Digitization of archival collections in Africa for scholarly communication: issues, strategies, and challenges.
Asogwa, Brendan Eze
Experience and observations have revealed that most archives and
libraries in Africa today are filled with materials recorded in analogue
formats and the traditional or analogue librarians and archivists are
those who are still carrying out the tasks of acquiring, organizing, and
preserving the print documents and helping the readers in locating the
information they need.
In developing countries this picture has rapidly changed due to the
influence of advances in computer technology. The physical materials are
gradually giving way to electronic print, and online public access
catalogue (OPAC) is obliterating the needs for users to physically visit
the library or archives buildings to access their collections.
Traditionally, librarians and archivists have been analogue information
providers for centuries, but today they have the opportunities to use
modern technologies to provide quicker, accurate and more sophisticated
services to users. Since then, archiving of digital materials as well as
creating digital archives is an emerging practice of today's
archival profession. This is made feasible by technological advancement
which provides greater opportunities and challenges to librarians,
archivists and information professionals. Technology has made
information which was traditionally provided in paper prints to be
digitized, preserved and made available and accessible to users in
electronic format.
The proliferation of electronic information; the dwindling budget
for acquisition of library stocks; the desire to access materials in
remote locations; the quest for collaboration, partnerships and resource
sharing; and the ever increasing cost of preserving analogue materials,
and so on , are some of the forces that prompted digitization of
archives and records. Omekwu (2009) aptly observed that the transient
nature of many web resources calls for practice that ensure that
information of instrumental value is accessed, acquired and archived
electronically for reference and research purposes. This paradigm shift
from traditional medium to electronic format has tasked modern
archivists, especially with regard to digital preservation,
accessibility, copyrights and the issue of intellectual property rights.
In view of this development, for archivists and librarians in Africa to
keep afloat with this modern trends, they need to be prepared to embrace
the new technology.
Background of Digital Libraries/Archives
It was Scholler (1984) who reveals that Thomas A. Edison that
invented phonograph more than 120 years ago, and in 1899the Academy of
Science in Vienna founded the phonograph-archives which was the first
archives of the world.
Hughes (2004); Mutula & Ojedokun (2008) reports that the
foundation of modern archives (the Internet, electronic libraries and
archives) was laid in 1945 when Vannevar Bush envisioned an automated
system that would store information. Bush articulated a system known as
a memex machine which he envisaged would allow a user to view stored
information from several different access points and look at several
items simultaneously. In 1950 Dauglas Engelbert "hypothesized that
computers could be used to automate symbol-handling tasks, and thus help
people think faster and better about more complex problems"(Mutula
& Ojedokun, 2008).
The idea of Bush and Engelbert inspired and motivated Ted Nelson to
coin the term hypertext to describe a system that linked bits of
knowledge in ways that people think. Since Bush anticipated the notion
of scholars having access to infinite quantities of information at the
desktop, "it has led to a sea change in the accessibility,
affordability and ease of use of computing and networked digital
information" (Hughes, 2004). Right from then, the evolution of
digital libraries and archives in the 1990s is tied to hypertext
searching and advances in computer technology. Since the evolution, many
digital library projects such as that of the Association of Africa
Universities(AAU), the Rhodes University in South Africa, the University
of Nigeria Nsukka, and the African Digital Library (ADL), are some of
the digital library projects being implemented in Africa.
In addition to using technology for administrative and academic
purposes, digitized collections can be made accessible in a
reformatted/refined way which allows faster browsing simultaneously on
the Internet by millions of users in different and remote locations. As
is becoming the emerging practice of archivists, electronic
preservation, and the best way to make archival resources available and
accessible to users, has been the greatest worries of modern archives
Contemporary Issues and Problems
Information emanating from governments, institutions,
organizations, scholars as well as private individuals are increasingly
appearing online and being demanded electronically thereby creating a
new environment and challenging to library and archival profession. It
is placing greater pressure on information professionals and the urgent
needs to be abreast with developments in the global archival
The issue is that as Witten & Bainbridge, (2003) correctly
observed "new strategic vision and economic models are
emerging" and modern archivists are operating in a context of new
social, political, economic, and technological milieu which impact on
institutions, administrators, archivists, librarians, genealogists,
historians, lawyers, and scholars' needs and the uses they make of
archives. This therefore, changes the mission of the archivists and
their priorities for service delivery. It touches on the economy of
archival institutions and changed or brings about changes associated
with the context and nature of the resources that librarians and
archivists have in their collections and therefore, affects their
attitudes and priorities for collection development, storage and use. It
changes the technology of the archival institutions which simultaneously
changes the tools and systems with which archivists work with and,
therefore impinge on the frameworks and tools by which their services
are delivered. The political change which links together all the above
process of making choice about policy, priorities, and resource
allocation, is not left out either.
The implications are that all the forces for change in the politics
and government in Africa, are influencing the internal management
dynamic of museum, archives and their parent's institutions. As the
information future of technology is abysmally unpredictable, it affects
the way and manner information is created, managed, processed, archived
and made accessible for scholarly communication.
In view of this shift in paradigms, the use of "technology has
become a fundamental part of the institutional mission of archives,
museums and libraries" (McKay,2003). Technology and its impacts on
archives and libraries is one example of the rapid and pervasive changes
that has affected work, life and scholarly communications today. It is
making computer-based archiving system an imperative for many operations
in memory institutions (Smith, 2000). In addition to the use of
technology for administrative purposes and scholarly communications,
more institutions are developing digitization initiative, and hundreds
of libraries, museums, history, and archives have launched projects
designed to digitize their collections and place them on the web
(University of Illinois Library 2001).
Purpose of the Study
This paper examines and discusses
1. How information technology answers the questions of what, why,
how and the gains of digitization project in Africa.
2. The rules or principles and basic approaches Africa should know
about digitalization of their archival collections.
3. The gains or reasons why cultural institutions in African and
the developing world should digitize and preserve their archival
collections in digital formats.
4. And the challenges facing African archivists in their efforts to
digitize their cultural heritage collections.
Literature review of current issues and developments in archives,
archiving, preservation, and digitization was carried. This made the
author to have an added insight into some of the basic concepts, issues,
and techniques that might have made a better comprehension of the paper
ambiguous. The ideas and knowledge obtained from reviewing the
literature was used in discussing the concepts, issues, strategies and
challenges of digitalization in the archival profession.
Digitization is "the process by which analogue contents is
converted into a sequence of 1s (ones) and 0s (zeros) and put into a
binary code to be readable by computer" (Hughes, 2004). It is the
transformation of analogue information from whatever form and from
whatever support to digital code using computer technologies. This may
"include electronic snapshots taken of a scene or photographs,
films, manuscripts, printed texts and artworks scanned from
documents" (Cornell University Library, 2001). Digitization process
converts archival materials from formats that can be read by people
(analogue) to a format that can be read only with the help of machines
(digital). It is a process of taking a physical object (analogue
contents), and taking photographs of or scanning the item and
transferring the photographs into a digital medium. It is also a process
of archiving born digitals into the institutions collections.
The concept of digital archives may therefore be referred to as
both collections of electronic resources consisting of 'born
digital'(i.e. archival materials which originally was not intended
to have analogue equivalent) and, 'made digital' (i.e.
creating digital files of archival collections by conversion or scanning
the analogue materials such as texts, audio, visual, graphics,
animations and other documents) generated in the day-to-day
administration of an institution that are made accessible through the
aid of digital technologies. One great advantage digital archives has
over analogue collection is that digital files may be read, reformatted,
compressed, transferred and retrieved over computer networks. It is made
accessible and viewed on computer monitors. It can be accessed over the
Internet simultaneously by millions of users in different locations in
Africa and beyond without degradation of the contents, and can also be
copied limitless times with just a click of the computer mouse.
Principles of Digitization
For archivists undertaking digitization initiative of their
collections, the following principles which had been confirmed by the
preservation Committee of the Canadian Council of Archives (2001),
should never be ignored.
As part of an access strategy, the process of digitization must not
place original records at risk of damage from handling or use. This
means that establishment of digitization service must strive to preserve
the authenticity and integrity of the original information and not
violate the physical or intellectual rights (property rights, copyright
or privacy) of persons (Zulu, 2008). During digitization, digital
enhancements may be performed on copies to improve access, but unaltered
version, the original analogue document or a digital version must always
be kept. Archival institutions in Africa must define clearly the
objectives such as access or a combination of access and preservation,
before implementing a digitization programme. Records to be digitizes
should be chosen only after a careful selection process and the
technological approach to digitization must satisfy project objectives
and must accommodate the characteristics of the records, such as the
principle provenance or the sanctity of the original order. In addition,
search tools are an essential part of a digitization project, and must
meet the needs of users.
Since digital information is at the risk of loss due to
technological obsolescence (physical supports, logical formats, as well
as software for searching and displaying the information), institutions
in Africa embarking on a programme for long-term preservation of digital
records must be aware of these archival digitization principles, the
dangers, the complexity of such a program, and the costs that are
implied. These institutions must not neglect other activities when
allocating resources for the establishment and maintenance of a
digitization service. Realizing the costs and complexities inherent in
the development of a digitization program, archival institutions in
Africa should try to share resources (financial, material, human) and
collaborate with others, where possible.
The Why of Digitalization
Cultural institutions in many parts of the world are investing on
digital projects for several reasons which may include; providing
access, reduction of over-handling of materials, and assisting in
promoting the collections and visibility of the institutions. In an
answer to the question 'Why digitize (archival collections in
Africa), Trevor Jones, project coordinator, Illinois Digitization
Institute (2003) writes that digitization enhances access and improves
preservation. By digitizing their collections, cultural heritage
institutions in Africa can make information that was previously
available to only selected localized group of researchers accessible to
many. Digitization of inactive but valuable documents allow users in
Africa and beyond to search collections rapidly and comprehensively from
anywhere at any time of the day. Some institutions in advanced countries
(example, the National Gallery in London, www.nationalgallery.org.uk/,
and the British Library, www.bl.uk/) have created an electronic images
of every item in their collections and place them on their websites.
Another example is the Making of American Website
(http://www.hti.umic.edu/m/mao.new/) where entire books about the
continent can be searched for specific information. Another example is
the Library of Congress's American Memory Page
(http://memory.1oc,ov/ammem/edhtml/edsndhm.html) where one can listen to
recordings made by Thomas Edison. These allow simultaneous and speedy
access to institutional collections and reduces loss rates by theft, and
so on.
Digital files are suitable for improving access and usability, and
for reducing handling of original materials. The creation of
digital/online archives enables creation of new space, significant
changes in the delivery of scholarly contents and shifts in the
relationships between content creators and users (Deegam & Tanner,
2002). Digitization also help to preserve precious materials, make high
quality digital images available electronically and can reduce wears and
tears on fragile items (Jones, 2001). In an archival environment
digitized materials can be linked to other materials to create
multimedia. It can be stored and delivered in a variety of ways; and can
be browsed easily and speedily and be searched or accessed
simultaneously in different locations. Mutula & Ojedokun, (2008)
write that digitization makes libraries to have global reach through
international networks such as the Internet. Using web access makes it
possible to search the OPACs of many world libraries and to utilize a
number of their online resources. Digital archives are ubiquitous,
meaning that digital archives are accessible any time from anywhere
subject to the availability of enablement.
Gains of Digitization of Archival Collections in Africa
Developing a digital surrogate of rare and fragile archival
materials in Africa prevents the original from damage by handling.
Creating digital archives and use reduces wears and tiers in handling of
the old or fragile materials and hopefully extending the life of the
original (De Stenfano, 2000; Jones, 2001). Instead of using the physical
documents, the digitized version are used, thereby reducing the rate of
physical consultation and deterioration.
* Digitization increases the scholarly value of source materials.
This can be achieved by undertaking collaborative digitalization
projects with other institutions in other parts of Africa and the world,
by connecting collections electronically, the individual objects in
disparate collections and make them to be more useful to scholars.
* The provision of digital archives of Africana materials can
overcome gaps in existing collections because digitization provides
opportunity for collaborative digitization initiative to allow the
re-unification of disparate collections scattered in many archival
institutions in Africa (Hughes, 2004). Through collaboration digitized
archival collections in other institutions in the world can be
accessible in other Archives. This closes the gaps and shortfalls in the
collections of other Archives in developing countries thereby
replenishing the stocks from other institutions.
* Digitization can raise the profile of modern African institutions
and breathe new life into older ones. Digitization of priceless and
valuable collections of an institution can bring prestige to the whole
institution. It creates visibility not only of the library's
(institutions) content, but the scholars work within the university and
raises the profile of an institution by showcasing digital collections
which can be a useful public relations exercise (McKay, 2003; Ezeani
& Ezema, 2009).
* Participating in digitization projects allow for professional
development as staff making them to gains new skills, knowledge and
expertise while completing the project. Digitization may create an
opportunity for investment in the technological infrastructure and
technological base among staff. Staff themselves will benefit from
access to digital programmes that give them an opportunity to learn
about new technologies. One institution that realizes such benefits is
the New York Public Library (NYPL), http://digital,nypl.org/ which was
developed initially to support the New York Public Library Visual
Archives, but today it is providing programmatic support for the whole
organization. An institution and its staff become assets and may share
expertise and lessons learned with other institutions (Smith, 2000;
Hughes, 2004).
* Digitization of cultural heritage materials in Africa can have
tremendous benefits for administration, education and research. Digital
materials can be read in new and creative ways and may be delivered
directly to end-users, and retrieved remotely. Since the data is not
fixed like printed text, it is easy to reformat, edit, and print.
Therefore, the flexibility of the digital content and the ability to
provide a large number of users access to unique special collection
materials is an added benefit and the most attractive feature of digital
conversion projects for archivists in Africa.
* Providing access to digitized collections can help publicize the
materials to other departments and peers, in other institutions around
the world and demonstrate the importance of the collections (Ingram,
2000). It promotes national initiatives of nations. For example, the USA
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) (www.archives.gov/)
is an archival research center that has developed a comprehensive
digital collection of archival materials so that collections can be
accessed by means of Archival Research Catalogue, an online catalogue of
NARA's nationwide holding. Also, the National Library of Australia,
(www.nla.gov.au/), and the National Library of New Zealand,
(www.natlib.org.nz/en/digital/index.html), respectively provides
information on government policy regarding the information society, and
maintains the libraries gateway of their individual countries.
* Digitalization promotes international digital collaborations
amongst Africa and other nations in the world. For example, the African
Online Digital Library (AODL) (www.africandl.org/)' a digital
project funded by the International Development Resource Center and the
National Science Foundation (NSF) is an American/African partnerships to
develop digital libraries and the technical infrastructure to support
them. It is the pioneer of African digital library development that
provides multilingual and multimedia collections for scholars in Africa.
The project partners includes several important research institutions in
Africa such as L'Instituts Fondemental d'Afrique Noire, which
is the largest repository of Francophone West African Culture and
Civilization in Africa. Others are the West African Research
Center/Centre de Recherches Ouest Africain (WARC/CROA), and the MATRIX
project and Africa Studies Center at Michigan State University. Hughes
(2004) reports that the goals of the digital repository is to adopt the
emerging best practices of the digital library community and to apply
them to the African projects. In addition to this objectives is the
production of multilingual, multimedia materials in "a region with
limited electronic connectivity" and enable users to easily access
digital collections within a global information environment.
Approaches in Digitizing Archival Collection in Africa
The success of digital projects in Africa hinges not on expensive
technology, but rather on sound project planning. Technology should not
drive digital projects, rather the goals should be determined first, and
only then should appropriate technology be selected. There are certain
factors that must be considered when digitization projects are to be
embarked on in developing countries and these include;
Planning: It is the best to ask series of questions before
embarking on a digital initiative because the objectives of the
digitization must be clearly identified and spell out. Some of these
pertinent questions include: Are the archival materials to be digitized
frequently consulted?. A high demand for records may justify a
digitization as a means of preventive measure because use of surrogates
prevents the originals from unnecessary handling and risks. Can the
records/archival materials selected for digitization be safely
digitized?; How could archival collections in an institutions repository
or digital environment/e-environment be provided in electronic format?
What are the strategies or steps for digitization? What are the things
to be considered before embarking on digitization of archives? What are
the gains? Resources are useless unless they are accessible and for this
reason, if an institution is to embark on a digital conversion project,
sufficient thought, planning, risk management and correct infrastructure
must go into the process or the project will fall short of intended
goals. Libraries, archives and museums hold disparate collections
accumulated by judicious selection policies over the institutions
history in variety of media. Therefore, in developing collection
policies, institutions must take into account many factors such as
suitability of materials to an institutions mission, the value of the
materials in comparison to other materials in the collection, the demand
of users or researches for such material, restrictions resulting from
the legal status of part of the collections, and accessibility and
availability of collections. Similar considerations will inform the
selection of collection for digitization because it is not possible to
digitize every thing in the collections.
Setting Goals: First, the project objectives should be clearly
identified as well as obtaining the technology and resources necessary
to achieve the project goals; Secondly, the long-term costs of a
digitization capacity must be maintained and supported by the
institution and its parent organization and other stakeholders in the
project. African institutions that wish to embark on preservation of
archival information in digital form must also commit to a substantial
investment in keeping up with technology. Though, the international
standards address physical formats for digital information, this is not
the case for software components, and logical formats where a certain
level of risk management is unavoidable.
Develop Digitalization Policies: Policies for selection of new
materials for digitization should be developed, and digitization
policies will make it possible to identify collections that add value to
these goals. In developing institutional policies on selection of
materials for digitization, some of these questions which borders on:
whether the materials have sufficient value to ensure interest in
digitization; digitization will enhance access or increase use; the
rights and permissions for electronic distribution secureable; the goals
that will be met by digitization; the institution have sufficient
expertise in digitization project management; and organizational and
technical infrastructure adequate need some answers.
Legal/Copyright Issues. Who owns it? Selection of archival
materials for digitization should first be based on a clear
understanding of copyright law and rights of ownership (de Stefano,
2000; Tennant, 2000). Does physical ownership mean rights of
reproduction? Physical ownership does not mean that an institution owns
the rights to reproduce it. One of the most important selection criteria
for digitization will be the copyright status of the original materials.
Will it be possible to obtain permission to digitize? After
digitization, will the institution be able to protect the digital assets
by managing the rights to their use? If the institution does not have
the rights to digitize, or the means to manage the digital assets, then
digital project should not embarked on.
Selection Criteria: In developing selection criteria for
digitization, the process of selecting specific item to be digitized
will employ such standard library selection criteria such as value,
significance to the overall collections, user demand and interest,
availability and fragility of the original. The UNESCO, IFLA, and ICA
Guidelines for Digitization Project (2002) suggest that digitization
projects should be user driven or based on high demand for access. In
order words, unless archivists are trying to encourage consultation of
certain documents or restricting the circulation of the originals, it is
not advisable to digitize records that are not in demand by patrons;
Opportunity driven, (i.e. When enablement is available An inadequate
level of human, financial, material, and technological resources may
lead to abandonment of the project along the way.); Preservation driven
or the need to protect fragile materials. This means that a high demand
for archival material may justify digitization as a measure to preserve
the original as use of surrogates protects the original from unnecessary
Verifications: Having selected materials for digitization, the next
thing to do is to verify or ascertain whether digital copies of such
materials already exist. Duplication of efforts is not necessary.
Conventional development policies always try to avoid the purchase o
copies whose editions already exist in the collection (Ayris, 1999).
However, re-digitization is necessary if the electronic resources
created were carried out using older technologies. In addition, if the
copyright permission to digitize resources was not in the public domain
(i.e. if it was for internal use only) and if the material or the
institution concerned wish to embark on a wider area network such as the
Internet or world wide web, there is the need to re-digitize the
materials. In the past it was thought that when a scholarly production
was transferred to an institution the legal rights to reproduce the
material are automatically made. Today institutions can no longer count
on the fact that legal rights are transferable (Beamsley, 1999). For
this reason, institutions must be assured that project objectives are
attained within the context of the Copyrights Act
Metadata: Metadata simply means information about information that
describes digital objects and enables users to find, manage and use
digital objects. It represents the total historic record of the digital
object and the totality of information about the object. For developing
countries good metadata is a key component of developing digital
archives that are usable and useful for long term. Good metadata makes
it possible to catalogue and effectively present digital information to
the public (Jones, 2001). Metadata helps to identify the work, who
creates it, migrated or reformatted it, and other descriptive
information; it provides unique identifying information about the
organization's, files, and databases that have detailed information
about the digital contents; describes the technical environment in which
the digital files were created, equipment, used, the software, operating
systems and other things. Typically, metadata describes how the image
was digitized, its format, ownership and copyright information. The
justification for digitization and provision of metadata is to enable it
in future for without metadata there is no access and when there is no
access, it would be difficult to for users to learn from the past in
terms of their successes and failure. These are the key issues African
Archivists should bear in mind whenever they are planning for
digitization of their collections.
Challenges of Digitization of Archives in Africa
Despite every thing that digitization can accomplish, there are
some good reasons librarians and archivists in developing countries may
regret embarking on such project. Not every thing in the collection is
worthy of digitizing because the idea of an entire archives or library
being digitized is a long way process. Successful digital project are
the result of careful planning and evaluation of collections and the
digitization of only those items that will provide the greatest benefits
to the users. Below are some of impediments to digitization project for
African archivists in the electronic environment.
* Constantly changing software and hardware:- This creates greater
pressure on archival institutions because preservation of digital
archival collections centers on the interim mechanism for storing the
digital information, migrating to new form and providing long-term
access. One of the greatest issues facing the longevity of digital
collections is not only the storage media deterioration, but the problem
of rapidly changing storage devices. Unlike analogue information which
places emphasis on the preservation of physical artifacts, it is the
informational contents of the digitized material that is preserved. It
will therefore take a conscious effort of archivists to make sure that
the digital information is preserved since "continuously change
software and hardware creates headache for staff working on digital
longevity" (Besser, 1999).
* Funding:- Digital projects are expensive. Digitization of
archival/library automation requires enormous funding due to frequent
hardware and software upgrades, and increasing cost of subscription to
electronic databases (Jain, 2002; Mutula, 2003). Apart from inadequate
fund to train archivists in Africa, training of archivists in
digitization and preservation of electronic format creates a herculean
problem. A well funded digitization project assures new and improved
services and sustainability of the project.
* Computer Phobia: Due to inadequate skills in information
technology in Africa, many traditional librarians and archivists are
conservatives and have phobia for computers. Because of generation gaps
between the new and old professionals, computers are perceived as a
threat to their status as experts. Thus, they find it difficult to cope
or measure up with the requirements of the electronic/digital age, and
are at the same time 'too reluctant to jettison the old practices
for new one' (Ayoku & Ojedokun, 2008). Successful application
of information handling technologies requires an ability to overcome
staff and personal resistance to such innovation.
* Technical Expertise: Inadequate technical expertise is prevalent
in many African countries. There is shortage of personnel/human capital.
Few librarians with computer science qualifications (computer engineers)
work in archives and libraries, hence the consequent frequent break down
of ICT facilities and disruption of services in digitized libraries and
archives. In many African countries, human resources with appropriate
skills, competences and attitude are not readily available to initiate,
implement and sustain digitization project, and most African states are
still lagging behind in technological and telecommunications
infrastructure. Added to these is the fact that as Ngulube (2004) in
Constable (2008) argues, African trainers (archivists) lack expertise
and are ill-equipped to train others in electronic preservation and
digitization as was obtainable in America and other European countries.
* Inadequate Technology Infrastructures: Frequent power outage
constitute serious bottleneck to digitization in Africa. This has the
effects in damaging digital equipment and where there is generating set
the cost of running them is prohibitive. Added to this is the harsh
environment of Sub-Saharan Africa which is not always friendly with
technology equipment. "Most countries in Africa" Zulu (1994)
reports, "do not have adequate and reliable supply of electricity
which consequently makes it impossible to maintain a conducive and
sustainable technological environment suitable for digitization project
in the continent". Again, telecommunications infrastructures in
most African countries are either lacking or poorly developed, and few
African states have modern digital and packet switching
telecommunications facilities needed for data transmission.
* Technological Obsolescence: The continuous changes in computer
hardware and software cause technological obsolescence which is a threat
to digitization and digital preservation in Africa. It causes the loss
of the means to access to information in digital form. Technological
obsolescence is caused by continuous upgrade of operating system,
programming language application and storage media. Alegbeleye (2009)
suggested that digital archives should be transcribed every ten to
twenty years to ensure that they will not become technologically
* Refreshing: This is a way of periodically moving files from one
physical medium to another in order to avoid the obsolescence or
degradation of the storage medium. Refreshing enables digital files to
be transferred periodically to new physical storage media in order to
refresh the materials and keep it from physical decay and obsolescence
of the medium, or the materials will be inaccessible. Loss of format is
a troubling issue because as information is transferred from programme
to programme, information is lost when analogue material is digitized,
and information may also be lost as digital resources are refreshed or
migrated to modern computing environments. As Besser (1999) remarks
"although identical digital copies may be made from digital files,
functionality from every software programme cannot be emulated".
* Emulation: The objective of emulation is for older data-sets to
run on contemporary computers. Emulation may be similar to migration,
but focuses on the applications software rather than on the files
containing the data. It seeks to develop new tools that will create
conditions under which the original data were created. This can be done
by mimicking early operating systems and software applications. For
African archivists, digitization of archival collections does not
necessarily end in conversion of analogue contents to digital formats,
it hinges on continuous sustainability and accessibility of the
digitized materials in electronic environment.
* Continuous Migration: The purpose of migration is to keep on
preserving the intellectual contents of digital objects and retain or
maintain the ability of users to keep on using them in the face of
constant changing technology. Migration is the process of periodically
moving files from one encoded environment/ format to another and
updating the information to one that is consistent with more recent
computer environment. Examples include moving information from Word
Perfect to Microsoft Word95, then to Microsoft Word97, migrating
data-sets from Dbase to MYSq1 or word processed files from Window 2000
to 2007, and so on. Migration is seen as a means of overcoming
technological obsolescence by transferring digital resources from one
hardware/ software generation to the next. Few African countries and
institutions have the required funds to maintain problems that arise as
a result of migration.
* Lack of Legislation/Policy: Wamukoya & Mutula (2005) observe
that legislators in Africa are neither aware of, nor conversant with the
requirements of digital preservation and for that reason, they either
ignore or inadequately cover digital preservation issues. The Internet
links is also a challenge to digitization because of copyright
legislation. The copyrights of software needed to access digital files,
and the right to copy for preservation has not been adequately
articulated in most national legislation, and if permission for
digitization cannot be obtained, digitization of such materials should
not proceed.
* Deterioration of Digital Media: Deterioration of digital media is
responsible for the disappearance of, or inaccessibility of digital
information in the long run. This is because media deteriorates or
decays within few years after digitization. Another challenge is that
digital media get lost during disaster or virus attacks, and in Africa
there may be absence of or inadequate organizational plans to manage
e-records. These in addition to the harsh environmental conditions of
the Sub-Saharan Africa which accelerates degradation of electronic
equipment demands for re-digitization. Hazen, Horrell, &
Merrill-Oldham (1998), in Hughes (2004) writing on the rational for
re-digitization advocated that the reason why re-digitization is
inevitable is the likelihood that electronic resources created in
previous years using older technologies may not be accessible or
compatible with the new technologies.
Information is an intangible but invaluable resources for
institutions, organizations and individuals, and they will benefit from
using it more efficiently if they are properly organized and permanently
preserved. The goal of digitization initiatives for Africa is to develop
interoperable and sustainable resources which can be regarded as
institutional assets. One important aspect of digitization initiative
for Africa is a plan to ensure a long-term preservation and continued
access to the digitized materials. Therefore, if valid archival records
in Africa are not properly kept and managed by African archivists, not
only will the archival resources be lost to future generations, but the
institutions also face a number of risks associated with failure to
produce evidence of their past. If access to archival information is not
to be restricted to scholars in African environment, if archivists in
Africa are to escape from the negative biases associated with
traditional archival services, and if the archival profession in this
21st century are not to be shortchanged, they must set priorities
concerning how archives and records in their repositories can best be
preserved and utilized to benefit the institutions and the users in this
electronic age.
Technology is usually ahead of the law, and the Internet creates
added pressures for new legislation to be made in order to protect
digital materials. There are many proactive measures institutions should
apply to protect their digital collections.
One of them is listing full copyright information with the images
on the websites. Controlled access to the collections may be provided
when digital images are marked correctly with ownership.
Technical feasibility and a long-term commitment to infrastructure
must be evaluated before embarking on a digital conversion projects.
System analysts must understand the changing software and hardware and
make collaboration and migration a crucial element of digitization
The stakeholders and key-players (librarians, archivists,
administrators, systems analysts, programmers, scholars and end-users)
must work together to make the intellectual control of digitized
collection very important in their institutions. Powerful technology
allows electronic materials to be easily manipulated and end-users must
be educated on the importance of authenticating the object. For this
reason, every effort must be made to educate end-users about the
inherent problems associated with digital medium due to the fact that
hardware, software and network infrastructures change rapidly to the
extent that it is often difficult to anticipate or forecast how the data
of today will be viewed and accessed tomorrow.
Metadata should be the first line of defence to protect digital
information and contents. By providing detailed metadata, institutions
may minimize the risks of digital resources becoming inaccessible in the
future. In metadata, important technical information such as scanning
specifications, operating systems, software versions, and decompression
schemes, must be captured. In addition to institutional administrative
data, it is important to maintain the digital integrity of the files.
The best way for Africa to ensure longevity and long-term access to
their digital data is to use standard formats and open system, such as
open archives information systems (OAIS), and to have a permanent and
sustainable strategy for the project. To be able to do this, a long-term
costs of digitization of archival resources should be maintained and
supported by the host institution; the institution should make a
commitment to the long-term maintenance of digital data. Therefore,
institutions which commit to preserving information in digital formats
must also commit to a substantial investment in keeping pace with
technology because the way information is appearing and accessed has
fundamentally changed making the society and modern archivists to be
what Anunobi and Nwabueze (2010) described as "being digitally
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Brendan Eze Asogwa
Nnamdi Azikiwe Library
University of Nigeria, Nsukka