Prove it! States offer many incentives to promote economic development, yet seldom evaluate their effectiveness.
Renault, Catherine S. ; Poole, Kenneth E.
States are ratcheting up their efforts to spur economic development
and create jobs now that the effects of the Great Recession are fading.
In some states that means becoming more business friendly. Arizona, Ohio
and Wisconsin replaced their economic development agencies with
public-private partnerships. Alabama, Georgia, Kansas and Nevada added
new business-driven strategic planning to their economic development
For other states, it's creating new--or reorienting
existing--incentives to attract new investments. In 2012, states added
more than 180 new incentives and business assistance programs to some
1,700 already existing programs. But whether they will be (or have been)
effective is unknown, and little information is collected to find out.
Policymakers often assume that economic development incentives
result in job creation. But too few try to understand how well the
incentives are working until something forces the issue.
Lawmakers Want Answers
For state legislators who want to create jobs in the midst of a
long-term budget squeeze, all expenditures---even the most laudable of
economic development efforts--should be under scrutiny. These lawmakers
want answers, greater accountability and better information to evaluate
whether investments in economic development actually do create jobs.
Many say they're willing to make investments, but only if those
investments generate a proven, adequate return. Most state economic
development agencies report that they do, but many legislators question
the veracity and quality of the available data.
Few states have all the necessary mechanisms for beginning the
credible, rigorous evaluation of their economic development investments
required to answer these questions. And, there's little incentive
to create them, because data are seldom used to drive policymaking or
allocate resources in any significant way.
If an economic development program is shuttered, it's
typically because of ideology or the need to cut budgets, not for lack
of performance. And then it's often simply replaced with new
iterations of the same incentive. Rarely are the results analyzed and
used to adjust programs or policy.
Efforts Exist
Some evaluations are being done. Incoming governors often ask for
audits to find economic development programs that are wasteful, being
abused or not performing as expected. In Wisconsin, for example, an
audit led to the reorganization and privatization of the state's
economic development efforts.
Numerous academics have evaluated specific programs. For instance,
Younghong Wu, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago,
found that the existence of a state research and development tax credit
has a positive and significant effect on the number of high-technology
establishments in a state. For many years, independent evaluators have
conducted regular studies of technology-based economic development
Maine's annual evaluations of the state's entire
portfolio of investments in research and development have consistently
found a 10- to 14-fold return on investment for the state. Similarly,
the Ben Franklin Partnership in Pennsylvania has performed annual
assessments of state investments in start-up companies and found that
new state tax revenues received represented a 3.36:1 return to the
When the political environment drives the need to investigate or
defend a program, states are more apt to sponsor evaluations. For
example, the alleged malfeasance by one film office director in Iowa and
long-simmering concerns among academics and legislators alike about the
value of film tax credits spurred a spate of film tax credit studies in
other states, including New Jersey and New Mexico.
Pennsylvania recently produced an assessment that focused narrowly
on how well its incentive programs aided manufacturing, an important
part of the state's economic base. Connecticut, as part of a tax
reform effort in 2010, required an assessment of its tax credits and
abatements because of lawmakers' concerns about the value of many
tax expenditures. In this environment, program managers tend to view
evaluations as a lose-lose situation-more an attempt to identify
missteps rather than an effort to guide program improvements.
Often, evaluations are not even considered in making policy
changes. The 2010 Special Council of Tax Reform and Fairness for
Georgians, for example, was one of several attempts in states to revise
their tax codes, including eliminating some or all economic development
tax credits and incentives. Yet, few studies or evaluations were
conducted as part of these proceedings.
The Hindrances
The Pew Charitable Trusts recently reviewed more than 600 documents
from state agencies or legislative committees, and conducted 175
interviews, focusing on evaluation efforts completed between 2007 and
2011. They concluded that half the states have yet to take "basic
steps" to evaluate the effectiveness or efficacy of their tax
incentives. Pew concludes that evaluations of tax incentives could shape
policy choices, measure their economic impact and help determine whether
the credits are achieving the state's goals.
States face several challenges, however, one being a lack of
evaluation capacity. The number of program evaluation staff varies
widely among the states, but only 55 percent of those are professionals
who can perform significant evaluation studies. In the past three years,
84 percent of these offices have had their budgets reduced, with an
average loss of eight positions. Their role has expanded to include
program audits and other financial reporting, in addition to evaluation.
Another limitation is a failure to see the big picture. Individual
economic development programs are created to fix one problem or to take
advantage of a specific opportunity, but are often not recognized as
part of an overall economic development strategy. So states rarely take
the opportunity to look comprehensively at their economic development
programs--as a portfolio of state investments that recognizes different
programs have different economic purposes.
Focusing on evaluating individual programs, rather than on the
entire economic strategy, is problematic in many ways. Business firms
can and do use more than one service or program, so results can be
double-counted or overstated when evaluations are conducted separately.
State economic development efforts can and should have several
goals, including short-term and long-term ones. Measuring and comparing
individual program elements often pit programs with different goals
against one another, so there is a constant push and pull between
efforts to recruit new firms and keep existing ones (often a short-term
strategy) and innovation-based development (which tends to focus on the
longer-term). Tension also exists between programs aimed at supporting
entrepreneurship (long-term) versus those assisting existing businesses
Taking a comprehensive look at a state's entire economic
development activity is rare, and not part of an ongoing process of
continuous improvement or accountability. But it's not unheard of.
Both Arizona and Maine undertook a portfolio approach in their recent
evaluations. Maine's effort was an extension of the state's
long-standing research and development evaluation, while Arizona's
was prompted by a new governor in a state that had rarely needed
economic development before the Great Recession.
Another concern is that the limited range of research methods
typically used to assess states' economic development plans do not
really help us understand whether the public investment resulted in a
firm taking an action it may not have done otherwise. Predominantly,
these evaluations rely on surveys of program users, asking participating
firms about their job retention and creation activities, the new
revenues generated, or about how much other investments were leveraged
as a result of the assistance they received.
Researchers also have used case studies describing a firm's
activities or actions in great detail. Both these approaches are biased
to the extent that they rely on the firm receiving help or the service
provider to express the value of a program rather than on more
sophisticated methodologies to assess cause and effect. As a result, it
often is difficult to prove that the outcome observed is a direct result
of the assistance received.
In contrast, academic studies tend to use more sophisticated
methods capable of teasing out thorny questions of cause and effect. But
economic development evaluators must be trained on how to interpret
these more complex methods, or they can have trouble understanding the
results and even more trouble explaining these rigorous evaluations to
stakeholders and legislators. When an evaluation method is too complex,
stakeholders often challenge the research, second-guessing the
researcher's assumptions, the data used and especially the
conclusions. Furthermore, these rigorous studies require more time,
money and expertise than are readily available to most states.
So, a wide chasm exists between what economic development
practitioners are doing, what scholars think they should do, and what
politicians and other stakeholders believe could be done--both in terms
of economic development incentives and evaluation methodologies.
Look for the Good
Changing the motivation for evaluation from punishment to
continuous improvement is another challenge. Will policymakers and
practitioners use the data and analysis from an evaluation to improve
the program or reward success? Is the primary purpose to hype program
successes? Or is the evaluation being done largely to eliminate the
program or justify preconceived criticisms that undermine the
willingness of all involved to participate in any further evaluations?
Most managers see little good resulting from an evaluation, so they
fall back on a lack of data and limited resources as a rationale for why
the information on their effectiveness is so scant. Advocacy groups and
external stakeholders with differing interests can confuse this
situation even further.
For example, programs such as the Kansas Technology Enterprise
Corporation, the Ben Franklin Partnership of Pennsylvania, the Grow
Florida economic gardening initiative, and many others were eliminated
or pared down, despite the assertion from the economic development or
academic community that they represent "best practices."
As evidence-based decision making becomes an increasingly important
goal of legislators, economic developers cannot ignore the call for
greater accountability. To make evaluation a more integral part of all
economic development practices, evaluations need to balance scholarly
design with ease of use and application. It won't be easy, but
despite its many challenges, rigorous evaluation is not only desirable,
but necessary.
New Initiative to Help States
The Pew Charitable Trusts and Center for Regional Economic
Competitiveness are launching a program in 2014 called the Business
Incentives Policy and Practice Initiative. Pew and CREC staff will work
with states, including legislators, over the next year and a half to:
* Identify effective ways to adopt and manage economic development
incentive policies and practices,
* Improve the participating states' ability to collect and
analyze data from evaluations of incentive investments and report the
* Develop national standards and best practices that can become
roadmaps to guide other states that are adopting or adapting economic
For more information, contact Ken Poole at
[email protected].
The Recommendations
States often view program evaluation as something that should be
done only when absolutely necessary. But effective evaluation is a
process, not an event. Successful evaluations rely on four key
1. Policy needs to be based on clear and measurable goals. Many
economic development programs are created to address specific problems
that are ill-defined or poorly documented. Clear, well-articulated and
measurable goals in the enabling legislation for new programs make it
easier to decide whether progress is being made.
2. Evaluation should be an integral element of any economic
development effort. Data collection takes time and consideration.
Funding should be sufficient for rigorous, third-party evaluations,
since program managers may not have the necessary training or
objectivity to adequately perform the task.
3. Objective, appropriate analysis should guide the decision on
whether a program is achieving certain performance goals and also
whether those goals are relevant to state policy priorities.
4. Data collection should be integrated into all program design,
including gathering information on the most influential metrics so
policymakers can determine if the goals of the program are being met.
Interactions with firms should be treated as opportunities for
collecting well-crafted and complete data.
Dr. Kenneth Poole is chief executive officer for the Center for
Regional Economic Competitiveness and executive director of the Council
for Community and Economic Research. Dr. Catherine Renault is the
principal and owner of Innovation Policyworks and an assistant research
professor at the University of Maine.