Evaluation of Chemistry Journals at IIT Kharagpur, India: use and citation analysis.
Maharana, Bulu ; Mishra, Smaranika ; Sethi, Bipin Bihari 等
Globally, librarians spend enormous sums of money to acquire
library materials irrespective of the fact that national, state, and
local economies vary widely, as do individual library budgets.
Traditionally, librarians believed in a "collect everything"
approach. But with recent budget limitations, space constraints, and
rapid growth of digital materials, most librarians cannot continue with
the same approach anymore. Librarians, as professionals, try to build
and maintain collections that will meet their collection development
goals and be appropriate for their users (Agee, 2005, pp. 92-95).
In this environment, it becomes a dilemma for the librarian,
whether to switch completely to a digital environment or not. By
evaluating current collections, librarians may better manage future
collection development. Collection evaluations help librarians ascertain
the usability of materials in their collections to the user community.
Aims and Objectives
The present study evaluates the collection of Chemistry Journals at
IIT Kharagpur library with following objectives;
* To provide a strong basis for better collection management.
* To evaluate the performance measurement of Journals for research.
* To help cost-effective subscription of journals.
* To understand the impact of Chemistry Journals on research.
* To provide information regarding the global as well as local
impact of each Chemistry Journals.
Scope and Limitations
The scope of the present study is confined only to Chemistry
Journals subscribed by Central Library, IIT Kharagpur. It is quite a
difficult task to take all the Journals subscribed by the Central
Library under the purview of the study. The present study, therefore,
has the following limitations:
i. The research is limited to the jurisdiction of IIT Kharagpur.
(i.e. limitation by the type of institution covered)
ii. The population of this study is confined to the faculty and
research scholars of Department of Chemistry,
IIT Kharagpur but not of any other Department (i.e. limitations by
the size of the sample)
iii. For the evaluation of chemistry journals, the present study
investigates only the usage statistics and impact factor but not any
other aspect (i.e. limitation by type of investigation).
iv. In the present study SciFinder Scholar has been used to
retrieve usage statistics of some selected Journals through citation
analysis (i.e. limitation by database covered).
In the present study, the questionnaire data coupled with citation
statistics from SciFinder were used for the evaluation of Chemistry
Journals. A simple questionnaire was prepared to elicit pertinent data
on the usage of journals by the respondents. In the second part of the
study, the cited references of selected Journals for the year 2005 and
2006 were collected from SciFinder Scholar based on the analyzed data of
questionnaire. At last ISI impact factor of each Chemistry Journal was
obtained to find out the global usage trend of the journals in
Analysis of Data and Discussion
The researcher has devoted all its effort to meet the goal of the
study, starting from drafting a simple questionnaire to distribute it to
the faculty and research scholars of the Department of Chemistry, IIT
Kharagpur. All the Journal titles categorized under Department of
Chemistry have been collected from the website of Central Library. The
Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur is scattered in three different
building, viz. Main Building, Organic Lab and High Pressure Lab. The
researchers have distributed and collected 31 questionnaires from the
faculty and research scholars available within the period 19th April
2007 to 25th April 2007. From the 31 collected questionnaires, only 30
questionnaires are being taken into study. The data collected from the
questionnaire are divided into two segments for effective
interpretation. The first part deals with the types of Journal version
available in the Central Library and how many numbers of users prefer
which one. The gathered data are portrayed in Tabl-1 for necessary
analysis and interpretation.
The above table clearly describes about the preferred version of
journals by user and percentage of use out of total sample (30)
retrieved from the questionnaire. It is interesting to discover that, 21
(70%) respondents prefer to use both print and online version of the
journals. However, 8 (26.66%) respondents like to use only online
version and only 1 (3.33%) prefers only the print version of the
journal. The data indicates that though digital and electronic
technology has a great impact on publishing industry, they can not
replace print or hard copy of journals completely.
Use of Journals
The second part of the questionnaire highlights about the usage of
journals by the local users. Every library need to evaluate the usage
statistics of their journals, since a major part of library budget is
spend on it. There should not be a random selection of journals; it
needs to be placed on a strong foundation of qualitative and
quantitative data. With this objective in mind, the researcher has made
an effort to study the usage statistics of all the 51 journals, taken as
sample for the present study. At the same time researcher has also
gathered the ISI Impact Factor of Journals which can be traced from the
following table. The following table can also provide evidence about the
local and global importance of each Chemistry Journals to the end users.
Table-2 uncovers the frequency of use of journals by the faculty
and research scholars of the Department of Chemistry along with its
respective percentage. It was found that some of the journals like
Journal of American Chemical Society and Chemical Reviews are the highly
used by more than 90% of the users. It was further found that 14
(27.45%) out of 51 journals are used only by 10% of the users. None of
the users are using journals, Chemical Research in Toxicology and
Electroanalysis. The rest of the journals have moderate percentage of
use. From the above table it conclude that some of the journals have
very low percentage of use and still library is subscribing them as a
part of the package or individually.
Citing References Collected from SciFinder Scholar
Before coming to a conclusion about the usage of journals and
dropping them from the collection, the library need to verify the
relevancy of the data collected through questionnaire. The researcher
has traced the citing references of journal articles by IIT Kharagpur
faculty and scholars in their research papers using SciFinder Scholar
Database. As SciFinder is a database of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences
and also provide citation search comparable to Science Citation Index,
no other database can be proved as better as this. Simultaneously, most
of the faculty and research scholar of this institute also use SciFinder
Scholar for their research. The researcher has randomly selected 5 low
usage journals and 5 high usage journals as sample for the study, based
on the data retrieved from Table-2. And all the citing references by
IIT, Kharagpur faculty and research scholars are traced using various
steps in SciFinder Scholar. The use of Journals through citing reference
can be better understood from the following table.
The above table shows that Journal of American Chemical Society is
highly cited (33) by the faculty and scholars of Chemistry at IIT
Kharagpur. Similarly, Angewandte Chemie (27), Chemical Communications
(26), Chemical Reviews (22) are mostly cited. However, the number of
citation from journals likes Biotechnology Progress (02), Chemical
Research in Toxicology (03), and Electroanalysis (01) are very low. Two
journals, Energy & Fuels (00), and Molecular Pharmaceuticals (00)
have not been cited by any one.
Comparison of Data
To prove the significance of the questionnaire data, it has
compared with the citing references drawn from SciFinder. The data of
the 10 sample journals are compared and shown in the following table.
From the above table researcher conclude that data collected
through questionnaire about the usage statistics is very relevant. The
journals which are not referred by the faculty and scholars in the
questionnaire have either very low or zero cited references in
SciFinder. The comparative analysis has been graphically represented as
All the librarians practice to build a rich and well organized
collection of documents in a cost-effective way for their library. But
it can not be achieved with out knowing its utilization percentage along
with user satisfactory level. For this regular evaluation of collection
is needed. The investigator has proposed some suggestions as illustrated
below for better collection management:
1. The journals which are never used or insignificantly used such
as Molecular Pharmaceuticals, Electroanalysis, Energy & Fuels,
Chemical Research in Toxicology, Biotechnology progress, etc. can be
dropped from the package by negotiating with the publishers.
2. The library can go for subscription of online archive of heavily
used journals or article based purchasing to provide quality based
3. The local usage percentage and ISI Impact Factor of each journal
may be added with the list of Department wise journal distribution in
the library website. This can prove as a value added service for the end
4. Usage studies of this type may be carried out each year before
the order is placed for the journals.
Projects are being undertaken to study on a specific topic with
available data and to come to an end with some observation and findings.
After collection of data and analyzing, it is found that most of the
Chemistry Journals subscribed by the Central Library have a high impact
on the use for research carried out by Department of Chemistry, IIT,
Kharagpur. But there also some journals which have a very low impact
with regard to their use by the user community. These types of journals
with low usage are neither recommended nor referred by the faculty and
research scholars of the Department of Chemistry. Still they are
subscribed by the Central Library as a part of journal packages offered
by different publishers. At the same time it is also found that most of
the users like to use both online and print version of journals. So the
present study concludes that all the journals of Central Library need to
be evaluated for better organization of the collection.
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Ghosh (B N). Scientific Method and Social Research. 1982. Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi; pp. 231 & 237.
Agee (Jim). "Collection evaluation: a foundation for
collection development". Collection Building. v. 24 (3). 2005; p.
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Researchers. 2004, Vistaar Publications; New Delhi; p.16
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- 144
Bulu Maharana
Lecturer, P. G. Department of Library & Information Science
Sambalpur University
Smaranika Mishra
Librarian, Silicon Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Bipin Bihari Sethi
Professional Asst. Central Library, Sambalpur University
Table-1: Distribution of Data by Preferred Versions of Journals
Preferred Version Percentage out of
Sl. No. Version Type by Users Total Sample (n=30)
1. Only Print 1 3.33 %
2. Only Online 8 26.66 %
3. Both 21 70 %
Table-2: Distribution of Data by Usage Frequency of Journals
Use Percentage
Nos. of out of Total Impact
Name of Journal (s) users (f) Sample (n=30) Factor
Journal of American Chemical 28 93.33 % 7.419
Chemical Reviews 27 90 % 20.869
Angewandte Chemie 26 86.66 % 9..596
Chemical Communications 23 76.66 % 4.43
Chemistry: A European Journal 23 76.66 % 4..907
Accounts of Chemical Research 22 73.33 % 13.141
Journal of Organic Chemistry 21 70 % 3.675
Organic Letters 21 70 % 4.368
European Journal of Organic 20 66.66 % 2.598
Tetrahedron Letters 20 66.66 % 2.477
Tetrahedron 19 63.33 % 2.610
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 19 63.33 % 2.429
Synthetic Communications 16 53.33 % 0.860
Organometallics 15 50 % 3.473
Synthesis 15 50 % 2.401
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 13 43.33 % 5.076
Inorganic Chemistry 12 40 % 3.851
Journal of Natural Products 12 40 % 2.267
Chemistry of Materials 11 36.66 % 4.818
Journal of Chemical Education 11 36.66 % 0.51
Langmuir 11 36.66 % 3.705
Organic and Biomolecular 11 36.66 % 2.547
Crystal Growth and Design 10 33.33 % 3.551
Dalton Transactions 10 33.33 % 3.00
European Journal of Inorganic 10 33.33 % 2.514
Journal of Molecular 10 33.33 % 2.348
Catalysis--A: Chemical
Nano Letters 10 33.33 % 9.847
Journal of Physical 09 30 % 4.033
Chemical and Engineering News 08 26.66 % 0.521
Journal of Physical 08 26.66 % 2.898
Journal of Molecular 07 23.33 %
Catalysis--B: Enzymatic
Physical Chemistry Chemical 07 23.33 % 2..52
Analytical Chemistry 06 20 % 5.635
Journal of Solid State 06 20 % 1.725
Synfacts 06 20 %
Biophysical Journal 04 13.33 % 4.585
Organic Process Research and 04 13.33 % 1.749
Biomacromolecules 03 10 % 3.618
Journal of Combinatorial 03 10 % 4.197
Molecular Pharmaceuticals 03 10 %
Bioconjugate Chemistry 02 6.66 % 3..943
Energy and Fuels 02 6.66 % 1.494
Molecular Biosystems 02 6.66 %
Biotechnology Progress 01 3.33 % 1.635
Electrophoresis 01 3.33 % 3.850
Inter Journal of Quantum 01 3.33 % 1.19
Journal of Chemical 01 3.33 % 2..923
Information and modeling
Journal of Chemical Theory & 01 3.33 %
Journal of Proteome Research 01 3.33 % 6..917
Chemical Research in 00 0 % 3..339
Electroanalysis 00 0 % 1.266
Table-3: Data Distribution by Citing References
No. of Cited
Sl. No. Name of Journal (s) References
1. Journal of the American Chemical Society 33
2. Angewandte Chemie 27
3. Chemical Communications 26
4. Chemical Reviews 22
5. Journal of Organic Chemistry 17
6. Chemical Research in Toxicology 03
7. Biotechnology Progress 02
8. Electroanalysis 01
9. Energy & Fuels 00
10. Molecular Pharmaceuticals 00
Table-4: Comparison of Questionnaire Data with SciFinder Data
Sl. Abbreviated Usage statistics
No. Name of Journals Name from Questionnaire
1. Angewandte Chemie AC 26
2 Biotechnology Progress BP 01
3. Chemical Communications CC 23
4. Chemical Research in CRT 00
5. Chemical Reviews CR 27
6. Electroanalysis EL 00
7. Energy & Fuels EF 02
8. Journal of the American JACS 28
Chemical Society
9. Journal of Organic Chemistry JOC 21
10. Molecular Pharmaceuticals MP 03
Sl. Usage statistics
No. Name of Journals from SciFinder
1. Angewandte Chemie 27
2 Biotechnology Progress 02
3. Chemical Communications 26
4. Chemical Research in 03
5. Chemical Reviews 22
6. Electroanalysis 01
7. Energy & Fuels 00
8. Journal of the American 33
Chemical Society
9. Journal of Organic Chemistry 17
10. Molecular Pharmaceuticals 00
Fig.1: Distribution of Data by Preferred Version of Journals
Preference of use of Journals
Only Print 1 (3.33%)
Only Online 8 (26.66%)
Both 21 (70%)
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Fig. 2: Distribution of Data by Citing References
Distribution of Journals by number of cited references
Journals Numbers of
cited references
AC 27
CC 26
CR 22
JOC 17
BP 2
EL 1
EF 0
MP 0
Note: Table made from bar graph.