GI jobs: states are helping veterans find good jobs based on the training and education they received in the military.
Reed, James B.
When millions of veterans flooded home after World War II, the
federal GI Bill helped them pay for their education, find a job and
survive unemployment. Most agree the legislation fueled job growth,
helped the economy absorb the new workers and created a new cadre of
entrepreneurs. The economic boom that followed lifted millions of
Americans into the middle class.
Today, tens of thousands of service men and women are returning
home from the Middle East and the post-9/11 GI Bill helps them
assimilate, as do many other services offered by all levels of
government, nonprofit organizations and private businesses.
The real key to veterans adjusting to life back home is finding a
good job. But even with the support, the tough job market and sluggish
economy makes that difficult. Veterans and their wives and husbands face
some unique obstacles in finding and retaining civilian jobs, even when
they have marketable skills.
Many have received specialized training in the military for jobs
that would require a state occupational license or credential in the
civilian world. But military preparation isn't always recognized or
valued in the civilian world.
And that's where state lawmakers are trying to make a
Experience Counts
"Montana is working hard to get separating and retiring
service members to work," says Senator Elsie Arntzen (R) of
Montana, adding that the state's unemployment rate for post-9/11
veterans is 17.5 percent, while the state average is only 5.7 percent.
"It is critical that we give recognition for military service and
training for state licensing, to help these Montanans transition into
jobs in the private workforce."
Several state legislatures have made changes to occupational
licensing requirements to more readily recognize and accept military
training, education and experience, particularly in jobs related to
military specialties.
States regulate hundreds of occupations, mostly in the health
field, through various boards and agencies. Typically, to qualify for a
license, four elements are considered: a person's formal education,
work experience, score on the licensing exam, and basic qualifications
such as citizenship and residency.
Maryland lawmakers, in 2007, passed some of the first legislation
requiring state licensing agencies to work together to identify barriers
veterans face in using their military health care training and
experience to qualify for state licenses. Since then, most state
legislatures have considered how best to ease the red tape for veterans
in their states.
The most common policy change, made so far in 34 states, has been
to allow military training, education and experience to count when
considering an occupational license. Another nine states are still
considering the issue.
"Americans in military service receive world-class training,
education and experience during their time in uniform, assets that
shouldn't be lost to them or to our communities as they transition
to civilian careers," says Alaska Representative Dan Saddler (R).
His legislation, enacted this year, requires most state licensing
boards, the University of Alaska and vocational education facilities to
accept relevant military training and experience when making
occupational licensing decisions and granting educational credits.
"I think we have an obligation to find ways to give veterans
every opportunity to apply their military experience to academic credit,
job certification or vocation training credits." Kentucky
Representative Tanya Pullin (D) believes in doing "more than talk
of hiring veterans." She sponsored successful legislation this year
to ease licensing requirements specifically for firefighters and
emergency medical technicians. She chairs the House Veterans Military
Affairs and Public Safety Committee, which will conduct hearings during
the interim to assess the progress of boards and commissions in
recognizing military training.
Kansas Representative Tom Sloan (R) sponsored successful
legislation this year to, among other things, better evaluate
certificates and training curriculum provided by the U.S. Department of
Defense. State officials are working with staff from the DoD to train
state regulatory agency staff on the new requirements.
A similar bill has passed the House in Georgia and is now under
consideration in the Senate. Senator Ed Harbison (D) is "encouraged
by the efforts of both the legislative body and the governor's
office to remove unnecessary obstacles" to the licensing of
military members and their spouses.
Several private sector efforts also focus on helping veterans find
good jobs. A few include:
* The "Troops to Energy Jobs" program spearheaded by the
Center for Energy Workforce Development.
* Walmart's commitment to hire 125,000 veterans over the next
few years.
* The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's "Hiring Our Heroes"
program that holds job fairs in 400 communities annually.
A Federal Push
A U.S. Department of Defense task force, created in 2012, is
working to close gaps between military training and civilian licensing
requirements as well. Working with state legislators, regulators,
educators and business leaders, the group is trying to find an effective
way to determine equivalence between military and civil training
programs, particularly for bus and truck drivers, emergency medical
technicians, paramedics and licensed practical nurses.
"Fast Track to Civilian Employment," a February 2013
report by the Executive Office of the President, outlines the barriers
and makes the case that skills learned in the military are transferable
to civilian jobs. "Our veterans bring an important set of skills to
the job market," says Office Director Frank C. DiGiovanni.
"Among them are extraordinary leadership skills, finely tuned
problem solving capabilities and working harmoniously as a member of a
He goes on to say how essential state involvement is to the
mission's success. "To this end, state legislators have been
outstanding partners," he says, by introducing bills that recognize
the value of military training.
Although few object to helping veterans find employment, state
licensing agencies or professional organizations that administer the
certifications or exams have expressed concern about how to evaluate
military training fairly, for both the veterans and the other
professionals who took the civil route to credentials.
A lack of common standards for both training routes as well as a
lack of experience by colleges and technical schools on how military
programs might translate into academic credits can hinder efforts.
Without common standards, it is more difficult for state licensing
agencies and academic institutions to evaluate the equivalency of
military training and experience accurately.
Professions such as doctors, dentists and certified public
accountants have opposed some of these efforts. The Hawaii Association
of Public Accountants, for example, testified against a bill this year,
expressing concern that, "Self-vetting by military-affiliated
applicants by affidavit while others must undergo regular vetting for
protection of the public will create an unacceptable two-class
system." Such opposition compelled the Hawaii committee considering
the bill to expressly not apply the bill's intent to CPAs.
Double Trouble
Spouses with state-specific licenses (about a third of all) face
similar challenges because of frequent transfers to other states where
requirements often differ.
About 15 percent of military spouses move across state lines in any
given year, often requiring them to get re-licenced or recertified,
depending on their occupation. Teaching and nursing are the top two
occupations for military spouses and both require state-specific
Thirty-eight states have either laws or executive orders requiring
an expedited license process for military spouses.
At the federal level, a study by the U.S. Departments of Treasury
and Defense recommends that states:
* Support the endorsement of a current license from another
jurisdiction as long as the requirements are substantially equivalent.
* Provide a temporary license to allow time to fulfill any missing
* Expedite application procedures by simplifying approvals and
streamlining needed documentation.
Two more ways states can help servicemen and women is to allow
members of the National Guard and Reserve to keep their occupation
licenses while serving on active duty. Twenty-five do so now and nine
more states have pending legislation. Six states allow reciprocity of
licensing by granting a valid but temporary license.
A Source for Ideas
Kansas Representative Tom Sloan (R) says his idea to study the
Department of Defense's materials and requirements in order to
better evaluate how similar and transferrable they are to state
requirements was a "direct result of the NCSL-DoD partnership and
the Military & Veterans Affairs Task Force."
These NCSL groups are a great way for lawmakers and staff to
receive information from NCSL targeted to their interests, as well as
share sensible solutions, talk about successful strategies and learn
lessons from colleagues dealing with the same challenges around the
RELATED ARTICLE: Health care vets.
Few military health care licenses transfer to civilian jobs, making
it surprisingly difficult for veterans to find jobs even though states
face shortages in the health care workforce. Army medics, for example,
receive national emergency medical technician certification--recognized
in 46 states--yet often are required to meet additional requirements to
obtain a valid state license.
The U.S. Department of Labor anticipates significant growth in
health care jobs by 2020, including more than 1.2 million jobs for
registered nurses and nearly 370,000 for licensed practical nurses.
Health care aides, pharmacy technicians, physical therapists, physical
therapy assistants and physician assistants are also expected to be in
high demand.
To streamline the transition from military to civilian health care
professions, lawmakers in at least eight states have passed legislation
requiring state boards of health to consider relevant military
education, training and experience.
Utah and Virginia are focusing on emergency medical technicians,
while Oregon, Virginia and Washington are targeting various medical
Georgia developed specific nurse licensing requirements for former
military medical corpsmen and paramedics. Iowa and Maryland directed
their departments of veterans' affairs to focus on helping direct
veterans to fields where there is a shortage of workers. And 32 states
offer loan repayment programs to primary care providers--both former
military and civilian--who commit to working in medically underserved
areas for at least two years.
--Megan Comlossy
RELATED ARTICLE: Keep on truckin'.
Logical jobs for many veterans who have learned to maneuver
Hummers, tanks and other military vehicles through the rough terrain of
Iraq and Afghanistan are professional truck and bus drivers.
The nation is expected to need about 300,000 more truck drivers by
2020, according to the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Close
to 10,000 military, truck drivers left the service last year, with more
coming next year. Civilian truck drivers cam a median hourly wage of
about $18, well above the nation's average median wage.
After a federal rule was issued in 2011, states were allowed to
accept two years of military driving experience in lieu of the
behind-the-wheel driving test. Forty-six states so far have chosen to do
so, and two are considering it. Applicants must still pass the written
exam to receive a commercial driver's license.
Virginia created the "Troops to Trucks" program in the
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to work with military bases to
train new drivers. It targets those with less than the required two
years' experience driving a commercial vehicle.
Another new federal law allows states to exempt military personnel
from state residency requirements for commercial drivers. Texas
lawmakers recently passed legislation to allow this.
--Alice Wheet
Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 22,
1944, the GI Bill allowed millions of soldiers returning from World War
II to go to college and buy houses, thanks to its generous grants,
subsidies and home loan guaranties.
It also softened the impact on the job market by steering some
returning soldiers into college.
Unemployment assistance was the most controversial benefit to get
included and ended up being the least used among veterans. They
collected less than 20 percent of the funds set aside for it.
But the other provisions were history-making, according to the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs. By 1952, the Veterans Administration had
backed nearly 2.4 million home loans, and by the time the original GI
Bill program ended in 1956, almost half the veterans (7.8 million of 16
million) had participated in an education or training program.
The GI Bill was revamped in 1984 and again in 2008. The Post 9/11
GI Bill's enhanced educational benefits for those who were serving
on or after Sept. 11, 2001, include up to 36 months of tuition, a living
allowance, money for books and the ability to transfer unused
educational benefits to spouses or children.
--Mary Winter
For more information On NCSL's resources on veterans'
issues as well as partnerships and task forces, go to
James B. Reed staffs the NCSL Military and Veterans Affairs Task