Reflections on the Changing Pedagogical use of Computer Algebra Systems: Assistance for Doing or Learning Mathematics?
This article documents a change in the use of a Computer Algebra
System, (CAS), with a group of first year, undergraduate, mathematics
students. CAS was initially used as an assistant for doing mathematics,
enabling students to solve difficult problems. During the period of the
study it came to be used as an assistant for learning mathematics, as a
partner in the teaching and learning process. This article notes the
changes required in organisation, teaching materials, and assessment,
then reflects on changes in students' attitudes and learning
Surveys, interviews and teacher observations suggested that
students' attitudes toward the use of CAS for learning mathematics
were positive and that they believed that it aided their understanding.
Students appreciated the availability of CAS for examinations. There was
no demonstrable change in student achievement resulting from the changed
pedagogical use of CAS. However changes in learning goals and assessment
procedures mean that no simple comparison is possible.
CAS are powerful computer packages that do calculations, offer
graphical representations, and also perform symbolic manipulation for
algebra and calculus. These tools were initially designed by
mathematicians to increase their efficiency in solving problems that
could be described by algorithms.
GAS have been available for over a decade but so far they have made
little impact on the teaching of mathematics. However, as affordable
access to technology increases, the use of these packages as powerful
tools for students learning mathematics is becoming a reality. In
addition, the user interfaces for computer algebra systems are being
refined so that novice users are less hampered by the syntax of the
programs. The GAS DERIVE was promoted on its user manual as "a
mathematical assistant for your personal computer." Its first use
was in assisting mathematicians to do mathematics but more recently its
role as an assistant for learning mathematics has also been explored
(Berry & Monaghan, 1997).
The introduction of new technologies to the teaching and learning
of mathematics has been at two levels "functional" and
"pedagogical" (Etlinger, 1974). Etlinger reported that when
calculators were initially used in primary and secondary classes most
teachers saw their major use as allowing students to consider more real
life examples and to check answers. The purpose of allowing calculator use was to improve attitudes and increase student motivation to learn
mathematics by increasing its relevance through greater use of applied
examples. Very quickly the role of the calculator in the mathematics
classroom expanded as teachers found ways in which it could be used not
only to do calculations but also to assist students as they learned the
mathematics. It is instructive to revisit the journals of the mid-1970s
and read the excitement and concern of mathematics educators over the
role which simple calculators might play in mathematics education.
Etlinger (1974) wrote about calculators but if the word calculator
were replaced with GAS the paper could well have been written 20 years
later! He wrote that:
Perhaps the most extreme view is that of the calculator as a purely
functional classroom device...According to this view, the calculator
will allow us to perform calculations much more easily, and will save us
the trouble of learning the older, more tedious methods, much as the
ballpoint pen saves us the inconvenience of inkwells and blotters...The
pure-pedagogical point of view goes basically as follows: the calculator
must not be used to replace learning, but rather to facilitate learning.
Children must still learn their facts and their algorithms together with
the more abstract concepts and ideas of mathematics. (p. 43-44)
Etlinger (1974) commented that the implications of this pedagogical
view had not been clarified. He raised a number of questions about the
effect of calculators on student attitudes, hand skills, and
understanding of concepts. While scientific and graphics calculators
have been accepted in school classrooms the use of the next level of
mathematical technology, symbolic manipulators, is only now being
explored. Similar questions are being asked of GAS today.
In 1996 a review of the literature on the use of GAS in
undergraduate mathematics suggested that not only could GAS be used to
do mathematics but it might also help students learn quickly and
increase their understanding of mathematical concepts. Heid (1988)
reported that for an introductory calculus course a group taught using
GAS to present and explore concepts produced similar results to a
comparison group on a skills test and showed greater understanding of
concepts and the ability to use different representations. Palmiter
(1991) reported that an experimental GAS group covered the same course
as a traditional group with fewer hours teaching and that these students
outperformed the traditional group on both conceptual and computational exams. Day (1993) encouraged us that "the power and flexibility of
technology can help change the focus of school algebra from students
becoming mediocre manipulators to their becoming accomplished
analysts" (p. 30).
Previous experience (Heid, 1988, Palmiter, 1991, Mayes, 1993,
Llorens-Fuster, 1995, Heid & Zbiek, 1995, Bennett, 1995, Taylor,
1995; Hirschom &Thompson, 1996) suggested that a GAS could
facilitate student's learning by:
* exposure to lots of examples and nonexamples in a short space of
* encouraging detailed observation and conjectures;
* development of rules by induction;
* exposure to multiple representations, graphical, numeric and
* improving attitudes and class attendance; and
* reducing the anxiety of "making mistakes."
The Setting
At the University of Ballarat, GAS have been used since 1990 in
undergraduate mathematics courses. "Maple" has been used by
engineering students and DERIVE by all other mathematics students. While
the number of students undertaking mathematics courses at the University
is not large, their backgrounds are diverse. Ballarat is a regional
University that has a large number of educationally disadvantaged students. In cross faculty subjects like mathematics, these students
study along side academically successful students who choose the
specialist courses offered at this University. Providing teaching and
learning experiences which cater for such diverse groups and which
enable those students with weak mathematics backgrounds to reach an
appropriate level of skill and understanding presents a challenge.
Initially GAS were used for demonstrating ideas in lectures by
aiding visualisation and in 1992 laboratory sessions were introduced.
These sessions were based on worksheets which helped students learn to
use DERIVE and required them to use the CAS in solving extended problems
and harder examples (Yearwood & Glover, 1995). Until 1997 students
had three hours of lectures and tutorials for traditional mathematics
and one hour in a computer laboratory. Assessment was undertaken in
separate parts both with and without GAS. In 1997 the use of GAS was
broadened. Students were encouraged to see it as a tool to help them
learn and understand mathematics not just assist them with difficult
problems. To facilitate this, GAS was made available for all classes and
all assessment tasks.
This article examines the experience of the transition years,
1995-1998, and looks at the changes required in organisation and
teaching. In 1995/96 students learned mathematics "by hand"
and learned to use DERIVE for mathematics. In 1997/98 students also used
DERIVE to help them learn mathematics. A study was undertaken to monitor
student's responses to the changes in teaching and assessment. Data
was collected using surveys, interviews, and anecdotes (Table 1).
Changes in student's attitudes, participation in learning, and
learning outcomes were noted. Special attention was given to the changes
in student's answers to examination questions when GAS was made
available during the assessment. Examination scripts were carefully
analysed question by question and examination results were recorded.
Table 1 summarises the total number of students from whom data was
collected each year, the nature of the data collected, and the number of
In 1995/96 the use of CAS to help students tackle more difficult
and extended problems was essentially an "add-on" to a
traditional first year undergraduate mathematics course. Incorporating
the use of CAS into the total teaching and learning of the unit in
1997/98 required changes in both teaching and organisation, key aspects
are outlined below.
Constants: Curriculum and Staffing
The unit under review was a standard first year, undergraduate,
mathematics unit with a focus on calculus, linear algebra, and
probability. During the period of the study the course outline was
unchanged but four different staff taught it. These staff all
demonstrated good professional practice.
Changes in Delivery Mode
In 1995/96 three hours of lecture/tutorials were timetabled for
students to be taught mathematics. During a fourth hour--timetabled in a
computer laboratory--students were given worksheets to assist them in
learning CAS and solving harder problems. Technical assistance was
provided by postgraduate students who saw their role as "trouble
shooting" DERIVE rather than teaching mathematics.
In 1997/98, to facilitate the use of CAS as a learning tool, the
lecturer conducted all classes and used the computer laboratory whenever
this enhanced the overall teaching plan, typically two hours per week.
In the computer laboratories students were directed by worksheets but
worked at their own pace with the lecturer acting as a facilitator. The
lecturer kept the focus on mathematics in all classes.
Changes in Worksheets
In 1995/96 worksheets were written to teach students how to use
DERIVE to do the mathematics they had covered in lectures. The exercises
used complicated examples which illustrated principles that had been
taught. They focused on how to use the technology for problems which
could prove difficult for students to solve by hand.
For example the exercises on derivatives were based on the function
F(x) = sin x/x.
In an attempt to broaden students learning experience in 1997/98
worksheets were written to enable students to use GAS to explore
concepts and patterns of mathematics as well as to use it as a tool to
solve more difficult examples. Explorations were used to introduce
topics as well as consolidate concepts. The style of worksheets changed.
GAS commands, in the new worksheets, were introduced using exercises,
which would either revise assumed mathematics knowledge, or provide
exploratory inductive activities. Exercises on derivatives were based on
many simple polynomials, for example [x.sup.2], [x.sup.3], [x.sup.-2],
[x.sup.-5], [x.sup.3/2] [x.sup.4] + [2x.sup.2]+1. Students were expected
to inductively develop a rule for the derivative of a polynomial. They
were encouraged to make notes on the mathematics that they were
observing as they worked with GAS through guided discovery learning
exercises. For example, exercises required students to explore multiple
representations of rate of change. These linked grap hs of tangents to
the curve with gradients and the derivative function. More advanced or
complicated problems followed later once students had been introduced to
both the mathematics and the required GAS commands.
Changes in Assessment
It has been often stated (Ramsden, 1992) that assessment drives
students' learning, and that students will value and concentrate on
those aspects of a course that they know will be assessed. Arnold (1995)
observed that students who were not allowed to use GAS in their
examinations used it as little as possible in their learning exercises.
If GAS is to be taken seriously as a mathematics learning tool then
students need to have access to it for assessment tasks.
In 1995/96 assessment comprised a midsemester test without GAS and
a final examination in two parts one with and one without GAS. In
1997/98 GAS was available for the midsemester test and all the final
examination. In 1995/96 the examination section for which GAS was
available consisted of questions which students would find difficult to
do by hand Figure 1.
In the 1997/98 examinations most of the questions did not look any
more complicated than problems solved by hand in previous years Figure
A key change in examination questions was the extension of
assessment from students' recall of facts and by-hand skills to
questions that require students to interpret and explain their answers.
Of 12 final examination questions in 1996, two asked students to
interpret the mathematics, whereas in 1997 this was required in six
questions. For example a 1996 linear algebra question asked students to
"Find the following, if they exist," while the equivalent 1997
question asked student to not only "Find the following if they
exist," but also "If they don't exist explain why
not." Moving beyond routine mathematical manipulations, or
translating conventional mathematical words and symbols into GAS
commands, to explaining working, justifying reasoning or interpreting
results, required students to verbalise their mathematical thinking thus
making these questions more difficult.
The results of the study are presented in two sections, first those
based on student surveys, interviews, and anecdotal evidence, then
second, changes in learning outcomes as measured by the examinations.
Students Viewed CAS as Useful Learning Tool
There was a change in mindset from seeing CAS as being a topic or
subject, related to, but separate from, mainstream mathematics, to
viewing GAS as a tool which may be used to solve mathematical problems and explore mathematical ideas.
Anecdotal comments from students and lecturers suggested that
students who studied this course in 1995/1996 saw the subject as
consisting of "maths and DERIVE." The phrase "I need to
do some DERIVE" and reference to the "DERIVE exam"
indicated that the students saw GAS as an entity separate from
mathematics. This also suggested that students believed learning to use
the GAS was in itself an achievement. In surveys monitoring student
response to the changes in teaching and organisation in 1997/98 students
were asked to indicate their reaction to statements, such as those in
Figure 3, using a five point Likert scale.
More than 70% of students responded positively to the first four
questions. They either agreed or strongly agreed that the use of GAS had
helped them understand mathematics, it had given them confidence, and
was a helpful tool for producing answers to maths problems. More than
75% disagreed with the statement "When I use DERIVE I don't
think about maths." Overall, their responses implied that most
students used CAS to help increase their understanding of mathematics by
exploring new ideas and looking at variations on set questions.
Classroom Discussion Focused on Mathematics
Anecdotal evidence suggested that in 1995/96 students'
questions and discussions in their computer laboratory sessions focused
on how to use GAS. In 1997/98, using the new worksheets, the emphasis of
these discussions had shifted to mathematics.
The students interviewed, in 1997, agreed that when sharing a
computer to work on these exploratory exercises they usually talked
about mathematics rather than social events.
Student A: In the labs we get together as a group. Something will
happen on one machine and everyone will go and look at the graph or
Student B: In ordinary classes we take down notes but in the labs
we discuss what we are learning.
Lecturers in 1997/98 also commented that student's
conversations in these laboratory sessions tended to focus on the
mathematics problems. They shared conjectures about patterns in algebra
and discussed key features of graphs. Lecturers commented that this
contrasted with students' behaviour in the more traditional
"pen and paper" tutorials where the students either worked in
silence or discussed unrelated topics.
Students Liked the Changes in Assessment
Interviews and survey responses in 1997/98 showed these students
all agreed that they liked having CAS available in tests and
examinations. The students interviewed commented that they believed
that, provided they knew what mathematics they wanted to do, using CAS
saved time and helped them produce answers which were both
mathematically neater and clearer in presentation. The availability of
GAS meant they were more confident that they would be able to show their
understanding under examination conditions.
Interviewer: One of the things that's been unusual about your
situation is having open access to the computer-algebra system for
exams. What's your reaction to that?
Student A: It saves a lot of time in the exam. If you've got a
fairly hard problem you've got to sit down and do like 2 pages of
calculations. It takes up a fair bit of time, whereas with a computer,
it's just a matter of knowing what you have to do on the computer
and it gives you the answer. If you want to, you can work it out step by
step so it can help you either way and saves a lot of time.
Student B: It saves time and also you get tested on a wider range
of questions.
Student C: My handwriting's not good so when I'm going
through problems and trying to solve them, the problem gets a bit messy and I'm sure the markers struggle solving it. But I can do all the
calculating on the computer and just write down the steps rather than
all the of little bits in between and I'm sure that would make it
much easier for the marker.
Student D: I think it adds a little bit of interest too because
when you've just got a paper and you're slaving away hand
writing everything, you get bored, sick of doing all the questions, but
when you can use the computer every now and again it's a bit
different, a bit more enjoyable.
With CAS Who or What Does the Mathematics? Students Believed They
When CAS was introduced more widely into the teaching and
assessment of these first year courses, some mathematics staff expressed
concerns that the students would not really be "doing"
mathematics. This proposition was put to students at group interview
session following the release of final results in 1997.
Interviewer: One of the other things that people argue about is
whether or not people are really doing mathematics when working with a
computer-algebra system. Are you doing it or is the machine doing it?
Who's doing the maths?
Student A: I reckon that we are actually doing it. The computer
only spits out an answer to what you type into it
Student B: It's just like with a's just
going a bit further, we're not just doing multiplication and
division quickly, we're doing simple differentiations and stuff
Student C: Also, you still have to interpret the answer or for that
matter interpret the question so you can convert it into what the
computer're still doing a lot of mathematics.
Mixed Views on the Effect of CAS on Recall of Facts and By-Hand
The staff expressed similar concerns about students maintaining
their "by-hand" skills. Students interviewed in 1997 expressed
mixed views about this.
Interviewer: Do you think it's had any impact one way or the
other on your general facts and skills?
Student A: Sort of, it's slipped a bit...not doing everything
by hand you lose a bit of the skills. Then on the other hand you've
got the computer there, so if you've lost it, you can play around
and find out what you've lost.
Student B: I think it actually helps me learn new things because
when there are new things that I'm learning, while I'm finding
them difficult, I can use DERIVE and go through the steps. With more
practice and seeing DERIVE go through it, I pick it up myself and then I
can feel confident doing it myself without a package.
Student C: I think it helps me. It's probably psychological as
well, just knowing that you've got the computer there if you get
stuck. It helps me understand the concepts of different problems. Using
the package helps me understand the concepts behind the maths as well as
doing the maths.
Student D: I think we've been taught the facts for 13 years
now, so I suppose if you used GAS earlier on, you'd probably lose a
lot of the facts, but because we've already been taught a lot of
skills and details you don't really lose them.
Overview of Student Response
Overall students' responses to the incorporation of the use of
GAS in teaching exercises and assessment were positive. Students felt
that the worksheets, which made use of multiple representations and a
range of examples, helped their understanding of mathematics and the
access to CAS in examinations increased their confidence.
A key aim of the use of CAS in teaching exercises was to improve
learning outcomes that were assessed by written examinations.
Examination results from 1995 to 1998 were analysed. In particular,
changes that may have been due to the availability of CAS were noted;
the student responses for the curve sketching questions in 1996 and 1997
were looked at in detail, and the overall scores for each year were
The overall impression, from comparison and error analysis, of the
1996, 1997, and 1998 examination papers, was that when CAS was
available, more students attempted more parts of questions. The 1996
without CAS and 1997 with CAS examination scripts were analysed question
by question. In 1996, without CAS, on average, students either did not
attempt or scored zero for 42% of questions. In 1997, with CAS this
figure dropped to 20%.
There was evidence that in 1997/98 with CAS available, students did
not necessarily check answers with CAS. Top students still showed
evidence of simple numerical and algebraic calculation errors which
would have been detected had they used CAS.
CAS presented some new problems, especially for weaker students.
Some students seemed confused by CAS notation especially the use of
[x.sup.[conjunction]]a for [x.sup.a] or sin[(x).sup.2] instead of
[sin.sup.2](x) Some students had poorly labelled sketch graphs that they
had copied from CAS when they had chosen inappropriate windows or not
considered the scale.
An increased emphasis in 1997/98 questions, on explaining methods
or interpreting results meant a loss of marks for students who had
difficulty verbalising their reasoning. Such weaknesses may not have
been identified by the earlier examinations.
Comparison of Responses to Curve Sketching Questions: 1996 and 1997
The questions. Curve sketching questions were chosen for comparison
since this was a topic for which the multiple representations of CAS had
been used extensively in the teaching exercises. Each examination
question (Figures 4 to 6) assessed the students' ability to use
calculus to correctly sketch and label all salient features of a graph.
Despite differences, the questions were considered to be sufficiently
comparable in difficulty to enable revealing analysis. Question 1996N
(Figure 4) was to be done without DERIVE, whereas Question 1996D (Figure
5) and 1997D (Figure 6) were done with DERIVE available. The 1996D
question (Figure 5) presented the student with a function that looked
complicated. It was the opinion of the teacher that these students would
not have been able to sketch this function without the aide of GAS. This
was a GAS dependent question. In Figure 6, the sentence "Use the
scale x=2, y=2" from the 1997D question shows the infiltration of
GAS notation into the writing of mathematics. GAS coul d be of help for
1997D but the teacher felt that these students would have been able to
establish many features of this graph without the aid of technology.
Comparison of responses. Analysis of examination scripts showed
changes (Table 2) in the pattern of students' answers to these
questions. When compared to 1996N, assessed without GAS, in 1996D more
students attempted the question and correctly located the maximum and
minimum points. Without DERIVE some students only plotted a series of
points. With DERIVE all students sketched smooth curves but many did not
label axes and salient points or choose a suitable scale to show key
features of the graph. These details could not be copied from the
computer screen but required mathematical thinking to interpret the
screen image. Comparison of 1996N and 1996D showed that more students
were successful at sketching a graph without the aid of GAS. Most
students accepted the default scale in 1996D and did their best to read
off values of points from the screen. It seemed that these students were
used to following directions for the use of GAS rather than thinking for
themselves as to how they might best use it as a tool to explore
The 1997D scripts indicated that the students were familiar with
using GAS to examine the features of functions. Most students in the
1997 group found the turning points by using calculus and checking
graphically. Eighty-eight percent used GAS to find or check f(x).
Fifty-six percent wrote that they had then used DERIVE's algebra
commands to locate turning points while 32% only plotted the graph. The
use of calculus focused students' attention on the interval
required to show the salient features of the graph. Good choice of scale
and labelling of salient points enabled 75% of these students to sketch
clear, correct graphs of the function (Table 2).
Comparison of Examination Scores
The aim of the changes in the teaching and organisation of this
subject was to improve students' learning outcomes. A key measure
of this was their examination scores. A direct comparison of the
distribution of scores has been carried out (Figure 7) but the emphasis
put on these results must be moderated by an understanding that the
availability of CAS forced changes in the style of at least some
examination questions. Many questions on previous papers were
trivialised by access to a GAS but asking students to explain, justify,
or interpret their mathematics required skills not assessed in the past.
A comparison of the distribution of scores for 1995/96 and 1997/98
(Figure 7) did show a slight overall improvement in results. The mean
score for the 67 1995/96 examination results was 54.03 while that for
the 45 1997/98 results was 60.1. A t-test for independent groups (df =
106.47, t=1.486) indicated that this increase was only statistically
significant at the 0.07 level. However there was stronger evidence for
the decrease in the variability of the results. This may be seen in the
boxplots of the data in Figure 7. In 1995/96 the scores ranged from 4 to
97.5 with a standard deviation of 23.92. In 1997/98 no student scored
less than 21, the maximum score was 95 and the standard deviation was
19.21. A Levene's test for homogeneity of variance confirms that
there is a statistically significant decrease in variation (test
statistic 4.284, p-value 0.04).
The decrease in variance is due to the increase in the minimum
score. This is most likely a reflection of an increase in students'
confidence to at least attempt examination questions with the aid of CAS
and gain a few marks on most questions.
Allowing the use of CAS for all assessment resulted in more
students attempting more questions but analysis of examination scripts
showed that its use did not seem to mask conceptual misunderstandings or
lack of effort in learning mathematical conventions and vocabulary. The
required knowledge of syntax and conventions combined with an increased
emphasis on students' interpreting results was an extra burden to
weaker students. It was still easy to "separate"
students' level of understanding as they needed to understand the
mathematics in order to use CAS effectively.
The evolving use of technology in the teaching and learning of
mathematics brings new insights and more questions. This study found
that students responded positively to the use of GAS as a tool to
support guided discovery exercises that encouraged inductive thinking.
This reinforced the findings of previous research.
This use of CAS, for the exploration of patterns and concepts,
reduced the distinction between the mathematics and the use of CAS.
Rather than seeing the ability to use DERIVE as an end in itself,
students saw it as a tool for doing and exploring mathematics.
During laboratory sessions the focus of learning shifted from CAS
to mathematics and the discussion from social events to mathematics
problems. In these classes the teacher interacted with individuals and
small groups rather than the whole class and students were actively
engaged in the learning process.
The availability of CAS for examinations appeared to reduce the
level of test anxiety. Students believed that it gave them a better
opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of mathematics. Students
were more likely to attempt questions and could validate their ideas by
considering alternative representations. Measuring changes in learning
outcomes was difficult because the availability of GAS required changes
in the wording and style of examination questions. Gomparison of results
suggested that either there was some improvement in learning or that the
access to GAS gave students a greater opportunity to demonstrate their
knowledge. While the non attempt rate was reduced students still made
procedural errors and had difficulty explaining their results.
As CAS becomes more accessible in both interface and cost, it
inevitably impacts on both what is valued in mathematics and how this is
taught. This study provides a piece in the picture that is being built
to inform mathematics educators in their choice of when and how to make
best use of GAS. There are difficulties in comparing learning outcomes,
as the availability of GAS forces changes in questions and goals. What
does it mean to be able to do mathematics...understand mathematics when
the GAS can do the routines and get the right answer? Such fundamental
issues need to be discussed because the evolving pedagogy needs to focus
not only on school and undergraduate mathematics as they are now but
also to consider what they will become.
Arnold, S. (1995). Learning to use new tools: A study of
mathematical software use for the learning of algebra, Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, University of New South Wales.
Bennett, G. (1995). Calculus for general education in a computer
classroom, The International DERIVE Journal, 2(2), 3-11.
Berry, J., & Monaghan, J. (Eds.) (1997). The state of computer
algebra in mathematics education. Sweden: Chartwell-Bratt.
Day, R. (1993). Algebra and technology, Journal of Computers in
Mathematics and Science Teaching, 12(1), 29-36.
Etlinger, L. (1974). The Electronic calculator: A new trend in
school mathematics. Educational Technology, December, 43-45.
Heid, K. (1988). Resequencing skills and concepts in applied
calculus using the computer as a tool, Journal for Research in
Mathematics Education, 19(1), 3-25.
Heid, M.K., & Zbiek, R.M. (1995). A technology-intensive
approach to algebra, The Mathematics Teacher, 88(8), 650-656.
Hirschorn, D.B., & Thompson, D.R. (1996). Technology and
reasoning in algebra and geometry, The Mathematics Teacher, 89(2),
Lorens-Fuster, J. (1995). A mathematics course with DERIVE at
technical colleges, The International DERIVE Journal, 2(2), 33-39.
Mayes, R.L. (1993). Computer use in algebra: And now the rest of
the story, The Mathematics Teacher, 86(7), 38-541.
Palmiter, J. (1991). Effects of computer algebra systems on concept
and skill acquisition in calculus, Journal for Research in Mathematics
Education, 22(2), 51-156.
Ramsden, P. (1992). Learning in higher education. London:
Routledge. Taylor, M. (1995). Calculators and computer algebra
systems-their use in mathematics examinations, The Mathematics Gazette,
79(484), 68-73.
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teaching engineering mathematics, Australian Journal of Engineering
Education, 6(1), 87-93.
Table 1
Sources of data 1995-1998
Year Data Collected Number of responses
1995 (N=28) Results: overall marks 28
1996 (N=45) Testlexam scripts analysed: 18
Midsemester-without CAS 16
Final exam sector: without CAS 15
Final examination section: with 15
Results: test, exam, overall marks 45
Anecdotal verbal comments from
students and lecturers
1997 (N=16) Background:
Diagnostic test 16
Secondary maths experience 16
Week3 13
Week6 7
Unit evaluation 7
Test/exam scripts analysed:
Midsemester-with CAS 16
Final exam: with CAS 16
Results: test exam overall 16
Videoed group interview (post 4
Anecdotal verbal comments from
students and lecturers
1998 (N=29) Background:
Diagnostic test 24
Secondary maths experience 24
Midsemester review 23
Unit evaluation 13
Testlexam scripts analysed:
Midsemester-with GAS 29
Final exam: with GAS 29
Results: test, exam overall marks 29
Anecdotal verbal comments
from students and lecturers
Table 2
Percentages of Students Giving Specified Responses to Curve
Sketching Questions
1996N 1996D 1997D
n=15 n=15 n=16
Made no attempt 18 12 0
Only plotted points 7 0 0
Correct asymptotes marked 46 N/A 62
Correctly located local maxima
and minima 25 88 88
Clear sketch graph with suitable
scale, labels and salient points
marked. 32 25 75
[Graph omitted]