Proof of service.
Teigen, Anne
Active duty servicemen and women have military ID cards to prove
their status, but veterans must carry the comparatively large
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty--referred to as a
DD214--to prove their military experience.
To make it easier and more convenient for veterans to verify their
service, 14 state legislatures have passed measures to allow a military
designation on driver's licenses, and at least 21 legislatures are
considering similar legislation. In Massachusetts, the Registry of Motor
Vehicles (without legislative action) began issuing licenses this year
with a veteran designation.
For the tens of thousands of veterans returning from Iraq and
Afghanistan, this new ID on their driver's license will help when
applying for a job, seeking services at the Department of Veterans
Affairs, or simply taking advantage of a retailer's discount.
Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and
Utah allow a military designation on driver's licenses. Most made
the change in the past three years. In Arkansas, for example, a bold,
red "VETERAN" appears below the driver's photo. On Maine
licenses, along with the iconic moose, veterans are photographed in
front of a blue backdrop with white stars. Although Florida already has
a military designation on its driver's license, the Legislature is
considering a bill to provide a temporary "V" sticker, for a
$2 fee, for use between renewals.