Modeling educational success of first nations students in Canada: community level perspectives.
Spence, Nicholas ; White, Jerry ; Maxim, Paul 等
Canadian assessments of First Nation and Aboriginal education lack
any real modelling of reasons for the particular patterns of
attainment--it is this void that we wish to fill. This paper examines
educational attainment in First Nations communities using combined data
from the 1996 Census and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern
Development Education Survey for the school year 1995/1996, aggregated
to the band level, for registered and non-registered Indian and Inuit
students who live on reserve in Canada. Multiple sequential regression
analysis is used to model the educational success of grade 12 and 13
students with community level characteristics, including an isolation
variable, school type variable, demographic variables, economic
variables, and human capital variables. We use three measures of
educational success: the age appropriate rate, graduate rate, and
withdrawal rate. It is shown that the community level variables are
similar in their explanatory power of educational success; however, the
effects of variables within blocks on measures of educational success
differ. The demography and human capital blocks play a particularly
important role for all three measures of educational success. Additional
analysis includes an examination of standardized regression weights. The
paper discusses research and policy implications and articulates future
avenues for research.
Au Canada, les evaluations portant sur l'education des
Premieres Nations et des autochtones manquent de veritable modelisation
concernant les raisons sous-jacentes a des schemas particuliers
d'acquisition. C'est ce manque que nous voudrions adresser.
Dans cet article nous examinons l'acquisition en education dans les
communautes des Premieres Nations a partir de donnees provenant du
recensement de 1996 ainsi que du sondage sur l'education tenu par
le departement des Affaires indiennes et du Develop-pement du Nord pour
l'annee scolaire 1955/1996; ces donnees ont ete regroupees pour
servir au niveau de la bande, et concernent les etudiants indiens et
inuits vivant dans les reserves du Canada, qu'ils soient
enregistres ou non. Une analyse de regression sequentielle multiple sert
a modeliser les succes en education d'etudiants de 12e et 13e
annees selon des caracteristiques au niveau de la communaute, dont les
variables mesurant des composantes telles que l'isolation, le type
d'ecole, la demographie, l'economie et le type de peuplement.
Nous nous servons de trois mesures du succes en education : le
pourcentage selon l'ege approprie e l'annee scolaire, celui de
finissants et celui de retraits. Le resultat montre que les variables au
niveau de la communaute peuvent expliquer le succes en education de
facon semblable; cependant, les effets des variables sur ces mesures
varient e l'interieur des composantes citees. La demographie et le
peuplement jouent un role particulierement important pour chacune de ces
trois mesures. Une analyse complementaire inclut un examen des
coefficients centres reduits de regression. Dans cet article, nous
examinons les implications de la recherche et de la politique dans ce
domaine, et nous expliquons de nouvelles avenues pour la recherche.
The life experiences of First Nations people have been
characterized on average by a lower standard of living and quality of
life relative to the greater society (see Department of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development 1995; Royal Commission on Aboriginal People
1996 (1)). Virtually all measures related to social outcomes, from
health to housing to socioeconomic conditions, indicate the disparities
in our society. Improving the situation in First Nations communities has
proven to be quite difficult. The role of education in numerous social
outcomes is unmistakable. However, as noted by King (1993) in the Royal
Commission on Aboriginal People Report, there are significant problems
related to the low educational attainment of First Nations students. The
Census data indicate that average educational levels are below national
averages (e.g., Hull 200). A recent analysis of income inequality
provides a clear indication of educational inequities (Maxim et al.
2003). Considering the importance of this ongoing issue, an attempt is
made in this paper to explore the characteristics of successful
schooling for First Nations communities; specifically, the study
explores the community level characteristics that explain aggregate
levels of educational success.
There are five categories of explanatory variables used in our
regression model: isolation, school type, demographic, economic, and
human capital. The present study is the first of its kind where the
explanatory power of the community is examined. We add to the
information on Aboriginal school experience and contribute to a better
understanding of the indicators of attainment by looking at three issues
related to quality: the graduate rate, withdrawal rate, and age
appropriate rate. We consider these indicators to be important as they
focus on the school and community. (2)
We are studying those individuals who fall under the jurisdiction
of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. The
Constitution Act, 1867, Section 92, places education under the
jurisdiction of the provinces. Section 91 (24), however, extends
exclusive Legislative Authority of the Parliament of Canada to all
matters related to "Indians and Lands reserved for the
Indians." (3) Federal responsibility for education does not extend
to any Indian who does not ordinarily reside on a reserve or on lands
belonging to Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province. Accordingly,
we evaluate the education outcomes of all First Nations students who
report that they reside on a First Nations reserve, have qualified to
register under the Indian Act, and appear in the Indian Registry.
Information on such students is reported to the Department of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development, and our analysis is based on those
data and the 1996 Census.
Research on Aboriginal educational attainment is rare. In fact in
1996, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People noted that there is a
critical problem in terms of data availability and a lack of assessments
of educational attainment. (4) Much of the time spent discussing the
issue centres on the perceived problems and the assumed patterns of
underachievement. Empirical work is often restricted to small case
studies or regional investigations and, at best, descriptive measures of
trends. While previous studies are sparse, there is some research to
Studies of First Nations education indicate that certain patterns
exist. First, off-reserve Indians have a greater educational attainment
than those on-reserve (Government of Canada 1971; McDonald 1991). Hull
(2000) notes that this pattern is particularly noticeable in the case of
secondary and university completion rates. Using data from 1986,
Armstrong et al. (1990) found that only 25% of Canada's First
Nations people completed high school compared with one-half of the
non-Indian population. In terms of the transition to university, only
23% of First Nation graduates proceeded to this next stage of education
compared to 33% of the non-Indian population. The total First Nation
population with a university degree was 1.3% compared to 9.6% of the
general population. Data from Hull (2000), using the 1996 Census,
indicates that 37% of Registered Indians attained "some
post-secondary" education (university, trades schools, and other
non-university post-secondary education) (5); however, this figure was
much smaller than the other Aboriginal population (47%) and the greater
Canadian population (51%). (6) Since 1986 the Registered Indian
population with some post-secondary attainment has increased 14% from
23% to 37%. Among the Registered Indian population fifteen years of age
and older not attending school, Hull found that 44% have completed
secondary school or continued with some post-secondary education,
although this figure is smaller than the percentage for the Aboriginal
identity group (51%) and other Canadians (67%). In terms of university
degrees, only 3% of Registered Indians attained this level of education
compared to 4% of other Aboriginal identity groups and 14% of other
Canadians. While the indicators of post-secondary success have improved
for Registered Indians, the relative success of this group compared to
the general population has been offset to some extent because of the
latter's increased success.
What about at lower levels of education? Studies suggest
significant improvements in educational attainment in recent years. As
Tait (1999) notes, the percentage of young Aboriginal adults with less
than a high school diploma dropped from 60% to under 45% between 1986
and 1996. While the 1980s had been a time of great change, as King
(1993) notes, education levels of Aboriginal people are still too low
compared to the non-Aboriginal population. For instance, in 1986
Aboriginal people were 2.2 times more likely not to complete high school
than non-Aboriginals. By 1996, this figure had increased to 2.6 times
(Tait 1999). This implies once again, as with post-secondary education,
that the relative improvement in lower levels of education of the
Aboriginal population tends to be offset to some degree by the increases
in attainment found in the general population.
The importance of education is most clearly seen when one examines
the returns. (7) Several researchers have found that the return to
education for Aboriginals is greater than for other groups (George and
Kuhn 1994; Patrinos and Sakellariou 1992; Sandefur and Scott 1983),
although this finding is not consistent (Lian and Matthews 1998).
lankowski and Moazzami (1995) found that there was an earnings return to
education for First Nations persons of about 7.8% for each year of
elementary and secondary school completed and 31% for university
training. Other studies, such as Drost (1994), also find positive
outcomes for education in terms of labour force participation. Analyses
indicate that the largest gains in reducing the risk of unemployment
come from improvement of completion rates for elementary and high school
(Ryan 1996).
The provinces of British Columbia and Saskatchewan have undertaken
research to highlight some of the issues surrounding First Nations
education. In British Columbia studies have found that 14% of Aboriginal
students do not progress to high school as compared to 4% of
non-Aboriginal students. In addition, Aboriginal students score
significantly lower on foundation skills assessment in the standard
testing in grades 4, 7, and 10 (British Columbia Ministry of Education
2000a). The British Columbia Ministry of Education and the Saskatchewan
Department of Education have found that some of the most influential
proposals for building effective schools and enhancing education
attainment for First Nations students are premised on the community
setting. Communities that generally engage in activities supporting both
home and school are found to be a key to success (British Columbia
Ministry of Education 2000b; Epstein 1987, 1988; Levesque 1994).
The striking point about the Canadian assessments of First Nation
and Aboriginal education is the lack of any real modelling of reasons
for the particular patterns of educational attainment--it is this void
that we wish to fill. Given the limitations of data in Canada, we looked
at what is available and asked what we could model that would be useful.
Our models use aggregate data, but the results must be interpreted with
caution. Specifically, one must avoid making the ecological fallacy (i.e., making inferences at the individual level based on findings from
the aggregate level); in other words, relationships observed at the
aggregate level are not necessarily reproduced at the individual level
(see Robinson 1950)? The OECD (2007) has implicitly addressed this issue
in its discussion of educational indicators; specifically, a distinction
is made between the various levels of educational indicators and related
determinants that may be examined, and it is emphasized that the data
must be appropriate given the goals of the research. In this case, using
aggregate data to assess macro level propositions is an acceptable and
commonly used method of inquiry (Snijders and Bosker 1999).
Educational attainment has been found to vary by place of
residence. Those outside metropolitan areas have less educational
attainment by age and cohort than those in urban centres (Ward 1995).
Isolation from economic centres probably makes many parts of the
educational system seem somewhat irrelevant to students as a result of
the high unemployment and shortage of opportunities. Is location of the
community also predictive of educational attainment in Canada? We
believe that this is the case; viz., we hypothesize that an inverse
relationship exists between the distance of a community from economic
centres and educational success.
We think that school type is directly related to educational
success in Canada. The literature has documented the difficulties faced
by band schools in hiring and retaining qualified and experienced
teaching staff. In short, band school teachers tend to have lower
salaries and less job security, opportunities for change and
advancement, professional development, and employment benefits than
their peers because these institutions are not governed by district or
provincial collective agreements (Bell 2004; Royal Commission on
Aboriginal People 1996). Moreover, the teaching climate is characterized
by a shortage of specialists and resources within the school which
facilitate the learning process (ibid). A school system that aims to arm
students with the human capital, cultural capital, and social capital to
succeed in mainstream society may appear pointless and detached from
reality as First Nations students know it, in the absence of
well-qualified teachers who are able to bridge the gap using appropriate
Another issue is the lack of a national system of quality control
to evaluate the education received by students (ibid). The absence of
mandatory common benchmarks for monitoring purposes could quite possibly
contribute to a perpetual system of long-term ineffectiveness in these
schools with little accountability, even after taking into account
differences in student intake and community contexts. (9) In the case of
provincial and federal/private schools, the role of vertical ties, that
is, increased interaction between ethnic minorities and the dominant
groups, may result in the former becoming more familiar with the
dominant culture, acquiring accepted cultural capital, and establishing
networks (social capital), which can be used for educational attainment.
Thus, we hypothesize that the provincial and federal/private schools
would positively affect educational success, while band schools would
have a negative effect on educational outcomes.
Poor achievement and dropping out is found to be related to an
inability to translate education into work in American studies of
minorities. Therefore, poor socioeconomic development in a particular
community could be linked with poor educational attainment or school
leaving (Snipp and Sandefur 1988). One aspect not examined in the
empirical literature is whether the economic status of communities
(e.g., income and employment) affects rates of educational outcomes.
Higher income and employment would be expected to be related to the
level of educational resources available in the community and positive
norms of attainment as the incentive or link between education and jobs
would be concrete, and there would be greater focus on educational
attainment at a collective level (see White et al. 2005). Also a high
proportion of students may withdraw from school early in order to take
advantage of job opportunities on reserve (high employment rate on
reserve) if they believe that short-term gains from employment will
outweigh the long term benefits of human capital accumulation associated
with remaining in school. This process is, however, mediated by the type
of job and degree of competition in the market. If there are no jobs,
then there is no reason to study; if there are only many low-end jobs,
there is no reason to study; if there is a mix of low-, medium-, and
high-end jobs with competition, then school becomes more relevant.
Previous research has found that only a small proportion of withdrawers
tend to be employed (White et al. 2004). We expect that higher levels of
economic success will have a positive effect on educational success.
A variable associated with economic development is the degree of
occupational diversity in a community. The more occupational diversity
on a reserve, the more incentive there will be for a band to increase
investment in human capital. Hence, this variable is expected to have a
positive effect on education outcomes because it measures human capital
opportunities that exist. There may be a large percentage of the labour
force employed, but all in a few occupations. This limits the demand for
a comprehensive educational system and narrowly focuses attainment
towards those occupations. Similarly to our discussion of income and
employment, the effect of occupational diversity on educational demand
and outcomes is influenced by competition and the nature of the skills
required for the job.
We expect that demographic variables would be determinants of the
educational outcomes of First Nations bands. Demographic conditions,
such as the age-dependency ratio, marital status, family size, and the
sex ratio, affect the educational outcomes of on-reserve students
through their determination of the community's collective needs and
goals. For example, the more children there are in the band, the more
educational needs (financing, schools, teachers, etc.) there will be.
The extent of education provided to meet these needs depends on the
collective goals of the community, i.e., how much education and of what
quality do they want their children to have, as well as the resources
available to meet their needs and goals. Since bands tend to have young
populations, the need for educational services is high; however, this
need is countered by a relatively smaller proportion of adults who are
able to provide for such services, beyond those provided by the
government. We hypothesize that this phenomenon of a high age dependency
ratio would have an adverse effect on educational success. Similarly, a
high proportion of larger families would be characterized by a greater
distribution of finite community social resources to accommodate the
needs of children, which would decrease the investment in children and,
therefore, lower educational success. This is similar to the popular
"resource dilution theory" in the literature on effects of
sibling size in families on various social outcomes but at a community
level (see Steelman et al. 2002 for a comprehensive discussion). Family
type is also predictive, as the proportion of single parent families is
positively correlated with the prevalence of community problems and
poverty (Bianchi 1999; Bursik and Grasmick 1993; Sampson 1992), which is
antagonistic to the educational attainment process. Bands that have a
higher proportion of single and/or divorced/separated/widowed people
would be expected to have a higher proportion of single parent families,
which would be an indication of lowered community cohesion and less
focus on education than bands with a greater proportion of married
people. Thus, we expect that the proportion of single or
no-longer-married people in a band would be correlated with lower rates
of educational success and the proportion of married, two- parent
families would be positively correlated with educational attainment. The
sex ratio--adult females to one hundred males in a Band--will also
affect educational outcomes. Lower female-to-male ratios can result from
a high rate of spousal abuse on reserve, resulting in females migrating
off reserve, signalling serious societal problems that interfere with
the education outcomes of students. (10)
Parental high school completion rates have been linked to lower
dropout rates and reduced age inappropriateness (Ward 1998). Human
capital accumulation on reserve is estimated using adult education
levels. Conceptually, this variable can be thought of in terms of
community norms and values. A high achieving community provides the
yardstick against which members measure themselves. In other words, the
ideological context is one which places a premium on educational
attainment, and this is probably reflected in the resource allocation of
the community. Community human capital will have an effect even after
taking into account the isolation, school type, demographic, and
economic variables. Higher adult education levels in a band are expected
to increase the educational attainment of children in the band even
above the effect of income (see White et al. 2005).
In summary, our main hypotheses are as follows:
1. The distance of a community from metropolitan areas will have a
significant effect, with increasing distance of a community from
economic centres having a negative effect on educational success.
2. School type will have a significant effect, with attendance at
provincial and federal/private schools having a positive effect on
educational success.
3. The employment rate, average income, and occupational diversity
will have a positive effect on educational success.
4. i) The sex ratio (adult females to males) will have a positive
effect on educational success.
ii) The age dependency ratio will have a negative effect on
educational success.
iii) Family type will have a significant effect, with the
proportion of single adults and separated, divorced, and widowed adults
having a negative effect on educational success.
iv) Family size will have a significant effect, with the proportion
of one-child families having a positive effect on educational success
and the proportion of families with two or three or more children having
a negative effect on educational success.
5. Human capital attainment will have a significant effect, with
community attainment at all levels of the educational system having a
positive effect on educational success. Further, as community attainment
increases at higher levels of education, the effect on educational
success will be stronger.
This analysis uses band level data from the 1996 Census and
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Program
Data--Education Survey for the school year 1995-1996, including all
registered and non-registered (negligible) Indian and Inuit students who
live on reserve in Canada. (11) There were 397 communities that are used
in the study. (12)
Measures (13)
The educational attainment variables: Three different measures of
educational attainment are used in this study: the age - appropriate
rate, graduate rate, and withdrawal rate. These measures are widely used
throughout the literature and are considered standard outcomes of
interest for this population (OECD 2007; Royal Commission on Aboriginal
People 1996). (14) The age-appropriate rate is the percentage of
age-appropriate grade 12 and 13 students in a band. (15) This gives us
an analytically simple measure of the number of students that are behind
the norm. In our sample, the average age appropriateness of students in
our bands is 46.8%. (16) Our second measure of educational success, the
graduate rate, is the proportion of grade 12 and 13 students, ages 16 to
22 years, in a band who were included on nominal roles and graduated.
The average graduate rate is 19.8%. The third measure of educational
success, the withdrawal rate, is the percentage of grade 12 and 13
students on the nominal rolls who withdrew from high school in
1995-1996. For the purposes of this measure we exclude students who
transfered to other schools, moved off reserve, died and/or graduated.
This leaves those individuals who, for whatever reason, do not proceed
with their education. The average withdrawal rate is 17.8 %. Our focus
upon grade 12 and 13 students is intentional; it is a critical point in
the educational system in two respects--as a minimum entry point into
the job market and post-secondary training or studies. (17)
Isolation variable: A revised version of the original one developed
by Indian Affairs Canada, this variable measures the distance from a
First Nation community to the closest major centre as well as
accessibility to the community (i.e., road access). It provides a
measure of the degree of isolation of a community from the greater
society. In our sample, 31.2% of bands are 0-50 km away from a major
centre; 49.1% of bands are 51-350 km away from a major centre; and 19.7%
of bands are more than 350 km away from a major centre, with some
communities having no year-round road access (18)
School type: This measure examines the proportion of students from
a band attending a specified type of school: band schools, provincial
schools, and federal/private schools. In our sample, the average figures
are 21.4%, 77.2%, and 1.4% respectively.
Demographic variables: This analysis uses four demographic
measures: the sex ratio, age ratio, marital status, and number of
children. The sex ratio is the number of females per 100 males in a
band. This figure is 92.7 in our sample. The age ratio, a form of
dependency ratio, is a measure of the number of children (0-14 years) to
100 adults (15 years and over) in a band. Among our sample of First
Nations bands, there are 55.9 children to 100 adults. For our measure of
marital status, the proportion of the adult band population with a
particular legal marital status is examined: married, single, and
separated/divorced/widowed. In our sample of communities, on average,
32.4% of adults are married; 53.0% of adults are single; and 14.6% of
adults are separated, divorced, and/or widowed. The number of children
is examined as a proportion of families with a specified number of
children: none, one, two, and three or more. (19) The averages for our
sample are 18.8%, 26.2%, 23.0%, and 32.1%, respectively.
Economic variables: There are two measures of the economic status
of a community: the ratio of employed to the total population of working
age and average income. These two indicators provide a point of
comparison that gives us a view of the economic activity in and around
the First Nation community and the adaptation of the adult population to
that economic market. Sometimes analysts calculate the employment to
population ratio. This measures the percentage of the total population
15 years and older employed during the week prior to the Census. While
this is an interesting measure, some analysts exclude those in school
from the population to calculate the ratio as we have done. Thus, one
must be cognizant of this issue when comparing studies. This figure is
39.5 to 100 for our sample.
The other indicator of the economic status of First Nations
communities is the average income of communities. This is a crude
measure, but it is a proxy for wealth. Many studies have linked income
and well-being (e.g., Wilkinson 1997). This measure of economic strength
is restricted to the population 15 years of age and over. (20) The
average income for the bands in our sample is $7742.00. First Nations
people living on reserves tend to have a much lower employment rate than
the rest of the Canadian population, and a high proportion of their
income comes from government transfers (approximately 40% of the total
income on average). Other income sources such as investments account for
less than 2% of reported income. In our sample 65% of average band
income comes from employment. It should be kept in mind that people
living and employed on reserve are not required to pay income tax;
therefore, incomes are not readily comparable to the general population.
Human capital variables: There are two human capital variables in
this analysis: the highest level of schooling among adults and
occupational diversity. The extent of educational success in a community
indicates past performance and allows us to assess how educational
levels in a community influence current attainment. This would include
aggregate effects such as norms and community priorities. We look at the
proportion of adults in a band attaining a specified level of schooling.
Our findings by educational level of attainment are as follows: no high
school graduation diploma (55.7%), high school graduation diploma
(6.5%), trade certificate or non-university post-secondary education
(24.2%), some university with no degree (11.2%), and a bachelor's
degree or higher (2.4%). Occupational diversity is an index of the
diversity of occupations within a band. (21) It allows us to assess the
degree of economic opportunities in the community. Interpreting this
variable is as follows: the higher the coefficient, the greater the
occupational diversity of the community. For our sample, the average is
A series of sequential multiple regression analyses were conducted
to assess the extent to which blocks of independent variables are
predictive of educational success, i.e., the age appropriate rate,
graduate rate, and withdrawal rate. The blocks of independent variables
were entered as follows: Block 1--the isolation variable (distance from
a band to a centre using dummy coding); Block 2--school type; Block
3--the demographic variables (sex ratio, age ratio, marital status, and
number of children); Block 4--the economic variables (ratio of employed
to the total population of working age and average income); and Block
5--the human capital variables (highest level of schooling among adults
and occupational diversity).
The results of the evaluation of assumptions led to a square root
transformation of the dependent variables, the withdrawal rate and
graduate rate to reduce skewness and improve the normality, linearity,
and homoscedasticity of residuals. (22) The measures reported for this
analysis include the change in W and the final standardized regression
coefficient of each independent variable for the full model. Changes in
[R.sup.2] indicate the amount of incremental variation explained in the
dependent variable by a block of independent variables having
statistically eliminated the effects of previously entered independent
variables. An adjusted [R.sup.2] value for the full model is also
presented. All information can be found in table 2.
With the exception of the model for the age appropriate rate, the
isolation variable is unrelated to educational outcomes. This block
explains 4.2% of the variance in the age appropriate rate when entered
first into the model. In the full model, the dummy variables for
isolation are not found to affect the main results reported here, and a
thorough examination did not find these effects to be mediated by the
economic block as hypothesized.
When the school type block is added to the regression model in step
2, statistically significant changes in the age appropriate rate and
withdrawal rate appear. This block accounts for 2.1% of the variance in
the age appropriate rate and 2.5% of the variance in the withdrawal
rate. An examination of the final betas shows that the only variable
with a significant effect is the proportion of provincial school
attendance on the age appropriate rate.
The block of demographic variables contributes significantly to
explaining educational outcomes in all three models, beyond the
geography and school type variables. Specifically, demographics accounts
for 5.3% of the variance in the age appropriate rate, 4.0% of the
variance in the withdrawal rate, and 9.6% of the variance in the
graduate rate. The proportion of single adults has a negative effect on
the age appropriate rate and a positive effect on the withdrawal rate.
The final beta scores for the graduate rate show that the age ratio and
the proportion of single adults have a negative effect on the graduate
rate, while the proportion of families with two and three or more
children has the opposite effect.
In step 4, we find that the economic characteristics of the
community explain a significant amount of the variance only in the
graduate rate (1.4%) beyond that afforded by those variables introduced
in the first three steps. The final beta scores show that the ratio of
the employed to the total population of working age has a positive
effect on the withdrawal rate and a negative effect on the graduate
The final step assesses whether community human capital improves
prediction of the dependent variables after taking into account the
previous blocks. This block has a statistically significant impact and
explains 3.2% of the variance in the age appropriate rate, 5.1% of the
variance in the withdrawal rate, and 2.6% of the variance in the
graduate rate. For the age appropriate rate, the proportion of adults
with a trade certificate or other non-university, post- secondary
education has a positive effect on this measure of educational success.
The proportion of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher has a
negative effect on the withdrawal rate. In the case of the graduate
rate, the proportion of adults with some university (no degree) has a
positive effect. Collectively, the full model explains 15.0% of the
variance in the age appropriate rate, 13.1% of the variance in the
withdrawal rate, and 14.9% of the variance in the graduate rate. The
adjusted [R.sup.2] values in this analysis are 10.9%, 9.0%, and 10.8%
This study has revealed several key findings. The effect of
isolation is only important for the age appropriate rate when entered
first into the model. School type effects for the age appropriate rate
are seen with the proportion of provincial school attendance. We believe
that the unique positive effect of this variable is best understood in
terms of the earlier discussion of vertical ties. As ethnic minorities
interact with the dominant groups, they may become familiar with the
dominant culture, acquire accepted cultural capital, and establish
networks (social capital) which can be used for educational attainment.
In terms of the withdrawal rate, the effect of the school type
block's variables disappears in the presence of the demographic,
economic, and human capital variables.
The demography block plays a particularly important role in this
analysis. The age ratio has a strong negative effect on the graduate
rate. This is no surprise as we would expect a dilution effect of
resources at the community level; that is, there would collectively be
fewer financial, emotional, and time resources available as the
proportion of children to adults increases. The end result is the
mitigation of educational attainment of youth. The proportion of single
adults exhibits an effect across all measures of educational success
which reduces educational success; i.e., it decreases the age
appropriate rate and graduate rate and it increases the withdrawal rate.
Recall that as the proportion of single adults increases, this is
associated with a higher proportion of children in single parent
households (lone parenthood) and higher levels of poverty (Bianchi
1999). We argue that these communities tend to be structurally deficient in social capital (e.g., less cohesive networks), which is necessary for
the transmission of other forms of capital, such as financial or human
(Coleman 1988; Coleman 1990; Martin 2004). This context would undermine
the educational outcomes of the community.
The fertility variables, the proportion of families with two
children and the proportion of families with three or more children, are
important in their effects on the graduate rate. Most notable is the
strong positive effect of these variables on the graduate rate, while
controlling for all of the other variables in the entire model. How can
this be explained? The context of a community--including prevailing
norms and priorities surrounding child rearing--is an important
consideration. For example, large families are accepted and encouraged
among Mormons. The communities play an important supporting role in
raising children (we call this social capital), and the social norms
dictate that societal resources be prioritized and allocated towards the
needs of youth (Downey and Neubauer 1998). What all this means is that
cultural context and institutions of governance at the community level
can influence the effects of fertility on educational attainment. So it
appears that in communities where the proportion of two children
increases, the dynamics (e.g., culture, resource allocation) are such
that positive aggregate effects in education are observed. A greater
understanding of the positive effect of this fertility variable on
educational outcomes in First Nations communities is needed. This could
prove quite fruitful in the ongoing discussions regarding sibship size
and resource dilution theory (Steelman et al. 2002). Parental decisions
regarding the allocation of various forms of resources could be found
through qualitative research. Moreover, this type of research could
enable us to better understand the role of culture in social norms
relating to child rearing in the community. Our previous work on social
capital in Aboriginal communities indicates this would be a useful
exercise (White et al. 2005).
The strong positive effect of the proportion of families with three
or more children on the graduate rate is noteworthy. This variable has a
statistically significant positive effect on graduate rates, with a beta
value of .312 (p<.001). An analysis of this coefficient from the
bivariate case (r=.03, p>.05) through to the full multiple regression
model is informative, since the change in the coefficient between the
former and latter is significant. Indeed, in combination, the other
variables in the model suppress variance in the proportion of families
with three or more children that is irrelevant to prediction of graduate
rates, which results in a dramatic increase in the effects of this
independent variable. Hence, this variable's importance cannot be
understood in isolation from the other variables in the model. (23) At
this point we conclude that further analysis needs to be done to
understand the dynamics surrounding the suppression of this variable and
the possible consequences.
Although the entrance of the economic block does not contribute
much in explaining variance in the dependent variables, given its point
of entry, the final beta values for the ratio of the employed to the
total population of working age are statistically significant for the
withdrawal rate and the graduate rate. This effect is adverse for
educational success. Following from our discussion earlier, it appears
that higher levels of employment may be promoting an acceptable culture
of premature exiting of the educational system in order to take
advantage of job opportunities on reserve. These school leavers may feel
that the short term gains from employment will outweigh the long term
benefits of human capital accumulation associated with remaining in
The effect of the community's educational levels across all
three models in this analysis is most notable. While holding constant
the isolation, school type, demographic, and economic variables, the
educational attainment levels of a community have a distinctly important
role in the educational success of students. When we examine the betas
within the human capital block, the proportion of adults with some
university (no degree) is an important variable in increasing the
graduate rate, and the proportion of adults with a bachelor's
degree or higher plays a key role in reducing the withdrawal rate. Thus,
it appears that high levels of community educational attainment may
breed a social context which values, supports, and expects high academic
achievement (high average norms), which could result in high rates of
educational success. This effect would not be entirely surprising; after
all, since behaviour is socially determined, societal level norm effects
are naturally of great significance. (24)
The proportion of adults with a trade certificate or other
non-university postsecondary education is important for increasing the
age appropriate rates; in fact, it has the strongest unique effect on
educational success out of all the variables in the human capital block.
In addition to the norm effects of higher education mentioned
previously, we note that the trades demand individuals who are highly
visual, enjoy hands-on work, and respect senior workers with more
expertise and training who can pass on their knowledge. The key traits
of Aboriginal culture include visualization, learning through the
process of doing, and passing on teachings from elders. As an increasing
proportion of the community attains this type of education and works in
these culturally congruent jobs that offer a respectable average pay,
the mass perception of the value of education would be apparent; this
may result in high age appropriate rates. (25) This positive
relationship between norms, community capacity, and educational
attainment in communities has been found in a recent comparative study
of New Zealand, Australia, and Canada (White et al. 2005).
It is our belief that the issue investigated in this
work--identifying predictors of educational success--is a crucial area
of concern for all stakeholders. Despite the shortcomings, our findings
are useful. Indeed, our analysis shows that using different indicators
of attainment and success yielded somewhat similar results. A brief
analysis of the final beta values demonstrates that despite the
similarities in terms of the importance of blocks of variables, certain
variables within those blocks appear to be playing different roles in
their effects on each measure of educational success. This indicates
that researchers must be aware of the validity issues surrounding varied
measures of "educational success," as our understanding of the
processes of success are shaped by the outcome measure used. (26) In the
process of developing and evaluating policies and programs, a clear
understanding of these varied causes and determinants is essential to
achieve desired outcomes.
It is clear to us that given the relatively low explanatory power
of the three models and the residual unexplained variance, there is a
need for further research into the determinants of our measures of
educational success. Given that this area is underresearched, it is not
unexpected that our study is an initial glance that tends to spawn many
more questions--such is the nature of research. Without a doubt, we
believe that further theorizing and empirical analysis is necessary to
gain more insight into the complexities of the factors that contribute
to educational outcomes. Methodologically, an aggregate cross-sectional
snapshot of the average effects of the variables used in our analysis
limits our understanding of the phenomena at hand. Longitudinal,
multilevel, and qualitative studies would be useful in shedding more
light upon the processes of attainment in these diverse communities. In
terms of variables, cultural content and the use of traditional language
in the educational system are obvious directions to proceed. As
mentioned earlier, our focus upon grade 12 and 13 students is
intentional; it is a critical point in the educational system in many
respects, given that it functions as a minimum entry point into both the
job market and post-secondary education institutions. However, further
work on the effects of community level characteristics at various points
in the educational system is needed. Work by White et al. (2004)
indicates that the transition to high school from elementary school is
problematic as educational success measures decline substantially for
First Nations. Do the variables used in this model explain educational
success at lower levels of the educational system? Are the effects of
these variables constant at all levels of the educational system? Are
variables absent from this analysis that are fundamental for explaining
educational success at lower levels of the educational system?
Stakeholders, including policy makers, require this type of research to
arm them with the knowledge necessary to develop and implement
meaningful social policy, programs, and initiatives at strategic points
in the educational system.
From a policy perspective, this research does not provide a recipe
for the educational success of First Nations. However, a policy lens
that recognizes community effects as more than the sum of the individual
level characteristics of members of the community is a step in the right
direction. Moreover, our findings indicate that policy, programming, and
initiatives aimed at the following areas would potentially yield
positive results:
1. Supporting communities through long-term sustainable initiatives
with a high proportion of single parents to offset economic disadvantage
and associated social problems.
2. Providing resources of various kinds that reinforce the
importance of both youth and education as priorities in a community; for
example, creating public meeting places, opportunities for exchange and
interaction in a community can facilitate the development and
reinforcement of these community norms.
3. Building social capital in communities to enhance outcomes. (27)
This process is particularly important where there is a high rate of
community problems (e.g., crime, family disintegration).
4. Promoting community capacity strategies and economic development
in a manner that promotes a highly educated populace.
5. Data collected in future surveys must capture detailed
individual as well as contextual level variables. It is difficult to
make definitive claims on any phenomenon without good data. Efforts can
be focused on collecting high quality data and, where possible, data
that is amendable to multi-level analyses.
More informed policy can only be made after data have been
collected that will provide meaningful insights into the processes of
the trends documented in this research.
What can we conclude from this study? Instituting social policy
that can foster the development of human capital in the Aboriginal
population is a key starting point to economic development and the
well-being of communities. Thus, improving the rates of educational
success of Aboriginal students in the educational system is paramount.
We know that the structural components of society impact on the
decisions individuals make in their day-to-day lives. Decisions are
always made in a given social context. If that social context is not
supportive or conducive to staying in school, then we can expect poor
educational attainment outcomes. Our regression analysis has shown that
the social structure of the community affects educational success. Thus,
educational policy can only be examined in the context of other social
policy. Through further research, it is our hope that more light can be
shed upon the key determinants of human capital in Aboriginal
communities. While we are edging closer to articulating the process
through which these determinants operate to affect educational outcomes,
we have much to learn. Utilizing and combining various modes of research
(qualitative/quantitative) will be very useful. Given the paucity of
research in understanding the structural issues surrounding educational
attainment in Aboriginal communities, we see this as an area ripe for
much theorization and deliberation.
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(1.) In 1996, the Government of Canada convened a Royal Commission
to examine the social, economic, cultural, and political situation of
Canada's Aboriginal population. The thirty-five thousand page
report is an extensive investigation of conditions with many
(2.) This study builds on work by White et at. 2004.
(3.) See http://justice.gc.calen/const/annex_e.html for a copy of
the act. The federal government subsequently enacted the Indian Act and
has maintained that its statutory authority in education extends only to
those individuals defined as "Indians--persons with status--within
the terms of the Indian Act." Federal responsibility is limited by
Section 91(24) and by the Indian Act, Section 4(3), Sections 114-122,
which further assigns jurisdiction based on residence.
(4.) A clear example is the issue of native language instruction in
schools. Language and culture are thought to play vital roles in the
improvement of attainment since the preservation of traditional
languages is extremely important for all Aboriginal peoples (King 1993;
see also Ledlow 1992; White and Cook 2001). Kaulback (1984) states that
students from some cultures may have a different way of processing
information than those children who have been raised in mainstream
culture. Despite the call for more traditional culture and language in
the curriculum by First Nations, there has been a slow institutional
uptake. Moreover, there seems to be little research into how this is
accomplished and a lack of good data to do any rigorous testing.
(5.) The higher percentage in this category reflects the large
number of training courses offered to Registered Indians through Indian
and Northern Affairs Canada programming.
(6.) It is useful to differentiate between Registered, status, or
treaty Indians (those who are registered under the Indian Act of Canada)
and other Aboriginals. Treaty Indians are persons who are registered
under the Indian Act of Canada and can prove descent from a band that
signed a treaty. The other Aboriginal population includes all of those
individuals who report Aboriginal identity but are not Registered
Indians. It includes those who identify themselves as Metis, Inuit, or
North American Indian and those with multiple Aboriginal or Aboriginal
and non-Aboriginal identities.
(7.) Returns to education can be observed in a number of social
outcomes such as income and health as well as community well-being.
(8.) Educational outcomes are a product of numerous effects at the
micro and macro levels of analysis. The best approach to address this
methodological issue is to use multilevel models. Multilevel models have
been used in modelling educational outcomes to separate out the various
levels of influence, for example, school and community effects as well
as individual level effects (e.g., Goldstein 1995). Unfortunately, the
researchers were unable to secure individual data to match individuals
to communities because of confidentiality issues. Nevertheless, this
paper is useful as it provides a model of educational outcomes that
focuses on community effects as opposed to basic descriptive data.
Particularly in the areas of population health, community level
variables have gained prominence in the social sciences in recent years.
(9.) Band school authorities make several important points for not
requiring their schools to take existing provincial assessment programs,
such as the biases of the measures, unfair comparisons with provincial
schools, and the potential loss of autonomy and control over their
community's education (Bell 2004).
(10.) Property laws and band practices tend to favour the male
keeping the reserve residence, which can force women to migrate to
cities. Thus, although spousal abuse and sexist formal laws and
practices are both linked to the sex ratio, these effects cannot be
distinguished using this measure alone.
(11.) We use data from 1996 because the 2001 Department of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development program data is not currently
(12.) Approximately 2% of cases had missing data and were deleted
from the analysis.
(13.) Please contact the authors regarding questions related to the
derivation of variables.
(14.) These three variables are analytically and statistically
independent. Statistically, we found that the variables do not come
close to any known criteria for constituting a scale. The Pearson's
correlation coefficient between the three variables are as follows: r
(age appropriate rate, graduate rate) = 0.101; r (age appropriate rate,
withdrawal rate)= - 0.259; r (graduate rate, withdrawal rate) = -0.303).
(15.) The equation for the age-appropriate measure is provided
Age Appropriate Rate = Number of Age appropriate/Total
Total = Age - appropriate + Not Age - appropriate
Age - appropriate = (Age - 7) - grade, which will result in a value
< 0
Not age - appropriate = (Age - 7) - grade, which will result in a
value >=0.
We used a more generous 7 years instead of the usual 6 years as our
age-appropriate base level for grade one to account for the likelihood
that students on reserve would not be age-appropriate compared to the
rest of the population as a result of a higher rate of absenteeism.
(16.) See table 1 for the mean values for all variables.
(17.) "Minimum" refers to the minimum accepted level of
educational attainment in general Canadian society. Non-completion of
high school is considered an absolute liability to economic involvement.
Ontario was the only province with grade 13 in the dataset, and one
might, therefore, expect rates to differ; however, an analysis of the
data found no significant difference between Ontario and the rest of the
(18.) INAC uses four zones used to describe isolation, but because
of low frequency counts in zones three and four we have combined them.
(19.) Our decision to group families with three or more children
into one category is based on a few important reasons: 1) we feel that
issues related to family size do not change at three and over; 2) the
proportion of families with four, five, six, etc children, are very
small and the analytic value diminishes with the increasing number of
categories. Thus, the low end is more important to capture for the
(20.) Measurement error is created by the rounding of data in the
Census to protect the privacy of individuals in bands with small
populations; however, the implications are trivial for this analysis.
(21.) The data does not distinguish between occupations on and off
reserve. The coefficient ranges from zero to one, as given by the
following formula:
1- E ([P.sub.i.sup.2])
[P.sub.i] = population in occupation i/total population in all
i= 1 ... 12
Note that 'i' is indicative of twelve different
occupations: management, administration, clerical, science, health, law,
teaching, art, sales, food/travel, construction/trades, and
manufacturing, machine operation and primary industries.
(22.) The graduate rate (Statistics = 1.446, Std. Deviation =
1.625) and withdrawal rate (Statistic = 1.625, Std. Error .121) were
transformed to reduce skewness, resulting in the square root
transformation of the graduate rate (Statistic = .020, Std. Error =
.121) and withdrawal rate (Statistic .260, Std. Error = .121).
(23.) Deriving theoretical explanations for suppression results is
questionable unless these findings are replicated (Maassen and Baker
2001 ). Moreover, it is recommended that any attempts to test fur the
presence of a suppression effect should be based on a priori assumptions
about the theoretical relation between the variables and the role of the
suppressor variable (MacKinnon et at. 2000). The idea of suppressor
variables and their utility has come under scrutiny by many. Readers are
advised to read the discussions on this issue in Wiggins 1973; Cohen and
Cohen 1975; Pedhazur 1982; Maassen and Baker 2001.
(24.) Structural approaches to examining social issues have
underscored the effects of social norms on a number of social outcomes
(e.g., Durkheim 1979; Kawachi et al. 1997; Rose 1992; White et al.
(25.) The Alberta Aboriginal Apprenticeship Program has been
heralded as groundbreaking and extremely successful. The premise of the
program is that apprenticeship training is essentially congruent with
the core values of Aboriginal culture (Alberta Human Resource
Development Council of Canada 2004). Thus, we are not surprised to find
a positive effect on educational success.
(26.) The entire domain of the concept "educational
success" is vast. Indicators of educational success are numerous,
such as standardized testing, employment rates after graduation, average
earnings after graduation, student attitudes/self evaluations, etc., and
we are limited in terms of the number of indicators available to use due
to the availability of data. Conceptual debates on the content validity of this concept continue (OECD 2007).
(27.) A recent study by White et at. (2005) confirms the payoffs of
using the social capital lens in developing Aboriginal educational
programming and policy.
NICHOLAS SPENCE is a post-doctoral fellow in the department of
Sociology and a member of the Aboriginal Policy Research Consortium
(International) at the University of Western Ontario. His research
interests include health, work/labor, human capital development, and
inequality. He has written several articles and books, including
Aboriginal Well-Being: Canada's Continuing Challenge and Permission
to Develop: Aboriginal Treaties, Case Law and Regulations.
JERRY WHITE is senior advisor to the vice-president, director of
the Aboriginal Policy Research Consortium (International), and professor
of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. He has written and
co-written twelve books and numerous articles on health care and
Aboriginal policy, including Aboriginal Conditions: Research as a
Foundation for Public Policy.
PAUL MAXIM is associate vice-president (research) at Wilfred
Laurier University. His primary research interests are in demographic
processes and the socio-economic participation of Aboriginal people in
Canadian society. His publications include Aboriginal Conditions:
Research as a Foundation for Public Policy and Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Variables
Variable N=397 Mean Std. Dev.
Dependent Measures
Age Appropriate Rate .468 .249
Withdrawal Rate .178 .210
Graduate Rate .198 .206
0 to 50 km .312 .464
51 to 350 km .491 .501
More than 350 km .197 .398
School Type
Proportion of band school attendance .214 .317
Proportion of provincial school attendance .772 .320
Proportion of federal and private .014 .072
schools attendance
Sex ratio (female to 100 males) 92.7:100 10.965
Age ratio (0-14 to 100-15+) 55.9:100 20.259
Proportion of married adults .324 .120
Proportion of single adults .530 .128
Proportion of separated, divorced .146 .062
and widowed adults
Proportion of families with no children .188 .169
Proportion of families with one child .262 .183
Proportion of families with two children .230 .167
Proportion of families with three .321 .200
or more children
Ratio of employed to total population 39.5:100 12.356
of working age
Income of population 15 years and 7742.00 6981.15
over (Canadian $)
Human Capital
Proportion of adults with no high .557 .176
school graduation diploma
Proportion of adults with high .065 .051
school graduation diploma
Proportion of adults with trade .242 .128
certificate or other non-university,
post-secondary education
Proportion of adults with some .112 .094
university (no degree)
Proportion of adults with bachelors .024 .033
degree or higher
Occupational diversity .795 .126
* Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding.
Table 2. Hierarchical Regression of Age Appropriate Rate, Withdrawal
Rate, and Graduate Rate on Community Level Predictor
Age Appropriate
Rate n=397
Step 1: Isolation --
0 to 50 km (Reference)
51 to 350 km -.042
More than 350 km -.074
F change (df, df) 8.613 (2, 394) ***
[R.sup.2] change .042
Step 2: School Type
Proportion of band school
attendance (Omitted)
Proportion of provincial .116
school attendance
Proportion of federal and -.057
private schools attendance
F change (df, df) 4.445 (2, 392) *
[R.sup.2] change .021
Step 3: Demographic
Female to male ratio -.032
Age ratio .004
Proportion of married
adults (Omitted)
Proportion of single adults -.203 **
Proportion of separated, -.016
divorced and widowed adults
Proportion of families
with no children (Omitted)
Proportion of families -.038
with one child
Proportion of families .082
with two children
Proportion of families -.038
with three or more children
F change (df, df) 3.312 (7, 385) **
[R.sup.2] change .053
Step 4: Economic
Ratio of employed to total -.095
population of working age
Average income of population -.020
15 years and over
F change (df, df) 0.232 (2, 383)
[R.sup.2] change .001
Step 5: Human Capital
Proportion of adults with no
high school graduation
diploma (Omitted)
Proportion of adults with -.022
high school graduation
Proportion of adults with
trade certificate or other
non-university, post- .188 **
secondary education
Proportion of adults with -.016
some university (no
Proportion of adults with .085
bachelors degree or
Occupational diversity .081
F change (df, df) 2.857 (5, 378) *
[R.sup.2] change .032
Full Model
F test (df, df) 3.693 (18, 378) ***
[R.sup.2] Total .150
[R.sup.2] Total (adjusted) .109
(Square root of)
Rate n=397
Step 1: Isolation --
0 to 50 km (Reference)
51 to 350 km -.035
More than 350 km .008
F change (df, df) 0.66 (2, 394)
[R.sup.2] change .003
Step 2: School Type
Proportion of band school
attendance (Omitted)
Proportion of provincial .004
school attendance
Proportion of federal and .072
private schools attendance
F change (df, df) 5.099 (2, 392) **
[R.sup.2] change .025
Step 3: Demographic
Female to male ratio -.079
Age ratio .084
Proportion of married
adults (Omitted)
Proportion of single adults .137 *
Proportion of separated, .071
divorced and widowed adults
Proportion of families
with no children (Omitted)
Proportion of families -.005
with one child
Proportion of families -.042
with two children
Proportion of families -.138
with three or more children
F change (df, df) 2.363 (7, 385) *
[R.sup.2] change .040
Step 4: Economic
Ratio of employed to total .121 *
population of working age
Average income of population .058
15 years and over
F change (df, df) 2.502 (2, 383)
[R.sup.2] change .012
Step 5: Human Capital
Proportion of adults with no
high school graduation
diploma (Omitted)
Proportion of adults with .018
high school graduation
Proportion of adults with
trade certificate or other
non-university, post- .121
secondary education
Proportion of adults with -.103
some university (no
Proportion of adults with -.163 **
bachelors degree or
Occupational diversity -.048
F change (df, df) .414 (5, 378) **
[R.sup.2] change .051
Full Model
F test (df, df) 3.176 (18, 378) ***
[R.sup.2] Total .131
[R.sup.2] Total (adjusted) .090
(Square Root of)
Graduate Rate
Step 1: Isolation --
0 to 50 km (Reference)
51 to 350 km .071
More than 350 km .008
F change (df, df) .778 (2, 394)
[R.sup.2] change .004
Step 2: School Type
Proportion of band school
attendance (Omitted)
Proportion of provincial .080
school attendance
Proportion of federal and .053
private schools attendance
F change (df, df) 1.957 (2, 392) *
[R.sup.2] change .010
Step 3: Demographic
Female to male ratio -.024
Age ratio -.239 ***
Proportion of married
adults (Omitted)
Proportion of single adults -.219 **
Proportion of separated, -.087
divorced and widowed adults
Proportion of families
with no children (Omitted)
Proportion of families .109
with one child
Proportion of families .222***
with two children
Proportion of families .312***
with three or more children
F change (df, df) 5.916 (7, 385) ***
[R.sup.2] change .096
Step 4: Economic
Ratio of employed to total -.161 **
population of working age
Average income of population .017
15 years and over
F change (df, df) 3.006 (2, 383) (++)
[R.sup.2] change .014
Step 5: Human Capital
Proportion of adults with no
high school graduation
diploma (Omitted)
Proportion of adults with .056
high school graduation
Proportion of adults with
trade certificate or other
non-university, post- -.005
secondary education
Proportion of adults with .148 **
some university (no
Proportion of adults with .064
bachelors degree or
Occupational diversity .040
F change (df, df) 2.277 (5, 378) (++)
[R.sup.2] change .026
Full Model
F test (df, df) 3.676 (18, 378) ***
[R.sup.2] Total .149
[R.sup.2] Total (adjusted) .108
Note: Standardized ([beta]) coefficients are from the final regression
model, with the exception of the isolation block as it is a categorical
variable and uses unstandardized (B) coefficients. Coefficients for
'Reference' and 'Omitted' categories are not entered into the model
to avoid singularity. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.
(++) p<.055 and in the case of the final regression coefficients, (B)
is also meaningful; therefore, we chose to interpret this coefficient