Fast, faster, fastest: high-speed intercity passenger rail is gaining momentum in the United States. But are fast trains a smart public investment?
Rall, Jaime
Americans love trains.
They evoke nostalgia for a golden age of industry when our cities
grew up around rail lines and passenger trains were the fastest, most
dependable and most luxurious way to travel.
The rise of commercial aviation and the interstates in the mid-20th
century sent passenger rail into a steep decline. The nation now has
only two-thirds the rail miles it had in 1916, and some passenger routes
take hours longer today than they did during the Great Depression.
Fast-forward to 2009 when President Barack Obama announced his
vision for high-speed, intercity passenger rail: Sleek, fast trains
similar to the advanced systems in Europe and Asia that will whisk
Americans hundreds of miles without the hassles of airports or highway
traffic. The president's vision has captured the public's
imagination, and recent boosts in federal funding for high speed rail
initiatives have raised hopes that the vision will become a reality.
"The president's vision has captured the public's
imagination, and recent boosts in federal funding for high-speed rail
initiatives have raised hopes that the vision will become a
reality," says New York Senate President Pro Tem Malcolm Smith.
"Suddenly, high-speed rail is a high-profile transportation
But many questions remain unanswered and the rhetoric is flying.
Those who advocate passenger rail see it as an environmentally friendly
and much-needed option that will transform how Americans travel. Others
warn it will be an expensive boondoggle that cannot deliver on its
promises. The question facing the states is whether investing in
high-speed rail is smart public policy.
The terra "high-speed rail" is often associated with
Japanese "bullet trains" and the Train a Grande Vitesse or TGV
in France, both of which travel at average speeds of more than 260 mph
on some routes. In 2008, Congress defined high-speed rail more modestly
as "intercity passenger rail service that is reasonably expected to
reach speeds of at least 110 mph."
Today, only three routes are high-speed by this definition: the
Keystone Service in Pennsylvania, the Empire Line in New York and the
Acela from New York to Washington, D.C. Even these trains attain high
speed only on small portions of track.
Unlike more advanced systems around the world, which run on
grade-separated, dedicated tracks, American passenger trains almost
always share track with slower freight trains and also contend with
curving tracks, old signaling systems and other obstacles.
Since World War II, federal transportation investment has focused
on highways and aviation. Unlike those modes, passenger rail has no
dedicated revenue source or trust fund. And the discrepancy between rail
and highway investment is striking. From 1990 to 2007, Congress provided
$4.17 billion for high-speed rail development. In contrast, federal-aid
highways received more than nine times that amount more than $39
billion--in 2007 alone.
Since 1992, 10 "high-speed rail corridors" have been
federally designated, based on their potential for development. They are
in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas-Oklahoma and New York, as
well as the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Southeast, Gulf Coast and New
England. Along with the Northeast Corridor from Boston to Washington,
D.C., these routes reach 34 states and total more than 9,500 route
States have long advocated for federal funds for state-supported,
intercity passenger rail. In 2008, the passage of the Passenger Rail
Investment and Improvement Act signaled a major federal policy shift.
The act reauthorized Amtrak, required national and state rail plans, and
approved nearly $5 billion over five years for three new grant programs
for intercity and high-speed rail.
Last April, Obama called for robust, efficient high-speed rail
service in 100- to 600-mile intercity corridors. He also confirmed that
the designated corridors were potential recipients of federal funding.
There was nothing new in talking about high-speed rail. The real
innovation from the current administration was not naming the corridors
or identifying the grant programs, bur providing far more money than
what was previously authorized.
An $8 billion "down payment" from the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act was provided through existing grant programs to
jump-start the nationwide improvement of passenger rail. In December,
Congress approved $2.5 billion more for high-speed rail in FY 2010
appropriations--$1.5 billion more than the president had requested. More
funding is expected from federal budgets over the next four years and
from legislation authorizing federal surface transportation programs.
States quickly pursued the new money. For the initial $8 billion in
federal stimulus money, states submitted 259 applications for a total of
$57 billion.
In January, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded the $8
billion in grants to 31 states to develop 13 routes across the country.
These included funds for smaller projects and planning, to lay the
groundwork for future development.
Most of the money was awarded to develop new, large-scale
high-speed rail programs. California received $2.25 billion and Florida
$1.25 billion to build new, dedicated, European-style systems between
the states' major cities. Seven Midwest states received a total of
$2.62 billion to upgrade existing lines to make them faster and better
serve existing markets.
The state role in passenger rail can include infrastructure
planning, development and
The federal government has designated 10 high-speed rail corridors
in regions of the country based on their potential for development.
There also is the existing Northeast Corridor from Boston to Washington,
D.C. funding. Left without a federal funding partner for decades,
however, many states have had limited or no passenger rail programs. In
2005, only about half the states had dedicated rail offices in their
transportation departments, and some of those were handling solely
freight--not passenger--systems.
Still, that means about half the states are actively supporting
passenger rail, despite 50 years of federal financial neglect. As of
2005, at least 22 states were subsidizing Amtrak, passenger rail or
commuter rail with state money. Many states--including California,
Florida, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and
Washington--have established rail governance structures. In 2009, Texas
joined them by legislatively creating a rail division, partly to catch
up with development efforts in other corridors.
Even in states with plans for high-speed rail, development efforts
have stalled in the absence of federal funding. California and the
Midwest coalition have been planning their systems for more than 12
years, the Pacific Northwest since 1992, and the Gulf Coast states since
1982. For some of these states, the Obama initiative is finally getting
their projects moving.
Any federal funds will come with clear expectations for state
involvement, according to Joseph Szabo, administrator of the Federal
Railroad Administration. "While FRA writes the checks, it is really
state DOTs that will have responsibility for implementing these
programs," he says.
State legislators also have a key role, says Minnesota Senator D.
Scott Dibble. They need to "oversee and provide the policy
framework and the political leadership. Legislators need to pay
attention and engage at the state, regional and federal levels. The
alternative is to have this issue completely pass you by."
Amid all the enthusiasm for high-speed rail, questions remain about
whether it is a smart policy choice. Advocates of high-speed rail have
claimed it can relieve highway and airport congestion, lessen greenhouse
gas emissions, limit dependence on foreign oil, and support economic
growth. But some including the Reason Foundation, the Cato Institute and
Harvard economist Edward Glaeser--have suggested high-speed rail cannot
deliver on these promises.
Part of the problem is that predictions about high-speed rail are
based on uncertain estimates of its costs and ridership. Models often
use data from Asia and Europe, which have only limited applicability to
the United States. They also sometimes project other variables decades
into the future, such as population growth, fuel prices, economic growth
and airfare costs.
Here's what we do know: First, high-speed rail is an expensive
proposition. Incremental improvements in the Midwest will cost $3.1
million per mile; California's new, faster system will be about $65
million per mile. Most systems will require substantial up-front public
investments and perhaps long-term operating subsidies.
Second, the public benefits of those investments will vary by
project, and those benefits and are hard to predict.
High-speed rail may work best in corridors with large, dense
populations and congestion on existing modes of transportation, and
where frequent, reliable service can be provided, according to a study
by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
Even in those areas, however, economic viability is not guaranteed.
"As these initial dollars are put on the table," says
Dibble, "we need to be very rigorous in making sure that we are
building the right facilities and that the business cases are very
"High-speed rail can be a fantastic investment for the
economy, for individual lives, and for the environment," he says.
"But investing in a project that is a failure will affect the whole
movement toward building a robust nationwide passenger rail
Success will depend on the basics, says Florida Senator Paula
Dockery. "The key is that the trains have to run on time, be clean,
be safe, and take the people where they want to go. If you make it easy
to use, it becomes a viable alternative."
In a time of fiscal crisis, high-speed rail likely will be weighed
carefully against other spending priorities, including existing,
underfunded transportation infrastructure. With scarce state funds, few
in-country rail experts and no existing high-speed rail industry, states
that want these systems may find it challenging to develop the capacity
and expertise to do their part.
This leaves state policymakers in a familiar situation: Making
difficult decisions based on competing priorities, careful deliberation
and often conflicting information.
"The long-term success of rail in this country and in your
individual states and regions," says Karen Rae, the railroad
administration's deputy administrator, "depends upon state
legislatures understanding the goals of the program, the potential
benefits, and then just doing the tough thing you do all the time:
figuring out how that fits into your larger transportation goals."
Although high-speed rail may be gaining momentum, its future is
Building a national high-speed rail network would take decades of
sustained federal commitment. Though the $10.5 billion given so far is a
start, the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study
Commission estimated the capital cost of reestablishing the national
passenger rail network by 2050 at over $357 billion. Without a dedicated
funding source, high-speed rail projects must compete with other demands
on federal funds and may give way to other policy priorities in the
"Whether or not the enthusiasm of this administration will
grow into a sustainable, long-term program, only time will tell, says
New York's Smith.
Minnesota's Dibble thinks there is momentum building.
"The excitement, imagination, and possibilities that are out
there for building a comprehensive network of high-speed, intercity
passenger rail," he says, "really speaks to the need to create
a much more reliable program with the kind of political and
institutional commitment that will stand the test of time."
Jaime Rall covers high-speed rail and a range of other
transportation issues for NCSL, and co-staffs the new NCSL High-Speed
Rail Working Group.
CHECK OUT more about high-speed rail at
Talk about high-speed rail in the United States often refers to the
model systems in Asia and Europe.
Even President Barack Obama made the point last year. "All of
you know this is not some fanciful, pie-in-the-sky vision of the
future," he said. "It's been happening for decades. The
problem is it's been happening elsewhere, not here."
Here is a quick picture of what's happening elsewhere.
* Japan unveiled the world's first high-speed rail line in
1964: the Shinkansen bullet train between Tokyo and Osaka, which
averages 150 mph. Since then, seven other high-speed lines have been
added, both before and after privatization in 1987. The system currently
serves about 300 million passengers per year and continues to expand
based on a national master plan. Right now, a new Tokyo-Osaka line is
being built to carry passengers at more than 300 mph.
* France opened its first Train a Grande Vitesse or TGV line from
Paris to Lyon in 1981. In 2007, a TGV train broke the world speed record
at 357 mph. Every year, more than 100 million passengers ride the 1,180
miles of TGV, which connect major cities in France and link to Germany,
Belgium and England. France is currently pursuing a plan to build 1,200
additional miles of high-speed rail before 2020.
* Spain's first high-speed rail line, from Madrid to Seville,
opened in 1992; more people now travel between those cities by rail than
by car and air combined. In 2007 and 2008, additional lines were built
from Madrid to Barcelona and Valladolid, and from Cordoba to Malaga.
Today, the 981-mile system serves 9 million passengers per year.
Spain's most recent national transportation plan calls for $103.9
billion to develop 5,592 miles of high-speed rail.
* China has embarked on the fastest expansion of high-speed rail in
the world. The country started its service only three years ago and
plans to invest more than $ t trillion to develop more than 8,000 miles
of high-speed rail by 2020. Last year, China unveiled the world's
now fastest high-speed train, which averages 217 mph. By 2012, China
will have spent $300 billion and may have more miles of high-speed rail
service than any other nation.
True high-speed rail that travels at more than 150 mph requires
exclusively dedicated track with no grade crossings, no freight traffic
and no sharp curves. These systems are costly. France invested $10.6
billion and Spain $1.3 billion in passenger rail in 2003 alone; Japan
spends about $2 billion a year on the Shinkansen. So far, only
California and Florida plan to build similar systems in the United