The Australian wine industry at the crossroads: a comparison of performance across major wine-exporting countries in 2000.
Grant, Bligh ; Mounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan 等
The global wine industry has long been broadly classified between
the so-called 'Old World' (European) and 'New World'
regions of wine production, and the latter has been sub-classified as
North America New World and Southern Hemisphere New World (SHNW)
regions. While it has always been an imprecise regional distinction, the
classification has had the merit of highlighting historical differences
and differences based on polarized approaches to wine production. The
Old World production style has been widely viewed as traditional and
terroir-based, 'where geography is more important than
technology', while producers in the New World regions have been
viewed as being more science-based, relying on innovative technologies
and marketing of fruit-driven wines (DWCADMIN, 2013).
The final two decades of the 20th century represent a period when
this regional classification became less relevant (Robinson, 2006a;
2006b) as New World producers challenged Old World producers in the
international wine market. From the 1980s, Australia led the way in
developing what Silverman et al. (2001) described as "pioneering
wine as a universal first choice lifestyle beverage". Its wine
industry eroded the share of the global market supplied by the Old World
producers and at the same time made an increased contribution to the
national economy (see, for example, Mounter et al., 2011). Yet, by the
turn of the century, the strategy of the Australian wine industry had
been imitated to varying degrees and at different intervals by other
SHNW wine-producing countries, notably Argentina, Chile, New Zealand and
South Africa.
The United States of America (USA), a North American New World
producer, had been a major challenger alongside Australia to the
supremacy of Old World producers in wine markets in the final two
decades of the 20th century (Morrison and Rabellotti, 2014). But its
penetration of export markets had been limited by the fragmented nature
of the industry, the poor image of US wines prior to these decades and a
still-developing large domestic market (Silverman et al., 2001).
As the old century drew to a close, Old World producers had begun
to respond to the challenge, adopting some of the attributes of the New
World regions. Robinson (2006a) observed that the regional
distinctiveness had begun to dissipate as producers in the Old World
"increasingly adopt technical innovation and those in the New World
are increasingly exposed to some of the better aspects of
The extent to which Australia's former position of dominance
over other New World wine producers has continued to be eroded is a
cause of concern, particularly for many regional economies. In this
regard inquiries into the industry have been undertaken at both federal
and state levels of government (see, for example, Catanzariti Inquiry,
2010; Murray Inquiry, 2005). The industry has also undertaken some
attempts at self-regulation (see, for example, Grant et al., 2010;
Strachan, 2010) and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics (ABARE) has recommended several firm-based actions directed at
increasing industry competitiveness (see, for example, Jackson, et al.,
2009; Sheales, et al., 2006). However, the fact remains that wine is a
truly global commodity where international comparison is overwhelmingly
dominated by trade data aggregated at the scale of national economies or
even larger regional blocs (see, for example, Anderson and Nelgen,
As economists we are interested in the comparative efficiencies of
national wine-producing economies. To attempt to examine this in a
definitive way would be a high bar to set indeed, as it would involve
the precise capturing of all variables across an irreducibly complex
reality into a model with omniscient capacity. However, this should not
deter us from examining a range of factors that contribute to the
comparative performance of wine-exporting economies. In what we believe
is the first attempt of its kind, we have developed indicators of
comparative performance across wine producing economies to produce a
more fine-grained analysis of the global wine industry than that offered
by the usual metrics, in particular trade data. To deploy this
methodology we have chosen the pivotal year of 2000, when Australia had
reached the crest of its dominance amongst New World producers and when
(aggregate national data informs us) 'the hunter was becoming the
hunted' in the sense that other New World producers were gaining on
Australia's primus inter pares status.
We compare the performance during this pivotal year of six New
World producers (Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, South Africa
and the USA) with the five major Old World producers (France, Germany,
Italy, Portugal and Spain) using four measures of the transformation of
the core input--winegrapes--into wine output volume and value. These
measures are:
1. Export market penetration index: the transformation of
winegrapes into wine export volume.
2. Export value proposition index: the ability of exporters to
capture value from a combination of wine export volume and the perceived
quality of these exports.
3. Productivity index: A partial productivity index designed to
measure the transformation of winegrapes into total wine output, taking
into account the industry servicing both its domestic and export
4. Global value proposition index: the ability of wine producers to
capture value from a combination of total wine output and the perceived
quality of this output. A value proposition in the context of this study
is an affirmation of why a wine buyer should purchase a particular wine
based on the rationale that this wine will add more value to the buyer
in the market for which it is destined than would any other wine.
These value measures can be obtained with some strong assumptions
that enable us to capture perceived product quality as well as volume
effects. Data deficiencies also force us to assume that other winery
inputs remain constant across national industries. Winegrapes are the
only input included for wineries in our analysis because data sources on
other inputs are absent, patchy or unreliable to use in estimating
productivity fully. Ideally, we would like to have estimated total
factor productivity rather than partial performance measures. Inputs of
labour, capital, materials and services used in winemaking would have
been included had they been available in an acceptable form. Further, we
have avoided using the term 'productivity' for the first two
and last performance measures because they are strongly influenced by
factors (such as exchange rate and wine demand shifters) that lie
outside the influence of the wine industries in sampled countries.
In offering explanations as to the comparative position of wine
producers in 2000, this analysis is augmented with accounts of national
wine production that are grounded in political economy. Data
deficiencies are discussed in the final section of the article.
All performance measures were calculated using DPIN3.0 Professional
that enables productivity to be decomposed into frontier positions (in
this case, aggregate wine volume and value frontiers) and efficiency
scores (technical, scale, mix and revenue) (O'Donnell, 2011).
O'Donnell (2011) measured annual productivity change as the change
in total factor productivity (TFP), which is the product of the changes
in the three efficiency components and technical change. He defined
technical change by a shift of the production frontier, whereas we
define performance changes for each of the performance measures as a
shift of the frontier of the sampled countries for each measure. The
performance measures computed here (i.e. 1, 2 and 4 in the above list of
measures) relate to the industry level, as distinct from their common
interpretation of individual firm efficiency within an industry. An
output orientation is adopted on the basis that a wine industry aims to
produce the maximum amount of wine from a given amount of winegrapes.
Our third measure is indeed productivity, which follows exactly
O'Donnell's definition.
Technical efficiency is defined as a wine industry producing the
maximum feasible levels of outputs for specified levels of winegrape
inputs, subject to a given wine volume or value frontier. Scale
efficiency entails the industry operating at the technically optimal
productive scale. Mix efficiency requires an industry to produce an
optimal mix of outputs for a given volume of winegrapes after
controlling for technical and scale efficiency. Technology is measured
as the position of the aggregate frontier for the 11 countries in either
volume or value.
Following O'Donnell (2011), revenue efficiency can also be
measured as the observed revenue obtained by a national wine industry
relative to the maximum revenue that could be obtained by any
wine-producing country for given levels of winegrapes used. This study
is dominated by revenue allocative efficiency effects, which are an
amalgam of the endogenously determined value of wine arising from its
quality (as perceived by buyers) and the ability to set exogenously
determined output price ratios equal to the marginal rates of
transformation between outputs.
The existence of a large number of wine quality grades means that
there are numerous individual production possibility frontiers and
isorevenue lines of different values within each national industry and
across the sample of countries rather than just one as assumed in the
usual revenue-allocative efficiency measures. The hybrid isorevenue line
for one country therefore varies in value from those for other
countries, rendering differences in quality effects a part of the
measurement of revenue inefficiency. Our inability to decompose wine
into its innumerable and ill-defined quality grades precludes the
separation of quality effects from the normal allocative efficiency
measure. But, given the overwhelming importance of perceived quality in
establishing wine prices, the former effect is assumed to dominate
revenue efficiency.
The DPIN 3.0 Professional software uses the transitive and
multiplicatively complete Fare-Primont index. This index enables a
multilateral comparison of indicators across the 11 countries for the
year 2000. Throughout the article, for the purpose of making comparisons
we set the Australian wine industry at an index of unity in the year
Four outputs included in the model comprise three variables of wine
export volumes and prices, decomposed into bottled still, bulk and
bottled sparkling wines, and one domestic supply variable measured as
revenue. Prices expressed in US dollars were deflated using the US GDP
deflator and expressed in 2000 values. The three export variables used
to measure the transformation of winegrapes into wine export volumes are
bottled still, bulk and bottled sparkling wines. Values were derived
using data obtained from Anderson and Nelgen (2010). Total domestic wine
sales were estimated and added as a fourth output variable when
measuring the transformation of winegrapes into total wine volume and
value. The data source for this fourth output variable is also Anderson
and Nelgen (2010) who compiled all required data except domestic wine
values for 2000. Domestic supply volume was calculated as total output
minus export volume from Anderson and Nelgen (2010). Given wine is a
tradable good in all sampled countries, price data were normalized on
2009 prices reported by Anderson and Nelgen (2010) using the changes in
wine export unit values in each country in each year that were then
converted to 2000 prices. Revenue from domestic sales was obtained as
the product of export unit values and the volume of wine sold in the
domestic market.
Input data comprise solely winegrapes in the absence of national
data on capital, labor, materials and services used in wine production
and marketing. Anderson and Nelgen (2010) provided data on grape output
used for wine production for the year 2000.
Examining Table 1, Column 2 'Revealed comparative
advantage' is derived directly from Anderson and Nelgen (2010)
(i.e.: as a computation derived from aggregate national trade data).
However, Columns 3 to 6 inclusive are calculated as described in section
2 of this article ('Methods and data'). Examining the data
from these calculations, several comparisons are immediately salient.
For example, three SHNW countries stood out from the other NW countries
in terms of our export market penetration index (column 3): Australia
(1; recalling that for the purpose of this exercise we set the
Australian wine industry at an index of unity in the year 2000) Chile
(1.078) and New Zealand (1.243). In commencing our discussion of the
results presented in Table 1, we firstly examine these three countries
in turn before moving to examine other salient features of Table 1 with
respect to other NW producers. Performance differences were found to be
dominated by technical efficiency sources rather than either scale or
mix efficiency sources. Therefore, the following discussions of these
differences mainly reflect differences in the ability of the wine
industry in each country to convert winegrapes into output and value, as
opposed to effects emanating from the scale of industry operations or
the mix of wines produced
Ideally we would have liked to describe the wine industry in each
country in terms of clearly delineated taxonomic categories. However,
due to the variability of the availability of information across the
sample this was not possible and a more general description of each of
the wine producers and the aggregated classifications is thus presented.
A revealed comparative advantage index of 6.74 indicates that
Australia had a strong comparative advantage in wine production and
export in the year 2000. Table 1, column 6 demonstrates that Australia
had the highest score on our global value proposition index, with only
Chile (0.99) and France (0.91) coming close to matching it, and the
fourth highest export value proposition index behind Chile (2.179),
Italy (1.13) and France (1.12) (Table 1, column 4).
Offering an explanation of these figures we can see that 2000
represents the crest of Australia's wine industry in international
markets in a number of ways. For example, prior to 1990,
Australia's share of world wine export volume was less than 0.5 per
cent and its share of world wine export value was less than 1 per cent.
This ratio indicates that at that time Australian wines had a quality
premium. In 2000, these shares had grown to 4.9 per cent and 7.0 per
cent, respectively, making Australia the fourth largest wine exporter
after Italy, France and Spain and the seventh largest wine producer with
3.5 per cent of world production (Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, pp. 45, 72,
The Australian industry's expansion throughout the 1990s was a
rapid turnaround from the bleak prognostications of the 1980s, which
culminated in a federal government-funded vine pull scheme (1985-1987)
in response to a perceived over-supply on world markets and excessive
domestic production. This scheme ultimately removed 8 per cent of annual
winery intake from the national crush (Gow et al., 1991, p. 31). The
initial triggers for output growth in Australia, as in other New World
countries, were (i) prospects of export growth as baby boomers moved
into the middle-age bracket and (ii) the advent of supermarkets as
avenues for retail wine sales (Anderson, 2010).
Australia's early export progress was assisted by a decline in
the value of the Australian dollar in the mid-1980s (Anderson, 2000),
while a depreciating domestic currency in the latter half of the 1990s
helped maintain the buoyancy of exports (Sheales et al., 2006). For
example, the average annual exchange rate for the $A in 1990 was
$US0.78. This declined steadily to an average of $US 0.55 the period
2000-03, before climbing to $US 1.03 for the year 2012 (RBA, 2014). A
smaller inducement for industry expansion arguably came in the form of a
four-year accelerated depreciation program for grapevine establishment
costs introduced by the Australian federal government in 1993. However,
Australia's ability to take advantage of the export market
opportunities and gain ascendency in the United Kingdom (UK) and US
popular-premium markets emerged from its concentrated strategy that was
established around developing an innovative culture. This strategy was
achieved with the support of numerous organizations including the Grape
and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC), the Winemakers
Federation of Australia (WFA), the Australian Wine and Brandy
Corporation (AWBC), the Australian Wine Export Council (AWEC) and the
Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture (CRCV). The GWRDC, in
particular, was an integral component of the new centralised model with
the responsibility of establishing priority areas of R&D, which were
financed by producer levies and matching government funds (Aylward,
2008, pp. 385386). In other words, instruments of economic governance
were heavily entwined with Australia's export expansion.
The targeted innovations were crucial in reconfiguring the
structure of the industry. For example, the introduction and adoption of
new mechanical harvesting and pruning practices offset high labour
costs--a significant production cost not borne to the same extent by
other SHNW exporters such as Argentina, Chile and South Africa. The
restructuring led to a number of mergers and acquisitions resulting in
critical mass and the realization of economies of scale in numerous
industry sectors and activities. This industry consolidation in turn
facilitated the production of large volumes of consistent, popular,
low-priced premium wine for the UK and US markets (Anderson, 2010),
which together accounted for 70 per cent of Australia's wine export
volume in 2000-2001 (Spencer, 2002). Also key to Australia's export
success were its marketing activities, both generic and brand, that
enhanced Australia's image as 'a producer of good
value-for-money wines' (Anderson, 2000).
Australia's strategy earned its industry the reputation of
being a 'high-tech producer of technically faultless wine'.
However, its success was limited to the popular-premium or
'commodity' sector, where the average bottle price ranged
between $US3 and $US10 (Aylward, 2008, p. 387). This is reflected in the
figures in Table 1, column 5, where Australia's productivity index
(at 1) lagged behind all of the other 10 wine producing nations examined
except Chile in the New World (.896) and Italy in the Old World (.953)
and was below the mean for both New World producers (1.065) and their
counterparts in the Old World (1.035). Otherwise stated, the gap between
the Australian wine industry's performance and that of its
competitors was already beginning to show in the critical year of 2000;
at least partially due to the hardening of its national wine brand as
being 'good value' rather than resting on a reputation for
premium quality.
New Zealand
For even casual observers, the portrait of the Australian wine
industry at 2000 is relatively well-trodden. However, the picture
becomes more intriguing when we compare it to its rivals based on the
performance indicators developed for this discussion. In 2000, New
Zealand had a reasonably strong comparative advantage in wine production
and export, with a revealed comparative advantage index of 3.24 (Table
1, Column 2) even though it was weaker than all but three of the other
ten major wine-exporting countries. Its export value proposition index
in 2000 was 83 per cent of the Australian index (Table 1, column 4), but
its export market penetration index was 24 per cent higher than
Australia's index (Table 1, column 3).
This is explained at least partially by the changing relationship
between the size of the New Zealand wine industry on the one hand and
the volume of the national crush on the other. In the period 1991-2000,
the New Zealand wine industry more than doubled in size, with the total
area under wine grape cultivation increasing from 5 980 ha to 12 822 ha.
The number of wineries increased from 150 to 358. Nevertheless, the
annual national crush did not increase at a commensurate rate, rising
from 65 708 tonnes to only 80 100 tonnes in the same period, with total
wine production increasing from 49.9 million litres to 60.2 million
litres. The average yield per hectare actually decreased over the same
period, from 12.1 to 7.8 tonnes per hectare. This attention to quality
in grape growing, which may have been accompanied by an increased
selectivity for processing, reflected an industry-wide quest for
producing wines of greater quality, which (in turn) was reflected in an
increase in price over the same period, with average grape prices per
tonne rising from $NZ453 to $NZ1,195 (NZW, 2001, p. 3). As for all other
NW producers except Chile, the productivity index (Table 1, column 5)
was higher than Australia's at 2000.
At the same time, exports increased markedly from 5.6 million
litres to 19.2 million litres per annum, with the value of exports
increasing from $NZ25.3 million to $NZ168.6 million. The ratio of
exports to production increased by almost a factor of 3 during this
time, from approximately 11 per cent to 32 per cent. While being
dominated by white wine (76 per cent) export markets were quite diverse,
with the UK nevertheless comprising the lion's share (47 per cent)
then US A (20.1 per cent), Australia (13 per cent) the Netherlands (4
per cent), Canada (3 per cent) and Japan (2.5 per cent) and several
other countries making up the value of all New Zealand wine exports
(NZW, 2001, p. 43).
In the face of this expansion, domestic consumption remained almost
constant over the period, registering nominal growth from 14.1 million
litres to 14.3 million litres, with consumption per capita actually
falling from 12.1 litres to 10.6 litres per annum in the period 1991 to
2000 (NZW, 2001, p. 3). This was despite national drinking trends prior
to the decade having witnessed a marked increase in wine consumption at
the expense of beer (and a decline in the consumption of fortified
wines, from 90 per cent of all wine sold in the 1960s to a mere 9 per
cent in the mid-1990s (Thompson and White, 2000, p. 280)).
In 2001, the industry comprised nine regions and was dominated by
three: Marlborough (at the north-east tip of the South Island) totalling
40 per cent of all production; Hawkes Bay (on the east coast of the
North Island) totalling 28 per cent of all production, and Gisborne
(just north of Hawkes Bay) totalling 15 per cent of all production (NZW,
2001, p. 8). In turn, these three regions were each dominated by a
specific grape variety. Almost 50 per cent of grapes in Marlborough were
Sauvignon Blanc; 30 per cent of all grapes in Hawkes Bay were Chardonnay
(despite over 20 varieties being grown in the region) while in Gisborne
Chardonnay accounted for over 50 per cent of all grapes (NZW, 2001, pp.
17-19). In the same year, white grapes comprised 69 per cent of the
national vineyard area (down from 72 per cent in 2000 and 73 per cent in
1999) with Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc dominating at 41 per cent and
35 per cent, respectively (NZW, 2001, p. 10). The commensurate national
vine area for red wines was, in turn, dominated by three varieties:
Pinot Noir (41 per cent); Merlot (25 per cent) and Cabernet Sauvignon
(21 per cent).
By 2000, the wine industry in Chile had attained a very high index
of revealed comparative advantage (14.41), higher than the other SHNW
producers and over five times the index for the wine industry in
neighbouring Argentina (Table 1, Column 2). It also scored an export
market penetration index 8 per cent higher than the Australian year 2000
index (Table 1, column 3) and an extraordinarily high export value
proposition index (2.179) more than double the Australian year 2000
index (Table 1, column 4). It was the ninth largest wine producer in the
world, producing 667 million litres or 2.4 per cent of world production
(Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, pp. 45, 47), and the fifth largest wine
exporter at 297 million litres of total wine exports, which was 4.7 per
cent of world export value (Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, pp. 72, 87).
Forty per cent of exported wine volume went to Western European
net-importing countries and 34 per cent went to USA and Canada over the
period 1996-2001 (Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, p. 261).
Examining dynamics internal to the Chilean wine industry leading up
to 2000, it is clear that the wine industry reached its exalted global
position in a comparatively short time frame. For example, the combined
effects of taxation, prohibition on new plantings and land reform
programs were detrimental to the wine industry in Chile for much of the
20th century (Chadwick, 2003). Further, as recently as the 1970s the
value of wine exports was negligible (Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, p.
197). However, this situation changed when the government adopted an
export-oriented development strategy based on natural resources from
1979. In 1980, the government implemented market liberalization measures
and adopted an outward-looking economic strategy that set the scene for
the expansion and globalization of the wine industry (Silverman et al.,
2001; Knowles and Sharples, 2002). This expansion was around a decade
ahead of efforts to boost export production in Argentina (discussed
below). The first successful exports of wine to Europe took place in
1985 (Chadwick, 2003), extending export destinations beyond the
traditional Latin American market. Perhaps boosted by the advent of
democracy, wine exports increased substantially in the early 1990s,
attaining a mean annual value of exports of $US109 million during the
first lustrum (five-year period 1990-94) compared with $US13 million a
decade earlier. Chadwick (2003) has argued that the improved quality of
the wines was aided by the planting of fruit-driven varietals and the
use of modern viticultural practices, many instigated by foreign
investors (see also Kunc and Bas, 2009).
The deep decline in wine consumption per capita over the 20th
century had left the wine industry in Chile with little prospect of a
substantial increase in domestic consumption into the 21st century. To
address this problem, a 'vent-for-surplus' strategy was
therefore the only alternative the industry could adopt if it was to
dispose of its burgeoning wine output. Wines of Chile (2011) emphasised
the favourable conditions for developing wine exports:
"One of Chile's greatest strengths is its privileged
agro-climatic conditions that make it a vitivinicultural paradise. Its
14 distinct wine regions that extend 1 200 km (745 mi) from north to
south are influenced by both the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean
and vary widely due to geographic diversity, beneficial climates, and a
wide array of soil types. All of these factors work together to produce
a broad range of high quality wine varieties and styles that stand out
in the world of wine"
Arguably, production costs in grape and wine production were low
relative to the costs in most other major wine-exporting countries, with
the exceptions of the fellow SHNW exporters of Argentina and South
Argentina had a relatively low index of revealed comparative
advantage in wine production in 2000, at 2.74 (remembering that 1.0 is
neutral between comparative advantage and disadvantage) (Table 1, Column
2). In all reasonableness this reflects the fact that its drive into
export markets began later than in other SHNW wine-producing countries.
Argentina's indices of export market penetration and export value
proposition in 2000 were just 20 per cent and 24 per cent, respectively,
of Australia's year 2000 index (Table 1, columns 3 and 4
respectively). These relatively low indices reflect the mixed success in
developing the wine industry up until the 1990s. For a century from the
1880s, Argentina's wine industry focussed its strategy exclusively
on the domestic market and on the production of abundant cheap wines,
encouraged by government policies (Stein, 2008, pp. 6, 13). Winemaking
equipment became outdated and oenological talents were deficient. The
contrast between Argentina's productivity index and the global
value proposition index (1.148 and 0.338) (Table 1, columns 5 and 6)
emphasizes this situation.
Further, Argentina's wine industry was unable to escape the
decade of economic stagnation, debt and recession afflicting Argentina
in the 1980s. Stein (2008, p. 13) reported that many small- and
medium-sized wineries could not afford to upgrade their equipment and
went out of business; only the 'larger, better capitalized
firms' survived. The focus on the domestic market, adverse economic
conditions and government regulations that impeded the penetration of
the global market (Silverman et al., 2001) meant that wine exports were
trivial until the 1990s: the mean annual export volume for the period
1985-1989 was only 17 million litres (Anderson and Nelgen, 2010, p.
Recovery began in the industry in the late 1990s in the wake of the
deregulation and economic reforms that were initiated by the Menem
government (1989-99). The removal of restrictions on foreign investment
facilitated the upgrading of equipment and vine stocks in the vineyards
and wineries that survived the 1980s, and an overvalued peso made it
easier for entrepreneurs in the industry to borrow from overseas with
the outcome that around USD1.5 billion was invested in the industry
between 1991 and 2001 of which only one-third was from local sources
(Stein, 2008, p. 15). Universia Knowledge@Wharton (2003) and Stein
(2008, pp. 7, 12) also observed that during this period a process
referred to as reconversion happily coincided with a period of economic
stability that encouraged investors to make substantial financial
resources available to wineries to upgrade their facilities. Aided by
long-established vineyards spanning a wide range of terroirs, ventures
into the wine export market began in earnest in the 1990s, particularly
in the second half of the decade when the mean annual export volume
reached 187 million litres according to Anderson and Nelgen (2010, p.
177), a figure more than tenfold the mean annual export volume in
However, the value of wine exports per tonne of grapes produced for
wine in 2000 was just USD89.77 on the basis of statistics reported by
Anderson and Nelgen (2010), a fraction of the values for the other SHNW
producers. Low labour costs by world standards enabled wine producers to
keep their aggregate costs low (Schrock et al., 2001; Thach and Cuellar,
2010) while producing a wide array of wines. Production of a variety of
good-quality wines at moderate prices enabled the industry to strengthen
its competitive position in global market during the late 1990s (Stein,
2008, p. 30). Nevertheless, by 2000 Argentine wines still had trouble
competing on quality in wine export markets as the process of upgrading
quality had been a 'slow burner' since the early 1990s. This
is reflected in all indices for Argentina in Table 1.
South Africa
South Africa had a moderately strong comparative advantage in wine
production and export in 2000, with a revealed comparative advantage
index of 3.89 (Table 1, Column 2). But its indices of export market
penetration and export value proposition in 2000 were only 58 per cent
and 80 per cent, respectively, of Australia's year 2000 index
(Table 1, columns 3 and 4). These indices reflect both the severe
constraints imposed on the country during the apartheid regime and the
subsequent and substantial reinvigoration of the industry when the
sanctions were lifted.
For much of the 20th century, the wine industry of South Africa
received very little attention on the world stage. This was due to two
main reasons. First, after a period of oversupply and depressed prices,
in 1918 the South African government-funded the formation of the
Kooperatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika Bpkt (KWV). Although
originally proposed and designed as a grapegrower co-operative, the KWV
soon grew in power and prominence to where it set policies and prices
for the entire South African wine industry. Yields were restricted and
minimum prices were set that encouraged the production of brandy and
fortified wines rather than table wines (Robinson, 2006a). Second, its
isolation was exacerbated by the boycotts of South African products in
protest against the country's system of apartheid introduced in
It was not until the early 1990s when apartheid ended and the
world's export market opened up that the South African wine
industry began to transform. Many producers in South Africa quickly
adopted new viticultural and winemaking technologies with the assistance
of international winemakers. There were also new plantings of more
internationally regarded table wine varieties such as Shiraz, Cabernet
Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Much of the new areas were in
the cooler Overberg district of the Eastern Cape. The reorganization of
the powerful KWV co-operative into a private business further sparked
innovation and improvement in quality as vineyard owners and wineries
who had previously relied on the price-fixing structure that bought
their excess grapes for distillation were forced to become more
competitive by shifting their focus to the production of quality wine.
The KWV quota system was abolished in 1992 (Robinson, 2006a).
In 1990, less than a third of all the grapes harvested were used
for wine production designed for the consumer market, with the remaining
two thirds being discarded, distilled into brandy or sold as table
grapes and juice. However, by 2003, the numbers had been reversed with
more than 70 per cent of the grapes harvested that year reaching the
consumer market as wine (Robinson, 2006a). Between 1990 and 2000 total
red variety plantings increased from 16 per cent of total area under
vines to 36 per cent; total white variety plantings fell from 84 per
cent to 64 per cent. Exports grew from less than 100 million litres in
the 1990s to 138 million litres in 2000, and the range of markets
expanded. Yet it was not until 1999 that the South African Wine Industry
Trust was established with a mandate to advance the transformation of
the industry and to promote exports. Thus, progress was slow and there
was a residual emphasis on cheap wine for the domestic market rather
than quality wine for the world market. The difference between the
productivity index and the global value proposition index (1.15 and
0.74) (Table 1; columns 5 and 6) reinforces this view.
In 2000, USA had a strong comparative disadvantage in the
production and export of wine, with a revealed comparative advantage
index of just 0.33 (Table 1, Column 2). Among the world's main
wine-producing countries, only Germany had a comparable index (0.30).
The US indices of export market penetration and productivity were only
43 per cent and 36 per cent, respectively, of Australia's indices
(Table 1, columns 3 and 4). These statistics highlight major difference
between USA and the SHNW wine-producing countries in terms of the
former's much larger domestic market and its comparatively small
reliance on exports for market development.
As emphasised in the introduction, the analysis undertaken in this
article represents an initial attempt to provide a basis for the
comparison of global wine producers other than that relying upon trade
aggregated data. To this end the article has used four performance
measures of the transformation of the core input--winegrapes--into wine
output volume and value. Nevertheless, it would be remiss if we did not
note that substantial deficiencies persist in the data available to
undertake analyses of the type we report in this article. Six areas of
deficiency stand out. First, a strong caveat needs to be made that using
national industry-level data does not take account of the high degree of
heterogeneity among wine-making firms, which produce a large range of
wine products. We expect the aggregate performance trends to hide
substantial variations in the competitive positions of individual firms
at any point in time and in trends over time.
Second, winegrapes are the only input included for wineries in our
analysis. This is because data sources on other inputs are absent,
patchy or unreliable to use in estimating productivity fully. As such,
the study aimed at measuring comparative performance rather that the
economic concept of productivity. Ideally, we would like to have
estimated total factor productivity rather than partial performance
measures. This would have included precise inputs of labour, capital,
materials and services used in winemaking had they been available in an
acceptable form.
Third, we have excluded vineyards from our analysis, which leaves a
gap in explaining performance differences, especially since many
wineries grow the majority of their grapes themselves. There is a need
to develop input data for wineries and vineyards across all major
wine-producing countries derived from representative samples.
Fourth, there are significant gaps in input prices across the
11-country sample that prevented us from conducting an accurate
profitability analysis. Such an analysis would have provided a more
complete picture of the competitiveness of the wine industries under
Fifth, the estimation of domestic production was based on a strong
assumption about the relationship between export and domestic prices in
each country. It would have been desirable to use directly estimated
domestic wine revenue data. Finally, it would be useful to disaggregate
wine products by quality, at least to some extent. A starting point
would be the disaggregation for the year 2009 undertaken by Anderson and
Nelgen (2010) who distinguished between super premium, commercial
premium and nonpremium wines.
Nevertheless, the data contained in Table 1 for the pivotal year of
2000 is explained by our investigations of particular national
industries prior to the particular year represented. For example, the
dominant position held by Australia in terms of total value productivity
for 2000 may reflect that it was witnessing the benefits of large scale
investment in the industry in the preceding decade and a flourishing
domestic market. Yet this did not accord with its comparative position
in terms of total volume performance. Similarly, New Zealand and Chile
enjoyed greater export volume performance at the time, but for very
different reasons: The former sought to increase quality (as
demonstrated by the expanding size of the industry not being matched by
annual crushes increasing at a commensurate rate); the latter
aggressively pursuing a 'vent for surplus' strategy in a
variety of markets, achieving a high comparative rate of export value
productivity alongside export volume productivity, but falling short of
all other 9 wine producing nations in terms of total volume
Further, we have seen that the data for Argentina and South Africa
can be explained by their belated status at the time, a situation that
has altered in the ensuing years. Our attention has also been directed
principally at the New World producers. The data in Table 1 also
contains figures representing the robust position of some Old World
producers--and the weakness of others. However, it is the introduction
of a new technique in discussing comparative international production
that we hope will lead to further efforts in this direction.
Bligh Grant
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Local Government, University of
Technology Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia. E-mail:
[email protected].
Stuart Mounter
Senior Lecturer, UNE Business School, University of New England,
Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia.
Euan Fleming
Professor, UNE Business School, University of New England,
Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia.
Garry Griffith
Adjunct Professor, UNE Business School, University of New England,
Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia.
Renato Villano
Associate Professor, UNE Business School, University of New
England, Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia.
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Table 1. Performance Indices in the Year 2000.
1 2 3 4
Country Revealed Export Export value
comparative market proposition
advantage penetration index
New World:
Australia 1 1 1
Argentina 2.74 0.192 0.243
Chile 14.41 1.078 2.179
New Zealand 3.24 1.243 0.830
South Africa 3.89 0.577 0.805
USA .33 0.429 0.364
Old World:
France 7.34 1.045 1.115
Germany .30 0.882 0.552
Italy 4.49 0.970 1.134
Portugal 9.20 0.580 0.679
Spain 4.81 1.139 0.907
1 5 6
Country Productivity Global value
index proposition
New World:
Australia 1 1
Argentina 1.148 0.328
Chile 0.896 0.990
New Zealand 1.018 0.871
South Africa 1.148 0.738
USA 1.117 0.750
Old World:
France 1.029 0.912
Germany 1.051 0.374
Italy 0.953 0.605
Portugal 1.034 0.537
Spain 1.047 0.646
Sources: Figures for column 2 'Revealed comparative advantage'
are derived from Anderson and Nelgen (2010, p. 107): 'Calculated
in value terms as the share of a country's or region's wine
exports in its total merchandise exports divided by the share of
world wine exports in total world merchandise exports. Thus the
higher a country's index is above (below) 1, the stronger its
comparative advantage (disadvantage) in wine, as revealed from
the trade data assuming the government has not distorted producer
or consumer incentives' (Anderson and Nelgen 2010, p. xvi).
Figures for all other columns have been computed by the authors
as per 'Method and Data' at 2 in this paper.
Note: Australia's score for 'Revealed comparative advantage'
(Column 2) is 6.74. Australia = 1.0 for all indices.