Home pages of ten leading global-Asian academic library websites.
Limoni, Safie Tahmasebi ; Ghiasi, Mitra ; Razavi, Ali A. 等
Considering research-educational mission of academic libraries as
well as broad extent of information, designing websites for these kinds
of libraries has been focused for recent years. The purpose of this
consideration is to give more accurate and prompt information to
audience especially main library users as members. This has been moving
increasingly ahead by using modern informational-communicational
technologies in academic libraries.
Obviously, accelerated changes in informational-communicational
technologies field require libraries to move with planning to design
appropriate websites qualified for users and operate based on previous
experiences and knowledge. Therefore, they will gain a targeted and
integrated website that is responsible for library service audiences.
For this reason we will review and compare academic library websites
that are globally prominent with the presumption that superiority of
this group of libraries originates from their optimal services helping
researchers and academic library websites designers perform better.
Problem Statement and Purpose
By emerging modern informational-communicational technologies
especially internet as well as fundamental changes in human's life
cycle, libraries and information centers like other social organizations
have been affected by these technologies and they continuously make
efforts to grow providing services through internet and web and reserve
cooperation with the changes. One of the facilities developed by
libraries to reach the goal is designing websites to implement library
processes virtually.
Library websites was first used as places to introduce a library
and its collection (Agingu, 2000). But by expanding internet
technologies and more information accessibility, library websites
particularly academic libraries do not merely introduce libraries target
but they have been engaged as a golden information gate to access
information available on different websites, electronic resources, etc.
Designing these websites and allocating efficient factors could be
very important considering academic libraries cause as well as the
libraries websites importance to communicate with users. But libraries
have been still passing primary steps and displaying some defects and
disorganizations on their websites. Therefore, what must be considered
is to include qualifications which produce more dynamism on library
websites and optimal relationship with users.
By specifying the difference between structural-constituent
features of homepages of leading global-Asian academic libraries as well
as comparing them with each other to assign differences and similarities
on one hand and advantages and disadvantages of these websites on the
other hand it seems we are able to gain standards to design academic
library websites optimally.
Research Methodology
This research is a comparative-survey type. To assign samples,
webometric classification data based on scientific standards have been
engaged. In the study, a researcher-made checklist which is a
combination of checklists developed by Raward (2001) and Fattahi &
Hasanzadeh (2003) has been used. The checklist includes two parts,
content and structure analysis of academic library websites as well as
realizing constituent classification method of website and electronic
resources type.
To analyze data, Chi-square tests and one-way variance analysis
have been employed by using SPSS.
Statistical Population
The statistical population consists of academic library websites of
10 leading global -Asian universities displayed in following tables. In
the study totally 20 websites belonging to global-Asian leading academic
libraries have been reviewed. (2003) has been used. The checklist
includes two parts, content and structure analysis of academic library
websites as well as realizing constituent classification method of
website and electronic resources type.
To analyze data, Chi-square tests and one-way variance analysis
have been employed by using SPSS.
Statistical Population
The statistical population consists of academic library websites of
10 leading global -Asian universities displayed in following tables. In
the study totally 20 websites belonging to global-Asian leading academic
libraries have been reviewed.
Research Questions
To reach the research goals, following questions are suggested:
1. What are the differences among homepages of global-Asian
academic library websites from the viewpoint of structural features?
2. What are the differences among homepages of global-Asian
academic library websites from the viewpoint of constituent features?
3. How different are reviewed academic library websites from a
constituent classification point of view?
4. How different are reviewed academic library websites from an
electronic resources point of view?
Research Variables
Independent variable: Academic library websites
Dependent variable: constituent-structural features of websites.
Research Background
Steel (2001) suggests that constituent differences between the
countries' websites result from cultural differences. Rich &
Rabine (2006) explain some changes in academic library websites in the
United States, electronic journal accessibility in libraries, academic
library websites analysis, and typical terms for electronic journals on
these websites. McMullen (2001) suggests five things to be avoided while
designing a homepage of a library website. He also indicates that users
would like a website in which they have easy access to books, journals,
and information. They expect a library website to operate as a gate to
the internet.
Smith & Telwal (2002) review the links among academic websites
of Australian universities. The data are compared with the data
collected from commercial search engines. Then the web impressive factor
for Australian universities is measured by dividing the number of three
countries' links to academic employees at the university. Robbins
and Stylianou (2003) study structural-constituent features of 90
commercial websites based on "culture" and "career".
The research data shows that there is a significant difference among
most constituent features of websites in various cultural groups.
Interestingly, no difference is seen on structural features. They also
discover that there is a slight relationship between
structural-constituent features of websites and "resources
George (2005) discovers that the website involves many problems
about leading, screen page design, and labeling. He also suggests that
following factors help usability increase; graphic and color attraction,
font type and size, labeling and appropriate location of subject,
accessibility of information observation, label-making and
classification of keywords, legibility, and displayed subject
Constituent feature: Robbins and Stylianou (2003) believe that
content is what available on a website and it recognizes various
information types. According to the definition, constituent features can
be divided into two categories:
1. Features observed on all websites such as title, index, help,
2. Features that represent services specifically offered at a
library such as: information service, inter-library loan, etc.
Structural features: According to the Huizingh's definition
(2000), structure means a direction helping a website visitor access to
content. Therefore, the factors such as website address and range,
visual attraction, website map, and so on, may be considered structural
features. In fact, the features are user-oriented that is why a client
could be conducted to content through them.
Website design: a process planned to help content, information, and
other purposed options in a certain structural framework to be
transferred and convenient to the internet electronic environment
(Babaee, 2005).
Academic libraries: libraries established to provide service to
three groups at universities; staff, students, and faculty.
Research Findings
Question 1: What is the difference between homepage of global-Asian
academic library websites from the viewpoint of structural features?
Table 3 shows the similarity between 10 leading global-Asian
academic libraries, based on structural features, such as the first
page, address & range, text legibility, upload speed & access to
issues, retrieval convenience by general search engines, correct
spelling & grammar, convenient link to other parts of the library.
Therefore the reviewed websites include mentioned factors
Table 3. Structural features of leading global-Asian
academic library websites
Asia World
No Yes No Yes
Percent Percent Percent Percent District Series
100 0 100 first page
100 0 100 address-range
10 90 0 100 organization
on the first
100 20 80 convenient
option(s) on
the title page
to access
10 90 100 0 convenient
search engine
on the first
100 60 40 convenient
page for
100 30 70 electronic
mail on the
first page
100 0 100 text
100 40 60 appropriate
100 0 100 upload speed & 10
access to
10 90 80 20 visual 1
100 0 100 retrieval 2
convenience by
general search
10 80 70 30 website map 3
100 0 100 correct 4
spelling &
100 0 80 20 printability 5
20 80 30 70 convenient 6
link to other
100 0 100 convenient 7
link to other
parts of the
30 70 100 0 link between 18
the library
homepage and
20 80 0 100 link between 9
the library
homepage and
In addition, ten leading global academic library websites show
better position for three factors than Asian websites. The factors are:
organization on the first page (100% vs 90%), printability (20% vs 0%),
and the link between the library homepage and organizational homepage
(100% vs 80%). But ten leading Asian academic library websites
demonstrate better operation than global universities for other factors.
To compare reviewed websites based on current structural
differences, table 4 shows that there are significant differences in
following factors with regard to Chi-square test data:
Convenient search engine on the first page (P = 000), convenient
page for electronic resources separately (P = 0.003), visual attraction
(P = 0.002), and the link between the library homepage and non-academic
libraries (P = 0.001).
The review of table 3 indicates that studied Asian websites have
more excellence for all factors than global universities.
Question 2: What is the difference between homepage of global-Asian
academic library websites from the viewpoint of constituent features?
Table 5 shows that there are similarities between reviewed
global-Asian websites for following factors:
Table 5. Frequency distribution of constituent features
of leading global-Asian academic library websites.
Asia World
Yes % No % Yes % No %
0 0 0 0 last date of update
00 00 library resource list
0 0 0 0 FAQ
0 0 0 0 News and updates
0 0 0 0 Web manager email
0 0 0 0 library's future plans
0 0 0 0 reservation & safekeeping
0 00 0 0 Electronic reference resources
0 90 0 0 Library departments
00 0 0 library history 0
0 0 0 0 common thematic list 1
0 0 0 0 Library services 2
00 0 0 0 discussion group 3
0 0 0 0 databases 4
0 0 0 0 application form 5
Library resource list (100%), introducing library's parts
(90%), and bibliographic database & full text (60%).
For following factors, global websites excel Asian ones:
Websites designer's address & management (90% Vs 70%),
convenient service for reservation & safekeeping (90% Vs 60%),
common thematic list (90% Vs 60%), library's specific service (60%
Vs 20%), and discussion group (20% Vs 0%).
For the rest of the factors, the priority is considered for ten
leading Asian academic library websites.
Table 6 shows that there is no significant difference between ten
leading global-Asian academic library websites with regard to
constituent features.
Table 6. Review of constituent differences between leading
global-Asian academic library websites
P Value X2 value Features Series
0/074 3/2 last date of update 1
1 000 library resource list 2
0/160 1/978 frequently asked 3
questions FAQ
0/160 1/978 Library news 4
0/264 1/250 website designer's 5
address & management
0/606 0/267 introducing library's 6
future plans
0/121 2/4 convenient service for 7
reservation & safekeeping
0/010 6/667 electronic reference 8
1 000 introducing library's 9
0/136 2/222 library's history 10
0/121 2/4 common thematic list 11
0/068 3/333 library's specific 12
0/136 2/222 discussion group 13
1 000 bibliographic database 14
& full text
0/264 1/25 application form 15
Question 3: How different are reviewed academic library websites
from a constituent classification point of view?
Table 7 shows that total constituent classification on the ten
leading global academic libraries is more than Asian universities (27 vs
10). At global universities the most and least percentages of
constituent classification based on information origin (library itself,
other centers) and alphabetically names with reference and service title
are 33.3% and 7.4% respectively. At Asian universities the most and
least percentages of constituent classification based on alphabetically
names with reference and service title, and information origin (library
itself, other centers) are 27.3% and 0% respectively.
Table 7. Comparison of constituent classification features on
leading global-Asian academic library websites
Asia world District
percent No. percent No.
18/2 2 25/9 7 based on service type (reference,
18/2 2 22/2 6 based on reference type (print,
27/3 3 7/4 2 alphabetically list of services
0 0 33/3 9 Based on information origin (library
itself, other origin (library
27/3 3 11/1 3 other methods
100 10 100 27 total
Table 8 shows that there is no significant difference of
constituent classification between leading global-Asian academic library
websites (P = 0.750).
Table 8. Chi-Square test: review of difference between leading
global-Asian academic library websites with regard to constituent
Pearson Chi-Square DF P Value
Pearson Chi-Square 10/017 5 0/750
Question 4: How different are reviewed academic library websites
from an electronic resources point of view?
Table 9 shows that on ten leading global-Asian academic library
websites, the most and least percentages of websites with links for
databases and both reference resources and text books are 36% and 4%
respectively. At Asian universities the most and least percentages of
websites with referrals for journal, book, reference resources,
databases and text books are 21.3% and 0% respectively.
Table 9. Frequency distribution of electronic resource
type on leading global-Asian academic library websites
Asia World
Percent No. Percent No. District Resource Type
21/3 0 24 journal
21/3 0 20 book
4/9 7 2 research articles
0 0 4 text books
21/3 0 4 reference resources
21/3 0 36 databases
100 7 100 5 total
Table 10 shows that there is no significant difference between ten
leading global-Asian academic library websites with regard to referred
electronic resource type (P = 0.254).
Table 10. Chi-Square test: review of the difference
between leading global-Asian academic library websites
with regard to referred electronic resource type
Pearson Chi-Square DF P Value
Pearson Chi-Square 6/575 5 0/254
Conclusion and Discussion
To respond to the first question in accordance with the data it
could be concluded that structurally ten leading Asian academic library
websites design are more perfect than global universities, based on
descriptive findings, leading Asian academic library websites have
poorly performed for just 3 out of 19 structural features. These are as
Convenient organization on the first page (100% vs 90%),
printability (20% vs 0%), and the bond between library homepage and
academic organizational homepage (100% vs 80%).
As it can be seen, the main weak point of reviewed Asian websites
is not including printability on the first page, but this weak point is
not important for the two other factors. For other factors there is
similarity between reviewed websites or, Asian websites show more
priority than global ones. This priority can be seen also in the review
of significant difference between purposed structural features because
there is significant difference in only 4 out of 19 factors and in the
rest of the factors, the priority belongs to the reviewed Asian
websites, the 4 factors are:
Convenient search engine on the first page (P = 000), convenient
page for electronic resources separately (P = 0.003), visual attraction
(P = 0.002), and the bond between library homepage and non-academic
libraries (P = 0.001).
To respond to the second question about constituent features of ten
leading global-Asian academic library websites, the data indicate that
the priority of 7 out of 15 features belongs to Asian websites while the
ten leading global academic library websites excel Asian websites for 5
factors: website designer's address and management (90% vs 70%),
convenient reservation and safekeeping service (90% vs 60%), common
thematic list (90% vs 60%), library's specific service (60% vs
20%), and discussion group (20% vs 0%).
As it can be observed, the main weak point of reviewed Asian
websites is not including discussion group (0%) and library's
specific service (20%) but the weak point in other factors is not
important. To review the differences, Chi-Square test indicates that
despite the collected data, there is no significant difference between
the two groups of websites. This would suggest that design of ten
leading global-Asian academic library websites has been considered
equally. Otherwise, the data indicate that the main difference between
reviewed websites is related to structural type but constituent,
although the priority of two features belongs to ten leading Asian
academic library websites.
The significant differences determined in structural features are
specific and limited and can be easily examined and changed. But the
effects of cultural differences should not be ignored, according to the
studies developed by Steel (2001) and Robbins and Stylianou (2003),
cultural differences are influential in website designs.
Therefore uniformity of website designs at international level may
help search, retrieval, and access to information to be integrated and
coordinated and also usability will be more convenient for users around
the world.
To respond to the third question about constituent classification,
it can be seen that although there is no significant difference between
the two reviewed groups of websites (P = 0.750), there are some slight
differences. The review of differences indicates more priority of global
websites than Asian ones except for constituent classification based on
alphabetically names with resource and service title that ten leading
Asian academic library websites show better performance than global ones
(27.3% in Asia vs 7.4% in the world).
To respond to the fourth question about referral to electronic
resources it can be seen that there is no significant difference between
the reviewed global-Asian websites. But the number of referrals to
electronic resources in various forms in ten leading Asian academic
library websites is more than global ones (47 cases in Asia vs 25 cases
in the world). The important point on this comparison is lack of
referral to text books on the reviewed Asian websites. Although this can
be seen just once on the ten leading global academic library websites,
therefore it will be considered that both groups of websites pay trivial
attention to this type of referral. This point should be regarded
because the reviewed websites are academic and major part of clients
will be the students who need to use text resources.
According to the findings, following points for designing of
library websites are recommended:
Using librarians' ideas on designing library websites
Verifying constituent features
Providing training for librarians on user-oriented website design
Raising awareness of copyright aspects of websites.
Resources and References
Agingu, B. O. (2000). Library web sites at historically black
colleges and universities. College and Research Libraries 61(1): 30-37.
Asgharipodeh, A. (2001). Review of factors and features considered
for designing academic library websites. Thesis for Master's
degree, Ferdosi University, Mashhad.
Ilkhani, S. (2000). Published information efficiency on homepages
in research centers of Tehran. Thesis for Master's degree, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran Shomal unit.
Babaee, M. (2002). Design of library websites: Methods and
procedures, Electronic Journal of Iran Scientific Document &
Information Center (Nama) 2 (1)
Fatahi, R., & Hasanzadeh, M. (2004). Study and evaluation of
information organization method on academic library websites. Article
collection of Iran's information and library association
conventions. Tehran: Iran's Information and Library Association,
Iran Document Organization and National Librar. Vol. 2
Farajpahlo, A., & Saberi, M. (2009). Review of
structural-constituent features suggested on designing Iranian academic
library websites from Iranian users and applicants' point of view.
Library Message, 14(4) p 107-126
George, C. A. (2005). Usability testing and design of a library
website: An interview approach. OCLC Systems and Services, 21(3):
Huizingh, E.K.R.E. (2000). The content and design of web sites: An
empirical study. Information & Management. 37:123-134.
Raward, R.(2001).Academic library website design principles:
development of checklist. Australian Academic and Research Libraries
Rich, L.A., & Rabine, J.L. (2001). The changing access to
electronic journals: A survey of academic library websites revisited.
Serials Review 27 (3/4).
Robbins, S.S., & Stylianou, A.C. (2003). Global corporate
websites: An empirical investigation of content and design. Information
& Management 40(3): 205-212
Table 1. The list of leading Asian academic library websites
Library website address University
http://www.lib.u-tokyo.ac.iD/index-e.htm Tokyo
http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/english/index-htm National
of Taiwan
http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index-e.htm Kyoto
http://www.lib.hku.hk Hong Kong
http://wwwtsukuba.ac.jp/protal/index-eng.php Tsukuba
http://www.lib.en.ncku.edu.tw/bin/home.php National
of Cheng
http://www. Beijing
http://www.libcuhk.edu.hk/common/reader/channel Chinese
of Hong
http://wwwtsinghua.edu.cu/eng/index.isp Tsinghai
http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en Nagoya
Table 2. The list of leading global academic library websites
Library website University
http://libraries.mit.edu Massachusetts
Institute of
http://lib.harvard.edu Harvard University
http://library.stanford.edu Stanford University
http://lib.berkeley.edu University of
http://www.cornell.edu/libraries Cornell University
www.library.wisc.edu//books University of
http://www.lib.umn.edu University of
http://www.library.illinois.edu University of
http://www.umich.edu/libraries.php University of
Table 4. Comparison of structural differences between
leading global-Asian academic library websites
P Value X2 Features Series
000 first page
000 address-range
/305 /053 organization on the first page
/135 2/222 convenient option(s) on the
title page to join electronic
00 6/364 convenient search engine on the
first page
/003 8/571 convenient page for electronic
resources separately
/06 3/529 electronic mail separately
000 text legibility
/025 5 appropriate font
000 upload speed & access to issues 0
/002 9/899 visual attraction 1
1 000 retrieval convenience by 12
general search engines
/025 5/051 website map 3
000 correct spelling & grammar 4
/136 2/222 Printability 5
606 0/267 convenient link to other academic 6
000 convenient link to other parts of 7
the library
/001 0/769 the link between the library 8
homepage and non-academic
/136 2/222 the link between the library 9
homepage and organizational
Safie Tahmasebi Limoni
Islamic Azad University, Babol,
[email protected]
Mitra Ghiasi
Islamic Azad University, Babol,
[email protected]
Ali A. Razavi
Islamic Azad University, Babol,
[email protected]
Limoni, Safie Tahmasebi; Ghiasi, Mitra; and Razavi, Ali A.,
"Home Pages of Ten Leading Global-Asian Academic Library
Websites" (2012). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).
Paper 830.
Safie Tahmasebi Limoni
PhD Student
LIS Faculty
Islamic Azad University Branch of Babol
Babol, Iran
[email protected]
Mitra Ghiasi, PhD
LIS Faculty
Islamic Azad University Branch of Babol
Babol, Iran
[email protected]
Ali A. Razavi
PhD Student
LIS Faculty
Islamic Azad University Branch of Babol
Babol, Iran
[email protected]