Reaccessioning and stocktaking exercise: experiences of the Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology library, Kumasi, Ghana.
Teye, Victor ; Borteye, Edward Mensah ; Asare-Kyire, Afia 等
In May, 2006, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology (KNUST) Library submitted a project proposal titled
"Automation of the KNUST Library system toward effective science
and technology research" to the Teaching and Learning Innovation
Fund (TALIF) to solicit funding to undertake a library automation
project. The idea to automate its services, resources and operations is
part of the re-engineering processes by the KNUST Library to provide the
platform to offer efficient and effective eservice to its ever growing
users. In November, 2006, the project contract was awarded to Nala
Consultancy Services for work to commence. Currently the automation
process, according to the systems librarian, is about ninety percent
With the completion of the automation network it was imperative to
feed it with the necessary data to make it operational. Starting from
11th May, 2009 to August, 2009, the Library embarked on a seventy day
massive exercise of stocktaking, relabeling, bar coding and accessioning
of the library resources to generate the requisite data.
Stocktaking or stock inventory is done for various reasons.
According to New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2000)
and Braxton (2004) stock is taken, among other reasons, to assess,
control and evaluate the resources; track purchases, losses and
disposals; to provide information on weaknesses in the collection that
need redressing; measure the collection numbers, age and ratio: student;
examine each resource and determine its future based on age, relevance,
currency and condition, which may include repair, replacement, disposal
or cleaning, to ensure that attractive, up-to-date resources are
available to users; and prioritize future purchases and begin sourcing
Reporting on the stocktake project of the Whitireia Community
Polytechnic, New Zealand, Parker (2007) expounds on the aim, preparation
and planning, method, results and problems of the project. She ends with
a nine-point recommendation. The highlights of the project are that it
was aimed at identifying the amount of loss since 2000 (the last
stocktake) and to match shelves with the catalogue. Stocktake was done
mainly electronically and during the quiet Christmas period. A missing
rate of 3%, items without records, records with no items, items shelved
incorrectly, incorrectly entered items, some new items not found were
some of the identified problems. She recommends the continuation of the
four year cycle stocktaking, "although high-use and high loss areas
could be sooner"
Accession is a unique sequential number given to each new book,
magazine subscription, or recording as it is entered in the catalog of a
library. If an item is removed from the collection, its number is
usually not reused for new items (Wikipedia, 2010). An accession number
is unique to each material and normally used to ascertain the volume of
library stock at any given time.
Drawing from her previous bar coding project experience, Laudau
(2001) advises libraries and librarians that "bar coding a library
is an intricate process that requires foresight and planning". She
observes that some of the issues to consider in addressing the subject
matter are setting out procedures, placement of the bar codes, utilizing
volunteers and selecting equipment". Laudau further stipulates that
two major reasons may inform bar coding. These are to establish an
automated checkout system and to having inventory control of collection.
The accessioning and stock taking exercise in the KNUST Library, as
the project was dubbed, was primarily meant to generate accession
records from which accession register and subsequently Online Public
Access Cataloguing (OPAC) were to be developed.
Objectives of the Study
This paper is aimed at providing a documentation and examination of
the issues, challenges, experiences and lessons from the re-accessioning
and stocktaking exercise in the Main Library and also to serve as a
guide or working or reference document to the Main Library, college
libraries in KNUST (who are yet to embark on similar exercise) and other
academic libraries in Ghana which have not yet been automated.
The authors served as supervisors in the re-accessioning and
stocktaking exercise. They also, as part of their normal schedule,
supervise shelving activities. This put them in a strategic position to
be acquainted, through participatory observation, frequent interactions
and peer consultations, with the accessioning, shelving and their
related issues. Beyond this, data was also obtained by interviewing the
coordinator of the exercise, systems librarian and staff at the data
entry section. The last set of data was accessed from the administrative
record books of the co-ordinator.
Data obtained, which was mainly qualitative, were analysed on the
basis of evaluative research.
The KNUST Library System
Established in 1951, the KNUST Library started with the collection
of books which had formed the Library of the Teacher Training College at
Achimota, Accra. (Alemna and Cobblah, 2004). The college was moved from
Achimota to Kumasi and this Library formed the core of the present
university library. With a total of 4000 volumes, the stocks were
centred on education, fine arts and religion. After independence the
government converted the then Kumasi College of Technology into a purely
technological institution. According to the KNUST Library Manual (2009),
the library moved to its current premises in 1961 from a prefabricated
Currently, the total library collections, including the six college
libraries and the research centres, stands at about 298,164 (KNUST,
2009). The collections cover the disciplines such as agriculture,
science, health and medicine, social sciences, arts, engineering,
planning and architecture.
The library has six departments - Acquisitions, Cataloguing,
Lending, Reference and Research, Electronic Information and Serials.
Scope of the Exercise
The need to embark on the re-accessioning and stocktaking exercise
was synonymous with the automation of the library services. This is
because the exercise was meant to create the requisite data to be fed
into the automated system. The re-accessioning and stock taking exercise
entails the following activities-
re-accessioning all library resources (books, serials etc) by
capturing their bibliographic information - author, title, publisher,
date and place of publication, ISSBN, number of pages and call numbers.
documenting the library materials by assigning them new accession
numbers - ie. athirteen-digit barcode. This was meant to replace the old
accession numbers in the books.
developing a new accession register to replace the old one. The new
register is intended to include more comprehensive information about the
book - such as date of accession, author, barcode, title, imprint and
ISBN. There was huge gap of accession numbers which were unassigned. The
new accession register is meant to rectify all problems associated with
the old register.
reclassifying books which have wrong class numbers.
entering the records captured into the automated system.
developing an OPAC using the accession records as the primary data.
establishing the real volume of stock of library books and other
resources. The actual volume of library stock had been in dispute
because of the irregularities in the accession register.
The planning team, which later metamorphosed into the
implementation team, included the Librarian, Deputy Librarian,
Co-ordinator, Systems Librarian and Library Administrator. The Librarian
played an overall supervisory role. She received progress reports from
the co-ordinator and provided direction to the course of the work; the
Deputy Librarian deputised for the librarian. He was part of the working
team and served as the immediate contact person in the course of work;
the Coordinator was responsible for coordinating all activities
including preparing work schedules, assigned work to staff, received and
distributed logistics, kept records on the exercise, and sent progress
report to the Librarian. He also received, recorded and kept completed
accession cards; the Systems Librarian provided assistance to the
working staff especially in re-accessioning and distribution of
barcodes; and finally the Administrator kept the materials/logistics for
the work and supplied them when they are needed.
1. Sensitisation
The decision to embark on re-accessioning and stocktaking was a
management decision but the real implementation involved the entire
library staff. It was therefore imperative to convey this management
decision to staff and sensitise them in order create awareness and also
to stimulate interest. The re-accession and stocktaking exercise became
a regular agendum of staff meetings, which always brought together the
entirety of staff members in the library system. The University
Librarian took time to create awareness and answer questions relating to
the impending project. Staff members were made to understand the
important role they were to play in making the exercise a successful
2. Preparatory and Planning Stage
The planning of the exercise was mainly done by a team of five
people involving the University Librarian (Head), the systems librarian,
library administrator and an experienced senior staff, who was later to
become the coordinator. Planning activities included examining how the
exercise was to be conducted, organised, coordinated and managed,
assessment of the volume of work involved, setting of timelines/targets
and schedule, work allocation, determination and acquisition of
logistics and materials. These issues were later thoroughly discussed at
the senior/senior members staff meetings for fine-tuning. The outcomes,
of these discussions, as listed below, formed the basis for the actual
* The exercise was stipulated to take place within a period of
three months, from 11th May to 14th August, 2010, that is a period of 70
working days. During this period students, who constitute majority of
patrons were on long vacation and therefore the exercise was not likely
to be seriously interrupted.
* The library was to be closed to the public and a notice displayed
at the entrance of the library.
* A greater percentage of the staff, by reason of the exercise,
were made to take their annual leave during the first semester break so
that they would be available in the second semester break, when the
exercise was to start.
* Work was to be carried out from floor to floor by the whole staff
as team.
* To start with, all the books in the library were to be shelved.
* An orientation exercise was to be done to enable staff acquaint
themselves with what they were expected to do when the work starts.
* Books in the possession of patrons were not recalled. The
decision was that such books, as in the case of newly acquired books,
were to be processed accordingly as and when they are returned.
The approach adapted to the shelving of books was to concentrate
and finish the work section by section. The schedule of work, with
dates, is summarised in the table 1 below.
Table 1: Schedule for shelving of books
Date Section Number of
Days Spent
11th - 12th Undergraduate III 2 days
May, 2009
13th - 14th Lending 2 days
May. 2009
18th - 19th Undergraduate I 2 days
May, 2009 Undergraduate II
20the May, Ghana Collection/Research 1 day
2009 Section/Temporary
21nd May, Theses/UNO Collections/ 1 day
2009 Women Collections
Total 8
Each junior staff was allocated a quantity of books between a
certain range of class numbers (e.g. QE-QK, SB 111.1 - TA 440 etc).
He/she was required to fetch all other books belonging to his/her
domain, take out those that are wrongly shelved and shelve them
appropriately at their respective locations.
The supervisors, aided by their assistants, inspected the work book
by book on the shelf to find out whether they are correctly located or
shelved. When an error is found the attention of the staff in question
is drawn to it. Sometimes a recurring error is an indication of
ignorance especially with class numbers. Such a situation demands some
tutoring. Since the whole exercise was time bound, supervisors also were
to monitor the progress of work to ensure meeting the schedule. For each
person's shelf allocation, inspection was done repeatedly for about
two to three times before clearance was given for the next allocation.
This was done for reasons of quality assurance.
4. Orientation
Once the shelving was over the next stage was to start with the
re-accessioning exercise. This aspect of the work was preceded by an
orientation. The content of the orientation was mainly lessons on what
bibliographic information was required to be captured especially when
authorship of the books were varied given the specific cases of personal
or corporate author, conference documents, multiple authorship etc. A
manual each was distributed to staff members. The chief cataloguer,
assisted by the systems librarian, took time to explain the contents of
the manual after which questions were asked and responses given to them.
This took about one hour.
5. Allocation of work
Orientation was followed by allocation of work. Each junior staff
was allocated a quantity of books, between 800 - 1000, and corresponding
number of bar codes. A supervisor (senior member), assisted by a senior
staff, supervised between 4 and 5 junior staff.
6. Re-accessioning and barcoding of books
Re-accessioning commenced on 25th May, 2009. In similar fashion as
with the shelving, each junior staff was allocated a quantity of books
within a class range. Meanwhile, materials/logistics such as pens,
catalogue cards, rubber bands, correction fluid and rolls of barcodes
and packaging boxes purposely acquired for the exercise were made
available. Table 2 shows the schedule for the re-accession.
Table 2: Schedule for Re-accessioning/Stocktaking of books
Date Section Number of Number of
Books Working
Days Spent
25th May - 9th Undergraduate III 23,191 12
June, 2009
9th June - 30th Lending 31,488 15
June, 2009
1st July - 9th Undergraduate I 11,876 7
July, 2009
10th - 22nd, Undergraduate II 14,244 9
July 2009
nd th Ghana Collection
22 - 28 July, Reference 5,552 5
28th July - 6th Research Section 8,485 8
August, 2009
7th August - UNO Collections /Women 7,232 6
14th August, Collections
Total 102.068 62
On each floor/section where re-accessioning was to be done staff
mounted tables and chairs. Books were removed from the shelves and
arranged on the table. Books were accessioned by title - meaning a book
with multiple copies was accessioned with one card. Each book
irrespective of title was assigned separate barcode, which is also
stated on the pocket. The cards were left in the books but removed only
after inspection by the supervisor. After these processes the books are
returned to the shelf. The cycle continues till all books were
processed. The vetted cards were arranged and submitted to the
coordinator by the supervisor. A junior staff was given his/her next
allocation of work upon clearance by the supervisor.
Initial stock was taken by literally counting books on the shelves.
This was done at the time of allocation of books on shelve to staff for
the subsequent accessioning and barcoding. After counting, a quantity of
barcodes that commensurate with the number of books was issued to the
staff. The barcodes were to be affixed on the books serially in the
order as they are located on the shelves. The total stock at the end of
the exercise could be derived by comparing the first barcode number to
the last.
Reclassification, Painting, and Pocketing
Reclassification of some books became necessary because for some
reasons some books were found to have wrong class numbers due to human
error. Some books also had their call numbers and paintings peeled off.
A unit comprising mostly staff from the Cataloguing Department was
formed to reclassify such identified books, repaint and inscribe faded
call numbers. This became a major work and the deployment of staff to
that unit reduced the workforce for the re-accessioning proper.
Data Entry
Immediately after re-accessioning in August, 2009, a special data
entry unit was set up. Three staff members from the Main Library, under
the supervision of the systems librarian, were deployed to the unit to
start with the data entry. Their selection was based on computer
literacy and typing skills and experience that they have gained working
at the Cataloguing Department. Later in March, 2010, the staff strength
of the data entry unit was reinforced by four additional staff, one each
from the colleges of Art and Social Sciences, Planning and Architecture,
Agriculture and Natural Resources and Engineering.
New Skills
Library services and work are a multi-faceted one involving and
requiring variation of skills. These skills are best mastered depending
upon where and how long one has worked in a particular department which
provides the service in question. The re-accessioning exercise offered
staff members, who had neither worked or are not members of the
cataloguing and acquisitions departments, the opportunity to learn new
skills in accessioning, cataloguing and classification.
Record Clean-up
Two major limitations identified with the KNUST Library accession
register were that there was a huge gap of unassigned accession numbers
and also it did not contain certain details such as title, name of
publisher, number of copies of books etc. At the end of the exercise
this anomalies were corrected.
Establishing True Stock Volume
Before the re-accessioning and stock taking exercise the real stock
situation of the library had always been in dispute. It is now affirmed,
at the end of the exercise, that the volume of stock in the main library
is 102,068.
Identification of Weaknesses in the Collections
Certain weaknesses in the collections of the library were revealed.
For example the research section which houses collections on
dictionaries, encyclopaedia, almanacs, yearbooks and other general works
need reinforcement. Most of the editions of these collections were
Correction of Shelving Problems
One of the challenges the library faces is mis-shelving of books.
This problem is attributable to several reasons. Improper shelving has
the tendency to limit information retrieval. The exercise ensured that
all resources were placed at their correct locations so users can locate
them easily.
Books which were noted to have been wrongly classified had to be
reclassified and labelled appropriately. This also will enhance the
retrieval process for both staff and users.
Socialisation among Staff
Socialisation is a major ingredient in creating conducive
atmosphere to promote the progress of work. Staffs socialise in smaller
units at departmental level and at meetings but the re-accessioning
exercise afforded them a mass socialisation for close to 70 days. This
mass togetherness afforded the staff the opportunity to socialise, share
knowledge and ideas, share jokes and consulted among themselves on
matters ranging from personal to professional.
Socialization undoubtedly promotes knowledge sharing, creates a
relaxed but reassuring working environment as well as enhancing a high
sense of belonging among staff. Handzic and Chaimungkalanont (2004),
opine that there is ample anecdotal evidence that socialization has a
positive effect on creativity. Nonaka (1998) observes "knowledge is
created in socialization through the interaction of different views,
competencies and experiences".
Data for Administrative Decision-Making
The results and data collected could be used to facilitate
management decisions such as weeding, reorganizing resources,
identifying areas for expansion because of their popularity, including
acquiring a wider range of resources on a topic or subject, purchasing
extra copies of a popular resource etc.
Problems and Challenges
The duration of the orientation was short. There was little time to
assimilate the details of the accessioning. Many had to learn in the
course of the exercise. The beginning of the exercise, therefore, was
characterized by staff committing many elementary mistakes, which led to
the destruction of many cards. Staff mostly from the Serials, Electronic
Information, Lending and Reference Departments committed the most
mistakes. This could be attributable to the fact that accessioning and
similar activities do not form part of their regular daily routine as in
the case of their counterparts in the Acquisition and Cataloguing
Departments. This, notwithstanding, the situation improved with time.
Timelines/Targets and Work Schedules
This aspect of the exercise was crucial to the overall success of
the exercise. Whilst the planning was thorough, the enormity of some
very important aspects of the exercise appeared not to have been
envisaged. For example, the spines of books are painted to create the
interface for the inscription of call numbers. More than 2000 books, in
this regard, had to be repainted. A whole working unit of six staff
members was created to do this job. The second issue had to do with
reclassification of some books because they had wrong class numbers.
This affected the work schedule and targets set for the progress and
completion of the work because a contingency plan had to be made to
address these matters.
Call Numbers
The re-accessioning exercise revealed certain anomalies in the call
numbers of most of the books. Examples of such cases are indicated
* Wrongly written class number on the spine of the book. An example
of such case is a book whose real class number, as contained in the
pocket is ug/HT 391 but wrongly written as ug/TH 391 on its spine.
* Incompletely inscribed class number eg. HB171.5 instead of
* A set of books containing fifty volumes were classified under the
corporate author "International Economic Association
Conference" as Ug/HB 21. All these books were therefore shelved at
one place because they had the same call number, even though each volume
relate to a different subject matter. These books were reclassified and
sent to their correct locations.
Many books were found placed at wrong locations on the shelves.
Experience shows that books are mis-shelved due to oversight, negligence
or ignorance. It may also occur when class numbers are wrongly written
or when books are incorrectly classified. Both users and staff have
their various parts to play in the mis-shelving of books. A case of
wrong shelving is provided below- More than 21 lending books, mainly on
art and architecture, were negligently shelved in the reference column.
One example of such case is NB 1115 shelved as ug/NB 1115. The
difference in these two call numbers is the prefix "ug", which
signifies the location of the book as a reference document. Without the
prefix the book is a lending material.
Strangely, one section which was much affected by mis-shelving was
Ghana Collection and UN Sections of the Reference Department. The Ghana
Collection is supposed to be operated on the basis of close access,
where retrieval of materials is done only by the library staff. The
element of mis-shelving caused by users therefore does not arise. This
goes to affirm that house-keeping practices to ensure proper shelving in
this section needs to be looked at.
Large scale reclassification of books was not originally perceived
at the planning stage of the exercise. This activity was an
afterthought. It became unavoidable when it was realized that many books
bore wrong class numbers. An arrangement had to be quickly made to
detach three staff members of the Cataloguing Department to handle all
cases of reclassification. For most times they had to shuttle between
the department, where internet access was available, and the work
station on the floors. It was a difficult work in terms of the distance.
Re-accessioning and Barcoding
It was envisaged that a maximum of 3 - 4 days was enough for each
staff to complete the consignment of books allocated to him/her. This
was, however, not the case as some took five days or more to complete.
This slowed down the pace of the work. At a point both supervisors and
their assistants had to directly engage in the accessioning to speed up
the work. Carrying books to and fro the shelves had a toll on the staff
because at certain point many were visibly exhausted.
With regard to barcoding a few problems were encountered. In some
instances there was a mix-up in the barcodes tags, whilst some were
mistakenly affixed with two barcodes and yet others did not have
barcodes at all.
Supervision Challenges
Supervisors had to grapple with various challenges. Mention could
be made of some junior staff who consistently showed ineptitude in the
accessioning exercise. For such persons supervisors spent much time to
guide them and also examined their work thoroughly. Others demonstrated
truancy, slowness to work, illegible handwriting etc.
Supervision also revealed instances of finding books which were
accessioned but without barcodes; books not accessioned but have
barcodes; and others were neither accessioned nor barcoded.
What this meant was that supervision needed to be meticulously done
else the same mistakes would be repeated and the whole exercise would be
of little importance.
Mutilated and Worn Out Books
Over 250 books were found worn out and mutilated - some beyond
repairs, whilst others needed rehabilitation before they can be reused.
Evidence of mutilated books were torn pages, cut out pictures and
photographs, detached book covers, soiled and defaced books. In his work
on library security and book theft in the KNUST Library, Senya (2004)
cites lack of resources, poor funding, poverty, selfishness on the part
of students, security lapses and photocopying as some of the factors
which cause mutilation of books in the KNUST Library. Of course, the
role played by old age and weather conditions cannot be discounted.
There was no immediate plan to repair worn out books. If this was done
it was going to stall the progress of work because it takes at least 3
months to receive them when they are sent to the KNUST Printing Press
for mending (Asare-Kyire et al., 2008). Except for those books which
were damaged beyond repairs, other worn-out books were duly accessioned
and shelved.
Dusty Shelves and Books
Many shelves and books were found dusty. In some cases the
intensity of dust suggests that no cleaning had been done in that area
for a long time. Staff who worked in such areas were either choked or
had their clothes soiled with dust. This has serious health
implications. Provision should have been made for the supply of nose
guards and hand gloves because of the dusty nature of the shelves and
This research established that many books in the Library were
wrongly shelved either due to users actions or staff negligence. For a
very long time there is no known record of weeding carried out in the
Library since its inception in 1958. Many books were found to be
superseded in edition and also others are out of use or become
irrelevant due with the passage of time and changes in some
courses/programmes taught or ran respectively in the university. A
number of the collections had wrong call numbers which were the result
of wrong lettering or classification. Paintings on which call numbers
were written on books appeared faded. Mutilation of books was a
commonplace - this was evidenced by picture cuttings, tearing of book
pages, pencil and pen marks etc. Staff orientation before the
reaccessioning exercise was found not to be elaborate enough. The
reaccessioning, however, created room for staff socialization, team
working knowledge sharing, which ended in staff skill acquisition and
development and proving on and acquisition of new skills.
The following suggestions and recommendations have been made.
The duration of the orientation on accessioning should have been
longer so as to afford the staff the opportunity to learn and practice
well ahead of schedule. If this had been done mistakes would have
avoided or minimized.
Most of the books especially in the Language, Art and General works
sections were very old and their editions superseded. This calls for
updating the collections in these sections as well as weeding the old
materials to create more room for new ones. This will not only boost the
image of the library but also provide more current information to users.
Shelving Practices
Information retrieval is largely enhanced by well organized
materials. Rowley (1987) confirms this assertion by stating that proper
organization of library materials permits information to be found again
on a latter occasion. On the other hand poor organization makes it
difficult to find something later.
Mis-shelving of books in the KNUST Library is a problem accumulated
over many years. Once the problem has been rectified it has to be
sustained. This problem should be tackled from various fronts. Users
must be educated on the implications of wrong shelving of books. Staff
must be adequately trained in the system of classification and above all
regular, thorough supervision with periodic shelve inspection should be
done in order not for the problem to recur. Where appropriate, sanctions
could be applied to staff who do not do proper shelving.
Quality Control for Call Number Labels
It is a known fact that mistakes are part of occupational hazards,
however, mistakes in whatever form they appear can be avoided or
minimized. In the Cataloguing Department when books are classified they
are subjected to strict vetting or approval by a superior. This routine
practice could also be applied to the writing of the call numbers on the
spine of the books. Lettering is done mostly by junior staff. Vetting
could be assigned to their peers or better still a superior staff, for a
example a senior staff in the department.
Thorough Planning
At the planning stage, a blue print is developed so as to minimize
risk and to improve efficiency during the implementation stage.
Experience at the implementation level of the re-accessioning exercise
showed that some issues cropped up which were not envisaged at the
planning stage. Some of the issues, namely reclassification and labeling
of books, were so critical that they needed immediate attention. This
stalled the progress of work and affected the targets and timelines
originally scheduled for the work. Comprehensive planning is recommended
in the future for similar exercise.
Motivation of Staff
Some supervisors were asked for refreshments by junior staff. This
confirms that some refreshment for staff could have served as
motivation. Small (1998), using the Maslow's hierarchy of needs as
the basis of her argument, recommends motivation at the start, during,
and after work. She recommends, among other factors, breakfast and lunch
Developing a Culture of Documentation and Report Writing
The re-accessioning and stocktaking exercise, in the opinion of the
authors, constituted a major landmark activity in the life of the
library and staff as well. Such an experience is rare and happens once
in several years. An explicitly detailed documentation or report of the
whole exercise would have served as a official record of history and
also a reference document for posterity and other libraries in the
future. This recommendation does not go only for this exercise but also
for all other such activities which go on the library.
Establishing a Bindery Unit
Many books were found to be worn out to such an extent that, per
the library's policy or practice, they needed to be withdrawn for
rehabilitation. As stated earlier worn out books sent to the University
Printing Press for binding are unduly delayed. Asare-Kyire et al., (
2008) make a strong case for establishing a bindery in the library to
avert these delays. This proposition is hereby reiterated for urgent
Involvement of College Library Staff
According to the plan the re-accessioning exercise was to be
started in the Main Library and then later replicated in the College
Libraries. It was appropriate to have involved the staff of the college
libraries in the exercise undertaken by the main library. The
involvement of the college staff would have two advantages. Firstly,
they would have first hand understanding of the issues, experiences,
lessons and the challenges involved in the exercise and this will
eventually impact the quality of work in the college libraries.
Secondly, they would have provided additional hand to speed up the work,
which seemed to have overwhelmed the main library staff.
Regular Intra-departmental Transfer
Regular intra-departmental transfers, where appropriate, is also
recommended to enable staff learn the various services and skills
involved in each of these departments. Another alternative suggestion is
to engage in frequent in-service training for staff to equip them in the
skills that will make them versatile. What this seeks to achieve is to
diversify staff experience and roles (Rowley, 1996).
Outsourcing Data Entry
There is no doubt that the amount of data to be entered into the
database is voluminous. Data entry is likely to take longer time to be
completed that expected. There is a need to inject some urgency in the
data entry process by engaging a professional data entry firm to do the
work. According to Olorunsola (1997) data entry companies will use a
shorter period to have all the data entered in the database, but this
will come with some form of corrections such as typographical errors.
Alternatively recruiting more staff and/or extending the working hours
of the current staff will speed up the process.
Reclassification and Recataloguing
The call numbers and catalogues of the library materials need to be
re-examined title by title in order to correct any existing
discrepancies. Even though such an exercise may appear to be a difficult
task to undertake it is worth it because it would aid information
retrieval and promote library resource control, management and
Improving Housekeeping Practices
Cleaning and dusting activities of the library furniture, shelves,
books, carrels, ceiling, walls and floors need to be improved.
Supervision and inspection of these activities require attention
Asare-Kyire, A.D, Kwabena O. A, Teye, V., & Borteye, E. M.
(2008). Restricted access to information through delayed bindery
services: experiences of the KNUST Library. Proceedings of the Committee
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Victor Teye
Edward Mensah Borteye
Afia Densi Asare-Kyire
University Library
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Kumasi, Ghana