An Australian science curriculum: competition, advances and retreats.
Aubusson, Peter
As a child of the 1950s, I've learnt and taught science as
well as lecturing and researching in science education through a period
punctuated by significant perturbations in curriculum. All have been
well intentioned. Yet, it seems axiomatic that curriculum change in
itself cannot cure whatever it is that ails school science.
Nevertheless, hope springs eternal. This article considers the extent to
which these hopes are well placed, first through a brief and necessarily
selective consideration of the historical context of science curriculum
development and then through an analysis of the views of experts.
Successive science curriculum developments, once led by the USA,
were driven by national doubts about scientific superiority, motivated
by economic and military concerns (Lieberman, 1982). Post-Sputnik
curricula began with the Physical Sciences Study Committee Project
(PSSC) in 1957 and a scientific habits movement that emphasised the
teaching of process skills, initiated by the American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1961, which led to the development
of Science--a process approach (AAAS, 1968/ Proposed reforms that
emphasised access to science for all included Science, technology and
society (Bybee, 1986) and Science for all Americans (AAAS, 1989). More
recently, scientific literacy (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, 2006) has become an entrenched, almost universally
accepted goal of science education. These trends were perhaps most
prevalent in the USA but their impact was felt throughout the
English-speaking world (Goodrum, Hackling & Rennie, 2001).
From the 1970s to the early 1990s, there were major shifts in
thinking about science learning and teaching. Practical teaching
approaches were generated to make connections between learning as a
construction and classroom learning and teaching practice (Biddulph
& Osborne, 1984). Research on children's science and
constructivist views of learning provided the impetus for new curriculum
goals that take into account learners' cognitive frameworks
(Osborne & Freyberg, 1985; White, 1991). Consistent with the shift
from behaviourism and Piagetian stages of development to generative
views of learning, curricula responded--somewhat. The construction of
personal and science knowledge was evident in Australia (Curriculum
Corporation, 1994), in the UK National Curriculum (Millar & Osborne,
1998) and in the USA (AAAS, 1989; Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1990).
Scientific habits no longer dominated. They were retained as sections of
curricula, such as 'working scientifically' in Science--a
curriculum profile for Australian schools (Curriculum Corporation, 1994)
and teaching 'scientific habits of mind' in Science for all
Americans (AAAS, 1989; Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1990). Interestingly,
and despite growing evidence that children learn science through
psychological order rather than through a predetermined logical order
(Driver, 1981), the notion that student learning is best organised
according to immutable stages continued to be reflected by strict
logical sequencing of learning in many curricula.
The trends briefly identified so far have been played out in a
series of curriculum developments both locally and overseas. It is
reasonable to ask how the most recent national curriculum attempt, the
Australian curriculum: Science (ACS) (Australian Curriculum, Assessment
and Reporting Authority, 2011), builds on these and whether dated
fashions have been entirely jettisoned. Building on this history, there
are recent points of emphasis in Australian science education that have
become prevalent in the lead-up to and during the 21st century and that
are evident in the national curriculum paper Shape of the Australian
curriculum: Science (National Curriculum Board, 2009a) and the
curriculum itself--a detailed discussion of these is provided in
Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie (2001), Goodrum and Rennie (2007) and
Tytler (2007).
A positioning of science as critical to international
competiveness, though less strident than that of the 1950s, is evident
in literature that has influenced recent (political) thinking about
school science (Batterham, 2000). In crude terms, Australia requires a
clever, scientifically capable workforce, and school science must change
to serve this purpose (among others) and ensure supply. This is
reflected in reports in Australia (Goodrum, Hackling & Rennie, 2001;
Goodrum & Rennie, 2007) that were instrumental to the Australian
science curriculum.
But the demand for internal competitiveness derived from science
capability has not led to a Re-emergence of the
science-profession-oriented curricula of the past. Rather, an emphasis
on science interest and engagement has arisen from evidence of a lack of
student interest and lower participation rates (Batterham, 2000;
Goodrum, Hackling & Rennie, 2001). In the past, it was as if the
science was regarded as intrinsically useful, good and interesting. Now
it is clear that school and university science have been allowed to
become out of kilter with the interests of the modern student population
and perhaps of society as a whole (Tytler, 2007). Re-engaging our
community with science has become the new mantra.
Engagement as a primary outcome of schools' science experience
has resulted in a case for a new and different curriculum (Goodrum,
Hackling & Rennie, 2001; Goodrum & Rennie; 2007). The aim has
been to create an attractive curriculum emphasising science inquiry
(student investigations, contextualised and relevant science
experiences, generating and testing ideas), as well as a raft of changes
to pedagogy, school science environments, teacher preparation and
professional learning that are not readily dealt with by a curriculum.
Tytler (2007) too provided a set of challenging recommendations for
change. Re-imagining science education is too extensive a work to
summarise here but he extended the arguments of Goodrum, Hackling and
Rennie (2001). Among other things, Tytler employed sociocultural theory
to understand the status and nature of school science and critiqued
recent emphases that had arisen from conceptual change theory. He
supported general positions taken by Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie (2001)
and by Goodrum and Rennie (2007), stressing the need to exploit and
create dispositions towards science and scientific dispositions; to
feature creativity and exhilaration in science learning; and to avoid
rigid prescription. Generating and sustaining interest in science was
seen as critical to long-term engagement. This is consistent with a
sociocultural view of interest. In a social-cultural model (Hidi &
Renninger, 2006), interest progresses through phases, which may wax,
wane and reverse. It is therefore interesting that the organisation of
the Australian science curriculum content seems more consistent with
Piagetian stages and logical order of learning than socioculturally
inspired phases of interest or reflecting a psychological, socially
constructed order of science learning.
This introduction can only provide a brief and incomplete analysis
of relevant changes in the context of science curriculum development.
More comprehensive reviews relevant to the Australian science curriculum
are available elsewhere (for example, Goodrum, Hackling & Rennie,
2001; Tytler, 2007). In this broad context, this article explores
science education research experts' perceptions of the Australian
science curriculum agenda.
In developing the argument for this article, views of leading
experts in the field of science education in Australia were sought. Five
experts from different Australian states were interviewed to ascertain
their perspectives. The interviews were conversational and participants
were advised of the interview protocol in advance. Interviews were
recorded and transcribed. Analysis of the transcripts followed the
qualitative process outlined by McMillan and Schumacher (2006):
selecting text extracts, identifying patterns, themes and key concepts,
coding and categorisation, code testing against interpretation and
constant comparison. The analysis was checked by a research assistant.
Variations in interpretation were resolved in discussion. A draft of the
interviewees' views regarding the Australian science curriculum was
provided to them for checking. In reporting, some small modifications to
transcripts were made and references that were mentioned in interviews
were inserted. As there was much agreement in the views expressed, the
views have often been combined in this article as an amalgamated
character (Geelan, 2003). This editing and amalgamation was completed
before the draft article was provided to participants for comment. Some
minor editing for clarity has occurred in response to suggestions from
reviewers and the editor. The issues raised by experts related to
general factors perceived to have influenced the development of the
Australian science curriculum: trends in science education that appear
to have shaped the curriculum's structure and content; and comments
on quality of the curriculum and its future implementation.
General influences
Population and workforce mobility
One of the principal arguments for a national science curriculum
identified by all experts was political leaders' desire to tackle
perceived educational disadvantage arising for students who move across
state borders. Perceptions of educational disadvantage create a
disincentive for families to exploit opportunities for employment and
exacerbate skill shortages.
Mobility of the workforce is a social and political driver, in
first instance, for various reasons. Hence, the curriculum is built
around kids who cross state borders and have to repeat topics. It's
awkward for them if the curriculum is not lined up.
The experts doubted the validity of the argument as applied to
science learning, which may not be linear. The assertion was viewed as
broad political positioning rather than sound educational argument.
Making the most of limited resources
Good science curriculum design requires extensive resources and
expertise. The universal view was that a national curriculum provides an
opportunity to create a curriculum of higher quality than that which
could be developed by each state or territory simply because the
resources available for curriculum development are greater. The argument
is that writing curriculum requires significant resources and we cannot
spend those resources six or seven times. And the science curriculum in
different states and territories is not that different anyway (Dawson
& Venville, 2006). So, why not go to a national one?
The perceived problem for curriculum production was strongest for
smaller states and territories. The national curriculum development
process provides greater resource, access to greater collective
expertise and wisdom. The opportunity to build on varied experiences
with science curriculum across many states and territories could also
generate a fundamentally better curriculum.
There has been better consultation and more resources put into
developing the curriculum, getting different people's opinions on
it. Working through all those processes and being a national
document has a lot more strength, I think, than just a state
The view was also put that the critical advance, made possible
through a national science curriculum, was not primarily in the
construction of a 'better' curriculum per se, but rather in
its implementation.
Having a national approach can be unifying and can help the country
to put a lot more resources into developing appropriate
professional development and resources that will support the
teaching and learning of science.
The argument is that if a science curriculum is developed
nationally, the resources of states and territories need not be devoted
to curriculum design but can be used to support implementation, to
enhance science teaching and learning. Furthermore, if the states and
territories share the same curriculum, then the resources, workshops,
professional development programs and research findings that are
generated should be broadly applicable across Australia.
Quality control
The development of an Australian science curriculum is viewed as
quality control: if the education of Australians is to be improved, then
educational outcomes need to be monitored. The quality of teaching may
be difficult to determine. But it is a naive view that the quality of
teaching can be assessed indirectly by examining students' test
results. A common science curriculum for all students would make such
testing and comparison more feasible. Thus, a national science
curriculum enables monitoring and control of science teaching and
The national agenda is to standardise. There is a whole compliance
culture that develops around government generally, and certainly
the current federal government. International testing has caused a
lot of concern-and science is part of that package. A lot of it is
driven by compliance. That everyone should do this at this year
level. Then we know what is happening and then we've got control
over teachers and schools.
Although the expert interviewees outlined the argument succinctly
as an influence on the design and development of the national
curriculum, none saw this as beneficial. Rather, the counter argument
was presented that standardisation, testing and monitoring may be
detrimental to science education.
There will be a tendency to have everyone doing the same content at
the same time across the nation. Now if that somehow is privileged
in some form of formal testing it will make science the worst it
has been for 50 years ... Despite what the planning documents might
have indicated, it will remove the opportunity for local schools to
develop something of relevance to them, because they will have to
comply. So context will play a very small part in the
implementation, even though context is deliberately mentioned as an
important starting point.
With regard to the general influences on the national science
curriculum, the interviewees supported the arguments that a national
curriculum had potential in two areas:
* to ensure effective uses of resource supporting science education
* to improve dissemination of good science education ideas and
In contrast, the interviewees questioned the soundness of these
* that a national science curriculum was required to or would be
able to deal with perceived science learning challenges arising from
workforce mobility
* that standardisation and control of the science curriculum would
improve science teaching and learning.
Influential science education trends Student engagement
The intent of the Australian science curriculum--to promote student
engagement with science--is explicit in the national science curriculum
documents as well as literature cited by the interviewees as influencing
its design. A number of the expert interviewees mentioned the Framing
paper (National Curriculum Board, 2009b) and 'shaping paper'
(National Curriculum Board, 2009a), some citing these verbatim. They
commented on the explicit link of student engagement with 'Science
as Inquiry', and 'Science as a Human Endeavour' strands.
A lot of it was driven by concerns about student engagement with
science so a lot of it was influenced by the Goodrum study
(Goodrum, Hackling & Rennie, 2001) on the status of science. It was
a fairly big factor in people's thinking. There was a big push to
have more representation of inquiry approaches and quite a bit of
contemporary thinking about investigative skills and notions of
inquiry. This comes through. There's been a lot of critique like
(Tytler, 2007) over emphasis on just declarative knowledge. That
comes out too. So does 'Science for all' (Fensham, 1985) and the
science literacy notion of preparing citizens. The need to
understand how science is used in society--a number of people
pushed that.
While the intent was considered praiseworthy, the interviewees were
sceptical as to whether a national curriculum could or would make a
significant contribution to student engagement with science:
At the end of the day I don't think that the curriculum will make a
difference to students' understanding and ability, even their
motivation and enjoyment of science. It's important to have a
curriculum, but I don't want to ever overestimate what it can do.
Informed citizenry
The need for citizens to understand science pertinent to
significant national and international policy, as well as local
decision-making, was considered important. Science issues of concern
such as health, human-induced climate change and water management were
among the examples mentioned. This was linked to notions of scientific
literacy consistent with the OECD definition (Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, 2009) with an expectation that science
needs to contribute to a population capable of understanding current
science ideas as discussed in the media, issues being considered by
government and a disposition towards rational thought based on evidence.
Yet, four of the five interviewees commented on the absence of the term
'scientific literacy'. They argued that this seemed at odds
with the purpose of the curriculum, the literature considered
influential in its development, and international trends in science
There has been a strong international trend in the last 20 years. A
US-based trend looking at inquiry. Also, scientific literacy--I
only noticed it once in document. It was in the draft [but] they
took it out.
Interestingly, the strands most frequently described in positive
terms as contributing to a scientifically literate Australia were the
'Science as a Human Endeavour' and 'Science Inquiry'
rather than the 'Science Understanding' strand. There was
support for this emphasis in these strands, but dissatisfaction that it
had not been taken further.
In 'Science as a Human Endeavour' there was an opportunity missed
to include dispositions like students' commitment to processes of
using science, being committed to curiosity and finding scientific
explanations that could be demonstrated in all kinds of different
ways. There is a political problem with perceptions of
touchy--feely things, but if we could include something like that
then it would force us to think clearly about what we want our kids
to come out with. As it is, 'Science as a Human Endeavour' is
predictably about passive understanding about science.
Concerns were also raised about the emphasis on science disciplines
at the expense of current interdisciplinary issues and problems.
Some of the big problems that the human species faces are
interdisciplinary problems, but the curriculum is structured
basically under sub-strands as biology, chemistry, space science
and physics. There are things like global warming, an
interdisciplinary idea. So, where do we teach that and how do we
deal with that?
National capability
Building national science capability has been linked closely to
student engagement. Engagement with science has been considered as
important for all citizens whereas capability emphasises participation
rates in university science courses and the provision of science-able
graduates to feed Australia's economic growth. In the context of
providing a science curriculum that catered to the needs of a general
public, as well as a science profession, some interviewees referred to
the challenges of the article 'Science for all' (Fensham,
1985). Student engagement with science through the primary and
mid-secondary years was considered important, but not sufficient to
counter diminishing interest in university science and science-based
Collectively there has been this upwell saying that we need more
students entering university to do science and engineering and
mathematics. But, the solution needs to be much more complex than a
political solution. This curriculum is a political solution to a
number of interest groups pushing their barrows. I understand the
political reasons and when you get physicists from a number of
universities worried that they are not getting enough students and
they put pressure on governments to do something about it. Then it
comes back to, let's increase the emphasis on content or do
something to the school curriculum.
Significantly the senior science years were considered critical by
the interviewees in building on early engagement with science as a lead
into university study. This article is avoiding analysis of feedback on
the senior curricula. Nevertheless, most interviewees expressed severe
reservations about the senior curricula, suggesting that the current
drafts were likely to discourage future participation in science. Their
criticism was tempered by the acknowledgement that the senior curricula
were a work in progress.
International test results
It has become difficult to have any discussion about science
education without consideration of international test data. The
interviewees had mixed views of the influence of TIMSS and PISA on the
curriculum. Some reported a difficult-to-understand dissatisfaction with
the achievement of Australian students, despite evidence that Australian
students perform well. Some indicated that it was not primarily a
concern about current performance but a determination to prevent any
fall on the international comparison tables.
I don't see the test results as a huge driver in the national
curriculum. If we had done appallingly in those international
tests, then that would be a driver, but the reality is we have done
quite well internationally. For example, PISA: we are in the second
band, and only one nation was in the band above us. If anything we
are further advanced than most other nations. Logically it could
not have been the driver. But politicians, being who they are,
would not like us to drop. They think we're slipping down the
scale. We want to be as good as Finland. On an international scale,
that's what it's about. We do very well, but we have a very long
tail of students that do badly, whom we need to do something about.
But, I don't think that the curriculum can do very much for those
Other interviewees suggested that the Australian science curriculum
could be considered a means by which achievements of the worse
performing states and territories could be brought up to match
better-performing states. While considered a possible influence on the
national curriculum, the argument was not considered strong because
differences between state and territory performances were far better
explained in terms of factors other than curriculum, including variables
such as age, socio-economic status and educational opportunity-matters a
curriculum is unlikely to deal with.
Different levels of achievement in states based on PISA tests or
TIMSS tests, without an understanding of different entry levels and
age level of students, might have encouraged a national curriculum.
It seems easy for politicians to reduce differences by creating a
national curriculum.
International tests such as TIMMS and PISA were regarded as a
significant influence on current political thinking about schools
science but, according to some interviewees, not critical influences on
the Australian science curriculum.
On the other hand, other interviewees expressed the view that,
while the performance on international tests was not a major driver, the
testing was influential in the curriculum. They noted that items in the
'Science Inquiry' strand and 'Science as a Human
Endeavour' strand were consistent with PISA assessment.
It was unclear whether the curriculum was influenced by PISA or
whether both the curriculum and PISA were influenced by the same trends
in science education. Perhaps both are connected factors, as two of the
experts referred to presentations by Fensham in which he had discussed
some implications of PISA for Australian science curriculum development
(Fensham, 2002). The general view was that setting out to use a national
curriculum to improve rankings determined by international tests would
be 'bad for kids' and for Australian science. They contended
that, fortunately, the Australian science curriculum had not been
excessively influenced by such a goal.
Curriculum quality
Conservative or innovative
Views on the quality of the Australian science curriculum varied.
All the expert interviewees identified good features of the curriculum,
including the emphasis on 'Science as a Human Endeavour' and
'Science Inquiry' strands. Some experts described it as
'bland', 'uninspiring' and 'conservative'.
Others described it as 'bold', 'good' and
'great'. One interviewee observed: 'The national
curriculum doesn't look too bad. At least it flows. It sort of
makes sense.'
The document is very good. I know there are problems. I do believe
that the direction it is taking science education is good and that
is a very real emphasis on pedagogy; getting kids engaged; and
having the perceptions of what science is in the community, or the
school changed. That's what comes through in the document or it
tries to come through. It gets a little lost in the detail.
Overall, it is a great curriculum document for science. The
national curriculum is about giving guidelines and direction. It is
not a syllabus so I think in a sense they have been very bold ...
in not writing a whole bunch of stuff in there that has to be
learnt. That's taken guts, to be quite strong in resisting that
When asked whether the national curriculum was better or worse than
their current state or territory curriculum (except for senior
curricula) only one interviewee answered directly, indicating that it
was better on the grounds it was less specific than the current state
curriculum. Others responded by indicating ways in which their state or
territory system was better and ways in which the national curriculum
was better. The only consistent view being expressed was that the
emphasis on 'Science as a Human Endeavour' was an improvement
on most current curricula.
Compared with traditional approaches, which focused very strongly
on science understanding and maybe inquiry or process skills then
'Science as a Human Endeavour' has a much stronger influence. That
is an aspect of science that has been under-represented in
curriculum documents previously.
All but one interviewee agreed that the national curriculum had not
been able to translate the admirable goals and intentions of the Framing
paper (National Curriculum Board, 2009b) into the strands and lists of
content. They also recognised that this is not unusual and was a
significant challenge in a negotiated curriculum.
There are always fine words at the start and talk about creativity,
reasoning and high-level thinking, cultural usefulness and what
have you. Then what you often got was very dry content coming out
of it. I think there is a bit of that here. Maybe it is inevitable
because, in part, content has to be specified. Often the high hopes
that are expressed earlier have to be expressed between the lines,
so to speak. It comes from a lack of imagination and the multiple
influences that occur on people writing these things. You have all
these jurisdictions clamouring for representation for the way
they've always done things. I guess I'm being too critical. The
three strands are an attempt to build on the Framing paper. The
critical thing will be what is done with it. It could be made
consistent with the Framing paper if teachers know how to do it. It
is a pity the document didn't make it easier.
Restricting content according to student age
Three of the expert interviewees raised concerns about the way in
which assumptions had been made about what students were capable of
learning according to age, and the consequences for school science
learning. Some considered the curriculum to be too restrictive in
organising the science--understanding strand by school levels. These
experts argued that the level of specificity would act against the
treatment of science in context. They viewed this as lamentable because
the context and local connections were considered critical in generating
and maintaining student engagement. All spoke with some passion when
citing instances where restricting the specific understandings to be
learnt by year level was fundamentally flawed.
The way it goes from topic to topic at specific years--we have
always grappled with this and tried to make it non-mandatory to do
things at particular levels ... there are all sorts of reasons why
you might want to find and follow what is actually growing in
students' understandings ... Renewable energy, for example, which
focuses on energy issues has a lot of focus on electricity because,
as soon as you start to have hands-on experiments with wind
turbines or solar cells, you need to know about electricity. It
really causes a bit of a problem if you are looking at contextual
units. If you look at matter--well, particles don't appear until
Year 8 in the national curriculum. You are running around
describing properties up till then. It is a very Piagetian view
that drives it. There has been a lot of research in that area and
kids are capable of far more than that.
Leaving aside the restriction of content to age levels, some of the
experts argued that descriptions of content were broad enough to allow
for local context and school-based development.
This curriculum does give the teachers a lot of flexibility and
that's a good thing. So generally, it's not just a list of dot
points of things to be taught in each year. It gives teachers
professional licence to develop appropriate programs for their
specific students. It is written in a way that allows for change.
It lets the teacher make decisions about what is the latest
cutting-edge science to include.
Others took the opposite view:
The kind of specificity that we've seen in this document is going
to cut across that and also there was some concern about the
possibility of local variation, particularly schools making
partnerships or having projects based in local communities. If
there is too much specificity then you lose the chance to go down
that path.
Notably, the various positions regarding specificity seemed
inherently related to current state or territory curriculum documents.
In those states where the national curriculum document was more
restrictive than their current curriculum, the interviewees viewed this
unfavourably. In states or territories with more restrictive current
curriculum documents, they regarded this feature of the national science
curriculum as a step forward.
The expert interviewees were universally unconvinced that there was
some universally right, logical order in which to present and build
understanding of science ideas. They were emphatic that teachers and
schools need flexibility to create a science curriculum that caters for
the needs and interests of students in their distinctive contexts. The
main concern was not so much that the curriculum would prevent this, but
that its implementation would. Some noted that they were aware of
arguments occurring in some states regarding whether 'topics'
were presented in the correct order.
While there was significant criticism of the curriculum content
lists, there was also acceptance that a relatively conservative
curriculum is an inevitable product of extensive consultation with many
influential stakeholders:
The rhetoric about the curriculum is that it is anything but
conservative, but when you look at it it is pretty conservative. I
appreciate the political dilemmas and the reality is the product
from any large curriculum project is not going to be ideal. Despite
the spin of being classed as world-class, the reality is that is
it pretty uninspiring and it is just a list of things that could be
For some interviewees, the national curriculum was viewed as a
first iteration. Just getting a national science curriculum in place may
be a worthwhile and essential first step.
It's the first one we have ever had. Something that could be agreed
to. It will evolve and change over time because I think there are
too many players involved in this act to expect to have it right to
begin with. We will have to mould it, shape it, and develop it as
people interact with it.
The expert interviewees were concerned about the curriculum
implementation process and potential consequences of a national
curriculum. Terms such as 'worried' about,
'concerned', 'fearful' and 'afraid' were
used when they spoke of implementation effects. The concerns related to
testing, the possibility of additional curriculum layers added by the
states and the loss of locally contextualised science.
The impact of anticipated national science testing was a concern.
The view was that a national science curriculum would make regular
high-stakes national testing of science likely. Inappropriate use of
NAPLAN data and the MySchool website were cited as examples of the
harmful outcomes that could be prompted by the national curriculum.
It depends on what or how NAPLAN pans out over the next few years
and how it articulates with the Australian curriculum: Science. If
NAPLAN follows a certain pattern, it will become a
pseudo-curriculum. That concerns me ... It is one thing to just list
three strands but if the emphasis in the checking is going to be
heavily on 'Science Understanding', then the other two strands will
be just ignored. Some teachers have been doing innovative work
within broad guidelines and have largely been responsible for
assessment rather than having some external assessor. I get a sense
that the national curriculum will see a regression to much more
conservative teaching.
It is anticipated that national testing will prioritise the science
understandings strand. This would diminish emphasis on 'Science
Skills' and 'Science as a Human Endeavour', the strands
in which the national curriculum provides an advance on current
All the experts expected at least some states to impose another
layer of curriculum development between the national curriculum and
schools, although some do not expect this in their own state. All but
one regarded this as unhelpful, considering the curriculum sufficient.
It would pull the carpet completely out from underneath national
curriculum. What is the point of having a new curriculum with all
these new things in it if nobody does it? The whole point of
spending money on developing a national curriculum is wasted. And
people will continue doing what they are doing.
A layer of state curriculum or syllabus would Re-create differences
at a state level, something the national curriculum sought to eliminate.
Funds available to support an Australian science curriculum should, in
the opinion of the experts, be invested in the development of resources
and teacher professional learning, not in a syllabus. In this context,
two fears were expressed. In states with a strong history of
prescriptive curriculum, the view was that resources would be wasted on
a syllabus, and little would remain for effective implementation in
schools. In states with curricula described as broad frameworks, the
fear was that the national curriculum would cut state investment in
science education. 'They may see this as a cost-cutting
opportunity, cutting back on our curriculum developers and curriculum
people in the Department of Education as a support.'
A generally held view was that different state-based curricula
would make the sharing of resources across state and territory
boundaries difficult and less likely. Two experts were resigned to one
state, at least, producing its own syllabus. 'They are going to
develop this syllabus. There isn't any other alternative. Simply
they see that they are going to make the syllabus.'
Professional learning and development
The Australian science curriculum will require significant
professional learning and development for teachers. In some instances
this will be required to support school-based curriculum development.
One challenge will be to deliver on the intent of the Framing paper
(National Curriculum Board, 2009b).
The national curriculum is silent on how to do this. The Framing
paper says there will be less emphasis on a transition model of
pedagogy but more on the model of student engagement and enquiry.
It might have good intentions, you get hints, but it doesn't really
inform teachers on how they might do it.
According to the expert interviewees, the impact of the national
curriculum on student learning and engagement in science depends
relatively little on the curriculum per se. Rather, it hinges on its
implementation and the professional learning support for teachers. On
the one hand, the interviewees perceived a risk of standardisation and
testing producing a narrow, dull, taught curriculum. On the other hand,
there was hope that a rich science pedagogy may be enacted to engage
future generations.
The research was implicitly motivated by a desire to consider our
science education future, because a curriculum cannot be judged by the
words on the page but by its enactment. In responding to these
questions, the expert interviewees' views have hence been used to
create two science curriculum future scenarios.
There is a complex interplay among stakeholders that has produced a
compromise curriculum. The interviewed experts largely agreed on its
strengths and weaknesses. Interestingly, despite this agreement, there
was considerable variation in their perceptions of the goodness of the
curriculum. Most of the experts saw the national science curriculum
itself as benign, but they were concerned about how it may be
implemented and ill used. The quality and state of Australia's
future science education with the Australian science curriculum is thus
difficult to predict. Two very different scenarios seem possible. One
emphasises state independence, standardisation, compliance and control.
The other emphasises trust in teacher professionalism and knowledge
Compliance scenario
In this scenario, the Australian science curriculum improves school
science through standardisation, surveillance and control. Support for
professional development and school science within states is reduced
because the work of curriculum development has been done centrally.
Prescriptive resources are produced with activity sequences that classes
follow. There is a national curriculum but some states introduce a
syllabus. This restricts variations in schools within these states and
prevents efficient sharing of resources across state boundaries.
High-stakes national tests, based primarily on the easy-to-assess
'Science Understanding' strand, are used as indicators of
state, territory and national science achievement. Results are published
and ranking tables appear in the media. The science curriculum becomes
narrowly focused on the acquisition of readily testable science
information. Student engagement decreases and disenchantment with
science increases but a small population of devoted science students
thrive. Senior science becomes entrenched as a field for the elite but
fewer students study senior science. National capability needs are met
by a few, very able graduates from science degrees who pursue careers in
Trusting scenario
The national curriculum provides a framework for consistency in
science education across all states and territories. Students learn
about the same key concepts and big science ideas within relevant
contexts. There is an equal emphasis on 'Science as Inquiry',
'Science as a Human Endeavour' and 'Science
Understanding', which are integrated. Science proves attractive and
engaging for many students. The shared curriculum across states promotes
the sharing of science pedagogy. There is no net increase in support for
science curriculum implementation but it is targeted at professional
learning and provision of nationally applicable resources. National
testing reflects the aims of the national curriculum, providing data on
achievement as well as science dispositions. This data is used for
diagnostic purposes to enhance science teaching and learning. A renewed
interest in science in years K-10 leads to high participation in science
in the senior years. In turn, university science degrees attract more
students with a vast range of interest and abilities. Some of these
students pursue a variety of career paths as researchers, in industry
and education.
The future probably lies somewhere in between.
The author thanks the Australian science education researchers who
were interviewed for their generous contribution to the ideas presented
here and for their feedback on a draft of sections of the article.
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Peter Aubusson
University of Technology, Sydney
Peter Aubusson is an Associate Professor and Head of the Teacher
Education program at the University of Technology, Sydney.
[email protected]