Richard Vedder and the future of higher education reform.
Lemke, Jayme S. ; Shughart, William F., II
In the 2001-02 academic year, when Richard Vedder was beginning his
work on the causes and consequences of rising costs in higher education,
the average cost of a single year at a four-year university was $17,418
(including tuition, fees, and room and board). In other words, for every
bachelor's degree awarded, somebody--whether the student, his or
her parents, tire donor of a scholarship, or the federal student loan
program--was paying something around $69,672. Since then the price of
college education has risen sharply relative to the prices of other
goods and services. Average tuition for the 2011-12 academic year was
$23,066--an increase of 32.4 percent in only a decade, compared to a
27.6 percent cumulative rate of inflation over the same period. (1) With
the cost of a four-year college education now approaching $100,000,
Vedder's project has only grown in significance.
Further, despite the increase in costs, the quality of college
education appears to have flat-lined. Based on historical trends in
performance on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), frequently taken
toward the end of college by those students considering graduate-level
education, Vedder (2004) concludes that the quality of education
received by the average student, although difficult to measure, likely
has not changed much over time. He also examines literature that asks
whether education is intrinsically valuable or valuable primarily
because it assists people in signaling credibly that they are
sufficiently competent to be employable. His conclusion--that student
performance on standardized tests is stagnant and that diplomas and
degrees are valuable, but not because of the learning they
represent--damns the whole educational system with faint praise. If not
for better educational outcomes, why exactly are we directing more and
more of our scarce resources toward the university system?
The nature of the current educational system invites another
qualitative concern. Calls for all students to have the same experiences
at both K-12 and postsecondary institutions of learning implicitly
assume that the optimal basket of courses, interactions, and skill sets
is the same--or at least quite similar--for every student. Yet the idea
that diverse people, who will contribute to society in a wide range of
ways, all require the same training is a spectacular leap of faith, and
those who promote it have not yet met the burden of proof. Today's
higher education system exhibits a failure to recognize either the
purpose of postsecondary schooling or the potential alternative means of
generating the same outcomes and social benefits. The traditional model
is only one of many possible ways to encourage education, culture, and
innovation. By exploring other alternatives, it may be possible to raise
the quality of education and scholarly research while getting costs
under control.
This article proceeds as follows. First, we describe the problem of
rising costs in higher education. Second, we consider the array of
potential alternative means for providing the benefits generally
attributed to college educations and scholarly research. Third, we
discuss the possibility and likelihood of reform. Finally, we conclude
with an appreciation of how Vedder has helped us better understand these
The Rising Cost of Education
Why is the cost of higher education rising so rapidly? The increase
in the price of a college degree is explained at least in part by
demand-side considerations. First, rising incomes mean that the
populations of developed nations now have greater demands for all normal
goods, including the services of institutions of higher education
(Vedder 2004). Second, preferences have shifted toward more prestigious
educational experiences, leading well-meaning family members to
emphasize four-year colleges over junior colleges or trade schools
(Vedder 2004). Third, the untested assumption that a four-year college
degree has become essential for young people to succeed in an ever-more
technologically sophisticated global economy has motivated public
policies that subsidize higher education, further shifting out the
demand curve. All of these factors contribute to the number of people
applying to institutions of higher learning, thereby enabling
universities to charge higher prices without risking declines in
These "demand-induced pressures to raise tuition" are
"aggravated by the non-market-driven nature of higher
education" supply (Vedder 2004: 39). University attendance is, of
course, not compulsory and, as such, is subject to some degree of market
discipline (Vedder 2004). However, universities have been remarkably
successful in avoiding exposure to the market test.
In a standard competitive market, the chain linking consumption
decisions with production decisions is strong. If consumers embrace a
product, the producer will earn a profit and thereby be encouraged to
expand output. If consumers reject a product, the producer will be
forced either to redeploy resources to some other productive activity or
go out of business altogether. This loss side of the profit-and-loss
equation is the burly, no-nonsense bouncer of the market; lose too often
and your ability to participate on the supply side is revoked.
In the market for higher education, however, the chain linking
production and consumption decisions is weak. Individuals who are not
residual claimants of university profits make many decisions. The job
security and compensation packages of administrators and faculty,
particularly those with tenure, are tied to revenue only indirectly and
only in the long run. They stand little chance of capturing any of the
excess profits that might be generated by their efforts and, as such,
face few costs if they pursue objectives other than the quality of the
educational experience they provide to undergraduate and graduate
students. Of course, most industries struggle to evaluate the extent to
which any given individual employee contributes to the bottom line. The
position of the average rank-and-file faculty/staff member might not be
so different from the rank-and-file employee in most large corporations
in this regard, if it were not for some significant confounding factors:
the difficulty of monitoring faculty performance, the third-party payer
system, and the extent of subsidization of the university and its many
diverse programs.
Faculty performance is notoriously hard to evaluate. The high
degree of specialization within the academy makes it difficult for
faculty to evaluate each other's contributions to institutional
research and teaching missions. Consequently, hiring committees,
department heads, and administrators tend to put more emphasis on
quantity than on the quality of publications. Evaluating the potential
of a research product to influence the state of knowledge within a field
is simply too difficult. Evaluating teaching performance is similarly
challenging. The student course evaluation is the primary method of
monitoring classroom teaching at most universities, but recent
scholarship suggests that the intrinsic worth of student evaluations is
overrated. A 2010 study of student evaluations at the United States Air
Force Academy (USAFA) found that student evaluations are positively
correlated with student performance during the current course, but
negatively correlated with student performance in future, related
courses (Carrell and West 2010). (2) This finding is consistent with
research demonstrating that charismatic presentation of course materials
is correlated with perceptions of learning, but not actual learning
(Carpenter et al. 2013).
The already difficult task of evaluating contributions to learning
and knowledge is further exacerbated by the third-party payer system.
The third-party payer system creates a significant and multifaceted
principal-agent problem within higher education. The undergraduate
student--the principal--may fund his or her own education directly, but
he or she is more likely to arrange payment by contracting with one or
more go-betweens. According to Sallie Mae's 2014 report, How
America Pays for College, 31 percent of educational expenses are
financed through grants and scholarships, and 41 percent of expenses are
paid by parents or other benefactors. Those who experience the product
and make the primary purchase decision--the students--pay only 27
percent of educational expenses. Furthermore, over half of these
student-paid expenses are financed by borrowing at rates far below those
most students would be able to obtain on an open market given their
credit histories and likelihood of repayment (Sallie Mae and Ipsos
Public Affairs 2014). In other words, for every $1,000 dollar increase
in costs, die average student is on the hook for only $270, and only
$120 of that $1,000 comes out of his/her pocket. The rest is borrowed on
favorable terms with more or less unlimited time to repay. This loose
connection between the payment for and the provision of the service
dulls the market impact of tuition increases and fee hikes. (30
Subsidies by state and federal governments and nonprofit
organizations also obscure the market value of education and hamper
competitiveness within the educational system. In 2013, 40.4 percent of
public university revenue originated as federal, state, or local
governmental appropriations, grants, or contracts. Private universities
received 12.6 percent of their funding from these sources; in the
for-profit university sector, that figure was 5.7 percent of revenues
(Ginder and Kelly-Reid 2013). The tax-exempt status afforded
universities is another form of subsidy. Like all nonprofit
organizations, universities are eligible for a number of tax incentives
that are not available to others. Similarly, many contributions to
universities are tax deductible for donors. This acts as yet another
mechanism diverting resources toward the university system and away from
other types of investment, regardless of the value created for students
or third parties by the particular university or program.
Subsidization occurs within universities as well, in the form of
using revenue from profitable programs to fund unprofitable programs.
This cross-subsidization comes in many guises. Popular majors subsidize
unpopular majors; undergraduate education subsidizes graduate education;
and academic programs subsidize athletic programs (Vedder 2004). Vedder
also suggests that the high price of university-provided food and
housing services relative to off-campus alternatives may be evidence
that commuting students are being subsidized by those living on campus.
The fact that many schools monopolize the on-campus food and beverage
market for themselves when chain restaurants or local eating places
would be more than happy to provide a higher quality product at a lower
price is further evidence that the university is getting something extra
out of their resident student services--specifically, they are getting
subsidies for other programs. This kind of cross-subsidization allows
the persistence of programs that various customers--whether students,
research funders, or sports fans--would not be willing to purchase if
they were required to pay full cost. (4)
Ultimately, whether the budgetary cushion takes the form of student
aid, tax breaks, or private fund raising, the effect is that
universities can increase what they are charging without much risk of
scaring away their customers. Thus, Vedder (2004: 21) notes that efforts
to make college more affordable may be "ultimately
self-defeating." To illustrate, one study finds that although state
appropriations increased by 40 percent and federal aid increased by 200
percent between 1986 and 2007, enrollments during the same period
increased by only 40 percent, while tuition rose by over 90 percent
(Gillen 2010). The implication is that subsidization is not reducing
tuition costs and may even be contributing to their growth. In other
words, policymakers have ignored Gordon Tullock's advice--not for
the first time--and created a transitional gains trap in which the
removal of subsidies is prohibitively costly despite the fact that they
create little or no long-term benefit (Tullock 1975). Funds that are
intended to offset students' costs are instead absorbed by the
higher education system in ways that make education more expensive for
the next cohort, leading to calls for further subsidies, which in turn
cause further tuition inflation--and on and on it goes in a perpetual
cycle of lessening affordability in the name of charity and equal
Possible Alternative Systems
Vedder's research raises a question--why is it that we need
these things called "universities" anyway? What is the purpose
of higher education? Only by first answering this question can we
determine whether or not better, more efficient ways of achieving the
same goals can be found.
Vedder (2004: 116) writes that, "the vital, noble mission of
maintaining our civilization is the main job, sometimes almost the only
important job, of universities." The benefits of new knowledge
accrue broadly, and a community that can read and write with mutual
understanding will face significantly lower transaction costs when
attempting to cooperate voluntarily for mutual gain (Vedder 2004).
Furthermore, economic growth, and therefore the preservation of human
society as we recognize it today, depends upon the continuous
maintenance and generation of "our human and cultural capital
stock" (Vedder 2004: 116). In other words, communities have an
interest in preserving the knowledge and skills required to produce at a
level that will at least maintain their current standard of living or
raise it. This and similar arguments are often used to justify
government spending on universities as a public good, or at least as a
good that generates positive externalities for society as a whole. Not
only are the benefits of an educated populace, once produced, available
to all at zero marginal cost, but the nonexcludable nature of many of
those benefits (such as the acquisition of pure scientific knowledge,
engineering know-how, and a more cultured, better informed and
cosmopolitan population) makes it nearly impossible to exclude those who
do not wish to contribute to financing institutions of higher learning.
Consequently, so the argument goes, people in an open market would
rationally choose to free ride on the educational support provided by
others, resulting in underprovision (or no provision at all) of a
valuable public good.
This traditional view encounters three problems. First, higher
education may not be as beneficial for the public at large as we think.
Given the arguably negative impacts of the current higher education
system--namely that students and taxpayers are deeply indebting
themselves to provide a service that may not supply much beyond its
signaling value--universities actually may generate net negative
externalities by misallocating resources (Vedder 2004). Second, even if
the external benefits to education are on net positive, they may not be
positive at the margin. This can occur if top students, rather than
marginal college attendees, generate the bulk of education's
positive spillovers (Buchanan and Stubblebine 1962, Hall 2006).
The third and perhaps most difficult-to-overcome challenge to the
traditional view is that even if higher education does generate positive
externalities on the margin, subsidization and other forms of public
provision are not always the best way to encourage production of public
goods. This can be the case if components of the public good are
actually private goods, if die extent of government failure exceeds the
extent of market failure, or if there are significant offsetting
unintended consequences (Shughart 2011). All three of these situations
plausibly apply to higher education. Public institutions provide many
private goods, meaning that one person's consumption of the good
reduces the stock available for others to consume, and that access to
the good can easily be limited to those who are willing and able to pay.
Food services, lodging, and fitness centers are obvious examples of
goods that are regularly and without difficulty provided on the private
market, often at better quality and lower cost. Many of the components
of instruction may also be best conceived of as private goods. If one of
us aids a student with a thesis project, the benefit accrues primarily
(if not completely) to that student, and we have less time available to
help others or to contribute to other activities.
A public good can also be a "bad public good" (Shughart
2011) if its provision is associated with significant government failure
or unintended negative consequences. No human institutional design is
ideal, and so alternative ways of providing higher education should be
evaluated as they truly are, not as they theoretically could be. Given
that no solution will work out perfectly, the only alternative is to
select the option that will be the least imperfect. Or to put the point
more generally, cats can be skinned in many different ways and, all else
being equal, the least-cost method always is preferable. For any given
alternative productive arrangement--public, private, or somewhere in
between--one encounters both external costs associated with the good
produced (in this case, the costs are the positive or negative
externalities associated with higher education) and decision-making
costs (the costs of providing that good through a particular
organizational structure). The optimal mode of provision will be that
which minimizes the sum of decision-making costs and external costs
(Buchanan and Tullock 1962). The usefulness of this theoretical approach
has been validated empirically by strong evidence that so-called public
goods are often provided more efficiently by individuals or local
cooperatives (Coase 1974, Ostrom 1990).
What are the alternative methods that could be used to generate the
public goods usually thought to characterize institutions of higher
learning? We do not presume that we or anybody else could conceptualize
all of the possibilities, but we will consider here three different
approaches: (1) continued public support and regulation, but under a
different set of rules; (2) public support of a deregulated and
privatized educational system; and (3) decentralization of both the
funding and provision of higher educational programs.
Public Funding, Public Provision; or, Reform from Inside Out
The least radical alternative to tire current higher education
system is to preserve the current structure of primarily public funding
and provision, (5) but to alter the incentives of the system from the
inside. This approach to reform views effective bureaucratic
organization as posing challenging but soluble problems (see, for
example, Glazer and Rothenberg 2001). According to this view, it is
simply a matter of getting the incentives right--do that, and effective
public funding is possible.
An example of this type of reform might include tying
administrative compensation to university rankings. Since one of the
reasons universities can afford to make bad decisions is that the
decisionmakers have no profits on the line to lose, such an attempt to
approximate a market signal could introduce a degree of accountability
into the system (Vedder 2004). However, whether or not this policy will
produce desirable outcomes depends upon the way in which rankings are
calculated. If university rankings are effectively able to measure the
quality of education and knowledge growth (that is, value added for
students), then we can expect greater attention to rankings to yield
positive results; if university rankings measure variables that are
irrelevant to or undermine the objective at hand, then we can expect
greater attention to rankings to be disastrous. For example, spending
per full-time student accounts for a full 10 percent of a
university's score in the college rankings issued by U. S. News
& World Report (USNWR) (Morse 2014). As such, an incentive that
encourages attention to USNWR may be more likely to encourage than to
discourage bureaucratic bloat. Moreover, it is widely known that
university administrators both know how USNWR's rankings are
constructed and "massage" the information they supply to the
magazine so as to move up the list. Sauder and Espeland (2007), to cite
one relevant study, report evidence that administrators redistribute
resources--by, for example, shifting money from need-based to
merit-based scholarships--in order to maximize their positions within
tire rankings. The more die system is gamed, the less meaningful the
rankings are and the greater is the potential for unintended
consequences. (6)
Tenure--the customary practice of allowing more senior faculty
members to bless the peers they deem to be sufficiently credentialed
with the near promise of lifetime employment--provides another example
of tire difficulty of internal reform. Controversy over the value of
tenure abounds. On one hand, tenure is lauded as protecting academic
freedom (Cannichael 1988); on tire other hand, tenure makes it difficult
to remove underperforming faculty or to reallocate instructional
resources from less popular to more popular majors. Consequently, tenure
can breed stagnation rather than the innovation it was designed to
foster. Moreover, a junior faculty member's immediate colleagues
are one of the key determinants of whether or not he or she will be
awarded this particular prize. The result of this reliance on
intradisciplinary success often discourages faculty from investing in
teaching or engaging with those in other disciplines. Vedder (2004: 77)
argues that "this is bad for students, bad for scholarship that has
broad social meaning, and bad for developing a university community that
has common meaning."
If Vedder is right that tenure is bad for academic communities,
then why does it persist? A university's choice to continue the
practice of tenure is, after all, voluntary. Even for the purposes of
accreditation, which is not always required but does have implications
for federal funding, accreditation bodies often care more about the
stability of the faculty than about how that stability is maintained.
Tenure is only one way of doing so, and if it is at odds with
students' educational outcomes and the advancement of knowledge,
then it would seem foolish to turn the control of such a significant
portion of the economy over to groups of faculty and administrators who
are governed by its incentives. Nevertheless, universities have adopted
tenure systems for hundreds of years. This stability, and the fact that
the beneficiaries of tenure are those in the strongest position to
ensure its continuance, suggests that significant change in such
practices is unlikely to come from within the university system. (7)
The bottom line is that improvements in the publicly funded,
publicly provided university system are difficult and downright
unlikely. Even if designing good rules were possible, strong forces are
at work within the university that would prevent their adoption.
Public Funding, Private Provision
A second alternative means of providing the benefits associated
with higher education is to continue public subsidization, but shift to
private production. Programs that are publicly funded but provided by
private agents are commonly referred to either as outsourced or
privatized. Outsourcing can be efficient because sometimes the costs
associated with negotiating an external contract actually are lower than
the transaction costs associated with internal organization (Coase
1937). One way to think about privatization or outsourcing of higher
education is to identify particular functions within universities that
can be privatized (Holian and Ross 2010, Vedder 2004). The clear first
candidates for outsourcing are those goods that really are private
rather than public in nature--such as housing, food, cleaning,
groundskeeping, and building maintenance. These could be outsourced
rather than produced internally by, as is tire case in many public
institutions of higher learning, full-time government employees.
One of the reasons why bureaucratic provision of on-campus food and
lodging is inefficient is that the people in charge are not residual
claimants of the profits generated by their efforts (Kerekes 2010). The
bureaucrat's primary allegiance is not to minimizing cost at any
given level of quality, but instead to making themselves and their
superiors look good (Tullock [1965] 2005). This is more likely to
involve increasing rather than reducing spending. Consequently, shifting
to a private provider who must compete for the contract can reduce
costs, if the contract supplies the proper incentives to both parties.
University administrators are not likely to benefit themselves by
choosing a higher cost or lower quality provider if all else is held
constant. Unfortunately, however, all else rarely is held constant. The
same bureaucracies that currently manage the monopoly versions of these
services usually have a say in selecting the private contractor. (8)
Consequently, the same preference for high-quality over low-cost
products may persist, as in most situations in which an individual is
choosing a product for which someone else will have to pay. In other
words, privatization is not really a choice between bureaucratic and
market provision--it is a choice between two different types of
bureaucratic provision. (9)
Another, more comprehensive way to think about privatization within
higher education is to outsource the entire system. The most familiar
proposal for such a reform is a voucher system. In a voucher system,
subsidies go directly to students who are then able to choose where they
would like to spend the money (Vedder 2004). Milton Friedman ([1962]
2002) famously advocated such a system for K-12 education, but vouchers
could function in a similar manner at the higher education level.
Various G.I. bills enacted since the end of World War II have enabled
millions of demobilized armed forces veterans to earn undergraduate and
graduate degrees at colleges of their own choosing. Such a system has
the advantage of providing support for those who would not otherwise be
able to afford higher education while still preserving some degree of
market competition among universities. However, since the cost to the
individual student is still being offset by public support, the ability
and incentive of colleges and universities to spend at
greater-than-optimal levels will persist. One way around this is to
create a binding constraint on the dollar value of the voucher. If die
voucher's value were allowed to rise indefinitely, the system would
impose little cost-controlling discipline. On the other hand, if the
initial value of the voucher is tied to inflation or some other strict
(and readily observable) cap, then spending can be kept within bounds
(Vedder 2004).
One advantage of the voucher system is that it allows politicians
to take action on higher education reform without going further down the
regulatory rabbit hole. Proposed regulations include setting a tuition
price ceiling; taxing tuition charges above a certain level; adjusting
the set of tax benefits currently received by not-for-profit
universities; or mandating specific cost reductions through policies
such as establishing minimum teaching loads, maximum administrative
salaries, or spending caps for nonacademic programs (Vedder 2004). Such
targeted regulatory efforts are frequently ineffective because of how
easy they are to evade through creative accounting and organizational
restructuring. Furthermore, the nature of policy design is that academic
industry insiders are often called upon for their advice. This means
that higher education representatives will likely have a say in how
these policies are designed, enabling them to push for reforms that will
impose minimally effective constraints and may even funnel additional
rents to the university. A voucher system would mitigate these concerns
by turning the problem of how to cut costs over to competing private
However, even a voucher-funding mechanism or some other form of
outsourcing does not guarantee a lessening of cost-raising public
regulations. Once a government agency has decided to support an endeavor
financially, the temptation--some would say moral imperative--to control
die quality and equitability of the subsidized project is difficult to
resist. One example is Title IX regulations on gender equality in
athletic programs. These regulations shape, to some extent, which
programs a university is allowed to operate, limiting the range of
alternatives that a private market could provide, and are unlikely to go
away so long as universities accept any type of public support (Vedder
Private Funding, Private Provision
The third and most radical alternative--private funding and private
provision--actually encompasses a wide range of potential policy
choices. From the modern for-profit universities, to trade schools and
corporate training programs, to community encouragement of participation
in the arts and sciences, many ways exist for private communities and
individuals to improve upon or replace the current educational system.
Is it reasonable to expect private individuals to invest in
education? In one sense the answer obviously is yes, because it happens
already. The transfer and development of knowledge routinely takes place
beyond college classroom walls. Particular skill sets--and the signal
that one is competent to employ them--can be obtained by enrolling in
corporate or private training programs (Vedder 2004). Even with respect
to the advancement of scientific knowledge, the extent to which
companies and nonprofit institutes engage in research calls into
question the claim that universities perform an irreplaceable
knowledge-augmenting function. By most spending-based measures, less
than half of basic scientific research is conducted by universities
(Vedder 2004). In short, the claim that universities are the only
entities that can carry out educational and research missions ought to
be rejected. However, the more difficult question--whether universities
contribute to research or teaching in ways that could not be duplicated
in another lower-cost institutional framework--is not so easy to
A recently popular alternative to the traditional university system
is the for-profit university. These institutions cater primarily to
adults, focus on vocational programs and job-skill acquisition, and do
not invest much in scholarly research or infrastructure (Vedder 2004).
The University of Phoenix weathered fire recent financial crisis to
remain profitable. Stock in the corporation that founded the school,
Apollo Education Group, increased by 1,794.17 percent between January
1995 and October 2014--over four times the growth rate of the NASDAQ
composite index. (10) This experience is not unique and has been
emulated at for-profit universities of various sizes, structures, and
purposes (Vedder 2004). One of the proposed advantages of for-profit
institutions is the relative ease with which they are able to explore
alternative knowledge-delivery mechanisms, including online distance
learning and certification programs (Vedder 2004). For-profit education
also has its downsides. Students in private for-profit programs graduate
with heavier debt burdens, have higher loan default rates, and are more
likely to be unemployed six years after starting college (Deming,
Goldin, and Katz 2012).
Observations like these have led detractors to paint for-profit
institutions as exploiters who prey upon the disadvantaged, low-income
populations who are their primary customers nowadays (Schade 2014). The
question remains, however, whether this is a permanent feature of
for-profit education, or an artificial effect driven by the
subsidization of traditional institutions of higher learning. As their
long and varied history demonstrates, no economic or logical constraint
necessarily limits for-profit institutions to their current form. There
are, however, many reasons to believe that introducing new delivery
systems and a better set of incentives into higher education would be
For-profit schools have a long and varied history. Schools in
ancient Athens were operated on that basis, as were many schools in
Great Britain and the United States prior to the mid-19th century
(Bennett, Lucchesi, and Vedder 2010). The Industrial Revolution, a
period of incredible innovation that changed the face of the world,
occurred during a time when there was little public support for
education (Vedder 2000). Many reasons have been advanced to explain the
rise of public funding in the United States during the latter half of
the 19th century. Some claim that public schools were developed out of
the liberal democratic ideal of equal access to education; others have
noted that public schools were created by people who felt threatened by
"new" ideas--such as Catholicism--and wanted to ensure that
ideals other than their own were not incorporated into the educational
system (Vedder 2000). That motives other than equal access are at play
is bolstered further by the fact that neither Vedder nor historical
research can identify any significant increase in school attendance
coinciding with the shift from private to public funding (Vedder 2000).
Privately run and funded schools could adopt many different
governance structures. In Can Teachers Own Their Own Schools?, Vedder
(2000) explores the possibility of employee stock ownership plans
(ESOPs) in K-12 education. If ownership control were in the hands of
stakeholders--teachers, principals, and parents at the K-12 level, or
faculty, administrators, and students at the university level--then the
profits (or lack thereof) would be borne directly by those responsible
for decisionmaking. Institutions free of the strings that come along
with federal subsidies would be able to differentiate themselves in the
educational marketplace. Innovation would not only be possible, but also
rewarded financially. All participants in the system would benefit from
identifying cost-cutting measures. In today's system, no benefits
accrue to faculty from cutting costs, and students who are funded by
third-party payers also receive no benefits from greater cost
effectiveness. Although ESOPs can be risky--they put employees at the
risk of losing not only their jobs, but also their pensions if the
organization goes under--a more direct ownership structure in the higher
education system could produce unexpected gains.
An advantage of moving to private funding and provision is that
subsidization of the existing mass-market education system may currently
be crowding out more cost-effective, higher-quality alternatives.
Educational programs and research projects conducted by eoqiorations,
private individuals, and nonprofit organizations also generate positive
externalities. The benefits of a life-saving technology or a higher
literacy rate are not less valuable if they are produced by
nontraditional means. So if subsidization crowds out a private
alternative, the positive externalities generated by the public option
actually replace rather than reinforce die externalities associated with
the private option. If some of these private alternatives are more
effective than the traditional university system, diverting funds away
from them into the traditional system can represent a missed opportunity
to generate further positive externalities.
The evidence that higher rates of college graduation lead to
economic growth is subject to this caution as well. How does one know
that there would not have been more economic growth under an alternative
regime with fewer college graduates? If university-based education and
research are subject to diminishing marginal returns, the benefit of
adding another student to the already massive traditional system may be
insignificant relative to the potential returns from shifting bright
young people into new, unconventional systems.
Change Is Going to Come
The above comparisons of alternative ways to generate the benefits
associated with higher education could, perhaps, be interpreted as an
exercise in idealism. Proposing alternative systems is all well and
good, but identifying a realistic way of bringing them about is a
different game entirely. So now we ask, where are successful calls for
reform most likely to originate?
Reform in the supply of higher education could come about in two
ways: endogenously, from within the universities themselves, or
exogenously, from changes in today's regime of public subsidies and
regulation. Exogenous change is notoriously difficult to sustain. The
design of reform is complex and usually requires the involvement of
experts. This makes regulatory capture a possibility, if not a
predictable likelihood. Even if this kind of interest-group influence is
avoided, industry insiders can usually identify and adopt ways to get
around any given regulation. One effective constraint could come about
if increasingly tight state budgets limit the extent to which
governments are able to participate in the higher education system as
third-party payers (Vedder 2004). Budget constraints may force a degree
of market discipline on universities that neither universities nor
legislators would be willing to force on the system themselves.
Endogenous change in higher education confronts its own set of
difficulties. The decision to stop, continue, or expand any given
productive activity within a bureaucracy will be made based not on
information about that activity's value to others, but instead on
that activity's value to the persistence and health of the
bureaucratic organization (Tullock [1965] 2005). One way this tendency
manifests within higher education is that universities often have a
different perspective on expenses than most for-profit entities. For
most firms, finding ways to reduce expenses can be just as beneficial to
the bottom line as finding new ways to bring in revenue. Universities,
however, are rarely in a position to be able to benefit by cutting
costs. While most firms seek to maximize the difference between revenue
and expenditure, universities instead seek to equalize revenue and
expenditure. Instead of acting with an eye on the bottom line,
university budgets are formed by asking the different units on campus
how much they intend to spend, adding up those figures, and then
compensating for any shortfall by adjusting tuition or efforts in
procuring external funding (Vedder 2004).
Universities are also actively pressured not to cut spending by
major constituents. Faculties are not only influential in determining
expenditures, but also are not residual claimants of any profits the
university might earn as a result of greater efficiency. This effect is
exacerbated further by the fact that it is often the faculty who choose
the administrators (Vedder 2004). Faculty members comprise the group
with the most influence over hiring, but the cost of a good or bad
personnel decision is distributed across the entire university
population. Credit or blame is unlikely to be connected back to the
faculty representatives on the hiring committee and, even if it were,
the tenure process means that this knowledge of error is unlikely to
result in career or financial penalties. Once again, the distance
between the decision maker and the consequences of the decision makes
meaningful reform problematic.
Given the difficulty of reform motivated by those on the production
side of the education industry, it may be more likely that reform will
come through customers refusing to continue to pay the current price for
the current product. Relative to a high school diploma, the labor-market
returns to acquiring a four-year degree are positive. College graduates
have higher lifetime earnings and are less likely to be unemployed.
Compare, for instance, the $34,000 in median annual earnings a high
school graduate can anticipate to the $57,000 median annual earnings for
those with bachelors' degrees (Oreopoulos and Petronijevic 2013).
However, estimates of the magnitude of the return to education vary
after efforts are made to control for innate ability and other
potentially confounding factors. OLS specifications using 1995 data
suggest that the rate of return to education ranges from a 1.8 percent
to a 17.7 percent increase in wages per additional year of schooling,
depending on gender and country of residence, with women generally
receiving higher returns. The same study found that the average return
to education internationally was approximately 6 percent using OLS
methods but approximately 9 percent using instrumental variable (IV)
methods. Clearly the results of these studies are susceptible to
measurement error (Hannon, Oosterbeek, and Walker 2000). However, the
returns to the marginal individual may be significantly lower than these
numbers suggest. One recent study of a sample from the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth finds that the return to education using a
standard IV model is 9.5 percent, but the return for the marginal
individual from the same sample is less than 1.5 percent (Carneiro,
Heckman, and Vytlacil 2011).
Looking forward, these rates of return may not last, particularly
if bachelors' degrees become so common that employers can no longer
reliably use them as a signal of competence. (11) Such a change could
lead consumers to alter their perceptions of the worth of a college
degree, decreasing the demand for higher education. Even if the
perceived value remains high, applications and enrollments could decline
because of a slowing population growth rate, restrictions on enrollment
of international students, or the market having reached the limit of
qualified college applicants (Vedder 2004). All of these forces exert
downward pressure on demand and thereby tuition prices.
Another way that the cost of higher education could shrink is that
as higher education absorbs greater and greater shares of GDP, calls for
reform--and subsequent actual reform--will become more likely (Vedder
2004). Rising costs will also encourage students to pursue alternatives
to the traditional higher education system (Vedder 2004). In other
words, students and third-party payers may reach the limit of what they
are willing to tolerate.
Richard Vedder provides compelling reasons for rethinking the
traditional, stale logic behind public support of higher education. The
system of subsidization through third-party payers has made education
less affordable and in many ways less desirable. Costs are rising,
quality is stagnating, and the traditional higher education system has
attained a position that is too often secure from challenge and
However, if those of us within the higher education system
genuinely reflect upon the conversation Vedder has brought to the table,
we should be feeling decidedly less secure right about now, if not
downright uncomfortable. Taken seriously, Vedder's work suggests
that many of the decisions that university faculty and administrators
make on a daily basis may harm the students they purport to help. The
growth of administrative bureaucracy, third-party payments through
subsidies and loans, and discretionary faculty governance all serve to
drive up costs for the consumers of higher education and insulate the
providers of higher education from the discipline of the market.
Further, the system of subsidies that supports higher
education--including private and publicly financed loans to
students--makes it more difficult for alternative systems for the
production of education and scientific knowledge to compete.
Going Broke By Degree: Why College Costs Too Much (Vedder 2004) and
Vedder's other work on higher education supply thorough empirical
analyses of the rising costs of higher education. But Vedder also lays
down a bold and exciting challenge. He imagines and then carefully
weighs many creative and potentially fruitful approaches to higher
education reform. In outlining the broad strokes of three different ways
that individuals and groups can support the development and sharing of
knowledge--public provision with public funds, private provision with
public funds, and private provision with private funds--we have
attempted to pave the way for other scholars and analysts to follow in
Vedder's footsteps. By drinking more openly about how to produce
the benefits that are traditionally attributed to the higher education
system, perhaps there is a way that those of us interested in the
advancement of knowledge can better serve our students and ourselves.
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(1) Average tuition statistics are from Table 381 of National
Center for Education Statistics (2013). Inflation calculated from Table
24 of the August 2014 CPI Detailed Report (Bureau of Labor Statistics
(2) At the USAFA, students are assigned randomly to faculty and
required to continue along particular academic tracks regardless of the
interest in the subject generated by the instructor of the first course.
Further, if multiple teachers are offering the same class during the
same semester, they all use the same syllabus and administer the same
examinations. This means that data from the USAFA on student performance
within courses and in related follow-up courses is significantly more
comparable than similar data from other institutions (Carrell and West
(3) Vedder likens the payment structure in higher education to that
in health care, where third parties, such as insurance companies and
taxpayers, foot most of the bill (Vedder 2004: xvii).
(4) Reforming the practice of cross-subsidizing athletic programs
is a particularly difficult problem to solve. See Denhart, Villwock, and
Vedder (2010) and Shughart (2010).
(5) Seventy-two percent of postsecondary students are enrolled in
public institutions (National Center for Education Statistics 2013:
Table 219); 57.3 percent of undergraduates received federal student aid
at an average funding level of $8,200 per student; and 15.4 percent of
undergraduates received state student aid at an average funding level of
$2,700 per student (Radwin et al. 2013: 9- 10). We believe this
qualifies our current system as primarily public in nature.
(6) USNWR's rankings would be characterized as
"high-powered" incentives in the literature of contracting.
They are salient for administrators' prestige even if they may be
unrelated to educational outcomes for students.
(7) One creative solution Vedder offers is to make tenure an
optional part of faculty members' compensation packages. This could
be beneficial in that some faculty, particularly those who are confident
about their abilities to perform, may prefer additional salary or other
nonwage benefits to tenure if given a choice (Vedder 2004).
(8) The incumbent on-campus public enterprise is often allowed to
compete for the right to continue to provide the good or service, but
care must be exercised in evaluating such proposals against those
submitted by private contractors because the on-campus incumbent
typically does not maintain a separate capital budget.
(9) Boettke, Coyne, and Leeson (2011) make a similar point in the
context of the debate over competitive governance.
(10) Retrieved October 7, 2014, from Yahoo! Finance.
(11) The lifetime earnings gap could also be explained by sharply
falling values of high school diplomas, especially those granted by
government schools. That issue is a worthy topic of future research.
Jayme S. Lemke is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center
at George Mason University. William F. Shughart II is the J. Fish Smith
Professor in Public Choice at Utah State University and Research
Director and Senior Fellow at The Independent Institute. The authors
acknowledge comments on earlier drafts by J. R. Clark and Dwight Lee,
along with those of the guest editor and referees of this special issue.
As is customary, however, they take full responsibility for any
remaining errors.