Overlap in web search results: a study of five search engines.
Rather, Rafiq Ahmad ; Lone, Fayaz Ahmad ; Shah, Gulam Jeelani 等
The web is expanding exponentially. In January 2007, there were
nearly 30 million pages (WWW FAQ, 2007). This expansion has led to
reliance on search engines to find web resources. This in turn casts
responsibility on the search engines to meet the needs and expectations
of the scholarly community. Using more than one search engine is futile
if overlapping is frequent and substantial. Overlapping is genuine if
the common results are highly relevant to the user's query. Use of
different search engines simultaneously reduces searching time and
increases efficiency. Though search engines index multiple and separate
resources, some results occur in many search engine's databases and
in some cases a search engine retrieves results by indexing other search
engines' databases. The present study is an attempt to identify
search engines with less overlapping for use by the scholarly community.
Overlap Studies
In the ocean of literature on search engines features, precision,
recall, and other technical aspects, there has been little attempt to
study overlap. Bharat and Border (1998) measured overlap among websites
indexed by Hotbot, Altavista, Excite, and Infoseek using 10,000 queries
carried out at two different intervals of time in June 1999 and November
1999, and found that the overlap was very small, less than 1.4 percent
of the total coverage. Ding and Marchionini (1998) evaluated results
retrieved by Infoseek, Lycos, and Opentext to measure the level of
common results and report a low level of overlap. Chignell, Gwizdka, and
Bonder (1999) found little overlap in the results returned by various
search engines and describe meta-search engines as useful. Gordan and
Pathak (1999) studied five search engines by measuring overlap at a
document cutoff value of 20, 50, 100, and 200 and find that
approximately 93 percent of the results were retrieved by only one
search engine. Nicholson (2000) replicated the 1998 Ding and Marchionini
study and found similar results with low web search engine overlap.
Ferrara, da Silva, and Delgado (2004) evaluated previous overlap studies
with the finding that documents retrieved by multiple information
retrieval systems in relation to the same query are more likely to be
relevant. Spink, Jansen, Kathuria, and Koshman (2006) examined the
overlap among results retrieved by three major web search engines (Google, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo) using a set of 10,316 randomly selected
queries. The study shows that the percentage of total results unique to
only one of the three search engines was 85 percent, with 12 percent
found by two of the three search engines, and 3 percent found across all
Scope of the Study
The study uses five search engines (Altavista, Google, Hotbot,
Scirus, and Bioweb), of which first three are general and the last two
pertaining to science and technology and biotechnology respectively. The
study is further limited to the field of biotechnology for which search
terms were extracted from LC List of Subject Headings (Library of
congress, 2003).
The study measures the overlap among the search engine results to
identify search engines with less overlap.
The study was carried out in three stages: literature review,
selection of search engines, and invention of queries.
Population Selection
One hundred fifty search terms were drawn from an international
vocabulary tool (Library of Congress, 2003), then refined to twenty
queries and grouped under simple, compound and complex queries.
Test Environment
Each term was submitted to the selected search engines in turn,
using the basic or simple search. One query was searched each day using
all five search engines. The first ten results were recorded and
evaluated to determine common results. The results were also evaluated
by their contents to avoid any possibility of occurrence of results
under different URLs.
Measuring Overlap
The overlap between or among the select search engines is the set
of results retrieved by each engine for a query and is represented by
intersection (n). The names of search engines are abbreviated by the
first letter. For the sake of convenience, "G n A exactly" is
the set of results retrieved by Google and Altavista and not by any
other search engine, and "G n A n H exactly" is the set of
results retrieved by Google, Altvista, and Hotbot, and not by Scirus and
Bioweb. The sets of results retrieved by each search engine separately
are also reported.
Results and Discussion
Analysis of results (Table 1) reveals that overlap is comparatively
greater between Altavista and Hotbot (A n H), followed by Google and
Hotbot (G n H), and Hotbot and Scirus (H n S). Overlap is considerable
in Google, Altavista, Hotbot (G n A n H), followed by Google, Altavista,
Scirus (G n A n S), while there is no overlap between Bioweb and other
search engines (Figure 1).
Bioweb retrieved 100 percent unique URLs, followed by Scirus (94.25
percent) , Altavista (92.26), and Google (91.21) (Figure 2). Hotbot has
the highest degree of overlap (15 percent), followed by Google (8.79
percent) and Altavista (7.74 percent) (Table 2).
The nature of the queries influences overlap, which is more
frequent in multiword (i.e., compound and complex) queries rather than
one word queries (i.e., simple queries). There was no overlap in four of
the simple queries, while all the compound and complex queries produced
some overlap between or among the search engines. This analysis reveals
that 92.53 percent of the URLs are retrieved by one search engine only
(which could be any of the five), 5.22 percent are shared by two, while
2.02 percent and 0.21 percent of the URLs were retrieved by three and
four search engines respectively.
The degree of overlap found is low in relation to previous studies
(Nicholson, 2000 and Hord and Wilson, 2001) despite database growth. The
overlap results are found to be relevant to an earlier study (Ferreira,
da Silva and Delgado, 2004). Nevertheless, the overlap is not useful for
simultaneous use of search engines in reducing searching time for users.
Among the selected search engines, Hotbot had the most overlap (followed
by Google) with other search engines except Bioweb. The reason for the
overlap is the large database size of the search engine. This is
evident, since Bioweb has no overlap with other search engines, and has
a small and unique database. On the other hand, Bioweb does not come up
to expectations because of its low precision and recall (Shafi and
Rather, 2005) which do not keep up with the ever increasing growth of
the web. The findings of the present study may not remain valid for long
time due to the dynamic nature of the search engines.
Bharat, K., & Broder, A. (1998). A technique for measuring the
relative size and overlap of public Web search engines. Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems 30 (1-7), 379-388.
Ding, W., and Marchionini, G. (1998). A comparative study of Web
search service performance. In Proceedings of the annual conference of
The American Society for Information Science. pp 136-142. Chignell, M.
H., Gwizdka, J., & Bodner, R. C. (1999). Discriminating meta-search:
A framework for evaluation. Information Processing and Management 35 :
Gordon, M., & Pathak, P. (1999). Finding information on the
World Wide Web: The retrieval effectiveness of search engines.
Information Processing and Management 35 : 141-180.
Nicholson, S. (2000). Raising reliability of Web search tool
research through replication and chaos theory. Journal of the American
Society for Information Science 51 (8): 724-729.
Hood, W. W., & Wilson, C. S. (2001). Overlap in bibliographic
databases. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology 54 (12): 1091-1103.
Library of Congress (2003). Library of Congress subject headings (volumes 1-5). Washington: Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution
Ferreira, J., da Silva, A. R., & Delgado, J. (2004). Does
overlap mean relevance? In Proceedings of WWW/Internet 2004 (LADIS)
conference. Madrid: LADIS: International Association for Development of
the Information Society.
Shafi, S. M., & Rather, R. A. (2005). Precision and recall of
five search engines for retrieval of scholarly information in the field
of biotechnology. Webology 2 (2). Available:
Spink, A., Jansen, B. J., Kathuria,V., & Koshman, S. (2006).
Overlap among major web search engines.
Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy 16
(4): 419-426. WWW FAQs (2007). How many websites are there? Available:
Rafiq Ahmad Rather
Dept. of Education
Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir, India
Fayaz Ahmad Lone
Documentation Officer
Centre of Central Asian Studies
University of Kashmir, India
Gulam Jeelani Shah
Professional Assistant
University of Kashmir, India
Table 1
SET No. of Results SET No. of Results
G exactly 166 G n A n H 007
A exactly 167 G n A n S 005
H exactly 170 G n A n B 000
S exactly 164 G n H n S 003
B exactly 200 G n H n B 000
G n A 007 G S nn B 000
G n H 010 A n H n S 004
G n S 007 A n H n B 000
G n B 000 A n S n B 000
A n H 011 H n S n B 000
A n S 006 G n A n H n S 002
A n B 000 G n A n H n B 000
H n S 008 A n H n S n B 000
H n B 000 G n A n H n S n B 000
S n B 000
Table 2: Degree of overlap
Search Engine Total URLs Unique URLs Degree of Overlap (percent)
Google 182 166 8.79
Altavista 181 167 7.74
Hotbot 200 170 15
Scirus 174 164 5.75
Bioweb 200 200 0.0