Coronary heart disease as a paradigm of
cardiovascular disease and poor health among Indigenous
Australians', Heart Lung Circulation 14(3):158-62.
Campbell, S and S Brown 2004 'Maternity care with the
women's business service at the Mildura Aboriginal Health
Service', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 28
(4): 376-82.
Eades, S, AW Read, FJ Stanley, FN Eades, D McAullay and A
Williamson 2008 'Bibbulung Gnarneep ("solid kid"): Causal
pathways to poor birth outcomes in an urban Aboriginal birth
cohort', Journal of Paediatric Child Health 44 (6): 342-6.
Ewald, D, G Hall and C Franks 2003 'Evaluation of a SAFE-style
trachoma control program in Central Australia', Medical Journal of
Australia 178:65-8.
Fagan, RL, JN Hanna, RD Messer, DL Brookes and DM Murphy 2001
'The epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease in children in
far north Queensland', Journal of Paediatric Child Health
Graham, S, LR Pulver, YA Wang, PM Kelly, PJ Laws and N Grayson 2007
'The urban--remote divide for Indigenous perinatal outcomes',
Medical Journal of Australia 186(10):509-12.
Guthrie, JA, G Dore, A McDonald and J Kaldor 2000 'HIV/AIDS in
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population: 1992-1998',
Medical Journal of Australia 172(6):266-9.
Guthrie, JA, 2000 'HIV/AIDS in the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander population: 1992-1998', Australasian Epidemiologist
Guthrie, JA, T Butler and A Sefton 2003 'Measuring health
service satisfaction: Female inmates', International Journal of
Health Care Quality Assurance 16(4-5).
Hanna, JN, RL Malcolm, SA Vlack and DE Andrews 1998 'The
vaccination status of Aboriginal and Tortes Strait Island children in
far north Queensland', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public
Health 22(6):664-8.
Hermiston, W (contributor) 2008 A Textbook of Australian Rural
Health, Australian Rural Health Education Network, Canberra.
Kehoe, H and R Lovett 2008 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander health assessments: Barriers to improving uptake',
Australian Family Physician 37(12):1033-8.
Lawrence, CG, P Rawstorne, P Hull, AE Grulich, S Cameron and GP
Prestage 2006 'Risk behaviour among Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander gay men: Comparisons with other gay men in Australia',
Sexual Health 3 (3): 163-7.
Lovett, R, J Fisher, F Al-Yaman, P Dance and H Vally 2008 'A
review of Australian health privacy regulation regarding the use and
disclosure of identified data to conduct data linkage', Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 32 (3):282-5.
Malcolm, RL, JN Hanna and DA Phillips 1999 'The timeliness of
notification of clinically suspected cases of dengue imported into north
Queensland', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Malcolm, RL, L Ludwick, DL Brookes and JN Hanna 2000 'The
investigation of a "cluster" of hepatitis B in teenagers from
an Indigenous community in north Queensland', Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health 24 (4): 353-5.
McAullay, D, B Sibthorpe and M Knuiman 2004 'Evaluation of a
new diabetes screening method at the Derbarl Yerrigan Health
Service', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 28
Pilkington, AAG, OBJ Carter, AS Cameron and SC Thompson 2009
'Tobacco control practices among Aboriginal health professionals in
Western Australia', Australian Journal of Primary Health
Schluter, PS, R McClure, C Canuto, D Craig, G Kenny and E Young
2001 'Injury prevention in Indigenous communities: Results of a two
year community development project', Health Promotion Journal of
Australia 12(3):233-7.
Scotney, A, JA Guthrie, K Lokuge and PM Kelly 2010 '"Just
ask!" Identifying as Indigenous in mainstream general practice
settings: A consumer perspective', Medical Journal of Australia
Stafford, RJ, BJ McCall, AS Neill, DS Leon, GJ Dorricott and CD
Towner 2002 'A statewide outbreak of Salmonella bovismorbificans
phage type 32 infection in Queensland', Communicable Disease Intelligence 26 (4):568-73.
Tsey, K, M Whiteside, S Daly, A Deemal, T Gibson and Y Cadet-James
2005 'Adapting the "family well-being" empowerment
program to the needs of remote Indigenous school children',
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 29 (2): 112-16.
Turner, KB and ML Levy 2010 'Prison outbreak: Pandemic (H1N1)
2009 in an Australian prison', Public Health 124(2):119-20.
Valery, PC, AB Chang, S Shihasaki, O Gibson, DM Purdie and C
Shannon 2001 'High prevalence of asthma in five remote Indigenous
communities in Australia', European Respiratory Journal
Valery, PC, M Wenitong, V Clements, M Sheel and DJS McMillan 2008
'Skin infections among Indigenous Australians in an urban setting
in far North Queensland', Epidemiology and Infection
Wright, MR, CM Giele, PR Dance and SC Thompson 2005
'Fulfilling prophecy? Sexually transmitted infections and HIV in
Indigenous people in Western Australia', Medical Journal of
Australia 183(3):124-8.
AIHW (Australian Institute of Health And Welfare) 2006
'National Advisory Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Health Information and Data: Strategic plan 2006-2008' in AIHW
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Health Information and Data: Strategic plan 2006-2008, AIHW, Canberra
(Cat. no. IHW 19).
Australian Government 2005 PHERP: The Public Health Education and
Research Program review 2005, reviewers Dr Gillian Durham and Prof.
Aileen Plant, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra.
Douglas, Robert, Fiona Stanley, Robert Moodie, Anthony Adams and
John Kaldor 2010 'Lowering Australia's defence against
infectious disease', Medical Journal of Australia 193(10):567-8.
Hall Robert, Viviane Bremer, Yvonne Cadet-James and Christine
Selvey 2010 Review of the Master of Applied Epidemiology programme at
The Australian National University, Australian National University,
Kelly, Heath 2011 'Letters: Lowering Australia's defence
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Lovett, Raymond, Jody Fisher, Fadwa A1-Yaman, Phyllis Dance and
Hassan Vally 2008 'A review of Australian health privacy regulation
regarding the use and disclosure of identified data to conduct data
linkage', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Sibthorpe, Beverly, Francesca Baas Becking and Glenda Humes 1998
'Positions and training of the Indigenous health workforce',
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22 (6).
Jill Guthrie
AIATSIS and National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University
Phyll R Dance
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University and AIATSIS
Paul M Kelly
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University
Kamalini Lokuge
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University
Michelle McPherson
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University
Samantha Faulkner
Jill Guthrie is a descendant of the Wiradjuri people of western
NSW. She is a graduate of the MAE program, has worked as an academic
member of the MAE staff, and continues to work in the program. In 2009
she was appointed Research Fellow at AIATSIS. She has an adjunct
appointment with the ANU and is supervising Masters and PhD students
enrolled at NCEPH as well as being involved in other research projects.
[email protected]>
Phyll Dance has held research and teaching positions at NCEPH,
including within the MAE program since 2000, focusing largely on
projects related to Indigenous health. Since April 2010, Phyll has also
been employed at AIATSIS. <
[email protected]>
Paul Kelly was Director of the MAE program from 2005 until 2010,
and is a public health physician and academic. He is currently Chief
Health Officer with ACT Health. <
[email protected]>
Kamalini Lokuge works in the MAE program, and is a doctor and
medical epidemiologist for international health organisations including
Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders), the World Health
Organization, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
[email protected]>
Michelle McPherson is a graduate of the MAE program and currently a
lecturer in the program with expertise in epidemiology and infectious
diseases. <
[email protected]>
Samantha Faulkner is a Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal woman
from Badu and Moa Islands in the Torres Strait and the Yadhaigana and
Wuthuthi peoples of Cape York Peninsula. She was a research assistant
with AIATSIS at the time of this research project. She is currently Head
of the Indigenous Unit at the National Health and Medical Research
Council. <
[email protected]>
Table 1: Indigenous MAE enrolments, 1998-2010
Cohort year Enrolments Completions Scholars
1998 8 8 --
1999 6 4 --
2000 5 0 --
2001 4 2 --
2002 4 3 --
2003-2009 (1) 14 12 --
2010 1 -- 1
Totals 42 29 1
(1) Since 2003 the MAE program has included two
Indigenous-designated positions annually.
Table 2: Illustrative selection of research topics and study
Rapid response public health investigations
* Food- and water-borne outbreaks--for example, gastrointestinal
illness, salmonella and campylobacter outbreaks in various settings
and communities
* Person-to person transmission outbreaks--for example, conjunctivitis,
post-strep glomerulonephritis, scabies and skin sores in remote
* Non-communicable disease cluster outbreaks--for example, vulvar
cancer, diabetes risk assessment
* Zoonotic outbreaks--for example, equine influenza
* Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks--for example, measles,
varicella and hepatitis B
* Sexually transmissible infections--for example, HIV risk assessment
* Vector-borne disease--for example, malaria risk assessment in Far
North Queensland
Evaluation of surveillance systems and health services
Evaluations were undertaken at the national, state and local levels
in, for example, public health units, remote and urban Aboriginal
community-controlled organisations, prison settings, hospital settings
* Infectious diseases--for example, otitis media, hepatitis A, B and
C, invasive pneumococcal disease, acute rheumatic fever, gonorrhoea,
rubella, dengue importations
* Non-communicable diseases--for example, cervical cancer, bowel
cancer, hearing loss, sudden infant death syndrome, injury, diabetes,
* Other--for example, Indigenous status identification, Indigenous
birth and mortality registration, health information systems, social
health risk factors during pregnancy, peri-natal data, blood-borne
viruses and sexually transmissible infections, cancer support services,
health and wellbeing, midwifery notification
Analysis of public health data to inform policy and practice
* Infectious diseases--for example, hepatitis A, skin infections,
HIV/AIDS, infant diarrhoeal disease
* Non-communicable diseases--for example, pregnancy and peri-natal
health outcomes, breast cancer, stroke, Indigenous paediatric
respiratory programs, injury, cardiovascular disease, diabetes
* Behavioural risk factors--for example, tobacco and alcohol use and
prevalence of sexually transmitted infections, maternal alcohol use
and child physical and psychological development, oral health, HIV
in the gay community
* Health programs and outcomes--for example, co-ordinated care,
patient default, cervical cancer screening, needle and syringe
programs, Indigenous childhood mortality, postnatal health,
socio-economic status
MAE scholar-led applied research projects
Conditions and services researched included, for example,
alcohol-related injury; diabetes services and clinical outcomes;
peri-natal hepatitis B; scabies control; cardiovascular
rehabilitation; a range of behavioural risk factors (e.g. smoking,
sexual behaviour, petrol sniffing); Indigenous identification
in hospital settings; food safety; asthma, antenatal care, vaccination
programs, mental health services, women's health services; evaluation
of the impact of forcible removal of Aboriginal children from
families or homelands due to government policies and practices.