Status of technological competencies: a case study of University librarians.
Batool, Sveda Hina ; Ameen, Kanwal
Social institutions are run by the people for the people comprising
a society. They reflect the pace of change in a society, and evolve
accordingly. Technological developments have brought enormous changes in
fabrication of all kinds of societies. Biological science curriculum
centre (2005) defined technology as "A body of knowledge used to
create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the
application of science (the combination of the scientific method and
material) to meet an objective or solve a problem".
Emergence of modern, high-tech, information society, changing mode
of information carriers, and demand from print to digital resources have
grossly affected libraries and Information centers. Now a day's
libraries are not defined merely by their physical features, collections
and automation, but from the services they offer. For facilitating
digital age's demanding clients, libraries must be equipped with
the desired technology and human expertise.
According to APLEN (2008) technological core competencies for
library professionals are defined "as a combination of skills,
knowledge and behaviors related to library technology and are important
for organizational success, personal performance and career
building". Chan (2005) describes how those with technological
enjoy learning and applying new technologies, analytical,
familiar with concepts of computer use, able to transfer knowledge,
pursues and demonstrate expertise in technology and can apply it as
requires, internet and library system applications, can resolve
routine problems without assistance and learn to use new technology
quickly and adapts.
The fast growing technology makes academic libraries to face extra
challenges in supporting academic and research programs, if they do not
want to be perceived as warehouses for books. To meet the demands of an
information society, libraries should be furnished with advanced
technological tools while librarians should advance their skills
accordingly. Crawford (2006) expressed the concern as follows: "Do
they know how to connect their mission to their community? Do academic
libraries understand their function? Academic libraries need to figure
out answers to these questions to survive." Human resources at any
institution are very important to meet the goals of any organization.
Information has become fast growing commodity and its easy and
economical access is in demand. In this scenario libraries can be
effective only if fully equipped with information communication
technologies (ICTs). Literature establishes that a number of studies
have been conducted to explore needed competencies of librarians to meet
the challenges of digital age. For example, Babu and Gopalakrishna
(2007) highlighted that development of ICT affects the profession of LIS
at a large scale in terms of growing material, equipment, space, staff,
readers etc.
Tyson (2007) stressed that with shaping of libraries, library staff
should also be transformed to serve the present generation who need
information anytime, anywhere. The skills of librarians should link to
the technological infrastructure. He pointed out during late 90s the
position of system librarian was created in libraries. It was as
confusing then as it is today that whether this position should takeover
by traditional librarian or by a technical expert. It was suggested by
Tyson that skills audit of librarians can be a solution to address 21st
century library issues. Now IT infrastructure is as necessary as
Literature reports two types of studies as follows: (i) measuring
librarian's professional technological skills (ii) identifying
librarians' needed IT and other competencies. Choi and Rasmussen
(2006) conducted a study to identify the knowledge and skills required
by current practitioners in US libraries. Findings show that 35% of
respondents job responsibility based on website related activities, 26%
based on digital project initiatives, 21.7% related to maintain
technical standards and practices and only 17.3% related to other
activities. These results illustrate the importance of acquiring
technological expertise to survive in this information society.
In 2009, Mathews and Pardue conducted a content-analysis of
randomly selected job ads from ALA online job list over a period of Oct.
2007-Mar. 2008. This study stressed on the substantial need for web
development, project management, system development and system
applications in the job requirements for librarians. This study suggests
that librarians need a compulsory set of technological expertise. They
mentioned the following necessary IT skills:
* Programming languages
* Networking
* Web development
* Project management
* System development
* System application
Similarly in Canada, Alberta Public Library Electronic Network
(2008) designed a template to self check the core technology
competencies of their library staff. With the use of this template the
needed level of training can be analyzed for public library staff.
Prestamo (2001) proposed a comprehensive inventory of computer and
related technological skills for academic reference librarians by using
Delphi research method. She mentioned 285 important ICT skills to learn
necessarily for academic librarians. Garrod (1998) reported that only
those personnel required IT skills that had basic understanding of the
philosophy of information professional and urge for learning. In
Pakistan studies have been conducted on the use of IT in libraries, need
analysis of ICT skills for librarians and their attitudes toward
learning technology. Mahmood (2002) stated that academic libraries need
updated skills and expertise in technology. Findings show that IT is
more needed competency in the near future for academic librarians in
Pakistan. In 2007, Mahmood and Khan again conducted a study and
concluded that continuing education strategy is the compulsory element
in developing professionals ICT skills. In this study different mode of
training ICTs, training providers and contents of training were
discussed. Librarians have IT anxiety also as reported by Ramzan and
Singh (2009). Study highlighted that learning IT skills is the key
factor in determining librarian's attitude towards IT.
The review established that studies have been conducted in
developed countries to evaluate or self evaluate the technological
skills and knowledge by designing different T-templates and checklists.
There is a need to develop such a T-template and assess the
technological expertise possessed by Pakistani librarians to serve
digital age users.
Technology in Pakistani Libraries
Qazi (n.d.) stated, "Computers were introduced in mid
60's when second-generation computer was installed at Karachi"
He reported that every year 450,000 new computers reach Pakistan and
this number will increase 4-5 time in the near future. Libraries have
also adopted computers for doing certain tasks in Pakistan. Since 1980s,
efforts have been made to automate library catalogues. NLDP (Netherland
library development program) contributed much in the development of IT
in libraries. The project remained operational from June 1991 to May
1994. NLDP helped in establishing computer training centers in Pakistan
and provided funds and equipment. Selected LIS faculty members and
professionals were also trained in the Netherland and Pakistan. The
literature reports that libraries are still trying to upgrade in terms
of automation. This study is an attempt to assess the status of
technological expertise of university librarians by adopting and
customizing a technological template (T-template) designed by some
international institutions for their staff. Many international
organizations and libraries have used T-Template to assess IT
competencies of their staff on regular basis in order to decide the
level and type of training they needed. This study will help in
determining the extent professionals are prepared to render desired
information services to sophisticated users.
Research Aims
This study investigates the following questions:
* What type and level of technological skills are possessed by
library professionals?
* What information sources are used to update technological skills?
* What are the major constraints in acquiring IT skills and
Research Design
A case of eight librarians from the Faculty of Economics and
Management, University of the Punjab was studied to identify their core
technological expertise. The sampling was purposive as the University of
the Punjab is the largest and oldest university of Pakistan. It has
total thirteen faculties including science, social science, education,
commerce, management, engineering, arts etc. There were three female and
five male professionals working in different departments of the Faculty.
Structured interview including predetermined, close and open ended
questions were used to collect data for this study. Due to IT jargons
and terminology, structured interview was preferred to enquire the
status of their technological knowledge and competencies. In the
beginning of the interview the interviewees were briefed about the
interview questions, related vocabulary, concepts and the overall
structure of the interview. The questions were based on a technology
evaluation list called Technological template (T-template) which was
used by Education, libraries & heritage department (ELH) ICT service
in UK, California and Alberta public libraries to assess their staff
core technological expertise. It was adopted and customized for the
local use.
The closed questions were about demographic information, their
skills of computer hardware, word processing, troubleshooting knowledge,
internet expertise and ILS (Integrated library systems). In some
open-ended questions participants were asked to brief about the
information sources they use to update their technology related
knowledge. They were further asked to highlight the major constraints in
acquiring core technological skills and related knowledge. The interview
schedule was as follows:
Demographic information
* Computer hardware skills
* Word processing skills
* Troubleshooting knowledge
* Internet expertise
* ILS (Integrated library systems) skills
* The sources used to update their technology learning
* Basic problems faced in acquiring technological expertise
The study is only indicative due to the small sample and its
findings cannot be generalized. Scope, Limitation, Delimitation
This study includes eight library professionals from the Faculty of
Economics & Management Sciences, University of the Punjab,
Pakistan.. On the other hand technological template adopted and
customized in this study can be further utilized to assess the
technological expertise of other library professionals in Pakistan.
Participants were provided a copy of this template for their future self
Key Findings
The findings demonstrate level of technical expertise of the
respondents. The main categories addressed were computer hardware, word
processing, internet, troubleshooting and integrated library systems.
Respondents were asked about various IT parameters under three levels,
i.e., 'no skills; learning; and proficient'.
Computer Hardware
Computer hardware expertise included awareness about the physical
parts, their installation, troubleshooting and replacing. This portion
of interview consisted of 18 questions covering these aspects. Out of
eight, seven participants were proficient in these skills. Four had no
skills in establishing wireless connection on laptop and were using only
LAN connection for internet searching at their workplace. They would not
use computers at home or out of office. Three of them had no skill in
using control panel and did not know how to change hardware (mouse,
keyboard, display etc.) settings. While filling questionnaire one of
them told the researcher that "this section of skills are not part
of my job. I have computer operator/network administrator for this
purpose". Five participants were proficient in defragmentation
process (process of rearranging files on hard disk to improve speed and
storage capacity). Being information professional, one should be able to
enhance storage capacity of computers.
Word Processing
Eight professionals were skillful in almost all word processing
skills. They were proficient in formatting, inserting and applying
different styles to documents. Being able to "Create personal
template" and "insert hyperlink (a web
address/reference)" skills were possessed proficiently only by two
participants. Findings show that these professionals were not trying to
enhance their learning. The urge to explore the technology or using
advance options was lacking.
Troubleshooting and maintenance
Out of eight, six participants were with no skills in basic
troubleshooting while this expertise enables to identify "why my
keyboard is not responding" etc. None of them was able to conduct
basic network troubleshooting. Seven respondents were able to update
their virus programs and communicate with the network administrator to
solve the problem. None of them had skills in the area of computer
programming (JavaScript, Perl etc.). Findings highlight that all
participating professionals considered these technological areas part of
their network administrator's job responsibility. One of them
replied" it is a clerical type job and does not suit me, I have
staff to perform this work". All of them restricted themselves to
explore technology at certain level, only automation of libraries is
their main technological area to be expert in. As stated by Ameen (2004)
"library automation for most of the librarians meant
computerization of library's catalog".
Internet expertise for the study meant one has knowledge to logon,
enter web address, familiarity with different search engines, know basic
internet terminology and emailing etc. Participant's internet
expertise hardly marked proficiency. RSS feed most commonly translated
as "Really Simple Syndication" which is a family of web feed
formats used to publish frequently updated works--such as blog entries,
news headlines, audio, and video--in a standardized format (Wikipedia)
email alerts and subject directories were new terms for the
professionals. They had no skills in utilizing these services. Google
was the most favorite search engine among the professionals; they rarely
used other search engines. Three of them were not sure that whether they
knew the basic internet terminology (URL, scroll bar, tool bar etc.)
Only one could differentiate between CC and BCC using email. All
participants were able to send, reply and forward emails. The results
show that participants are utilizing internet only for emailing and
performing general searches. They are not familiar with the specialized
services offered by different websites specifically for information
ILS (integrated Library System) Expertise
An ILS is used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and
patrons who have borrowed. An ILS is usually comprised of a relational
database, software to act on that database, and two graphical user
interfaces (one for patrons, one for staff) (System, 2000). Analysis of
responses revealed that participants were proficient in using web Dewy,
OPACs, reading MARC records and operating all modules of library
software. Only one respondent was providing electronic reference
service, maintaining and designing digital library and proficient in
copy cataloging. All of them had no skills in using RFID (radio
frequency identification) system and knowledge of DBMS (database
management system like SQL, ORACLE etc.). While filling questionnaire
one of them commented about using SPSS that "I think this software
is for statistician". All of the participants were proficient in
organizing libraries (automation) but had no skills in providing
electronic services except one. They hardly had any urge to explore new
library related technology.
Use of Sources to Update
Respondents were asked to mention the most popular information
sources which keep them updated about technology. All were of the view
that training workshops, browsing internet, visiting different libraries
and learning from colleagues and fellows are the best sources to keep
themselves updated in the university environment. One of the respondents
complained about the lack of cooperation from his colleagues. He said
that university librarians hesitate in sharing or transferring
professional knowledge and skills. Professionals stressed on the
commencement of monthly workshops and advanced courses as part of
continuing education at university campus.
Applicability of Technological Expertise to Job Environments
To know the demand of technology base information services at these
libraries, respondents were asked that to what extent they were applying
their expertise to job environment. They replied that their
technological expertise is fully applicable to their delivery of
information services. This shows that their libraries are fully
automated, properly organized but lack in the provision of advance
information services. Librarians lack user centered approach and mainly
interested in organizing their library's physical material. They
were satisfied with their expertise and seemed less motivated for
self-learning. They were stressing that university administration should
take some bold steps for the continuing education program for library
professionals. Two participants mentioned that their library users and
administration do not need any advanced information services as they
themselves are not at ease with these latest technologies. They further
said that first the library users will have to be IT advanced.
Problems in Learning Technology
They were also asked to mention what are the major constraints in
learning technological skills?
The respondents mentioned major problems as follows:
* Lack of coverage in the curriculum
* Lack of refreshal courses/training workshops
* Colleagues and fellows are not cooperative
* Short library internship period
One respondent preferred to add more practice based IT courses in
the curriculum. Although LIS curriculum of the Department of Library
& Information Science, University of the Punjab has been updated in
recent years. "There is a need to regularly update its contents as
per market needs and demands" elaborated by one respondent. All
participants expressed the need of refreshal courses and training
workshops organized by the University in summer vacations. They said
that due to long duty hours they cannot manage such trainings during
work days. They believed that very few library professionals have
advanced IT skills at campus but they hesitate to share their knowledge
and expertise. Some young participants stressed on the need to enhance
internship period during master program. They believed that this step
will lead in producing more confident and skillful library
In the light of above discussion, it may be concluded that library
professionals have that kind of IT expertise which is required to
automate their library. To provide advanced technological information
services, they need advance knowledge, skills and training. They must
develop an urge to learn and explore new technological stuff. It is
desirable to furnish our libraries with the state of the art IT
equipments, but not without the librarians' IT knowledge and
expertise. Conducive library atmosphere can be created with
knowledgeable and skillful staff able to provide latest information
services and make extensive use of the available IT based resources. IT
is to serve the humanity instead of being prey to it. The T-template
used for this study can help Pakistani LIS professionals to self
evaluate their knowledge and skills. Libraries can use this template in
assessing the technological expertise of their staff on regular basis.
The template can be further modified, enhanced and updated as required.
This study furnish with the following suggestions:
* LIS curriculum should be updated regularly considering new
technology demands in libraries.
* At present master program at the University of the Punjab
includes eight weeks practical assignments, however, it may be for
longer period to prepare better IT professionals.
* There appears a need to arrange refreshal courses and training
workshop on learning technological proficiencies for university
* Libraries should adapt this kind of technological evaluation
templates to assess their staff proficiencies.
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Sveda Hina Batool
Professor Kanwal Ameen, PhD
Department of Library and Information Science
Universitv of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan.