Bridging the information divide among engineering college libraries in Tamil Nadu, India: a network design.
Sivaraj, S. ; Esmail, S. Mohammed ; Kanakaraj, M. 等
Libraries provide support to engineering colleges for achieving
college goals through ensuring quality library and information services.
It is crucial to bridge the information divide in engineering college
libraries, because of the growth of engineering literature, increasing
costs, and declining budgets, and the importance of user satisfaction.
Global Networks
Library networking as a means of resource sharing had its beginning
in the 1970s and developed during the 1980s. Libraries in all countries
of the world have adopted some form of networking. As early as in April
1976, the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee (NAC) looked at
options for a national system for sharing bibliographic information.
OCLC is the largest library network in USA. It was established in
1967, and supports resource sharing in more than 6,000 libraries. In
Canada, Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, and
the University of Victoria established TRIUL in 1970. There are three
major networks in UK: the VINCOUNT Project; LIBERTAS Project of SWALCAP;
and JANET. JANET is the major network connecting the libraries of
universities and polytechnics. College Libraries Activities Network of
New South Wales (CLANN) and Co-operative Action by Victorian Academic
Libraries (CALVAL) are the best-known networks in Australia.
Networking in India
Resource sharing in a networked system has been functioning since
1930 in developed countries, while India has concentrated on
interlibrary loan. Networking activities in India started with the
establishment of National Information System for Science and Technology
(NISSAT) in 1979. Some of the examples of such Wide Area Network (WAN)
networking are INDONET (INET), National Information Centre Network
(NICNET), Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) and Developing
Library Network (DELNET). CALIBNET and MALIBNET are typical examples of
Local Area Networking (LAN) system, which is now ongoing in libraries of
metropolitan cities like Calcutta and Chennai.
Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu: An Overview
Anna University was established in 1978 in Tamil Nadu. Since
December 2001, it has grown and gained a reputation, having brought into
its fold about 225 self-financing engineering colleges, six government
colleges, and three government-aided engineering colleges located in
various parts of Tamil Nadu. It offers programs in engineering,
technology, and allied sciences relevant to the current and projected
needs of society. Besides promoting research and disseminating the
resulting knowledge, it fosters cooperation between the academic and
industrial communities.
Objectives of this Study
The objectives of this study are
* To recommend networking of engineering college libraries in Tamil
* To propose a design for Tamil Nadu Engineering College Libraries
Network (TECLIBNET).
Literature Review
The amount of information available on resource sharing and
networking is huge. Though the practice of resource sharing is as old as
librarianship itself, the introduction of information technology in
libraries has brought this idea to even more prominence. This literature
review touches on a few notable studies in this area. Nonglak surveyed
the university libraries in Thailand and proposed a plan for a
university library network in that country. Khurshid looks at library
services in fifteen universities in Pakistan and finds no systems of
library cooperation or networking. He stresses the need for resource
sharing under the central government and suggests creation and
maintenance of an updated union list of serials. Frederik describes the
national plan for university libraries in Brazil, and recommends a
centre for cooperative cataloguing, a standard format for computerized
cataloguing, and development of an online network. Fritz and Baldock
looked at Canadian resource sharing, finding that university libraries
in Saskatchewn used resource sharing methods in support of distance
education. The literature reflects the extensive work in numerous
countries on resource sharing and networks, includung libraries in the
United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, and others.
This study proposes a design for networking engineering college
libraries in Tamil Nadu, India, which may be called Tamil Nadu
Engineering College Libraries Network (TECLIBNET). The TECLIBNET is a
computer communication network of engineering college libraries, which
would improve resource sharing and information access for the academic
community in Tamil Nadu. It is a cooperative network that will
contribute to sharing and optimizing resources, facilities, and services
of engineering college libraries in the state. It also aims to develop a
programme of modernization for those libraries.
Objectives of TECLIBNET
The network would minimize duplication, provide services to users,
avoid foreign exchange, and overcome financial constraints.
The following objectives are proposed for the TECLIBNET.
* Create a state-wide network of engineering college libraries for
optimum use of information resources;
* Maximize the use of funds by reducing duplication;
* Provide access to document collections of all the engineering
college libraries in the state;
* Improve interlibrary loan services among engineering college
libraries with smooth and speedy exchange of information through
telecommunication links;
* Standardize library services and activities;
* Facilitate communication among engineering college libraries in
the state;
* Encourage cooperation among engineering college libraries,
special libraries, and information centres in the state;
* Provide access to other national and international networks.
Steps to Implementation
Considering existing infrastructure, financial resources, manpower,
and technology, the implementation of TECLIBNET has three phases.
In the first phase, the entire infrastructure for library
automation and networking will be created and the personnel trained. The
libraries will create machine-readable catalogues, automate all
services, and prepare to join in the network. The second phase would
culminate in the creation of the formal network, linking of all
libraries into the network, and introduction of various services though
the network. In the third phase, the libraries of special universities
and research organizations would be brought into the network, and the
network will join hands with other local, regional, national, and
international networks.
Networking Models
Keeping these considerations in mind as well as the recommendations
and counsel of participating libraries, three models are suitable for
1. Linking of homepages of all engineering college libraries in
Tamil Nadu.
2. Creating an integrated library database.
3. Establishing connectivity using search-engine architecture.
Model I
In this model, which is the simplest, the home pages of all
engineering college libraries in Tamil Nadu will be associated.
All engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu have home pages with a link
to the library. Similarly, member libraries of TECLIBNET have
independent web pages. Since these pages will exist independently, a
scientist looking for a document will be able to find it. At present,
most of the engineering college libraries have Internet connections, and
it is hoped that the others will get that connection soon.
Model II
In this model, the databases of all individual libraries will be
merged. The merging of books and journals will use a unique feature such
as ISBN. Since the physical location is one of the fields in the data
entry form, it is not difficult to reflect it in the merged database.
This has a major advantage from the user's point of view. It will
be less time-consuming, since the user will have to access only one
server where the integrated database will be located.
The software used in most of the libraries can display the
availability of the document. It is crucial for the library personnel to
maintain this integrated database. It could either be a commitment from
an exclusive group of people, or it could be done remotely from
individual locations.
Model III
Model III is complicated. The databases would be connected through
search-engine architecture. In this way, the search engine can avoid
downloading documents and creating network traffic. The search
engine's server uses gatherers to create a file of keywords that
can be processed into an index for querying by users.
Resource sharing networks are an important part of the library
development plans. While United States and Canada are in a leading
position, developing countries are eager to follow them due. Library
networks will bring rapid changes and a better future for library and
information services. It is absolutely necessary to share resources and
pursue a variety of information exchange opportunities with other
institutions. Breakthroughs in networking and improvements in the
electronic transmission of data make resource sharing viable. Library
professionals must be able to make effective contact with relevant
people in order to share information, resources, and experience.
It is necessary to establish a library network among all
engineering college libraries in Tamil Nadu for maximum use of resources
for the benefit of the students, faculty, and research scholars, and to
improve the quality of education.
Nonglak, Minaikit. A plan for University Library Network
Development in Thailand. Ph.D. Diss., University of Pittsburgh, 1981.
Khurshid, Anis. "Resource Sharing of University Libraries in
Pakistan." Herald of Library Science 21(3-4)) (July-Sept. 1982),
Frederik, Janet. "The Birth of a Network: The Brazilian
Struggle." College and Research Libraries 50(1) (Jan.1989), pp.
Fritz, Linda, and Margaret Baldock. "Information Resource
Sharing: Canadian Perspectives." Dalhousie University Occasional
Papers 54 (1993), pp. 34-42.
S. Sivaraj
Head, Learning Resource Centre
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. S. Mohammed Esmail
Reader, DLIS, Annamalai University
Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. M. Kanakaraj
Librarian, PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India