Field, Tiffany M. ; Scafidi, Frank ; Pickens, Jeffrey 等
This study investigated the effects of an intervention for
polydrug-using adolescent mothers. The program included educational,
vocational, and parenting classes; social and drug rehab; and day care
for their infants while they attended school half-day. The drug-exposed
infants were similar to the nonexposed infants on traditional birth
measures, although they had inferior Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral
Assessment Scale scores, including habituation, orientation, abnormal
reflexes, general irritability, and regulatory capacity. The
drug-exposed infants also spent less time in quiet sleep and more time
crying and showing stress behaviors. Both the mothers and the infants in
the drug groups demonstrated inferior interactions, and their dopamine and serotonin levels were significantly higher. As early as 3 months
(following 3 months of intervention), the drug rehab mothers and their
infants looked more like the nondrug group in their interactions; by 6
months, they looked similar on virtually every measure. At 12 months,
the infants of drug rehab mothers (versus the drug control group) had
superior Early Social Communication Scale scores and Bayley Mental scale
scores, as well as significantly greater head circumference and fewer
pediatric complications. The drug rehab mothers also improved on several
lifestyle variables. They demonstrated a lower incidence of continued
drug use and repeat pregnancy, and a greater number continued school,
received a high school or general equivalency diploma, or were placed in
a job. Thus, a relatively cost-effective high school based intervention
had positive effects on both adolescent mothers who had used drugs and
their infants.
The incidence of cocaine use among pregnant women has been reported
at about 10%, although in some areas it is as high as 28% (Singer,
Garber, & Kliegman, 1991). Polydrug use has also become more
frequent, with the majority of cocaine users also abusing marijuana,
alcohol, or cigarettes, or a combination of these (Chasnoff, 1988;
Gibson, Baghurst, & Colby, 1983). Cocaine use during pregnancy is
associated with a number of perinatal complications, including premature
birth, intrauterine growth retardation, diminished head circumference,
and major congenital malformations (Burkett, Yasin, & Palow, 1990;
Coles, Platzman, Smith, James, & Falek, 1991; Hadeed & Siegel,
1989; Porat & Brodsky, 1991; Rosenak, Diamont, Yaffe, &
Hornstein, 1990). No specific cocaine syndrome has yet been described
(cf. fetal alcohol syndrome), and the deficits that have been observed
may relate to the higher incidence of SGA (small for gestational age),
lower Apgar scores, lower birthweight, and smaller head circumference
reported for cocaine-exposed infants. Nonetheless, the signs of fetal
stress, including increased heart rate, lower vagal tone, and lower
Apgar scores, do suggest central nervous system involvement (Richards,
Kulkarni, & Bremner, 1990). Less subtle abnormalities include
cerebral infarction and EEG, BAER, and ultrasonographic or
pneunaographic abnormalities (Chasnoff, Hevet, Kletter, & Kaplan,
1989; Dixon & Bejar, 1989; Doberczak, Shanzer, Senie, & Kandall,
Despite these less optimal neonatal outcomes, there is a paucity of
developmental follow-up studies on cocaine-exposed infants. Those
studies suggest the importance of using more sensitive measures than
standardized tests, because the early delays/deficits are more subtle.
For example, unlike other drug-exposed newborns, very few withdrawal
symptoms have been reported for cocaine-exposed neonates, although some
have reported tremulousness, irritability, wakefulness/restlessness,
hypertonia, and abnormal reflexes (Livesay, Ehrlick, & Finnegan,
1987; Rosecan & Gross, 1986), highlighting the importance of
observing sleep patterns and reflex behaviors. While neonates exposed to
cocaine display fewer overt withdrawal signs than do infants exposed to
heroin or methadone, aberrations in neurobehavioral status, motor tone,
and crying, feeding, and cardiorespiratory patterns have been noted
(Chasnoff, Burns, & Burns, 1987; Chasnoff, Burns, Schnoll, &
Burns, 1985).
A recent observational study on the behavior of cocaine-exposed
newborns noted more obstetric complications, smaller head circumference,
and a greater number of withdrawal symptoms (Eisen, Field, Bandstra,
Roberts, Morrow, Larson & Steele, 1991). In addition, these
polydrug-exposed infants were slower to habituate. In a pilot study by
Larson and Field (1989), cocaine-exposed infants were found to have
depressed vagal tone, suggesting a parasympathetic-sympathetic
imbalance. Given the literature on the relationship between low vagal
tone and low developmental scores later in infancy, this group may be at
risk for delays in cognitive development. It is also noteworthy that
dopamine levels were depressed in the cocaine-exposed newborns. Dopamine
depletion has recently been implicated in habituation disturbances in
the rat model (Simonik, Robinson, & Smotherman, 1994). It is
interesting in that light that both dopamine depletion and habituation
deficits were reported for cocaine-exposed infants.
In a recent study (Wheeden, Scafidi, Field, Ironson, Bandstra,
Schanberg, & Valdeon, 1993), cocaine-exposed infants were massaged
(30 minutes per day for 10 days). Compared with cocaine-exposed infants
who were not massaged and preintervention baseline data, they gained
more weight (8 grams more per day), they were less irritable, they
showed superior habituation scores, their vagal tone was higher
following massage, and their norepinephrine and dopamine levels
significantly increased over the 10-day period (much like the normal
developmental increase expected at this time).
Apparently even infants born to mothers who discontinue cocaine use
after the first trimester display abnormal neurobehavioral cluster
scores on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, as
compared with drug-free controls (Chasnoff, Griffith, & MacGregor,
1989). These infants have shown significantly worse scores on the state
organization cluster, suggesting that they had more difficulty staying
in an alert state and remaining behaviorally organized (Chasnoff et al.,
1985). In another study, inferior performance was noted for
cocaineexposed infants on four of the Brazelton clusters: orientation,
motor, state regulation, and abnormal reflexes (Griffith, Chasnoff,
Dirkes, & Burns, 1989; Burns, 1987). Different patterns of state
control were noted, including infants falling into deep sleep in
response to stimulation; infants attempting to fall into deep sleep to
avoid stimulation, but showing some disorganization, such as startling
and irregular breathing; and infants who vacillated between using bot h
sleeping and crying to shut themselves off from excessive stimulation.
The orientation abilities of these infants were also limited.
Others have reported inferior performance on the Brazelton scale
during the first month of life, including poorer motor responses and
poorer autonomic regulation and more abnormal reflexes (Coles et al.,
1991). Both the terms excitable and depressed, or overstimulated and
underaroused, have been used to describe cocaine-exposed infants
(Lester, Corwin, Sepkoski, Seiper, Peucker, McLaughlin, & Golub,
1991; Singer, Farkas. & Kliegman, 1992). Lester et al. (1991), for
example, described two types of cries, one being higher intensity/high
frequency and the second being lower intensity. Griffith, Chasnoff,
Dirkes, and Burns (1989) reported that cocaine-exposed infants were
highly aroused, while Magnano, Gardner, and Karmel (1992) noted that
these infants looked in the direction of high-intensity sounds as if
seeking additional stimulation.
Chasnoff, Bussey, Savich, and Stack (1986) noted subtle delays in
motor development in later infancy. Schneider (1988) found that
cocaine-exposed infants had significantly poorer scores on muscle tone,
primitive reflexes, and volitional movement; 43% of these infants were
at high risk for motor development delays and dysfunction. Rodning,
Beckwith, and Howard (1989) noted that toddlers who were prenatally
exposed to drugs demonstrated difficulty modulating arousal and abnormal
emotional responses. For example, these toddlers did not show typical
distress responses when separated from attachment figures. In a study on
grade school children, those who were exposed to cocaine were compared
with ADHD children; more disturbed classroom behaviors were observed for
the former, including more fidgeting, staring into space, off-task
behavior, attention-seeking, noncompliant behavior with teachers, and
aggressive behavior with peers (Field, 1994). Their Achenbach and
Conners scores were also more problematic and in th e clinical range for
externalizing problems, and they scored high on the Center for
Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.
Maternal Depression
Depression is a serious problem in drug-using mothers, and
compounds the effects of drugs on their infants (Finnegan, 1988; Regan,
Rudranf, & Finnegan, 1980; Reynolds & Gould, 1981; Burns,
Melamed, Burns, Chasnoff, & Hatcher, 1985; Zuckerman, Amaroh, &
Cabral, 1989). Across studies, more than 50% of the drug-using mothers
were moderately to severely depressed (as indicated by Beck Depression
Inventory scores above 16), which is not surprising given the problems
they experienced, including poverty, legal difficulties, homelessness,
lack of social support, loss of children to foster care, and ongoing
relationships with drug-abusing or alcoholic men (Finnegan, 1988).
Depressed women have been found to be less involved and
affectionate with their infants (Weissman, Paykel, & Clerman, 1972).
During mother-infant interactions, depressed mothers are less
spontaneous, happy, vocal, proximal, and reciprocal (Cohn, Campbell,
Matias, & Hopkins, 1990; Sameroff, Seifer, & Zacks, 1982).
Because social interactions between mothers and infants are thought to
be critical to language development, problem-solving ability, mastery
motivation, and social competence, research on the effects of maternal
depression has focused on these early interaction disturbances
(Clarke-Stewart, 1973; Ratner & Brunner, 1978; Yarrow, Rubenstein,
& Pederson, 1973; Waters, Whippman, & Sroufe, 1979). Although
most infants and children of depressed mothers are at risk for
significant social, emotional, and cognitive deficits, the potential for
these problems in the drug-exposed infants of depressed mothers is even
greater because there are now two disturbed members of the dyad, the
drug use affecting both the mother and the infant (Burns & Burns,
Early Interventions
Most interventions for cocaine-using women have been directed at
the prenatal period, with significant positive effects (Chasnoff, 1988).
More recent programs feature postpartum intervention components
(Zuckerman, Frank, & Hingson, 1989; Zuckerman, Amaroh, & Cabral,
1989). In contrast to the absence of data on postpartum interventions
for cocaine-using mothers and their infants, there is a rapidly growing
literature on drug rehabilitation programs for cocaine-abusing adults. A
recent review of this literature has suggested that outpatient treatment
is at least as effective as inpatient treatment (Gawin & Ellinwood,
1988). In three studies, two on alcohol (Fink, Longabaugh, McCrady,
Stout, Beattie, Ruggieri-Authelet, & McNeil, 1985; Hayashida,
Alterman, McLellan, O'Brien, Purtill, Volpicelli, Raphaelson, &
Hall, 1989) and one on cocaine (Rawson, Obert, McCann, & Mann,
1986), follow-up clinical outcome was superior, treatment was shorter,
and costs were lower for outpatients than for inpatients. In addition, s
everal studies have suggested that hospitalization is not necessary,
since stimulants such as cocaine do not produce medically dangerous
withdrawal symptoms. However, a wide range of success (abstinence) has
been reported (from 30% to 90%) (Gawin & Ellinwood, 1988). The
absence of data on interventions for cocaine-using mothers, particularly
teenagers, and their infants highlights the importance of further
Field, Widmayer, Stringer, and Ignatoff (1980) studied the effects
of a school-based intervention on low-SES teenage mothers (who were not
drug users) and their infants. The intervention program provided parent
training, job training, and a minimum-wage income for the teenage
mothers. The mothers served as teacher aide trainees in a nursery that
provided daytime care for infants of medical school faculty and staff.
The 6-month on-the-job training took place during the teenage
mothers' nonschool hours. The mothers not only received training in
infant stimulation exercises, but also were exposed to modeling of
parenting and child-care techniques by the staff, were involved in
care-giving for their own and other infants for extended periods, and
received the socioeconomic benefits of job training and a steady income.
At one year of age, the intervention infants' weight, interactions,
and motor skills had improved. The mothers also benefited; their rate of
employment or return to school was higher and the incide nce of repeat
pregnancy was lower. The nursery intervention was cost-effective
inasmuch as it provided a service for medical faculty and staff and
facilitated improvement in both the socioeconomic status of teenage
mothers and the development of their infants. The purpose of the present
study was to assess the effects of a similar intervention program on
polydrug-using adolescent mothers and their infants.
The sample included 126 young mothers (ages 16-21) who had not
completed high school and who had or had not used drugs during
pregnancy. Urine toxicology screens were used to assess drug exposure
near the time of delivery. Specific immunoassays (EMIT, Syva) for
cocaine metabolite (benzylecgonine), opiates, and marijuana were
performed. Infant urine screens were limited to three assays: cocaine
metabolite, cannabinoids, and opiates. Based on these urine screens,
mothers and infants were assigned to a nondrug, drug control, or drug
intervention group at the neonatal period. The mothers, on average, were
18 years old, had 10.3 years of education, and their socioeconomic
status was 4.4 on the Hollingshead Index. Approximately 64% were African
American, 27% Hispanic, and 10% non-Hispanic White.
Maternal Demographic and Interview Measures
Maternal depression was determined by the mothers' responses
on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mach,
& Erbaugh, 1961) and the Depression Inventory Schedule (DISC; Robins
et al., 1981). The DISC allows lay interviewers or clinicians to make
psychiatric diagnoses according to DSM-III and other recognized
criteria. Its psychometric properties have been established by a set of
epidemiological studies sponsored by the National Institute of Mental
Health. It includes all diagnoses of the Research Diagnostic Criteria
and several of the DSM-III, which allowed confounding diagnoses in the
depressed cocaine-exposed group to be identified (e.g., antisocial
personality). It was also used to classify other drug dependencies
(e.g., alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana).
The BDI is a 21-item questionnaire, with each item scored on a
4-point scale indicating the presence and severity of depressed
feelings/behaviors/symptoms. It is among the most commonly employed
instruments in research on nonclinically depressed samples. Mothers who
receive a score of less than 9 on the BDI are typically classified as
nondepressed, and mothers with a score of greater than 12 are usually
classified as depressed.
The Background Stress Interview (Field, 1980) was administered to
determine whether the mothers were depressed as a function of
differences in background stress. This 42-item interview yields an
estimate of socioeconomic status and a composite score based on items
assessing the amount of social support the mother is currently
receiving, the degree of stress she is experiencing in her child-rearing
role, the self-recalled stress from her own childhood, as well as
currently stressful home environment features, such as crowding (Field,
Healy, Goldstein, Perry, Bendell, Schanberg, Zimmerman, & Kuhn,
1988). All of these scales were administered in an interview format to
avoid problems associated with subjects' different reading levels.
The Problem Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers (POSIT;
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1987) was administered to the mothers
to screen for social, emotional, and behavioral problems. This 139-item
questionnaire measures various social, familial, physical, and mental
stressors. Items are grouped into ten subscales (functional areas):
Substance Use/Abuse, Physical Health Status, Mental Health Status,
Family Relations, Peer Relations, Educational Status, Vocational Status,
Social Skills, Leisure and Recreation, and Aggressive
Behavior/Delinquency. The POSIT reportedly is a good measure for
discriminating between adolescents known to have problems (in treatment)
and those without problems (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1987).
Subjects scoring above the clinical cutoff or having "flagged"
items are administered a series of additional scales (the Comprehensive
Assessment Battery) for more extensive assessment.
Measures of drug rehab progress, including random checks of
maternal urine, were administered at 1-month intervals and at all
assessment periods to ensure compliance with the program and to assess
abstinence. Screens included an EMIT for cocaine, a thin layer
chromatography on narcotics, and an alcohol screen.
Life tasks behavior was also assessed, including attendance at the
drug rehab program, progress on GED/high school diploma completion,
vocational training opportunities pursued, full-time employment, work
missed or job loss due to alcohol/drug use, arrests, and residential
Neonatal Assessment
Perinatal and postnatal complications were assessed using the
Littman and Parmelee Obstetric and Postnatal Complications Scales
(Littman & Parmelee, 1978). These scales have been widely used with
high-risk infants. The Pediatric Complications Scale, designed by the
same authors, quantifies continuing medical problems (e.g., respiratory
illnesses) that require pediatric and hospital care. This scale was
completed at the follow-up assessments.
Growth was measured (weight, length, and head circumference) and
neurological exams were performed at each assessment period.
The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS;
Brazelton, 1973) was administered midway between feedings and following
the sleep session observations. The scale consists of 20 neurological
reflex items and 27 items constituting 7 factors: habituation,
orientation, motor behavior, range of state, state regulation, autonomic
stability, and abnormal reflexes (Lester, Als, & Brazelton, 1982).
Infants' withdrawal symptoms were assessed as positive or
negative on the 12 items of the abbreviated Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome (NWS) Checklist (Eisen et al., 1991) based on their behavior during
administration of the Brazelton scale. The items were compiled from
previous studies that looked at the behaviors of infants experiencing
ethanol and narcotic withdrawal.
Cortisol, catecholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, and
dopamine), 5-HIAA, and creatinine were assayed from urine. The focus was
on norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, as cocaine is thought to
inhibit uptake of these neurotransmitters both in the central and
peripheral nervous systems and because dopamine depletion was noted in a
pilot study. Twenty-four-hour urine collections from each assessment
period were analyzed for norepinephrine, epinephrine, and cortisol as
correlates of hypothalamic pituitary adreno activation, and 5-HIAA as a
measure of serotonin turnover. While these measures provide an estimate
of released neurotransmitters, several factors must be kept in mind in
evaluating the significance of urine analyses. First, an unchanged-
neurotransmitter reflects a small percentage of total excretion,
although for catecholamines the correlation with physiologically
released norepinephrine and epinephrine is quite good across development
(Kuhn, Schanberg, Field, Symanski, Zimmerman, Scafidi, & R oberts,
1991). Second, norepinephrine and 5-HIAA reflect release from both
peripheral and central neurons. As cocaine affects both similarly, this
presents less of a problem in evaluating cocaine effects globally. These
assays were performed as described previously (Kuhn et al., 1991).
Vagal tone was recorded during the last 15-minute period of the
sleep session when the infant was in a sleep state. The physiological
data were quantified by playing the tape-recorded EKG into a vagal tone
monitor developed by Porges (1985), a procedure that revealed the heart
period variability within the frequency band associated with spontaneous
breathing. This measure of respiratory sinus arrhythmia is the estimate
of vagal tone. Vagal tone was assessed at both the neonatal and 3-month
periods, providing an index of the development of the infants'
central nervous system integrity. In addition, this validated earlier
observations that vagal tone is depressed in cocaine-exposed infants.
Sleep/wake behavior was videotaped in compressed time for an
interfeeding interval (2-3 hours) before the Brazelton assessment was
performed. The videotapes were coded for all movements that occurred
during that period, according to the procedures used in other sleep
studies (Field, Schanberg, Scafidi, Bauer, Vega-Lahr, Garcia, Nystrom,
& Kuhn, 1986; Scafidi, Field, Schanberg, Bauer, Vega-Lahr, Garcia,
Nystrom, & Kuhn, 1986). Prior to sleep state coding, the examiner
was trained to .90 reliability. An adaptation of Thoman's Sleep
State Criteria was used to define sleep/wake behavior categories. Sleep
state patterns were assessed because of the sleep disturbances reported
for cocaine-exposed infants (Ward, Schuetz, Krishna, Bean, Wingert,
Wachsman, & Keen, 1986) and because of their predictive validity in
studies of other high-risk infants (Sigman & Parmelee, 1989).
Assessments at 3 and 6 Months
Mother-infant interactions were videotaped during feeding (newborn
period) and face-to-face play (when the infants were 3 and 6 months
old). For the 5-minute play interactions, the mothers were simply asked
to "pretend you are playing with your infant at home." The
infants were placed in an infant seat on a table approximately fifteen
inches from the face of the mother, who was seated at the table. Two
video cameras and a split-screen generator enabled simultaneous
monitoring of the mother's face and torso and the infant's
upper body. In addition, heart rate was simultaneously recorded. EKG
electrodes were placed on the right scapula, the lower left lateral
costal margin, and the lower left vertebral region just above the
waistline of the infants and mothers. Prior to and 20 minutes following
the interactions, saliva samples were taken from the mothers and infants
by placing a dental swab (dipped in lemonade crystals) along the gumline
to be subsequently assayed for cortisol levels to determine the
stressful effects of these interactions on the mother-infant dyads.
The videotapes were subsequently coded for a number of behaviors
that have been studied in previous research on depressed mother-infant
dyads, including, for the mother, anger/poke, disengage, elicit, and
play, and for the infant, protest, look-away, attend, and play. The
videotapes were rated on the Interaction Rating Scales (Field, 1980),
which are 3-point Likert-type scales measuring the following behaviors:
(1) infant's state, physical activity, head orientation, gaze
behavior, facial expressions, vocalizations, and fussiness; and (2)
mother's state, physical activity, head orientation, gaze behavior,
facial expressions, vocalizations, silence during infant gaze aversion,
imitative behaviors, contingent responsivity, and game playing (Field,
1980). These scales are averaged to obtain a summary rating for the
mother and for the infant. These scales have been used in many studies
on early mother-infant interactions, with interrater reliabilities
ranging from .81 to .96 (mean = .88).
Heart rate was analyzed using a vagal tone monitor, such that the
average heart rate and vagal tone could be estimated for each
interaction situation. The biochemical assays for norepinephrine,
epinephrine, dopamine, 5-HIAA (serotonin), cortisol, and creatinine were
again conducted.
A measure of neurological development (INFANIB; Ellison, Horn,
& Browing, 1985) was administered at 3 and 6 months. This 20-item
instrument (5 factors) assesses neurological integrity in infancy,
categorizing development as normal, transient abnormal, or abnormal. The
5 factors include collections of abnormal reflex patterns: (1)
spasticity (asymmetric tonic neck reflex, tonic labyrinthine in prone,
tonic labyrinthine in supine, and hands held open or closed); (2)
vestibular function (sideways, backwards, and forwards parachute); (3)
head and trunk (problems pulling to a sitting position, sitting, and
rotating body); (4) French angles (limited range of motion in upper and
lower extremities); and (5) legs (foot grasping and flexion and
standing). This scale is often used at 6 months to assess neurological
and motor development.
Assessment at 12 Months
The Early Social Communication Scales, the Bayley Scales of Infant
Development, and the physical measurements, in that order, were
administered after one year.
The Early Social Communication Scales were developed to measure
interactive behavior of infants by developmental level/complexity (from
simple to symbolic) and by communicative/pragmatic function (from social
attention to self to shared attention). The assessment procedure
involves a semistructured series of situations in which the tester
presents individual toys and engages the child in interactive games
(Seibert & Hogan, 1982; Seibert, Hogan, & Mundy, 1987).
The Bayley Scales of Infant Development include a Mental scale, a
Motor scale and an Infant Behavior record (Bayley, 1969). They are
well-standardized tests of infant development and measure a variety of
sensorimotor and temperament functions.
Intervention Program
The 4-month intervention program consisted of several components,
including drug and social rehab, parenting and vocational classes, and
relaxation therapy (aerobics, progressive muscle relaxation, music mood
induction, and massage therapy), and took place afternoons in a
vocational high school the mothers attended. Mornings were spent in high
school or GED prep classes. Their infants received day care while they
were in classes and the rehab program. In addition, the mothers spent
approximately 1-2 hours per day in the nursery school, helping to take
care of their infants. The nursery was designed for multilevel infant
enrichment and was staffed by a head teacher, two assistant teachers,
and three of the mothers, who served as teacher-aid trainees. It served
12 infants at a time.
Drug rehabilitation. This component followed the Rawson et al.
(1986) outpatient drug rehab curriculum and consisted of group therapy,
psychoeducational sessions, urine monitoring, self-help group sessions
(NA/AA), and individual and drug counseling. The participants were given
drug abuse, psychiatric, social, educational, and vocational
evaluations, from which individual treatment plans were developed.
Group therapy sessions focused on denial of drug use,
problem-solving, coping skills, altering life-styles, and the
twelve-step philosophy. The psychoeducational sessions included
presentations on addiction theories, medical complications of substance
dependency, family relationships, male-female interactions,
interpersonal skills, communication skills, assertiveness training,
empowerment, HIV and AIDS, sex education (including effective forms of
contraception, such as Norplant) and sexually transmitted diseases,
12-step programs, spirituality, and accessing health
care/social/vocational services.
Educational / vocational counseling. Since the mothers agreed to
complete high school or obtain a general equivalency diploma in order to
participate in this program, educational/vocational counseling, like
drug rehabilitation, was given top priority. They attended either high
school or GED prep classes in the morning, and were also provided job
counseling and referrals for job training at their vocational high
school and at the medical school (e.g., x-ray technician, nurse,
day-care teacher aid, computer operator). Every effort was made to place
mothers in vocational training programs prior to the end of the 4-month
intervention program. Similarly, at the end of the program, they were
provided assistance in finding stable living arrangements and affordable
day care for their infants.
Parenting classes. Mothers attended parenting classes two hours
each week. The classes were designed to educate the mothers on
developmental milestones and child-rearing practices, teach exercises
and age-appropriate stimulation for facilitating sensorimotor and
cognitive development of their infants, and facilitate mother-infant
interactions in order to develop communication skills and foster
harmonious mother-infant relationships (e.g., interaction coaching
enhanced the mothers' sensitivity to their infants'
Social rehab. This group was also scheduled for two hours per week.
It focused on daily living tasks and problems involving social support,
living arrangements, school, parenting, and relationships with parents,
friends, infants, and other group members. The teenagers' parents,
boyfriends, and friends were invited whenever it seemed indicated.
Relaxation therapy. This included progressive muscle relaxation,
music mood induction and visual imagery, massage therapy, and aerobics
classes. Significant positive effects of these types of relaxation have
been reported for adolescent psychiatric patients, including reduced
anxiety, depression, and cortisol levels (Platania-Solazzo, Field,
Blank, Seligman, Kuhn, Schanberg, & Saab, 1992), and reduced
nor-epinephrine and enhanced sleep (Field, Morrow, Valdeon, Larson,
Kuhn, & Schanberg, 1992).
Multivariate analyses of variance were conducted, followed by
univariate ANOVAs and post hoc Bonferroni t tests.
Demographic Variables
First, demographic variables were analyzed to determine whether any
background variables should be entered as covariates in the analyses. As
can be seen in Table 1, the mothers in the drug control, drug rehab, and
nondrug groups did not significantly differ in regard to maternal age,
education, socioeconomic status, and ethnic distribution.
Maternal Depression
As can be seen in Table 1, the drug groups had significantly higher
scores on the Beck Depression Inventory and significantly greater
incidence of major depression and dysthymia as measured by the DISC.
They also had more problematic background stress scores and higher
scores on the POSIT, indicating problems in the areas of substance
abuse, physical health, mental health, family relations, peer relations,
educational status, vocational status, social skills,
leisure/recreation, and aggressive behavior.
Birth Measures
MANOVA for the birth measures was not significant. The groups were
equivalent on the standard birth measures, including gestational age,
birth weight, birth length, head circumference, ponderal index, 5-minute
Apgar score, and obstetric and postnatal complications (see Table 2).
Neonatal Behavior Assessment
Despite the similarity on the standard birth measures, a MANOVA
revealed significant differences on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment
Scale. Subsequent ANOVAs and Bonferroni t tests suggested that the drug
groups received inferior scores on habituation, orientation, abnormal
reflexes, general irritability, and regulatory capacity (see Table 3).
Sleep/Wake Behaviors and Interaction Ratings
The MANOVA for the sleep/wake behaviors and interaction ratings was
also significant, and post hoc ANOVAs and Bonferroni t tests suggested
that quiet sleep occurred less frequently for the drug groups, and
crying and stress behaviors occurred more frequently (see Table 4). The
drug groups also had less optimal Interaction Rating Scale scores for
both the mothers and the infants.
Biochemical Measures
As can be seen in Table 5, there were also drug-nondrug differences
on the biochemical measures. The results of a MANOVA for the
mothers' values were significant, and post hoc ANOVAs indicated
that the drug groups had significantly higher levels of dopamine and
serotonin and lower levels of cortisol. The MANOVA for the infants was
also significant, and post hoc ANOVAs indicated that the infants in the
drug groups had higher norepinephrine levels and lower cortisol levels.
Findings at 3 Months
As can be seen in Table 6, ANOVAs and Bonferroni t tests revealed
that the Beck Depression Inventory and background stress scores at 3
months were significantly less optimal for the drug groups than for the
nondrug group. However, a MANOVA and the ANOVAs and Bonferroni t tests
revealed that the mothers and infants of the drug rehab and nondrug
groups had superior interaction ratings to those of the drug control
group. Vagal tone values were also higher for the drug rehab and nondrug
mothers than they were for the drug control group. In addition, salivary cortisol levels and change scores for the drug rehab mothers and infants
approximated those for the nondrug group, with values for both groups
lower than those for the drug control group, suggesting lower stress
levels. The results of a MANOVA for the infants' physical measures
were not significant.
Findings at 6 Months
MANOVA, ANOVAs, and Bonferroni t tests performed at 6 months (see
Table 6) indicated that the drug rehab group was beginning to
approximate the nondrug group on Beck Depression Inventory scores as
well as interaction ratings for both mothers and infants. Vagal tone
values were also lower for the mothers and infants in the drug control
group than they were for those in the drug rehab and nondrug groups. In
addition, cortisol levels and change scores for the drug rehab mothers
and infants approximated those for the nondrug group; the values for
both groups were lower than those for the drug control group, suggesting
lower stress levels. The results of a MANOVA for the infants'
physical measurements were also significant. ANOVAs and Bonferroni t
tests indicated that infants in the drug rehab and nondrug groups had
superior scores on head circumference and pediatric complications. Thus,
at 6 months, the drug rehab group was doing significantly better than
the drug control group and was approximating the nondrug group on
several measures.
The results of a MANOVA for the biochemical data at 6-month
follow-up were significant (see Table 7). ANOVAs and post hoc Bonferroni
t tests revealed that the drug rehab mothers were looking more like the
nondrug mothers, in a sense normalizing their values for epinephrine,
dopamine, and serotonin. Surprisingly, some of these values were higher
for the drug rehab and nondrug groups. The infants in the drug rehab and
nondrug groups had higher values than did those in the drug control
group for norepinephrine, epinephrine, and cortisol.
Findings at 12 Months
ANOVAs and Bonferroni t tests at 12 months revealed that the drug
rehab group had a lower mean Beck Depression Inventory score than did
the drug control group, as well as a more optimal background stress
score (see Table 8). Also, the incidence of repeat pregnancy and
continued drug use was lower in the drug rehab group than in the drug
control group, and higher percentages of the drug rehab mothers were
continuing school, had received their GED/diploma, and had been placed
in jobs. The results for the drug rehab group approximated those for the
nondrug group on several of these lifestyle variables.
The results of a MANOVA for the developmental variables were
significant, and ANOVAs and post hoc Bonferroni t tests revealed that
the drug rehab group had more optimal scores on the Early Social
Communication Scales (responding, initiating, and maintaining) than did
the drug control group, with scores approximating those of the nondrug
group. The drug rehab group performed significantly better on the Bayley
Mental scale than did the drug control group, but had a significantly
lower mean score than did the nondrug group.
Results of a MANOVA for the infants' physical measures were
significant. ANOVAs and post hoc Bonferroni t tests indicated that the
drug rehab group again approximated the nondrug group on head
circumference and pediatric complications, and had significantly better
values than did the drug control group.
At the outset, the mothers in the drug and nondrug groups did not
differ on demographic variables, such as age, education, socioeconomic
status, and ethnic distribution. However, the drug-exposed mothers had a
number of problems, including depression (both major depression and
dysthymia) and background stress, that might place them and their
infants at risk.
Despite these significant stressors for the mothers, the
neonates' birth measures were apparently not compromised. The
infants in the drug and nondrug groups were similar on traditional birth
measures, including gestational age, birth weight, birth length, head
circumference, ponderal index, Apgar score, and obstetric and postnatal
complications. This was surprising inasmuch as several studies have
reported shorter gestation, smaller head circumference, and perinatal
complications for drug-exposed infants (Burkett et al., 1990; Coles et
al., 1991; Rosenak et al., 1990). It is possible that these adolescent
mothers were less drug involved than were those in other research.
The drug-exposed infants did, however, have inferior scores on the
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, particularly habituation,
orientation, abnormal reflexes, general irritability, and regulatory
capacity. The drug-exposed infants also spent less time in quiet sleep
and more time crying and showing stress behaviors.
Both the mothers and the infants in the drug groups demonstrated
inferior interactions. Further, the biochemical measures revealed that
dopamine and serotonin levels were significantly higher in the
drug-exposed mothers. Cortisol levels, in contrast, were significantly
lower for the drug-exposed mothers. This may relate to their high
depression scores. Others have noted that in depressed subjects, higher
severity ratings were associated with lower cortisol levels, as if
cortisol conforms to an inverted U-function (Birmaher et al., 1992). For
the infants, norepinephrine levels were higher and cortisol levels were
lower for the drug-exposed group. Together, these behavioral,
physiological, and biochemical measures suggest that the drug-exposed
mothers and infants were different from the nondrug group starting from
the time of birth.
At 3 months, near the end of the intervention period, the drug
rehab mothers still showed more negative Beck Depression Inventory and
background stress scores. However, the drug-rehab mothers and infants
looked more like their nondrug counterparts in their interactions. At
this stage the infants' physical measures, such as weight, length,
head circumference, and neurological and pediatric complications, did
not differ across groups.
By 6 months, the drug-exposed mothers and infants who received
rehab looked more similar to the nondrug group on virtually every
measure: Beck Depression Inventory scores, mother and infant interaction
ratings, infants' head circumference, and pediatric complications.
Also at this stage, the drug rehab group approximated the nondrug group
on the biochemical measures.
For the mothers, epinephrine and dopamine levels were significantly
higher and serotonin levels significantly lower for the drug rehab and
nondrug groups than they were for the drug control group. This could be
explained by the higher depression scores for the mothers in the drug
control group. Depression is typically accompanied by lower dopamine and
higher serotonin levels (Rogeness et al., 1992). In the case of the
infants, paradoxically there was also higher norepinephrine,
epinephrine, and cortisol levels for the drug rehab and nondrug groups
than for the drug control group. Interestingly, this mirrors the
catecholamine and cortisol levels for infants of depressed mothers. It
may be that many of the effects in this study derived more from the
mothers' depression than from their drug use, inasmuch as several
of the findings replicated those in a study on depressed mothers and
their infants (Field, Pickens, Prodromidis, Malphurs, Fox, Schanberg,
& Kuhn, in press).
At 12 months, the drug rehab mothers' mean Beck Depression
Inventory score, although significantly lower than that of the drug
control group, was still higher than that of the nondrug group.
Similarly, the drug rehab group was feeling less background stress than
was the drug control group. Their infants also showed significant
advantages on the Early Social Communication Scales and the Bayley
Mental scale, although the scares were still lower than for the nondrug
group. Again, the drug rehab infants had significantly greater head
circumference and significantly fewer pediatric complications than did
the drug control group at 12 months, their scores being similar to those
of the nondrug group.
Of great importance for both the rehab mothers and their infants
were the mothers' lower incidence of repeat pregnancy and drug use,
as well as the higher percentages continuing school, obtaining a GED or
high school diploma, and being placed in jobs. These may be critical for
sustaining the progress made in the intervention program.
Replication of these findings is needed, as is more
mechanism-oriented research. Assessing these mothers during pregnancy
might help to disentangle prenatal and genetic factors. Nonetheless, the
current data suggest that a fairly cost-effective intervention can be
offered to drug-exposed mothers that would significantly attenuate their
infants' developmental delays.
The authors thank the infants and parents who participated in this
study and the researchers who assisted with data collection. This
research was supported by an NIMH Research Scientist Award (#MH00331)
and an NIDA Research Grant (#DA06900) to Tiffany Field.
Frank Scafidi, Ph.D., Margarita Prodromidis, Ph.D., Martha
Pelaez-Nogueras, Ph.D., Julia Torquati, Holly Wilcox, and Julie
Malphurs, Touch Research Institute, University of Miami School of
Jeffrey Pickens, Ph.D., James Madison University.
Saul Schanberg, M.D., Ph.D., and Cynthia Kuhn, Ph.D., Duke
University Medical School.
Reprint requests to Tiffany M. Field, Ph.D., Touch Research
Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine, P.O. Box 016820,
Miami, Florida 33101.
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