Coming home: troops returning from overseas and veterans are getting a hand from states in finding jobs, justice and the support they deserve.
Reed, James B.
There are 2.3 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Tens of thousands of additional troops are now returning home as the
American presence in both countries winds down.
This homecoming is a challenge to vets, service members and society
for several reasons. The number of people suffering psychological trauma from the current wars has skyrocketed, and not all those coming home
know about or make use of the benefits to which they are entitled.
At the same time, hefty cuts are looming for the U.S. defense
budget over the next several years. State and local governments will
feel the pain.
States and communities are gearing up to meet the needs of this
growing veteran community. At the same time, state lawmakers are working
to protect existing military installations from development and
incompatible land uses that could cause the military to pack up and
Various federal agencies are primarily responsible for the
post-deployment needs of returning service members and veterans,
particularly providing health care and mental health benefits. States,
however, have an increasingly important role, providing services that
range from education benefits to unemployment compensation, and also
granting waivers from taxes and fees for a variety of services.
Lawmakers passed nearly 300 bills in 2011 to help veterans, adding
to the 225 enacted in 2010. So far this year, several hundred bills have
been introduced aimed at helping vets and active members of the
In Texas, Representative Dan Flynn (R), chair of the Military
Caucus, is emphatic about stepping up the state effort. "I'm
working to ensure the maximum effort is I made to give troops returning
home the support they need as they reintegrate into daily life,"
Flynn says.
He introduced successful legislation last session to strengthen the
right to reemployment for members of the military forces of Texas or any
other state upon return from authorized duty. Numerous states offer
employment protection for deployed National Guard members, mirroring or
strengthening the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
Re-Employment Rights Act of 1994, which protects the civilian jobs of
those deployed. A new trend is to give tax credits to employers who hire
veterans. Developing call centers for transportation assistance and
providing free or reduced fares for veterans who are using public
transportation are increasingly common, as well.
The list goes on:
* Foreclosure protection.
* Income tax reductions, credits or exemptions.
* Reduced college tuition.
* Waivers from certain fees and taxes, such as state parks
admission or special license plates.
* Residential property tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
* Free or reduced fees for hunting and fishing licenses.
Employment Is Key
All levels of government are looking to ease the transition to
civilian employment for those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Several federal agencies not only pay for job training and
placement, but also give veterans preference in obtaining small business
loans. The Obama administration has proposed a Veterans Job Corps to
employ veterans to do conservation work on public lands. Washington
state created such a program in 2005. States are examining a variety of
approaches not only for vets, but also for spouses who have had to move
frequently over the years, imperiling their professional licenses as
they move between states.
For veterans, several states now require licensing boards to accept
military education, training and experience to fulfill requirements in a
variety of fields where the training is comparable. Colorado, Kentucky,
Utah, Virginia, and Washington have adopted this approach recently.
Military spouses in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Kansas,
Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Washington can
obtain temporary licenses while they complete requirements, receive
reciprocity for their credentials from another state, or take advantage
of expedited procedures to replace their license from another state.
Lawmakers in 15 more states have introduced similar legislation this
"It's about recognizing the contribution service members
make to the community, especially those in the National Guard,"
says Kansas Representative John Grange (R).
Another option is to give employers tax credits for hiring
veterans. Vermont passed legislation in 2011, and 15 states--Alaska,
California, Hawaii, Iowa, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia
and Wisconsin and the District of Columbia are considering similar bills
this year.
Justice Reconsidered
Another issue of growing concern to state lawmakers is veterans who
become caught up in the criminal justice system. Veterans are no more
likely to be arrested than the general population, according to the
Bureau of Justice Statistics. But many end up facing criminal charges
because of wartime psychological trauma that has led to mental illness
and substance abuse.
Studies show traditional criminal justice proceedings often fail to
meet the needs of veterans. A recent survey in Travis County, Texas, for
example, showed a majority of arrested veterans have not obtained
Veterans' Administration or other benefits for which they qualify.
"A lot of returning young soldiers with problems are not aware
of the services they are entitled to," says retired Air Force Chief
Master Sergeant Rich Lindsey, lead peer mentor to returning war veterans
at the Colorado Springs Veterans Trauma Court. The court ensures veteran
defendants charged with lower level, nonviolent felonies, who also are
diagnosed with service-related trauma spectrum disorder, receive
treatment so they can get on with their lives.
"When we get them the services they need, it really changes
these guys," Lindsey says.
At least 70 courts like the one in Colorado Springs are operating
in 26 states. Matt Stiner, a Marine veteran who helped start the Tulsa,
Okla., veterans' treatment court, now serves as director of
development and outreach for Justice for Vets, a group promoting these
courts around the country.
"These courts offer veterans the opportunity to receive the
benefits and services they have earned, while undergoing the treatment
needed to be productive citizens," Stiner says. "They
significantly reduce criminal justice costs and break the costly cycle
of addiction and crime."
These courts are presided over by judges and staffed by people
trained to identify a variety of post-battlefield ailments, such as
post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury that have been
a factor in veterans' legal violations. This is critical, since the
incidence of PTSD and TBI is so much higher in the recent wars because
of long, multiple deployments, coupled with the battlefield horrors such
as seeing friends and innocent bystanders killed.
Advocates believe service members and veterans respond better in a
system that recognizes, addresses and is sympathetic to their unique
circumstances and needs and that metes out appropriate court-ordered
treatment. Veterans' treatment courts often team up with other
veteran service groups, such as Disabled American Veterans, American
Legion, United Service Organizations and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Eleven states have created their own courts or diversion programs
for vets. Courts are operating in many other states as well, under the
auspices of local jurisdictions. Lawmakers in Hawaii, Michigan and
Missouri are considering bills this year to address veterans'
courts, while a New Jersey task force is studying the issue.
"When veterans return home with post-traumatic stress disorder
and get in trouble with the law, they need fair judicial
treatment," says New Jersey Assembly member Upendra Chivukula (D).
"A task force to study the best treatment for post-traumatic stress
disorder is a great beginning."
The courts also are efficient and can save money. "Grouping
veterans into a single docket makes it feasible to involve the VA,
veterans' service organizations, and volunteer veteran mentors in
every court session," says Stiner. "They also help veterans
receive disability compensation through the Veterans Benefit
Administration, which helps to stabilize their lives and gives them some
When it comes to getting help, veterans face a maze of options.
Coordinating and consolidating services is a
goal for many state lawmakers. In 2009, Texas lawmakers decided to
pay for training and technology to help match veterans' needs with
available resources and to better coordinate services provided by the
Department of State Health Services. That was combined with a grant
program to local governments and charitable organizations to establish
more seamless partnering of agencies to provide an array of needed
services such as housing, legal assistance, counseling and employment
Maryland, New York, North Carolina and Oregon set up coordinated
approaches to assisting veterans in 2011. The Oregon bill requires 11
state agencies to team up with the Oregon Military Department to provide
reintegration services for veterans. Another example of coordination is
a Maryland executive order that set up a Governor's Warrior to
Worker Council of state agencies to promote the highest quality services
to veterans in the most accessible and efficient manner.
The work of legislatures to help veterans also is an expression of
gratitude for the sacrifices made by those who have served, says Hawaii
Representative Hem-y J.C. Aquino (D), who has supported several bills to
aid veterans as chair of the Hawaii House Committee on Public Safety and
Military Affairs.
"The goal is to assist veterans, active duty service members
and families of those who protect our country's freedom,"
Aquino says.
By the Numbers
Troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, 2008-2012
Estimate of troops demonstrating posttraumatic stress disorder since 2001
Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
Military bases in the United States
Acres owned by the Department of Defense
NCSL Task Force on Military and Veterans' Affairs
Lawmakers from around the country are serving on NCSL's Task
Force on Military and Veterans Affairs and studying military-community
relations and the health and Well-being of veterans.
Formed in 2007, the task force has been promoting a greater
understanding of the roles state legislators, local government
officials, land conservation organizations and the military play in
managing development near military bases, while protecting natural
resources and the health and safety of citizens.
Among the issues covered by the task force are military-community
partnerships to respond to mission change; veteran hiring and
procurement preferences; mental health, substance abuse and family
issues facing returning veterans; and benefits for military personnel,
veterans and their dependents.
The task force lets lawmakers share the best ideas and innovations
concerning the role legislatures play in assisting military service
members and veterans and in working with military installations
concerning the large variety of issues that cross jurisdictional lines.
Protecting the Military's Presence
Helping service men and women adjust to coming home also means
ensuring there's a place to come home to.
Lawmakers are concerned about encroaching development near military
bases and installations that threaten the military's ability to
continue using these facilities. Dozens of state studies have documented
the critical role of military facilities to state economies. Maryland,
for example, attributes 118,000 jobs and a total economic impact of $36
billion a year to the presence of 17 military facilities. Protecting
installations from incompatible development is a paramount concern for
states, particularly given the possibility of new base closings, which
may consider "crowded" or encroached upon facilities more
Lawmakers have a responded with a variety of policies.
* Requiring local governments and state agencies to communicate
land use changes with military installations. (17 states)
* Creating open space areas around bases and separation between the
base fence line and other land uses. (18 states)
* Coordinating land use planning with military officials to ensure
greater compatibility with military installations. (22 states)
* Keeping public lighting at a low level to avoid "light
pollution" that can interfere with military training. (14 states)
Last year, several states added to the list by enacting legislation
to ensure a sustainable military presence.
Alabama established the Job Creation and Military Stability
Commission to study how to ensure the stability of its military
facilities. Texas now requires local governments to notify defense bases
regarding land use changes. In times of a water shortage or emergency,
Utah allows special priority for military facilities. Washington
officials are now required to notify the Department of Defense when
siting any new energy facilities.
Ed Kringer, state liaison with the Department of Defense, discusses
efforts to work with states to improve the quality of life for service
members and veterans at magazine.
James B. Reed serves as staff liaison to the NCSL Task Force on
Military and Veterans' Affairs.