Tobacco control programs and tobacco consumption.
Marlow, Michael L.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believe that
adequate funding of tobacco control programs by all 50 states would
reduce the number of adults who smoke by promoting quitting, preventing
young people from ever starting, reducing exposure to secondhand smoke,
and eliminating disparities in tobacco use among population groups. CDC
has established guidelines for comprehensive tobacco control programs,
including recommended funding levels, in Best Practices for
Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs (CDC 1999; hereafter called Best
Practices). Recommendations are based on best practices in nine program
elements: community programs to reduce tobacco use, chronic disease
programs to reduce the burden of tobacco-related diseases, school
programs, enforcement, statewide programs, countermarketing, cessation programs, surveillance and evaluation, and administration and
management. CDC recommends annual funding per capita to range from 87 to
$20 in smaller states (population less than 3 million), $6-817 in
medium-sized states (population 3-7 million), and $5-$16 in larger
states (population more than 7 million).
CDC (2002) estimates that total expenditures of $861.9 million in
2002 were allocated to tobacco control from national and state sources
in the United Sates, or $3.16 per capita. Actual spending in all states
was roughly 56 percent of the "lower-bound" or minimum Best
Practices funding recommendation for that year, with only six states
(Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Ohio) meeting or
exceeding minimum recommendations, and 18 states providing less than 33
percent of recommended floors (CDC 1999). CDC called for more than $3
billion in additional tobacco control spending in each of 2001 and 2002
to meet minimum Best Practices recommendations.
This article examines whether state tobacco control programs
lowered both adult tobacco consumption and youth smoking during 2001 and
2002 using newly available data published in CDC (2001, 2002) on
expenditures of these programs. A secondary issue is whether or not
divergence of actual funding from minimum Best Practices recommendations
explains any of the differences between tobacco consumption in the
states. That is, does the fact that a state funds above or below minimum
levels indicate anything about tobacco consumption in that state
relative to other states'? The informational content of the Best
Practices funding guidelines has not been previously examined. This
study examines whether spending expansion along the lines of the Best
Practices guidelines provides a useful benchmark based on past
effectiveness of those programs in controlling tobacco consumption.
Previous Literature
Studies of the impact of tobacco control programs often focus on
consumption changes following a particular policy event such as a new
control program. Manley et al. (1997) concluded that per capita monthly
sales fell in states participating in the ASSIST (American Stop Smoking
Intervention Study) program relative to states not participating. Pierce et. al. (1998) reported that California control programs significantly
lowered tobacco use. While these and other studies show falling tobacco
use following implementation of new tobacco control programs, they fail
to control for factors that may also cause consumption to fall. Tobacco
control programs themselves therefore may or may not be causing observed
declines in tobacco use and, even if in fact they do contribute, studies
overstate impacts of control programs on tobacco use when they do not
properly control for other contributing factors.
Three studies control for one or more factors outside of the
tobacco control programs themselves. Hu, Sung, and Keeler (1995a)
control for state excise taxes and tobacco firm media expenditures when
concluding that state media expenditures, or counteradvertising, exert a
negative impact on cigarette consumption. The authors measured tobacco
control expenditures as "media placement expenditures" by the
Tobacco Control Section of the California Department of Health Services and calculated that California spent almost $20 million over the 1980-93
study period. The authors suggest that counteradvertising by tobacco
control authorities may not be a particularly cost-effective method of
lowering tobacco use because tobacco firms appear to effectively reverse
this tobacco control policy through their own advertising. Hu, Sung, and
Keeler (1995b) estimate that sales of cigarettes in California were
reduced by 819 million packs from the third quarter of 1990 through the
fourth quarter of 1992 owing to an additional 25-cent state tax
increase, while the anti-smoking media campaign reduced cigarette sales
by 232 million packs during the same period.
Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka (2003) examine the impact of
state tobacco control expenditures on cigarette sales over 1981-2000 and
conclude that increases in such expenditures lower per capita cigarette
sales after controlling for excise taxes, smuggling, and other
state-specific factors. The authors collected their own data from
federal, state, and private funding sources and then considered three
specifications for estimating effects of expenditures on cigarette
consumption: contemporaneous, lagged annual, and cumulative. Lagged
annual and cumulative specifications allow for past expenditures to
affect current consumption. The authors concluded that past and current
expenditures on tobacco control influence current tobacco use and, based
on their empirical results, estimated that aggregate cigarette sales
would have fallen by an additional 9 percent by year 2000 if states had
spent at minimum funding levels associated with CDC's Best
Practices. The authors did not directly examine the effectiveness of
minimum Best Practices funding recommendations, but rather calculated
the effect on consumption in their model if spending were to be
increased to the minimum recommendation.
This literature survey suggests that examination of more recent
data is an obvious avenue for further research since data collected in
Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka (2003) ended in 2000. The authors
report that real tobacco control expenditures averaged $1.29. in 2000,
which is below the averages of $3.73 (2001) and $4.00 (2002) in the CDC
data set used here. More recent tobacco control programs therefore
appear more generously funded, reflecting perhaps greater use of tobacco
settlement revenues, greater urgency on the part of public health
authorities to control smoking, or measurement differences between data
sets. A new research avenue concerns whether the Best Practices funding
recommendations are useful targets for states to follow when allocating
additional funds to their tobacco control programs. This article
addresses that issue by examining whether states that fund closer to the
Best Practices guidelines exert greater reduction in tobacco use than
those programs that do not. If so, then it might be argued that the Best
Practices guidelines offer useful comparisons of how well various state
programs are funded according to a valid benchmark.
Tobacco Control Funding and Expenditures
While four states (Arizona, California, Massachusetts, and Oregon)
were early pioneers in tobacco control programs, most states have only
recently been funding programs in a comprehensive effort aimed at
lowering tobacco use (CDC 2001, 2002). Programs previously relied
primarily on raising excise taxes to discourage tobacco use and this
focus probably explains the extensive literature assessing price and tax
elasticities of demand for tobacco. Laws on smoking in public places are
another form of tobacco control program that vary considerably across
states. The American Lung Association (2004) ranks states by laws
ensuring smoke-free air and, in 2003, gave three states (California,
Delaware, and New York) a grade of A, seven states a grade of B, four
states a grade of C, and all other states a grade of F. Following
Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka (2003), such laws can be considered a
goal of tobacco control programs rather than a tool, thus allowing
tobacco control expenditures to reflect a comprehensive array of tobacco
control program characteristics. This assumption is applied to this
study as well.
State spending on tobacco control programs comes from a variety of
sources. In 2004, for instance, the Government Accounting Office (GAO
2004) reported that 46 states received more than $12 billion in tobacco
settlement revenues (Master Settlement Agreement), and that the four
states (Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Texas) that settled
independently with the tobacco industry also received substantial
revenue. These funds included payments from tobacco companies and, for
some states, revenues from the securitized proceeds of the sale of bonds
backed by future payments made to them by tobacco companies. However,
the Master Settlement Agreement does not in any way dictate how funds
are to be allocated, although there was some perception that states
would significantly expand funding of tobacco control programs. Recent
evidence, however, indicates that many of these dollars have gone toward
closing state government deficits and costs associated with general
health care programs (Gross et al. 2002; Johnson 2004; Sloan et al.
2005). State governments also may fund tobacco control programs through
general revenues and from revenues stemming from tobacco taxation. For
instance, CDC (2002) reports that 12 states appropriated $13.6 million
from general revenue to support tobacco control programs in 2002. More
than $8 billion in fiscal year '2004 was collected in cigarette tax
revenue in the 50 states and some of these dollars could also have been
used to fund tobacco control programs (Orzechowski and Walker 2004). CDC
(2002) estimates that state government investment in tobacco control for
fiscal year 2002 totaled $774.7 million from tobacco settlement funds,
state excise tax revenues, or general revenues.
Funding also comes from federal and private sources. Federal
funding of state tobacco control programs includes CDC's Office on
Smoking and Health that manages the National Tobacco Control Program,
which provided $59 million during the 12 months ending in May 2002. The
Health and Human Service's (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA) provide substance abuse block grants
that support state efforts as well. Private contributions to tobacco
control programs come from such organizations like the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation and the American Medical Association.
Table 1 displays descriptive statistics of per capita funding
estimates of tobacco control programs in 2001 and 2002. Data are
available for all 50 states in 2001 and 48 states in 2002. Funding
estimates in 2002 were not available at the time of publication of the
data set for Arizona and Massachusetts. Average per capita funding was
$3.73 in 2001 and $4.00 in 2002, with ranges of $0.10-$20.82 in 2001 and
$0.33-$19.16 in 2002. Best Practices average minimum per capita funding
was $7.13 in 2001 and 2002. Thus, on average, states were only roughly
funding a little more than one-half of recommended minimums. (1) In
2001, only seven states (Indiana, Vermont, Mississippi, Arizona,
Massachusetts, Maine, and Ohio) were at or above minimum prescriptions
and, in 2002, six states (Minnesota, Maryland, Mississippi, Maine, Ohio,
and Hawaii) met this floor. (2) In 2001, average (median) per capita
"underfunding" was $4.05 ($4.22) and, in 2002, it was $4.66
($5.18). The data therefore exhibit substantial variation in actual
funding levels as well as variation from prescribed floors defined by
CDC's Best Practices. For example, in 2002, Wyoming was farthest
below its Best Practices floor: it spent $4.16 per capita, or $10.65
below the $14.81 floor. Hawaii was farthest above its floor: it spent
$19.16 per capita, or $10.33 above its floor of $8.83.
The funding data report CDC (2002) notes several limitations to
this data collection. Reported amounts exclude appropriations for
multiple purposes that included an unspecified amount of funding for
tobacco control. State investments are based on appropriations, rather
than expenditures, and the funding from national sources is based on
award amounts. Expenditures may differ from appropriated or awarded
amounts because of delays in implementation, program cuts, or the
establishment of trusts or endowments. The report also does not evaluate
whether funding was actually used to support components defined in
CDC's Best Practices. Finally, the Best Practices guidelines do not
disaggregate data to single out various components so it is impossible
to determine relative effectiveness of counter-advertising expenditures
versus counseling expenditures versus any other spending category. It is
unlikely that all components offer identical influences on tobacco
consumption on a per-dollar basis, but examining various possibilities
is currently not an option with this data set.
Modeling the Effects of Tobacco Control Expenditures on Tobacco Use
Equation (1) estimates the effects of tobacco control programs on
tobacco consumption, holding constant other factors that might
contribute to changes in consumption. The dependent variable [CIG.sub.i]
is the number of tax-paid per capita cigarette sales (in packs) and is
obtained from Orzechowski and Walker (2004). The log of [CIG.sub.i] is
examined so that the price elasticity is directly estimated when the log
of the price variable is included on the right-hand-side of the
(1) [CIG.sub.i] = f([PRICE.sub.i], [SMUG.sub.i], [Y.sub.i],
[UE.sub.i], [BA.sub.i], [MORMON.sub.i], [INDIAN.sub.i],
[MILITARY.sub.i], [CONTROL.sub.i])
[PRICE.sub.i] is the real ($2,002) price per package of cigarettes
in cents, as reported in Orzechowski and Walker (2004), and is expected
to be inversely related to cigarette consumption. The log of price is
used because it allows direct calculation of the price elasticity of
demand. Federal and state excise taxes were also considered in place of
prices per pack but results using taxes are not reported here because
their use did not alter results of the empirical work.
The dependent variable refers to legally sold cigarette packs
whereby sellers collect excise taxes, but demanders also purchase
cigarettes illegally smuggled across borders due to tax differentials.
High-tax states are expected to lose some portion of total sales to
neighboring states with lower tax rates and therefore taxed sales are
too high in states from which cigarettes are bootlegged and too low in
states to which cigarettes are smuggled. [SMUG.sub.i] controls for
estimation bias and is defined as the ratio of the tax for a given state
to the population-weighted average of taxes for bordering states. A
simple average of tax rates of surrounding states was also calculated
but did not provide significantly different results from the one using a
population-weighted average. Values for Hawaii and Alaska are set to 1
because they do not border other states and so they are assumed to
exhibit neither tax advantages nor disadvantages relative to other
states. This ratio is hypothesized to carry a negative sign because
higher values indicate greater incentives for that state's smokers
to purchase from surrounding states offering lower taxes.
It is common to control for smuggling, and past studies have shown
that smuggling is an important determinant of a state's cigarette
demand. However, significance of variables that measure tax
differentials of adjoining states is likely to diminish over time with
rising Internet sales. Distance from seller clearly becomes a fading concern for buyers when they have access to low-tax cigarettes over the
Internet. Many Internet merchants are located in low-tax states such as
North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky, as well as on American Indian
reservations that sell untaxed cigarettes, thus suggesting that tax
differentials between bordering states will become less important in
determining a state's cigarette sales (GAO 2002). It is expected
then that over time smuggling variables based on cross-state border
measures will become less significant in empirical studies of the demand
for cigarettes.
[Y.sub.i] controls for income and is defined as the real ($2,002)
median income of a four-person family as published by the U.S. Census.
The sign on [Y.sub.i] is ambiguous since, while cigarettes may be an
income-elastic good that indicates a positive sign, higher income
individuals may also smoke less if they exhibit greater health concerns
over smoking, thus suggesting a negative sign. The sign is therefore an
empirical question. The unemployment rate [UE.sub.i] comes from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. The effect of unemployment rates on
consumption is ambiguous because higher values may cause more smoking
due to greater anxiety over job loss, or higher values may lead to
reduced consumption due to fewer jobs. [BA.sub.i], the percentage of
population aged 25 and over with a bachelor's degree or more, is
obtained from the U. S. Census and controls for the expectation that
consumption falls with education.
The percentage of the population that is Mormon, [MORMON.sub.i],
controls for a population group that discourages smoking among its
disciples and is therefore expected to exert a negative effect on
consumption. This measure is obtained from data complied by Green
(2004). [INDIAN.sub.i] is the percentage of population in 9,003 of
Native American descent and [MILITARY.sub.i] is the percentage of
population in active military duty in 2002. Both variables control for
availability of untaxed cigarettes in a state and are calculated from
U.S. Census data. Both are expected to exert negative effects on
cigarette consumption.
Finally, [CONTROL.sub.i] is the CDC-defined tobacco control
expenditure per capita variable defined previously. Regressions were run
with tobacco control expenditures as a percentage of gross state product
as an alternative measure of the size of tobacco control programs and
are not shown here because this substitution did not significantly
change results. Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka (2003) found evidence
of contemporaneous and lagged effects of tobacco control expenditures on
cigarette consumption using data the authors themselves collected. CDC
currently provides two years of data--2001 and 9.002-and so the present
examination is limited to a two-year time span. However, this study
controls for past spending in the four states (Arizona, California,
Massachusetts, and Oregon) known to have relatively long-lived and large
control programs. (3) Examination is conducted on whether spending and
tobacco consumption in these four states differ significantly from other
states and will suggest whether lagged effects have led to significant
reductions in tobacco use beyond those experienced by other states. A
spending slope dummy is constructed using dichotomous variables that
take the value of 1 for these four states and 0 otherwise, and allows
for testing of differences experienced by these long-standing programs.
Table 2 displays summary statistics of all variables defined above
for the two years of data.
Estimates of the Effects of Tobacco Control Spending on Tobacco
Table 3 displays ordinary least squares estimates of cigarette
demand. Years 2001 and 2002 are pooled together yielding 98 observations
in total, with two missing observations because Arizona and
Massachusetts did not meet the reporting deadline for the CDC (2002)
publication. The Chow test involving equality of coefficients of the two
different (year) regressions indicated failure to reject the hypothesis
of equal coefficients and so pooling of data is appropriate.
The first column shows that cigarette price exerts a significant
and negative effect on per capita tobacco consumption with an estimated
elasticity coefficient of -0.90 and is in line with the literature
showing that the demand for tobacco is inelastic. The smuggling
incentive variable exerts a negative and statistically significant
effect on consumption, thus supporting the hypothesis that a rise in a
state's tax relative to bordering states lowers that state's
sales of taxed cigarettes. Income and unemployment rates do not exert
effects that are different from zero. Percentage of population with at
least a bachelor's degree and percentage of population that is
Mormon are estimated to exert negative effects on consumption. The
percentage of population in active military and the percentage of
population of Native American descent do not exert significant effects
on taxed cigarette sales. Finally, per capita expenditure of tobacco
control programs does not exert a statistically significant effect on
tobacco sales thus conflicting with Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka
(2003) which found contemporaneous and lagged expenditures exerting
significant and negative effects on tobacco consumption over 1981-2000.
The second column estimates tobacco consumption and controls for
the possibility that past control efforts of the four states (Arizona,
California, Massachusetts, and Oregon) with long-standing tobacco
control programs are an important determinant of current tobacco sales.
The results indicate no changes in the control variables that were
previously significant in estimates in column (1) except percentage of
population in active military duty that now exerts a negative effect on
consumption. The slope dummy for the tobacco control spending variable
is significant and negative thus indicating that, while an additional
dollar in the four states with long-standing programs lowers tobacco
consumption, this effect does not exist in the other states as a group.
The final three columns of Table 3 display estimations of tobacco
consumption that control for underfunding by state tobacco control
programs to determine if divergence of actual funding from the Best
Practices recommendations explains any of the variation in cigarette
sales. Three dummies are constructed that qualitatively measure
different thresholds of underfunding: 25 percent, 50 percent, and 75
percent. That is, the first dummy equals 1 if tobacco control funding is
less than or equal to 25 percent of the Best Practices floor for that
state. Similar dummies are defined for thresholds of 50 percent and 75
percent. The following numbers of observations meet the underfunding
definitions: 36 at the 25 percent threshold, 56 at 50 percent, and 78 at
75 percent. Both intercept and tobacco control spending slope dummies
are inserted into the basic equation in column (1). States that spend at
or above the spending floors are excluded in these estimations to allow
a focus on those states failing to meet funding floors. A separate
regression was also run on the full data set that included slope and
intercept dummies measuring whether or not a state was underfunded and,
because neither slope nor intercept dummies were statistically
significant, this regression is not displayed here. The results of this
separate regression indicate that simply achieving the spending floor
does not provide an effect on consumption that differs from states
failing to achieve their floors--both groups of states do not show any
significant effect on consumption from their tobacco control spending.
The intercept dummy is significant and positive in the cases of
thresholds of 50 percent and 75 percent, but spending slope dummies are
never found to exert significant influences. States failing to meet
these two thresholds have higher intercepts than other states thus
indicating higher base levels of cigarette sales. However, states
failing to meet thresholds do not exhibit any different relation between
tobacco control spending and cigarette sales than states meeting
thresholds. That is, there is no effect of tobacco control spending on
consumption. Contrary to previous estimation, coefficients on Native
American shares of the population are now significant and negative in
equations with 50 percent and 75 percent thresholds. In stun, while
there is evidence that underfunded states exhibit higher base levels of
cigarette consumption, there is no evidence indicating that higher
funding would exert effects on consumption that differ according to the
degree to which they are underfunded.
Estimates of the Effects of Tobacco Control on Youth Smoking
The relationship between tobacco control spending and youth smoking
is of great interest because youth smoking prevention is often cited as
a vital component of any tobacco control program. Lowering youth smoking
is believed to be key to lowering consumption by the same group when
they become adults. The basic equation (I) is reestimated for 2002 with
the same independent variables as before, but with the youth smoking
rate as the dependent variable. CDC (2003) defines youth smoking as
"current cigarette smoking" in grades 9-12, which occurs when
students "smoked cigarettes on 1 or more of the 30 days preceding
the survey." Data on youth smoking are available for 46 states in
2002. However, with one missing value for tobacco control program
spending, there are 45 observations. Three specifications for tobacco
control spending are considered: contemporaneous, contemporaneous and
one lagged year separately, and contemporaneous and one lagged year
combined. Unfortunately, control for whether the four states with
longer-standing programs exhibit significant differences from other
states in their impact on youth smoking could not be conducted because
of insufficient observations on these four states.
Table 4 displays three estimations utilizing the three different
tobacco control spending specifications. The evidence indicates that
four variables exert significant effects on youth smoking: smuggling
incentives (negative sign), percent of population with bachelor's
degree (negative sign), that are Mormon (negative sign), and of Native
American descent (positive sign). Cigarette price, income, unemployment,
percent of population on active duty, and all tobacco control spending
specifications never exert effects statistically different from zero,
thus indicating no evidence that spending on tobacco control programs
leads to lower youth smoking. These results support the earlier
empirical evidence that tobacco control programs do not influence taxed
cigarette sales.
Table 5 examines whether extent to which underfunding exists
explains any of the variation of youth smoking by including
above-discussed thresholds of 25 percent, 50 percent, and 75 percent to
the youth smoking equation. Only the specification with the
contemporaneous spending on tobacco control variable is displayed
because estimations with lagged spending do not exhibit any significant
differences. The following numbers of observations meet the underfunding
definitions: 17 at the 25 percent threshold, 25 at 50 percent, and 38 at
75 percent. Both intercept and spending on tobacco control slope dummies
are again considered.
The results indicate that the underfunding status of state spending
programs do not explain any of the variation in youth smoking between
states. However, the Native American variable is no longer significant
in any of the three estimations (was positive and significant in Table
4). Smuggling, real income, education, and Mormon variables are
significant and negative in all estimations. In sum, underfunding status
does not explain any of the variation between youth smoking in the
This article finds little or no evidence that tobacco control
spending exerted significant effects on overall cigarette sales or youth
smoking in 2001 and 2002, and this evidence is not influenced by the
degree to which states diverge from the CDC Best Practices guidelines.
The CDC's guidelines, therefore, do not appear to indicate
productive benchmarks for states on whether to expand funding of tobacco
control programs.
Why might these results conflict with previous research? Previous
examination focused on cross-sectional and time series data, while the
present study examines two adjoining years (2001 and 2002) of
cross-sectional data. Other than possible differences in data collection
methods, differences in time periods may be contributing to the
different conclusions. CDC (2004) estimates that adult smoking
prevalence declined from 33.2 percent in 1980 to 22.5 percent in 2002. A
potential problem with examining time series data is that a portion of
the fall in tobacco consumption is probably due to heightened health
concerns of the public over smoking that are unrelated to tobacco
control programs in place. It is clearly difficult to separate effects
from growing health concerns that are unrelated to tobacco control
programs from those related to tobacco control programs, and perhaps
previous examination of time series data overestimated effects from the
latter on cigarette consumption. The present study is probably little
affected by this issue because it is unlikely that significant changes
in health concerns took place between 2001 and 2002.
It has also been assumed that tobacco control spending is exogenous in both this study and past studies, but spending decisions may be
influenced by factors that also influence tobacco consumption. (4) For
example, numbers of smokers or tobacco-related jobs may influence state
spending in ways similar to research showing that probabilities that
states pass laws prohibiting smoking in public places are influenced by
those same factors. (5) A potential endogeneity problem arises if states
with relatively rapid declines in tobacco consumption are also more
likely to fund tobacco control programs snore generously than other
states. An inverse relationship between tobacco control spending and
tobacco consumption may then simply mean that states characterized by
greater distaste toward smoking also spend snore on tobacco control
programs than other states. This possibility is suggested in this
article because the four states with long-standing tobacco control
programs are also states that have experienced decreased cigarette sales
and rising spending on tobacco control. Of course, it is also possible
that this inverse relationship might indicate that spending more on
tobacco control leads to lower tobacco consumption. Testing of these
competing hypotheses regarding causality is clearly critical to our
understanding of how tobacco control programs influence tobacco use and
would appear to be a productive area for future research.
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(1) The CDC (1999) Best Practices funding formula is based on
experiences of California, Massachusetts, and other states with
comprehensive programs, and is the sum of (1) countermarketing:
$1.00-$3.00 per capita, (2) cessation (minimum): $1 per adult
(screening) + $2 per smoker (brief counseling), and (3) cessation
(covered programs): $1 per adult (screening) + $2 per smoker (brief
counseling) + $13.75 per smoker (50 percent of program cost for 10
percent of smokers) + $27.50 per smoker (approximately 25 percent of
smokers covered by state financed programs) + 10 percent of previous
components for surveillance and evaluation + 5 percent of previous
components for administration and management.
(2) However, the two missing states in 2002, Arizona and
Massachusetts, did exceed their Best Practices minimums in the previous
(3) Farrelly, Pechacek, and Chaloupka (2003) ran separate
regressions on these four states along with their examinations of all
states together.
(4) Gross et al. (2002) and Marlow (2006) conclude that state
spending on tobacco control is unrelated to smoking prevalence. That is,
holding other relevant factors constant, states with higher smoking
prevalence do not spend more on tobacco control than states with lower
prevalence. These findings would appear consistent with the results of
the present article that finds no systematic effect of state spending on
smoking prevalence.
(5) Dunham and Marlow (2000) find that state smoking laws are
influenced by whether or not a state has a significant tobacco presence,
and Hersch, Del Rossi, and Viscusi (2004) find that state smoking laws
are responsive to voter preferences.
Michael L. Marlow is Professor of Economics at California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He thanks Alden Shiers,
William Orzechowski, Takis Papakyriazis, and an anonymous referee for
helpful comments.
Best Best
Actual Practices Actual Practices
2001 2001 2002 2002
Average $3.73 $7.13 $4.00 $7.13
Median 2.92 6.12 3.51 6.12
Minimum 0.10 4.87 0.33 4.81
Maximum 20.82 14.95 19.16 14.81
Std. Dev. 4.06 2.45 3.64 2.46
Sample Size 50 50 48 48
2001 2001 2002 2002
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
CIG 81.70 25.01 79.90 24.00
PRICE 358.00 37.80 393.00 56.40
SMUG 0.96 0.61 1.03 0.82
Y 56,752.97 7,532.66 58,633.58 7,707.34
UE 4.48 0.87 5.32 1.01
BA 24.93 4.31 26.00 4.52
MORMON 2.62 8.46 2.62 8.46
INDIAN 1.75 3.05 1.75 3.05
MILITARY 0.46 0.55 0.46 0.55
CONTROL 3.73 4.06 4.00 3.64
NOTES: Values for [MORMON.sub.i], [INDIAN.sub.i], and
[MILITARY.sub.i], are the same for both years.
Explanatory Variables (1) (2) (3)
Threshold Dummy 25 percent
Log(PRICE) -0.903 * -0.830 * -0.716 *
(3.85) (3.75) (2.57)
SMUG -0.105 -0.188 * -0.154 *
(3.05) (3.64) (3.44)
Y -9.8E-07 -6.1E-07 -0.000
(0.33) (0.33) (0.60)
UE -0.019 -0.014 -0.015
(0.80) (0.46) (0.58)
BA -0.013 ** -0.011 *** -0.013 ***
(2.32) (1.97) (1.96)
MORMON -0.013 * -0.013 * -0.013 *
(5.11) (5.38) (5.00)
INDIAN -0.012 -0.011 -0.013
(1.56) (1.42) (1.51)
MILITARY -0.060 -0.087 ** -0.06
(1.39) (2.12) (1.15)
TOBACCO CONTROL 0.002 0.005 0.010
(0.79) (0.85) (0.65)
4-STATE DUMMY -0.052 *
INTERCEPT 10.38 * 9.844 * 9.290 *
(8.06) (8.07) (6.20)
Std. error of regression 0.2057 0.1932 0.207
Obs. below threshold 36
Observations 98 98 86
F-statistic 14.01 15.57 10.57
[R.sup.2] (adjusted) 0.55 0.60 0.55
Mean, dependent variable 4.35 4.35 4.36
Explanatory Variables (4) (5)
Threshold Dummy 50 percent 75 percent
Log(PRICE) -0.859 -0.706 *
(3.20) (2.60)
SMUG -0.134 * -0.152 *
(3.13) (3.48)
Y -3.2E-07 -0.000
(0.10) (0.45)
UE 0.004 -0.011
(0.18) (0.39)
BA -0.013 ** -0.015 **
(2.06) (2.42)
MORMON -0.013 * -0.012 *
(5.46) (5.00)
INDIAN -0.016 *** -0.018 ***
(1.90) (1.99)
MILITARY -0.082 -0.047
(1.63) (0.94)
(1.62) (1.40)
THRESHOLD DUMMY 0.207 *** 0.390 **
(1.95) (2.19)
x TOBACCO CONTROL (0.23) (0.71)
INTERCEPT 9.759 * 8.874 *
(6.85) (6.05)
Std. error of regression 0.186 0.194
Obs. below threshold 56 78
Observations 85 85
F-statistic 12.86 11.78
[R.sup.2] (adjusted) 0.61 0.58
Mean, dependent variable 4.35 4.35
NOTES: t-scores in parentheses; 2-tailed tests: * 1 percent,
** 5 percent, *** 10 percent.
Explanatory Variables (1) (2) (3)
PRICE -0.100 -0.010 -0.010
(0.76) (0.73) (0.77)
SMUG -0.630 *** -1.630 *** -1.628 ***
(1.85) (1.82) (1.85)
Y -.0002 -.0001 -.001
(1.65) (1.62) (1.65)
UE -0.288 -0.304 -0.297
(0.39) (0.40) (0.42)
BA -0.356 ** -0.356 ** -0.356 **
(2.08) (2.04) (2.08)
MORMON -0.300 * -0.300 * -0.300 *
(4.39) (4.32) (4.39)
INDIAN 0.501 0.497 ** 0.498 **
(2.18) (2.10) (2.19)
MILITARY -0.933 -0.843 -0.869
(0.68) (0.51) (0.70)
TOBACCO CONTROL (0.20) (0.03)
CONTROL (0.10)
INTERCEPT 55.39 * 53.38 * 55.370
(7.55) (7.43) (7.54)
Std. error of regression 3.959 4.017 3.959
Observations 45 45 45
F-statistic 5.60 4.90 5.60
[R.sup.2] (adjusted) 0.48 0.47 0.48
Mean, dependent variable 30.29 30.29 30.29
NOTES: t-scores in parentheses; 2-tailed tests: * 1 percent,
** 5 percent, *** 10 percent.
Explanatory Variables (1) (2) (3)
Threshold Dummy 25 percent 50 percent 75 percent
PRICE 0.010 0.010 0.020
(0.65) (0.60) (0.93)
SMUG -3.140 ** -3.616 ** -3.568 **
(2.19) (2.54) (2.35)
Y -0.0002 *** -0.0002 *** -0.0002 ***
-1.720 -2.050 -1.730
UE -0.550 0.011 -0.723
(0.65) (0.01) (0.75)
BA -0.587 * -0.573 * -0.614 *
(3.06) (2.99) (3.14)
MORMON -0.273 * -0.277 * -0.262 *
(3.99) (4.09) (3.76)
INDIAN 0.108 0.242 0.149
(0.37) (0.80) (0.51)
MILITARY 1.747 0.902 2.181
(0.85) (0.41) (1.00)
CONTEMPORANEOUS 0.617 0.632 0.161
TOBACCO CONTROL (1.45) (1.39) (0.25)
THRESHOLD DUMMY 2.823 3.003 -0.118
(1.23) (1.14) (0.24)
THRESHOLD DUMMY -0.879 -0.173 -0.100
x TOBACCO (1.25) (0.27) (0.14)
INTERCEPT 53.40 * 51.79 * 56.77 *
(7.18) (6.85) (6.42)
Obs. below threshold 17 25 38
Std. error of regression 3.812 3.795 3.914
Observations 39 39 39
F-statistic 5.32 5.39 4.92
[R.sup.2] (adjusted) 0.55 0.56 0.53
Mean, dependent variable 30.51 30.51 30.51
NOTES: t-scores in parentheses; 2-tailed tests: * 1 percent,
** 5 percent, *** 10 percent.