Ahmed Abdel Magied; Hameeda Alhadi Hashim; Nahid Abed Elkarim Bashir and Sabah Alhadi Hashim (2006). Evaluation of Antenatal Care Services in Three Health Centers--Case Study: Alhetana, Abdel Monaim and Al Razi Health Centers.
Magied, Ahmed Abdel
Ahmed Abdel Magied; Hameeda Alhadi Hashim; Nahid Abed Elkarim
Bashir and Sabah Alhadi Hashim (2006). Evaluation of Antenatal Care
Services in Three Health Centers--Case Study: Alhetana, Abdel Monaim and
Al Razi Health Centers. School of Health Sciences, Ahfad University for
Women. Omdurman.
In this study the ANC services in three health centers were
investigated. The target groups were 300 pregnant women (100 from each
health center) plus the health providers from the three health centers.
Primary data were collected through designed and pre-tested
questionnaires for pregnant women and check list of questions for the
health providers and other staff members of the three health centers.
The collected data from pregnant women was manually analyzed and the
results were presented in the form of tables of frequency and
percentage. The feed back from health providers and other staff members
was also recorded.
The study revealed that the majority of pregnant respondents from
the three health centers were within the age group 19-34 years. A good
percentage (60-65%) had low monthly income (100.000-150.000 SDG) and the
cost of visiting the centers was average (10.000-15.000 SDG), which was
thought suitable for their income.
The attitude of the doctors and technicians towards the respondents
was good. Laboratory investigations were conducted in reasonable time
and they were able to see the doctors in the same day.
Nutritionists and psychologists were generally not available and if
available were not involved in ANC. The standard of cleanliness in the
centers was high. Follow up cards system were available and the cards
were kept by the pregnant women. However, personal files for proper
follow up were not available in the three health centers.
Relevant recommendations that include improved quality of ANC to
conform to WHO standards were made. Those should be evaluated
periodically in the three health centers.