Information-seeking behavior of law practitioners: a survey of Bahawalpur City.
Khan, Shakeel Ahmad ; Bhatti, Rubina
The concept of life is vague without information. Information has
enabled a man to perform his routine activities in an efficient way. For
decision-making, we need the support of information (Kumar, 2004).
Modern society depends on information for all its activities. Every
person has the need for information. Without valid and up-to-date
information, it is impossible to do progress in any field of life
(Bajpai, 1999). Understanding of information needs and
information-seeking behavior of various professional groups is essential
as it helps in the planning, implementation and operation of information
system and services in the given work settings (Devadason & Lingam,
1997). Legal information is basic to all, both lawyers and non-lawyers.
The law is supposed to be understood and used by each and every citizen
(Otike, 1997). Lawyers are individuals who have a wide range of
responsibilities and duties when it comes to their profession. Their
role in society is even more important as they are acting as a voice for
others (Exforsys, 2010). In today's world, legal issues spring up
almost always on a regular basis. Most probably, one does not have the
time to handle all of them. Having a lawyer to take care of one's
legal affair is very much required and it is one sure way to get free
from unnecessary headaches (Hood, 2006). Lawyers are the protectors of
the people. They play a very important role in maintaining order in one
place. In addition, a number of positions in the government are being
held by lawyers. Thus, they contribute in providing and regulating peace
in the community (Buzzle, 2010).
Research Methodology and Data Collection Approach
Survey of the lawyer's community at District Bar Council,
Bahawalpur was conducted by the researcher and data were collected with
the help of a structured, peer-reviewed and pilot-tested questionnaire.
Seventy questionnaires were distributed among the lawyers for data
collection and 54 questionnaires were filled out by the lawyers. The
response rate was 77%. Due to the busy schedule of the lawyers, the
researcher faced difficulty in data collection. The collected data were
analyzed through SPSS software version 14.
The main objectives of the study were to investigate:
1. For what purpose, lawyers search for information?
2. What are the information seeking habits of lawyers?
3. From where do they generally get information resources?
4. What do they do in case of urgent need of information?
5. What is the impact of ICT on information seeking behavior of the
Important Research Questions
* What are the actual information needs of the lawyers community?
* What kind of information is sought by them?
* What methods are used for seeking information?
* What is the users' response towards new information and
communication technologies?
* What is the current state of provision of various kinds of
library services? And is that well responsive to the changing needs of
its lawyers community?
* What are the problems of seeking information and how it can be
* What are types of reading material available in the library and
does it satisfy its community's needs effectively?
* What is users' information sources preference and do the
library staff familiar with it?
* What are the study places preferences by them?
* What kinds of difficulties faced by lawyers in the process of
seeking information (print and non-print)?
Review of the Studies on Information Seeking Behavior of Lawyers
There are several studies conducted at international level to
examine the information needs and information seeking behavior of
lawyers. This section will briefly review the studies on information
seeking behavior of lawyers for gaining a better understanding of
lawyers' information seeking behavior.
Kuhlthau & Tama (2001) explored the information search process
of lawyers. Findings revealed that these lawyers frequently were
involved in complex tasks and to accomplish these complex tasks, they
preferred printed texts over computer databases primarily because
computer databases required well-specified requests and did not offer an
option for examining a wide range of information at one time.
Makri (2009) in his doctoral thesis studied lawyer's
information behavior leading to the development of two methods for
evaluating electronic resources. Overall, findings were positive
regarding both methods and useful suggestions for improving the methods
were made.
Otike (2000) explored the legal information needs of lawyers in
Kenya. It was noted that a lawyer's work is determined by the legal
needs of the clients, which, in turn, influences the information needs
of the lawyer. The lawyers seek assistance from the High Court library
or collections in other law firms.
Hinson et. al (2007) pointed out that seventy-eight percent of the
lawyers were found agreed that the internet improves their productivity.
Eighty-eight per cent of respondents indicated that the internet is
useful as a communication tool, whilst 76 percent of the respondents
considered the internet to be very important for getting information.
Otike (1997) in his study investigated the legal information needs
of the general public. He concluded that the provision of legal
information to the public in the Third World still remains largely
unresearched. Until extensive empirical research is conducted in this
vast area, information professionals will continue to rely heavily on
simple hypotheses.
In (2002) he searched out the information needs and seeking habits
of lawyers in England in the United Kingdom. The purpose of the study
was to ascertain the type of information lawyers require to meet their
needs and to determine the factors that influence their information
needs and seeking hbits. It was noted that experience has a considerable
influence on their needs. experienced lawyers do not require as much
information support as newly qualified lawyers. Findings showed that
lawyers rely heavily on printed media. Elctronic medai is used only as a
last resort.
Wilkinson (2001) studied information sources used by lawyers in
problem solving. It was found that the lawyers overwhelmingly preferred
informal sources when seeking information. In addition, they preferred
sources of information internal to their organizations rather than
external sources.
Eisenschitz and Walsh (1995) studied on lawyers' attitudes
towards information. In analyzing results, the researcher found a
difference in user's behavior when solicitors were conducting known
item searches and subject searches. In the case of subject search, the
solicitor's expertise could be more useful for evaluating the
utility of found materials rather than doing the research himself.
Hainsworth (1992) traced that appellate judges do not trust and are
skeptical of the information provided to them. Judges have particular
needs with regards to organizing information which are not met by any
system. Judges prefer hard copy and their information seeking is
affected by time.
Interpretation of Data and Discussions
Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires
among the lawyers of District Bar Association Session Court Bahawalpur.
Fifty four questionnaires have been analyzed below.
Personal Profile of the Respondents
First part of the questionnaire was consisting on personal profile
of the respondents. It collected information on gender, age,
qualification and professional experience and number of books and
articles published by the respondents.
Gender of the Respondents
In total 54 respondents responded against the questionnaire, of
which 39 (72.2%) were male and 15 (27.8%) were female (Table 1).
Age of the Respondents
Seven (13.0%) respondents were between 21 to 30 years, 27 (50%)
were between 31 to 40 years, 14 (25.9%) were between 41 to 50 years,
five (9.3%) were between 51 to 60 years, while one (1.9%) respondent was
between 61 to 70 years old.
Academic Qualification of the Respondents
Frequency distribution of respondents' academic qualification
presented in Table 3, shows that thirty one (57.4%) were B.A LLB,
nineteen (35.2%) were M.A LLB, two of the respondents (3.7%) were MLL
and two (3.7%) were MSC LLB.
Professional Experience
Frequency distribution of the respondents' experience category
shows that 18 (33.3%) respondents had professional experience between
1-5 years, 14 (25.9%) between 6-10 years, 9 (16.7%) were between 11-15
years, six (11.1%) were between 16-20 years, one (1.9%) was between
21-25 years, 2 (3.7%) were between 26-30 years and three (5.6%) were
having experience more than thirty years (Table 4).
Publications by the Respondents
Respondents were asked to mention the number of any publications
i.e., books and papers published by them. But none of the respondent has
published any book or paper.
Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of the Respondents
Vickery (1970) & Sharma (1992) stated that understanding the
user is half battle in providing information-services. The key operation
is to select from the store the information needed by a particular user
at a particular time. Different questions were asked to the respondents
to find out their information needs and seeking behavior. This section
presents an analysis of the acquired responses.
Purpose of Seeking Information
Bronstein (2008) has explained that searching for information in
order to satisfy an information need is a primary activity of everyday
life. People seek information to broaden their understanding of the
world around them and to pursue their professional and personal goals.
Respondents were asked to mention their purpose of seeking information.
Majority of them opined that they always seek information for case
preparation (mean= 4.87), they frequently seek information for service
and profession requirements (mean= 4.33). Most of the respondents showed
that they sometimes seek information for improving their personal
competencies, general knowledge or current awareness (mean= 3.06) for
guiding and supporting the research work (mean= 2.63) for workshops and
seminar presentations (mean= 2.73), to carry out administrative work
(mean= 2.86), for leisure reading only (mean= 2.91), while few of the
respondents mentioned that they seldom seek information for writing a
book or article (mean= 1.61) (Table 5).
Source of Acquiring Information Resources
According to the acquired results, respondents mentioned that they
seldom get information from online databases (mean= 1.72), sometime from
other libraries (mean= 3.22). Majority of the respondents opined that
they always acquire information from their district bar library (mean=
4.56). Most of the respondents opined that they frequently acquire
information from senior lawyers (mean= 4.04), through purchase/personal
collection (mean= 3.62), through decided cases from judicial record room
(mean= 3.64).
Activities Performed in Case of Urgent Need of Information
Respondents were asked to mention the activities they usually
perform whenever they have an urgent need of some information. Most of
them mentioned that they search their personal collection (n= 51), use
law digest (n= 54), use the library (n= 50), consult with senior lawyers
(n= 44), PLJ (n= 48), PLD (n= 36), consult law dictionaries and
encyclopedias etc. (n= 28), visit or phone any expert person (n= 27),
use electronic resources (n= 2).
Time spent per-week in information seeking activities
Most of the respondents mentioned that they spend 4-6 hours per
week in reading law digest (mean= 1.75), scanning law journal/PLJ
articles (mean=1.71) and internet searching (1.75). They mentioned that
they spend more than 7-9 hours per week in reading judgments (mean=
1.44), and handling court cases/hearing (mean= 1.30).
Preferred Language for Reading Material
Respondents were asked to mention their preferred language for
reading material. They pointed out English as their most preferred
language (mean= 3) (Table 9).
Preferred Format for Information
Descriptive statistics given in the Table 10 reveal that they most
prefer print format (mean= 2.91), while they less prefer electronic
(mean= 1.38), audio/visual (mean= 1.17), and microform formats
Impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on
Information Needs and Seeking Behavior
ICT tools can be used to find, explore, analyze, exchange and
present information responsibly and without discrimination. ICT can be
employed to give users quick access to ideas and experiences from a wide
range of people, communities and cultures (Wikipedia 2010). Respondents
were asked to mention how ICT has affected their information seeking
& gathering habits. The results show that most of them opined that
to some extent ICT has changed their information seeking & gathering
habits (n= 40), only three of the respondents accepted that ICT has
changed their information seeking habits (n= 3), (Table 11).
Use of Different Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
for Seeking Information
The increasing use of technology in all aspects of society makes
confident, creative and productive use of ICT an essential skill for
life. ICT capability encompasses not only the mastery of technical
skills and techniques, but also the understanding to apply these skills
purposefully, safely and responsibly in learning, everyday life and
employment (Nikeditor 2009). Respondents were inquired to mention the
type of Information and Communication Technologies used by them for
seeking information. It was found that most of them were using telephone
(n= 53) and atmospheric communication technologies/Radio/TV (n= 29).
They were also using online PLD & PLJ (n= 15), internet search
websites (n= 6), e-mail (n= 2), online chatting (n= 3) (Table 12).
Impact of ICTs on Information Seeking and Gathering Process
Information Communication Technology (ICT) is on the lips of every
nation of earth because it brings innovation into information seeking
and knowledge. ICT plays an immense role in information searching,
generation, processing, storage/retrieval, dissemination and even
entertainment (Objoha, 2005). Most of the respondents opined that ICT
has made information seeking and gathering process easier for them
(mean= 3.88) (Table 13).
Internet Usage
According to Kinshuk & Patel (1997)the Internet provides an
infrastructure that supports unprecedented communication capabilities
and collaboration opportunities. It offers a vast store of information
that can be accessed in a structured manner. Use of internet was
inquired from the respondents, it was discovered that only few of the
respondents (n= 11) use internet while majority of the respondents do
not use internet (n= 39).
Search Engines used for Information Seeking
Respondents were asked to mention the Internet search engines used
by them. It was noted that three of them were using Google, four were
using Yahoo and only two were using Yahoo & Google.
Respondents' Opinion About their Information Seeking &
Retrieval Skills
Respondents were inquired about their information seeking &
retrieval skills while using Internet. They rated their information
seeking & retrieval skill as poor (mean= 1.33) (Table 16)
Suggestions Provided by the Respondents
An open ended question was given to the respondents for inquiring
their additional comments and suggestions. Only few of the respondents
(n=11) provided additional comments or suggestions. They stressed that
internet service should be provided to the lawyers (n=5), computer
training should be provided to the lawyer community (n= 4), it was also
demanded that decided cases/judgments should be on lined (n=1), hearing
in courts should also be on lined (n= 1), they also stressed on the need
of online law databases (n= 1) and more books in district bar library
(n= 1).
The results of this research showed the relevance with the findings
of studies conducted earlier at international level. In Kenya Otike
(2000) noted that lawyers needs information for fulfilling the legal
information needs of their clients and seek assistance from the High
Court library or collections in other law firms. Similarly this study
reported that lawyers need information for case preparation and they
mostly acquire information from their District Bar library. Wilkinson
(2001) found that the lawyers overwhelmingly prefer informal sources
when seeking information. According to the acquired results of this
study most of the respondents showed that they acquire information
senior lawyers (mean= 4.04), through purchase/personal collection (mean=
3.62), telephone and atmospheric communication technologies/Radio/TV.
Kuhlthau & Tama (2001) in their study explored that lawyers prefer
printed text. Present study also show the preferences of print format
(mean= 2.91) and their preferred language is English. When they urgently
need information they search out their personal collection, use law
digest, PLD and PLJ. Lawyers spend more than 7-9 hours per week in
reading judgments and handling court cases/hearing. Hinson et al (2007)
in their research pointed out that seventy-eight percent of the lawyers
were found agreed that internet improves their productivity. The results
acquired from this research also show that most of the respondents
opined that ICT has made information seeking and gathering process
easier for them; however, only eleven of the respondents found to use
internet and they rated their information retrieval skill as poor. The
current research is helpful in understanding the information needs of
the lawyers practicing in Sessions Court Bahawalpur. The study suggests
that computer training and internet service should be provided to the
lawyers for improving their computer skills.
Bajpai, S. K. (1999). Modern information retrieval. New Dehli: Ess
Ess Publications.
Bronstein, J. and Arbib, B.S. (2008). The application of
cost-benefit and least effort theories in studies of information seeking
behavior of humanities scholars: the case of Jewish studies scholars in
Israel. Journal of Information Science, 34 (2), Pp. 131-144.
Buzzle (2010). Four main roles of trial lawyers. Retrieved April
25, 2010 from:
Devadason, F.J. & Lingman, P.P. (1997) A methodology for the
identification of information needs of users. IFLA Journal, 23 (1), pp.
Eisenschitz, T. S., & Walsh, R. L. (1995). Lawyers'
attitudes to information. The Law Librarian, 26, 446-450.
Exforsys (2010). The role of lawyers. Retrieved April 24, 2010,
from: http://
Hainsworth, M. (1992). Information seeking behavior of Judges of
the Florida District Courts of Appeal. Retrieved April 27, 2010, from:
Hood, P. (2006). The importance of having a lawyers. Retrieved
April 25, 2010, from:
Hinson, R, Ofori, D. & Atuguba, R. (2007). The internet and
lawyers in Ghana. Library Review. Vol. 56(4), Pp. 311-322
Kinshuk & Patel, A. (1997). A Conceptual Framework for Internet
based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Vol. 3, Pp. 117-124
Kumar, P.S.G. (2004). Information and communication. New Dehli:
B.R. Publishing Corporation.
Kuhlthau, C.C & Tama, S.L (2001). Information search process of
lawyers: a call for 'just for me' information services.
Journal of Documentation. Vol. 57(1). Pp. 25-43
Makri, S. (2009) A study of lawyers' information behaviour
leading to the development of two methods for evaluating electronic
resources. Unpublished Doctoral thesis, University College London.
Retrieved March 8, 2010, from:
Nikeditor (2009). The importance of information communication
technology. Retrieved April 26, 2010, from:
Objoha, J. (2005). The role of ICT in information seeking and use
amongst research officers in research institutes in Nigeria: The
Nigerian institute for oceanography & marine research institute
experience. Vol. 37(4), Pp. 303-314.
Otike, J. (2000). Legal information needs of lawyers in Kenya: a
case study. Journal of Library Management. Vol. 21(5).
Otike, J. (1997). Legal information needs of the general public.
Library Review. Vol. 46(1), Pp. 28-33
Otike, J. (2002). The information needs and seeking habits of
lawyers in England: a pilot study. Retrieved May 12, 2010, from:
Sharma, D. C. (1992). Advances in library & information science
(Vol. 3). Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers.
Vickery, B. (1970). Techniques of information retrieval. London:
Butterworth & Co.
Wilkinson, M. A. (2001). Information sources used by lawyers in
problem solving. Library Information Science Research. Vol. 23, Pp.
Wikipedia (2010). Information and communication technologies.
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and communication
Shakeel Ahmad Khan
M Phil Student
Dr. Rubina Bhatti
Assistant Professor and M Phil Programme Coordinator
Department of Library & Information Science
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Punjab, Pakistan
Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Gender
Sr. Gender Frequency Percent
1. Male 39 72.2
2. Female 15 27.8
Total 54 100
Table 2
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Age
Sr. Age Frequency Percent
1. 21-30 7 13.0
2. 31-40 27 50.0
3. 41-50 14 25.9
4. 51-60 5 9.3
5. 61-70 1 1.9
Total 54 100.0
Table 3
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Qualification
Sr. Qualification Frequency Percent
1. B.A LLB 31 57.4
2. M.A LLB 19 35.2
3. MLL 2 3.7
4. MSC LLB 2 3.7
Total 54 100.0
Table 4
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's
Professional Experience
Sr. Experience Frequency Percent
1. 1-5 18 33.3
2. 6-10 14 25.9
3. 11-15 9 16.7
4. 16-20 6 11.1
5. 21 -25 1 1.9
6. 26-30 2 3.7
7. 31-onwards 3 5.6
Total 54 100.0
Table 5
Descriptive Statistics of Respondents' Opinion About
Purposes of Seeking the Information
Sr. Purposes Mean Median Mode Dev.
1. Case preparation 4.87 5.00 5 .339
2. For research work 2.63 4.00 3 .640
3. Attending 2.73 3.00 3 .736
4. For improving 3.06 3.00 3 .736
personal knowledge
5. Administrative activities 2.86 3.00 3 .872
6. Professional Needs 4.33 4.00 3 4.171
7. Leisure Needs For 2.91 3.00 3 .763
writing book/article
8. Case preparation 1.61 1.00 1 .891
Note: 5= Always, 4= Frequently, 3= Sometimes, 2= Seldom, 1= Never
Table 6
Descriptive Statistics of Respondents' Opinion
About Sources of Acquiring Information Resources
Sr. Sources of Acquiring Mean Median Mode St.
Information Resources Dev.
1. District Bar Library 4.56 5.00 5 .691
2. Other Libraries 3.22 3.00 3 .798
3. Senior lawyers 4.04 4.00 5 .876
4. Purchase/personal 3.62 3.00 3 .830
5. Decided cases from 3.64 3.00 3 .901
judicial record room
6. Online databases 1.72 1.00 1 .891
Note: 5 = Always, 4 = Frequently, 3 = Sometimes,
2 = Seldom, 1 = Never.
Table 7
Frequency Distribution of Respondents' Opinion About
Activities Performed by them in case of an Urgent
Need of Information
Sr. Opinion Frequency
1. Personal collection 51
2. Law Digest 54
3. Use the library 50
4. PLJ 48
5. Visit or phone any expert person 27
6. Consult with senior lawyers 44
7. Consult Law Dictionaries/ 28
Encyclopedias etc.
8. PLD 36
9. Use electronic resources 2
Table 8
Descriptive Statistics of Responses About
Time Spent Per-week in Different
Information Seeking Activities
Sr. Activities Mean Median Mode St.
1. Reading Law Digest 1.75 2.00 2 .595
2. Scanning law journal/PLJ 1.71 2.00 2 .637
3. Reading Judgments 1.44 1.00 2 .617
4. Handling court cases/hearing 1.30 1.00 1 .604
5. Internet searching 1.75 2.00 1 .461
Note: 3=1-3 Hrs, 2=4-6 Hrs, 1= 7-9 Hrs
Table 9
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions
About Their Preferred Language
Opinion Mean Median Mode Dev.
Preferred 3.00 3.00 3 .000
Note: 3= English, 2= Urdu, 1= Any other,
Table 10
Descriptive Statistics of Opinion About Preferred
Format for Information
Sr. Format Mean Median Mode Dev.
1 Electronic 1.38 1.00 1 .506
2 Print 2.91 3.00 3 .293
3 Audio / Visual 1.17 1.00 1 .514
4 Microform 1.16 1.00 1 .375
Note: 3=Most preferred, 2=Preferred 1= Less Preferred
Table 11
Frequency Distribution of Respondents'
Opinion About Impact of ICT
Sr. Opinion Frequency Percent
1. ICT has changed information 3 5.6
seeking & gathering habits
2. Change to some extent 40 74.1
Table 12
Frequency Distribution of Different Information
& Communication Technologies Used by the Respondents
Sr. Different ICTs Frequency
1. Telephone/Mobile 53
2. Online PLD & PLJ 15
3. Teleconferencing 1
4. Email 2
5. Online chatting 3
6. Radio/TV 29
7. Internet/Websites 6
Table 13
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions
About Impact of ICT on Information Gathering Process
Sr. Opinion Mean Median Mode Dev.
1. ICTs have made 3.88 4.00 4 .583
information seeking
and gathering
process easier or
more difficult
Note: 4 = Easier, 3 = More Difficult,
2 = Much More Difficult, 1 = About the Same.
Table 14
Frequency Distribution of Respondents'
Internet Usage
Sr. Internet Frequency Percent
1. Yes 11 20.4
2. No 39 72.2
3. Missing 4 7.4
Total 54 100.0
Table 15
Frequency Distribution of Search Engines
Used by the Respondents
Sr. Search Engines Frequency
1. Google 3
2. Yahoo 4
3. Google & Yahoo 2
Table 16
Descriptive Statistics of Respondents' Opinion
About their Information Seeking/Retrieval Skills
Opinion Mean Median Mode St. Dev.
Information seeking / 1.33 1.00 1 .680
retrieval skills
while using Internet
Note: 5= Excellent, 4= Very good, 3= Good, 2= Fair, 1=Poor
Table 17
Frequency Distribution of Suggestions Provided by the Respondents
Sr. Suggestions Frequency
1. All decided cases/judgments 1
should be on lined
2. Hearing in court should be on lined 1
3. Internet services should be 5
provided to the lawyers
4. Online law databases should be provided 1
5. More books should be given 1
in District Bar Library
6. Computer training should be 4
provided to the lawyer community