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  • 标题:Access and awareness of ICT resources and services in medical college libraries in Puducherry.
  • 作者:Dhanavandan, S. ; Esmail, S. Mohammed ; Nagarajan, M.
  • 期刊名称:Library Philosophy and Practice
  • 印刷版ISSN:1522-0222
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:University of Idaho Library
  • 摘要:Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely considered as the most important revolution humankind has experienced since the industrial revolution and the development of movable type printing techniques. A country's development depends on the extent of use, speed of access, and skilled application of ICT systems. Computer and communications technologies have drastically changed the entire human activities including library and information field. Now a days -libraries are deeply engaged to modernize operations & activities to provide fast, integrated, interactive and comprehensive services. In the same direction with IT thrust the concept of digital library has emerged substantially. Various universities and research institution have initiated to set-up digital library is getting fast momentum due to the application of new information and communication technology and the increased information thrust.
  • 关键词:Academic libraries;Digital libraries;Instructional materials;Medical colleges;Medical schools;Teaching;Universities and colleges;University and college libraries

Access and awareness of ICT resources and services in medical college libraries in Puducherry.

Dhanavandan, S. ; Esmail, S. Mohammed ; Nagarajan, M. 等


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely considered as the most important revolution humankind has experienced since the industrial revolution and the development of movable type printing techniques. A country's development depends on the extent of use, speed of access, and skilled application of ICT systems. Computer and communications technologies have drastically changed the entire human activities including library and information field. Now a days -libraries are deeply engaged to modernize operations & activities to provide fast, integrated, interactive and comprehensive services. In the same direction with IT thrust the concept of digital library has emerged substantially. Various universities and research institution have initiated to set-up digital library is getting fast momentum due to the application of new information and communication technology and the increased information thrust.

The advent of the modern information technology has facilitated in the electronic storage and transmission of recorded knowledge. Linking of computers with tale communication has revolutionized the expansion of information systems, commercial vendors of information and networks, new challenges and opportunities are emerging due to information explosions, financial crunch, and price like of the national and international journal, fluctuations in currency rate, and integrations of new information technologies and ever increasing user's demand.

Review of Literature

A huge amount of literature is available on the use of ICT in developed and developing countries. Following is a brief overview of the most relevant studies of the subject.

Natarajan M (2003) found that developments in information technology facilitated the emergence of new electronic devices media and formats. The library and information scenario was changing and there was a paradigm shift from printed publications to formless data, from ownership of documents to access to information, intermediary to end user model of services, location specific libraries to virtual libraries.Nicholas et. al. (2003) conducted a study in the UK to examine the use of the web for health information and advice. More than 1300 people were surveyed. The study showed that 66% of the respondents accessed the Internet from home, 28% from work place and the remainder (6%) used a combination of both work place and home. Elizabeth Kiondo (2004) discussed the application of information technology in provision of information services and specifically the provision of electronic information services at this university. Then he identified emerging and challenging issues related to selection and acquisition of electronic information resources. The emerging issues included the information technology skills of staff and users, technology infrastructure, financial resources and collection, development and management policy.

Wijayasundara, N. (2005), identified in priority order, the barriers in the application of ICT in libraries are identified as technological, managerial, infrastructure, human, and political and social. Points are suggested to overcome these barriers. Samuel Olu Adeyoyin (2005) has analyzed to ascertain the levels of CIT literacy among library staff in a range of Nigerian libraries. Nigerian university library professionals and paraprofessionals should acquire an enhanced level of ICT literacy: both staff training and an adequate ICT infrastructure were recommended. Ron Houlihan (2005) has discussed to the critical importance of providing a comfortable and stimulating environment for students and the rewards for doing so are confirmed, with reference to various Canadian and US schools. Some of the almost - universal characteristics of today's academic research and communication. Barbara Susana Sanchez Vignau and Grizly Meneses (2005) have discusses to identify the necessary components in the formulation of collection development policies of height and technical education in Cuba. A model for a collection development policy for the system of university libraries is proposed.

John-Oswald Amekuedee (2005) has analyzed to find out which library processes have been automated in Ghana's three older public university libraries. The study found out that even though the university libraries realize the importance of library automation, they are hampered by lack of funds, lack of support from the university administrations, and lack of skilled staff to embark on automation of all library processes. Haneefa K (2007) presented the results of an investigation in the study "Use of ICT Based Resources and Services in Special Libraries in Kerala, India. The email service was used by the largest percentage of the users. WWW was being used by 60 per cent of the library users. A good no. of users were not satisfied with the application of ICT in the libraries and indicated 'inadequate ICT infrastructure' as their reason for dissatisfaction. Users proposed a variety of measures of formal orientation and training in ICT based resources and services.

Research Design

Need for the study

This study is confined to the information and communication technology based resource and services in medical college libraries in the union territory of Puducherry. The main aim of the study is to measure the success and failure of the reading habits and varying interest of the faculty members in their fields, such as general, subject and also it will be guidance to the librarians to procure the required documents.

Objectives of the study

1. To examine the library access and awareness of the faculty members in medical college libraries

2. To assess the information needs of the faculty members of medical college

3. To examine the different factors of information and communication technology by the faculty members of medical college libraries

4. To study the use of different types of electronic resources and ascertain the preference of search engine

5. To find out the hindrance and problem faced by the faculty members while accessing and using electronic resources

6. To observe the impact of electronic resources over traditional one

Data Collection and Methodology

An attempt has been made in the study to identify the access and awareness of Information Communication Technology resources and services by faculty members fron the Medical Libraries in Union territory of Puducherry. The questionnaire method was used to collect the data. The questionnaires were personally distributed to 200 faculty members of medical college libraries in the union territory of Puducherry. Out of which 150 questionnaires were received(75%). The data collected through the questionnaires and it was analyzed and tabulated through the statistical tools, such as average, simple percentages.


This study is confined to the examination of self financing medical college libraries in the union territory of Puducherry.The data collected in the month of March 2009.

Area Profile in Union Territory Of Puducherry

Puducherry is the one of the Union Territory in India. It has four numbers self financing medical colleges. The self financing medical colleges names such as, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Sri Venkateswara Medical Collge.


Table 1 shows that sex wise distribution of faculty members of four medical college libraries in the union territory of Puducherry. Among the total number of 48 respondents of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, 66.67 percent are male and 33.33 percent are female.Out of 28 respondents of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College 78.58percent are male and 21.42 percent are female.The total number of 32 respondents Aarupadai Veedu Medical College68.75 percent are male and 31.25 percent are female.Among the total number of 42 respondents of Sri Venkateswara Medical College, 52.38 percent are male and 47.62 percent are female. From the above discussion it is inferred that out of 150 respondents, 98 (65.33%) respondents are male and remaining 52 (34.67%) respondents are female.
Table 1. College and Gender Distribution of Respondents

College                                   Male       Female   Total

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College          32(66.67)  16(33.33)     48

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College  22(78.58)   6(21.42)     28

Aarupadai Veedu Medical College         22(68.75)  10(31.25)     32

Sri Venkateswara Medical College        22(52.38)  20(47.62)     42

Total                                   98(65.33)  52(34.67)    150

Table 2 shows the frequency of library visited by the faculty members among the total number of 150 respondents from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, 28 (58.33%) Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, 12(42.85%) Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, 16(50.00%) Sri Venkateswara Medical College, 54(57.14%) respondents are visited the library daily.
Table 2. College Distribution of Respondents Frequency of Library Visit

College        Every day  Once in a  Once in a  Once in a   Rarely
                            week     fortnight    month

Mahatma        28(58.33)   5(10.41)    2(4.16)   8(16.69)  5(10.41)

Sri Manakula   12(42.85)   3(10.72)   4(14.28)   6(21.42)  3(10.73)

Aarupadai         16(50)   5(15.62)   6(18.76)    3(9.37)   2(6.25)
Veedu Medical

Sri            24(57.14)   5(11.90)    3(7.14)   6(14.28)   4(9.54)

Total                 80         18         15         23        14
                  53.33%     12.00%     10.00%     15.33%     9.33%

College        Tota

Mahatma          48

Sri Manakula     28

Aarupadai        32
Veedu Medical

Sri              42

Total           150

Data presented in table 3 reveals that the quantum of time spent by the respondents. Out of 150 sample respondents, 108 (72.00%) faculty members spent half an hour to one hour; 40 (26.67%) respondents spent 1 to 2 hours and 2 (1.33%) respondent spent 2 to 4 hours. It is seen from the table that irrespective of college 108(72.00%) of the staffs spend 30 minutes to 1 hour, and 40(26.67%) faculty members spend one to two hours in the library.
Table 3. College Distribution of Respondents Quantum of Time Spent

College           30 minutes to  1 to 2 hours   2 to 4   Total
                      1 hour                       hours
                             36            12

Mahatma Gandhi          (75.00)       (25.00)               48
Medical College
Sri Manakula                 22
(78. 58)                      6
(21.42)                                    28
Medical College
                             20            10         2

Aarupadai Veedu          (62.5)       (31.25)    (6.25)     32
Medical College
Sri Venkateswara             30
(71.42)                      12
(28.58)                       -            42
Medical College

Total                  108(72%)    40(26.67%)  2(1.33%)    150

The table 4 reveals that the visited of the other librares.Out of 48 respondents from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College 20(41.67%), 14(29.16%) respondents visited up to 2 libraries and 3 to 4 other libraries respectively.Among the total number of 28 respondents from Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, 15(53.58%) per cent and 6(21.42%) respondents visited up to 2 libraries and 3 to 4 other libraries respectively. It is evident from the table that 69(46.00%) respondents visited up to 2 other libraries, 40(26.66%) respondents visited 3 to 4 other libraries, 26(17.33%) respondents visited 5 to 6 other libraries and 15(10.00%) respondents visited 7 to 8 other libraries.
Table 4. College Distribution of Respondents Visited to
Other Libraries

College           Upto 2     3 to 4     5 to 6     7 to 8  Total
               libraries  libraries  libraries  libraries

Mahatma        20(41.67)  14(29.16)   8(16.67)    6(12.5)     48

Sri Manakula   15(53.58)   6(21.42)   3(10.72)   4(14.28)     28

Aarupadai      16(50.00)   8(25.00)   6(18.75)    2(6.25)     32
Veedu Medical

Sri            18(42.86)  12(28.58)   9(21.42)    3(7.14)     42

Total          69(46.00)  40(26.66)  26(17.33)  15(10.00)    150

The frequency of using electronic resources is shown in the table 5 of total respondents, 55 (36.66%) respondents use CD-Rom 2-3 times in a week, followed by 42 (28.00%) respondents use once in a week and 10 (6.66%) respondents us every day and once in a month respectively. 60 (40.00%) respondents use Internet almost every day and 40 (26.66%) respondents use 2-3 times in a week. 105 (70.00%) respondents do not use OPAC. 100 (66.66%) respondents do not use online data base. 35 (23.33%) respondents use E-Journals once in a month and 30 (20.00%) respondents use 2-3 times in a week. 124 (82.66%) respondents do not use E-books.
Table 5. Frequency of Using Electronic Resources

Frequency    CD-Rom     Internet       OPAC       Online data

Every day   10(6.66%)  60(40.00%)     2(1.33%)    8 (5.33%)

2-3 times  55(36.66%)  40(26.66%)   20(13.33%)    12(8.00%)
in a week

Once in a  42(28.00%)  20(13.33%)   15(10.00%)   15(10.00%)

Once in a   10(6.66%)   10(6.66%)     8(5.33%)   15(10.00%)

Never      33(22.00%)  20(26.66%)  105(70.00%)  100(66.66%)

Total             150         150          150          150

Frequency  E-journal     E-books

Every day  20(26.66%)     7(4.66%)
2-3 times  30(20.00%)     8(5.33%)
in a week

Once in a  35(23.33%)     5(3.33%)

Once in a  30(20.00%)     6(4.00%)

Never      35(23.33%)  124(82.66%)

Total             150          150

Table 6 shows the use of Electronic resources. The maximum number of 132 (88.00%) respondents are using Internet, followed by 72 (48.00%) respondents use CD-Rom, 70 (46.66%) respondents use E-Journals, 42 (28.00%) respondents use E-books, 29 (19.33%) respondents use online data base and 5 (3.33%) respondents use OPAC.
Table 6. Use of Electronic Resource

E-resources       No. of respondents  Percentage

CD-Rom                            72          48

Internet                         132          88

OPAC                               5        3.33

Online data base                  29       19.33

E-Journals                        70       46.66

E-Books                           42          28

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage
is proceed to more then 100%.

From the table 7, it is clear that 131 (87.33%) respondents are using electronic resources for the purpose of their research/study, while 92 (61.33%) respondents are using for communication purpose, 82 (54.66%) respondents are using electronic resources for finding relevant information, 52 (34.66%) respondents are using electronic resources for career development and 31 (20.66%) respondents are using electronic resources for other activities.
Table 7. Purpose of Using Electronic Resource

No  Purpose                       No. of respondents    %

1   For research/study                           131  87.33

2   For communication                             92  61.33

3   Finding relevant information                  82  54.66

4   For career development                        52  34.66

5   other activities                              31  20.66

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage
is exceeded to more than 100%.

Table 8 shows the most popular method of acquiring the necessary skill to use electronic resources, 75 (50.00%) respondents each acquired skill from external course, while 74 (49.33%) respondents are learned Guidance from others, 72 (48.00%) respondents are learned through trail and error and self thought, 24 (16.00%) respondents are learned from computer staff, 18 (12.00%) respondents and learned from library staff and 15 (10.00%) respondents are learned from course offered by institution.
Table 8. Ways of Learning to Use Electronic Resources

Learned to use E-Resources      No. of respondents    %

Trail and error                                 72     48

Guidance from others                            74  49.33

Self thought                                    72     48

Guidance from library staff                     18     12

Course offered by institution                   15     10

Guidance from (computer) staff                  24     16

External course                                 75     50

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage
is exceeded to more than 100%.

Table 9 indicates that preference of using search engines. It could be noted that 72 (48.00%) respondents are using Google, followed by 57 (38.00) respondents use yahoo, 10 (6.66%) respondents use AltaVista, 7 (4.66%) respondents use MSN and 4 (2.66%) respondents use Ask.com to access the information in the internet.
Table 9. Preference for Using Search Engines

SI. No  Search engines  No. of respondents     %

1       Google                          72  (48.00)

2       Yahoo                           57  (38.00)

3       AltaVista                       10   (6.66)

4       MSN                              7   (4.66)

5       Ask.com                          4   (2.66)

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage
is exceeded to more than 100%.

Table 10 shows the 120 (80.00%) respondents stated that access to current information as a benefit of using electronic resources, followed by 98 (65.33%) and 94 (62.66%) respondents stated that electronic resources helps easier access to information and faster access to in formation respectively and 56 (37.33%) respondents found that access to a wider range of information an advantage of using electronic resources.
Table 10. Impact of Electronic Resources on Academic Development

Impact of E-Resources          No. of respondents  Percentage

Access to current information                 120     (80.00)

Easier access to information                   98     (65.33)

Faster access to information                   94     (62.66)

Access to wider range                          56     (37.33)

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage is
exceeded to more than 100%.

It is noted that in the table 11 reveals that 110 (73.33%) respondents stated that too much information retrieved is the main barrier to access electronic resources, 100 (66.66%) opined that limited access to a computer terminal hindered to access electronic resources, 90 (60.00%) stated that it is time consuming to use, 75 (50.00%) and 48 (32.00%) respondents stated that lack of IT knowledge and electronic resources detracts from their work respectively.
Table 11. Hindrance of Access Electronic Resources

Hindrance                         No. of     Percentage

Too much information retrieved          110       73.33

Time consuming                           90          60

Limited access to a computer            100       66.66

Lack of IT knowledge to                  75          50
effectively utilize the

Using electronic resources               48          32
often detracts from doing work

Note: Because of multiple choice options the percentage
is exceeded to more than 100%.

Table 12 shows that preference of library material by the respondents. Among the total number of 48 respondents from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, 16(33.33%) respondents preferred prescribed text books, 13(27.08%) respondents preferred reference book, 4(8.33%) respondents preferred journal, 2(1.16%) respondents preferred report, 9(18.77%) respondents preferred newspaper and 4(8.33%) respondents preferred CDs. Out of 28 respondents from Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, 9(32.14%) respondents preferred prescribed text books, 7(25.00%) respondents preferred reference book, 2(7.14%) respondents preferred journal, 3(10.72%) respondents preferred report, 5(17.86%) respondents preferred newspaper and 2(7.14%) respondents preferred CDs.
Table 12. College Distribution of Respondents' Preference
for Library Material

College        Prescribed  Reference  Journals   Reports     News
               text books    books                           papers

Mahatma         16(33.33)  13(27.08)    4(8.33)   2(4.16)   9(18.77)

Sri Manakula     9(32.14)   7(25.00)    2(7.14)  3(10.72)   5(17.86)

Aarupadai       10(31.25)   7(21.89)    4(12.5)   4(12.5)   5(15.61)
Veedu Medical

Sri             10(23.80)  11(26.19)   5(11.90)   2(4.77)  13(30.96)

Total           45(30.00)  38(25.33)  15(10.00)  11(7.33)  32(21.33)

College          CDs    Total

Mahatma        4(8.33)     48

Sri Manakula   2(7.14)     28

Aarupadai      2(6.25)     32
Veedu Medical

Sri            1(2.38)     42

Total          9(6.00)    150

Table 13 shows that purpose of library visited by the respondents. Among the total number of 48 respondents from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, 20(41.67%) respondents visited the library for the purpose of collecting in material for their subject, 9(18.76%) respondents visited the library to know the latest arrival in the library, 14(29.16%) respondents visited the library to collect current and general information and the 5(10.41%) respondents visited to library to use internet. It is evident from the above discussion that irrespective of the respondents majority of the respondents visited to the library for the purpose of collecting material for their subject and it is followed by to collect current and general information, to know latest arrival in the library and to use internet.
Table 13. College Distribution of Respondents'
Purpose of Library Visit

College             To collect     To know the  To collect
                   material in     latest       Current
                  their subject    arrival    information

Mahatma Gandhi        20(41.67)     9(18.76)    14(29.16)
Medical College

Sri Manakula          12(42.86)     6(21.42)     8(28.58)
Medical College

Aarupadai Veedu       15(46.87)     7(21.87)     6(18.76)
Medical College

Sri Venkateswara      14(33.33)     5(11.91)    16(38.09)
Medical College

Total                        61           27           44

College            To use   Total

Mahatma Gandhi    5(10.41)     48
Medical College

Sri Manakula       2(7.14)     28
Medical College

Aarupadai Veedu    4(12.5)     32
Medical College

Sri Venkateswara  7(16.67)     42
Medical College

Total                   18    150

Table 14 shows that opinion about library collection by the respondents. Among the total number of 48 respondents from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, 10(20.84%) respondents stated that the collection of the library is excellent and 38(79.16%) respondents stated that satisfactory. Out of 48 respondents from Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, 14(50%) respondents stated that the collection of the library is excellent and 9(32.14%) respondents stated that satisfactory. Among the total number 48 respondents from Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, 10(31.25%) respondents stated that the collection of the library is excellent and 17(53.12%) respondents stated that satisfactory. Among the total number 48 respondents from Sri Venkateswara Medical College, 18(42.86%) respondents. stated that the collection of the library is excellent and 14(33.33%) respondents stated that satisfactory level
Table 14. College Distribution of Respondents Opinion about
Library Collection

College           Excellent  Satisfactory    Poor     Total

Mahatma Gandhi    10(20.84)     38(79.16)                48
Medical College

Sri Manakula      14(50.00)      9(32.14)   5(17.86)     28
Medical College

Aarupadai Veedu   10(31.25)     17(53.12)   5(15.63)     32
Medical College

Sri Venkateswara  18(42.86)     14(33.33)  10(23.81)     42
Medical College

Total             52(34.67)     78(52.00)  20(13.33)    150


It is found that majority of the faculty members of all four colleges visited the library daily and maximum number of reveals spent half an hour to one hour. The respondents visited up to two libraries for their information needs and also they wants use internet almost every day. A maximum number of faculty members use Internet. The respondents using electronic resources for their research/ study and communication purpose respectively. A maximum number of respondents are learned use electronic resources through external course and Guidance from others. The respondents are using Google to access the information in the Internet and stated that access to current up to date information as a benefit of using electronic resources. The respondents stated that too much information retrieved is the main barrier to access electronic resources and they preferred text books.. The respondents are visited to the library for the purpose of collecting material for their subject. The respondents stated that the arrangement of reading material in the library is easy to access and satisfied.


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Amekuedee, J.O. (2005). An evaluation of library automation in some Ghanaian university libraries. The Electronic Library 23(4): 442-542.

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Kiondo, E. (2004). Around the world to: The University of Dar es Salaam Library: Collection development in the electronic information environment. Library Hi Tech News 21 (6): 19-24

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S. Dhanavandan

Librarian (S.G) Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology

Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. S. Mohammed Esmail

Associate Professor

Dr. M. Nagarajan

Professor & Head

Department of Library & Information Science

Annamalai University

Tamil Nadu, India