Differential effectiveness of prevalent social work practice models: a meta-analysis.
Gorey, Kevin M. ; Thyer, Bruce A. ; Pawluck, Debra E. 等
Within the past few decades, an increasing number of group outcome
studies on the effectiveness of social work have been published. As this
has occurred, various social workers have prepared narrative review
articles that critically summarize their findings. Among the reviews of
this type are Segal (1972); Fischer (1973); Reid and Hanrahan (1982);
Sheldon (1986); MacDonald, Sheldon, and Gillespie (1992); Rubin (1985);
and Thomlison (1984). Although such reviews have certainly performed a
valuable professional service, their qualitative interpretive methods
are often not replicable, and so they may leave the potentially potent
alternative or confound explanation of reviewer bias essentially
uncontrolled. The methodological refinement of meta-analysis, which
calls for the specific explication of sampling (study selection) and
analytic (effect size [ES] calculations) procedures, offers some control
against such reviewer bias (Cooper, 1989; Wolf, 1986).
Although meta-analysis has long been used in the fields of medicine
and psychology (for example, Smith & Glass, 1977), to date only two
meta-analytic studies of social work practice have been published. The
first of these appeared in 1988 and was prepared by Videka-Sherman. Her
conclusions were comforting and generous (Videka-Sherman, 1988):
"social work intervention has a positive effect on outcome (p. 328)
[and] . . . An empirical basis on which to claim effectiveness of social
work practice in mental health exists" (p. 329). Hogarty (1989)
subsequently published a substantive critique of Videka-Sherman's
study, claiming serious problems with the meta-analysis itself and
inappropriate characterizations of social work practice, concluding,
"this exercise not only resulted in questionable conclusions but
also served to illustrate abiding problems in the design, methods, and
analysis of social work research efforts" (p. 363). Given
Hogarty's considerable stature as a clinical researcher in the
field of chronic mental illness (Hogarty, 1991), the focal point of
Videka-Sherman's study, his criticisms seemed to mute subsequent
discussion of this initial meta-analytic study.
More recently, Gorey (1996) published a meta-analysis of contemporary
social work effectiveness studies, covering those published from 1990 to
1994. Eighty-eight studies were selected from 13 journals, eight of
which were affiliated with professional social work associations. Effect
sizes were estimated using a metric called the r-index, interpretable as
the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient, which provides an
estimate of the strength of the social work intervention-outcome
relationship. The focus of Gorey's original meta-analytic report
was to compare the ESs generated by internal versus external evaluations
of effectiveness.
A study that used social workers' assessments of the outcomes of
their own practice was classified as an internal evaluation, whereas one
using assessments by others unconnected with service delivery was
labeled as an external evaluation. The mean r-index for all 88 studies
was .356 (SD = .261, p [less than] .001), permitting the conclusion that
about 78 percent (based on conversion to another ES metric, Cohen's
[1988] [U.sub.3] of 77.7 percent) of the clients who received social
work intervention did better than the average client who did not.
Moreover, others have replicated this overall finding among unpublished
social work research sources (theses, dissertations, or conference
proceedings); so mere publication bias is not likely as the explanation
(de Smidt & Gorey, 1997; Grenier & Gorey, in press). When the
studies using internal evaluations of outcome were compared with
external evaluations, it was found that although both produced positive
ESs, the internal evaluations were significantly more favorable than the
external [mean r of.518 compared to .186, t(86) = 7.93, p [less than]
.001]. In other words, "social workers evaluating their own direct
practice or their agencies' programs tended to report more
favorable findings than evaluators who were not directly involved in the
work" (Gorey, 1996, p. 124). This difference has important
implications for the design of program evaluations: external evaluators
unconnected with service provision will likely have more conservative
assessments of outcomes.
Differential Effectiveness of Social Work Practice Models
Journal space limitations only allowed a partial report of
Gorey's (1996) meta-analysis. His database permits an investigation
of a number of other interesting questions, one of which is the focus of
the meta-analysis reported in this article: Do social work interventions
derived from different theoretical orientations produce different
treatment outcomes (that is, effect sizes)? To the extent that social
work makes use of existing empirically based knowledge, the fact that
particular models of intervention are shown to be more effective than
some others has considerable implications for social work education and
practice. The data are not clear in this matter. In the general field of
psychotherapy, some meta-analyses seem to have found that an
intervention's theoretical orientation has little association with
ES (for example, Miller & Berman, 1983), whereas others have found
that behavioral and cognitive-behavioral interventions yield larger ESs
than psychodynamic or humanistic approaches to practice (Andrews &
Harvey, 1981; Shapiro & Shapiro, 1982; Smith, Glass, & Miller,
Within social work, Videka-Sherman (1988) concluded that
"behavioral models do not dominate the empirical base of social
work" (p. 329), whereas other researchers have concluded much the
opposite (MacDonald et al., 1992; Reid & Hanrahan, 1982; Rubin,
1985; Thomlison, 1984). Inasmuch as Videka-Sherman did not report ESs by
the theoretical orientation of the studies she evaluated, it is
difficult to ascertain the validity of her contention that behavioral
approaches are not clearly superior to other models of social work. On
the other hand, there seems to be a burgeoning advocacy in support of
the possible stronger empirical foundations of more progressive or
radical social work perspectives (Collins, 1986; Compton & Galaway,
1989; Germain & Gitterman, 1996; Lewis, 1992; McMahon, 1990; Meyer,
1993; Mullaly, 1993; Tolson, Reid, & Garvin, 1994). Accordingly, we
conducted an analysis of the Gorey (1996) database to explore possible
intervention effectiveness differences by theoretical orientation.
Study Selection
Gorey (1996) originally selected studies (1990-1994) from eight
social work journals affiliated with professional social work
associations (Social Work, Social Work Research [formerly Social Work
Research & Abstracts], Health & Social Work, Journal of Social
Work Education, Australian Social Work, British Journal of Social Work,
Canadian Social Work Review, and Social Work in Education), three social
welfare and social work practice research-oriented journals (Journal of
Social Service Research, Social Service Review, and Research on Social
Work Practice), and two exemplars of prevalent fields of practice
(Gerontologist and the Journal of Family Issues). Subject key words for
this search were assessment, benefit, effect, effectiveness, efficacy,
evaluation, follow-up, and outcome.
From the conceptually relevant studies, only 88 (31.5 percent) that
operationalized such that an indication of their effect size was
calculable were included in the original meta-analysis. The conceptually
relevant although empirically deficient studies were excluded primarily
because they did not report within-group variability descriptors (for
example, group standard deviations [SDs]) or statistics that accounted
for such phenomenon (for example, F ratio, t test, or [[Chi].sup.2]).
Average between-group differences are largely uninterpretable without
such information.
Beginning with the original sample of 88 published studies reported
by Gorey (1996), we used these additional inclusion criteria: first
author is a social worker or the practitioners engaged in the study were
social workers (84 percent of the original sample met this criterion);
the authors studied practice with individuals, small groups, or families
(excluded program evaluations or studies with units of analysis larger
than individuals, such as communities); and the authors used a group
research design (single-client designs were excluded). Also, studies
that merely assessed "client satisfaction" were excluded. We
believe that the use of these additional selection criteria yields a
generalizable pool of outcome studies that more closely approximate
assessments of interpersonal social work practice. The 45 studies thus
selected for the present analysis did not differ significantly from the
original (Gorey, 1996) on their representation of major design (pre-,
quasi- and true experimental and sample size) and intervention
characteristics (individual, small group, and family and duration); they
did not differ significantly on their overall conclusion about the
effectiveness of social work interventions (mean r-index for all 45
studies was .319, SD = .228, range from -.21 to .88, combined p [less
than] .001, [U.sub.3] = 75.0 percent).
Determination of Theoretical Orientation
Two independent coders, blind to this review's purposes, read
the Methods section of each of the 45 selected studies and categorized
them into one of the following theoretical orientations or practice
models: cognitive-behavioral, psychosocial, and psychodynamic
(collectively labeled personal orientations); generalist problem solving and task centered (labeled generalist frameworks); family systems,
general systems, and ecosystems (labeled systemic orientations); or
feminist and person-in-environment (emphasis on environment, labeled
radical-structural orientations). In cases where interventions were
designed around multiple practice models, the primary one was coded (for
example, most in-text discussion or citations or experimental, rather
than comparison condition). Interrater concordance for the subcategories
was 91 percent; at the level of the four grouped labels it was 96
The identical effect size metric, the r-index, used by Gorey (1996)
was used in the present study. It focuses on the strength of the
intervention-outcome association (interpretable as Pearson's linear
correlation coefficient), and so is the most appropriate ES metric for
analyzing studies that for the most part (70 percent), as in the present
case, are not true experiments (Cooper, 1989; Glass, McGaw, & Smith,
1981; Rosenthal, 1984; Wolf, 1986). The r-index was calculated for each
of the 45 independent studies. Pearson's r - a scale-free effect
size metric - is calculable from a variety of outcome statistics (group
Ms and SDs, t test, F ratio, [[Chi].sup.2], and p level with group ns),
and thus allows for ease of across-study comparison and summary.
Finally, Cohen's (1988) [U.sub.3] statistic, itself calculable from
the r-index, was used as an index of practical significance. It is an
intuitively appealing metric, which compares all of an intervention
group members' scores on a dependent measure at posttest (for
example, with a comparison group's average score).
The primary theoretical orientations represented among the 45
selected studies may generally be conceptualized along a historical
continuum; from earlier, more traditional "borrowed"
psychological and psychiatric theories, which typically emphasize the
need for individuals with problems to change, to more recently
postulated "radical" perspectives, which more typically
identify problem environments (that is, the structures of society) as
the more appropriate targets of change (Table 1). Between these two
extremes are what may be considered the heart of progressive, uniquely
social work theorizing over the past 25 years, underscoring the
profession's commitment to generalist understanding of the systemic
relationships between individuals and environments.
The descriptive statistics outlined in Table 1 are themselves very
telling. Most strikingly, based on this review's sample of studies,
approximately half (56 percent, 25 of 45 studies) of the empirical
social work practice base makes reference to essentially psychological
theories about the interrelationship of thoughts, feelings, and other
individual behaviors with personal problems-in-living; the remainder are
more representative of systemic social work orientations.
Theoretical Orientation by Target System Interaction
No main effect of theoretical orientation was observed, that is, none
of the mean r-indices displayed in Table 1 differed significantly from
one another (at the level of minor [10 categories, F(9, 35) = 0.91, not
significant] or major categorizations [four categories, F(3, 41) = 2.42,
not significant), even when using a liberal exploratory criterion of p
[less than] .10. To bolster statistical power, each major theoretical
categorization was compared to the other three combined categories; none
of the comparisons yielded even liberally significant between-group
differences. The nonsignificance of the difference between various
practice models' effects is perhaps not all that surprising when
one considers the extraordinary variability among the interventions,
clients, and problems represented in the studies reviewed.
To provide some measure of control for such extraneous influences,
the following analysis was accomplished. First, eight studies were
excluded: those assessing work with other than traditional clients, such
as interventions with social work students or with social workers
themselves and very brief (one day or one time [video]) merely
educational workshops. Then the average effectiveness of personal versus
other (generalist, systemic, and structural) theoretical orientations
was compared across levels of primary interventive focus for change: the
clients themselves (client system) or some other target system. It
should be noted that these theory categories (personal versus other) did
not differ significantly on any of the originally coded research design
rigor characteristics (pre- to true experiment, sample size, type of
comparison group, use of random selection, and internal or external
evaluation), and so their comparison on interventive effects cannot be
confounded by them.
A practically significant moderation of the interventive effect or
theory by target system interaction was observed (Table 2). When the
primary focus of an intervention's change effort was the individual
clients themselves, personal theoretical orientations (predominantly
cognitive-behavioral) faired better ([U.sub.3] of 79.8 percent [fourfold as many moderate to large effects, prevalence ratio = 3.93,
[[Chi].sup.2](1, 24) = 7.98, p [less than] .05] compared to 69.6
percent), whereas, among interventions designed to positively affect
individuals, small groups, or families through change to another target
system, more traditional social work models, including
systemic-structural ones faired better ([U.sub.3] of 76.6 percent
[fivefold as many moderate to large effects, [[Chi].sup.2](1, 13) =
3.88, p [less than] .05] compared to 66.2 percent).
Table 2
The Effectiveness of Social Work Practice Interventions by
Theoretical Orientation and the Primary Focus of the Work
Primary Theoretical
Interventive Focus Orientation
ES Statistics Personal Structural(a)
Client system
No. of studies 14 10
Mean r(**) .385 .249
SD .175 .236
Cohen's [U.sub.3] 79.8% 69.6%
r [greater than] .30(b) 11 of 14, 78.6% 2 of 10, 20.0%
Prevalence ratio
(95% CI)(c) 3.93 (1.53, 10.10)
Other target system(d)
No. of studies 5 8
Mean r(*) .206 .341
SD .112 .196
Cohen's [U.sub.3] 66.2% 76.6%
r [greater than] .30(b) 1 of 5, 16.7% 6 of 8, 83.3%
Prevalence ratio
(95% CI)(c) 4.99 (1.00, 24.90)
NOTE: ES = effect size; CI = confidence interval. a Generalist,
systemic, and structural orientations.
b Moderate to large effect (Cohen, 1988).
c Prevalence ratio of moderate to large effects with [[Chi].sup.2]
test-based 95 percent confidence interval (Miettinen, 1976).
d Interventions designed to positively affect individuals, small
groups, or families through change of another target system, for
example: referral strategies (social welfare system); transfer or
other discharge policies (hospitals); systemic inpatient-outpatient
boundaries (organizations serving alcoholics and substance abusers);
lifespace social support interventions; and other interventions
targeted on other than the identified client's family systems
(family members of nursing home "patients," parents of children
with developmental disabilities, or families of newly adopted
children). *p [less than] .20. **p [less than] .10 (approach
significance, one-way ANOVA).
This meta-analytic exploration of an extant social work research
database (journals dated 1990-1994) (Gorey, 1996) found that the overall
effectiveness of interventions based on different practice models
(personal versus systemic-structural) is moderated by their interventive
foci for change. In a significant sense, the different models seem to do
best what they were designed to do; personal orientations seem most
supportive of client change, whereas systemic-structural models were
found to be most effective in supporting the change of other
interventive targets.
Earlier reviews of social work outcome studies found that
cognitive-behavioral social work methods were the single most
represented theoretical orientation being tested. Moreover, it was these
same behavioral methods that produced the most positive outcomes (see
for example, MacDonald et al., 1992; Reid & Hanrahan, 1982; Rubin,
1985; Thomlison, 1984). The present study documents the continuing
impressive representation of cognitive-behavioral models of social work
practice among the outcome studies published between 1990 and 1994.
Fully 22 of the 45 studies (49 percent) made use of these models, far
exceeding any other orientation. However, in exploring main interventive
effects, the present review did not find evidence in support of their
differential effectiveness. In fact, it did find evidence strongly in
support of the notion that when the target of change is more
progressively defined as some element of the environment or the
structures of society, then social work models such as generalist
problem solving, task-centered, systemic, and radical ones are
significantly more effective than cognitive-behavioral ones. For more
radical work - that is, where the focus is not so much on client
adaptation to environmental challenges but on mutual client-worker
strategizing to change another target system (the environment itself
[structural change]) - the prevalence of moderate to large interventive
effects may be fivefold greater among generalist, systemic, or radical
social work orientations compared with cognitive-behavioral ones.
Clearly though, the empirical social work practice knowledge base is
much greater for cognitive-behavioral models. We therefore respectfully
call on our researcher-practitioner colleagues, particularly those
working with models less well represented, to routinely report what they
are learning with their clients. Unless more progressive
systemic-structural social work models are empirically studied and the
findings of such studies reported in the mainstream professional press,
it is likely that future funding opportunities for them and thus for
their great potential for preventive and therapeutic benefits will be
lost to future clients.
Furthermore, we do not believe that a commitment to such empirical
observation necessarily requires a concomitant adherence to logical
positivism. Social workers valuing more relativistic positions may still
observe the truth of their work with clients. More subjective,
client-worker developed, qualitative outcome measures may be used to
good effect, along with vote-count methods of synthesizing findings
(Hedges & Olkin, 1982).
This review supports the notion that feminist social workers,
radicalist-structuralists, and progressive, generalist social workers
working within a person-in-environment framework do very effective work,
particularly when the problem is defined as one that transcends the
individual - that is, the problem does not reside somewhere "under
the client's skin." However, political adversaries will
continue to have little difficulty in refuting this notion unless the
profession continues to build the knowledge base in support of it.
Future Primary and Integrative Research Needs
Cognitive-behavioral interventions and other personal orientations to
practice were found to be three times more prevalent than any other
method among published empirical research on social work practice, yet
no substantive evidence for their greater effectiveness was observed. On
the other hand, a nonsignificant trend indicative of the possible
greater effectiveness of radical-structural social work methods,
including feminist ones, was observed. However, these were the
least-reported methods. It should be recalled that although this review
included only those studies for which an effect size was calculable
(approximately two-thirds of the conceptually relevant studies were
excluded on this basis), it did not exclude any merely on the basis of
their measures or research design. In fact, nearly half of its sample of
studies used qualitative measures, many of which were client-worker
constructed, and the vast majority of them could be characterized as
other than experimental designs (Gorey, 1996).
Some may argue that effect size calculation procedures are not
congruent with more naturalistic methods of work with clients. We
disagree with this notion; meta-analytic procedures do not necessarily
have to be highly quantitative in their approach. Effects are
calculable, for example, from a qualitative study that dichotomizes a
worker-client-constructed scale of goal attainment (yes or no) and
simply reports the proportion meeting their goals (implicit comparison
group - none [by definition] had met such goals prior to their
experience of the work). Even such a naturalistic study allows a
researcher to calculate a test statistic (for example, a chi-square
test, from which the r-index is calculable) and minimally rule out
sampling variability or the play of chance as a potent alternative or
confound explanation for the intervention's hypothesized
effectiveness. Certainly, if for no other reason than political
expedience, all social worker researcher-practitioners, be they logical
positivists or adherents to more heuristic-relativistic paradigms, ought
to be concerned with such minimal validation of their work with the
clients they serve.
We are aware through our own practice research of the possibly
greater effectiveness of radical-structural interventions, based on
feminist and oppression theories, compared with more traditional social
work models (for example, generalist problem solving) for work with
extremely traumatized clients. For example, recent evaluations of
feminist social work with female survivors of childhood sexual abuse
have found somewhat larger effects ([U.sub.3]s of approximately 90
percent) than those observed for generalist social work with similarly
abused clients [[U.sub.3]s of approximately 75 percent;
[[Chi].sup.2](1,223) = 4.23, p [less than] .05] (de Jong & Gorey,
1996; Preyde & Gorey, 1997; Richter, Snider, & Gorey, 1997).
More research is needed on specific feminist interventive effects for
work with these and other specific clients in specific contexts.
Moreover, we are unaware of a single integrative review on the topic of
feminist social work practice. The present review, by sampling from
journals affiliated with professional social work associations, more
effectively targeted genuine social work practice; one-third of the
previously reviewed research in this field arose from journals
affiliated with the American Psychological Association or the American
Psychiatric Association.
This review also attempted to oversample from what may be generally
characterized as "research-oriented" journals. Another
integrative review that focuses on more "practice-oriented"
journals, perhaps including all those with specific mission statements
that mention radical-structural, including feminist principles, would go
a long way toward fully reviewing our profession's knowledge base
for practice. Most important, in more fully explicating what is as yet
unknown but hypothesized to be important, such a proposed review, along
with the present one, would provide a clear plan for the next generation
of social work practice research.
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Kevin M. Gorey, MSW, PhD, is associate professor, Social Work
Program, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9B
3P4; e-mail:
[email protected]. Bruce A. Thyer, PhD, is
professor, School of Social Work, University of Georgia, Athens. Debra
E. Pawluck, BSW, is a PhD candidate, School of Social Work, University
of Toronto.