Application of Information Technology to library services at the Federal University of Technology, Akure Library, Ondo State, Nigeria.
Issa, Abdulwahab Olanrewaju ; Ayodele, Agun Emmanuel ; Abubakar, Usman 等
The term "Information Technology" (IT) has been variously
defined. Marshall (1984) defined it as the coming together of computing
and telecommunications for the purpose of handling information; the
application of technologies to information handling; including
generation, storage, processing, retrieval and dissemination. It is also
concerned with the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of
information-textual, numerical, pictorial and vocal. It is a broad-based
term comprising the gathering (acquisition), organization (packaging),
storage and retrieval (dissemination) of information that can be in
textual or numerical (books, documents), pictorial and vocal forms
(audio-visual) or a combination of all the above (multimedia), using a
combination of computer and telecommunications devices. Emuakpor (2002)
defines it as all forms of technology applied to the processing, storing
and transmitting information in electronic form; stressing that the
physical equipment used for this purpose include computers,
communication equipment and networks; fax machines and electronic,
pocket calculator. Ayo (2001) viewed it as the use of computer system
and telecommunications equipment in information handling; consisting of
essentially three basic components viz: Electronic processing using the
computer; Transmission of information using telecommunication equipment;
and Dissemination of information multimedia.
It becomes explicit from the above that IT in libraries comprises
all the electronic infrastructure and facilities employed by libraries
to improve and provide efficient services. Such facilities, in broad
term, consist of hardware, software and communication links between the
service outlets of different libraries to facilitate the sharing of
common resources; especially the library networks. Osundina (1973)
pointed out that the library of today should not merely store documents
and preserve them; it must also devise means by which the contents of
such documents can be rapidly and effectively transmitted for use.
Trostinikor (1970) opined that rapid expansion of a mass of diversified
information is occurring, which has received the name "information
explosion". Thus, the need arose for a scientific approach to
information and for elucidation of its characteristic properties,
leading to two principal changes in interpretation of the concept of
information. One, it was broadened to include information exchange not
only between man and man; but also between machine and machine. Ogunsola
(2004) explained that the pace of change brought by new technologies has
had a significant effect on the way people live, work and play
Capron (2000) revealed that mail, telephone, television, radio,
books, newspapers and periodicals are the traditional ways users send
and receive information. However, data communications system-computer
system-also transmits data over communication lines such as telephone
lines since the mid-1960s. Internet use has, today, revolutionalized
access to information for the business world, libraries, education and
individuals. A few of the most popular include E-mail, www (World Wide
Web), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Usenet, and Telnet. All these
technological devices are regarded as central to the concept of
globalization. The Internet and its technology continued to have
profound effects on the promotion of information sharing; especially in
the academic world, making possible rapid transactions among businesses
and supporting global collaboration among individuals and organizations.
These technologies have the potentials to develop "virtual
campuses" and "virtual libraries" thus, increasing
students' access and participation (Ogunsola, 2004). According to
Daniel (2000) Nancy Schiller was one of the first writers to use the
expression "virtual library" which she defined in 1992, simply
as "libraries in which computer and telecommunications technologies
make access to wide range of information resources possible".
Today, the concept is referred to variously as "digital
library", "electronic library", "community
network", or simply "library without walls" (Ogunsola,
The organization of information/knowledge is an essential
preliminary to its effective exploitation and dissemination. As the
quantity of knowledge expands, the need to organize it becomes more
pressing. A vast number of different means of organizing information
have been devised and exploited since the earliest times. With the vast
output of new information and ever-increasing degree of specialization
in all areas of human knowledge, heavy demands are being placed on
library information storage and retrieval systems, which can be scarcely
met by the traditional methods except with the use of IT devices. The
improvements and changes in computing and telecommunications and the
integration of the two fields have had a huge role to play in the
methods of information processing and dissemination in academic
libraries; thus improving the quality of use to which such libraries are
Many academic libraries had, at different times, planned to
automate their activities, but had to drop the plans mid-way due to
certain inadequacies, which Madu (2002) enumerated to including:
Economical, Manpower problem, Political instability, Capital,
Geographical isolation, Social cultural and Exposure. Consequently,
libraries especially those of tertiary institutions have had
difficulties in their attempts at achieving full application of IT in
the conduct of their operations; thereby failing to benefit maximally
from such adoption. The justification of this study thus lies in the
central and critical role that IT plays in education generally and
library operations in particular as attested to by Nwizu (2008) that the
use of audiovisual and electronic resources has broken the barriers of
time, distance, and locale, which impeded the growth of formal
education, just as Adeyemi (2004) emphasizes that students use these
resources to complete major assignments. This position was supported
stressed further that "Audiovisual and electronic resources have
the potential for enhancing student learning. The role of these
resources in teaching and learning is one of the most important and
widely-discussed issues in contemporary education policy".
Thus, the objectives of this study are to: identify the Information
Technology devices available at the Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Library; know the effects of their application on library
staff's job performance; know the number of trained staff available
and competent to handle these devices; ascertain funds'
availability to the library for proper handling and maintenance of the
devices and; know the constraints encountered in the application of the
devices in the library.
Statement of the Problem
It has been observed that the application of modern information
technologies to academic libraries' activities and services in
Nigerian tertiary institutions seems inadequate probably due to a
variety of factors, including human factors, fear, and the state of
infrastructural development of the country. Not a few library
practitioners also believe that there is hardly much benefits that can
be derived from the use of IT applications thereby giving preferences
for the manual library operations. Those who are aware of its benefits
are afraid of being eliminated from their jobs; though knowing that its
application to library routines such as administration, acquisitions,
cataloguing and classification, circulation, information retrieval and
serials control would facilitate effective and efficient job
performance. This study therefore investigates the availability of IT
facilities at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Library.
Hence, the study is focused essentially on the Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Library. Other tertiary institutions in the state
would not be included in the study; their exclusion being a result of
the fact that the availability and use of IT devices in their libraries
fall short of the requirements of this study.
Research Questions
This study sets out to provide answers to the following research
1. What IT devices are available at the Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Library?
2. What effects have their application on the job performance of
the library staff ?
3. What is the number of trained staff available to handle these
devices in the library?
4. What amount of funds is available for proper maintenance of the
5. What are the constraints to the effective application of the
devices in the library?
Literature Review
Strategies for Adopting Appropriate Technology
Oni (2004) pointed out that a wealth of management issues must be
addressed before IT can be incorporated into the library setting. It was
tagged "Effective Implementation of IT", which involves:
knowledge of recent technological trends; an analysis of library
specifications and requirement; a delineation of library goals and
objectives; management commitment and support and ongoing user
education. She listed some questions which must be addressed in any
consideration of application of IT to include: What are its key
capabilities, advantages, and limitations in terms of library goals?
What are effective planning strategies and techniques? What are the
technological requirements and alternatives? These questions are further
explained thus:
* Capabilities: The key capabilities have to do with weighing the
advantages against the limitations to determine the final selection.
* Planning: In planning for IT implementation, the following should
be determined:
* Who will use the particular IT system?
* What are projected applications?
* What is the available budget?
* What are the merits and limitations of particular IT systems in
terms of library requirements?
* What kinds of communication capabilities are required?
* What resources are needed to support this technology?
* How will the system be interpreted into the existing library
Also, a feasibility study has to be conducted to establish the
potentials of the IT project with greater accuracy, and its likelihood
of success. The following questions can aid in conducting the
feasibility study:
* What are the total estimated costs for the system?
* Are personnel skilled in implementing, operating and maintaining
the IT system?
* Does the vendor provide materials for and actually conduct
training sessions?
* Are attitudes of key decision makers positive towards the new
* Is support for the use of the particular IT widespread or
confined to a few individuals?
* Are staff and administrative expectations concerning benefits of
the IT reasonable?
As any IT system will consist of a number of separate components
that can be implemented separately or integrated into turnkey unit,
knowledge of the particular IT equipment configuration is important so
as to reduce the chances of technical problems when the system is in
Application of Information Technology to Library Services
In libraries, several systems have been developed for their various
house-keeping chores and more still are being designed and refined, due
to the technology of large-scale integration. These are known as
microcomputers; designed to handle any of the library processes like
acquisitions, cataloguing, serials control, circulation control,
bibliographic control, or Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
(Ogunsola, 2004). IT is applied to the operation of libraries and
information centres to ensure that information delivered is timely,
accurate, precise and relevant (Madu, 2002). The concept, Library
Automation, thus became popular and of which Cobin (1985) explained that
"in the traditional manual library system, staff perform the
various tasks required to complete each operation, but if a computer is
used to perform some processing operations, an automated library
results". Bierman (1980) in Madu (2002) defined library automation
as "the use of computers and associated technology to do exactly
what has been done in libraries with the justification of reduced cost
and or increased performance. Thus, automation helps in the
acquisitions, organization, storage and dissemination of information in
libraries. Generally, IT applies to library services in a number of
ways, which include: Acquisitions, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials and
User Services
Information Technology in Nigerian Academic Libraries
The demand for distant education in Nigeria is increasing, although
this is still based on the traditional technology of print media. Thus,
there is the need to integrate IT into the distant education programme.
Majority of higher institutions in Nigeria, even those with good
Internet connectivity, are still at a low level of integration of ICT in
teaching, learning, research, library, information and managerial
services (Ogunsola, 2004). Ekong (2005) pointed out however that in some
of the first generation university libraries, University of Benin
Library, Kashim Ibrahim Library (ABU), University of Nigeria Nsukka
Library and a few others, digitalization is taking place in many of
their libraries and library information networks are established with
connectivity through the university campus network to the Internet. The
Centre for Learning Resources (CLR) Covenant University, Ota has been
placed on the platform of full application of ICT because funds are made
available for such innovations. Ogunsola (2004) explained that some
Nigerian University campuses are now jam-packed with IT facilities. It
is no longer strange to see lecturers and students doing their research
and other academic works using various IT devices like e-mail and the
Internet. Students can absorb more information and take less time to do
so with the use of IT. Ogunsola (2004) declared that librarians or any
member of the academic community at Obafemi Awolowo University Library
can now easily find information concerning any book in the Library of
Congress in the US.
University libraries can be transformed into a new information
services unit, proving electronic cataloguing, OPAC, electronics
acquisition/serials control, electronic inter-library loan and
calculation functions (Ogunsola, 2004). Nigerian academic libraries
should not be left out of this global educational revolution. Ekong
(2005) pointed out that one is also happily to note that both the
Federal Government of Nigeria and International funding agencies are now
interested in the general development of ICT in Nigerian universities.
The Federal Ministry of Education embarked on the establishment of the
National Virtual (Digital) Library Project, to provide, in an equitable
and cost-effective manner, enhanced access to national and international
library and information resources and to share locally available
resources with libraries all over the world using digital technology;
among other objectives. A model Virtual (Digital) Library at the
National Universities Commission (NUC) will be the laboratory of the
university-based libraries.
Research Methodology
This is a survey research design. Its population comprised all the
active users of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA)
Library, registered undergraduates and postgraduates, amounting to nine
hundred and twenty-nine (929) as at the time of data collection. From
this number, a total of two hundred and two (202) was sampled
representing 21.74%. The Convenient sampling technique was adopted for
administering the questionnaire on the two hundred and two (202)
students present in the library at the time of data collection. These
student-users come from different departments in the institution with
levels ranging from 100 to 500.
Also, the head of ICT department at FUTA was interviewed as part of
the study's sample; to collect other relevant data, which the
students may not have full knowledge of. The study sample (202) from the
population (929) was considered justifiable against the backdrop of the
position of Edem (2005), referring to Krejcie and Morgan's sampling
formula, which suggests "a sample size of 384 will be sufficient
for a population of 100,000; 370 for 10,000 and 248 for 700".
Similarly, Ali and Denga (1989), while accepting that there is no
universal rule for determining the appropriateness of sample sizes,
state that a sample should be about 15-30% of the population. Thus, the
sample size of 202, which represents 21.74% of the study population, is
considered appropriate and adequate for this study. The Information
Technology Application on Library Services and Use Questionnaire
(ITALSUQ) was the major instrument for data collection complemented by
the Interview.
Data Presentation and Analysis
Table 1 shows the respondents' use of available IT facilities
in the institutions' library; in which Internet use had the
majority response (74.3%) followed by Computer use (64.8%) while
Facsimile use had the least and those who do not make use of any of the
facilities at all due to some reasons (13.4%). These reasons include,
essentially, ignorance of the students on the availability of the
facilities (92.2%) and their inability to make use of the facilities
(5.2%). As for access to the Internet facilities, most respondents
(80.7%) claimed unfettered access.
Table 2 above shows what the users experience when using the
Internet facilities to where a considerable response (59.4%) claimed
satisfactory use; 6.9% having difficulties, alongside the 9.4% that
generally avoid its use. Only 44.1% of those using it do so quite
The above indicate several problems encountered by users when using
Information Technology facilities in their institutions' libraries;
the most significant of which is the frequent power failure (42.1) aside
from constant network failure for the Internet use (13.4%). There are
several other problems (17.8%) ranging from "inadequate computer
systems", "inadequate space to accommodate users
conveniently", "not being allowed to use any external storage
device like flash drives or diskette", "inability to sometimes
locate needed information on the Internet" as well as "the
slow response of the server or the systems". All these are in spite
of the claim by the majority (84.2%) that they previously had
orientation o the use of the IT facilities.
The table above indicates various Information Technology courses
offered by respondents. They include: Use of Computer (70.8%);
Information Technology (31.7%); Use of Internet/world wide web (20.3%);
other Information Technology related courses (24.8%). These include
Library and Information Retrieval, Information to General Computing and
Desktop Publishing, Dbase IV, FORTRAN. Computer Applications while 7.4%
of the respondents have not offered any Information Technology courses.
From the table above, 28.7% respondents use Index; Abstract
(23.3%); Database (32.7%); other e-materials than those listed (13.4%)
and those who do not use any at all (33.7%). However, 74.8% do not use
the CD-ROM; due to such reasons as its non-availability in the
libraries, ignorance about its availability and being able get needed
information in books available in the library".
Interview Report
The Federal University of Technology Akure Library has an ICT
Department headed by an ICT expert who responded to the interview
questions. The report indicated that the library was once fully
automated with all its functions computerized, when it was in its
temporary site. Now on its permanent site, services are partially
automated and presently has such facilities as Computers, V-sat, MODEM,
Server, CD-ROM, Slide Projectors, Camera, Radio and Television, CD and
DVD machines. The effects of the facilities on library services and/or
library staff's job performance and use by students as revealed by
the study are that it lessens and/or hastens the work of the librarian;
Online resources serve as supplement to those available in the library;
and it makes research easier for the users.
The library is presently working on its Internet with which
downloaded information e.g. e-journals could be shared locally among
users offline. The library does not share its resources with other
libraries online but works are on at making it possible. The
library's ICT section performs CD-ROM services i.e. burning of CDs
for users who may have sourced for information from the Internet and
wanted it on a CD-ROM or a user who brought a CD from outside and wanted
to copy from it to another one. Regarding softwares, the Library began
its automation process with the use of TINMAN--TINLIB (the Information
Navigator Manager and the Information Navigator Library) but due to
deficiencies in the use of TINLIB, the software was changed to GLAS
(Graphical Library Automation System). These are designed in developed
countries to suit their practice of librarianship, but which may not
absolutely suit the practice here in Nigeria. Thus, the library is
planning to adopt a software called SLAM (Strategic Library Automation
Manager)-referred to as a customized software that can be adjusted
anytime to suit library operations anywhere.
IT is being used partially on all the housekeeping chores of the
library; including Acquisitions, Cataloguing and Classification,
Circulation, Reference Services, and Serials Control and/or Management,
all of which are still complemented with manual operations. The number
of staff handling these facilities is considered sufficient against the
number of facilities available and those using them. Available funds are
inadequate for proper handle and maintenance of these devices. Grants
were received from external organization like Open Society Initiative
for West Africa (OSIWA) and Education Trust Fund (ETF) on different
occasions purposely for the development and use of IT facilities in the
Library. Problems encountered by the Library-ICT staff include adequate
funding and non-compliance of some students to the code of conduct in
the section.
Students newly registered students with the Computer Resources
Centre (CRC) of the University are given a ticket each with which he
gains access to the library's Internet facilities. After this, a
continuous orientation will be given on how to effectively utilize the
available facilities and if there arises any problem, they are prompted
attended to. There is a user code of conduct that is pasted at the
entrance of the section for everyone; items on which include:
* CD-ROM, diskettes, flash drive and other storage devices are not
allowed in the ICT room until further notice.
* Do not tamper with any of the systems when not responding. Please
call the attention of the staff on duty so as to avoid embarrassment.
* Do not print any document by yourself. Call the attention of the
ICT staff on duty.
* There should be maximum of two users to a system, and
* Online chatting is strictly prohibited.
The application of IT to services delivery of the Federal
University of Technology Akure, Library, still has room for improvement,
thereby making its impact limited. Several problems were identified for
this condition-inadequate funding; insufficient facilities and constant
power failure; among others; hindering the maximization of its expected
benefits. Aramide and Bolarinwa (2010) corroborated the prevalence of
these problems at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Ibadan
Study Centre where they found that "the major constraints hindering
the use of audiovisual and electronic resources include poor power
supply, poor infrastructure, lack of adequate skill, high cost, and
Based on the conclusions above, it is recommended that:
1. Provision of funds on a regular basis. The mandatory 10% of the
budgetary allocation of the University set aside for the University
Library should be so disbursed and monitored for judicious utilization.
If this is realized, the Library Management should make automation top
on its priority list and pursued conscientiously and to a logical and
beneficial end.
2. There should be provision for alternative power supply by having
a dedicated generating plant for the library use to offset the adverse
effects of constant power outage that has come to stay in Nigeria. This
is especially important because of the total dependence of the IT use on
electric power supply.
3.. Students also need to be trained on how to use these facilities
towards achieving academic excellence. This may be through continuous
orientation and the inclusion of such courses like: Use of computer for
Information retrieval, Use of Internet/world wide web and IT
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Abdulwahab Olanrewaju Issa, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Department of Library and Information Science
Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences
University of Ilorin
Kwara State, Nigeria
Agun Emmanuel Ayodele
Department of Library and Information Science
The Federal Polytechnic, Offa
Kwara State, Nigeria
Usman Abubakar
Ag. College Librarian
Kwara State College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies
Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
Mulikat Bola Aliyu
Senior Lecturer
Department of Library and Information Science
The Federal Polytechnic, Offa
Kwara State, Nigeria
Table 1--Use of Information Technology Facilities
Facilities Frequency Percentage
Internet 150 74.3
Computer 131 64.8
Audio-Visual 41 20.3
Fax 3 1.5
Table 2--Experience in the Use of Internet
Responses Frequency Percentage
Whenever I use the Internet, I find what I 120 59.4
I can usually find what I want, but with 34 16.8
I generally avoid the Internet 19 9.4
The Internet is frustrating, I find it 14 6.9
difficult to find the information
Others 15 7.4
Total 202 100
Table 3--Problems Encountered when
Using Information Technology Facilities
Responses Frequency Percentage
I don't know how to use them 18 8.9
Nobody to attend to me 20 9.9
Frequent power failure 85 42.1
Network failure 27 13.4
None 16 7.9
Others 36 17.8
Total 202 100
Table 4--Information Technology Courses Offered
Courses Frequency Percentage
Use of computer 143 70.8
Information Technology 64 31.7
Use of Internet/world wide web 41 20.3
Others 50 24.8
None 15 7.4
Table 5--Use of e-materials
E-materials Frequency Percentage
Index 58 28.7
Abstract 47 23.3
Database 66 32.7
Others 27 13.4
None 68 33.7