The Invention of Scotland: Myth and History.
Ward, Paul
The Invention of Scotland: Myth and History, by Hugh Trevor-Roper.
New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 2008. xviii, 282 pp.
$30.00 US (cloth)
The Road to Independence? Scotland since the Sixties, by Murray
Pittock. Contemporary Worlds series. London, Reaktion Books, 2008. 206
pp. $24.95 US (paper).
Scottish historiography has flourished in post-devolution Scotland.
The fundamental change in the relationship within the Union, which has
seen the establishment of a parliament in Edinburgh and the formation of
a government by the Scottish National Party, clearly encourages
historians to seek to explain recent events, even if sometimes they take
the long view. These two books, published in the same year, are very
different in content and method, and in political stance. Indeed, their
writing is the product of two different "epochs"--one before
and the other after devolution even though their publication coincides
to take advantage of widened interest in Scotland (increased at the time
of this writing by the release from jail of the Lockerbie bomber Abdel
Baset al-Megrahi by the SNP justice secretary). One author opposes
devolution, while the other welcomes and celebrates it.
Hugh Trevor-Roper died in 2003. The Invention of Scotland was left
unfinished at his death, and has been admirably completed and edited by
Jeremy J. Cater to produce an exciting and fast-paced narrative of the
construction of a number of Scottish "myths" since the middle
ages. Trevor-Roper was an Anglo-British establishment historian,
educated at Charterhouse and Oxford and married to the Scottish daughter
of General Douglas Haig. Trevor-Roper was ennobled by Margaret Thatcher,
an arch-unionist, as Lord Dacre in 1979. He was a broad ranging
historian, dismissive of specialization, as The Invention of Scotland
shows in its discussions of Scottish history from the third to
nineteenth centuries. It is an impressive book, opinionated yet
historically rigorous. It explores the invention of three myths across
Scottish history: a political myth of Scotland's ancient
constitution, contrived in medieval Scotland; a literary myth of ancient
Scottish poetry, invented in the eighteenth century; and a sartorial
myth of the antiquity of kilts and tartan, developed in the nineteenth
Trevor-Roper suggests that in a successful attempt to win back
history from the Picts and then to establish independence against
England, medieval Scottish historians such as John of Fordun, Walter
Bower, and Hector Boece engaged in "the replacement of history by
myth" (p. 14). He shows also that while others, like the Welsh
antiquary Humphrey Lhuyd, rebutted the fabrications of these historians,
Scottish society continued to believe in them until they were no longer
needed, when new myths could replace theirs. Hence after the Union with
England in 1707, Scotland found itself in need of a literary culture to
confirm its autonomy. Trevor-Roper shows how, none being round, an
ancient literature was invented in the "discovery" of
Scotland's Homer, Ossian. About half of the book is devoted to the
deception played on Scotland from the 1760s through to the
mid-nineteenth century by James MacPherson, who concocted an epic poem
he claimed was written by Ossian about the ancient hero Fingal. This is
a detailed, intriguing, and exciting story, drawing on
Trevor-Roper's strengths as an investigative historian, to
elaborate on the intellectual debate about the authenticity of the
Ossian poems in the eighteenth century. Dr Johnson, for example, doubted
the poems' genuineness and called for the manuscript to be
produced, which MacPherson refused to do (or rather allowed such limited
access as to make it impossible to see what did not exist). In the
meantime, while others argued, MacPherson conducted a successfully venal
career in Indian imperialism and served as an MP for seventeen years,
though he never spoke in the House of Commons.
Again, Trevor-Roper suggests that this myth only passed as another
came along to replace it. He suggests that the kilt and the tartan,
those continuing symbols of Scottishness, were established as defining
features of the whole of Scotland rather than just the Highlands, and as
ancient, despite the invention of the kilt in the eighteenth century by
an English industrialist, Thomas Rawlinson. Seeing traditional Highland
dress as "a cumbrous, unwieldy habit," Rawlinson sent for a
tailor who designed the philibeg or small kilt (p. 199). Spurred on by
romanticism, Walter Scott's novels, the establishment of the Celtic
Society of Edinburgh, and the visit of George IV to Edinburgh in 1822,
tartan was assigned to clans (rather than different patterns to
different localities as previously), and a retail industry of epic
proportions was established. Two brothers, who styled themselves as John
Sobieski Stewart and Charles Edward Stuart, and who claimed that they
were the only legitimate descendants of the Young Pretender of 1745,
participated in the false designation of tartan to clans through their
publication of The Costume of the Clans (1844). As MacPherson had done
before, they based their claims on fabricated historical documents. The
brothers were discredited as heirs to the Scottish throne in 1847 in an
anonymous essay in the Quarterly Review, but the notion of kilts and
tartan as ancient and Scottish flourished with Queen Victoria's
interest in the Highlands.
Trevor-Roper picks apart these fabrications. He asserts, wholly
convincingly, that "what people believe is true is a force, even if
it is not true." and this is the point of the book (p. xix). So far
so good. The unravelling of the past's falsehoods is part of the
historian's task, as is understanding why societies believed in
them. Yet Trevor-Roper's ancillary purpose was the rebuttal of the
claim of increasing numbers of Scots to political autonomy within the
United Kingdom. The writing of the book, or rather the series of essays
that comprise it, paralleled the rise of Scottish nationalism from the
1960s. Hence the first article coincided with the election of Winnie
Ewing of the Scottish National Party to Parliament in 1966, and much of
the rest was written in the 1970s, as the minority British Labour
government sought to buttress its weak position by gaining Scottish
support through the introduction of devolution. Trevor-Roper was a
public opponent of devolution, and this book can be seen as part of his
support for the Union in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1979, the devolution
referenda in Scotland and Wales ended in failure. With the threat gone,
Trevor-Roper's attentions fell elsewhere (in 1983 he declared the
authenticity of the forged Hitler diaries), and hence this book remained
unpublished until now.
To his political purpose can be added Trevor-Roper's own
myth-making or prejudice. He invented a version of Scottishness that is
as false as those he refutes. Throughout the book he argues that
significance lies not primarily in the fabrication of the myths, but in
their acceptance as real by the Scottish. This involves suggesting that
Scottish susceptibility to myth amounts to an inherent characteristic.
The book implies the essential nature of Scottishness as character
rather than as historically-shaped, imagined, or constructed identity.
Hence Trevor-Roper argues that:
The several races of the British Isles have contributed unequally,
but distinctively, to our common culture. Political and
intellectual initiative has come mainly from the Anglo-Saxons or
Anglo-Normans. Myth, fantasy, and the traditions that are the
crystallization of such myth, have been supplied by the Celts (p.
Murray Pittock, professor of literature at the University of
Glasgow and author of a string of books on Celtic and British
identities, asks whether Scotland has been travelling the road to
independence since the 1960s and suggests that whether Scotland moves
towards independence probably depends on the English "and whether
there is a will, not simply to reassert tired and outmoded concepts of
Britishness, ineluctably tied to English manners, society, politics and
culture, but to develop a multi-centred polity in these United
Kingdoms" (p. 182). Trevor-Roper's perspective suggests that
an English change of attitude is not a foregone conclusion.
Pittock's book is also shaped by the historical context in
which it was written and published. It is in many ways a guide (and
parts of it read like a book for tourists) to how Scotland has got to
where it is now, with a parliament with tax-raising powers and a SNP
government. It is written with a desire to bring Scottish history before
"everyone, not just Scots" (p. 11). He argues that this is
necessary because of continuing metropolitan English attitudes that see
Scotland as a region rather than a nation, and in particular criticizes
the BBC and electronic media for not reporting Scottish news or showing
Scottish-made TV programs more widely.
In his first two chapters, Pittock presses a clear argument that
two main forces have propelled Scotland towards a greater national
consciousness that has resulted in devolution. He argues that
Scotland's integration under the Union of 1707 rested upon its
domestic autonomy and a separate civil society that enabled the
existence of its own legal, religious and education systems alongside
the potential for Scottishness to be expressed through full and vigorous
participation in the British Empire. After 1945, the British state
extended its intervention into the lives of its citizens through the
development of the welfare state and the nationalization of a major part
of industry, which had the effect of centralizing power. Accompanied by
withdrawal from empire, the "balance between domestic autonomy and
imperial partnership was undercut" (p. 39). Pittock applies this
argument to the economy and society in his first chapter and to politics
and identity in the second, with much of his emphasis being placed on
the rise of the SNP. He argues that the party, while experiencing
limited electoral success in the 1960s and 1980s, forced nationalism
onto the agendas of Labour and the Conservatives, who, "disparaging
the Nationalist leadership, ridiculing Nationalist economics, all the
time ... drift[ed] gently towards a more nationalist reading of
Scotland" (pp. 65-6). Pittock provides an admirably lucid narrative
of developments towards devolution in 1999 and an impressive description
of arrangements for governance and the travails of party politics in
Edinburgh since the transfer of power.
The third and fourth chapters emphasize that this is a guidebook of
sorts. They examine urban Scotland (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen,
Dundee, Inverness, and Stirling) and Scotland's developing cultural
independence, which has culminated in the declaration of 2009 as the
year of Homecoming, the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns's birth.
In the fifth chapter, Pittock considers immigration. He adopts the
widely used phrase "New Scots," which has the implication of
welcoming inclusiveness, yet the chapter does not neglect
"Scotland's shame" of anti-Catholic Irish sectarianism,
nor the more limited anti-English racism. Nonetheless it is an
optimistic chapter, discussing the "New Scots: Attracting Fresh
Talent" initiative of the Scottish government in 2004, the election
of Bashir Ahmad as the first Asian and Muslim member of the Scottish
Parliament in 2007 (he died in February 2009), and the desire to attract
the Scottish diaspora back to Scotland.
The final chapter provides a balance sheet of Scotland since
devolution in 1999. Pittock obviously welcomes devolution. He has argued
extensively in his previous writings that Scotland has a history
separate from England's, that Britishness has often been
Englishness enlarged, and that academics have been inclined to allow
Anglocentrism to swamp their work in the pursuit of a "new British
history." He is a harsh critic of attempts at metropolitan
dominance, and sees what happens in London as critical in determining
the response of Scots to their future. To that extent his book does not
provide an answer to the question in its title. Scotland's journey
down the road to independence depends on English actions as well as
Scottish desires, and the future is unknowable.
Both these books are responses to commercial concerns, driven by
the topicality of Scotland. Scottish history is marketable. Yet they are
very different books, expressing on Trevor-Roper's part a desire to
oppose a distinct political nationalism and, on Pittock's part, an
aspiration for Scots to be able to decide their own destiny. Both are
tremendously good reads, but Pittock feels much more of our time and of
the future.
Paul Ward
University of Huddersfield