Debt default and the insurance of labor income risk.
Athreya, Kartik B. ; Tam, Xuan S. ; Young, Eric R. 等
Recent research (e.g., Chatterjee et al. 2007, Livshits, MacGee,
and Tertilt 2007) has found that allowing for debt default, such as
through the relatively lenient U.S. bankruptcy code, is likely to
improve ex ante welfare relative to more strict forms of debt
forgiveness. The welfare gains come from improved consumption insurance
provided by the option to not repay debt in some circumstances. Thus
far, however, all instances where quantitative work finds a beneficial
role for default have been ones with large and transitory shocks
directly to household consumption expenditures. It is clear therefore
that these "expense shocks" that lead to involuntary
reductions in net worth are sufficient, given the specification of
non-expense-related income risk in current models, to justify debt
relief in forms resembling U.S. personal bankruptcy provisions.
The availability of bankruptcy, and more generally, default, will
be reflected in the pricing on consumer debt, and so will affect
households' ability to smooth consumption across dates and states
of nature. It is therefore important to note that a significant amount
of the risk to lifetime household resources may come from persistent
shocks to labor income (Huggett, Ventura, and Yaron 2010). As a result,
to the extent that one might be able to locate other, more targeted,
ways of insuring expense shocks, it is useful to better understand how
effective debt forgiveness is for managing income risk in isolation.
In this article, we evaluate in detail the role of debt forgiveness
in altering the impact of income risk in the absence of expense shocks.
The experiments we present can be thought of as asking: "If we
insure the out-of-pocket expenses that constitute expenditure shocks, is
there still a role of debt relief as a form of insurance against
'pure labor income risk'?" We address this question by
studying a range of specifications for households' attitudes toward
the intra-and intertemporal properties of income, when expense shocks
are not present. Our main finding is that, absent expenditure shocks,
the ability to default very generally hinders the ability of households
to protect themselves against labor income risk.
Despite the nature of our results, we stress that our work is not
to be taken as a strong statement about the overall desirability of U.S.
personal bankruptcy law, for two reasons. First, to the extent the
expense shocks are a feature of reality, our model is missing a feature
known to be capable of justifying bankruptcy protection. Second,
informal default or "delinquency" whereby a borrower simply
ceases making payments (and leaves themselves open to legally protected
collections efforts) may simply increase if formal bankruptcy is made
stricter or disallowed altogether. Indeed, in ongoing work (Athreya et
al. 2013), we find that this channel is quantitatively relevant. These
related, and coexisting, options to avoid debt repayment are not modeled
here. Instead, our results apply more narrowly: They suggest that labor
income risk alone may not provide a strong rationale for allowing
households to default. In other words, our findings suggest that the
scope of shocks that debt forgiveness is providing insurance against is
limited, perhaps limited principally to relatively catastrophic
It is interesting to note that similar results are now being
located in the literature on sovereign debt. Namely, it has proved very
difficult to find plausible circumstances in which the benefits to being
able to repudiate debts (or perhaps more accurately, the costs of being
unable to commit to repayment of sovereign debt) are positive. The
reasons for the similarity of the results are natural. Most importantly,
the models themselves are largely isomorphic in the optimization
problems they lead to, and do not differ substantially enough in their
quantitative specification of either preferences or risk. Moreover, even
though sovereign debt models differ somewhat in the interpretation of
the debt itself (i.e., that is public debt, not private), the standard
assumption in that literature is that government is benevolent and seeks
to borrow on behalf of households who themselves wish to smooth
consumption. This blurs the distinction between the path of public debt
the government chose and that which households would have chosen.
Our results come from comparing allocations arising from two
underlying trading environments. First, we study allocations arising
from what we will refer to as the textbook, or "standard
model" (SM), of consumption and saving in which households face
uninsurable earnings risks with persistent and transitory components. In
this model, households can only borrow using nondefaultable debt and
also face liquidity constraints. Canonical examples of SM include those
laid out in Deaton (1992, chapter 7) and Carroll (1997). To be
consistent with the view that borrowing limits should be endogenously
determined by repayment incentives, under SM, we investigate primarily
the so-called "natural borrowing limit" case. (1)
The second trading arrangement we consider is one where, as before,
households face life-cycle consumption/savings problems in which they
encounter identical risks as in SM, but can issue defaultable debt. We
will refer to this as the "default model" (DM). Benchmarks in
this literature are Chatterjee et al. (2007) and Livshits, MacGee, and
Tertilt (2007). Following these articles, default in the DM will be
represented as a procedure whereby those with negative net worth can
stop paying obligations, subject to any costs that may be present. The
two trading arrangements we consider are thus clearly different.
Nonetheless, they are related in a simple way: SM is the limiting case
of DM as default becomes prohibitively costly.
To focus directly on the role of default in insuring labor income
risk relative to the SM, we take two steps. First, as already noted, we
deliberately set aside expenditure shocks. The presence of such shocks
rules out the comparison of models with default against the standard
model as budget sets would be empty for some dates and states were it
not for the possibility of default. Second, we will examine a wider
array of household preferences than has been done in the literature thus
far. Specifically, we (i) separate risk aversion from the intertemporal
willingness of households to substitute consumption, and (ii) evaluate
the role of ambiguity aversion (or uncertainty aversion) when households
are unsure of the stochastic environment they populate.
Both the separation of risk aversion from intertemporal
elasticities and the possibility of ambiguity have been previously
identified with a beneficial role for debt default. However, neither has
been studied formally. The logic for suspecting that they may be
important in delivering a welfare-enhancing role for default is as
follows. First, the tradeoff between intertemporal and intratemporal
smoothing was first suggested in Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2007) in
a life-cycle model of personal default. Assessing the relative
importance of these motives therefore requires allowing for preferences
in which the two attitudes can be distinct, irrespective of the
uncertainty surrounding income. However, prior work has employed
constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) preferences that conflate the two
aspects of household preferences. In contrast, we employ Epstein-Zin
recursive utility (Epstein and Zin 1989), which we select because of its
tractability and demonstrated ability to improve the performance of
asset pricing models, of which defaultable debt is a special case.
Second, with respect to the role of ambiguity in determining the
value of an option to default, the legal and political history of
bankruptcy law suggests that allowing for the release of debtors subject
only to modest penalties is a policy that improves welfare if households
are not perfectly sure of the probabilistic structure of income risk
(see Jackson (2001) for one example). (2) This view is not confined to
legal experts. As noted as early as Friedman (1957), agents will
typically be unsure about the process that generates their labor income
shocks, instead accepting that a family of potential distributions that
may be difficult to distinguish are possible. Within this class of
preferences, an agent who displays ambiguity aversion (Epstein and
Schneider 2003) will solve a max-min problem--the agent will choose the
member of the class that makes utility lowest and then choose
consumption and savings in order to deliver the highest utility in this
worst case.3 It is precisely this feature of the problem that will allow
for a more nuanced understanding of how penalties can be
"excessive" and thereby welfare-reducing: Eliminating default
through harsh penalties may leave the agent unwilling to borrow at all.
As a result, such a policy could perversely inhibit both intertemporal
and intratemporal consumption smoothing, despite
"mechanically" alleviating the limited commitment problem that
the young and poor face. U.S. bankruptcy law, for instance, appears
directly predicated on the idea that penalties can indeed be excessive,
in the sense that they may leave would-be borrowers unwilling to do so
(see Jackson (2001)).
The potential role for ambiguity in altering the welfare
implications of having defaultable debt is also suggested by the
observation that, in all extant work on consumer default, the relative
gains seen in the SM relative to DM strongly depend on the "worst
case" for household income. In particular, the large welfare losses
in the DM relative to SM stem from the ability of young agents to borrow
out to the natural debt limit. The natural debt limit is, however,
extremely sensitive to small changes in the value of the worst-possible
labor income realization, particularly for (i) young agents for whom the
annuity value of future labor income is particularly high, and (ii) all
agents when the risk-free borrowing rate is low.4 This lower bound is
difficult to estimate accurately (see Deaton [1992] or Pemberton [1998])
and the worst-case outcomes are the primary focus of ambiguity-averse
agents; thus, it seems important to understand whether the superiority
of SM hinges entirely on the lowest value of income.
Our main finding along these dimensions is that even in the
presence of very high levels of uninsurable labor income risk, high risk
aversion, an unwillingness to substitute intertemporally, and the
presence of ambiguity, the ability of households to default on debt
leads to allocations that all households prefer less than the outcome
that arises when they retain full commitment to repay. The intuition for
our welfare results involves the relationship between the current
economic situation of the borrower and the price of debt. When
short-term debt is used in a setting with household labor income risk
that is persistent, limited commitment to debt repayment will make
credit expensive anytime the household experiences a negative shock;
pricing "moves against" the unlucky borrower. (In Athreya,
Tam, and Young [2009], we argue that unsecured credit markets are not
insurance markets for precisely this reason.) As a result, agents who
most "need" debt to smooth consumption are exactly those that
find themselves unable to obtain it, because they also pose the highest
risk of default. Tam (2009) extends this result to longer-term
arrangements; specifically, he finds that competitively priced
longer-period debt (in which the pricing function is held fixed over a
number of periods) is welfare-dominated by one-period debt.
In contrast, the possibility of welfare gains from lowering
penalties by enough to yield default in equilibrium was first suggested
by Dubey, Geanakoplos, and Shubik (2005). Theirs was a setting where
borrowers of differential default risk were pooled together and thereby
did not pay the individually actuarially fair price for their debt
issuance. As a result of the stylized nature of their two-period model,
it is not suitable for determining whether defaultable debt is
welfare-improving in a more quantitatively oriented model economy. In
some quantitative settings where pooling is imposed exogenously, Athreya
(2002) and Mateos-Planas and Seccia (2006) find that welfare is higher
in SM than DM. More recently, in a setting where private information
allows for equilibrium pooling, the findings of Athreya, Tam, and Young
(2009) suggest again that, as a quantitative matter, short-term
defaultable debt is unlikely to be able to function as a form of
insurance. Viewing these findings as a whole, they support the notion
that the benefits of slacker borrowing constraints outweigh the costs of
having no default option.
Lastly, with respect to political support for a policy allowing
debt default, in addition to the welfare gains from having defaultable
debt available in the presence of expense shocks, it seems possible that
such provisions would enjoy support even in their absence. One obvious
possibility is that the current regime may simply reflect objectives
other than the maximization of the welfare of newborn agents. We
therefore ask if ex post welfare can account for the evident political
support enjoyed by proponents of relatively lax rules on default.
Specifically, we ask whether model agents would choose to allow the
option to default on debt in an economy where it was not already present
(taking into account all changes resulting from the policy change). We
find some support for such a change, but it falls well short of a
majority. Support for the default option comes from relatively unlucky
middle-aged college graduates: These are agents who borrowed a lot when
young, in (rational) anticipation of higher income in middle age. When
realized income did not materialize as expected, such households have
significant debt as they approach retirement, and so will benefit from
having debt obligations removed. Young agents, by contrast, are almost
uniformly opposed to allowing defaultable debt, and even less-educated
workers do not generally support it.
Households in the model economy live for a maximum of J <
[infinity] periods. We assume that the economy is small and open, so
that the risk-free interest rate is exogenous, while the wage rate is
still determined by a factor price condition. (5) As a result, our
welfare calculations will be biased toward finding a positive role for
bankruptcy, since any lost resources arising from the implementation of
default procedures like bankruptcy courts and legal costs will be
Each household of age j has a probability [[psi].sub.j] < 1 of
surviving to age j + 1 and has a pure time discount factor [beta] <
1. Households value consumption per household member [c.sub.i/[n.sub.j]]
and attach a negative value [[lambda].sub.j, y] (in terms of a
percentage of consumption) to all nonpecuniary costs of defaulting,
which depend on type y to be defined below. Their (preferences are
represented by a recursive utility function U
([{[c.sub.i/[n.sub.j]]}.sub.j = 1.sup.J]) that we detail below.
Households retire exogenously at age j* < J.
We follow Chatterjee et al. (2007) in allowing for household-level
costs from default that are primarily nonpecuniary in nature. The
existence of nonpecuniary costs of default are also suggested by the
calculations and evidence in Fay, Hurst, and White (1998) and Gross and
Souleles (2002), respectively. The former article shows that a large
measure of households would have "financially benefited" from
debt default via personal bankruptcy but did not file for protection,
while both articles document significant unexplained variability in the
probability of default across households even after controlling for a
large number of observables. These results suggest the presence of
implicit unobserved collateral that is heterogeneous across households,
including (but not limited to) any "stigma" associated with
default along with any other costs that are not explicitly pecuniary in
nature (as in Athreya [2004]). We will therefore sometimes refer to
[[lambda].sub.j, y] as stigma in what follows, although we intend it to
be more encompassing.
The household budget constraint during working age is given by
where q is an individual-specific bond price that depends on bond
issuance [b.sub.j] and a vector of individual characteristics I. Net
worth after the current-period default decision is denoted [a.sub.j],
and therefore satisfies [a.sub.j] = [b.sub.j - 1] if the household does
not default and [a.sub.j] = 0 otherwise; [DELTA] is the pecuniary cost
of filing for default. The last term is after-tax current labor income
([tau] is the tax rate). Log labor income is the sum of five terms: the
aggregate wage index W, a permanent shock y realized prior to entry into
the labor market, a deterministic age term [w.sub.j, y], a persistent
shock e that evolves as an AR(1):
log (e') = [gamma]log (e) + [euro]', (2)
and a purely transitory shock log (v). Both e and log (v) are
independent mean zero normal random variables with variances that are
y-dependent. (6) The budget constraint during retirement is
where, for simplicity, we assume that pension benefits are composed
of a fraction V [member of] (0, 1) of income in the last period of
working life plus a fraction [GAMMA] of average income (which is
normalized to 1).
The survival probabilities [[psi].sub.j, y] and the deterministic
age-income terms [[omega].sub.j, y] differ according to the realization
of the permanent shock. We interpret y as differentiating between
non-high school, high school, and college education levels, as in
Hubbard, Skinner, and Zeldes (1994), and the differences in these
life-cycle parameters will generate different incentives to borrow
across types. In particular, college workers will have higher survival
rates and a steeper hump in earnings; the second is critically important
as it generates a strong desire to borrow early in the life cycle. Less
importantly, they also face slightly smaller shocks than the other two
education groups. The life-cycle aspect of our model is key--in the
data, defaults are skewed toward young households (who borrow at least
in part for purely intertemporal reasons), particularly those who do not
report medical expenses as a main contributor to their default. (7)
Nonpecuniary costs, [lambda], follow a two-state Markov chain with
realizations {[[lambda].sub.L, y], [[lambda].sub.H, y]} that are
independent across households, but serially dependent with transition
Due to data limitations, we assume that the transition probability
matrix is symmetric and type-invariant, so the only difference across
types in terms of stigma costs are their realizations. Our
parametrization is more flexible than we used in previous work (Athreya,
Tam, and Young 2009, 2012) so that we can match the default rates across
education groups. As we show in a subsequent section, the process is
still not flexible enough to match all the targets of interest, although
it does a reasonable job. Households cannot borrow or save during the
period in which they declare default; however, they face no restriction
in any subsequent period. (8)
Loan Pricing
We focus throughout on competitive domestic lending. There exists a
competitive market of intermediaries who offer one-period debt contracts
and utilize available information to offer individualized credit
pricing. Let I denote the information set for a lender and [^.[pi]]: b x
I [right arrow] [0, 1] denote the function that assigns a probability of
default to a loan of size b given information I; [^.[pi]] (b, I) is
identically zero for positive levels of net worth and is equal to 1 for
some sufficiently large debt level. The break-even pricing function q(*)
given [^.[pi]] (b, I).
In terms of loan pricing, some remarks are in order. In earlier
work, Athreya (2002) specified an exogenous credit limit and then
limited the sensitivity of loan pricing by forcing all loans to be
priced identically. This approach has the benefit of plausibly capturing
the "optionality" of the typical unsecured debt contract,
whereby households can count on being able to borrow at a predetermined
interest rate up to a predetermined credit limit, i.e., a credit
"line." A second benefit from this approach is that it might
allow a shortcut to analyzing pooling outcomes that arise from private
information on borrower characteristics. However, there are clear
drawbacks to this approach as well. First, for the counterfactuals we
are interested in, we desire a setting in which both the supply side of
the credit market and prices jointly respond to changes in borrowing and
repayment incentives. By contrast, in Athreya (2002), only prices
responded. For large changes in default incentives, such as what we will
examine, this is not a desirable limitation. More recently,
Mateos-Planas and Seccia (2006) extended the approach of Athreya (2002)
to allow for changes in credit limits, but both it and Athreya (2002) in
the end employ a framework substantially different enough to make the
comparison to the existing models described at the outset difficult.
Second, from even a purely empirical perspective, there are reasons to
avoid the use of pooling contracts. As documented in Livshits et al.
(2012), and Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012), among others, the variation
in unsecured credit terms is now large and appears sensitive to
household-level conditions. Lastly, while not directly observable, it is
plausible that while individual credit contracts are best characterized
by a single interest rate and credit limit, the proper interpretation of
credit in the model is the sum of all credit available to the household.
In this case, then, the question is the extent to which the household
would have to pay more, sooner or later, to acquire additional credit.
Our chosen approach features pricing that responds to default in a
manner that yields supply-side effects and makes the marginal cost of
credit an increasing function.
Returning to the model, r is the exogenous risk-free saving rate
and 0 is a transaction cost for lending, so that r + [empty set] is the
risk-free borrowing rate; the pricing function takes into account the
automatic default by those households that die at the end of the period.
(9) We assume I contains the entire state vector for the household: I =
(a, y, e, v, [lambda], j). Zero profit for the intermediary requires
that the probability of default used to price debt must be consistent
with that observed in the stationary equilibrium, implying that
[^.[pi]] (b, I) = [[SIGMA].sub.e', v',
[lambda']][[pi].sub.e] (e'|e) [[pi].sub.v](v')
[[pi].sub.[lambda]] ([lambda]'|[lambda])d(b (a, y, e, v, [lambda],
j), e', v', [lambda']). (5)
Since d (b, e', v', [lambda']) is the probability
that the agent will default in state (e', v', [lambda'])
tomorrow at debt level b, integrating over all such events tomorrow
produces the relevant default risk. This expression also makes clear
that knowledge of the persistent component e is critical for predicting
default probabilities; the more persistent e is, the more useful it
becomes in assessing default risk.
The only purpose of government in this model is to fund pension
payments to retirees. The government budget constraint is
The left-hand side is the total revenue obtained by levy of a flat
tax rate [tau] on all working agents, where the distribution of working
households (those for whom j < j*) over productivity levels and age
is given by [GAMMA] (*). The right-hand side is the total expenditure on
retirees (those for whom j [greater than or equal to] j*). Recall that
to provide a tractable representation of social security and retirement
benefits, we assume that retirement income is composed of a fraction v
[member of] (0, 1) of income in the last period of working life plus a
fraction [gamma] of average income (which is normalized to 1).
Price Determination
We assume that the risk-free rate r is exogenous and determined by
the world market for credit. Given r, profit maximization by domestic
production firms implies that
W (1 - [alpha]) [([gamma]/[alpha]).sup.[alpha]/[alpha]-1]
where [alpha] is capital's share of income in a Cobb-Douglas
aggregate production technology. Our assumption that the risk-free rate
is exogenous deserves discussion. It is certainly reasonable to assume
that the U.S. capital market is open, so empirically it is not
implausible. Furthermore, if we close the economy we confront the high
concentration of wealth puzzle directly--the median-wealth agent in the
United States has little or no wealth and thus cares about default
policy, since they may borrow in the future if unlucky, while the mean
agent holds substantial wealth and is unlikely to be concerned with the
default policy in place. (10) There is a caveat, however. Li and Sarte
(2006) is an early article that establishes a role for general
equilibrium feedback effects that overturn partial equilibrium
implications. Though we suspect our findings are robust to the
determination of the risk-free rate via general equilibrium
restrictions, it is not known for sure whether this is the case.
Here we present the recursive representations of the preferences we
Constant Relative Risk Aversion
The agent's problem is standard under CRRA preferences, with
the Bellman equation for a household of age j given by
v (b, y, e', v', [lambda]', j + 1) = (1 - d
(e', v', [lambda]')) v (b, y, e', v',
[lambda]', j + 1) +
d(e', v', [lambda]') [v.sup.D] (O, y, e'
v', [lambda]' j + 1), (6)
subject to the budget constraint given in (1) and (3), depending on
their age.
The value function for a household that defaulted in the current
period is given by
1 - [rho] [greater than or equal to] 0 is the coefficient of
relative risk aversion and also the inverse of the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution. Given our assumptions, the budget
constraints remain the same as for all other agent types, aside from
current net worth being zero as a result of the default.
Under Epstein-Zin preferences, a household of age j solves the
dynamic programming problem
subject to the usual budget constraints, and where
is the value of default. [sigma] [greater than or equal to] 0
governs the household's aversion to fluctuations in utility across
states of nature while [rho] [less than or equal to] 1 controls the
substitutability between current and future utility; specifically,
[sigma] is the coefficient of relative risk aversion with respect to
gambles over future consumption and 1/1-[rho]is the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution in consumption. When [rho] 1 - [sigma], these
preferences generate the same ordering over stochastic streams of
consumption as expected utility does.
The results are organized into two subsections. First, we study the
roles played by aversion to fluctuations in consumption over time and
across states-of-nature. We begin with expected utility preferences. We
then relax this by employing Epstein-Zin preferences. Throughout this
subsection, we consider parameter values that lie near the values
implied by the benchmark calibration; these values ensure that model
outcomes remain in congruence with cross-sectional facts on consumption
and income inequality. We show that welfare under the default option is
lower, at least ex ante. Second, based on this result, we ask the
"inverse" question: Are there economies in which welfare in
the standard model is worse? In this subsection, we no longer restrict
ourselves to parameters dictated by U.S. data; rather, our goal is to
understand whether any parameterizations within the parametric classes
we study are capable of generating lax default as a welfare-improving
policy. Specifically, we consider shocks with counterfactually large
persistent and transitory components and preferences that display
ambiguity aversion.
As noted at the outset, our approach throughout will shut down
expense shocks in an otherwise standard consumption smoothing problem. A
caveat is in order. While we have argued that this is informative about
a case in which insurance is introduced where it was previously missing,
it should be recognized that this is not necessarily identical to that
case. In particular, the most direct route to addressing the question of
whether default would remain useful if society located a way to insure
what are presently uninsurable expenses is to explicitly model such an
option. We opt for a simpler approach here in part because the form of
such insurance, were it to become available, is not obvious a priori.
This is primarily because it is unlikely to be provided privately, given
that it has not emerged to this point. As a result, the form it takes
will likely be as part of a tax-transfer scheme. Our model lacks the
detail needed to address the associated incentive-related costs. Our
approach is therefore similar to the thought-experiment of Lucas (1987)
in which the costless removal of risks was employed as a benchmark for
the gains from business cycle stabilization. Still, the reader should
keep in mind the indirect nature of our approach and the limits it
places on the interpretation of our results. In particular, our approach
leads us to calibrate more than once, sometimes with only partial
success, depending on the case under study, as opposed to calibrating
once at the outset. We acknowledge this limitation and leave the
alternate approach for future work.
Does Default Help Insure Labor Income Risk?
In this subsection, we evaluate the implications of default
relative to the standard model for a variety of empirically plausible
values for agent attitudes toward intra- and intertemporal consumption
smoothing. Before evaluating these alternatives, we present our argument
for why default regimes must be a matter of policy rather than an
endogenous outcome of decentralized trading arrangements. The most
prevalent form of explicitly unsecured credit is that arising from the
open-ended revolving debt plan offered by credit card lenders. Credit
card lending, in turn, has been (certainly since the mid-1990s)
extremely competitive. (11) The relevance of the competitiveness of the
U.S. unsecured lending industry is that the credit market cannot be
punitive in its treatment of those who default. That is, no single firm
would be willing to treat an individual borrower any worse than the
current assessment of their state would justify. As a result, a
household contemplating default in such a setting can safely rule out
being "punished" for it. In the case where default conveys no
additional information to a lender than what it was able to observe ex
ante, there is literally no change in terms that are "caused"
by the act of reneging on a payment obligation. Conversely, when default
does reveal information, the change in terms is again not
"punitive" in nature, but instead reflects an updated
assessment of default risk. As a result, "high" ex post
interest rates following default are implausibly ascribed to deadweight
loss-inducing penalties. In the symmetric-information and competitive
setting we study, punishments that are ex post inefficient will not be
sustainable. Even if any single lender could withhold credit after
default, the presence of other lenders would undermine the possibility
of anything purely punitive. As a result, default costs capable of
sustaining unsecured credit markets are likely to require intervention
by policymaking authorities. (12) Thus, in the market for unsecured
consumer debt, it is likely that any costs of default filing that are in
any way punitive have to be policies. (13)
At the outset, we noted that for plausible parameterizations of
preferences that admit an expected utility representation, the standard
model typically maximizes welfare. Our first step is to understand
whether this argument against default obtains only because of the
restriction to expected utility or is a more fundamental property of
models of life-cycle consumption smoothing. To collapse the model to the
standard model, the specific quantitative experiment we consider is the
imposition of a cost of default [DELTA] that is large enough to
eliminate all default on the equilibrium path. (14) Before proceeding,
we note the following property of our model.
Proposition 1 For each (a, y, e, v, j) there exists [DELTA] large
enough that [^.[pi]](b) = 0.
This result relies on the nonnegativity condition for
consumption--if [DELTA] exceeds the labor income of the household in the
current period, default cannot occur since consumption would have to be
negative. Given that total labor income is bounded (by assumption) and
borrowing is proscribed in the period of default, we can always impose a
cost of filing sufficient to generate zero default along the equilibrium
path. We then compute the change in lifetime utility for each individual
given a [DELTA] that exceeds the maximum required; in the absence of
general equilibrium effects, we can compute these changes for each
individual, rather than simply for newborns, without the need to track
transitional dynamics. We will focus in general on ex ante welfare of
We consider a benchmark case of expected utility, where [rho] = 1 -
[sigma] = -1. We choose ([beta], [[lambda].sub.L, y], [[lambda].sub.H,
y], [pi]) to match the default rates of each type y, the measure of
negative net worth as a fraction of gross domestic product for each type
y, the fraction of borrowers, and the discharge ratio (mean debt removed
via default divided by mean income at time of filing). Table 1 contains
the constellation of parameters that fits best (when viewed as exactly
identified generalized method of moments with an identity weighting
matrix). Other parameters are identical to those in Athreya, Tam, and
Young (2009)--these include the resource cost of default [DELTA], the
income processes faced by each type, the measure of each type, and the
parameters of the retirement system ([theta], [THETA]). (15)
Table 1 Calibration
Case [rho] = -1, [rho] = -0.5,
[sigma] = 2 [sigma] = 2
Parameter, Target Parameter Outcome Parameter Outcome
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.h], 0.8972 0.31% 0.8668 1.24%
[[pi].sub.nhs] = 1.03%
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.l], E 0.7624 0.2071 0.6929 0.2104
[(b/y | b < 0).sub.nhs] =
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.h], 0.8832 0.97% 0.8064 1.29%
[[pi].sub.hs] = 1.11%
[[lambda].sub.hs.sup.l], E 0.7135 0.1835 0.6933 0.1825
[(b/y | b < 0).sub.hs] =
[[lambda].sub.coll.sup.h], 0.7067 0.63% 0.7136 0.79%
[[pi].sub.coll] = 0.57%
[[lambda].sub.coll.sup.l], 0.5698 0.1504 0.6352 0.1506
E [(b/y | b < 0).sub.coll]
= 0.7251
[beta], Pr(b < 0) = 12.5% 0.9765 17.5% 0.9895 13.3%
[[rho].sub.[lambda]], [E (b 0.8597 0.3986 0.6655 0.4073
| d = 1)]/[E (y | d = 1)]
= 0.56
[rho] = -1
Case [sigma] = 5
Parameter, Target Parameter Outcome
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.h], 0.9376 0.51%
[[pi].sub.nhs] = 1.03%
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.l], E 0.7538 0.1561
[(b/y | b < 0).sub.nhs] =
[[lambda].sub.nhs.sup.h], 0.8872 1.31%
[[pi].sub.hs] = 1.11%
[[lambda].sub.hs.sup.l], E 0.6236 0.2553
[(b/y | b < 0).sub.hs] =
[[lambda].sub.coll.sup.h], 0.7055 0.76%
[[pi].sub.coll] = 0.57%
[[lambda].sub.coll.sup.l], 0.4205 0.2194
E [(b/y | b < 0).sub.coll]
= 0.7251
[beta], Pr(b < 0) = 12.5% 0.9532 12.5%
[[rho].sub.[lambda]], [E (b 0.7658 0.4630
| d = 1)]/[E (y | d = 1)]
= 0.56
Our model is not capable of exactly matching the entire set of
moments--for example, we underpredict default rates and discharge,
generally underpredict debt-to-income ratios, and overpredict the
measure of borrowers. This inability arises because the model actually
places very tight links between some variables, restricting the
minimization routine's ability to independently vary them. (16) In
the end, one either accepts that expense shocks do indeed play a very
dominant role in default data, or one is left with a puzzle relative to
standard consumption-savings models. Still, we note that the qualitative
findings from our analysis do not appear to depend on our specification
of the stochastic process for [lambda]. (17)
Expected Utility and Ex Ante Welfare
We consider two environments--one with the calibrated value for
[DELTA] and one with a cost [DELTA] sufficient to eliminate default on
the equilibrium path. Table 2 contains the welfare gain from the
standard model in which it is infeasible for any household to declare
default. Consistent with our previous work, we find that welfare is
higher in the standard model ex ante for every newborn (independent of
type). College types benefit the most from the change, and their welfare
gain is substantial (1.2 percent of lifetime consumption). To aid the
discussion in subsequent sections where we alter preference parameters,
we quickly summarize the reasons for the welfare gains here.
Table 2 Welfare Gains (without Recalibration)
[sigma] = 2 & EIS = 0.5 Coll HS NHS
DM [right arrow] SM 1.21% 0.54% 0.52%
[sigma] = 2 & EIS = 0.67 Coll HS NHS
DM [right arrow] SM 0.58% 0.21% 0.13%
a = 5 & EIS =0.5 Coll HS NHS
DM [right arrow] SM 0.47% 0.16% 0.13%
In the standard model, the loss of resources generated by the
filing cost is not present. Since we do not impose an economy-wide
resource constraint, these lost resources are not important. Instead,
the welfare gain is driven by an improved allocation of consumption. By
the law of total variance, the variance of consumption over the life
cycle can be decomposed into two components:
Var (log (c)) = Var (E [log (c) [age]) + E [Var (log (c) [age]].
We label the first term the "intertemporal" component of
consumption smoothing; it represents how expected consumption differs
across time periods. The second term is the "intratemporal"
component; it measures how much consumption varies across agents of a
given age. Roughly speaking, how costly the first component is in terms
of welfare depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution,
because it measures the deterministic variance of consumption over time,
whereas the welfare cost of the second part is governed by static risk
aversion. In Figure 1 we see that the standard model, or
"no-default" case (SM), improves intertemporal smoothing (the
curve gets flatter) because all lending becomes risk-free. Thus, as we
noted in the introduction, the only debt limit that is relevant is the
natural debt limit, which is very large in our model for newborn agents.
Turning to the intratemporal component, in Figure 2 we see that the SM
improves this as well, restating the analysis in Athreya, Tam, and Young
(2009) that unsecured credit markets do not provide insurance. Here, bad
shocks trigger tightening of credit constraints, making consumption
smoothing across states of nature more difficult. As a result, young
agents are unable to respond effectively to bad income realizations when
they can default, causing their consumption to be highly volatile. Under
the SM, the natural debt limit is sufficient to protect them against
adverse shocks; by middle age, default has ceased to be relevant and
thus the two cases largely coincide. (18)
The differences in outcomes across the DM and SM cases are given in
Figures 3, 4, and 5, and are driven by changes in the pricing functions
agents face. In Figure 3 we show the pricing functions in the low costs
of default environment facing a young college agent across realizations
of the persistent shock e. The initial flat segment is driven by
[lambda] and is increasing in the current realization of the persistent
shock e. As debt increases, more realizations of e' would trigger
default, causing q to decline until it reaches zero; looking across e
values we see that higher e realizations permit more borrowing. Of
course, higher e realizations in our model are typically associated with
less, not more, borrowing, so these increased debt limits are not
particularly valuable; instead, the tightening of credit limits when e
is low generates substantial costs for poor agents. In contrast, under
SM pricing is flat out to the natural debt limit. Crucially, transitory
shocks do not impact pricing; because v' cannot be predicted using
v, the current transitory shock has no effect on the default decision
tomorrow conditional on b (b is changed by the transitory shock,
The potential tradeoff between the two components of smoothing
motivated the life-cycle analysis of Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt
(2007) and Athreya (2008), so why doesn't default generate this
tradeoff? As discussed in Athreya, Tam, and Young (2009), default can
either help or hinder intratemporal smoothing, depending on which agent
you ask. An agent facing an income process with low intertemporal
variance but high intratemporal variance--that is, tomorrow's
expected income is close to current income but tomorrow's income
has substantial risk--may benefit from default; the intertemporal
distortion is minimal while the potential to truncate the consumption
distribution at the low end conveys significant benefits (even once
pricing is taken into account). In contrast, an agent facing the
opposite process--income that grows over time and is relatively
safe--generally does not benefit; default is not used because pricing
prevents it and the intertemporal distortion is substantial, leading to
significant welfare losses. In our model, a young agent is of the second
type, especially a college-educated one, while older households are
members of the first type.
Ex Post Welfare--Voting over Default Policy
Because we study a small open-economy model in which the risk-free
rate is fixed, but also allow all pricing to be individualized, there
are no "pecuniary" externalities. We can therefore compute the
welfare consequences of policy changes for any agent at any point in the
state space; since the distribution plays no role in pricing (and
therefore no role in welfare), we do not need to calculate the
transitional dynamics of the model to get the welfare changes. We ask
agents of a given age and type whether, conditional on their cm-rent
state, they would be in favor of eliminating the option to declare
default. Figure 6 displays the measure of each type, conditional on age,
that would support retaining default with the calibrated [delta]. A
substantial portion of college types oppose elimination, but they are
all middle-aged and have experienced histories of bad shocks; the peak
in opposition occurs earlier for high-school types and later for
non-high-school types, with correspondingly fewer such households
opposing overall. For the convenience of the reader, Table 3 presents
the aggregate measures of each type that oppose eliminating default (the
column labeled "DM Regime"); they are small for each education
group. Furthermore, as is clear from the figures, almost no newborns
oppose eliminating the option.
Table 3 Measure of Agents in Favor of Bankruptcy
Education DM Regime SM Regime
College 6.45% 4.09%
High School 4.05% 3.26%
Non-High School 0.16% 0.24%
Total 4.05% 2.98%
We now consider the inverse of the preceding experiment: Agents of
different ages and types are asked if they would prefer to introduce
default (again, with [DELTA] set to its calibrated value) into a setting
in which it is currently prohibited. As seen in Figure 7, a nontrivial
fraction of agents would like to introduce default. The intuition here
is that the no-default case allows significant borrowing at the
risk-free rate. As a result, many households, especially the
college-educated, borrow when young in anticipation of higher earnings.
The relatively unlucky among them then find themselves indebted by
middle age and thereby will benefit from the discharge of debts.
Moreover, by virtue of being middle-aged, these households place
relatively low value on being able to access the cheap unsecured debt
later in life. This effect is especially strong for the
college-educated, for whom purely intertemporal consumption smoothing
motives dictate a strong effort to save for retirement beyond middle
age. As a result, a substantial proportion of high-school- and
college-educated household groups would support the introduction of
default when they reach middle age. In contrast, those who have not
completed high school support the introduction of default only late in
working life, when the subsequent increase in borrowing costs is not
long-lasting. However, as Table 3 shows (the column "SM
Regime"), the aggregate number of agents who vote in favor of
introduction falls well short of majority status.
Separating Risk Aversion from Intertemporal Substitution
As discussed above, the two pieces of the variance decomposition
have welfare costs that depend (mainly) on different aspects of
preferences. Our benchmark case using CRRA expected utility restricted
these two aspects of preferences to be reciprocals of each other. Here,
we relax that requirement by using the Epstein-Zin preference structure,
and consider two particular deviations. First, we make households more
tolerant of intertemporal variance than in the expected utility
benchmark by employing a high value for p. Second, the default option
may shrink the volatility of intratemporal consumption, at least for
some ages. Given this, making intratemporal variance more painful to
households may help us explain the presence of low default costs. We
therefore select a relatively high value for [sigma]. It is important to
note that this particular combination of insensitivity to the timing of
consumption and sensitivity to the income state in which it occurs is
the arrangement that gives default its best chance of improving ex ante
welfare and does not lie within the class of expected utility
The specific experiments we investigate involve changing p and
[sigma] without recalibrating the entire model. This type of change
generates two effects--an effect conditional on borrowing (which we call
the price effect) and an effect caused by changes in the number of
borrowers (the extensive effect). We then compare the results with cases
where the model is recalibrated (to the extent that is possible) in an
attempt to isolate the two effects.
We first consider changes in p. To understand how this change
affects welfare, it is helpful to first consider the extreme case of p =
1, making the household infinitely willing to move consumption
deterministically through time. As p[right arrow] 1, the Bellman
equation converges to the form
Here, the household will either completely frontload or backload
consumption, depending on the relationship between the discount factor
and the interest rate. For the parametrization we use, the effective
discount factor ([beta] times the survival probability) lies between the
risk-free saving and borrowing rates for almost every age, meaning that
households don't wish to borrow and, critically, do not value the
default option no matter how risk averse they are. For some older
households, whose survival probabilities are relatively low, the
effective discount factor is sufficiently low that they want to borrow
and "frontload" their consumption; the option to default makes
borrowing expensive enough to render complete frontloading impossible.
This, in turn, reduces the welfare of these households--since they face
no uncertainty, default is either probability zero or one and pricing
therefore eliminates it. Obviously such extreme consumption behavior is
inconsistent with U.S. cross-sectional facts; in particular, the model
with p = 1 would miss very badly on the life-cycle pattern of
consumption inequality, which in the data is substantially smaller than
income inequality.
Returning to less extreme values for p, Figure 8 displays the
pricing function across several different values of p and demonstrates
the effect on loan prices. As [rho] increases, the pricing function
shifts downward because at any given level of debt an agent with a
higher p is more willing to default. The intuition for this result is
not straightforward. When p increases, the household is more willing to
accept variability in consumption across time. If a household enters the
current period with some debt and wishes not to lower debt, they have
two options: (i) borrow more if possible or (ii) default and void those
obligations. Borrowing more is only feasible if there is a reasonable
commitment to repay. But since a bad shock would lead to low mean
consumption, default becomes attractive, and households lack strong
commitment to repay debt. As a result, they cannot borrow easily. For
the cases with "intermediate" values for p, the creation of
strong default incentives makes intertemporal smoothing more costly, but
the latter is relatively unimportant.
Consider next an experiment where [sigma], the risk aversion with
respect to gambles over future utility, is increased. Again, turning
first to the polar case, let [sigma] [right arrow] [infinity], so that
the household becomes infinitely risk averse. In this case, the limiting
household Bellman equation takes the form
subject to the usual budget constraints seen earlier in equations
(1) and (3).
When households are infinitely risk averse, they choose not to
borrow for the reasons outlined in Athreya, Tam, and Young (2009)--
unsecured credit markets do not provide insurance and thus agents will
be unwilling to pay the transaction cost to borrow. As a result, there
is a welfare gain to living in the standard model, as no household has
negative net worth. Again, extreme preferences render the model grossly
inconsistent with cross-sectional facts; here consumption inequality
would be essentially zero over all ages.
Returning again to more intermediate cases, we see that changes in
risk aversion generates two effects. The extensive margin effect is
similar to increasing p, but for different reasons. When [sigma] is
large, households have a strong demand for precautionary savings; for
[sigma] = 5, for example, we see a clear decline in the measure of total
borrowers, again making default overall less damaging. The pricing
effect is also similar; by increasing risk aversion, we make the
household less willing to have consumption differ across states of the
world tomorrow. Conditional on borrowing, the pricing functions reveal a
stronger desire to default--for any given b, the price of debt is
decreasing in [sigma] (see Figure 9). As above, there are only two
options for a household with debt; since even a moderately bad outcome
will cause a highly risk-averse agent to default, commitment is not
possible, leaving default as the only option for smoothing consumption
across states. (19) Combining these results into one statement, we see
that no combination of (p, [sigma]) leads to default being a
welfare-improving policy, although for extreme cases it will be nearly
Table 2 shows that welfare is higher (for newborns) in the standard
model (SM), but that the gains from (imposing the high [delta]) decline
with risk aversion and elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS).
p> 1 - [sigma], which is satisfied when either parameter increases,
implies the household has a preference for early resolution of
uncertainty; thus, default appears to be least damaging when households
prefer to resolve their risk early rather than late.