An assessment of computer and ICT skills among secondary school teachers in Ota Ogun State.
Oyeronke, Adebayo ; Fagbohun, Michael
Organizations of all types and sizes, including schools, have
recognized that the usage of computers in the work environment is
important as it presents with unprecedented challenges that helps
individuals to acquire an inquiring, critical and creative mind to
capitalize on the opportunities driven by the explosive growth of
information, knowledge and technology. (Kumar, Rose and D'Silva,
Today, improved communication technology has made time and space
less complex. It could be observed that this modern age is the age of
information explosion in which an average individual wants to explore
the information system. Thus, the ability for timely acquisition,
utilization, communication and retrieval of relevant and accurate
information has become an important attribute for better
teaching-learning process (Adebayo, 2008)
Abolade and Yusuf (2005) described Information and communication
technologies as essential tools in any educational system. They have the
potentials of being used to meet the learning needs of individual
students, promote equality of educational opportunities; offer high
quality learning materials, increase self-efficacy and independence of
learning among students, and improve teachers' professional
development. Apanpa and
Lawal(2009) opined that the use of technology, and knowing how
technology can support student learning have become essential skills for
professional teachers in today's world.
Adebayo(2008) asserted that the functions of teaching in education
process is considered paramount especially when we consider teaching and
learning process as the acquisition of knowledge and skills by
individuals to enable him become useful member of the society.
Teachers are the primary agents of educational innovation
therefore; ICT skills among secondary school teachers should be seen as
an invaluable prerequisite that would help facilitate the teaching and
learning procedure in this modern age of information explosion.
The main objective of information technology for teaching and
learning according to Idowu (2001) is to facilitate a faster and better
comprehension and appreciation of the subject matter in such a way as to
obtain the maximum possible output from the teaching and learning
process. Nwachukwu (2005) opined that with the changes in the forms,
formats, and expressions of information, the process of access, storage,
transmission and reproduction have witnessed new media technology, it is
therefore of paramount importance for teachers to adapt themselves to
new roles and skills in order to cope with the impending changes.
Satharasinghe( 2003) posited that use of computers can revolutionize
teaching and learning and could bring advances that would improve
education dramatically;
Jegede (2008) opined that ICT is now recognized as an essential
ingredient for creating 21st century learning environment but Lau and
Sim (2008 ) reported that despite the apparent benefits of the use of
ICT for educational purpose, studies showed that in many cases, the
learning potential of ICT is deprived as many teachers are still not
fully ICT literate.
Mutula and Mutula(2007) asserted that there is a digital divide
which refers to the widening imbalance of access to ICT's between
communities and countries which creates an imbalance for equitable
access to quality education in an electronic age. They further opined
that schools are being seen as very important institutions for bridging
the digital divide in society because they represent focal points where
many children from different communities converge for learning purposes.
Though Servon (2002) argued that the technology gap should not be
defined narrowly as a problem of access. Training and content, should be
included as other dimensions of the digital divide so that policy makers
and programs to narrow the digital divide would not lose their focus. It
is therefore of paramount importance for teacher preparatory
institutions to aim at developing in teachers ICT pedagogical
competencies that will ensure that these teachers help the country to
cross over to the positive side of the digital divide and keep pace on
the information superhighway (Akudolu, 2002).
Facilities and resources such as computers and internet are very
important tools in the hands of teachers if ICT learning is to be
embraced in earnest. But the question is, are the facilities at the
disposal of the teachers in secondary schools? If they are, are they of
international standard and are the teachers utilizing the resources?
This paper has the purpose of finding out if Secondary school
teachers are computer and ICT literate and to examine if they employ the
use of computers and ICT in their teaching activities.
Research Methodology
The survey research method was used in investigating the computer
and ICT skills of the secondary school teachers. Specifically, a
questionnaire was designed and distributed to targeted audience who are
teachers in senior secondary schools. Eighty copies of the questionnaire
were distributed among the teachers. Sixty eight copies of the
questionnaire were completed, returned and found usable.
Data Presentation, Analysis, and Discusion
Out of the 80 copies of the questionnaire distributed to the
respondents, 68 (85%) were completed, returned and found useable for the
purpose of this analysis. The age bracket of the respondents was, 19-24
(1.47%) and then 25-30 (41.17%) while 31-35 (19.12%), 36-40 (19.12%) and
41-45 (19.12%).A higher number of female 36 (52.94%) as against 32
(47.06%) males, constitute the study's respondents.
From the table above, the teachers from 1 - 5 years had the highest
number of respondents (48.52%) while teachers between 6 - 10years
(26.47%), 11 - 15 years (17.65) and 20 years above (7.36%) respectively.
The table shows the level of education of the respondents NCE
(16.18%), Bsc (ed) had the highest (48.53%) while B.A (ed) had (16.18%)
while M (ed) (5.88%) and other qualifications such as PGDE had 8
respondents (11.76%), respectively.
Research Questions
The table above reveals that (82.35%) respondents have received
computer training while (17.64) have not received any computer training.
It is very important for teachers to continuously retrain themselves and
acquire new skills so as to maintain relevance in their job. Modern
developments of innovative technologies have provided new possibilities
to teaching professions, but at the same time have placed more demands
on teachers to learn how to use these new technologies in their teaching
(Robinson & Latchem, 2003). Roberts (2000) opined that even if all
the technology in the world is made available, and there is no
investments in teachers that will help to them acquire the comfort and
know-how, it will be wasted. There is a need to find ways to help
teachers be competent, confident and creative users of technology
because teachers tend to integrate ICT in their teaching if they
experience ICT skills as a learner (Collis & Jung, 2003)
The table above clearly indicates that respondents who had
certification in computer appreciation are 19 representing 27.94%,
Diploma in Computer Appreciation 13 representing 19.12%, Certificate in
Microsoft Office Suit (MSC word, MS Excel, MS power point, MS access) 18
representing 26.47%, Internet Explorer 1 representing 1.47% and other
programs such as CCNA, MCSE, MCP and Diploma in Computer Engineering had
17 respondents representing 25% respectively. This is an excellent
development because it shows that the teachers have built capacity in
the area of training on various computer packages though the teachers
scored so low in the parameter of internet explorer. This is in line
with the suggestion of Idowu (2001) that teachers should be given
attention in terms of seminars, workshops, conferences on latest
developments on information technology. He further reiterated that
teachers should not only be computer literate but should be empowered to
have access to computers and other devices so as to keep abreast of
current findings and research activities.
This table clearly indicates that sixty four (64) respondents
representing 94.11% were ready and willing to develop their computer and
ICT skills. This is an excellent indication that if given the necessary
support by either the government or the parent body of their schools,
they will acquire necessary computer and ICT skills that is required to
take their profession to a new level.
According to the results, (4.42%) of respondents uses computer once
a week, (13.24%) of respondents twice a week, (22.06%) respondents once
a month, 10.29% not at all, daily (45.58%) and undecided (4.41%). This
may be due to the fact that the schools in which these teachers find
themselves do not have computers needless to talk about having internet
connectivity. Their interaction with computers seems to be at a personal
level; that is either using personal PCs or going to cyber cafes to make
use of the internet. Hennessy, Ruthven and Brindley (2005) stated that
despite a great deal of recent progress and optimism that many more
learners can benefit from access to ICT, the infrastructures necessary
for deploying technological resources are lacking in low-income
countries. Furthermore, many teachers are working in conditions that are
not conducive to supporting ICT use.
According to the results, 51.47 % of respondents surf the internet
when preparing for lesson note while 42.65% don't surf internet and
5.88% undecided respectively. A fairly large population of the
respondents do not surf the internet while preparing lesson notes. The
implication of this is that they will not be in touch with what their
counterparts all over the world and they may also not have first hand
information on current trends and best practices in their profession and
method of teaching. Overall, the results are consistent with the
findings of Slaouti & Barton (2007) who concluded that ICT most
commonly used by teachers was word-processing, PowerPoint then WWW.
The table above indicates that 50% respondents uses spreadsheet
package in preparing student results, 42.65% don't use, this lack
of usage may be due to the fact that spreadsheets are normally used by
teachers to manage student grades and results and not for everyday use,
therefore,. 7.35 respondents were undecided. Sixty five percent of
teachers have ever used both spreadsheets this shows that the
respondents are competing almost on the same footing with their
counterparts in other parts of the world. Spreadsheets are normally used
by teachers to manage student grades and results.
From the table above, it can be deduced that respondents have
positive attitudes towards computer and ICT skills; 61 respondents
representing 89.70% strongly agree that computer and ICT training is
very important and useful, 73.53% strongly disagree that computer and
ICT skills are not needed in their profession, 32.35% strongly disagrees
with not having time to acquire necessary skills on computer and ICT
while 45.58% also strongly disagrees with their schools not having
programs for training teachers relevant skills on computer and ICT. It
is clear from the table above that teachers recognize the fact that
computer and ICT skills is very relevant to their profession most
especially this 21st century where millions of information exist on the
web. It will be a serious setback if they cannot access or utilize
information that is at their disposal. (Akudolu, 2006).
The study reveals that majority of the teachers in the secondary
schools sampled were computer and ICT literate. Although this is a very
good indication, so much still needs to be done. The government in
conjunction with the ministry of education should ensure that computer
and ICT trainings is inculcated into the curriculum of teacher training
schools. A viable school library with computer and ICT gadgets in
working conditions should be put in place in each school. This place an
onus on the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) to rise up to the
occasion and make sure libraries are set up in secondary schools and
professional librarians are employed to man the affairs of such
libraries. Regular visits for inspection should be made to schools at
intervals by NLA officials to make sure the libraries are achieving the
purpose for which they were set up. These libraries will help in
augmenting the training teachers receive on computer and ICT skills as
they will provide services such as in house trainings and will also have
cybercafes /media centres where teachers can make use of computers at
low or no cost. It is high time to stop idolizing computers if indeed we
are to get on the information super highway.
Abolade, A. O. & Yusuf, M O. (2005). Information and
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Universities Asian Journal of Information Technology 7 (7): 290-295,
Akudolu, L. (2006) Quest for Teacher Needed Competencies For
Instructional Use Of Ict
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Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Year of
teaching experience
Respondents Frequency
1 - 5 years 33 48.52%
6 - 10 years 18 26.47%
11 - 15 years 12 17.65%
Above20 years 5 7.36%
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents by Qualification
Respondents Frequency
NCE 11 16.18%
Bsc (ed) 33 48.53%
B.A(ed) 11 16.18%
M(ed) 1 1.47%
Msc/M.A(ed) 4 5.88%
Others 8 11.76%
Table 3:
As a teacher, have Frequency Percentage
you ever received
any computer
Yes 56 82.36
No 12 17.64
Table 4: Certification in Computer programs
Computer Programs Respondents Percentage
Certification in Computer 19 27.94
Diploma in Computer 13 19.12
Certificate in Microsoft Office
Suit (MSC word,
MS Excel, MS power point, MS 18 26.47
Internet Explorer 1 1.47
Others 17 25
Table 5: interest in developing computer and
ICT skills
Respondents Frequency
Yes 64 94.11%
No 1 1.47%
Undecided 3 4.42 %
Table 6: Respondents frequent use of computer
Once a week 3 4.42%
Twice a week 9 13.24%
Once a month 15 22.06%
Not at all 7 10.29%
Daily 31 45.58%
Undecided 3 4.41%
Table 7: Respondents surf of the internet when
preparing lesson note
Responded Percentage
Yes 35 51.47%
No 29 42.65%
Undecided 4 5.88%
Table 8: Respondents use of spreadsheet package in
preparing student results
Responded Frequency
Yes 34 50%
No 29 42.65%
Undecided 5 7.35%
Table 9: Respondents Opinions of respondents
about ICT
S/N Items Description Strongly Agree Disagree
1 Training in computers and 61 5 (7.36%) 0 (0%)
ICTs skills is useful (89.70%)
2 Computer and ICT skills 2 (2.94%) 2 (2.94%) 13
are not needed in my (19.12%)
3 I really want to know 5 (7.36%) 18 22
about computer and ICT but (26.47%) (32.35%)
don't have the time
4 Programs don't exist for 10 14 11
such training in my (14.71%) (20.60%) (16.17%)
S/N Items Description Strongly Undecided Total
1 Training in computers and 1 (1.47%) 1 (1.47%) 68
ICTs skills is useful (100%)
2 Computer and ICT skills 50 1 (1.47%) 68
are not needed in my (73.53%) (100%)
3 I really want to know 22 1 (1.47) 68
about computer and ICT but (32.35%) (100%)
don't have the time
4 Programs don't exist for 31 2 (2.94%) 68
such training in my (45.58%) (100%)
Adebayo Oyeronke
Covenant University, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria,
[email protected]
Michael Fagbohun
University of Ibadan,
[email protected]
Oyeronke, Adebayo and Fagbohun, Michael, "An Assessment of
Computer and ICT Skills Among Secondary School Teachers in Ota Ogun
State" (2013). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper
Oyeronke Adebayo
Circulation Librarian
Covenant University, Ota
[email protected]
Michael Fagbohun, Masters Student in the Department of Library,
Archival and Information Studies.
University of Ibadan
[email protected]