An index of leading indicators for inflation.
Webb, Roy H. ; Rowe, Tazewell S.
Macroeconomic forecasts attempt to provide useful information on
aggregate economic conditions. A good forecast provides a user with
specific information that allows him or her to make better decisions. A
forecast, whether explicit or implicit, underlies a wide range of
choices, such as consumer decisions on whether to spend or save,
business decisions on investments in plant and equipment, and central
bank actions affecting reserve supply.
No single approach to macroeconomic forecasting has dominated the
others. Different users may require different types of information,
leading to different forecasting methods. For example, researchers have
proposed substantially different strategies for predicting the timing of
an event, such as a recession, versus predicting the magnitude of a
related statistic, such as the rate of real GDP growth. Probably most
important, even the best forecasts lack precision. Macroeconomic
forecasts usually have high average errors, but even the average size of
errors can change substantially over time. It can therefore be difficult
to distinguish a good forecasting method from a mediocre one.
One approach to forecasting is to construct a theoretical model, use
it to identify the shocks affecting economic activity, and then use it
for forecasting. But forecasters of inflation must confront the
difficulty in modeling the interaction of real and nominal variables. No
consensus has emerged among economists on the best way to model that
interaction. The large macroeconomic models designed specifically for
forecasting typically incorporate such ingredients as a Phillips Curve relationship between wage inflation and unemployment, and a
backward-looking method for modeling how individuals form expectations.
Many macroeconomists, however, do not believe that such relationships
accurately reflect actual behavior. In the 1970s those models had large
errors when predicting inflation, which is consistent with the
critics' concerns.(1)
Another approach to forecasting involves using an explicit
statistical model that requires little economic theory. A prime example
of this "atheoretical" approach is the vector autoregressive
(VAR) model. While that strategy has produced relatively accurate
forecasts of real variables, it has also produced inflation forecasts
that not only failed to be more accurate than the large models, but also
were worse than a naive no-change forecasting method.(2)
This article takes a different approach to forecasting inflation.
Like VAR models, it uses little explicit theory. Unlike the standard
theoretical and atheoretical models, however, its primary contribution
is not to predict the magnitude of future inflation, but rather to help
recognize and predict major swings in inflation, based on an index of
leading indicators for inflation (ILII). The article first presents
background information on leading indicators, followed by a detailed
account of the ILII's construction. The index's performance is
then evaluated. Finally, that performance is related to the business
cycle and the strategy of monetary policy.
The study of leading indicators of cyclical change was an important
part of the pathbreaking studies of business cycles conducted by
scholars associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research
(NBER). This classic NBER approach is well represented by Burns and
Mitchell (1946) and Moore (1961). That work has inspired more recent
work such as that by Stock and Watson (1989).
The performance of traditional leading indicators has been mixed. The
same, of course, can be said about every macroeconomic forecasting
method. One problem is that the best-known index, the Commerce
Department's Composite Index of Leading Indicators (CLI), does not
have a precise meaning defined by economic or statistical theory. Any
evaluation of that index must therefore begin with two key
considerations: the objective of the CLI and a method for defining
signals. The objective of predicting cyclical turning points is usually
taken for granted, and perhaps the most common definition is that two or
three successive declines signal an imminent recession.
Diebold and Rudebusch (1991) evaluated the three-decline rule and
also a newer technique proposed by Neftci (1982) for using the index of
leading indicators to predict cyclical changes. When using originally
released data and the Neftci approach, they found at best a slight
improvement over a simple role of always predicting a constant
probability of a turning point. They found no improvement for the
three-decline rule when compared to the simple prediction. Their
negative judgment was seconded by Koenig and Emery (1991). Niemira and
Fredman (1991) found a more positive value for the index, possibly
because they used revised values of the CLI instead of originally
released data. Zarnowitz (1992a) presented another positive view of the
leading index. Instead of using the usual three-decline rule, he used a
multi-step rule that yielded a more complicated signal(3) of an
approaching cyclical turning point. Despite their advocacy, this rule
has not been widely used, although it continued to work well after they
proposed it.
Responding to the lack of specific meaning of the Commerce
Department's leading index, Stock and Watson (1989) proposed an
index of leading indicators that has a well-defined meaning in a
particular statistical model. First, they defined a coincident index as
an estimate of the unobserved state of the economy, that is, as a
measure that summarizes the economy's position in relation to the
business cycle. They then constructed a leading index by predicting the
value of the coincident index six months ahead. They were then able to
calculate a recession index as the probability that the coincident index
would decline over the next six months. In its first post-sample test,
their index failed to predict or recognize the 1990 recession (Stock and
Watson 1993).
A few authors have constructed leading indicators for inflation. Roth
(1991) gives an initial assessment of their performance. Most prominent
is a leading series constructed by Geoffrey Moore and his associates at
the Center for International Business Cycle Research (CIBCR).(4) That
series now includes seven constituent series, including a commodity
price measure, the growth rate of total debt, and the ratio of
employment to population. Roth found that the Moore index anticipated
turning points in CPI inflation "quite well."
All of the leading indicator indexes mentioned above share an
important characteristic: they are constructed as a weighted average of
a fixed set of indicators. The weights and components, however, are
subject to change at irregular intervals according to criteria that have
not been specified in advance. An index can therefore be constructed to
do well in a particular period under study, but when the economy
changes, the index will need revision. Users are thus faced with the
necessity of deciding whether a signal may have been produced by an
out-of-date index that will be substantially revised in the near future.
This is a particular problem for a leading indicator of inflation, since
changes in monetary regimes may well change previous historical
Sims (1989) proposed a solution for the problem of adapting an index
to a changing economic environment. In his comments on the work of Stock
and Watson (1989), he advocated using a model with time-varying
coefficients, rather than the fixed coefficients they actually employed.
In addition, he proposed performing their variable selection process
annually. (Stock and Watson examined 280 series in order to select the 7
in their leading index.) Sims argued that because of abnormal events in
the 1970s, Stock and Watson's index overemphasized interest rates,
which affected estimates for the whole sample period. That large
emphasis on interest rates did lead to the failure of their index to
capture the 1990 recession, which in turn led them to propose an
alternative leading index that omits the financial variables.
The index of leading indicators for inflation that we propose
incorporates one of Sims's suggestions. Instead of relying on a
fixed set of series that will probably be changed at an unspecified
future date, we propose a strategy for each month selecting seven
indicators from a much larger set of candidates. The following section
explains that strategy in detail.(6)
To create an index of leading indicators of inflation (ILII), we
initially specified a set of time series that might be included in the
ILII. Potential indicators had to meet two criteria. First, each series
had to be related to inflation in some plausible manner since we did not
want to include any series that had a completely spurious correlation with inflation. Second, in order to construct an index that would be
available promptly, we studied only potential indicators that would be
available prior to the release of the monthly CPI figures. A notable
example of a series that failed to meet the latter requirement is the
capacity utilization rate.
Table A1 in the appendix lists the potential indicators used below.
Series can be grouped into several broad categories, including money
supply data, interest rates (studied as a leading indicator of
inflation, for example, by Dasgupta and Lahiri [1991]), commodity prices
(for example, see Boughton and Branson [1991]), and labor market measures. Note that in some cases, one series is simply a transformation
of another series, such as an interest rate and its difference over six
months. Those cases resulted if we were unsure as to whether to remove a
trend or how best to transform a nonstationary variable to a stationary
one. There are 30 potential indicators, including different
transformations of the same variable.
The second step was to create a strategy to select seven series for
the index.(7) Rather than following the traditional approach and using a
single set of inflation indicators for the entire sample, we developed a
method for creating an index for which components could change
frequently. The strategy was designed to use only information that would
have been available to a "real time" user; that is, the index
for January 1966 would be based only on data released by the middle of
that month.
For each month from January 1958 to December 1994, the strategy was
to select the seven candidate series that had the largest correlation
coefficients with inflation. We measured inflation by the percentage
change in the monthly level of the core CPI - that is, the CPI excluding
food and energy prices - from its value 12 months earlier. We used the
core CPI in order to focus on sustained inflation trends; the core CPI
removes transitory changes in the CPI caused by movements in volatile
food and energy prices.(8) In order to reflect current economic
conditions, each correlation coefficient was calculated over the most
recent 48-month period rather than using a longer sample. And to examine
correlations with future inflation, we lagged each candidate series 12
months. For example, in January 1995 the latest inflation reading would
be calculated from December 1993 to December 1994, and the latest
observation of a candidate series before that inflation occurred would
be December 1993. A correlation coefficient dated January 1995 would
thus be computed between (1) inflation rates calculated using price
levels from December 1989 to December 1994 and (2) a candidate series
from December 1989 to December 1993.
At each date the seven selected series were then combined into a
leading indicator index. First, each series was adjusted for differences
in levels and volatility by subtracting the mean (computed over the
previous 48 months) and dividing by its standard deviation (also
calculated over the previous 48 months). To avoid undue influences from
highly unusual events, such as the government's freeing the price
of gold, each observation had a maximum absolute value of three (larger
values were accordingly reduced). Unlike the procedure for producing the
CLI for most of its history, the strategy employed here was to use equal
weights for the series. Our index was simply the average of the seven
transformed series.(9)
The graph of the resulting series, along with the 12-month change in
the core CPI, is presented in Figure 1. The inflation series is dated so
that an entry at date t is the percentage change in the core CPI from t
to t + 12. Table A2 in the appendix shows how often the various series
enter the index, and Table A3 contains the composition of the index at
turning points of the inflation cycle.
Ex Post Qualitative Evaluation
We experimented with the possibility of following Stock and Watson
(1989) and constructing an index with an explicit statistical meaning,
namely, the forecast of the core CPI from a bivariate VAR of the core
CPI and the ILII. When such models are estimated for U.S. data over the
last 30 years, however, the estimated coefficient on the first lagged
value of the inflation rate in the price equation is always relatively
large and tends to overshadow other terms. If one then uses that
estimated equation for forecasting, it therefore tends to place such a
large weight on recent inflation that the resulting forecasts are
lagging indicators around turning points. Since the goal of the ILII is
to promptly recognize or predict sustained and substantial changes in
the inflation rate, the additional lag introduced by stating the index
as a VAR forecast is unacceptable.
The ILII therefore needs a well-defined signal before its performance
can be assessed. Figure 1 indicates that the ILII tends to promptly
recognize substantial changes in inflation, although inevitably there
are a lot of small fluctuations in the graph. In order to filter out
small changes, we reduced to zero those values that had absolute values
of less than one, thereby producing the series shown in Figure 2. A
signal of rising inflation is thus a value greater than or equal to one,
and a signal of declining inflation is a value less than or equal to
minus one. An observation of at least one in absolute value will be
referred to as a main signal.
The interpretation of observations with absolute values less than one
is less obvious. We adopt the rule that a main signal is valid for up to
11 months if followed by absolute values less than one. Twelve months of
such small readings, however, can be an early signal of a turning point.
We define it as a signal if the ILII in the twelfth month is positive
for a signal of rising inflation (that is, in the neighborhood of a
trough) or if the ILII is negative for a signal of falling inflation. An
early signal remains valid until a main signal is received. As can be
seen in Figure 2 or Table 1, in several instances there is no early
signal of a turning point.
There is also no official dating of periods of substantial and
sustained changes in the rate of inflation. Inspecting Figure 1 yields
the following dates: peaks in March 1956, November 1969, February 1974,
June 1979, and February 1990, and troughs in January 1962, January 1972,
October 1976, August 1982, and possibly in December 1993. There is, of
course, room for disagreement about particular dates. The hardest call
was whether to define another peak and trough in the mid-1980s. Other
authors, looking at slightly different data, have taken opposing sides.
Roth (1989) argued that "[t]he eleven-month upturn in inflation
beginning in March 1983 is most likely a statistical artifact" (p.
283). Moore (1991), however, found a peak in early 1984 and a trough in
1986. By looking at the 12-month forward rate of change of the core CPI,
one can see that inflation reached a local minimum in August 1982 at 3.1
percent. It then rose to 5.3 percent in July 1983, which is a
substantial change. However, it then fell to 4.2 percent by July 1984
and to 3.8 percent in November 1985. Thus the bulk of the increase was
not sustained but rather was fairly quickly reversed. Accordingly, the
11-month upswing is not counted as a substantial and sustained increase
in the rate of inflation.
Table 1 contains the resulting inflation signals from the ILII and
compares them with peaks and troughs. The index is helpful in
recognizing major changes in inflation rates, but often does not
anticipate turning points; the median time for receiving the first
signal is five months after the turning point. The 1990 peak is the only
one that is clearly predicted, although the turn is recognized
immediately at the November 1969 peak. If December 1993 or a nearby date
turns out to be a trough, the ILII will have given a prompt signal; it
is possible, however, that it will turn out to be a false signal. The
worst performance is the 1982 trough, which is only recognized after 15
months. Other turning points are recognized within a year. Importantly,
no false signals are generated(10) and no turning points are missed. In
addition, although the ILII appears to recognize, not anticipate, the
dates of major changes in the rate of inflation, Table 2 presents
evidence that it does anticipate the bulk of the change in the inflation
rate. The change in the inflation rate before a signal is no greater
OMITTED] percent, whereas the change after the signal is received ranges
from 2.1 to 10.5 percent.
Although the format of Table 1 and Figure 2 may at first glance
resemble those used by others who have evaluated leading indicators,
such as Klein (1986), Moore (1991), and Roth (1991), there is a key
difference. The other authors compare the value of a leading indicator
with inflation calculated as the contemporaneous value's change
from lagged values. Thus they are comparing an indicator with lagging
inflation, a comparison that may not be relevant for actual use of a
leading index. Our analysis compares the leading indicator with future
inflation. The difference can be seen in Table 1, in which inflation is
also calculated in the manner used by the other authors, and the
resulting dates of turning points are displayed in parentheses. From
those dates it would appear that the index has more predictive power than originally indicated, even though the ILII is unchanged. What has
changed is the method of calculating inflation, which shifts the dates
of turning points forward by a little over eight months, on average.(11)
Recognizing major swings in inflation is not always a simple
exercise, as Cullison (1988) demonstrates. An example is 1972:
inflation's low point was in January, and the ILII gives an early
signal in June, lagging the change by five months. The following
commentary on a well-regarded model's forecasts is recorded by
April, 1972: "The rate of price increase is expected to slow. .
. . The anticipated slowing . . . reflects the large projected rise in
real product and associated productivity gains."
June, 1972: "The rise in the [GNP implicit price] deflator is
expected to . . . moderate. . . . The expected moderation reflects a
moderation in the rise in unit labor costs."
May, 1973: "The projected slowdown in the rise in the private
GNP fixed weight price index reflects primarily the anticipation that
food price increases will slow sharply."(12)
As this example illustrates, having leading indicators that began to
signal rising inflation in June 1972 could have been valuable to
forecasters. Another comparison can be seen by using the rightmost column of Table 1, in which each entry denotes the first date at which
one could observe a 200 basis point change in the inflation rate after a
turning point. The ILII signals turning points much sooner than that
simple rule.
While the index appears to perform well, that judgment is based on
the same data that were used to construct the index; its actual
performance will be revealed by new data. The apparent performance of
the index undoubtedly could have been improved by a systematic search
over parameters such as the number of series, the weights on each
series, the magnitude of the main signal, or the number of months
required for either a main signal or an early signal. The future
performance of an index so constructed undoubtedly would deteriorate,
however. We therefore picked obvious values that seemed to work well,
but a caveat remains. Any choice that we made would have been rejected
if it conflicted with the data. The proof of how well the index works
must await new data that were not used to construct it. An additional
caveat is that we used the latest revisions of data, not data as
originally released. That fact should be less important for this index
than for the Commerce Department's CLI, however, since most of the
individual series employed in this paper are not revised by substantial
Simulated Forecasts
Another check on whether the ILII contains useful information is to
test whether it adds predictive power to lagged values of inflation. To
test for additional predictive power, we constructed a bivariate VAR for
monthly percentage changes in the core CPI and the level of the ILII. We
first set lag lengths in the VAR by minimizing the Akaike Information
Criterion over each lag length in each equation, resulting in the
following equations:
[P.sub.t] = [[Beta].sub.10] + [summation of]
[[Beta].sub.11,i][P.sub.t-i] where i = 1 to 9 +
[[Beta].sub.12][ILII.sub.t] + [e.sub.1,t], (1)
[ILII.sub.t] = [[Beta].sub.20] + [summation
of][[Beta].sub.21,i][P.sub.t-i] where i = 1 to 2 + [summation
of][[Beta].sub.22,i][ILII.sub.t-i] where i = 1 to 3 + [e.sub.2,t], (2)
where P is the percentage change in the core CPI from the previous
month, ILII is the index of leading indicators of inflation, [Beta] is
the model's coefficients, and e is the error term. For comparison
we also estimated a univariate autoregression for the core CPI, using
nine lagged values. The equations were estimated starling in 1958:1 and
ending in 1969:12, and out-of-sample forecasts were made up to 12 months
ahead. One month was then added to the period, the equations were
reestimated, and new forecasts were made. We repeated this process to
create series of 12-month inflation forecasts for the period 1970:12 to
Forecast errors were calculated as the difference between actual
inflation and forecasted values, and summary statistics were calculated.
The root mean squared error for the univariate forecasts was 2.19; it
fell to 1.96 for the bivariate forecasts. Comparing the two series of
squared errors, we found the difference to be significant at the 1
percent level according to a test proposed by Diebold and Mariano
(1991). We conclude that the index does contain information with
significant predictive value beyond that contained in the inflation
series itself. The size of the forecast error, however, is a reminder of
substantial remaining uncertainty in forecasts from this method. For
perspective, consider that in the post-1983 period the average 12-month
change in the core CPI was 4.2 percent. Taking the root mean squared
error as an approximation of the anticipated standard error of current
forecasts, even a 70 percent confidence interval, [+ or -]2 percent,
includes a wide range of outcomes.
We also estimated equation (1) over the entire sample period. The
average error was again significantly lower when the ILII was included,
indicating that it significantly improved one-month forecasts of
On the basis of experience in the United States and other industrial
countries before 1913, Wesley Mitchell (1941) presented an account that
describes a stylized business cycle. The behavior of prices played a key
role in that account, as the following passages illustrate.
A revival of activity, then, starts with this legacy from depression:
a level of prices low in comparison with the prices of prosperity,
drastic reductions in the cost of doing business [p. 150]. While the
price level is often sagging slowly when a revival begins, the
cumulative expansion in the physical volume of trade presently stops the
fall and starts a rise [p. 151]. Like the increase in the physical
volume of business, the rise in prices spreads rapidly; for every
advance of quotations puts pressure upon someone to recoup himself by
making a compensatory advance in the prices of what he has to sell. . .
. Retail prices lag behind wholesale . . . and the prices of finished
products [lag] behind the prices of their raw materials [p. 152].
[O]ptimism and rising prices both support each other and stimulate the
growth of trade [p. 153]. Among the threatening stresses that gradually
accumulate within the system of business during seasons of high
prosperity is the slow but sure increase in the costs of doing business
[p. 29]. The price of labor rises. . . . The prices of raw materials
continue to rise faster on the average than the selling prices of
products [p. 154]. [T]he advance of selling prices cannot be continued
indefinitely . . . [because] the advance in the price level would
ultimately be checked by the inadequacy of the quantity of money [p.
54]. [Once a downturn begins] with the contraction in trade goes a fall
in prices [p. 160]. [T]he trend of fluctuations [in prices] continues
downward for a considerable period. . . . [T]he lowest level of
commodity prices is reached, not during the crisis, but toward the close
of the subsequent depression, or even early in the final revival of
business activity. The chief cause of this fall is the shrinkage in the
demand for consumers' goods, raw materials, producers'
supplies, and construction work [p. 134]. [E]very reduction in price
facilitates, if it does not force, reductions in other prices [p. 160].
Once these various forces have set trade to expanding again, the
increase proves cumulative, though for a time the pace of growth is kept
slow by the continued sagging of prices [p. 162].
Zarnowitz (1992b) reviewed the literature and found that much of
Mitchell's account has been consistent with cyclical data generated
after he wrote it. There has been an important change, however. Under
the gold standard there was little, if any, trend to the price level,
and prices could fall in one phase of the business cycle and rise in
another. In contrast, American monetary policy in the last 50 years has
put in place an upward trend in prices. Thus, where Mitchell observed
prices declining when cyclical contractions ended and expansions began,
one now observes inflation being relatively low. Similarly, toward the
end of expansions Mitchell saw price increases, but one now would see
relatively high inflation.
Table 3 presents some evidence on this last point by looking at the
behavior of inflation and other statistics over the business cycle.
Expansions are divided into four segments of equal length, and
contractions are divided into two equal segments. The inflation rate is
calculated for each cycle, measured on a trough-to-trough basis. For
each segment of the cycle, the average inflation rate for the cycle is
subtracted from the inflation rate for that segment; the result is a
relative inflation rate for each cyclical segment. The relative rates
can then be averaged over the last seven business cycles in order to
depict the average cyclical behavior of inflation. The picture is clear:
inflation is low early in a cyclical expansion, is relatively high in
the last quarter of expansion, and peaks in the first half of
recessions. Inflation is therefore procyclical in the sense that its
rate increases during expansions and declines during contractions. It is
also a lagging indicator in the sense that its highest rate usually
occurs after the cyclical peak and its lowest rate usually occurs after
the cyclical trough.(13) The leading indicator series anticipates that
behavior by peaking in the third quarter of a typical expansion and
hitting its low point in the last half of recessions.
It therefore appears that the leading indicator index is capturing a
regular feature of the business cycle. High-frequency changes in
inflation, which are clearly not sustained, are ignored by design.
Changes in inflation rates between business cycles are also excluded
from the picture. What is left are cyclical movements that have been
reliable and predictable. An individual indicator can be a useful
predictor if it has a definite place in the sequence of events of a
typical business cycle.
Consequently, this index has a reason for working and does not simply
reflect a spurious correlation. It is designed to continue to work under
certain changing conditions. If any particular indicator were to change
its cyclical behavior, its correlation with inflation would diminish and
it would not be included in the index. Similarly, adding new indicators
would be straightforward. The one event that could drastically change
the role of the index would be a substantial change in the strategy of
monetary policy. After all, the shift from the gold standard to a fiat
money system that involved a particular central bank strategy changed
the cyclical behavior of prices to the cyclical behavior of inflation. A
different monetary strategy might cause another dramatic change that
could change the role of this index.
For example, imagine a monetary strategy that eliminated the trend in
prices by keeping inflation rates small in magnitude and centered on
zero. Without sustained and substantial changes in inflation, would the
index have any purpose? Certainly the strategy of choosing indicators by
past correlations with inflation would need replacing. For a closely
related example, imagine a monetary strategy that eliminated large
fluctuations in inflation by keeping it relatively low but positive. In
that case, the index would be much more [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 3
OMITTED] valuable if it could give a third signal, stable inflation, in
addition to signals of inflationary increases and decreases.
This latter possibility can be illustrated with the ILII. The
following rule for a stable price signal is added in order to identify
periods in which the index is low and stable. If the level of the index,
the 12-month change in the index, and the 12-month average value of the
index are all less than 0.3, then a stable inflation period is signaled.
This signal overrides the early signal of a turning point and, in turn,
is overridden by a main signal.
That rule gave two signals that identify the two major periods of
stable inflation in the sample period. The first signal was in May 1960;
the inflation rate was within a two percentage point range from April
1957 until June 1965, with the low point in February 1960 and the first
main signal of an upswing occurring in September 1964. The second was in
March, 1984; the inflation rate was within a two percentage point range
from September 1982 until July 1989, with the first main signal of an
upswing occurring in May 1987. Based on those two observations, it
appears that the index can be adapted to recognizing periods of stable
inflation as well as signaling major changes in the inflation rate.
We have proposed a strategy for constructing an index of leading
indicators for inflation. The goal is to recognize or predict sustained
and substantial changes in the rate of inflation. A notable feature of
our strategy is that it allows the composition of the index to change
over time in response to changing economic conditions.
Our evaluation of the index emphasized its link to future inflation
rates. In contrast, other evaluations of inflation indicators have often
looked at less relevant lagging inflation rates. Our index appears to
have value recognizing, and sometimes predicting, major swings in
inflation. Important to its possible use is the fact that no false
signals were generated and no turning points were missed. In each case,
the index allowed the bulk of the change in inflation rates to be
anticipated. And although the index was not designed to forecast the
magnitude of inflation, it did help lower the forecast error for
inflation rates in a simple model.
The performance of the index was related to typical movements of
inflation over the business cycle. Whereas inflation is a procyclical
but lagging indicator, the leading index typically peaks in the middle
of expansions and has its lowest value in the first half of recessions.
While this cyclical behavior should be robust in many environments, a
major change in the strategy of monetary policy could substantially
change the value of such an index. We illustrated the possibility of
using the index to recognize periods of stable inflation.
It should be emphasized that the same data were used to construct the
index and evaluate its performance. Since out-of-sample data will give
the best test of the index's usefulness, the performance of the
index outside the sample period will be studied in future research.
The appendix lists the series used to create the index of leading
indicators for inflation. Table A1 contains series originally provided
by the following sources: the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FSL), the National Association of Purchasing
Management (NAPM), The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the Journal of
Commerce (JOC), the Commodity Research Bureau (CRB), and the Treasury
Bulletin (TB). Data used in this article were obtained from secondary
sources. The starting date, either January 1954 or the first month for
which the transformed series is available, is affected by data
availability and the particular method used for detrending data.
Detrending methods are denoted by superscripts.
Table A2 provides further information on the series, as well as how
often the individual series are included in the seven-series index. All
three labor utilization measures are included more frequently than any
other series. The NAPM price index is the only other series included
more than half the time. Table A3 gives the composition of the leading
index at times of inflation turning-point signals. Again, the three
labor utilization measures and the NAPM price index are included more
frequently than other series.
Table A2 Candidate Series Selected for Leading Indicator Index
Candidate Number of Number of
Series Months Available Months Included Percent
U 444 275 62
EP 444 307 69
HR 444 247 56
M1 444 86 19
M2 444 118 27
MB 444 93 21
RFF, level 437 191 44
RFF, difference 431 64 15
RT10, level 444 64 14
RT10, difference 444 103 23
RSP 437 60 14
PN 444 226 51
PAU(*) 318 87 27
PAU, difference 372 55 15
PO(*) 372 55 15
PO, difference 372 91 24
PJC(*) 444 193 43
PJC, difference 444 132 30
PCS(*) 104 45 43
PCS, difference 109 34 31
PCF(*) 193 58 30
PCF, difference 246 51 21
PPIF 198 11 6
PPII 198 82 42
PPIC 198 39 20
SUP 372 120 32
LD 168 47 28
XD 372 67 18
W 337 50 15
FD 390 57 15
* Ratio of the value of the variable divided by a trailing five-year
average (one-year average for PCS).
Notes: The first column lists each candidate series (see Table A1
for more complete descriptions). The second column lists the maximum
number of months each series could enter the ILII. The third column
lists the number of months the mechanical method outlined in the
text selected each series to enter the index. The fourth column
shows the ratio of column 3 to column 2.
The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from Mary Finn,
Robert Hetzel, Thomas Humphrey, Peter Ireland, Stephen McNees, and
Michael Niemira. The views and opinions expressed in this article are
solely those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
1 Lucas and Sargent (1979) give a forceful statement of that view.
2 McNees (1986) documents the poor performance of Robert
Litterman's VAR inflation forecasts versus other forecasters. Webb
(1995) documents the poor performance of many VAR forecasts of inflation
in comparison to the naive no-change forecast.
3 The complexity of the signal results from it having three parts at
peaks and troughs. The first indication of a peak, labeled P1, is a
long-leading signal that has produced several false positives. A first
confirmation, labeled P2, has had only one false positive, in 1951, and
has correctly anticipated or confirmed the eight peaks since then. The
median P2 signal arrives two months following the peak. In addition,
there is a second confirming signal labeled P3 that has had no false
4 See, for example, Klein (1986).
5 For example, Webb (1995) found that two changes in the monetary
regime account for the poor forecasting record for inflation rates of
VAR models using postwar U.S. data.
6 Another strategy for handling a changing relationship between
indicators and inflation is sketched by Niemira and Klein (1994, pp.
383-88). Their prediction of inflation from seven leading indicator
series is based on a neural network method, which was designed to be
able to adapt over time to certain economic changes.
7 Why seven? That seems to be a popular number that works reasonably
well. Stock and Watson (1989) include seven series in their index of
leading indicators for predicting the real economy. The CICBR index of
leading indicators for predicting inflation has seven components, as
does the index for predicting inflation described in Niemira and Klein
8 Official data on the CPI excluding food and energy prices only
extend back to 1959. For earlier data, we used the nonfood CPI.
9 Although the weights on individual series are equal, it is possible
for several closely related series to be included. The effective weight
on commodity prices, for example, could be quite high. In Table A3, note
that the index in November 1983 contained six commodity price series.
10 A false signal would be one that is later reversed before a
predicted peak or trough occurs.
11 The alternative method of calculating inflation is referred to as
the "6-month smoothed annual rate." It is calculated as the
ratio of the current month's price index to the average index of
the preceding 12 months and is converted to an annual rate by raising
the ratio to the 12/6.5 power.
12 Cullison's quotations are from the Greenbook, prepared by the
staff of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System prior to
meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. Karamouzis and Lombra
(1989) have conducted a thorough examination of the quality of these
forecasts and have concluded that the forecasts were "state of the
art" in comparison with other macroeconomic forecasts.
13 Some authors, such as Cooley and Ohanian (1991), have asserted
that prices are countercyclical. By their definition, prices are
countercyclical if there is a negative correlation between the level of
prices and the level of output when the same statistical transformation
is applied to beth series. For example, in Table 3 there is a negative
comovement between real GDP growth and inflation: during the segment of
the business cycle where one series peaks, the other series reaches its
lowest value. Their finding does not contradict the statement that
inflation is procyclical, using the usual NBER definition for
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