Residential intensification in a suburban fringe local government area, Casey, Melbourne Metropolitan area, Australia.
Phan, Thu ; Peterson, Jim ; Chandra, Shobhit 等
Many cities and metropolitan areas are changing form due to
enforcement of urban consolidation policies. These policies have been
designed to reduce sprawl, and preserve farmlands and/or designated open
spaces on the city fringe, to seek for efficient uses of infrastructure
and less car-dependence, and to improve quality of life. They have
featured in planning policy debates, especially after the adoption of
sustainability as a guiding principle in the 1990s. While some
researchers offer support for a certain level of higher density
development (Buxton and Tieman, 2005), critics of higher density
development have been able to refer to social and cultural arguments,
including one about infill development in the existing urban areas
threatening the status of prevailing residential streetscapes (Birrell
et al., 2005b). Additionally, it is noted that the adequacy of current
infrastructure and services can be less than needed to accommodate
increases in population and dwelling numbers (Troy, 1996, Mees et al.,
2008). Burton (2000, p.1970) stated that one of the main problems in
advancing debate about the compact development model is a lack of
empirical evidence to support either claims or counter-claims. Talen
(2003) added that although "smart growth theory" (the term
usually used in the United States or Canada) has emerged, there is still
a lack of quantitative measurement, representation and evaluation of
urban form and its associated impacts. Thus neither formulation nor
implementation of urban compact city policy may be as well served as
advocates would want (Talen, 2003).
Urban consolidation has prevailed in urban planning policies in
major Australian cities for over 20 years (Searle, 2003). Recently,
urban consolidation has been integrated in state-wide strategic plans
released between 2002 and 2005 in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide
(Randolph, 2006). These urban planning policies have surely been
long-enough implemented for useful research results about their impacts
to have emerged.
However, a detailed geography of settlement intensification has not
yet been systematically identified (Buxton and Tieman, 2004, Birrell et
al., 2005b, Holloway and Bunker, 2003), and therefore, spatial
relationships between increased population density and local
infrastructures and services, not to mention the associated social
costs, are not well documented. Additionally missing, is a metropolitan
scale (constituent city-by-city), appraisal of the relative significance
of intensified dwelling development forms. Detailed datasets (such as at
land parcel level of mapping), have been called for, so that monitoring
and management of urban development can take place at the local as well
as at the metropolitan scale of mapping. As Phan et al. (2008)
demonstrate, integration of selected spatial datasets can offer a
geography of residential infill development that is detailed enough for
decision support at local government level. In this paper, we present a
result of applying that methodology to identify location of residential
intensification in the City of Casey, Melbourne, Australia between 2001
and 2006. We chose the study period as of 2001-2006 for a number of
1. its average population annual growth rate of 1.3 percent, which
is higher than that of 1.1 and 0.6 percent in 1996-2001 and 1991-1996,
respectively (DSE, 2007a); meaning that dwelling development could
increase to accommodate the population growth
2. the period covers the time before and after the implementation
of the recent Victorian state strategic planning policy, Melbourne 2030,
so that implications for urban planning policy can be discussed from the
residential urban form changes documented.
3. the period covers two census dates: 2001 and 2006, so that many
socioeconomic factors from the ABS can be incorporated and integrated in
the analysis.
4. previous studies (Buxton and Tieman, 2005, Buxton and Scheurer,
2007, Mitchell, 1999, Birrell et al., 2005b) are old enough for the
appraisal to be re-visited.
Generally, census data (the ABS census of people and housing) is
the key dataset used by urban geographers in Australia. Aggregated
census collection districts (e.g. suburban level or local government
area level) (DPCD, 2007b, Randolph, 2006, Roberts, 2007, Yates, 2001)
form the main analysis mapping unit. Using such aggregated datasets has
three major disadvantages if urban intensification is defined as the
increase in population or in number of dwellings per unit area. First,
even the smallest census unit (census collection district: CCD)) is
aggregated from 220 dwellings (ABS, 2006), thus it does not represent
the precise location of features of urban intensification. Secondly,
there are problems associated with aggregated data, such as the
"modifiable areal unit problem" (Openshaw, 1983). Thirdly, in
the census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), multiple
detached or attached houses subdivided from previous residential land
lots are classified as "separate house". Failure to be counted
as higher density developments, the lack of these developments in the
dwelling count underestimates of rate of urban consolidation (Buxton and
Tieman, 2005).
Lately, a growing concern for documenting change patterns has seen
recognition of the utility of temporal and spatial data of finer scale
and the availability and accessibility of analytical tools such as
geographical information systems (GIS) (Clifton et al., 2008). Input
data can now include the cadastre (in time series) or fine-scale land
use land cover (LULC) maps generated by the research team from analysis
of increasingly available image data. However, studies have been limited
to (1) manual plotting of infill features (Birrell et al., 2005b), (2)
descriptive analysis of urban consolidation patterns, focussing on
densification in existing urban areas in three municipalities in the
middle and outer regions in Sydney (Holloway and Bunker, 2003, Bunker et
al., 2002), and (3) comparative analysis of urban consolidation patterns
for four inner municipalities in Melbourne (Buxton and Tieman, 2004).
Techniques to quantify and classify urban form have been advanced
from a range of disciplinary perspectives (Clifton et al., 2008).
Cuthbert and Anderson (2002) used a kernel estimate method to
characterise residential and commercial land intensification in Halifax
Regional Municipality. Song and Knaap (2007) presented an approach to
characterise and classify neighbourhood for new single-family homes in
the Portland (USA) area. Hahs and McDonnell (2006) used a gradient
analysis approach (based on the distance from central business district)
to study landscape differentiation spatially in Melbourne. Herold et al.
(2003), using North American examples, applied a number of landscape
metrics to examine changes in the spatial-temporal urban environment.
Batty and Longley (1988) used a fractal analysis technique to measure
urban morphology in a UK village, land parcel by land parcel, the
perimeter and area of each land parcel treated as indicators of urban
form. Buxton and Tieman (2004) examined the contribution of dwelling
supply from greenfield developments on the fringe of the Melbourne
Metropolitan under different development density scenarios.
Research about the influence of strategic urban land use policies
on local and regional development in Australian metropolitan regions
only recently emerged (Randolph, 2006). Many spatial datasets and
techniques of analysis have been advanced; as a result, there is a scope
for spatial data integration, analysis and visualisation of the patterns
of residential intensification and its local impacts.
Previous studies (Buxton and Tieman, 2005, Birrell et al., 2005a)
have provided comprehensive description and analysis of the evolution of
state planning policy on urban development since 1970s. To set a context
for our study, we summarise the key time periods marking the changes or
transitions in urban planning policies in Melbourne either at local or
state level. Generally, there are four main periods of planning policy
changes in Melbourne in intervening and controlling the urban
consolidation policy.
First, from the early 1970s to early 1990s, urban consolidation was
controlled by each municipality under its "flat codes" (in
terms of type, design, location and density). These were non-statutory
and varied across municipalities. However, the state planning agency of
the time, the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, introduced dual
occupancy provisions into the Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme
(MMPS) in Amendment 150 in 1981 (Buxton and Tieman, 2005). Initially,
dual occupancy was in the form of additional dwellings in the backyard
of a suburban house, and later there were examples of house replacement
by two detached houses (Birrell et al., 2005a).
Secondly, the Victorian Government introduced The Victorian Code
for Residential Development (Multi-Dwellings), named VicCode 2, in
December 1993 to control medium density developments (Buxton and Tieman,
2005). Under this policy, all metropolitan councils were required to
have their provisions regarding planning permits for 3+ dwellings or
dual occupancy in any urban zone or reserved land. VicCode 2 was
reviewed in mid 1994 and The Good Design Guide for Medium Density
Housing was then introduced to provide further requirements for local
governments in approving medium density development applications.
Specifically, a planning permit is required for a lot for the use and
development of
* 2+ dwelling development, other than a moveable dwelling unit, not
exceeding four storeys, or
* 1 dwelling on a lot less than 300[m.sup.2]
Thirdly, Rescode, a medium density code, was introduced by the
Victorian Government in 2001 to become a statutory tool for controlling
medium density development. Requirements and standards are given for
each dwelling development application category, namely:
* Permit not required
* Single dwellings
* Multiple dwellings on a lot, and
* Subdivision.
Rescode was developed based on previous planning tools: VicCode 1
and The Good Design Guide (Buxton and Tieman, 2005). It added some new
standards, though some of them were not statutory. Historically, the
success of urban planning policy was little due to "the
discretionary nature of much content, the use of qualitative measures
and the lack of clarity" (Buxton and Tieman, 2005, p.141).
Fourthly, in October 2002, the Victorian State Government
introduced its thirty-year strategic urban land use planning policy:
Melbourne 2030. It was released as a strategic plan for accommodating a
projected (2030) MMA population increase of one million while improving
economic efficiency, the environment and maintaining the
community's liveability. This strategic plan seeks to change
radically the traditional pattern of Melbourne's low density urban
form to "a more compact city" model, stated as Principle one
in the Melbourne 2030 document. Principle one aims to (DoI, 2002. p.45):
Locate a substantial proportion of new housing in or close to
activity centres and other strategic redevelopment sites that offer good
access to services and transport.
Specifically, according to Melbourne 2030, location of new
residential housing should be (DoI, 2002, p.57):
* In or around the central activities district (CAD);
* In or within easy walking distance of Principal or Major Activity
* In or beside Neighbourhood Activity Centres that are served by
local public transport;
* Abutting tram, train, light rail and bus routes that are part of
the Principal Public transport network and close to principal or major
activity centres;
* In or near major modal public transport interchanges that are not
in principal or Major Activity Centres; and/or
* In major redevelopment sites, that is able to provide 10 or more
dwelling units, close to activity centres and well-served by public
transport. Being a fringe city (that is 40km from the CBD), it is the
last five points above that apply to the City of Casey.
Additionally, the first audit of the strategic plan, Melbourne
2030, was undertaken in 2006 and 2007 in two stages. Stage one was
conducted by Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD), an
agency looking after the implementation issues of Melbourne 2030. This
stage involved (1) meetings between DPCD with senior planning staff in
each of 31 Local government councils, (2) and a report: Melbourne 2030
Audit: Analysis of Progress and Findings from the 2006 Census, which
presents development trends and patterns from the 2006 census data,
reviews progress in implementing Victorian Government actions to put
Melbourne 2030 into practice, and summarises the feedbacks from key
stakeholders. After that, stage two was conducted by four independent
experts, which considered outcomes from stage one, submissions from all
stakeholders and provided advice to the Minister for Planning on the
ongoing implementation of Melbourne 2030 (DPCD, 2007b). It is found that
there is a little evidence of achievement in terms of plan design
objectives in the last five years (2001-06). In particular, a
contrasting trend between policy and practice in household development
is seen. For example, Greenfield development was recorded at 48.3
percent of household growth between 2001 and 2006 whereas the policy
target for Greenfield development is 31 percent of total household
growth by 2030. The audit report suggests that a ten year timeframe
might be long enough for progress from plan to implementation to be seen
(DPCD, 2008, p.40 & p.59). However, Buxton (2008) asserted and
argued that radical actions need to be undertaken and specific measures
should have been recommended in order to meet key principles of
Melbourne 2030. They refer to redirection of planning from car-based,
single use suburbs dominated by detached housing on the urban fringe,
because such plans lead to high energy use and affordability problems
and a need for continuous public transport extension.
In this study, to assess the influence of Melbourne 2030 on
locations and patterns of residential infill development, increased
dwelling numbers (per 2001 land parcel) will be identified and their
relative location vis a vis designated activity centres, public
transportation networks and selected services are examined and analysed.
Although the concept of higher density development is not clearly
defined in Melbourne 2030, it is generally agreed by researchers that
higher density development relates to population intensification, and
that it can be seen by the increased number of dwellings, built as (1)
redevelopments on land parcels that were previously occupied by a single
dwelling with a generous garden space, (2) semi-detached or attached
housing in single or multiple storeys. In other words, land supply for
higher density development includes (1) already established residential
areas, (2) brownfields, and (3) greenfields (Buxton and Tieman, 2004).
The actual development pattern in terms of location, extent and dwelling
types has been found to vary by each local government area (Buxton and
Tieman, 2005). As such, analysis should be undertaken for each local
government area before an attempt is made to document the metropolitan
pattern of urban form change. In this study, we particularly examine the
location and extent of residential intensification in the first and the
third forms.
It is generally agreed that the decision support that is served by
mapping residential urban form change refers to:
(1) monitoring the current state of urban intensification for each
local government area;
(2) examining the driving forces of urban consolidation: planning
policy, market influences on location, development types and housing
prices, residential reactions and opposition; and historic development
legacy in each local government area (Bunker et al., 2002); and
(3) examining need for infrastructure improvement or any risk
associated (e.g. increased stormwater runoff or flooding) in areas which
are subject to higher infill development.
To complement a previous study (Phan et al., 2008) of part of the
MMA that has long been a built-up area, this paper presents results of
mapping and examining the growth in the number of dwellings in a city
much closer to the MMA boundary: the City of Casey.
The City of Casey (813.3 [km.sup.2]) is one of most rapidly growing
regions in the fringe regions of the MMA (Figure 1). Early European
settlement occurred in the late 1830's, at much of the same time as
settlement of the Melbourne CBD. Over many years, pastoral activities
dominated the local economy. Any local urban development referred to
neighbouring shires, Cranbourne and Berwick (proclaimed as cities in
1993 and 1994, respectively). The modern extent of the City of Casey
refers to a 1994 amalgamation from the former City of Berwick, the
former City of Cranbourne, (formed in the late 1860s) and a small part
of the City of Knox (City of Casey, 2008).
The City of Casey is one of the key growth areas in the MMA. Its
population increased by 37,481 persons (21 percent) between 2001 and
2006 (calculated from the ABS data (ABS, 2007)). In absolute terms,
Casey showed the largest Australian inter-censal population growth (2001
and 2006) (DSE, 2007a). The concomitant dwelling number increases are
attributed to many factors, some of which are: strong national economy,
growth in household incomes, low interest rates, and population growth
(DPCD, 2007a).
The City of Casey is located in the Southern Region in the MMA
(Figure 1). Regional environmental amenity and liveability attributes
include proximity to the Dandenong Ranges, bays and beaches, rural
areas, and accessibility to the townships and settlements within green
wedges and developments such as golf courses (Southern Regional Housing
Working Group, 2006).
Figure 2 shows a gradual increase in the number of private
dwellings between 1981 and 2006, at a five year interval, in selected
local government areas (LGAs) in the East, North and West Regions of the
MMA: Casey, Moreland, and Wyndham, respectively. Casey clearly shows the
highest number of new dwellings between 2001 and 2006; but at a
decreasing rate between 2002 and 2006 (Figure 3). In terms of dwelling
structure, it can be seen from Figure 4 that such a rapid increase in
total dwelling numbers can be attributed to a big increase in the number
of separate houses. Medium density development (in the form of
semi-detached, row or terrace house; and flat, unit, or apartment), also
shows a growth; but it is at a lesser rate.
The primary datasets used to identify the pattern of residential
intensification in the City of Casey (Figure 5) include planning scheme
maps, cadastral maps, and address point data. They are provided by
Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and used for
identification of residential land and examination of residential
intensification, respectively. The 2005 aerial photo mosaic was provided
by Casey City and, together with Google Maps (
(aerial photos were archived on 16 February 2006), was used for data
quality checking and results validation.
The cadastre is a register of the precise location, extent, use and
ownership of land, these being non-spatial attributes in land parcel
datasets. It is maintained, for among other reasons, for taxation
purposes (DSE, 2006). The Vicmap Address dataset (VADD) is a fully
geocoded digital street-address dataset. The records include the spatial
relationship of each address to the relevant polygon in the cadastre
(DSE, 2007c). Urban addresses in the MMA are assigned 8 metres back from
the property road frontage mid-point (DSE, 2007c). Unit and house number
are assigned by each Local Government Area either after approval of land
subdivision, plan registration at Land Registry or at the time of sale
of the property (Salmon, 2008). VADD is regularly validated with local
government property records with 90% of completeness and accuracy
(Salmon, 2008). Because in 2006 all dwelling non-spatial attributes (for
instance, unit number, house number, or street name) are in VADD, we
used both the property dataset and VADD for analysing the 2006 dwelling
patterns. Other datasets, such as planning schemes and land mark
datasets (including non-residential properties, such as abattoirs,
camping grounds, caravan parks, car parks, cemeteries, parks, recreation
areas, showgrounds, and sports areas) (DSE, 2007b), were also used to
differentiate residential land parcels from other non-residential land
In this study, we mapped the location of increased dwellings in
each 2001 land parcel (Figure 5). They were then classified by the
number of increased dwellings between 2001 and 2006 in five classes:
* 1-2 dwellings;
* 3-10 dwellings;
* 11-36 dwellings;
* 37-76; and
* 77+ dwellings.
The first class (1-2 dwellings) represents dual occupancy dwelling
stock change while the middle class (such as 3-9 dwellings) can
represent medium density development in the form of multi attached units
or townhouses and apartments. The final class (77+ dwellings) represents
a mix of dwelling development types. In this study, we consider urban
consolidation as the process of increased dwelling density over the land
parcel unit, like other studies (Birrell et al., 2005b, Phan et al.,
2008), therefore we regard the uses of primary datasets (i.e. cadastre
data and VADD) to count the increased dwelling number per 2001 land
parcel as reasonable.
Proximity analysis has been widely deployed in analyses of access
to facilities: for example, proximity has been used as an explanatory
variable to examine the influence of transportation network on location
and prices of housing stock (Cho et al., 2005) or to examine the
influence of planning policy on the pattern of residential development
(Buxton and Tieman, 2005). We used a proximity analysis tool (buffer in
ArcGIS 9.2 (ESRI, 2007)) to analyse the extent and amount of higher
dwelling density development around public transport networks and
designated activity centres.
6.1. Extent and scale of current residential intensification
Figure 6 shows the location, extent and amount of urban
consolidation pattern in the City of Casey in terms of increased
dwelling numbers per 2001 land parcel. Only 10.6 percent (970 in total)
of them refer to dual occupancy or infill of residential land parcels:
55 percent of the new dwellings refer to Greenfield developments. The
rest is of other categories, including multi attached units or multi
storey dwelling complexes (Table 1). As shown in Table 1, the green
field developments (resulting in subdivision of large number of
dwellings: 77+) account for most of the land cover change.
These indicate that much residential intensification in the City of
Casey occurred as urban sprawl, mostly the transformation of a
Greenfield site to residential land use featuring multi attached and
detached houses or units/flats. This is a contrast to the results of an
analysis of City of Monash dwelling intensification (Phan et al., 2008)
that showed that dual occupancy or redevelopment of old housing stock
for replacement with two to seven dwelling units was the most common
change. This reflects the different or even contrasting patterns of
residential development between the fringe and suburban areas. Indeed,
the suburban area, City of Monash, has been developed since the 1960s.
As a result, in 2001-06; there are not many big land parcels available
for further development or subdivision. In contrast, the young fringe
area: City of Casey, is far from the Melbourne CBD, relatively lacking
in access to public transportation networks, and, even today, has land
cover that is mostly agricultural. Thus, until recently, this area has
been less preferable for settlement than areas closer to the CBD.
Previous studies for municipalities in middle and outer regions of
Sydney also found a similar trend: increased dwelling density mostly
occurs in small land parcels of mature cities whereas less mature or
younger residential areas tend to have Greenfield sub-division during
phases of residential intensification (Bunker et al., 2002).
In section 3, data analysis from the ABS, shows that the category
"separate house" accounts for a big proportion of new
dwellings in the City of Casey in the 2001-2006 period. It is observed
on the aerial photos mosaics (in 2005 from Casey City Council and in
2006 viewed in Google Earth 4.3) that the "separate house"
class in Casey includes both detached and attached single houses.
Although the method presented in Figure 5 allows defining precise
location of residential intensification in terms of increased dwelling
number per 2001 land parcel, currently it does not offer differentiation
between detached/attached single house and medium density development
(such as multiple-storeys flat or apartment). In a previous study in
Sydney, Holloway and Bunker (2003) could disaggregate residential
intensification types: dual occupancy, small lot housing, housing for
aged and disabled, townhouses and villas; and flats and units because
these were the dwelling type attributes attached in their primary
dataset (i.e. development applications provided by local councils).
6.2. Overview of Demographics and Housing Prices trend
A snapshot of City of Casey demographic changes over three census
periods: 1996, 2001 and 2006 (Figure 7) shows that young people aged
5-14 years old and middle aged people aged 35-44 years old, account for
the largest proportion of population in the City of Casey. In fact,
these two age groups represent young families. The dominance of young
families might reflect the nature of housing affordability for first
home buyers. It is reported that between 1991 and 2005, house and
apartment prices in Casey increased at 137 and 149 percent, respectively
(Southern Regional Housing Working Group, 2006, p.29). This rate is
about 10-15 percent lower than those for the whole MMA and is much lower
than those of Inner or coastal local government areas. However they are
slightly higher than those of adjacent local government areas, such as
Cardinia, Frankston or Greater Dandenong.
Being an area with no more than moderate housing price increase,
and offering new houses via development of Greenfield areas, Casey City
planners have had to decide which housing density value might meet
living and open space requirements. Buxton and Tieman (2004) suggested
that increased development density on the fringe from 10 dwellings/ha to
15 dwelling/ha can save a substantial amount of land while at the same
time giving greater density of access to the public rail network. Such
theoretical analysis assumes the provision of sufficient and accessible
6.3. Accessibility to public transport networks
It is generally agreed that settlement locations or transit
locations should be within walking distance of the public transport
network (up to 800m, which is equivalent to a 10 minute walking). In the
City of Casey, there are two railway lines and a number of principal bus
line networks to connect local residents to activity centres and other
places of interest. Proximity analysis of new dwelling development
between 2001-2006 in Casey (Table 2 and Table 3) shows that within 400m
of public transport, there is mostly a small number of increased
dwellings per 2001 land lot (i.e. 1-2 dwellings). In terms of dwelling
supply, larger numbers of increased dwelling per 2001 land parcel (77+
dwellings) provides a significant proportion of the dwellings,
particularly in areas close to railway lines. In an aggregate number,
the proportion of dwelling supply from areas within 400m of bus lines
and railway lines accounts for only about 10-12% of the total dwelling
supply in the 2001-06 period. These figures suggest that a large
proportion of new dwellings are still disadvantaged in access to the
public transport network. A recent study found that of major Australian
cities, Melbourne saw the largest increase in car driving and the
largest declines in car pooling, public transport and walking for
travelling to work over the last three decades (1976-2006) (Mees et al.,
2008). Therefore, without improvements in public transportation
networks, intensified dwelling development and corresponding likely
increased population settlement in the fringe city areas such as Casey
might increase the number of cars involved in the journey-to-work, not
to mention other activities. This subsequently threatens the success of
urban compact city policy.
6.4. Accessibility to activity centres
Activity centres are classified under a hierarchical system, in
which Principal Activity Centres (PACs) play the more significant role
than others in provision of and accessibility to services for the wider
extent of neighbourhood communities (Goodman and Coote, 2007). There are
six local activity centres proposed in Melbourne 2030, including:
* Principal Activity Centres (PAC): Cranbourne and Narre Warren,
Fountain Gate; and
* Major Activity Centres: Casey Central, Berwick, Hampton Park, and
Endeavour Hills.
According to Melbourne 2030, the location of Activity Centres will
influence and facilitate the development of different housing types,
including forms of higher-density housing (DoI, 2002). Proximity
Analysis (Table 4) shows that most infill development within 800m of a
designated Activity Centre refers to small increased dwelling numbers
per 2001 land parcel (i.e. 1-2 dwellings). It provides only about 2
percent of the total number of new dwellings from infill development in
Casey in 2001-2006. Altogether, infill development within 800m of
Activity Centres in Casey City accounts for only 6 percent of total new
dwellings in 2001-06. This again indicates that new dwelling development
is not necessarily close to designated Activity Centres as preferred in
the Melbourne 2030 objectives. In fact, dispersed infill subdivision and
green field developments are the two main types of high density
development in City of Casey between 2001 and 2006.
6.5. Proximity to other services
A place of interest database (e.g. church, schools, or shopping
centres) is not available in the current Victorian Spatial Dataset.
However, places of interest are freely viewed in Google Earth. These
datasets are provided by TrueLocal[TM]. We selected all places of
interests in the City of Casey (schools and hospitals) and then
transformed them to a ArcGIS format. The Hawth's Analysis Tool
(Beyer, 2004), an extension of ArcGIS, was then used to calculate the
nearest distance between each address point in areas of new dwelling
developments to those places of interest. Table 5 shows that nearly half
of the new dwellings (48 percent) are within 1 km of their nearest
schools. Locations of hospital or medical centres are further from new
dwellings than schools: about 35 percent of new dwellings are outside
the 2km buffer of any nearest hospital or medical centre.
Although our analysis currently does not disaggregate the
proportion in terms of school types, or medical centre or hospital
types, these figures still provide a certain measure of infrastructure
provision to serve the increased dwelling density. To improve
accessibility to these services by walking or using public transport,
infrastructure needs to be upgraded or improved in areas of those
residents living outside the 2km buffer of any nearest hospitals or
medical centres.
Integration of spatial datasets: cadastres, planning schemes, and
aerial photos allow identification and visualisation of patterns of
residential subdivision between 2001 and 2006. This case study from a
portion of the expanding MMA fringe shows a marked contrast to the
pattern of urban residential densification that characterised another
city (Monash) twenty km closer to the CBD but responding to the same
urban development/re-development policy. Proximity Analysis: 400m buffer
of the public transport network (railway and bus lines) and 800m buffer
of Activity Centres in proximity analysis showed that between 10 and 6
percent of new (2001 and 2006) dwellings developed within buffers of the
public transport networks and Activity Centres, respectively.
Additionally, nearest distance analysis found that 95 percent of high
density developments are within 1km of the nearest schools while about
35 percent of them are outside the 2km buffer of the nearest hospitals.
These figures imply that the ultimate goal of Melbourne 2030 to plan for
new development while maintaining liveability of residents has not yet
been achieved. According to Whitzman (2008), liveability means housing
affordability, tackling disadvantage, low crime rates, a cosmopolitan or
multicultural way of life, and 'room to grow'. Thus, there is
clear scope to bring policy and practice closer together, for instance,
by improving access to infrastructure. Part of any programme to bring
this about could involve encouragement for infill development near
existing infrastructure. Furthermore, multiple storey attached units
should be developed in established urban areas in the fringe to increase
the number of house supply while reducing the amount of land consumption
(Buxton, 2008, Buxton and Scheurer, 2007).
The authors would like to thank Faculty of Arts and Monash Graduate
Research School, Monash University for financial support of this
project. We thank Centre for GIS, School of Geography &
Environmental Science, Monash University for providing necessary
facilities and datasets. Also, great thanks to staff at Victorian
Spatial Data Infrastructure, Department of Sustainability and
Environment and the City of Casey for granting access to data and for
their help in understanding the data lineage and structure. Comments
from the reviewer in the early version of this paper are also greatly
ABS (2006) 1216.0 Australian Standard Geographical Classification
(ASGC), 2001, Spatial Unit Accessed 8 February 8 May 2006 Available at
[email protected]/0/B03C37D9D89F7C19CA25
ABS (2007) 2006 Census Community Profile Series Time Series Profile
Casey (C) (LGA 21610).
Batty, M. and Longley, P. A. (1988) The morphology of urban land
use. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 15, pp. 461-488.
Beyer, H. L. 2004 Hawth's Analysis Tools for ArcGIS
Birrell, B., O'Connor, K., Rapson, V. and Healy, E. (2005a)
Melbourne 2030: Planning Rhetoric Versus Urban Reality, Monash
University ePress.
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Thu Phan
PhD Student, School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash
University, Melbourne VIC 3800.
Jim Peterson
Associate Professor, School of Geography and Environmental Science,
Monash University, Melbourne VIC 3800.
Shobhit Chandra
Professional Officer, School of Geography and Environmental
Science, Monash University Melbourne VIC 3800.
(1) This paper was presented at the 32"a ANZRSAI Conference
held in Adelaide from 30t' Nov-3rd Dec 2008.
Table 1. Summary of residential intensification in City
of Casey, 2001-06.
Class Count % of occurrence Dwelling
of subdivision supply
1-2 dwellings 970 69.3 2104
3-10 dwellings 201 14.4 1260
11-36 dwellings 130 9.3 2908
37-76 dwellings 50 3.6 2751
77+ dwellings 48 3.4 10862
% of total Total
dwelling block
supply size (ha)
1-2 dwellings 10.6 392.4
3-10 dwellings 6.3 332.7
11-36 dwellings 14.6 448.8
37-76 dwellings 13.8 255.4
77+ dwellings 54.6 1356.8
Notes: Residential intensification is classified by number
of subdivided dwellings.
Table 2. Infill development within 400m of principal public transport
network bus lines and its proportion of total infill development in
the City of Casey in 2001-06
% of total
% of occurrence Dwelling dwelling
Class Count of subdivision supply supply
1-2 dwellings 299 21.4 659 3.3
3-10 dwellings 55 3.9 306 1.5
11-36 dwellings 22 1.6 424 2.1
37-76 dwellings 5 0.4 280 1.4
77+ dwellings 4 0.3 760 3.8
Sum 385 27.5 2429 12.2
Table 3. Infill development within 400m of railway lines and its
proportion of total infill development in the City of Casey in 2001-06
% of occurrence Dwelling % of total
Class Count of subdivision supply dwelling
1-2 dwellings 107 7.6 238 1.2
3-10 dwellings 12 0.9 70 0.4
11-36 dwellings 2 0.l 50 0.3
37-76 dwellings 4 0.3 201 1.0
77+ dwellings 8 0.6 1412 7.1
Sum 133 9.5 1971 9.9
Table 4. Infill development within 800m of Activity Centres and its
proportion of total infill development in the City of Casey in 2001-06
% of total
% of occurrence Dwelling dwelling
Class Count of subdivision supply supply
1-2 dwellings 164 11.7 369 1.9
3-10 dwellings 17 1.2 93 0.5
11-36 dwellings 4 0.3 71 0.4
37-76 dwellings 3 0.2 167 0.8
77+ dwellings 3 0.2 478 2.4
Sum 191 13.7 1178 5.9
Table 5. Nearest distance between new dwelling developments
to places of interest
Hospitals/ % Schools %
Distance Centres
<500m 1401 6.3 3823 17.3
500m-1km 3066 13.8 6955 31.4
lkm-2km 9866 44.5 10327 46.6
2km+ 7819 35.3 1047 4.7
Figure 3. Total dwelling units approved in City of Casey between 2002
and 2006
2002 4114
2003 3711
2004 3250
2005 2435
2006 2406
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Time Series Dataset,
Casey Local Government Area (ABS, 2007).
Note: Table made from bar graph.