An assessment of Public Library Services in North Eastern Nigeria.
Saleh, Adam Gambo ; Lasisi, Fatima Ibrahim
Libraries in general and public libraries in particular, play an
important role in all aspects of societal development especially when
viewed against its users, which consist of all categories of people in
the society. Public library has been defined variously. Many see it as a
place built for the collection of books and other printed resources and
the personnel to provide and interpret such resources as required to
meet the information, research, educational, recreational, cultural and
aesthetic needs of the varied users and it is usually financed with
public funds. In line with the above, Gates (1976) defined a public
library as "that authorized by law, supported from general public
funds or special taxes voted for the purpose of administration, for the
benefit of the citizens of the country, town, city or region which
maintains it on the basis of equal access to all."
The idea of a public library system in Northern Nigeria started in
the late 1940s with the Native Authority (N.A.) Reading Rooms. Prior to
this period however, a collection of Islamic scriptures and manuscripts
can be found with individual clerics scattered across the Region
especially in Sokkoto, Borno and Kano which are regarded as centers of
commerce and Islamic civilization as a result of their contact with the
Arab world through the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes. (Aguolu 1984). These
"libraries" lacked all that can be said of a public library in
terms of policies, organization, personnel and services.
The first significant attention to public library was the
commissioning of a study on library services in the region in 1963, by
the government of the Northern Region under the distinguished leadership
of the late Premier, Sir Ahmadu Bello. The study was conducted by F. A.
Sharr under the Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan and the
report popularly known in the Nigerian Library Literature as "The
Sharr Report", praised the "foresight of the Government in
seeking, at this early state to rationalize the development of all types
of libraries and to avoid the waste and inefficiency which follows from
uncoordinated endeavor" (Sharr 1963). Following his recommendation,
there was a review of the existing structures and Public Library system
evolved. The first functional Public Library was the Kaduna Lending
Library which also doubled as the Regional Reference Library. The
Library system was organized under a Director and was departmentalized
according to the various functions in the Library.
While a public library system is gradually taking shape, a major
political shake-up of the Northern Region took place in 1967. The once
famous "giant North" was broken into six (6) states. This
development led to decentralization of the Regional Library System and
consequently, the former Regional Library Headquarter in Kaduna had to
split its resources and assets equally among the new States.
Another milestone in the history of Library Development in Northern
Nigeria was the commissioning of yet another study by Robert Pearce to
asses Public Library Services in the newly created states in the Region,
based on F. A. Sharr's recommendations. The aftermath according to
Pearce (1968), was that " six inefficient library services ,
lacking in policy, staff and funds and lacking plans for coordination
and cooperation even to alleviate if only in a small way, this
deficiency in resources " came into being with headquarters in
Kaduna, Kano, Jos, Maiduguri, Illorin and Sokkoto.
Statement of the Problem
The North Eastern State Library Service began in Maiduguri on 1st
August, 1968 with 5,765 Books on display and others were locked up in
boxes due to lack of space. Both the State Library collection and the
Native Authority Reading Room collection of Arabic manuscripts was
housed in one small room. Pearce (1968). While the new states were busy
trying to lay a solid foundation with a view to consolidating there
position in there various States, further political development in terms
of state creation took place in the Country in 1976, 1990 and 1992.
Within a period of 10 years, the North Eastern State was fragmented into
6 independent states (ADAMAWA, BAUCHI, BORNO, GOMBE, TARABA and YOBE)
each deriving its power from the Centre and each pursuing its unique
plan towards public library development.
Since the Sharr and Pearce reports in 1963 and 1968 respectively,
no study has been undertaken to look into the provision of Public
library services in Northern Nigeria. Aguolu (1984) undertook a
historical study of Library development in the Region but limited it to
one of the Six States only. This study is a follow-up of the previous
studies with particular reference to the provision of public library
services in North Eastern Region with a view to highlighting the short
comings and proffer solutions. Hence, it will stimulate the provision of
effective library services which will in turn play a major role in the
educational development of the Region.
Research Questions
The study is guided by the following questions:
1. Do Library Boards exist in the new States of the North East
2. What services are provided by the Public Libraries in the North
East Region?
3. Are there adequate Resources and Infrastructure to support the
provision of Public Library Services in the States?
The objectives of the study are:
1. To determine the existence of Library Boards in the States
2. To assess the Services provided by the Public Libraries in the
3. To examine the adequacy of the resources and Infrastructure
available in the public libraries in the states
The survey method was employed. It was found most appropriate
because the study focused on a large population that is spread across
the North East Region. The justification for the choice of this
methodology in this type of study is further emphasized by Bailey (1978)
and Leedy (1980). All the Public Libraries in the Six States (Adamawa,
Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe) making up the Region, constituted
the target population for the study.
However, only the State Library headquarters situated in the
capitals are sampled for the study. This is because they are biggest in
terms of collection, most patronized by clients and show some semblance
of library service provision. Two instruments were designed for data
collection. The questionnaire which was structured in such a way as to
elicit data necessary to answer the research questions were drawn and
administered on the six (6) Directors of Library Boards and two other
persons in-charge of Reader Services and Technical Services Divisions in
each of the Six libraries respectively, making a total of eighteen (18)
questionnaires. A set of Facilities Enumeration Form (FEF) was also
designed to record inventory of resources, infrastructure and equipments
available in the six (6) surveyed Libraries. All the instruments were
administered and collected on the spot personally by the researchers in
all the Libraries in the States surveyed.
Data Presentation and Analysis
All the eighteen (18) questionnaires and six (6) enumeration forms
collected were found usable depicting one hundred percent (100%)
response rate. This was achieved because of the researcher's
personal involvement in the administration of the instruments. The data
collected was analyzed using Descriptive Statistical elements such as
tables, frequency distribution, percentages etc.
Table 1 above shows the background information of the Libraries
surveyed. Borno State Library Board which was established in 1978 is the
oldest. It has Six (6) local branches with a total collection of 32,749
Volumes and 72 Staff made up of 27 Professionals and 45
Para-professionals. On the other hand Gombe State Library Board is the
youngest of all the Libraries under the study. It was established in
1996 with Five (5) branches, has a total collection of 5,957 Volumes
manned by 20 Professional and 25 Paraprofessional Staff.
The above table enumerates the services provided by the Libraries.
All the Libraries offer Circulation and Reference Services to their
users. This actually is no surprise because they constitute the core of
Reader service. Indexing and Abstracting is left to the older Libraries
i.e. ADSLB, BASLB and BOSLB. Staff strength and experience over the
years could be a contributing factor. While ADSLB, BOSLB and GOSLB do
provide Bibliographic services. Adult Literacy services which is
regarded as an important component of Public Library Services,
especially in developing countries, is offered by only three (3)
Libraries (ADSLB, BASLB and YOSLB) out of the Six (6) Libraries
None of the Six (6) Libraries under survey offers on-line services
to users. This again is not surprising because all the Libraries
indicated, on the Facilities Enumeration Form that they do not have
adequate Computers. At best they have one or two desks tops in either
the Director's or Chief Librarian's office dedicated to
administrative jobs.
On information resources, all the Libraries indicated that they
have Books, Journals and Audio Visuals. Books however constitute between
80% and 90% of the collection, Journals about 10% and 15%, while Audio
Visual made up the remaining 5% to 10%.
Table 3 above shows the responses of the Six libraries surveyed
when asked to indicate on the Enumeration Form provided, whether they
have adequate equipment and facilities. All the Libraries except TASLB,
indicated that they have adequate shelves, catalogue cabinets,
cupboards, reading tables and reading chairs, while only BASLB and GOSLB
indicated that they have adequate book trolleys and display racks. Again
all the Libraries stated that they do not have adequate A. V. resources,
what is available does not constitute significant portion of the
collection couple with the fact that they are obsolete with the
exception of one or two desks tops that are assigned for administrative
Discussion of Findings
1. All the Library Boards lack a coordinated library development
policy resulting in haphazard and inefficient services. The IFLA/UNESCO
Guidelines for Public Library Service Development (2001) observed that
in meeting the needs of its community the public library will have to
develop policies. These policies may vary from one society to another
but the principle of planning library development is important in all
public library policy development.
2. The Libraries also lack adequate and qualified personnel. Human
resource is the major driving force of any organization, hence for any
organization to achieve its goal there must be adequate and qualified
staff. The IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines (2001) states that "public
library should provide adequate levels of staff with appropriate
training and sufficient funds to support whatever methods of service
delivery are needed for it to meet its vital role in the
3. Ninety percent (90 %) of the collections of the Libraries is
made up of monographs particularly textbooks which are in most cases
outdated. It is difficult if not impossible for the Libraries to provide
effective services with this type of collection. To fulfill its roles
satisfactorily "the public library must have adequate resources
this means it should provide materials in all formats, up-dated
regularly to meet the changing needs of groups and individuals,
including newly-published and replacement materials." IFLA/UNESCO
4. The study found out that some basic public library services such
as bibliographic services, indexing and abstracting, adult and
continuing education are not provided by majority of the Libraries. Out
of the seven services recommended by the IFLA/UNESCO (2001), only three
are offered by the Libraries. For public libraries to be relevant in the
21st century, they must provide a range of services to satisfy their
user's needs.
5. The study also reports the absence of information and
communication technology in the Libraries. What is considered as IT
collection is one or two PCs dedicated to administrative duties and
projectors that have not been used for along while. The IFLA/UNESCO
Guidelines (2001) observed that although "the development of
standards for the of provision electronic information facilities is at
an early stage, it is recommended that at least half the public PCs
should have access to the Internet and all should have access to a
The study suggests the following recommendations with a view to
repositioning public libraries in the educational development efforts of
the governments of the North East Region of Nigeria.
1. The governments of the North East Region of Nigeria must ensure
that the minimum standard required for public libraries to provide
effective and efficient services as recommended by IFLA/UNESCO, is
adhered to. The recommendation cuts across staff, nature of collection,
services, structure, equipments, policy and management.
2. Despite the demarcation, the population of the North East region
of Nigeria has common characteristics, providing an opportunity for the
establishment of public libraries network. This will not only enhance
service delivery but also create coordination in public library
development in the region.
3. The public libraries must as a matter of policy periodically
re-assess the information needs of their community. This is even more
imperative now that the users have developed sophisticated needs which
are constantly changing.
4. For public libraries in the region to become relevant to their
communities in this information age, they must change from the existing
systems approach to user centered approach in information retrieval.
User's interest and behavior has to be taken into consideration in
the design of the system.
5 . The governments of the region must be committed towards public
library development. Adequate and timely release of funds is essential
and necessary for the libraries to be comfortable in discharging their
responsibilities to the society.
Public libraries in the North East Region of Nigeria have gone
through a lot since the 1960s as Native Authority Libraries, to
Provincial Reading Rooms, to Provincial Libraries, to Divisional
Libraries and finally to the present State Library Boards. What however
remains constant is the inability of the Libraries to adequately satisfy
their communities at the various stages of their metamorphosis. This is
a consequence of long period of neglect and lurk worm attitude of
governments towards public libraries. It is the firm believe of the
researchers that the Federal Governments new development policy tagged
"Vision 2020", the concept of "Re-Branding Nigeria"
and of course the need to nurture our nascent democracy by imbibing
democratic values, can only succeed when we have educated, well informed
and enlightened citizens. Here lies the role of the Public Libraries in
the North East Sub-Region and Nigeria.
Aguolu, C. C. (1977). The Foundations of modern Libraries in
Nigeria. International Library Review; Vol. 9 (4)
Aguolu, C. C. (1984). Library Development in Borno State.
Maiduguri; Department of Library Science, University of Maiduguri
Bailey, K. D. (1978). Methods of Social Research. New York;
Gates, J. K. (1976). Introduction to Librarianship. New York;
McGraw Hill
Leedy, P. O. (1980). Practical Research 2nd ed. New York; McMillan
Pearce, R. L. (1968). Library Services in the New States of
Nigeria. A report prepared by The Ministry of Information, Federal
Republic of Nigeria, under The Commonwealth African Assistant Plan.
Sharr, F. A. (1963). Library Needs of Northern Nigeria. Kaduna;
Government printer
The Public Library Service: IFLA/UNESCO guidelines for Development,
(2001). Ed. for the Section of Public Libraries by Phillip Gills et. al.
Adam Gambo Saleh
Department of Library Science
University of Maiduguri
Borno State Nigeria
Fatima Ibrahim Lasisi
Department of Library Science
University of Maiduguri
Borno State Nigeria
Year Total Prof. Para-Prof.
Name of Board established Branches Collection Staff Staff
Adamawa State 1989 10 25,645 50 50
Board (ADSLB)
Bauchi State 1980 08 23,075 30 60
Board (BASLB)
Borno State 1978 06 32,749 27 45
Board (BOSLB)
Gombe State 1996 05 5,957 20 25
Board (GOSLB)
Taraba State 1991 01 5,680 15 10
Board (TASLB)
Yobe State 1992 05 9,231 17 15
Board (YOSLB)
Circulation -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do-
Indexing and -do- -do- -do -Nil- -Nil- -Nil-
Reference -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do-
Bibliographic -do- -Nil- -do- -do- -Nil- -Nil-
Adult Literacy -do- -do- -Nil- -Nil- -Nil- -do-
On-line services -Nil- -Nil- -Nil- -Nil- -Nil- -Nil-
ITEM adq inq adq inq adq inq adq inq
Shelves X X X X
Catalogue Cabinet X X X X
Reading Tables X X X X
Reading Chairs X X X X
Book Trolleys X X X X
Display Racks X X X X
Cupboards X X X X
Computers X X X X
Projectors X X X X
Videos X X X X
Television X X X X
Tape Recorders X X X X
A.V. Materials X X X X
ITEM adq inq adq inq
Shelves X X
Catalogue Cabinet X X
Reading Tables X X
Reading Chairs X X
Book Trolleys X X
Display Racks X X
Cupboards X X
Computers X X
Projectors X X
Videos X X
Television X X
Tape Recorders X X
A.V. Materials X X