National productivity statistics.
Webb, Roy H.
Many people now enjoy levels of prosperity that would have been
barely imaginable a few hundred years ago. That remarkable achievement
can be viewed through the lens of productivity statistics that give
quantitative estimates of output per unit of input. By studying
productivity, analysts can improve their understanding of the causes of
national prosperity and economic growth. Since different definitions of
productivity are widely used, this article reviews the most important
ones used in the United States. The article also contains a brief sketch
of the historical behavior of productivity and then warns readers about
potential pitfalls in using productivity statistics. Finally, the
background material is used to address questions concerning the recent
behavior of productivity statistics.
Simply stated, productivity is output per unit of input. Actually
calculating a number can be somewhat more complicated. Suppose that we
can agree that aggregate national output is adequately modeled by using
a Cobb-Douglas production function
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (1)
where Y is aggregate output, K is the capital stock, L is labor
input, t is a time-period index, [Alpha] is a number between zero and
one, and A will be discussed later. For national productivity
statistics, an obvious starting point is to take an estimate of
aggregate output such as real gross domestic product (GDP) from the
National Input and Product Accounts (NIPAs). On the input side, the
first requirement is to measure labor input, such as the number of
workers or the number of hours worked.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) currently publishes three
categories of productivity estimates, which in terms of equation (1) are
simply of the form Y/L. The most widely cited category is published
quarterly and takes an output measure from the NIPAs for a large sector
of the economy. Business product is the portion of real GDP produced by
the business sector, and thus excludes production from the household
sector, the foreign sector, and the government sector. Nonfarm business,
naturally, is business product minus farm production. Product of
nonfinancial corporations further excludes production by financial firms
and by proprietorships and partnerships. Also, as part of its quarterly
estimates, the BLS publishes productivity statistics for the
manufacturing sector. In 1992, business product accounted for 76 percent
of GDP, nonfarm business product was 75 percent of GDP, nonfarm
nonfinancial corporate business product was 52 percent of GDP, and
manufacturing product was 17 percent of GDP. Since the only input
considered is hours worked, these estimates are often described as labor
productivity. Most of the data on employee-hours comes from the
BLS's establishment survey, although for some workers other sources
are used.
The BLS publishes a second category of estimates annually, using a
more comprehensive definition of inputs into the production process; the
result is referred to as multifactor, or total-factor, productivity and
is represented by the term A in equation (1). The statistic is estimated
by dividing product of a broad sector by an input index that is a
weighted average of two indexes, one of labor inputs and the other of
capital inputs. The index of labor inputs can be thought of as a
quality-adjusted labor index; for broad sectors it is calculated as a
weighted average of employee-hours for several groups of workers. The
groups are defined by sex, level of education, and amount of experience.
The capital input index is a weighted average of capital services from
many different categories of structures, equipment, inventories, and
In both the quarterly and annual estimates, productivity in the
narrow manufacturing sector is calculated using input and output
measures that differ from the measures used to estimate productivity in
the broader sectors. Manufacturing productivity is therefore not
strictly comparable to the broad-sector estimates. For multifactor
productivity, manufacturing labor input does not receive the demographic
adjustments that the labor input receives for broader sectors. In
addition to labor and capital, manufacturing's aggregate input
index includes purchases of energy, other raw materials, and business
services. Those additional items are crucial, since purchased inputs
account for the bulk of manufacturing costs. With regard to output, the
manufacturing measure is gross output, excluding shipments within the
manufacturing sector. In contrast, for the broader sectors, output
represents value added; accordingly, the value of material inputs is
subtracted from gross output.
The BLS publishes a third category of estimates for particular
industries. In this category, they estimate labor productivity for 150
specific industries, again using a different methodology from the other
two categories. Multifactor productivity is also calculated for a
smaller number of industries. The BLS first estimated industry
productivity in 1898 in response to congressional concerns over the
employment effects of labor-saving technology. Today, the choice of
which industries to cover depends on data availability and therefore is
heavily tilted toward manufacturing. Nonetheless, the BLS estimates
productivity for important industries outside manufacturing, including
mining, communications, banking, trade, and transportation. In these
industry estimates, output indexes measure gross output and are taken
from census surveys. The labor input is measured by employee-hours,
without demographic adjustments. For multifactor productivity
calculations, capital services and intermediate purchases supplement the
labor input.
In order to supplement the BLS productivity estimates, many analysts
construct their own numbers. Since GDP and population estimates are
available for relatively lengthy time spans for many countries, GDP
divided by population is often used as a rough estimate of labor
productivity. Either the numerator or the denominator of this
output-per-person ratio can be refined. Most importantly, instead of
population, one could use the labor force, employment, or
employee-hours. Many analysts also construct their own estimates of
multifactor productivity. The main requirement is to have a method to
construct an input index; in equation (1), for example, the input index
is [K.sup.[Alpha]][L.sup.1-[Alpha]]. By constructing one's own
multifactor productivity index, an analyst can include the most relevant
factors of production. Thus one might distinguish between skilled and
unskilled labor or between privately owned and government-owned physical
capital. Finally, industry productivity estimates have often been
constructed directly from the NIPA measures of output by sector, which
by definition represent value added rather than gross output.
Any meaningful interpretation of national productivity statistics
must account for the following potential pitfalls.
(1) Current estimates of productivity understate both its level and
rate of growth. That bias reflects a basic difficulty in estimating real
output. Real GDP, for example, is estimated by taking spending for over
1,000 separate categories, adjusting each spending estimate for price
change, and summing the resulting estimates of real expenditure. The
weak link in this chain is the adjustment for price change. Current
procedures systematically overstate changes in prices and thereby
understate both levels and rates of change of real GDP and productivity.
How large is the bias? A large volume of research has produced
credible estimates for a large fraction of GDP; biases for a few items
are mentioned below.
(a) Consumer spending accounted for 68 percent of GDP in 1996. A
panel of experts (Boskin 1996) estimated that the rate of increase in
the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was overstated by 1.1 percent per year in
the mid-1990s. A large part of that bias is due to two related factors:
inadequately accounting for the benefits of new goods that are not
included in the CPI and inadequately accounting for the changing quality
of items included in the CPI. When statisticians prepare estimates of
real GDP, most prices for consumer spending are taken from the CPI, so
much of that bias is carried over into the deflator for consumer
spending.(1) One category of spending that does not use a price from the
CPI is financial services such as checking accounts. Nominal amounts
here are deflated by a procedure that assumes zero productivity growth.
In contrast, the BLS productivity estimate for the banking industry
found that productivity grew at a 2.0 percent annual rate from 1979 to
(b) Spending for nonresidential structures accounted for 3 percent of
GDP in 1996. In many cases no price index has been constructed for
deflating spending on these items, so a proxy such as an input price
index is used. One analyst (Pieper 1990) estimates that this procedure
tends to overstate new construction prices by at least 0.5 percent per
year. Robert Gordon (1996a) noted that the official productivity index
for construction has either declined or grown slowly for decades. The
measured productivity level in U.S. construction has thus fallen by an
implausible two-thirds relative to the Canadian productivity level in
(c) Spending for producers' durable equipment accounted for 7
percent of GDP in 1996. A major study of a wide variety of evidence led
Gordon (1990) to conclude that the implicit price deflator for producer
durables overstated inflation in this category by 2.9 percent. Again,
the main problem is that many of the prices of individual items come
from producer price indexes that make inadequate allowance for new goods
that are excluded from the indexes and for changes in quality of goods
included in the indexes. The size of the bias is now probably less than
Gordon found, however, due to important methodological changes by the
statistical agencies.
(d) A large part of government services consists of employee
compensation, which accounted for 10 percent of GDP in 1996.
Construction of real output in this category again assumes zero
productivity growth. In contrast, productivity in a large number of
federal civilian programs is estimated to have grown at a 1.5 percent
annual rate (Kendrick 1991).
In short, current estimates of the level and growth rate of real GDP
are biased downward by a substantial amount, and therefore estimates of
productivity that are based on GDP are similarly biased, including all
the BLS measures. These problems are not unique to the United States but
are inherent in every country's statistical program. The major
difficulty is that taking estimates of current dollar spending and
disentangling real output and prices is difficult in an economy with
rapid innovation. Nonetheless, research within statistical agencies and
by academic economists has identified promising approaches for
addressing some of the problems. An outstanding example is the research
that led to quantifying the changing quality of computers in the United
States. This change, implemented in the mid-1980s, had such large
consequences that it led to the introduction of a new statistical
formula, chain weighting, into the NIPAs in the 1990s. Both changes have
substantially improved our understanding of the behavior of economic
activity over the last few decades. What is lacking is the funding
needed for additional basic research, for applied research on the
practical methods needed to implement potential improvements for routine
production of statistics, and for additional surveys to gather more raw
data. Improving the quality of any product can be costly, and economic
statistics are no exception.
(2) Growth rates of productivity are highly variable when measured
over short periods of time. Moreover, rates measured over lengthy
periods move predictably with the business cycle. Consequently, high
rates of productivity growth usually accompany high rates of output
growth, often near the beginning of cyclical expansions. Unfortunately,
pundits may seize on a short period of rapid growth in output and
productivity and proclaim that the trend rate of productivity growth has
risen; later in the cycle it will become obvious that productivity is
still near its old trend. When questioning whether the trend has
shifted, it is best to look at a complete business cycle or longer. In
the current cycle one might compare the latest productivity data with
data from 1990, the year in which the peak of the last business cycle
occurred, or 1989, the year in which some measures of the level of
productivity peaked.
(3) Extra caution is required when using productivity estimates for
individual segments of the economy. Partitioning the economy introduces
an additional source of error into output and productivity statistics
due to the difficulty of distributing inputs and outputs across sectors
in a meaningful way. For example, in the BLS industry studies of labor
productivity, output is measured as gross value and thus inputs from
other sectors are excluded. Therefore, increased outsourcing of services
in a particular manufacturing industry would appear as higher measured
productivity in that industry even if overall labor productivity did not
change for all firms combined. But even when outsourcing is taken into
account, as in the BLS multifactor productivity measures for
manufacturing, a more subtle difficulty emerges. Suppose prices and
quantities were measured accurately for manufacturing but that
unmeasured quality improvements led to overestimates of price increases
for business services. The real quantity of services used by the
manufacturing sector would then be understated, and manufacturing
productivity would be overstated.
Many economic historians believe that sustained productivity growth
is a relatively recent phenomenon.(2) Further, if one concentrates on
the relatively recent period in which sustained productivity growth has
been evident in many nations, one can see a distinct tendency for the
world's productivity to accelerate over time. This tendency is
illustrated in Table 1 with data on per capita real GDP for several
countries from 1820 to 1989. Before discussing the data, note that
productivity statistics are currently not estimated as accurately as we
would like. Moreover, as one moves back in time, the quality of the
estimates deteriorates. A historian estimating GDP for an economy in the
nineteenth century has only a small fraction of the data that is
currently available to national product statisticians. Also, the quality
of data can vary across countries. One particular problem is with
countries that have large sectors where market forces of supply and
demand are suppressed; for those countries, the market value of real
output of the nonmarket sector is difficult to estimate.
Even with these qualifications, the data can be useful. In
particular, one can note the extent to which productivity growth has
risen. Consider first the countries leading in productivity. For most of
the nineteenth century the United Kingdom had the highest level of
productivity in the world, with a productivity growth rate of 1.2
percent from 1820 to 1890. In the twentieth century the United States
has had the highest level of productivity, with a growth rate of 2.0
percent from 1913 to 1989. Next, consider two "growth
miracles."(3) From 1950 to 1973, Japan's productivity level
increased by a factor of almost 6, which resulted in an 8.0 percent
annual rate of productivity growth. Over a longer [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE 1 OMITTED] period, 1950-89, Taiwan boosted productivity by a
factor of 10, which led to a 6.2 percent annual rate of productivity
growth. Such rapid rates of growth are simply not evident in pre-World
War II data. Also, note productivity growth in the world's two most
populous nations. Productivity stagnated in China and India for over a
century but is now growing. All in all, productivity growth for
countries containing much of the world's population, at varying
stages of industrialization, has become distinctly faster. That trend,
however, is not universal, with Africa being an important exception.
Two periods of productivity growth in the United States are now
considered. Figure I illustrates per capita real GDP since 1869. Despite
large departures during the Great Depression and World War II, this
estimate of productivity remains remarkably close to a trend of 2.0
percent annual growth.(4) That estimate, however, uses population as a
loose proxy for labor input. Another view looks at post-World War II
data that incorporate a more explicit measure of labor input,
employee-hours. For more than two decades, the trend rate of
productivity growth has been substantially lower than it was early in
the postwar period. For example, multifactor productivity for nonfarm
business, seen in Figure 2, rose at a 1.9 percent annual rate from 1948
to 1973 but only rose at a 0.1 percent rate from 1973 to 1994. Similar
declines are evident in most other measures of productivity. As shown in
Table 1, per capita output growth simultaneously declined in other
mature industrial economies. Moreover, data for the current business
cycle reveal no sustained pickup in the rate of productivity growth. For
example, hourly output of nonfarm business grew at a 1.1 percent rate,
both from 1973 to 1989 and from 1989 to 1997.
Since productivity growth leads to higher material standards of
living, its apparent slowing has become the focal point of a large
volume of analysis. There are several possible explanations, but before
considering them, it may be helpful to consider the ultimate sources of
productivity growth. If one looks at simple labor productivity, then
physical capital accumulation and improved education appear to account
for a substantial portion of measured productivity growth. The
accumulation of physical and human capital has been extensively studied
and quantified, and its contribution to the growth of labor productivity
is not controversial. Additional sources of productivity growth include
scientific and engineering advances, the realization of economies of
scale, improvements in the management of organizations, and the shift in
employment from low- to high-productivity sectors of the economy; these
have been less well quantified, but the importance of each is also not
controversial. Finally, a broad array of conditions apply to nations as
a whole and can affect productivity growth. These include the
effectiveness of the rule of law in predictably protecting property
rights, the level and predictability of tax rates, the incentive effects
of particular taxes and subsidies, the extent and methods of government
regulation of business practices, the ability of a nation's system
of financial institutions to channel funds to productive investment
opportunities, and the extent to which monetary policy achieves low,
stable rates of inflation over time. The exact importance of each item
in this latter set is open to considerable debate.
Why did the trend rate of productivity growth in the United States
and in other mature industrial economies slow in the early 1970s?
Because it is difficult to measure productivity accurately, it is
tempting to blame measurement problems (see, for example, Nakamura
[1997]). In order for measurement problems to be convicted of that
crime, however, analysts must dispel several reasonable doubts. Exactly
what measurement problem suddenly worsened in the late 1960s or the
early 1970s? And why did it affect all mature industrial economies
simultaneously? The data in Table 1, for example, indicate that growth
of per capita output declined in the United States, the United Kingdom,
Germany, and Japan. Other productivity measures show an even more
dramatic slowing. Until such questions can be answered, many observers
will regard as unproven the hypothesis that an accurate estimate of
productivity growth did not slow, even though measured productivity
growth did. This conclusion also applies to a variant of the
mismeasurement view, namely that while true productivity growth did slow
in the 1970s and 1980s, it has rebounded in the 1990s, although that
rebound is not being properly measured.
Zvi Griliches (1994) presented some evidence on the plausibility of
the mismeasurement view. He classified output into sectors that were
relatively "measurable," such as manufacturing, and
"unmeasurable," such as finance. He then noted that the
fraction of output in measurable sectors had declined over time. Figure
3 uses his classification to illustrate how the fraction of output from
well-measured sectors has declined from 43 percent in 1959 to 30 percent
in 1994. From one perspective, output has been getting more difficult to
measure, since the poorly measured fraction has increased by 13
percentage points. But from another perspective, output has always been
difficult to measure, since even in 1959 well-measured output was less
than half of total output. For a quantitative assessment of the two
views, consider the following numerical example. Suppose that
productivity actually grew at a 5 percent annual rate in both the
measurable and unmeasurable sectors but that it was incorrectly
estimated as zero in the unmeasurable sector. Overall productivity
growth would then have been estimated at 2.15 percent in 1959 and 1.50
percent in 1994. Thus even these large numerical values that almost
certainly overstate the case would explain only part of the productivity
Slifman and Corrado (1996) examined the measurement problem in a
different manner. They found that labor productivity in nonfarm business
had the expected slowing: it grew by 2.8 percent from 1960 to 1973 but
only 1.1 percent from 1973 to 1996. But in the nonfarm corporate sector
(which accounts for slightly over three-fourths of nonfarm business)
productivity growth changed little, rising at a 1.8 percent rate from
1960 to 1973 and a 1.6 percent rate from 1973 to 1996. The difference in
aggregate productivity behavior reflects the nonfarm noncorporate
sector, composed of proprietorships and partnerships, in which measured
labor productivity rose at a 4.8 percent rate in the earlier period but
fell at a 0.9 percent rate in the later period. Moreover, the
profitability of that sector did not deteriorate even as productivity
fell. Thus it appears that this relatively small part of the economy
plays a disproportionately large role in overall productivity
developments and lends credence to the mismeasurement view. At the same
time, it is hard to imagine what form of mismeasurement accounts for the
dramatic change. Also, the data that Slifman and Corrado presented do
not rule out the possibility that the high growth of noncorporate
productivity before 1973 was an aberration.
A final possibility of increased mismeasurement around 1973 is raised
by the increased efforts to limit emissions of pollutants. The labor and
capital used to reduce pollution is included in national economic
statistics, but benefits like cleaner air and water are omitted. As a
result, increased pollution-control efforts will reduce measured output
and therefore measured productivity. While this argument is unassailable
in principle, one may question its quantitative impact. For example,
pollution abatement and control expenditure has typically been less than
2 percent of GDP. Also, the largest investments have been made by firms
in measurable industries, mostly where the productivity slowdown has
been less pronounced (the electric utility industry is a notable
If mismeasurement is not the whole story, then what explains slower
productivity growth? Several possible explanations are presented in this
Energy Prices
A large increase in the price of energy was initially a prime
suspect. In the 1970s, for example, many authors, such as John Tatom
(1979), attributed much of the productivity slowdown to oil-price
increases. The appeal of that hypothesis was in part due to the
correspondence of two events: first, energy prices rose rapidly in
1973-74, and second, the year 1973 is often taken to be the dividing
point between high- and low-productivity growth periods.(5) Interest in
that explanation waned following the failure of productivity to
accelerate after oil prices declined in the 1980s.
Institutional Sclerosis
Mancur Olson (1988), however, presented a view that could give some
importance to energy-price shocks despite the events of the 1980s. He
proposed that major shocks, such as oil-price increases, can interact
with rigidities in political systems to magnify the impact of shocks and
also can cause the effects of shocks to persist for long periods of
time. The simple story is that a shock that disturbs the status quo can
lead political interest groups to spend resources to influence the
distribution of output rather than use those resources to produce
output. To the extent that country's political system is dominated
by coalitions engaged in such behavior, the country is said to exhibit
institutional sclerosis. In essence, Olson explains the productivity
slowdown by a combination of initial shocks, including oil-price
increases in the 1970s, magnified and propagated by sclerotic political
systems in large, industrial economies including the United States.
Two papers provide some support for portions of Olson's view.
Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas Sargent (1996) present a theoretical
analysis, along with numerical calibration, of features of a
prototypical European welfare state. They found that the labor
market's adjustment to external shocks can be extremely lengthy and
that indirect effects of a shock can be substantial; both are part of
Olson's story. Also, Richard Vedder (1996) found a negative
correlation between labor productivity growth and spending by the U.S.
government for economic regulation. One would expect to see a negative
correlation if regulations were introduced primarily to affect the
distribution of income. The argument would be stronger, however, if
accompanied by an effort to assess the benefits of the regulations for
which costs were extensively tallied.
In Olson's view, effects of positive shocks are also magnified
and propagated through time. For example, a positive shock to a
sclerotic economy could initially be amplified due to a rising fraction
of new, successful ventures. The positive effects, including higher
growth and a lower price level, would then persist as the degree of
sclerosis in the economy declined. That decline would be a consequence
of individuals finding it more profitable to engage in productive
activity than in seeking to influence the political process.
Technical Change and Learning
One of the striking features of the post-1973 period has been the
falling cost of computing and the resulting widespread use of computer
power. From 1973 to 1996, real gross investment in computers and
peripheral equipment increased by a factor of 892 as the price of
computing power fell by a factor of 44. The coincidence of this
technological explosion and falling productivity growth has puzzled many
observers. In an attempt to reconcile the two, Andreas Hornstein and Per
Krusell (1996) note that people may need substantial amounts of learning
in order to use computers effectively. After modifying a standard model
to require that learning accompany a technological change, they find
that a technological change can boost output growth in the long run,
even though it causes an initial period of lower productivity. In
addition, they argue that the use of computers may be especially
efficient at increasing the quality of goods produced. Given the
difficulties of accounting for quality improvement in economic
statistics, they conclude that growing computer use may worsen the
measurement problem and obscure any rebound in productivity. Griliches
(1994) emphasizes that point by noting that the unmeasureable sector
accounts for fully three-quarters of new computer investment. Also,
Bally and Gordon (1988) present evidence on substantial investments in
computing that produce unmeasured convenience to consumers in several
specific areas.
A complementary theme, proposed by Paul David (1990), identifies
parallels between the recent adoption of the computer and the adoption
of electric power a century ago. In each case the technology improved
rapidly over a fairly long time, and the technology gradually moved into
widespread use. Even more intriguing was the pronounced slowing in
aggregate productivity growth during 1890-1913, when the world's
two leading economies, the United States and Britain, rapidly increased
their use of electricity. David attributed much of the delay between the
introduction of electricity and improved productivity to a lag in
designing manufacturing facilities that made optimal use of electric
motors and later a lengthy delay before it became profitable to replace
older facilities. He also noted that electrification led to
higher-quality products that would be mismeasured in economic
statistics; for example, electric light greatly improved the quality of
illumination, but that effect is ignored in conventional statistics.u In
short, here is a historical example of a revolutionary new technology
that significantly raised output in the long run, although the
introduction may have temporarily depressed measured productivity.
Research and Development
To better understand the role of technology on output growth,
analysts have long studied national spending on research and development
(R&D) as a proxy for general scientific and engineering advances.
Gordon Richards (1997) has incorporated data on R&D spending into a
statistical model designed to study long-run growth. In many ways the
model is standard, although it differs from most by allowing for small
increasing returns to scale for all factors of production taken
together. More significantly, he departs from the norm by distinguishing
computers from other physical capital stocks and making the efficiency
of R&D a function of computer quality, which in his model depends
inversely on the price of computers. One conclusion from his analysis is
that R&D added 1.2 percent to annual labor productivity growth in
the 1960s, but only 0.5 percent from 1973 to 1990, thereby explaining a
substantial portion of the productivity slowdown. Moreover, he found
that labor productivity growth increased in the 1990s, and he projects
that increase to continue, with labor productivity growth peaking at 1.8
percent around 2010 (versus 1.1 percent in the early 1990s).
An Optimistic Summary
The bits of evidence presented above can be combined into a
consistent optimistic scenario. The productivity slowdown was a real
phenomenon, although its severity is overstated by biased economic
statistics. The relative growth of the unmeasurable sector is partly
responsible for the overstatement. Furthermore, it is plausible that
computers - especially in the unmeasurable sector - have boosted quality
in ways that confound traditional measurement. For one example,
computers have allowed development of several new diagnostic techniques
that have made medical treatment much more effective, including
computerized tomography (CT) scanners. Trajtenberg (1990) has shown that
while the price of a CT scanner, which would be included in a producer
price index or a GDP price index, increased by a factor of 2.5, its
quality-adjusted price index fell by a factor of more than 1,400.(7) In
short, the growing use of computers, especially in industries for which
output is most difficult to measure, explains why the mismeasurement of
productivity could have increased around the time of the reported
slowdown of productivity growth.
Analysts who subscribe to this view expect productivity growth to be
higher in the immediate future. First, part of the measured decline was
simply measurement error. Second, the Hornstein-Krusell-David argument
would suggest that although growth has been temporarily depressed, it is
nonetheless set to rebound. A similar prediction comes from
Richards's (1997) statistical analysis, based on different data.
And Olson (1988) provides a rationale for even temporary positive
developments to have counter-intuitively large and long-lasting effects.
Since a key part of the optimistic scenario is a high rate of return
to R&D, it may be helpful to consider why many economists might find
that assumption plausible. The U.S. economy has become increasingly open
to international trade and investment over the last half century because
of lower tariffs, quotas, and other legal barriers to trade. Also
important have been large declines in unit costs of transportation and
communication and a shift in the composition of items traded from bulk
commodities, such as steel, to services and physically smaller items,
such as semiconductors. Why does openness matter? Many would argue that
the U.S. economy has a comparative advantage in generating new ideas and
incorporating them into tradeable products. Expanded trade therefore
would be expected to raise demands for new research, for educated
workers to apply that research, and for computer usage. A higher demand
for new research would lead to a higher rate of return on new research.
And as workers shifted into highly valued research-intensive activities,
productivity would rise.
A Less-Optimistic Scenario
Not all analysts subscribe to the optimistic scenario presented
above. For example, Robert Gordon (1996b) has argued that total-factor
productivity growth in the United States increased at an annual rate of
0.5 percent or less in much of the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries and at an annual rate of 1.5 percent from 1915 to 1965. Since
1965 it has reverted back to growth at an annual rate of 0.5 percent or
less. To him, the rapid growth from 1915 to 1965 is unusual. He believes
it is due to a few major technological developments, including the
electric motor, the internal combustion engine, communication
technology, and mass entertainment, which includes radio, movies, and
television. In his view, the computer has not had as much of an impact
as these earlier developments. He therefore believes that at least 1
percentage point of the productivity slowdown is real and should not be
expected to improve. To support his position, he suggests the thought
experiment of comparing the rise in the standard of living of the
average American between 1915 and 1955 with the rise between 1955 and
1995. He finds the former to be a period of substantial improvement,
with an average person's daily life literally transformed, but the
latter period to have comparatively little fundamental change.
An important part of Gordon's (1996b) argument involves a small
contribution of computers to productivity growth. Supporting evidence
comes from Daniel E. Sichel (1997), who examined the impact of computers
on growth and found little evidence of a substantial impact. He noted
that computer hardware represents only a small part of the nation's
capital stock; that conclusion does not change even if software is
correctly measured and added to the analysis. Also, he argued that
improvements in office automation and information processing equipment
did not begin with the computer but have been occurring for over a
century. A wide variety of equipment was adopted, including punched-card
tabulators, mechanical calculators, and electric typewriters. He
therefore sees the growing use of computers as a continuation of a trend
rather than a discrete technological shift. In addition, Sichel made the
case that mismeasured output growth does not account for his results.
Charles Jones (1997) took a different approach. He identified two
important factors, other than capital accumulation and technology, that
have had major impacts on U.S. economic growth. First, median years of
schooling for adults rose from 9.3 years in 1950 to 12.0 years in 1967
and then to 12.8 years in 1993. Second, the fraction of the labor force
consisting of scientists and engineers engaged in R&D rose from 0.26
percent in 1950 to 0.72 percent in 1967; after a subsequent fall it has
risen to 0.78 percent in 1993. For both, the substantial slowing of
improvement after 1967 is striking. Jones's analysis uses a fairly
conventional statistical model that incorporates increasing levels of
both education and research and allows for modestly increasing returns
to scale. In that model, increases in education or research can boost
the steady-state level of output or productivity, but once the steady
state is achieved, there is no effect on growth rates. He observes that
both the amount of schooling per person and the nation's research
effort must eventually stabilize, and he concludes that as they
stabilize in the future, output growth will slow. Accordingly, he
calculates that productivity growth will also slow to an annual rate of
0.6 percent.
The controversy over slowing productivity growth may remind the
reader of the old line that if all the economists in the world were laid
end to end, they wouldn't reach a conclusion. In this case, the
importance of the problem has led economists to explore possible
explanations, but the lack of definitive data has prevented a consensus
from emerging. More research would
clearly be helpful. In particular, it would at least be useful to
have bounds on the probable amount of bias in price, output, and
productivity statistics for several benchmark years. With such bounds in
hand, one could look at interrelations among macroeconomic statistics
for indirect evidence on whether either the optimistic or the
pessimistic scenarios could be ruled out.
To illustrate the value of such bounds, consider the behavior of real
interest rates. Figure 4 shows the movements over time of one measure of
ex post real rates, the one-year Treasury rate for each January minus
the next 12-month percentage change in the consumer price index,
excluding volatile food and energy prices (core CPI). Economic theory
states that real rates should move with productivity growth; thus, for
example, if the trend rate of productivity growth were to increase, that
would tend to raise real interest rates.8 Now suppose that we knew that
there was no ongoing change in the amount of bias in the core CPI.(9)
One could then look for a trend in real rates. The absence of a downward
trend would contradict the pessimistic story.
One could look at other relationships as well, such as real wages
tracking the trend in productivity growth. The point is to have some
bounds on movements of measurement biases over time; naturally, the
tighter the bounds, the sharper the inferences that can be made. Also,
the normal course of research will reveal which of the empirical studies mentioned above can withstand tests of replication by different authors
and checks for robustness of the results to minor specification changes.
And normal research will either tighten the theoretical work that is
loosely specified or point out any internal inconsistencies discovered.
Then we will better understand the productivity experience of the last
half century.
The Monthly Labor Review, published by the BLS, often contains
articles on the behavior of productivity and the preparation of
productivity statistics. In addition, it contains tables that display
recent data from each of the productivity programs.
The BLS also periodically publishes the BLS Handbook of Methods. This
is an invaluable document for anyone wanting an in-depth explanation of
the procedures used by the BLS to calculate economic statistics.
Chapters 10 and 11 deal with productivity and were important sources for
the preparation of this article.
The BLS makes a large volume of historical data and news releases
available on the Internet ( Some of its publications
are also available at its web site, including the Handbook of Methods.
Since the output portion of productivity statistics comes from the
National Income and Product Accounts, readers may find it helpful to
consult the Survey of Current Business for articles about the
preparation of GDP and related statistics. A convenient source of
methodological articles from that publication is the web site of the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (
The author gratefully acknowledges helpful comments from Marvin
Goodfriend, Andreas Hornstein, Thomas Humphrey, and Alex Wolman. The
views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the
author and should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
1 The CPI in 1997 was based on the goods and services consumers
bought during 1982, 1983, and 1984. The implicit price deflator for
consumer spending in the NIPAs, however, is based on the recent pattern
of goods and services purchased, and that pattern changes each year.
This difference in 1997 caused the CPI to overstate inflation by a
greater amount than did the GDP price index for consumer spending. In
1998, the CPI will use an updated bundle of goods and services that, for
a time, should narrow the difference between rates of change of the two
2 Jones (1988), for example, distinguishes between the last 1,000
years and the rest of mankind's existence.
3 These are not the only examples that could have been mentioned;
other countries have had similar periods of rapid growth as well.
4 The measure of GDP used in the figures in this article differs in
an important respect from that used by Maddison (1994). Whereas
Maddison's GDP data were constructed using a fixed base period,
official data are now constructed using a chain-weighted index for real
GDP. One effect of that difference is to slightly increase growth rates
over long periods of time, such as in Figure 1.
5 Although it is conventional to take 1973 as the watershed year, by
the late 1960s some analysts were discussing a slowing of productivity
growth that had become evident.
6 William Nordhaus (1997) provides fascinating details on the
provision of lighting through-out history. Most relevant to David's
(1990) hypothesis, Nordhaus focuses on the cost of providing what
consumers want, namely a given amount of illumination, and contrasts
that with the traditional price-index practice of valuing items like
lamps and fuel. The difference between the two approaches is striking.
Whereas the traditional index increased by a factor of three from 1800
to 1992, the true index fell by a factor of 1,000! He further estimates
that real output growth has been underestimated by 0.036 percent per
year due to bias in price indexes for lighting alone.
7 Of course, as the better scanner lowers the cost or improves the
quality of medical care, consumer welfare increases and a cost-of-living
index for consumers would fall.
8 Of course, other factors also affect interest rates. In the figure,
at least part of the down-trend in the 1960s and 1970s reflected the
slow adjustment of expectations and institutions to an inflationary
monetary policy, and the upward spike in 1982 represents the shift to a
disinflationary monetary policy. One also could adjust for other items
that could have affected interest rates, such as the business cycle or
fiscal policy.
9 If the bias in measuring the CPI were increasing, that would bias
estimates of real interest rates downward.
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