Does intra-firm bargaining matter for business cycle dynamics?
Krause, Michael U. ; Lubik, Thomas A.
We analyze the aggregate implications of intra-firm bargaining in a
fully fledged, yet simple, general equilibrium business cycle model with
search and matching frictions in the labor market. The notion and
relevance of intra-firm wage bargaining in such a setting was introduced
to the labor economics literature in a classic article by Stole and
Zwiebel (1996). (1) The central idea is that a firm is a web of
bargaining relationships between its factors of production, or more
narrowly and specifically, between the owners of the firm and the
workers it employs. Under the assumption that labor contracts are
nonbinding, that is, workers can quit any time and firms can lay off
workers at will, wage determination can therefore be understood as an
ongoing bargaining process within the firm. Before production takes
place, and within a time period, both workers and the firm can revisit
an existing wage negotiation. As Stole and Zwiebel (1996) have
demonstrated, this intra-firm bargaining has implications for
allocations whenever the scale of the firm changes non-linearly with its
labor input. In this case, marginal revenue depends explicitly on the
number of workers employed, which changes the incentives for a firm in a
noncooperative bargaining setting. In particular, it leads to
over-hiring compared to an environment where intra-firm bargaining does
not play a role.
This idea has bearing for macroeconomic models that incorporate
search and matching frictions in the labor market. Intra-firm bargaining
is not an issue in the standard search and matching model of Shimer
(2005), which uses the assumption of one-worker one-firm matches such
that the scale of the firm is independent of the labor input. However,
in frameworks that incorporate concave production and downward-sloping
demand, (2) such as in the New Keynesian search and matching model of
Krause and Lubik (2007), intra-firm bargaining would have to be taken
into account through its effect on steady-state allocations and business
cycle dynamics.
In this article, we thus demonstrate by means of a simple search
and matching model how intra-firm bargaining implies a feedback effect
in the bargaining process from a firm's marginal product to wage
setting. The firm has an incentive to increase production in order to
decrease the marginal product, and thus the wages of existing employees,
in order to capture higher rents. In effect, the firm reduces the
bargaining position of the marginal worker by over-hiring. This partial
equilibrium scenario, however, implies a general equilibrium feedback
effect in that it leads to an expansion in production and thus a higher
surplus to be shared among more workers. With a tighter labor market,
the additional hiring of firms improves the outside options of workers
and thus raises their wage in general equilibrium.
The main contribution of this article lies in the analysis of
business cycle dynamics in addition to the above steady-state effects.
It is motivated by the observation that these feedback effects are not
taken into account in many business cycle models that incorporate search
and matching frictions, which may raise concerns as to the robustness of
their results. When compared to a specification that neglects intrafirm
bargaining, we find that the dynamic response of the economy to a
productivity shock is barely affected. The response of unemployment is
slightly magnified, depending on the degree of returns to scale and the
elasticity of demand. Similarly, employment and vacancies rise slightly
more than without taking intra-firm bargaining effects into account. In
this respect, intra-firm bargaining plays a role as the bargaining
position of workers improves by less than is mandated by the rise in
labor market tightness. However, intra-firm bargaining does not affect
the qualitative response of the economy and an overall effect on output
is virtually nonexistent.
We interpret our findings to the effect that, in many
circumstances, researchers may safely ignore intra-firm bargaining even
when analyzing business cycle models with large firms that face
decreasing returns or downward-sloping demand. This is not meant to
imply that there may not be important and interesting effects on the
steady state of a model. This has been explored, for example, by Ebell
and Haefke (2003). However, if we falsely calibrate a model without this
strategic feedback on wages to actual data where it is present, the
mistake we make is likely to be small. We therefore conclude that
intra-firm bargaining is not the driving force of significant cyclical
The article closest to ours conceptually is Rotemberg (2008), who
incorporates intra-firm bargaining issues in a New Keynesian model with
search and matching frictions. While he conducts a quantitative
analysis, it is based on comparative statics around the steady state. In
contrast, we perform a full calibration-based business cycle analysis,
where we attempt to match the key labor market stylized facts. Cahuc and
Wasmer (2001) and Cahuc, Marque, and Wasmer (2008) are similar in spirit
in that they work out in detail qualitatively how the partial
equilibrium effects of intra-firm bargaining have general equilibrium
feedback. They work with a continuous-time framework, whereas we use a
discrete-time setting that is common in business cycle literature. More
recently, Hertweck (2013) provides independent quantitative and
qualitative evidence in a model with strategic wage bargaining that
intra-firm bargaining effects are negligible for aggregate dynamics.
In the rest of the article we proceed as follows. We first provide
a simple static example to develop some intuition about the implications
of intra-firm bargaining. The subsequent section outlines the model
under the assumption of decreasing returns to labor and matching
frictions in the labor market. This allows us to disentangle the
relevant effect without much complexity. We then add general equilibrium
constraints, calibrate the model, and proceed to analyze the steady
state and business cycle implications graphically and numerically. In
Section 5, we discuss the similarities of the results to the case of
monopolistic competition, and show the robustness of our findings to its
inclusion alongside decreasing returns. The final section concludes and
highlights some further connections to the literature.
The gist of our analysis can be illustrated by means of a simple
static example that abstracts from search and matching frictions.
Consider a simple bargaining problem of a large firm that negotiates
with each worker individually. Employed workers bargain over the wage w,
with their outside option being unemployment that generates benefits b.
The firm's bargaining position is given by the surplus that an
additional worker generates, net of its outside option, which is the
value of leaving the job unfilled. This outside option is zero.
Let the firm's price be p and its output y. The firm pays wage
w and employs n workers. Its value is given by its revenue minus cost,
which consists of the wage bill and the hiring cost:
V = py - wn. (1)
Consider value maximization with respect to employment:
where we allow for the price to depend on output, which in turn
depends on labor input. This covers the cases of downward-sloping demand
and concave production. Moreover, we take into account that the wage
schedule depends on the level of employment, which is the source of the
intra-firm bargaining problem. The first term in the brackets on the
right-hand side would not be present if the firm were a price taker in
the product market; without concavity in the production function, the
partial derivative [partial derivative]y/[partial derivative]n would be
independent of employment. If the firm were a price taker in the labor
market, the first term in the second brackets would be absent. It would
equal zero when firms can only hire one worker, or when the firm does
not internalize the feedback from its employment choice to the wage
schedule. The value of a marginal worker is therefore the difference
between marginal revenue and marginal cost, mr(n) - mc(n), which we
indicate as depending on the level of employment.
In a standard search and matching framework, wages are typically
determined using the Nash bargaining solution, which maximizes the
weighted product of the involved parties' surpluses. Given a
worker's bargaining weight [eta], the solution would be
w - b = [[eta]/[1-[eta]]] [mr(n) - mc(n)]. (3)
Inserting the marginal cost term and taking account of the
dependence of the wage on employment yields
w(n) = [eta] [mr(n) - [[partial derivative]w(n)/[partial
derivative]n]] + (1 - [eta]) b. (4)
The wage is a weighted average of the firm's marginal revenue
and the worker's outside option. The second term in brackets
captures the effect from intra-firm bargaining. Marginal revenue is
adjusted for the feedback of the employment choice on the wage, which in
turn affects the optimal number of employees. (3) Stole and Zwiebel
(1996) have shown that this prompts the firm to over-hire. This feedback
effect crucially relies on the assumption that the firm's marginal
revenue function is not independent of employment. Otherwise, as in the
basic one-worker one-firm setup of Pissarides (2000) or Shimer (2005),
the wage would not depend on n as mr(n) = p, for all n, and the firm
would have no incentive to strategically adjust its marginal revenue
schedule since hiring an additional worker would have no effect (Smith
We now embed the above mechanism in a simple model in which
production is characterized by decreasing returns to labor and firms are
large in the sense that they employ multiple workers. This contrasts
with the standard search and matching framework in which production
originates in one-worker one-firm pairs. We assume an economy with a
continuum of firms that use labor as the only input in production. The
production function of a typical firm is given by
[y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha].sub.t], (5)
where 0 < [alpha] [less than or equal to] 1, and At is a
stochastic productivity process common to all firms; [n.sub.t] is the
measure of workers employed by the firm. We assume that all firms behave
symmetrically, and consequently suppress firm-specific indices. With the
total labor force normalized to one, aggregate employment is identical
to firm-level employment. Unemployment is defined as
[u.sub.t] = 1 - [n.sub.t]. (6)
The labor market is characterized by search and matching frictions
encapsulated in the matching function m([u.sub.t], [v.sub.t]) =
m[u.sup.[xi].sub.t][v.sup.1-[xi].sub.t]. It describes the outcome of
search behavior of firms and workers in that unemployed job seekers
[u.sub.t] are matched with vacancies [v.sub.t] at rate m([u.sub.t],
[v.sub.t]) to produce new employment relationships. 0 < [xi] < 1
is the match elasticity of the unemployed, and m > 0 describes the
efficiency of the match process. Using the definition of labor market
tightness [[theta].sub.t] = [v.sub.t]/[u.sub.t], the aggregate
probability of filling a vacancy (taken parameterically by the firms) is
q([[theta].sub.t]) = m([u.sub.t],[v.sub.t])/[v.sub.t]. The evolution of
employment is then
[n.sub.t+1] = (1 - [rho])[[n.sub.t] + [v.sub.t]q([[theta].sub.t])]*
0 < [rho] < 1 is the (constant) separation rate that measures
inflows into unemployment.
Firms maximize profits by choosing employment next period and
vacancies to be posted, subject to the firm-level employment constraint.
This job creation comes at a flow cost c > 0. The Bellman equation is
V(x) is the value of the firm, [[beta].sub.t] is the time-varying
discount factor, and w([n.sub.t]) is the wage schedule, which will be
determined below. The notation indicates that the wage of the marginal
worker potentially depends on the existing number of workers in the
firm. The first-order conditions are
c = [[mu].sub.t](1 - [rho])q([[theta].sub.t]), (9)
[[mu].sub.t] = [E.sub.t]/[[beta].sub.t]V'([n.sub.t+i]), (10)
where [[mu].sub.t] is the Lagrange-multiplier on the employment
constraint (7). The corresponding envelope condition is
The presence of the derivative of the wage schedule reflects the
impact of intra-firm wage bargaining. When choosing employment, firms
take into account how an additional worker affects their bargaining
position and thus wage setting.
We define the value of the marginal job J([n.sub.t]) =
V'([n.sub.t]), and rewrite the envelope condition using [partial
derivative][n.sub.t+1]/[partial derivative][n.sub.t] = (1-[rho]) from
the law of motion (7):
J([n.sub.t]) = [alpha][A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.t] -
w([n.sub.t]) - [[partial derivative]w([n.sub.t])/[partial
derivative][n.sub.t]] [n.sub.t] + (1 - [rho])[E.sub.t]/[[beta].sub.t]J
([n.sub.t+1]). (12)
With constant returns to scale, [alpha] = 1, the marginal product
of labor is [A.sub.t] (the "one-worker one-firm" case), and
the wage is independent of the firm's current employment level. The
equation then reduces to the one in Pissarides (2000).
Combining this with the first-order conditions results in a vacancy
posting, or job creation, condition:
c/q([[theta].sub.t]) = (1 -
[rho])[E.sub.t][[beta].sub.t]J([n.sub.t+1]), (13)
which can alternatively be written as
To gain some intuition, suppose firms anticipate an increase in
productivity [A.sub.t+1]. This raises the present value of profits and
thereby the marginal benefit of hiring more workers at given marginal
cost c/q([[theta].sub.t]). Other things being equal, more vacancies are
posted, and [n.sub.t+1] is expected to be higher, which, in turn,
reduces expected marginal product of labor until equality is restored.
This adjustment is affected by two additional channels. The first
takes place within the firm, hence the label intra-firm bargaining.
Adding a worker reduces the effective bargaining power of current
workers and thus their wage. Assuming [E.sub.t][partial
derivative]w([n.sub.t+1])/[partial derivative][n.sub.t+1] < 0, which
we will show below to be true, this amplifies the incentive to post
vacancies and employment increases further. In order to determine the
quantitative significance of this effect, we need to solve for the
equilibrium wage schedule w([n.sub.t]), which is done below. The other
channel is a feedback effect that arises in general equilibrium. As all
firms post more vacancies, aggregate vacancies increase, the labor
market tightens, and it becomes more costly to recruit additional
workers with the rise in c/q([[theta].sub.t]). Therefore, employment in
each firm increases by less than it would if [[theta].sub.t] were
Determining the Wage Schedule
Wages are determined based on the Nash bargaining solution:
Surpluses accruing to the matched parties are split according to a rule
that maximizes the weighted average of the respective surpluses.
Denoting the workers' weight in the bargaining process as [eta]
[member of] [0, 1], this implies the sharing rule
[W.sub.t] - [U.sub.t] = [[eta]/[1 - [eta]]] [J.sub.t], (15)
where [W.sub.t] is the asset value of employment, [U.sub.t] is the
value of being unemployed, and [J.sub.t] is, as before, the value of the
marginal worker to the firm. (4)
The value of employment to a worker is described by the following
Bellman equation:
[W.sub.t] = [w.sub.t] + [E.sub.t][[beta].sub.t][(1 -
[rho])[W.sub.t+1] + [rho][U.sub.t+1]]. (16)
Workers receive the wage [w.sub.t], and transition into
unemployment next period with probability [rho]. The value of searching
for a job, when currently unemployed, is
[U.sub.t] = b + [E.sub.t][[beta].sub.t][[f.sub.t](1 -
[rho])[W.sub.t+1] + (1-[f.sub.t](1 - [rho]))[U.sub.t+1]]. (17)
An unemployed searcher receives benefits b and transitions into
employment with probability [f.sub.t] (1 - [rho]). The job finding rate
[f.sub.t] is defined as f ([[theta].sub.t]) =
[[theta].sub.t]q([[theta].sub.t]) = m([u.sub.t], [v.sub.t])/[u.sub.t],
which is increasing in tightness [[theta].sub.t]. It is adjusted for the
probability that a completed match gets dissolved before production
begins next period.
We substitute these equations into the sharing rule (15) and, after
some algebra, find the wage equation
Because of the presence of the derivative of the wage schedule on
account of intra-firm bargaining, this is a first-order differential
equation, the solution of which is
w([n.sub.t]) = [[alpha][eta]/[1 - [eta](1-[alpha])]]
[A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.t] + [eta]c[theta] + (1 - [eta]) b. (19)
The derivative with respect to employment is given by
[partial derivative]w([n.sub.t])/[partial derivative][n.sub.t] = -
[(1 - [alpha])[alpha][eta]/[1 - [eta] (1 - [alpha])]]
[A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha]-2.sub.t] < 0, (20)
which, when inserted into (18), verifies the validity of the
For given employment, intra-firm bargaining increases the wage by
virtue of the scale factor 1/ [1 - [eta](1 - [alpha])] > 1. The
addition of a worker to the workforce implies a higher value to the firm
as it lowers the marginal product of all incumbent workers. A new worker
has therefore a higher value to the firm than just his marginal product
because he contributes to lowering the firm's wage bill. By the
logic of bargaining, the surplus is split, and workers get their share
in terms of a higher wage. However, for the very reason that adding
workers reduces the wage bill, firms post more vacancies to increase
employment. This lowers the marginal impact of adding workers, which
falls in [n.sub.t]. Thus, workers' marginal product declines with
employment and hence their wage. Equation (19) gives the overall effect
of the declining marginal product on the wage, corrected for intra-firm
bargaining. (5)
The wage schedule can be used in the job creation condition (14) to
The effects of intra-firm bargaining are captured by the term [1/[1
- [eta](1 - [alpha])]; which reflects the firm's internalization of
the feedback from employment on the wage. It exerts a level effect in
that the marginal benefit from adding workers is perceived to be higher.
This induces more job creation. For the case of constant returns,
[alpha] = 1, the equation collapses to the usual form, and intra-firm
bargaining is irrelevant. However, our argument has so far relied on
partial equilibrium reasoning from the perspective of the firm. We will
analyze the general equilibrium feedbacks both on the steady-state
allocation and on the model's adjustment dynamics below.
Wage Determination without Intra-Firm Bargaining
We assume from the outset that firms internalize the dependence of
the wage schedule on employment (see [8] and [11]). This allows them to
act strategically and extract rents from workers. Alternatively, assume
that firms behave myopically by taking the wage of their incumbent
workforce as given when choosing employment. This amounts to setting
[partial derivative][w.sub.t]/[partial derivative][n.sub.t] = 0 in the
firms' problem. In this case, the value function of the firm is
J([n.sub.t]) = [alpha][A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.t] - wt + (1 -
[rho])[E.sub.t][[beta].sub.t]J([n.sub.t+1]). (22)
Following the same steps as outlined above, we find the
corresponding wage equation
[w.sub.t] = [eta][alpha][A.sub.t][n.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.t] +
[eta]c[theta]t + (1 - [eta])b, (23)
and the job creation condition
When comparing the two job creation conditions, the only algebraic
difference is the term multiplying the marginal product of labor, namely
(1 - [eta]) < (1 - [eta])/[1 - [eta](1 - [alpha])] * Intra-firm
bargaining scales the marginal product of labor and thereby introduces
an additional incentive for vacancy posting. The wage equations and job
creation conditions under both scenarios will be the reference points
from which we evaluate the general equilibrium effects of intra-firm
Closing the Model
We assume that all workers belong to a representative household
that insures its members perfectly against income risk implied by the
two states of employment and unemployment. By means of a complete
internal asset market, incomes are pooled in such a way that all
households choose the same level of consumption. (6) Assuming a
CRRA-utility function for the household, we can thus construct an
implied stochastic discount factor
[[beta].sub.t] =
[beta][[c.sup.-[sigma].sub.t+1]/[c.sup.-[sigma].sub.t]], (25)
which firms use to evaluate future revenue streams. 0 < [beta]
< 1 is the household's subjective discount factor, and [sigma]
> 0 is the intertemporal elasticity of substitution; [c.sub.t] is the
household's consumption, which draws from production as described
by the social resource constraint
[c.sub.t] = [y.sub.t] - c[v.sub.t]. (26)
Total hiring costs c[v.sub.t] are subtracted from gross production
as resources are lost in the search process.
This simple search and matching model with concave production
provides a laboratory for analyzing the qualitative and quantitative
effects of intra-firm bargaining. We proceed in two steps. We first
compute the model's steady state and compare allocations across the
two wage-setting assumptions. This discussion parallels the results in
Cahuc and Wasmer (2001). In the second step, we study the dynamic
behavior of the model and the implications for business cycle
In order to fix a baseline for the model's quantitative
analysis, we calibrate the parameters to typical values found in the
literature. (7) We set the discount factor [beta] = 0.98 and choose
[sigma] = 1. The mean of the technology process At is normalized to one.
We assume that the input elasticity [alpha] = 2/3, which is roughly the
labor share in U.S. aggregate income. The separation rate is fixed at a
value of [rho] = 0.1, which is a midpoint of the range of values used in
the literature. The match elasticity [xi] is calibrated at 0.4 based on
the empirical estimates in Blanchard and Diamond (1989), while the match
efficiency parameter m = 0.4 is chosen to generate an unemployment rate
of roughly 8 percent to 10 percent for the different model
specifications. To be consistent with this, we fix vacancy creation
costs c at 0.1. The benefit parameter b, which captures the outside
option of the worker, is set to 0.4 as in Shimer (2005). Finally, the
Nash bargaining parameter is set at [eta] = 0.5. (8)
Steady-State Effects
The model's first-order conditions can be reduced to a
two-equation system in unemployment u and vacancies v. The first
equation is the Beveridge curve, and is derived from the employment
accumulation equation (7) in steady state, after substituting the
expression for the firm-matching rate q([theta]) and unemployment n = 1
- u. After rearranging, this results in a relationship between v and u:
v = [[[rho] (1 - u)/(1 - [rho])mu].sup.1/1 - [xi]] u. (27)
It is straightforward to show that this relationship is
downward-sloping and concave in v-u space.
The second steady-state relationship is derived from the job
creation condition (21). Substitution and rearrangement results in the
following expression:
for which no closed-form solution in terms of v is available. We
note, however, that this equation defines the steady-state value of
[theta] = v/u, so that this is a linear function in v - u space, namely
v = [theta] x u. Consequently, the two curves intersect once, so that
the model delivers a unique steady-state equilibrium. We solve the
steady-state job creation condition numerically for our baseline
calibration. (9) The two curves determining the steady state are
depicted in Figure 1. The graph also contains the job creation curve
that neglects the feedback from intrafirm bargaining, which is derived
from (24).
Steady-state equilibrium is at the intersection of both curves,
which yields an unemployment rate of 8.5 percent. Without intra-firm
bargaining, the job creation schedule is flatter and tilts downward,
resulting in steady-state unemployment of 10 percent. This confirms the
result by Stole and Zwiebel (1996), subsequently refined by Cahuc and
Wasmer (2001), Ebell and Haefke (2003), and Cahuc, Marque, and Wasmer
(2008), that intra-firm bargaining leads to over-hiring. Firms have an
incentive to add more employees since the wage paid to all workers is
declining in employment. This effect is mitigated by the feedback that
hiring has on unemployment, as it raises labor market tightness and thus
marginal hiring costs c/q([theta]). Overall, the levels of vacancies and
employment are higher in the intra-firm bargaining case since firms can
generate higher surplus by diluting the effective bargaining power of
their workers. (10)
The same reasoning can be illustrated with an alternative
description of the steady state. We use the Beveridge curve to
substitute out n in the wage equation (19), from which we derive a
relationship between w and [theta], labeled the "wage curve."
The job creation condition can be rewritten in a similar way. Both
schedules are depicted in Figure 2. We also plot the two schedules for
the specification in which intra-firm bargaining is neglected. The graph
shows that both wage and tightness are lower compared to the baseline
with intra-firm bargaining. (11) Recall that, for given labor market
tightness [theta], higher employment allows a firm to reduce wages paid
to workers and to increase overall profits. However, when all firms act
in this manner, labor market tightness rises both due to more vacancy
postings and a decline in unemployment. The overall effect on the wage
is positive, so that intra-firm bargaining raises wages in general
equilibrium, which Figure 2 illustrates.
Adjustment Dynamics and Business Cycle Statistics
We now turn to an analysis of the effects of intra-firm bargaining
on the dynamic properties of the model. In order to do so, we linearize
both the baseline specification and the model that neglects intra-firm
bargaining around their respective steady states. Strictly speaking,
this analysis conflates two effects: the differences in steady state,
and the differences in the coefficients in the dynamic model. It is
quite conceivable that models with identical steady states can have
different dynamic properties. Similarly, differences in responses (which
are themselves measured in percentage deviations from the steady state)
have to be interpreted with care as they are relative to different
steady states. This implied error in our framework is likely to be small
since the differences in steady states are small. (12)
The resulting linear rational expectations models are solved using
standard techniques. We first compare dynamic adjustment paths toward
the steady state after a productivity disturbance. Second, we contrast
their predictions for business cycle statistics based on simulated data.
In order to describe the stochastic properties of the model we have to
calibrate the technology process. We assume that productivity [A.sub.t]
follows an AR(1) process with autoregressive coefficient [[rho].sub.A] =
0.90, and that it is driven by a zero mean innovation [[epsilon].sub.t]
with variance [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]] = [0.007.sup.2]. This value
is chosen to replicate the observed U.S. gross domestic product (GDP)
standard deviation of 1.62 percent.
The impulse response functions for both specifications are depicted
in Figure 3. Two observations stand out immediately. First, the model
exhibits an almost complete lack of internal propagation. The behavior
of GDP follows virtually in its entirety the adjustment path of the
productivity process. This observation has been emphasized by Krause and
Lubik (2007) and is a corollary to the Shimer (2005) argument that the
standard search and matching model is unable to replicate the volatility
of unemployment and vacancies. Second, and more importantly for our
discussion, the responses are remarkably similar in terms of shape,
size, and direction. A persistent 1 percent increase in productivity
raises current production and future marginal products of labor. This
raises the value of jobs, and thus vacancies posted, per the job
creation condition (21). This leads to increased employment in the
following period (see equation [7]). Workers experience a rise in wages
on account of higher productivity and labor market tightness. However,
wages rise by less than productivity because of the strategic hiring
decisions by firms. Thus, intra-firm bargaining does not change the
basic dynamics of search and matching, but it (slightly) modifies its
We also compare business cycle statistics computed from simulations
of the two model specifications. The results are reported in Table 1.
The baseline model is calibrated so as to replicate the standard
deviation of U.S. GDP; the standard deviations of all other variables
are then measured relative to this value. The overall impression is that
the cyclical properties of the model with and without intra-firm
bargaining are virtually identical. There is no difference in the
behavior of output, which has already been apparent from the impulse
response functions. However, when intra-firm bargaining is neglected,
unemployment, vacancies, and tightness are roughly 10 percent less
volatile than in the baseline case. When compared to the corresponding
business cycle facts for the U.S. economy, both models fall woefully
short: The latter statistics are off by a factor of 10, and the wage is
50 percent more volatile than in the data.
In terms of contemporaneous correlations, both specifications
produce identical results. The models are reasonably successful in
matching unemployment correlations. A benchmark statistic is the
correlation between unemployment and vacancies. The model-implied value
of -0.58 is not too far away from the value in U.S. data of -0.95.
However, the models produce perfect correlation between the wage,
[theta], and output, which is inconsistent with the data. Overall, these
results support the impression that a model with intra-firm bargaining
is essentially observationally equivalent to one without. An empirical,
likelihood-based test of both specifications would find it very
difficult to distinguish between the two alternatives as they exhibit
identical co-movement and only minor differences between
variable-specific volatilities. While intra-firm bargaining is a
conceptually compelling idea, and quite conceivably relevant at the firm
level, we conclude that it does not have a significant effect on
aggregate dynamics.
An alternative source of declining marginal revenue is
downward-sloping demand in an environment with monopolistically
competitive firms. Even with linear production, firms would feel
compelled to expand hiring since they can capture rents by moving down
the demand curve. The assumption of price-setting monopolistic
competitors has been used, for instance, in New Keynesian models of
output and inflation dynamics with search and matching in the labor
market. Key examples are Krause and Lubik (2007) and Trigari (2009).
We assume that output of a representative monopolistically
competitive firm is linear in labor, [y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t][n.sub.t], and
that each firm faces a downward-sloping demand function for the product
variety it produces, [y.sub.t] =
[([p.sub.t]/[[bar.p].sub.t]).sup.-[epsilon]][Y.sub.t], where [Y.sub.t]
is aggregate demand, and [[bar.p].sub.t] is the aggregate price level,
both taken as given by the firm; [epsilon] > 1 is the elasticity of
substitution between competing varieties, and Pt is the individual
firm's price. The firm's real revenue is then given by
([p.sub.t]/[p.sub.t]) [y.sub.t] =
[A.sup.[epsilon]-1/[epsilon].sub.t] [Y.sup.1/[epsilon].sub.t]
[n.sup.[epsilon]- 1/[epsilon].sub.t]. (29)
The asset equation for the value of a marginal job can be derived
following the same steps as before:
Note that despite linear production, marginal revenue responds to
changes in employment, which opens the possibility of intra-firm
The asset equation for workers remains unchanged, and so does the
sharing rule. We can consequently derive a wage equation as before:
The solution to this differential equation is
It is straightforward to verify that this expression corresponds to
the wage equation (19), derived under concave production, if [alpha] =
[[epsilon] - 1]/[epsilon]. However, this neglects the general
equilibrium feedback effect from the aggregate demand condition,
captured by [Y.sub.t], which both parties in the bargaining process take
as given. Substituting [Y.sub.t] = [y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t][n.sub.t], i.e.,
assuming a symmetric equilibrium, results in
[w.sub.t] = [epsilon]-1/[epsilon] [eta]/1 - [eta]/[epsilon]
[A.sub.t] + [eta]c[[theta].sub.t] + (1 - [eta])b. (33)
The aggregate wage equation is now independent of employment (on
account of constant returns in production), but the feedback effect from
intra-firm bargaining modifies the productivity coefficient. If
intra-firm bargaining is neglected, this coefficient is [epsilon] -
1/[epsilon] [eta] < [epsilon] - 1/[epsilon] [eta]/1 -
This wage equation can be used to derive the job creation
condition, which closely parallels (21):
Since the employment equation (7) is unaffected by the presence of
monopolistic competition, we can describe the steady-state solution by
references to Figures 1 and 2. In the former graph, the shape of the
curves is unaffected, there is a unique equilibrium, and intra-firm
bargaining results in over-hiring as the job creation curve tilts
downward when intra-firm bargaining is neglected. Similarly, the
steady-state relationships depicted in Figure 2 remain the same
qualitatively. In the literature, the substitution elasticity-is often
calibrated with a value of 11, which implies a steady-state markup of 10
percent. Given our baseline specification with [eta] = 0.5, the
intra-firm bargaining feedback coefficent is 1/(1 - [eta]/[epsilon])
[approximately equal to] 1.05, which is negligible with respect to
steady-state values and dynamics.
Concave production and downward-sloping demand do not produce
substantial effects of intra-firm bargaining on their own for plausible
calibrations. We therefore combine both elements from before in the
simple search and matching framework. Following the steps outlined
earlier, the wage equation that takes into account the feedback from
intra-firm bargaining is
The job creation condition is
The specification without intra-firm bargaining results in the same
equations, the difference being the denominator of the term
pre-multiplying the marginal product of labor. The scale factor that
measures the feedback from intra-firm bargaining is now [1/1 - [eta](1 -
[alpha] [[[epsilon]-1]/[epsilon]])]. This factor is increasing in [eta],
decreasing in [alpha], and decreasing in [epsilon]. In other words,
intra-firm bargaining affects steady-state allocations and business
cycle dynamics more in economies in which workers enjoy higher
bargaining power (large [eta]), the labor share of income is small (low
[alpha]), and markets are not very competitive (low [epsilon]). (13)
We illustrate the role of intra-firm bargaining in the extended
model by a few numerical examples, which are reported in Table 2. We
compute various model statistics for variations of the parameters
affecting the scale factor. In particular, we contrast our baseline
calibration with a high worker bargaining parameter ([eta] = 0,9), a
lower labor share ([alpha] = 0,5), and inelastic demand ([epsilon] = 2).
We first note that for an extreme parameterization, shown in the
right-most column, the scale factor goes up to 3, compared to a baseline
of 1.25. That this implies stronger effects of intra-firm bargaining is
confirmed by the percentage increase of steady-state employment and wage
over the case when intrafirm bargaining is neglected, as the percentage
change is monotonically related to the scale factor. For baseline
bargaining power, the change in employment is, however, fairly small,
but more substantial for wages. With higher worker bargaining power,
these numbers increase dramatically. What the percentages hide, however,
are the actual steady-state levels. The second row in the table shows
that employment actually falls with increases in the scale factor.
An increase in the scale factor also has a monotonic effect on the
percentage change in the standard deviation of labor market tightness.
For a given parameterization, the inclusion of intra-firm bargaining
improves the predictive power of the model as far as the volatility of
key labor market variables is concerned. However, this scale effect
again masks the fact that with high [eta] and low [epsilon] the standard
deviation of [theta] is implausibly low. We conclude that the
combination of concave production and downward-sloping demand can
increase the strength of the feedback effect of intra-firm bargaining.
From a pure calibration perspective, there is, however, a tradeoff
between "maximizing" the intrafirm bargaining effect and the
plausibility of key model predictions. For empirically relevant
parameter values, the intra-firm bargaining effect still remains
negligible as far as business cycle dynamics are concerned.
Intra-firm bargaining yields a strategic incentive for firms to
expand employment in order to weaken their workers' bargaining
position. This increases employment and raises wages in general
equilibrium because lower unemployment and higher vacancies raise
workers' outside options, thereby offsetting the partial
equilibrium effect. While this is a conceptually compelling story of
hiring behavior at a microeconomic level, we have shown in this article
that the aggregate effects of intrafirm bargaining are negligible in a
standard search and matching framework with concave production and
downward-sloping product demand.
The results in this article should not be taken to imply that we
regard intra-firm bargaining as irrelevant per se. The specification
that combines both sources of declining marginal revenue product shows
that somewhat extreme, but still plausible calibrations can imply large
effects. This raises a few questions for further research. Given
aggregate data, do the restrictions implied by intra-firm bargaining
help with parameter specification? Specifically, the bargaining
parameter [eta] is difficult to pin down. Furthermore, it is often
difficult to fit the behavior of the marginal product of labor, which
might be ameliorated by the inclusion of the scale factor. A related
question is to what extent it is possible to distinguish between the two
specifications in aggregate data. Hertweck (2013) contains some effort
in this direction using a structural VAR. A second line of research
delves deeper into the production side. Cahuc, Marque, and Wasmer (2008)
show that intra-firm bargaining has different effects with capital and
heterogenous labor. Depending on the bargaining power of workers, it may
actually lead to underemployment. Their analysis, however, is restricted
to the steady state only.
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We are grateful for useful comments by Marios Karabarbounis,
Christian Matthes, and Robert Sharp. The views expressed in this article
are those of the authors and should not necessarily be interpreted as
those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve
System. E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected].
(1) Their article takes inspiration from and shares many features
with the seminal article by Jensen and Meckling (1976) on the theory of
the firm from an organizational design perspective.
(2) Intra-firm bargaining under concave production has previously
been studied by Smith (1999), Cahuc and Wasmer (2001), Cahuc, Marque,
and Wasmer (2008), and Rotemberg (2008). The implications of
downward-sloping demand schedules have been analyzed by Ebell and Haefke
(2003) and also Rotemberg (2008).
(3) This expression is a partial differential equation that we can
solve under parameteric assumptions for the marginal revenue function.
We will demonstrate that the solution implies a wage schedule that in
equilibrium scales the marginal revenue component of the wage schedule.
(4) In models with one-worker firms, the net surplus of a firm is
usually given by [J.sub.t] - [V.sub.t], with [V.sub.t] the value of a
vacant job. By free entry, [V.sub.t] is then assumed to be driven down
to zero.
(5) In a sense, this setup can be interpreted from the perspective
of insider-outsider theory: Firms are willing to expand employment and
incur vacancy costs in order to reduce the bargaining power of insiders.
What is crucial is that incumbents' wages are not protected by
long-term contracts but are constantly renegotiated. The term
"bargaining power" is of course used loosely in the sense that
the Nash bargaining parameter [eta] is fixed.
(6) This assumption is standard in the literature following Merz
(1995) and Andolfatto (1996). Note that the unemployed enjoy a higher
level of utility than the working since they do not suffer the
disutility of working.
(7) A more detailed discussion of the calibration of a closely
related model can be found in Krause and Lubik (2007).
(8) Note that this violates the efficiency condition in Hosios
(1990). We do not regard this as restrictive for our purposes since, as
Cahuc and Wasmer (2001) have shown, the efficiency condition is modified
under intra-firm wage bargaining. Moreover, we are not explicitly
concerned with welfare considerations. Tripier (2011) discusses the
implications of intra-firm bargaining on efficiency grounds in a model
with hiring and training costs. He finds that intra-firm bargaining
internalizes the thus created externalities.
(9) See Lubik (2013) for further discussion of the simple analytics
of the search and matching model.
(10) The underlying mechanism is not a labor supply effect in the
traditional sense, which would require increases in the wage in order to
attract additional workers. More searchers find employment since the
increase in vacancy postings increases labor market tightness, and thus
increases the job-finding rate, which is enough to compensate the
marginal unemployed worker for the lower wage rate.
(11) Since both schedules are affected under the different
specifications, it may be conceivable that, say, the wage increased or
decreased. Analytically, the schedules with and without IFB differ by a
factor of 1/[1 - [eta](1 - [alpha])] that multiplies the marginal
product of labor [alpha][An.sup.[alpha]-1]. The schedules thus shift
both in the same direction. It is only for very small values of [theta]
that such a reversal can occur.
(12) The conceptual background we have in mind is that a researcher
might ask how much of an error he commits when neglecting intra-firm
bargaining. The reason for this neglect might be difficulty in solving
differential equations of the type (18), and the possibly burdensome
underlying first-order conditions. Alternatively, a researcher may be
interested in exploring the implications of myopic behavior by firms
that ignores the strategic incentives to expand employment.
(13) This reasoning underlies Ebell and Haefke's (2003)
finding that product market deregulation can have substantial employment
and welfare effects. In fact, their implied values for the substitution
elasticity is [epsilon] = 3.
Table 1 Business Cycle Statistics
Standard Deviations
u v [theta] w y
Intra-Firm Bargaining 0.78 0.95 1.55 0.98 1.62
Neglecting Intra-Firm 0.68 0.84 1.36 1.02 1.62
U.S. Data 6.90 8.27 14.96 0.69 1.62
u v [theta] w y
u 1.00 -0.58 -0.85 0.84 -0.86
v 1.00 0.91 0.92 0.91
[theta] 1.00 0.99 0.99
w 1.00 0.99
y 1.00
Table 2 Intra-Firm Bargaining: Robustness
[eta] = 0.5
[alpha] = 2/3 [alpha] = 2/3
[epsilon] = 11 [epsilon] = 2
Scale Factor 1.25 1.50
Employment w/ IFB 0.92 0.88
Percent Increase due to IFB
Employment 3.7 6.0
Wage 30.6 48.4
Standard Deviation of [theta]
Relative to Output 1.60 1.90
Percent Increase due to IFB 16.8 35.7
[eta] = 0.9
[alpha] = 2/3 [alpha] = 1/2
[epsilon] = 2 [epsilon] = 2
Scale Factor 2.50 3.08
Employment w/ IFB 0.73 0.72
Percent Increase due to IFB
Employment 35.2 41.2
Wage 137 167
Standard Deviation of [theta]
Relative to Output 0.55 0.53
Percent Increase due to IFB 52.8 60.6