The Influence of Significant Others on Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Intentions Regarding Dietary Supplement Use Among Adolescent Athletes.
Dunn, Michael S. ; Eddy, James M. ; Wang, Min Qi 等
Dietary supplement use has increased significantly over the past
decade. The use of supplements among adolescents seems to be influenced
by their beliefs and attitudes. The influence of coaches, parents, and
athletic trainers also may be important. The purpose of this study was
(1) to determine whether attitudes are a better predictor of
adolescents' intentions to use dietary supplements than are
subjective norms, and (2) to assess the influence of significant others
(coaches, parents, and trainers) on attitudes, subjective norms, and
intentions among adolescent athletes. Adolescents (N = 1,626) who were
enrolled in grades six through twelve in nine public schools completed a
self-report questionnaire that measured attitudes, subjective norms, and
intentions regarding dietary supplement use. Results indicated that
attitudes were a better predictor of intentions to use dietary
supplements than were subjective norms. It was also found that trainers
had more influence on the attitudes, subjective norms, and inte ntions
of adolescents regarding supplement use than did parents and coaches.
Implications for prevention are addressed.
Dietary supplement use has been on the rise in the United States (American Dietetic Association, 1994), with sales increasing from $3.3
billion in 1990 to $9 billion in 1997 (Klebnikov & Moukheiber,
1998). It has been estimated that between 42% and 56% of adolescents use
dietary supplements (Kim & Keen, 1999; Krumback, Ellis, &
Driskell, 1999; Massad, Sheir, Koceja, & Ellis, 1996; Sobal &
Marquart, 1994a). Reasons cited for supplement use include improving
athletic performance, gaining muscular strength, and increasing energy
level (Sobal & Marquart, 1994a). The use of supplements seems to be
influenced by beliefs and attitudes; significant others also may be
Only a few studies have assessed these sources of influence on
dietary supplement use (Sobal & Marquart, 1994a, 1994b; Marquart
& Sobal, 1993; Graves, Farthing, Smith, & Turchi, 1991;
Krowchuk, Agnlin, Goodfellow, Stancin, Williams & Zinet, 1989). One
study found that 62% of adolescent athletes believed supplements improve
performance, with 50% consuming dietary supplements (Sobal &
Marquart, 1994b). Another study found that 70% of adolescent athletes
believed dietary supplements were effective, 72% felt it was appropriate
to use dietary supplements, and 95% believed dietary supplement use
presented little or no risk (Krowchuk et al, 1989).
Coaches have been cited as a prime influence in regard to dietary
supplement use among adolescents (Douglas & Douglas, 1984; Krowchuk
et al., 1989; Sobal & Marquart, 1994b), yet studies have shown that
the majority of coaches have no formal training in nutrition (Graves,
Farthing, Smith, & Turchi, 1991; Spear, 1994). Spear (1994) found
that 32% of coaches in Alabama high schools recommended protein
supplementation and had obtained their information from lay health and
fitness magazines, 49% did not know the dangerous side effects of
supplement use, and 62% instructed their athletes to take vitamin and
mineral supplements. Sossin, Gizis, Marquart, and Sobal (1997) found
that coaches felt responsible for providing nutrition information,
although as a group they scored only 59% on a nutrition knowledge test.
Thus, coaches may not be qualified to provide dietary supplement
Parents have also been cited as a major influence (Douglas &
Douglas, 1984; Krowchuk et al., 1989; Sobal & Marquart, 1994a).
Parents seem to influence adolescents' supplement use through
conversations about the possible positive effects. Krumback et al.
(1999) found that female athletes were most likely to receive dietary
supplement information from family members.
Athletic trainers are a third source of influence. Studies have
found that trainers are not as influential as coaches and parents, but
they are better prepared to give nutritional advice (Graves et al.,
1991; Marquart & Sobal, 1993). However, most middle school and high
school athletic teams do not have full-time trainers. In most cases,
they are available only on game days and thus have less opportunity to
influence students.
Research has shown that a substantial number of adolescents use
dietary supplements, but the factors influencing this behavior are still
unclear. However, attitudes and beliefs about the positive aspects of
supplement use and the influence of significant others seem to be
important factors. The purpose of the present study was (1) to determine
whether attitudes are a better predictor of adolescents' intentions
to use dietary supplements than are subjective norms, and (2) to assess
the influence of significant others (coaches, parents, and trainers) on
attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions among adolescent athletes.
Dietary supplements were defined here as products that are marketed as
athletic performance enhancers (e.g., Creatine, Chromium Picolinate,
Hotstuff, Andro, and GBL).
Sample and Procedure
Data were obtained from students attending middle and high schools
in the U.S. South. Teachers at selected schools administered the
questionnaire, with all students in each surveyed class eligible to
participate. The study sample consisted of 1,626 students enrolled in
grades six through twelve in nine public schools.
Data collection took place during the winter and spring of 1999.
All data were collected on-site at the participating schools. Prior to
administering the questionnaire, a consent form was sent home for
parents/guardians and students to sign and return. Names were not
recorded on the questionnaire in order to ensure student
The 44-item Survey to Predict Adolescent Athletes' Dietary
Supplement Use (Perko, 1995) was used to obtain data. Eight items assess
standard demographics, athletic/recreational participation, and dietary
supplement use. Thirteen items measure intentions, 10 measure attitudes,
and 13 measure subjective norms regarding dietary supplement use. This
instrument was pilot tested with adolescents engaging in school sports
to determine item response discrimination and internal consistency.
Findings from the pilot study indicated that the instrument had high
reliability ([alpha] = .9409).
Statistical Analysis
Path analysis was used to determine whether attitudes are a better
predictor of intentions to use dietary supplements than are subjective
norms, and to assess the influence of significant others (coaches,
parents, and trainers) on attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions
among adolescent athletes. In path analysis, the strength of each
relationship is shown by the path coefficient, which is obtained by
linear regression analysis. Four path analyses were conducted: (1)
attitudes by coach, parent, and trainer, (2) subjective norms by coach,
parent, and trainer, (3) intentions by coach, parent, and trainer, and
(4) intentions by attitudes and subjective norms.
Specifically, the coach, parent, and athletic trainer items in the
analysis were as follows: (1) I would use dietary supplements if my
coach gave them to me, (2) I would ask my coach if dietary supplements
are safe, (3) I would ask my coach if dietary supplements work, (4) I
would use dietary supplements if my parent(s) or guardian(s) were taking
them, (5) I would ask my parent(s) or guardian(s) if dietary supplements
are safe, (6) I would ask my parent(s) or guardian(s) if dietary
supplements work, (7) I would use dietary supplements if my parent(s) or
guardian(s) bought them for me, and (8) I would use dietary supplements
if an athletic trainer gave them to me. All attitude and subjective norm
items were used. Intention to use supplements was assessed by the
following item: I would use dietary supplements to improve my sports
performance. Items pertaining to coaches' influence on dietary
supplement use were combined into a composite score. A composite score
was also calculated for parental items. Attitude i tems were combined to
form a composite score, as were subjective norm items.
Table 1 shows the demographic data for the 1,626 students in the
study. There were slightly more males (52.6%) than females (47.4%). The
age range was 12 to 19 years, with approximately half being 15 or 16.
Over a quarter were tenth graders, and 83.3% were White.
Figure 1 displays the beta coefficients for the path analysis. It
was found that, in regard to attitudes, trainers (b = .408) were a
better predictor than were coaches (b = .074) and parents (b = .292). In
other words, trainers had the most influence on the attitudes of
adolescents regarding dietary supplement use.
With respect to subjective norms, results indicated that trainers
and parents were better predictors than were coaches. The beta
coefficients (see Figure 1) were similar for trainers and parents (.281
and .260, respectively); the beta coefficient was .172 for coaches.
Results showed that trainers (b = .425) were a better predictor of
intentions to use dietary supplements than were coaches (b = .195) and
parents (b = .116). Thus, trainers' influence on intentions was
greater than that of coaches, which in turn was greater than that of
Finally, it was found that attitudes were a better predictor of
intentions to use dietary supplements than were subjective norms. The
beta coefficient was .492 for attitudes, compared with .186 for
subjective norms.
The findings of this study must be considered in light of its
limitations. First, a convenience sample was used. Therefore,
generalization of the findings must be made with caution. Second, data
were collected via a self-report questionnaire, which may have resulted
in some response bias. However, the students were assured that they
would remain anonymous, and they were encouraged to respond to the
questionnaire honestly.
It was found that trainers were the greatest influence on
attitudes, followed by parents and then coaches. Most studies have found
that trainers are less influential than parents and coaches (Marquart
& Sobal, 1993; Graves et al., 1991). This may be due to the fact
that most schools do not provide full-time trainers, while the present
study was conducted in schools that employed fall-time trainers. It
seems logical to conclude that if trainers are available on a continuous
basis, they will have more opportunity to influence students regarding
the use of sport-enhancing dietary supplements. Further, adolescents may
be more likely to accept information on supplements from trainers than
from coaches and parents.
Attitudes were found to be a strong predictor of intentions,
whereas subjective norms were not. Anshel and Russell (1997) found that
attitudes about the positive aspects of dietary supplement use, such as
increased sports performance, motivated athletes to use supplements.
Yordy and Lent (1993) found that attitudes were a better predictor of
exercise behavior than were subjective norms. Wankel, Mummery, Stephens,
and Cora (1994) reported similar results, in that attitudes were a
better predictor of physical activity intentions than were subjective
From a public health standpoint, it is important that adolescents
make choices based on the positive or negative aspects of a particular
behavior and not just the influence of a significant other. As such,
information needs to be disseminated regarding the dangerous aspects of
dietary supplements.
Some dietary supplements can cause death or disability as a result
of improper use, such as consuming more of the product than is
recommended. Fitzpatrick (1996) reported that the herbal dietary
supplement ma huang, which claims to increase athletic performance,
build muscle, and provide greater energy, has been associated with
approximately 600 adverse health outcomes, including a number of deaths
in Boston alone. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has reported that supplements containing furanone di-hydro are
potentially life-threatening, and they have been recalled. Furanone
dihydro, also referred to as GEL (gamma butyrolactone), was marketed as
helping build muscle, reduce stress, and aid in sleep (National
Nutritional Foods Association, 1999). In December 1999, Tom Gugliotta, a
professional basketball player for the Phoenix Suns, suffered a seizure
following the use of this substance.
Health promotion professionals need to be prepared for the next
wave of dietary supplements, and intervene accordingly. Past studies
have tended to present data on products that are being taken, and to
propose interventions based on those particular products. However,
interventions need to be developed based on why athletes use dietary
supplements, as there will always be something new marketed with claims
of meeting athletes' needs. In addition, more needs to be done to
educate athletes about the possible dangerous consequences of dietary
supplement use. Finally, prevention programs need to focus not just on
use, but on attitudes, norms, and intentions.
American Dietetic Association. (1994). Positions of the American
Dietetic Association: Enrichment and fortification of foods and dietary
supplements. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 88,
Anshel, M. H., & Russell, K G. (1997). Examining athletes'
attitudes toward using anabolic steroids and their knowledge of the
possible effects. Journal of Drug Education, 27, 121-145.
Douglas, P. D., & Douglas, J. G. (1984). Nutrition knowledge
and practices of college athletes. Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 84, 1198-1202.
Fitzpatrick, S. (1996, August 2). DPH issues advisory on herbal
dietary supplements containing ephedra (press release). Massachusetts
Department of Public Health.
Graves, K. L., Farthing, M. C., Smith, S. A., & Turchi, J. M.
(1991). Nutrition training, attitudes, knowledge, recommendations,
responsibility and resource utilization of high school coaches and
trainers. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 91, 321-324.
Kim, S. H., & Keen, C. L. (1999). Patterns of vitamin/mineral
supplement usage by adolescents attending athletic high school.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 9, 391-405.
Klebnikov, P., & Moukheiber, Z. (1998). A healthy business.
Forbes, 162, 89-92.
Krowchuk, D. P., Agnlin, T. M., Goodfellow, D. B., Stancin, T.,
Williams, P., & Zinet, G. D. (1989). High school athletes and the
use of ergogenic aids. American Journal of Disease in Children, 143,
Krumback, C. J., Ellis, D. R., & Driskell, J. A. (1999). A
report of vitamin and mineral supplement use among university athletes
in a Division I institution. International Journal of Sport Nutrition,
9, 416-425.
Marquart, L., & Sobal, J. (1993). Beliefs and information
sources of high school athletes regarding muscle development. Pediatric Exercise Science, 5, 377-382.
Massad, S. J., Sheir, N. W., Koceja, D. M., & Ellis, N. T.
(1996). High school athletes and nutrition supplements: A study of
knowledge and use. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 53, 34-39.
National Nutritional Foods Association. (1999). Party drugs
masquerading as dietary supplements.
Perko, M. (1995). Development of an instrument to assess
intentions, attitudes, and beliefs of adolescent athletes regarding
dietary supplement use. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Sobal, J., & Marquart, L. F. (1994a). Vitamins/mineral
supplement use among athletes: A review of the literature. International
Journal of Sports Nutrition, 4, 320-334.
Sobal, J., & Marquart, L. F. (1994b). Vitamin/mineral
supplement use among high school athletes. Adolescence, 29, 835-844.
Sossin, K., Gizis, F., Marquart, L. F., & Sobal, J. (1997).
Nutrition beliefs, attitudes, and resource use of high school wrestling
coaches. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 7, 219-228.
Spear, B. A. (1994). Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices
among high school coaches in Alabama. Unpublished manuscript, University
of Alabama at Birmingham.
Wankel, L. M., Mummery, K. W., Stephens, T., & Cora, C. L.
(1994). Prediction of physical activity intention from social
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Well-being. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16, 56-69.
Yordy, G. A., & Lent, R. W. (1993). Predicting aerobic exercise participation. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15, 361-374.
Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of the Sample
% n
Male 52.6 854
Female 47.4 770
Age (in years)
12 1.7 28
13 8.4 136
14 15.4 251
15 23.6 384
16 24.4 397
17 17.2 279
18 8.0 130
19 1.2 19
7 6.0 98
8 12.9 209
9 19.2 311
10 26.5 430
11 20.2 327
12 15.1 245
American Indian 2.5 40
White 83.3 1348
Asian 1.7 27
Black 7.3 119
Hispanic 2.7 44
Other 2.5 41