Running out of gas: dropping revenue from the fuel tax poses a dilemma for how to pay for maintaining and improving roads and bridges.
Reed, James B. ; Rall, Jaime
America's transportation infrastructure is at a crossroads.
Years of underinvestment coupled with declining revenues and a
"no new taxes" attitude have built into a crisis.
The average annual cost of maintaining the nation's roads,
bridges and transit systems is about $277 billion, but the annual amount
of transportation revenues at all levels of government-including federal
and state fuel taxes, tolls and fares--is only about $219 billion,
according to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
Unless there are innovations and new money, roads, bridges and mass
transportation systems will fall further into decline and disrepair.
Short-term fixes have been exhausted and the long-term options will be
politically painful.
The extent of the shortfall was obscured while federal stimulus
money helped states pay for thousands of smaller transportation projects
in 2009 and 2010. But the short-term successes of the stimulus could not
fix the growing gap between available revenue and what is actually
needed to maintain our transportation infrastructure.
Meanwhile, states still await reauthorization of federal
transportation legislation that will add certainty to a very unstable
existing situation, but will likely fall short of expectations for
bringing new money to the equation.
The key problems are declining revenue from the gas tax and
increasing costs to maintain the system.
President Obama made clear that the $787 billion federal stimulus
package in 2009 was intended not only to help pull the economy out of a
tailspin, but to provide desperately needed money for essential
infrastructure projects.
The act provided states with $48.1 billion for highways, transit
and other transportation projects as part of the largest new investment
in infrastructure since building the interstate highway system in the
1950s. By the end of 2010, stimulus funds had supported more than 10,000
backlogged projects, according to the U.S. House Transportation and
infrastructure Committee. More than a thousand bridges had been repaired
or built, 35,399 miles of roads improved, and hundreds of projects
suddenly made possible.
"These funds allowed us to put people back to work, while at
the same time getting to a large backlog of much-needed
improvements," says Minnesota Senator D. Scott Dibble. "We
were able to rehab long deteriorated roads and improve the safety of our
These short-term successes, however, masked underlying problems.
The approaching end of the stimulus dollars what many officials are
calling the "ARRA cliff"--has lawmakers concerned about what
lies ahead.
Recession-driven declines in overall driving coupled with larger
numbers of fuel-efficient vehicles have resulted in lower gas tax
revenues. At the same time, the cost of building and repairing roads
continues a steady climb.
The nation faces a shortfall of $58 billion a year just to maintain
highways and transit systems, and $119 billion a year to improve them,
according to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
The unprecedented investment of the federal recovery act failed to
fill even a single year's gap. Even with the stimulus funds, 21
states cut transportation programs in FY 2010 and at least 11 plan to do
so in FY 2011, including nine that did in 2010.
"The systemic failure of current financing has made
clear," stated a blue ribbon study in Arkansas, "that the
traditional approach to highway, road, street and bridge maintenance and
construction is, in its present form, no longer sustainable when
measured against a changing economic and technological environment,
erosion of purchasing power and continuing escalation of costs."
Current revenues simply fail to meet current needs. At least a
dozen other recent state studies on transportation essentials and
revenue options come to the same conclusion.
"The ARRA funding certainly was a help," says Oklahoma
Senator Gary Stanislawski.
"But a one-time infusion of resources did not help solve the
transportation infrastructure problem that the states--and our
nation--are facing. No state possesses the resources to keep pace with
the structural fundinggap."
or the first time in recent memory, no state raised its gasoline
tax this past year, though six states raised other transportation
funding sources like vehicle registration fees and sales taxes devoted
to transportation. Meanwhile, projects pile up.
So what is the cost of letting things go?
"All available research confirms both the strategic benefits
of transportation investment as well as the dramatic decline in
available transportation revenue," says Dan Murray, a researcher at
the American Transportation Research Institute. "Continued
under-investment in roads and bridges has played a leading role in
traffic congestion and all that comes with it; namely pollution, safety
degradation, longer transit times and increased logistics costs. Worse,
our recalcitrance for funding transportation will ultimately lead to
higher inflation, lower productivity and a continued decline in our
global competitiveness."
A Michigan transportation study found underinvestment in
transportation infrastructure cost $7 billion annually in wasted fuel,
lost time, vehicle maintenance costs, medical costs, lost productivity
and property damage caused by congestion, poor pavement condition and
States have been waiting for a long time for reauthorization of a
sweeping new federal transportation bill that will supply new money and
potentially change the way federal funds are distributed. Short-term
extensions of the existing law have not been enough. Congress has had to
transfer $35 billion from the general fund to the Highway Trust Fund
since mid 2008 to make up for shortfalls, mainly from the gas tax.
New leadership in Congress seems to be moving toward a downsized
federal role because of an unwillingness to raise the gas tax and a
growing concern about the federal deficit.
"Today, our government, elected leaders, and Americans
everywhere have no choice but to do more with less," said U.S.
Representative John Mica of Florida after his selection as the new chair
of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. "This will also
be the [committee's] mandate."
As one of its first acts, the new House adopted a rule change that
makes federal funding for transportation programs subject to the annual
appropriations process for the first time since 1998. This change could
result in lower spending levels for state transportation programs.
If the gas tax does not increase and other sources of revenue are
not found, there will be a substantial cutback in money available for
roads and bridges, according to Ken Orski, a longtime transportation
consultant and former Nixon administration official.
"The future annual highway program would need to be cut back
by $7 billion to $8 billion and the transit program by $3 billion from
the current FY 2010 levels, once the funds from the recent transfer of
general revenues have been exhausted," he told state lawmakers last
year in discussing projected tax receipts.
With no increase in the federal gas tax, future estimated annual
revenue for the Highway Trust Fund will be about $35 billion a year for
highways and $5.5 billion a year for transit, according to the
Congressional Budget Office. Previously, revenue for the fund amounted
to $39.6 billion for highways and $5 billion for transit.
The shrinking revenue stream is a cause of great concern for
states, but just getting a long-term federal bill would provide some
measure of assurance. Officials at state departments of transportation
and their contractors who provide jobs say they need certainty to plan
into the future.
Senator Bruce Starr of Oregon believes "one of the main things
government should do is to provide transportation infrastructure,"
and is urging fellow lawmakers to "communicate with their members
of Congress to get reauthorization done."
"If not," he says, "all states will suffer by losing
millions in federal transportation funds and being unable to do
long-range planning."
Transportation experts agree the current transportation funding
system based largely on the gasoline and diesel tax is not sustainable.
These are three ideas transportation experts think may help address the
Twenty-nine states and Puerto Rico have authorized public-private
partnerships for transportation projects. The trend grew in 2010 as 21
states and the District of Columbia considered 52 legislative measures
concerning transportation partnerships. Of those, seven states adopted
11 measures, including a comprehensive public-private partnership
enabling statute in Maine.
Though public-private partnerships are not optimal for many
transportation projects, they have been shown to reduce upfront public
costs by completing projects more quickly. These arrangements use
financial and other resources in the private sector to build
infrastructure. Tolls or other public revenue such as taxes or vehicle
fees are needed to pay back the private investment.
A mileage pricing system assesses a tax based on the number of
miles a vehicle is driven. The system is considered one of the best
ideas for replacing the gas tax, according to numerous studies, research
and actual trials. It's been widely embraced by transportation
advocates and subject to analysis in as many as 16 states. It was tested
in a Portland, Ore., pilot project in 2007. The state's
transportation department concluded the mileage fee concept was
"feasible as an alternative revenue collection system for replacing
the gas tax as the fundamental way the state pays for road work."
The state hopes to roll the program out statewide after some additional
fine tuning.
There are other obstacles to a mileage-based fee system, however.
The Texas Department of Transportation studied the issue, including
listening to several citizen focus groups, and concluded the public does
not understand the current gas-tax-based system let alone a mileage fee
"The public also has concerns about the technologies needed
for a mileage fee system," the Texas study found. "They
don't want to be forced to install equipment in their vehicles that
could track their movement.
Furthermore, in the public's view too many other simpler
solutions have not yet been attempted."
Consolidation of transportation functions, agencies and even
jurisdictions is another emerging solution. In 2009, Massachusetts
combined seven disparate transportation agencies into one transportation
department to make the system more efficient, and a department report
for 2010 found the consolidation is saving at least $100 million per
year. Also in 2009, North Carolina enacted legislation that transferred
the functions and funds of the state's Turnpike Authority to the
department of transportation.
The bill's fiscal note anticipated that the transfer would
lower the authority's budget by $2.3 million per year.
Check out an interview with three state lawmakers on the
transportation challenges facing states and find out more on how ARRA
money was spent on transportation-related projects at
James B. Reed directs the Transportation program at NCSL.
Jaime Rail tracks a range of transportation issues for NCSL.
Highways * 7,719 projects * 12,603 projects worth $24.9
and Bridges worth $7.7 billion billion
Transit * 3,059 capital * 4,836 capital assistance
assistance projects projects worth $5.6 billion
worth $1.8 billion
* 158 fixed guideway projects
* 50 fixed guideway worth $703 million
projects worth $102
Highways * 1,264 bridges improved, replaced or built
and Bridges
* 35,399 miles of pavement improved, resurfaced
or widened
* More than 765,000 jobs and $136 billion of
economic activity
Transit * 12,234 buses, rail cars and paratransit vans
purchased or rehabilitated
* 4,870 passenger facilities and 324 maintenance
facilities constructed or rehabilitated
* More than 262,000 jobs and $47.2 billion of
economic activity
Sources: American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, November 2010; U.S. House
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, January 2011.