A comparative study on information seeking behavior of B.Sc. & M.Sc. agricultural extension & education students.
Sookhtanlo, Mojtaba ; Mohammadi, Hamid Movahed ; Rezvanfar, Ahmad 等
In Iran, Nature of field of agricultural extension & education
is multidiscipline; so it is crystal clear that, agricultural extension
and education students need information to obtain higher level of
knowledge in a field for preparing academic course homework and project
papers using a variety of information sources and services. Also, in
Iran, toward improving knowledge about agricultural extension and
education field, providing the basic academic facilities for information
seeking process is necessary. Information seeking behavior is a broad
term, which involves a set of actions that an individual takes to
express information needs, seek information, evaluate and select
information, and finally uses this information to satisfy his/her
information needs (Majid and Kassim, 2000). In other hands, Information
seeking behavior is considered a multifarious, dynamic, social human
behavior that needs a picture as rich as possible to truly understand
the phenomenon, and then, many questions will be answered (Gureshi,
Zafar and Bashir khan, 2008).
Literature Review
In the study of Graves and Seliq (1986), they emphasized the
importance of the medical library s role in developing life long
learning skills in medical students. They pointed out that students need
to develop skills in information management and the use information
tools and databases. Undergraduate students often do not comprehend the
necessity of learning to use the library resources available to them,
nor do they always realize that research skills will be a necessary part
of their future practice of medical profession (Graves and Seliq, 1986).
Pelzer and Leysen (1988), at their study about library use and
information-seeking behavior of veterinary medical students for
veterinary medical students at Iowa State indicated that the library was
most frequently used for studying and for making photocopies of
materials. The typical respondent relied on course textbooks and
handouts for current information on unfamiliar topics, instead of using
indexes or abstracts for guidance to recent literature. Light use of
library information resources raises the concern that students are
developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding
information on new procedures, diseases and drugs. No differences were
found between students with and without formal bibliographic instruction
in their approaches to seeking information or in library use (Pelzer and
Leysen, 1988).
Findings of Fidzani (1998) indicated that guidance in the use of
library resources and services is necessary to help students meet some
of their information requirements. The study found that: journals,
library books and textbooks are the most popular sources of information
for course work and research and those students need to be taught how to
use available library resources and services.
In another study, Whitmire (2001) examined the differences in
library use attributed to students at different class levels. The survey
investigated the library experiences of undergraduate students during
their three years of study. Overall, library use was low for students in
first, second and third year. However, the extent of participation by
students in the various library activities did increase during the three
years of study for 7 of the 11 library experiences. Asking the librarian
was the one experience that decreased between the first and the third
year undergraduate students. Using the computers in the library was the
most important activity for undergraduates at all stages of their
studies where it achieved the highest level of activity for the second
and third year students and the second highest score for the first year
students. Using the library catalogue (card or online) was reported as
the activity that received the highest score for first year
undergraduate students and the second highest score for second and third
year students. Using the library to read or as a place of study was the
third highest activity for first and second year undergraduates at this
university and ranked fourth for third year undergraduate students.
Using reference materials was the least popular activity engaged in by
all class levels.
Drabenstott (2003), examined strategies used by fourteen
undergraduates in a single search session employing a so- called
information gateway, a university library s home page on the web that
provided one entry point for access to the library s online resources.
She concluded that few undergraduates were able to enlist search
strategies commonly taken by domain experts (i.e., subject experts like
professors) and when they did, domain-expert strategies were used
infrequently and ineffectively.
Jarvelin and Ingwersen (2004) studies examine students and academic
settings to explain competency theory admits application in analyzing
information seeking behaviors in those who do not realize their own
incompetence and therefore overestimate their abilities and other people
s performance. Low-level information-seeking skills may then affect
individuals ability to recognize the need for information and the value
of libraries and other information providers. Information professionals
need to recognize low-level literacy skills and library anxiety in all
service populations in order to provide outreach and systems to assist
these students or patrons.
Song (2005) compared information seeking behavior of domestic and
international business students enrolled in the College of Business at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Results of study showed
only 6% of international business students responded that they initially
go to the home page of the commerce library to conduct research,
compared to 1 7% of domestic business students. About 94% of
international business students initially go to either Google or Yahoo.
This result implies that the library needs to develop ways to increase
the use of library databases by both student groups, but especially by
international business students. Both student groups need to be educated
that search engines such as Google and Yahoo do not search specialized
and proprietary databases that require subscription. The survey results
offered insights into understanding different perceptions of these two
student groups with respect to their library use patterns and research
Kim (2006) in his study about student use of library databases
found that convenient access was an important determinant of database
use. Some students preferred open Internet searches to web-based
subscription databases simply because o f their convenience. Kim goes on
to note that competing with Internet searching must be a priority for
libraries in the future: To compete with open internet searches and
facilitate use of Web-based subscription databases, it is crucial for
libraries to increase the convenience of access and awareness of the
existence of the databases.
In another study, Gureshi, Zafar and Bashir khan (2008), discovered
in their research of students information seeking behavior in
Universities of Pakistan that, Lack of awareness of available resources
and ability to use tools are big causes that highly affects information
needs and seeking behavior of Pakistani students.
Callinan (2005) reported on research conducted at University of
Dublin comparing final year biochemistry students and first year biology
students EIS use. Callinan found that the e-library was used by 27% of
the first year biology students and 56.5% of final year biochemistry
students suggesting that first year students are under-educated in the
information seeking technology and processes.
Overall, the study factors are included: academic year (Callinan,
2005; Adeyinka, 2007), grade point average (Shanmugam, 1999; Onwuegbuzie
& Jiao, 2004), capability in English language (Sarkodie-Mensah,
2000; Curry & Copeman, 2005), availability of information resources
(Zhang, 2001; Kim, 2006; Lee, 2008), awareness of information seeking
methods (Hert, 1998 & Majid & Kassim, 2000), satisfaction of
library services (Kuhlthau, 1999 & Whitmire, 2001), Satisfaction of
working with internet (Bruce, 1998 & Santosa et al., 2005),
awareness of internet information resources and skills of internet
(Santosa et al., 2005 & Alison, 2008); awareness of library
information resources and library searching skills (Kim, 2006 &
Gureshi et al., 2008). Figure (1) highlights the relationship between
the independent variables and the dependent variable.
In different researches carried out on the information seeking
behavior of students, little attention has been pa id to the influence
of new educational conditions, instructional goals and the circumstances
under which students can access the information resources considering
higher educational levels. Definitely higher educational levels will
influence some components of information seeking behavior in students.
Therefore, this research tends to determine those components of
information seeking behavior which are influenced by the change of
educational level, and in some way, specifies the level of influence
that new academic and instructional situations have on the information
seeking behavior of students at both different levels. Obviously, the
research results will better clarify faculty members and librarians
duties toward improvement of the information seeking behavior of
students and will contribute to plan properly for the same.
So, result study is for faculty members, staff and academic
libraries to adequately address the changing information needs of its
students, they need to know more about the information that students use
and value and what influences their information searching, obtaining,
and use. To address these questions this study explores students
information seeking behavior as they pursue their scholarly activities,
the role of human resources, internet, the academic libraries, and other
influences (George et al., 2006). Therefore, the main purpose of this
study was to compare information seeking behavior (ISB) in B.Sc. &
M.Sc. students of agricultural extension and education. The special
objectives o f the stud y were:
1. To compare information seeking behavior in B.Sc. & M.Sc.
agricultural extension & education students;
2. To compare varieties in information-seeking behavior between two
groups of students, by educational levels;
3. To compare amount of available information resources at 4
Universities and its effectiveness on students information seeking
4. To compare research & educational outputs in B.Sc. and M.Sc.
The statistical population of the study was consisted of 650
students who were studying in B.Sc. & M.Sc. levels in public
universities of Iran. Sample size was determined by using Krejcie &
Morgan table (1970). By using stratified proportional random sampling
290 students were selected across in the famous universities of Tehran,
Shiraz, Mollasani and Razi Kermans hah.
The questionnaire had a total number of 143 statements in 12
scales, which was primarily divided into five main sections that
consisted of:
1. Individual-academic characteristics and capability in English
language in responding (22 statements);
2. The subjects related to library (55 statements), by Using of
Libert Scale (Very Frequently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Very
Rarely, Never).
3. The subjects related to Internet (5 1 statements), by Using of
Libert Scale (Very Frequently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Very
Rarely, Never).
4. The subjects related to level of information resources
availability (15 statements). Also, for determined of exact information
resources availability, it using of secondary documents in statistical
recourses of faculties and departments.
The Cronbach s alpha computed to measure reliability of the main
indexes was up of 0.73, which showed questionnaire had acceptable
reliability. The questionnaire was validated by a panel of universities
faculty members (departments of agricultural extension and education
& Library and Information Science, university of Tehran) after
necessary corrections and was pre-tested against a sample of 50
students. Data analysis was carried out in two sections, consisting data
description and data inferential analysis. Statistics such as
frequencies, mean, standard deviation, C.V and scale free. Also, in data
inferential analysis: regression analyzes, Pearson correlation, Delphi
method, principal components analysis method, division by mean method,
was used in the descriptive section.
For calculation o f students' ISB, since the measurement units
of main varieties are different, so at first, used of scale free
technique and "division by mean method. In after step, with
attention to the main varieties not equal about importance degree,
therefore for their weighting, used of Delphi method in 3 steps. With
other hand, Specifying suitable coefficient for each of general
variables of information seeking behavior is required for the final
calculation of the information seeking behavior of students. Despite the
fact that fact ors which influence information seeking behavior of
students are often common in different countries, they don't have
the same level of importance considering instructional system, culture
and university facilities. Therefore it is necessary to utilize the
opinions of each country's information science and library science
specialists to calculate the importance level of each of information
seeking behavior variables (Delphi Method) more exactly. Therefore,
According to table (1), for calculation of students' ISB, computed
the weights of 10 main varieties (by 10 faculty members of Library and
Information Science department in famous universities of Tehran &
Mashhad Ferdousi). The final step, the mount of varieties multiplied in
their weights and calculated grand total as amount ISB for any student.
Considering the fact that the facility gap in agriculture faculties
of different universities under research were so much and also mental
criteria of students to ordinarily calculate the level of access to the
information resources were not the same, the indicators of access to the
universities information resources were use d in this research to
calculate the level of access to the information resources more exactly.
It has been proved that several fact ors are affecting on the students
availability levels in libraries & internet information resources.
In this study, because the indicators unites are different, using scales
free technique was necessary. Division by mean method was app lied f or
scale free (Kalantari, 2002). F or weighting indicators, principal
components analysis method was used. The factors for scaling free were
derived from analyzing secondary information resources (statistical
references for any university) and 15 items related for availability of
information resources, in questionnaire.
Results Educational Characteristics of the respondents
According to table (2), respectively, the statistical population of
B.Sc. & M.Sc. agricultural extension & education students in
Tehran University was consisted of 17% & 42%; in Shiraz University,
22% & 25%; in Razi Kerman shah, 40% & 1 3% and in Mollasani
University, 21% & 20%. Among all the agricultural extension and
education students (in B.Sc. level) 67% were found female and 33% male;
and in M.Sc. level 70% were found female and 30% male. Also,
respectively in B.Sc. & M.Sc. levels, 77% & 52% of study
population had never passed any information seeking educational courses
in library and internet. Majority of B.Sc. students (91%) and M.Sc.
students (87%), only used of information resources of university for
taking of information.
Comparison of amount of students' ISB, based on educational
Comparison of information seeking behavior level in B.Sc. and M.Sc.
agricultural extension & education students (table 3); indicate
significant difference between two groups of students on information
seeking behavior capability. In other words, this comparison revealed
that M.Sc. students had higher level of information seeking behavior
than B.Sc. students.
Comparison of varieties of ISB, based on educational levels
Comparison of varieties of ISB (table 4); indicates significant
differences between B.Sc. & M.Sc. agricultural extension &
education students on awareness of internet science resources, awareness
of internet information seeking methods, awareness of library resources,
capability in English language and availability of information
resources. On the other hand, there were no significant differences
between two groups of students based on their satisfaction of library
services, and working with internet, library searching skills, awareness
of library information seeking methods and internet searching skills.
Comparison of availability of information resources, based on
educational level
For calculation of amount of availability of information resources
(internet and libraries), at first, the first items were ma ked f or any
information resource; in step 2, each ratio were divided in total mean
of all ratios (by division by mean method).
In step 3, indicators are weighed by Principal Components Analysis
technique. This at least, calculated the component indicators for
information resources:
Making indicators for libraries resources
--Step 1: At first, ratios were considering for libraries resources
at the beginning:
Indicator 1 ([I.sub.1]): Number of related books to the major /
total number of department students.
Indicator 2 ([I.sub.2]): Number o f librarians working in central
part / total number of faculty students.
Indicator 3 ([I.sub.3]): Number of scientific journals / total
number of department students.
Indicator 4 ([I.sub.4]): Number of computers for searching / total
number of faculty students.
Indicator 5 ([I.sub.5]): Average number of working hours for
library per day / average number of hours for library being used by
students per day.
Indicator 6 ([I.sub.6]): Average number of printed material,
related to agricultural extension and education field, being borrowed by
department students per month / total number of printed material,
related to agricultural extension and education field.
Indicator 7 ([I.sub.7]): Number of theses, dissertations &
research plans / total number of department students.
Step 2: Each ratio divided by total mean.
Step 3: Weighting of indicators by principal components analysis
Step 4: At least, Component indicators (CI) make for availability
of library resources:
Component indicators (CI) = [W.sub.1] [II.sub.1] +
[W.sub.2][II.sub.2] + [W.sub.3][II.sub.3] + [W.sub.4][II.sub.4] +
[W.sub.5][II.sub.5] + [W.sub.6][II.sub.6] + [W.sub.7][II.sub.7]
Making indexes for availability of internet resource
--For B.Sc. students: Step 1:
Indicator 1 ([I.sub.1]): Number of computers in department for
B.Sc. students / total number of B.Sc. students at the department.
Indicator 2 ([I.sub.2]): Number of computers in the faculty central
site for undergraduate students / Number of B.Sc. students in faculty.
Indicator 3 ([I.sub.3]): Average number of working hours for
internet sites, per day / average number o f h ours for internet sites
being used by B.Sc. students, per day.
--For or M.Sc. students: Step 1:
Indicator 1 ([I.sub.1]): Number of available computers in
department for M.Sc. students / total number of graduate students in
Indicator 2 ([I.sub.2]): Number of available computers in faculty
central site for graduate students / total number of graduate students
in faculty.
Indicator 3 ([I.sub.3]): Average number of working hours for
internet sites, per day / average number o f h ours for internet sites
being used by M.Sc. students, per day.
Step 2: [II.sub.1]: [I.sub.1] / Mean ([I.sub.2]), [II.sub.2]:
[I.sub.2] / Mean ([I.sub.2]), [II.sub.3]: [I.sub.3] / Mean ([I.sub.3])
Step 3, Step 4: Component indicators ([C.sub.1]) = [II.sub.1] +
[II.sub.2] + [II.sub.3]
--Final step: Availability of information resources = (Total of
libraries indicators + Total of internet site indicators)
Table (5) shows that M.Sc. students had higher availability of
information resources than B.Sc. students. In addition, B.Sc.
agricultural extension & education students in Shiraz University and
M.Sc. agricultural extension & education students in Tehran
University had the most availability information resources. Also, it is
notable that, B.Sc. students in Tehran University and Shiraz University
have the more availability of information resources than M.Sc. students
in Universities of Mollasani and Razi Kermanshah.
Comparison of research & educational outputs in B.Sc. and M.Sc.
Quantitative outputs of the information seeking behavior in
students appear in two forms of instructional output and research
output. Determining the quantitative output type of the information
seeking behavior in students at two different educational levels of the
same educational field will greatly influence the plans for the
promotion of information seeking behavior of students at that
educational level. So, respectively, total of applied or reviewed papers
and grad point average (GPA) were appointed in indexes of research
output and educational output in students ISB. Due to the results of
table (6), there is no significant difference in amount of ISB between
B.Sc. students who had not any paper and B.Sc. students who had 1 or
more papers; but there is significant difference in amount of ISB
between two groups of M.Sc. students. Also, table (7) showed that there
was positive and significant relationship between GPA and amount of ISB
in B.Sc. students. But, there was no significant relationship between
two groups of M.Sc. students.
The purpose of this study was to determine the weakness points of
information seeking behavior, with attention to promotion of educational
level in B.Sc & M.Sc. agricultural extension and education students.
With attention to results (see table 4), varieties of internet searching
skills, library searching skills and awareness of library information
seeking methods, there are not significant difference between two groups
of students. According to, majority of students had never passed any
information seeking educational course in library and internet; so, it
seems, it is necessary to establish the information seeking education
courses through internet and library as a main subject in departments of
agricultural extension & education or curriculums content.
The study results (see table 5) showed, Above all, M.Sc. students
had higher availability of information resources level than B.Sc.
students. With attention to, the majority of B.Sc. students (91%) and
M.Sc. students (87%), only used information resources of university;
but, in comparison to availability of information resources between two
groups of students, information services gap of information resources in
different Universities was noticeable.
For example, availability of information resources between B.Sc.
students in Universities o f Teh ran and Shiraz was higher than M.Sc.
students at Universities o f Razi Kermanshah and at Mollasani. It is
very important to improve information resources services proportionality
in departments of agricultural extension & education in different
Although, students with high level of ISB, generally are expected
to have higher level at any two research and educational outputs, but
this study (see tables 6, 7) revealed that B.Sc. students ISB is only,
toward improving educational output; but M.Sc. students ISB is only,
toward promoting research output. It seems that, B.Sc. students ISB is
only to improvement academic educational level and performance of their
homework and quizzes; and in M.Sc. students, it was only for promotion
of research records (increasing of advantages for taking educational
Level of PhD or employment). Maybe, it ignored to improving research
output in B.Sc. students and educational output in M.Sc. students.
With attention to result of table 4, it is obviously clear that,
the effect of faculty s teaching strategies and the change of their
ideas toward promoting information seeking behavior are clearly
important in promoting of students information seeking behavior. So,
teaching the usage of information should be part of all students
education. Also, the faculty members during their teaching should
identify some suitable skills in internet and library for promotion of
students performance in their homework and projects. In other hands, if
faculty members and university administrators keep a critical eye and
encourage analyzed factors, then there will be positive results on
Students information seeking behavior.
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Mojtaba Sookhtanlo
Master graduate in Agricultural Education, University of Tehran,
Hamid Movahed Mohammadi
Associate professor of Agricultural Education, University of Tehran
Ahmad Rezvanfar
Associate professor of Agricultural Education, University of Tehran
Table (1). Weighting of main varieties in ISB, based on Delphi method
Awareness of
Grade point Academic library seeking
varieties average year methods
Weight 0.55 0.50 0.59
varieties Satisfaction Availability of Capability in
of library information English
services resources language
Weight 0.36 0.75 0.50
Satisfaction of
working with Library Skills
varieties internet searching skills of internet
Weight 0.30 0.45 0.48
varieties Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of
library internet internet
scientific scientific searching
resources resources methods
Weight 0.72 0.62 0.58
Table (2). Frequency distribution of agricultural extension and
education students
Educational levels
Departments of B.Sc.
agricultural extension Sample
and education Male Female size Percentage
Tehran University 14 23 37 17
Shiraz University 19 32 51 22
Kermanshah University 24 68 92 40
Mollasani University 18 32 50 21
Total 75 155 230 100
Educational levels
Departments of M.Sc.
agricultural extension Sample
and education Male Female size Percentage
Tehran University 11 14 25 42
Shiraz University 2 13 15 25
Kermanshah University 1 7 8 13
Mollasani University 4 8 12 20
Total 18 42 60 100
Table (3). Comparison of respondents information seeking behavior,
based on educational levels
Educational t- test
Variety levels Mean value
information seeking B.Sc. 16.85 9.720
behavior M.Sc. 31.75 1.046
Variety deviation Sig.
information seeking -5.775 * 0.039
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table (4). Comparison of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students ISB
Educational t-test
Varieties levels Mean value
Awareness of internet B.Sc. 18.03 12.148
science resources
M.Sc. 31.78 9.526
Internet searching skills B.Sc. 21.74 10.339
M.Sc. 23.47 9.177
Awareness of internet B.Sc. 19.55 5.585
information seeking
M.Sc. 22.95 4.366
Satisfaction of working B.Sc. 17.89 4.885
with Internet
M.Sc. 19.90 4.894
Awareness of library B.Sc. 19.93 12.506
M.Sc. 29.83 9.654
Library searching skills B.Sc. 23.03 6.504
M.Sc. 26.02 6.453
Awareness of library B.Sc. 19.18 4.665
information seeking
M.Sc. 19.30 4.171
Satisfaction of library B.Sc. 19.56 4.616
M.Sc. 20.30 4.710
Capability in English B.Sc. 11.46 4.564
M.Sc. 16.57 3.581
Availability of B.Sc. 8.88 6.523
information resources
M.Sc. 15.73 4.266
Varieties deviation Sig.
Awareness of internet -5.543 * 0.021
science resources
Internet searching skills -4.919 0.189
Awareness of internet -6.951 ** 0.008
information seeking
Satisfaction of working 5.621 0.413
with Internet
Awareness of library -9.733 ** 0.00
Library searching skills -3.192 0.651
Awareness of library -0.189 0.285
information seeking
Satisfaction of library -1.087 0.454
Capability in English -3.323 * 0.046
Availability of -2.225 * 0.029
information resources
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
* Correlation is significant a t the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table (5). Comparison of availability of information resources,
by educational level
Educational indicators
Agricultural faculties Level (Libraries)
Tehran University B.Sc. 10.18
M.Sc. 14.39
Shiraz University B.Sc. 10.48
M.Sc. 13.19
Razi Kermanshah University B.Sc. 6.56
M.Sc. 7.43
Mollasani University B.Sc. 4.99
M.Sc. 5.C8
indicators Total
Agricultural faculties (Internet) indicators
Tehran University 4.22 14.40
2.61 17
Shiraz University 3.60 14.08
3.07 16.26
Razi Kermanshah University 2.24 8.80
4.24 11.67
Mollasani University 2.01 7
2.04 7.12
Table (6). Comparison of research output in B.Sc. and M.Sc. students
Educational Standard
level Total of papers Mean deviation
research B.Sc. No paper 16.529 5.534
output 1 or more papers 18.875 4.757
M.Sc. No paper 26.757 2.107
1 or more papers 34.963 3.311
Educational t-test
level value Sig.
research B.Sc. 1.255 .301
output M.Sc. -8.441 ** 0.003
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table (7). Correlations Matrix of students ISB and GPA
(educational output)
Educational level correlation Sig.
educational B.Sc. 0.398 ** 0.001
output (GPA) M.Sc. -0.045 0.433
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).