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  • 标题:Internet-based resources and services among librarians in Tamil Nadu, India.
  • 作者:Dhanavandan, S. ; Saravanan, G. ; Esmail, S. Mohamed
  • 期刊名称:Library Philosophy and Practice
  • 印刷版ISSN:1522-0222
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:University of Idaho Library
  • 摘要:The Internet has spread technological literacy and given people all over the world fast access to vast resources. Internet use is directly affecting people, ideas, and behavior. Internet has an impact in many areas, including higher education, where it heralds the development and implementation of new and innovative strategies. Scholars can communicate with each other, as well as accessing news groups, library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and other academic resources.
  • 关键词:Electronic periodicals;Employee attitudes;Employees;Engineering schools;Internet access;Internet/Web search services;Librarians;Library science;Newspaper publishing;Search engines;Workers

Internet-based resources and services among librarians in Tamil Nadu, India.

Dhanavandan, S. ; Saravanan, G. ; Esmail, S. Mohamed 等


The Internet has spread technological literacy and given people all over the world fast access to vast resources. Internet use is directly affecting people, ideas, and behavior. Internet has an impact in many areas, including higher education, where it heralds the development and implementation of new and innovative strategies. Scholars can communicate with each other, as well as accessing news groups, library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and other academic resources.

Literature Review

Becker (1998)1 conducted a study on Internet use by 2,250 teachers from public and private schools in the US. The study revealed that 90% of the teachers had Internet access. More than half of the teachers (59%) had Internet access at home. A majority of the teachers (68%) a used the Internet to find information resources for preparing their lessons. Singh (1998) conducted a research study on the use of Internet by the librarians in Malaysia. The main findings of the study indicated that 90% of the respondents used the Internet for work related purposes. Most of the respondents were recent users. Laite (2000) surveyed 406 graduate and undergraduate students from Shippensburg University. The survey showed that 57.6% of the undergraduate students used the Internet 1-2 times per week and another 37.1% used it 1-2 times daily. More than 50% of the graduate students used Internet 1-2 times per week and 37.7% used it 1-2 times daily. The survey showed that the most used Internet service was e-mail. A hundred percent of the graduates and undergraduate students used e-mail services. Chandran (2000)4 conducted a study at Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupathi, which showed that more than 25% of the respondents used the Internet for 2-3 times a week and more than 56% used it for accessing information. The sources used for identifying information about Internet included website itself, journals and magazines, staff and newspapers. A majority of the respondents are used general websites as compared to recreational and discipline oriented websites. Naushad Ali (2000) conducted a study at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The study showed that more than 50% of the study population was satisfied regarding the timings of the Internet service, but were not satisfied with staff's cooperation, and reservation facility. Nicholas et. al. (2003) conducted a study in the UK to examine the use to the web for health information and advice. More than 1300 people were surveyed. The study showed that 66% of the respondents accessed the Internet from home, 28% from work place and the remainder (6%) used a combination of both work place and home. Hanauer et al., (2004) surveyed a diverse community college to assess the use of the Internet by the students for health related information. The survey showed that although all the students surveyed had free Internet access through their community college, yet only 97% of the students reported having access to the Internet., Asemi (2005) shows that all the respondents were using the Internet frequently because all faculties were provided connection to the Internet. It was revealed that the researchers of the university were getting quality information through the Internet. Fifty five percent of the respondents searched for scientific information through the Internet because the university library had provided access to various databases and online journals for all the students and staff.


This study attempts to examine the characteristics and Internet using behavior of the library professionals in Tamil Nadu. A questionnaire was distributed personally to the library professionals. 200 questionnaires distributed, and 195 were returned, making the response rate 97.5%.

Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu state situated at the south eastern extremity of the Indian Peninsula. The State can be divided broadly into two natural divisions (a) the coastal plains of south India and (b) the hilly western area. The Tamil Nadu consists of thirty two districts. It is the 11th state in India in area forming 4.11 percent of the Union areas. There has been a rapid growth in the number of institutions imparting education at the college level. Today, there are 32 universities, in addition, there 4 Anna University constituent colleges, 6 government engineering colleges, 1 central government institutions (engineering) 3 government aided engineering colleges, 254 engineering colleges, 135 polytechnics, 526 industrial institutes, 244 arts and science colleges, 27 colleges of education, 15 oriental colleges, 5 physical education colleges and 2 schools of social work.


1. To study the frequency of use of Internet resources and tools by library professionals

2. To know how Internet based resources are identified by library professionals

3. To rank the features of Internet resources by library professionals

4. To study the use of search engines and websites by library professionals

5. To know the extent of difficulties in accessing the Internet by library professionals


Table 1 shows that the purpose of using Internet. Out of 155, 142 library professionals are using to sending and receiving the e-mail and 59.35 percent are using to visit the websites. And also 65.81 percent of the library professionals are more about Internet.

Table 2 shows that the frequency of using Internet for various purposes by the respondents. Among the purposes know more about Internet is 1.93 ranges and comes first in position and it is followed by for sending and receiving e-mail, read newspaper, visit websites, chatting with 2, 3, 4 and 5th in position respectively. It could be seen from the above discussion that more number of respondents frequently used the Internet for the purpose of 'know more about Internet', and only limited respondents less frequently used the Internet for the purpose of access to e-journals and e-documents.

Table 3 shows the frequency of using Internet resources and tools by the respondents tools and services of Internet, like www, Internet search engines, e-mail and mailing lists were used by three-fourth of the library professionals. Its resources and services like FAQ, finger, veronica, WAIS, gopher, Archie, FTP, use net/ newsgroup, mailing lists and telnet were never used at all by a majority.

Table 4 shows that the identification of the Internet based resources by the respondents through various methods. Personal communication waste first preferred source, for identifying Internet based resource and its followed by attending training programs, use of Internet search engine, browse the sites regularly follow up references in print sources, subscribe to mail lists, and system managers staff of Internet services.

Table 5 shows the rating of Internet resources by library professionals. The mean values of rating Internet resources were between 2.22 and 1.76, which implies that its resources were rated either very good or good for various features. Usefulness, accuracy, and ease of use are the three features that rate highest.

Table 6 shows the use of search engines by the respondents. A majority (76.13) use Yahoo. 54.84 percent of 41.29 percent of the respondents use hotmail and rediff.

Among the 42 respondents who have been using discipline-oriented websites, nearly all use engineering institution websites. An almost equal number use professional societies and association sites and colleges and universities.

Nearly 70 percent of the respondents find slow access to be a problem, considerable numbers also have problems searching, downloading, and maintaining a reliable connection.

Table 10 shows the Internet facilities and services to be offered by library of college Among the respondents 195, 71.79 percent of them felt that the library should offer course relative materials, 62.56 percent of them discipline oriented websites, 56.92 percent electronic document delivery services, 55.90 percent career information, 53.85 percent newspapers service, 52.82 percent searching subject databases 47.69 percent downloading progress files and images 47.18 percent sending and receiving of e-mails 43.59 per cent online learning 42.05 accessing e-documents, 40 percent accuracy e-journals and 31.79 conference information services.

Table 10 shows the reasons for not using Internet and its services among respondents who did not use it. Twenty-seven lacked skill, while, twenty-one lack facilities.

Findings and Conclusion

The survey found a high rate of Internet use, but also significant problems such as slow response, lack of connectivity, and need for more training.


Asemi, A. (2005). Information searching habits of Internet users: A case study on the Medical Sciences University of Isfahan, Iran. Webology, 2(1). Retrieved August 9, 2005, from http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2nl/a10.html.

Becker, H.J. (1998). Internet use by teachers. Retrieved June 26, 2004, from http://www.crito.uci.edu/TLC/findings/ Internet-use/startpage.html

Chandran, D. (2000). Use of Internet resources and services in S. V. University, Tirupathi environment. Conference on information services in a Networked environment in India. Orgnaized by INFLIBNET, 18-20 December 2000, Ahemdabad, P. 3.124-3.127.

Hanauer D., Dibble E., Fortin, J., & Col, NF. (2004). Internet use among community college students: Implications in designing healthcare interventions. Journal of American College Health, 52 (5), 197-202.

Laite, B. (2000). Internet use survey: analysis. Retrieved May 21,2004, from http://www.ship.edu!-bhl/survey/

Naushad Ali, P.M. (2000). Internet and its use in Aligarh Muslim University: A survey. Conference on Information Services in a Networked Environment in India. Organized by INFLIBNET, 18-20 December 2000, Ahemdabad, p.1.78-1.82.

Nicholas, D, Huntington, P., Gunter, B., Russell, C., & Withey, R. (2003). The British and their use of the web for health information and advice: A survey. Aslib Proceedings, 55 (5-6), 258-260.

Singh, D. (1998). The use of Internet among Malaysian librarians. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Sciences, 3(2), p.1-10.

S. Dhanavandan

Librarian (S.G.)

Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology

Cuddalore -607109 Tamil Nadu, India

G. Saravanan

Assistant Librarian

Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology

Cuddalore -607109 Tamil Nadu, India

Dr S. Mohamed Esmail


Department of Library and Information Science

Annamalai University

Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. M. Nagarajan

Professor and Head

Department of Library and Information Science

Annamalai University

Tamil Nadu, India
Table 1. Purposes for using the Internet

Purpose                                  Yes           No

Search for course related material       25 (16.13)    130 (83.87)
Visit websites                           92 (59.35)    63 (40.65)
Searching subject database               22 (14.19)    133 (85.81)
Searching catalogs of libraries          12 (7.74)     143 (92.26)
Accessing e-documents                    11 (7.10)     144 (92.90)
Accessing e-journals                     11 (7.10)     144 (92.90)
For sending and receiving E-mails        142 (91.61)   13 (8.39)
Enjoyment, fun, flay games               75 (48.39)    80 (51.61)
Career, information                      43 (27.74)    112 (72.26)
Teleconferencing                         08 (5.16)     147 (94.84)
On-line learning                         09 (5.81)     146 (94.19)
Downloading programs / files / images    22 (14.19)    133 (85.81)
View moves and pictures                  32 (20.65)    123 (79.35)
Listening to music                       35 (22.58)    120 (77.42)
Looking for advertisement                33 (21.29)    122 (78.71)
Reading newspaper                        68 (43.87)    87 (56.13)
Know more about Internet                 102 (65.81)   53 (34.19)
For chatting                             85 (54.84)    70 (45.16)

Table 2. Frequency of Internet use

Purpose                     frequent     Frequently   Occasionally

Look for course related     05 (3.22)    10 (6.45)    03 (1.94)

Visit websites              25 (16.13)   22 (14.19)   23 (14.84)

Searching subject           8 (5.16)     6 (3.87)     --

Searching catalogs of       5 (3.22)     3 (1.94)     4 (2.58)

Access to e-documents       4 (2.58)     3 (1.94)     3 (1.94)

Access to c-journals        3 (1.94)     3 (1.94)     2 (1.29)

For sending and receiving   22 (14.19)   38 (24.52)   35 (19.35)

Employment, fun, play       12 (7.74)    28 (18.06)   30 (19.35)

Career information          8 (5.16)     15 (9.68)    18 (11.61)

Teleconferencing            2 (1.29)     3 (1.94)     --

On line learning            3 (1.94)     2 (1.29)     4 (2.58)

Downloading program         5 (3.22)     7 (4.52)     5 (3.22)

View movies                 6 (3.87)     10 (6.45)    15 (9.68)

Listening to music          4 (2.58)     11 (7.0)     10 (6.45)

Look for advertisements     4 (2.58)     10 (6.45)    8 (5.16)

Read newspaper              34 (21.94)   22 (14.19)   6 (3.87)

Know more about Internet    16 (10.32)   26 (16.71)   28 (18.06)

Chatting                    7 (4.52)     22 (14.19)   25 (16.13)

Purpose                     Rarely       Never

Look for course related     7 (4.52)     130 (83.87)

Visit websites              22 (14.19)   63 (40.65)

Searching subject           8 (5.16)     133 (85.81)

Searching catalogs of       --           143 (92.26)

Access to e-documents       1 (0.65)     144 (92.90)

Access to c-journals        3 (1.94)     144 (92.90)

For sending and receiving   47 (30.32)   13 (8.39)

Employment, fun, play       5 (3.22)     80 (51.61)

Career information          2 (1.29)     112 (72.26)

Teleconferencing            3 (1.94)     147 (94.84)

On line learning            --           146 (94.19)

Downloading program         5 (3.22)     133 (85.81)

View movies                 1 (0.65)     123 (79.35)

Listening to music          5 (3.22)     120 (77.42)

Look for advertisements     11 (7.10)    122 (78.71)

Read newspaper              6 (3.87)     87 (56.13)

Know more about Internet    32 (20.65)   53 (34.13)

Chatting                    31 (20.00)   70 (45.16)

Table 3 Frequency of using Internet for resources and tools

Internet resources    Very
and tools             frequent     Frequently   Occasionally

E-mail                22 (14.19)   38 (24.52)   35 (22.58)

Mailing lists         15 (9.68)    25 (16.13)   31 (20)

Use net/ news group   10 (6.45)    16 (10.32)   27 (17.42)

FTP                   10 (6.45)    12 (7.74)    13 (8.39)

Gopher                8 (5.16)     11 (7.10)    11 (7.10)

Archie                8 (5.18)     9 (5.81)     11 (7.10)

WAIS                  7 (4.52)     9 (5.81)     10 (6.45)

Veronica              7 (4.52)     9 (5.81)     10 (6.45)

Finger                7 (4.52)     9 (5.81)     11 97.10)

Telnet                9 (5.81)     20 (12.90)   30 (19.35)

World wide web        63 (40.65)   50 (32.26)   30 (19.35)

FAQ                   8 (5.16)     9 (5.81)     8 (5.16)

Internet search       40 (25.81)   45 (29.03)   32 (20.64)

Internet resources
and tools             Rarely       Never

E-mail                47 (30.32)   13 (8.39)

Mailing lists         11 (7.10)    73 (47.10)

Use net/ news group   10 (6.45)    92 (59.35)

FTP                   12 (7.74)    108 (69.68)

Gopher                9 (5.81)     116 (74.84)

Archie                11 (7.10)    116 (74.84)

WAIS                  11 (7.10)    118 (76.13)

Veronica              11 (7.10)    118 (76.13)

Finger                10 (6.45)    118 (76.13)

Telnet                6 (3.89)     6 (3.87)

World wide web        6 (3.89)     6 (3.87)

FAQ                   11 (7.10)    119 (76.77)

Internet search       18 (11.61)   20 (12.90)

Table 4 Identification of the Internet based resources


Methods           1         2         3         4

Personal          95        20        9         8
communication     (61.29)   (12.90)   (5.80)    (5.16)

By attending      53        25        21        16
training          (34.19)   (16.13)   (13.55)   (10.32)

Follow up         15        21        18        21
reference in      (9.68)    (13.55)   (11.61)   (13.55)
print sources

Use of Internet   28        25        37        27
search engine     (18.06)   (16.13)   (23.87)   (17.42)

Browse the        18        21        17        26
sites regularly   (11.61)   (13.55)   (10.97)   (16.77)

Subscribe to      17        15        3         4
mail lists        (10.97)   (9.68)    (1.94)    (2.58)

System            2         3         2         7
management        (1.29)    (1.94)    (1.29)    (4.52)
staff of intern


Methods           5         6         7         8

Personal          8         7         5         3
communication     (5.16)    (4.52)    (3.22)    (1.94)

By attending      9         11        6         4
training          (5.80)    (7.10)    (3.87)    (2.58)

Follow up         35        38        4         3
reference in      (22.58)   (24.52)   (2.58)    (1.94)
print sources

Use of Internet   16        18        2
search engine     (10.32)   (11.61)   (1.29)    2(1.29)

Browse the        18        15        22        18
sites regularly   (11.61)   (9.68)    (14.19)   (11.61)

Subscribe to      4         20        51        41 (
mail lists        (2.58)    (12.90)   (32.90)   26.45)

System            10        18        51        62
management        (6.45)    (11.61)   (32.90)   (40)
staff of intern

Table 5. Rating of Internet resources

Features        Poor         Fair         Good

Accessibility   15 (9.68)    59 (38.06)   42 (24.10)
Accuracy        10 (6.45)    45 (29.03)   42 (27.10)
Authority       18 (11.61)   49 (31.61)   44 (28.39)
Availability    17 (10.97)   47 (30.32)   45 (29.03)
Consistency     16 (10.32)   45 (27.10)   49 (31.61)
Easy to use     11 (7.10)    46 (29.68)   49 (31.61)
Flexibility     12 (7.74)    45 (27.10)   49 (31.61)
Permanence      11 (7.10)    52 (33.35)   46 (29.68)
Timeliness      18 (11.61)   46 (29.88)   49 (31.61)
Uniqueness      14 (9.03)    48 (30.97)   45 (27.10)
Usefulness      7 (4.52)     44 (28.39)   43 (27.74)

                Very                      Average
Features        good         Excellent    (rank)

Accessibility   23 (14.84)   16 (10.32)   1.75 (10)
Accuracy        24 (15.48)   34 (21.94)   2.19 (2)
Authority       26 (16.77)   18 (11.61)   1.84 (9)
Availability    27 (17.42)   19 (12.26)   1.89 (7)
Consistency     26 (16.77)   19 (12.26)   1.98 (6)
Easy to use     26 (16.77)   19 (12.26)   2.04 (3)
Flexibility     28 (18.06)   21 (13.55)   2.01 (4)
Permanence      25 (16.13)   19 (12.26)   1.95 (5)
Timeliness      22 (14.19)   20 (12.90)   1.86 (8)
Uniqueness      27 (17.42)   21 (13.55)   1.95 (5)
Usefulness      33 (21.29)   28 (18.06)   2.22 (1)

Table 6. Use of search engines

Search engines   Number   Percentage

123 India        52       33.55
Alta vista       51       32.90
Google           29       18.71
Hotmail          85       54.84
Indya            28       18.06
Khoj             11       7.16
Lycos            8        5.11
Rediff           64       41.29
Search           7        4.52
Sify             38       24.52
Yahoo            118      76.13
Asktems          4        2.58
Krackner         6        3.87
Opentext         3        1.94
msn              3        1.94
Hot bot          3        1.94
Goto             3        1.94
amese            2        1.29

Table 7. Discipline oriented websites used by respondents

Discipline oriented websites            Number   Percentage

Professional / societies/ association   37       88.10
Colleges and universities               36       85.71
Enginery institution                    39       92.86
Companies                               32       76.19
Data bases                              22       52.38
Publishers home pages                   13       30.95
Newsgroup                               21       50.00
Electronic journals                     18       42.86
Full text publication                   11       26.19
Reference sources                       22       52.38
Mailing lists                           31       73.81

Table 8. Difficulty accessing the Internet

Difficulties           No           Little       Considerable

Obtaining connection   46 (29.68)   61 (39.33)   38 (24.52)
Opening web page       44 (28.39)   72 (46.45)   28 (18.06)
Browsing               52 (33.55)   41 (26.45)   47 (30.32)
Searching              45 (29.03)   51 (32.90)   48 (30.978)
Downloading            50 (32.26)   52 (33.55)   34 (21.94)
Survey on net          57 (36.77)   45 (29.03)   37 (23.87)
Reliability            52 (33.35)   56 (36.13)   34 (21.94)
Slow accessibility     39 (25.16)   49 (31.61)   49 (31.61)

Difficulties           High         Average

Obtaining connection   10 (6.45)    1.10 (5)
Opening web page       11 (7.10)    1.06 (7)
Browsing               15 (9.68)    1.19 (3)
Searching              11 (7.10)    1.20 (2)
Downloading            19 (12.66)   1.17 (4)
Survey on net          16 (10.32)   1.10 (5)
Reliability            13 (08.39)   1.07 (6)
Slow accessibility     18 (11.61)   1.34 (1)

Table 9. Internet facilities and services to be offered by library

Services                                    Number   Percentage

Course related materials                    140      71.79
Discipline oriented websites                122      62.56
Searching subject databases                 103      52.82
Searching on line public access catalyses   75       38.46
Accessing e-documents                       82       42.05
Accessing e-journals                        78       40.00
Sending and receiving of e-mail             92       47.18
Recreation an entertainment                 74       37.95
Career information                          109      55.90
Conferencing                                62       31.79
On line learning                            85       43.59
Downloading progress files images           93       47.69
Newspapers                                  105      53.85
Electronic document delivery                111      56.92

Table 10. Reasons for not using Internet

Reasons                      Number   Percentage

Don't find it necessary      18       45.00
Don't know, how to use       27       67.50
Lack of facility             21       52.50
Lack of awareness            19       47.50
Lack of time                 17       42.50
Not getting what is needed   16       40.00
Fear or anxiety              20       50.00