The effects of budgetary constraints on the operation of academic libraries in Ghana.
Asante, Edward
The central purpose of libraries is to provide access to
information to support the objectives of their parent institutions or
interests of the communities they serve. Information has become a key
resource in contemporary social and economic life upon which countries,
organizations, and individuals depend in managing their affairs. It is
an indispensable ingredient in educational and professional development
and also a medium of leisure and source of knowledge, which enables
people to manage and enrich their lives. At the same time the
advancement of research cannot take place without adequate availability
of the relevant information. In this sense libraries take part directly
in research process and hence are components of knowledge innovation,
and are involved in the diffusion and conversion of knowledge thereby
acting as bridges for turning the results of knowledge into realistic
productive entities (Yi, 1999). Therefore libraries as centers for
collection, processing, storage and distribution of information and
knowledge represent a crucial link in the development of knowledge and
are important ideological and cultural force with far reaching
implications for the society (Robert, 1996).
Information may be obtained in various ways: orally, through
lectures and personal contact, purchasing documentary materials, through
electronic networks and by access to libraries and information services.
However libraries are perceived to be not only important but also
cost-effective mechanisms for delivery of essential information and
literature (Wolpert, 1998). After acquiring carefully selected books,
journals and other formats, library services make these materials widely
available and foster their intensive use. They also add value by
organizing information for effective use, providing guidance on the
range of information that exists and by providing mechanisms to access
the required materials from other sources (Kavulya, 2004).
Statement of Problem
The effect of budgetary constraints cannot be over emphasized in
public institutions of which the library is inclusive. The operation of
libraries for some time now seems to have dwindled due to the cumulative
effect of budgetary constraints on operations. The library though, not a
profit oriented social institution needs a budget to support its
operations. Budgetary constraints seems to have affected the operations
of libraries including academic libraries, if care is not taken, the
role of the library could not the recognized. Budgetary constraints,
have perhaps, affected virtually all the services thus collection
development, acquisition and selection, as well as technical and
reprographic services. Since the libraries cannot function as expected
this has affected the patronage of clients. It is against this backdrop
that is why the researcher consider, it prudent to conduct this study to
address the situation with Koforidua Polytechnic in context. This is one
of the young and fast growing Polytechnics in Ghana situated in the
Eastern part of the country.
Purpose of the Study
The focus of the study is to assess the effect of budgetary
constraints on the operation of Academic Libraries in Ghana with
Koforidua Polytechnic as the study setting. Koforidua Polytechnic is
taken into consideration because is its one of the young and fast
growing tertiary institution in Ghana, and its proximity to the
Objectives of the Study
The specific research objectives of the study are;
To assess the relationship between collection development and
budgetary constraints
To establish relationship between acquisition and selection and
budgetary constraints
To evaluate the association between service provision and budgetary
To examine the association between patronage and budgetary
Research Hypothesis
H1. There is a correlation between collection development and
budgetary constraints
H1. There is a correlation between acquisition and selection and
budgetary constraints
H1. There is a correlation between service provision and budgetary
H1. There is a correlation between patronage and budgetary
Significance of the study
The study work will uncover both theoretical and empirical thought
that will provide a good insight into budgetary constraints that could
be addressed to avert drastic implications on the operation of Academic
Libraries in Ghana. It is believed that, the revelation of this study
will serve as a measure for Librarians to undertake a cost-benefit
analysis and to make an informed decision regarding budgetary
allocations for Libraries in Ghana. Finally, it will eliminate all
prejudices and misconceptions on the role of Libraries in a developing
country like Ghana.
Issues of budget and budgetary constraints
A budget is a guide or directive for fiscal management. Libraries
need funds for services, and these services must be budgeted for.
Fletcher (1990) gives two definitions of a budget, calling it "the
overall picture of and allocations (for expenditure) and income,"
as well as "the financial allocation for specific purpose or
purposes during a given period." Although Libraries are
service-oriented and have little or no revenue-generating motives or
objectives, they still obviously require a budget. Technical services
are not a significant source of income in the library system. Very small
amounts of income are made from reprography and binding, but the amount
is infinitesimal compared to the funds expended on technical services
(Oyelude & Ola, 2008).
Libraries of all types have been struggling with materials budgets
for many years and especially so in the recent economic recession. As a
result, Libraries have developed a number of strategies for dealing with
budget constraints. The professional literature provides many examples
of what collections Librarians are doing to cope with the budget
constraints, for example, cooperative collection building (Collins,
2012; Kieft & Payne, 2012; Pan & Fong, 2010; Nous & Roslund,
2009), patron driven acquisitions (PDA) (Fisher et al., 2012; Herrera,
2012; Sammonds, 2012; Schroeder, 2012; Schroeder and Wright, 2011), and
floating collections (Johal et al., 2012).
The African continent is the contextual framework for examining the
challenges confronting us in the attainment of MDGs by 2015 with
particular reference to health (Ojogwu, 2009). However, Africa has 52
independent countries. Each country is different in many respects, yet
they all fall within the category of developing or underdeveloped
countries. While the countries are plague by socio-economic and
political problems, the educational sector and the Public Library in
particular suffers neglect or little attention from the government. As a
result, they are challenged with the provision of such services as
envisioned by the goals setting up the Libraries (Omotosho & Okik,
Collection development
A collection development policy is intended to provide guidance,
within budgetary and space limitations, for the selection and evaluation
of materials which anticipate and meet the needs of every library users.
It directly relates the collection to the library's mission
statement, and defines the scope and standards of the various
collections in the library. Collection development is also affected by
price and availability, value for cost and library materials budget as a
whole (Board of Trustees of Forbes Library, 2006).
Bloomfield (1988) outlined what are considered as the major issues
in collection development. The six identified issues identified were the
identification of the purpose of mission either of the library itself or
its parent body, the formulation of specific library strategies and
policies for implementing the collection policy statement, the division
of the budget and its consequent problems, monitoring and resource
Generally, it is taken for granted that these issues include the
assumption that Libraries do not have sufficient funds. Formally, the
University of Sierra Leone (which currently comprises Fourah Bay
College, College of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences and the
Institute of Public Administration & Management) budgeted 6% for its
Libraries but the economic situation from the late 1980s onwards forced
this support to be converted to collegiate funding. Unfortunately, the
administration often stresses that there are many other competing
demands which frustrate the level of support libraries eventually
Acquisition and selection
Gyeszly (1990), Harrell (1990) and Smith (1990) compared and
analyzed statistically the collection growth of the Sterling and C.
Evans Library, Texas A and M University. Student enrolment, faculty
size, materials budget, library funds and expenditures, acquisition of
monographs and serials were discussed. Libraries which are actively
engaged in collection development are in a dilemma to deal with
increasing material prices at a time of decreasing state-supported
appropriations. Collection development policies in each department must
be carefully written and reviewed to address the needs of different
departments (Gyeszly, 1990; Harrell, 1990; Smith, 1990).
Unfortunately, several Libraries do not have well written
collection development policies. Kelly (1991) focused attention on
funding patterns in academic libraries and collection budget allocation
methods. It is important to use various techniques in reductions in the
budget. Forecasting models and allocation formulae previously used at
Laurentian University are detailed. Collection development methods and
allocation formulae that work very well in times of increasing budgets
should be re-examined when budgets are cut or even remain the same. The
study does not realize that in Third World University Libraries budgets
hardly remain the same. The general trend is a gradual decline which
frustrates growth of these Libraries which Koforidua Polytechnic Library
is no exception (Kelly, 1991).
Lundu (1989) and Lungu (1989) noted that a fundamental problem in
relation to acquisition of scientific literature in Zambia is the lack
of clearly-cut collection development policies. Apart from the
University of Zambia library, the rest of the libraries they evaluated
lack clear-cut collection development policies. The need for collection
development becomes paramount if acquired materials should be planned to
be relevant to needs and cost effective in relation to limited financial
resources available for the book industry in developing countries.
Service provision
Futas (1984) examined a survey conducted of Academic and Public
Libraries policies in relation to collection development. Ten Academic
Library collection development policies as well as several selected
portions of library policies like goals and objectives, selection,
collection maintenance, and intellectual freedom are outlined. Finance
is and has always been an issue of concern in the policies. The initial
practice of having a policy on what percentage will be spent on what
type of material gives place to generalizations and formulae. One
implication is that policies do not have to change every year with a new
budget (Futas, 1984).
Cabutey-Adodoadgi (1988) focused on the development of Library
collections in a developing country like Ghana and attributed the poor
and unbalanced collections to the inability of Libraries to draw up
clear cut policies. The ideal however is to evolve a collection
development policy that will be based on key factors like library
budget, selectivity, user needs and evaluation. Library collections of
developing countries, if anything, should reflect balance.
Unfortunately, the situation falls far short of the expectations and
this had affected service delivery by the Libraries.
Patronage level
According to Nwokocha (1998), some of the consequences of budget
constraints include low patronage; lack of current materials; lack of
trained personnel; inadequate funding; and suggestions for improvement,
including the involvement of multinational organizations in funding.
Libraries' resource constraints are also illustrated by the fact
that libraries find the lack of funds or staff time to promote library
resources and services to the community to be one of the most
significant barriers to improving service to the community. More
directly on point, Public libraries also find that having their staff
insufficiently trained to meet the demands of the users' community
poses an important barrier to improving service to health Millennium
Development Goals (Nwokocha,1998).
Babafemi (1999) executed a survey named "Resources and
Services of a Special Library: A Case of a Medical Library in
Nigeria" to evaluate the resources and services of university of
Illorin Medical library. Questionnaires were administered to librarian,
faculty members and students. Survey led to the findings that more than
90% users rated library material as inadequate. Journals in stock were
outdated and 14% users advocated the need to subscribe more journal
Research strategy
Case study approach has been used in numerous library and
information science (LIS) studies (Beard, Bottomly, & Geeson, 2003;
Diamond & Pease, 2001; Foley, 2002; Hamel, 1993; Kloss & Zhang,
2003; Radford, 1983, Scardellato, 2001; Stalker & Murfin, 1996).
Case studies are explanatory, and "illustrate a decision or set of
decisions: why they were taken, how they were implemented, and with what
result" (Yin, 1994). The study was a case study approach using
Koforidua Polytechnic as the study setting. A case study is an empirical
inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real
context and which context is not clearly evident (Yin, 2003).The mixed
method was adopted to collect data from a population of Library Staff
and Lecturers of Koforidua Polytechnic.
Target population
The total population of the study was Library Staff and Lecturers.
This exclude part-time Lecturers and those on sabbatical, totaling two
hundred and twenty .(Planning & Quality Assurance Unit, Koforidua
Polytechnic, 2014).The Library Staff consist Professionals (Senior
Assistant Librarians, Assistant Librarians) Para-Professionals(Senior
Library Assistants & Library Assistants) and Non-Professionals
(Library Clerks) whiles the Lecturers, were made up of Senior Lecturers,
Lecturers, Assistant Lecturers and Junior Assistant Lecturers as well as
Instructors (Human Resource Unit, 2014). Part-time Lecturers were not
included in the study because they do not spent much time on campus
Sampling technique and Sample size
Convenient sampling method was employed to select participants of
the study. The decision about the size of the sample was taken
considering time and cost, the need of precision and a variety of
further considerations (Bryman & Bell, 2003). The study was
conducted on the campus of Koforidua Polytechnic.
Pre-testing and Data collection
Questionnaire was the main instrument used to collect data for the
study. This was supported with an schedule interview. With permission
from the then Acting Registrar, the researcher distributed the
questionnaire himself with the help of four research assistants from the
research directorate of the institution under study. The Head Librarian
and his Deputy were also interviewed. The researcher pre-tested the
questionnaire with the Library Staff and Lecturers of All Nations
University College in the same locality of Koforidua, before the actual
distribution. This was done to detect any deficiencies for corrective
measures to be taken. Out of the two hundred and twenty copies of
questionnaire distributed, two hundred copies were returned within two
months, with a response rate of 90.9% as a representation of the sample
Descriptive Statistics
From Table 1 it is observed that almost all the mean are in the
same range except Reputation(LP).The highest mean was 7.6548
representing Patronage(PA) whiles the lowest mean was 4.1040
representing Reputation. Therefore this study relies on four (4) top
means which are (AS)(7.0248), (SP)(7.0050), (BC)(7.4167) and
H1. To assess the relationship between collection development and
budgetary constraints
Model Summary
The R square in this model is 0.35, which means 35 percent of the
variation of budgetary constraints could be explained by collection
development. From the ANOVA Table, the p-value of the F-test is 0.014,
which lower than 0.05. There is a positive significant linear
relationship at a significant level of 0.05. Therefore, collection
development has a significant linear relationship with of budgetary
For the significant of each individual variable, t-test was used
for analysis. The p-value of patronage and services provision was 0.03
and 0.02 and which meant these variables have positive significant
linear relationship with budgetary constraints significant level 0.05.
The P-value of acquisition and selection was 0.02, which lower than
0.05. It has positive significant linear relationship at level of 0.05.
So, this variable should be accepted in the model. Therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected
H1. There is a correlation between acquisition and selection and
budgetary constraints
Model Summary
The R square in this model is 0.38, which means 38 percent of the
variation of budgetary constraints could be explained by acquisition and
selection. From the ANOVA Table, the p-value of the F-test is 0.026,
which lower than 0.05. There is a positive significant linear
relationship at a significant level of 0.05. Therefore, acquisition and
selection has a significant linear relationship with of budgetary
For the significant of each individual variable, t-test was used
for analysis. The p-value of patronage and services provision was 0.01
and 0.02 and which meant these variables have positive significant
linear relationship with budgetary constraints significant level 0.05.
The P-value of collection development was 0.04, which lower than 0.05.
It has positive significant linear relationship at level of 0.05. So,
this variable should be accepted in the model. Therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected
H1. There is a correlation between service provision and budgetary
Model Summary
The R square in this model is 0.30, which means 30 percent of the
variation of budgetary constraints could be explained by service
provision. From the ANOVA Table, the p-value of the F-test is 0.039,
which lower than 0.05. There is a positive significant linear
relationship at a significant level of 0.05. Therefore, service
provision has a significant linear relationship with of budgetary
For the significant of each individual variable, t-test was used
for analysis. The p-value of patronage and collection development was
0.04 and 0.02 and which meant these variables have positive significant
linear relationship with budgetary constraints significant level 0.05.
The P-value of acquisition and selection was 0.04, which lower than
0.05. It has positive significant linear relationship at level of 0.05.
So, this variable should be accepted in the model. Therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected.
H1. There is a correlation between patronage and budgetary
Model Summary
The R square in this model is 0.48, which means 48 percent of the
variation of budgetary constraints could be explained by patronage. From
the ANOVA Table, the p-value of the F-test is 0.020, which lower than
0.05. There is a positive significant linear relationship at a
significant level of 0.05. Therefore, patronage has a significant linear
relationship with of budgetary constraints.
For the significant of each individual variable, t-test was used
for analysis. The p-value acquisition and selection and service
provision were 0.036 and 0.016 and which meant these variables have
positive significant linear relationship with budgetary constraints
significant level 0.05. The P-value of collection development was 0.04,
which lower than 0.05. It has positive significant linear relationship
at level of 0.05. So, this variable should be accepted in the model.
Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected
The study investigated the relationship between budgetary
constraints and operation of academic libraries in Ghana. Following the
outcomes of literature reviews and frameworks, four hypotheses were
assessed. The result of the study show that all the four (4) constructs
namely (1) Patronage (2) Service Provision (3) Acquisition &
Selection and (4) Collection Development showed positive correlations
with Budgetary Constraints with regard to the operation of academic
libraries, this therefore means that there is there need, to have a
critical look at the budgets of libraries with reference to the
constructs tested because they had direct effect on the operation of the
academic libraries. A budget is a guide or directive for fiscal
management. Libraries need funds for services, and these services must
be budgeted for ((Oyelude & Ola, 2008). Again, Libraries which are
actively engaged in collection development are in a dilemma to deal with
increasing material prices at a time of decreasing state-supported
appropriations (Gyeszly, 1990; Harrell, 1990; Smith, 1990). Nwokocha
(1998), found out that some of the consequences of budget constraints
include low patronage; lack of current materials; lack of trained
personnel; inadequate funding.
Again, According to two surveys conducted in February 2011. When
compared to similar surveys sent in 2010, figures indicate that while
many libraries are still anticipating decreases, fewer decreases of more
than 10% are expected. (EBSCO Library Survey, 2011) Also, while 175 of
libraries had budget increases in 2009-2010, more than 23% saw increases
for 2010-2011. Libraries are also showing a willingness to solve their
budget problems by moving to electronic content or canceling databases
that contain duplicate content and negotiating multi-year deals with
vendors that can provide full solutions. Some of those choices are
impacting spending with increases being anticipated in individual
eBooks, electronic journal subscriptions, eBook and e-journal packages
and full-text databases.
Academic libraries though non-profit oriented cannot operate
without budgetary allocation. They are supposed to support the parent
institutions in terms of teaching, learning and research and therefore
without adequate funds they cannot function as expected. All the four
hypothetical statements tested showed a positive significant linear
relationship at level of 0.05, hence the null hypotheses were rejected
for all the constructs. This means that for academic libraries to
operate effectively and efficiently, there is the need for adequate
budgetary allocation in order to boast collection development practices,
service provision, acquisition and selection as well as patronage of the
Based on the established facts from the study the researcher
recommended among others that; Management of academic libraries should
be given adequate budgetary allocation to enable them function as
expected. Again, management of the Polytechnics should be encouraged to
allocate separate budget for libraries in order to improve in terms of
collection development, service provision, acquisition and selection as
well as patronage. This must however be adequate in order to cater for
all issues in the long term.
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Edward Asante
Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana,
[email protected]
Table; 1 Descriptive Statistics
Variable N Mean Std. Deviation
Collection Development(CD) 200 7.1386 .31539
Acquisition and Selection(AS) 200 7.0248 .32234
Service Provision(SP) 200 7.0050 .56943
Reputation(LP) 200 4.1040 .40674
Budgetary Constraints(BC) 200 7.4167 .30500
Patronage(PA) 200 7.6548 .45676
Source: fieldwork 2013
Table 2. Model Summary of the
relationship between acquisition and
selection and budgetary constraints.
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error
R Square of the Estimate
1 .186(a) .035 .020 .62604
a Predictors: (Constant), acquisition and selection, service
provision, Low patronage
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.779 3 .926 2.363 .002(a)
Residual 77.603 198 .392
Total 80.381 201
a Predictors: (Constant), acquisition and selection, service
provision, Low patronage
b Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.652 .477 0.014 .000
Low patronage .135 .072 .131 0.023 .003
service provision .060 .061 .069 0.013 .002
acquisition .108 .058 .132 0.041 .002
and selection
a Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Source: fieldwork 2013
Table 3. Model Summary of the relationship between acquisition and
selection and budgetary constraints.
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of
R Square the Estimate
1 .133(a) .038 .003 .63152
a Predictors: (Constant), collection development, Low patronage,
service provision
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1.416 3 .472 1.183 .03(a)
Residual 78.965 198 .399
Total 80.381 201
a Predictors: (Constant), collection development, Low patronage,
service provision
b Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 3.214 .441 0.026 .000
Low patronage .121 .072 .118 0.031 .001
service provision .053 .062 .061 0.043 .002
collection development .011 .055 .014 0.019 .004
a Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Source: fieldwork 2013
Table 4. Model Summary of the relationship between service provision
and budgetary constraints.
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of
R Square the Estimate
1 .173(a) .030 .015 .62749
a Predictors: (Constant), acquisition and selection, collection
development, Low patronage
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.419 3 .806 2.048 .008(a)
Residual 77.962 198 .394
Total 80.381 201
a Predictors: (Constant), acquisition and selection, collection
development, Low patronage
b Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.951 .450 0.039 .000
collection development -.011 .055 -.014 0.04 .03
Low patronage .135 .072 .132 0.029 .004
acquisition and .105 .058 .128 0.018 .002
a Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Source: fieldwork 2013
Table 5. Model Summary of the relationship between patronage and
budgetary constraints.
Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of
R Square the Estimate
1 .133(a) .048 .003 .63150
a Predictors: (Constant), collection development, acquisition and
selection, service provision
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1.420 3 .473 1.187 .131(a)
Residual 78.961 198 .399
Total 80.381 201
a Predictors: (Constant), collection development, acquisition and
selection, service provision
b Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 3.293 .411 0.020 .000
service provision .060 .062 .069 .972 .042
acquisition and .097 .058 .118 1.675 .036
collection development -.009 .055 -.012 -.169 .016
a Dependent Variable: Budgetary constraints
Source: fieldwork 2013