Information technology acceptance in the social services sector context: an exploration.
Zhang, Wei ; Gutierrez, Oscar
More than three decades of research on information technology (IT)
acceptance has made this field one of the most established research
areas in management information systems (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, &
Davis, 2003). However, little has been done to understand IT acceptance
in the social services sector, where nongovernmental, nonprofit organizations provide social and human services to "improve the
conditions of disadvantaged people in society" (WordNet 2.0, 2005).
Such organizations drive their operations and services on an
overwhelming commitment to serve vulnerable populations, to protect
their clients' integrity and privacy, and to improve the scarce
resources within which current services are provided (Gutierrez &
Friedman, 2005). In this way, organizations in the social services
sector differ from other nonprofits, such as museums, private
universities, and environmental organizations.
Today the social services sector substantially contributes to the
U.S. economy. In 1998, nearly 400,000 nonprofits that provided social
and legal services generated $74.45 billion in revenue and employed 1.9
million people (Austin, 2002). The gross output of social assistance
reached $112.1 billion in 2003, with an annual increase of more than 9
percent since 1998, which was more than double the 4.4 percent annual
increase rate of the overall gross domestic product during the same
period (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2006). Employment in the social
services is expected to outgrow the average increase in all occupations
through 2012 (U.S. Department of Labor, 2005).
Compared with the business sector, social work presents a unique
context that features highly limited resources coupled with the
mandatory acceptance of organizational IT. Although all nonprofits need
to adopt a more managerial approach and assume more operational
accountability (Speckbacher, 2003), nonprofit social services
organizations operate under even greater pressure given that they
generate most of their revenue through external funds, half of which
come from government agencies (Austin, 2002). It is not uncommon for
social services sector organizations to be required to adopt certain IT
to meet external requirements of program performance evaluation.
Consequently, staff members at such organizations often view IT
deployment and usage as a burden that interferes with their core
missions. IT expenses, including user training and support, are seen as
diverting precious resources from those in need to satisfy bureaucratic requirements (Benedetto & Pirie, 1989; Dukler, 1989). Moreover, the
cultural and legal dynamics of data privacy make the electronic
manipulation of client data highly sensitive. These organizational-level
concerns inevitably cause individuals to treat IT differently than users
in the business sector. For example, researchers have found that funding
agencies' current emphasis on administrative efficiency, coupled
with concerns about the use of data, has resulted in negative user
attitudes toward IT (Berlinger & Te'eni, 1999).
This study addresses IT acceptance in the social services sector by
taking advantage of the knowledge accumulated from IT acceptance
research in other organizational contexts. We based our research on the
decomposed theory of planned behavior, a theoretical framework that
enabled us to identify a set of factors that contribute to IT acceptance
by users in the social services sector so that effective interventions
can be designed to promote acceptance.
Decades of research in IT acceptance have identified the theory of
planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) as one of the leading theories in
explaining how users respond to newly introduced IT (for example, Davis,
Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989; Taylor & Todd, 1995;Venkatesh et al.,
2003). It holds that actual technology usage is determined by
users' intentions to use the technology. Three factors contribute
to such intentions: (1) attitudes toward IT usage, (2) subjective norms,
and (3) perceived behavioral control. Attitudes toward IT usage reflect
users' calculations of the possible gains or losses caused by using
the technology. Subjective norms are the effects from influential people
on the users regarding their technology use. Perceived behavioral
control describes the extent to which users feel they are actually able
to use the technology. Each of these three factors is affected by a set
of beliefs concerning technology use (namely, behavioral beliefs,
normative beliefs, and control beliefs). In addition, perceived
behavioral control also directly affects actual IT usage (see Figure 1).
The canonical way of applying the theory entails eliciting salient
beliefs and their weights (Ajzen, 1991), which could take much effort.
An alternative to this method is the decomposed theory of planned
behavior (Taylor &Todd, 1995), which breaks down beliefs into
multidimensional belief structures based on theories or previous
empirical findings. Using this method provides multiple advantages
(Davis et al., 1989; Taylor &Todd). Theoretically, decomposed belief
structures clarifies the relationships between beliefs and antecedents
of users' intentions to use IT. Methodologically, measures of the
decomposed belief structures can be reused and hence confirmed or
disproved across studies. In terms of practical value, the salient
beliefs elicited may vary across studies, but the decomposed theory of
planned behavior offers a set of specific beliefs that can affect
users' intentions and actual acceptance. Hence the decomposed
theory provides more insights than the original theory into how
management can influence the acceptance process.
The theory of planned behavior views behavioral beliefs as
considerations regarding the outcomes generated from engaging in certain
behaviors or the cost incurred from these behaviors. Such beliefs
provide the basis on which people form attitudes toward performing the
behaviors. Previous studies consistently have suggested that perceived
usefulness is the most important belief that contributes to
individuals' attitudes toward IT usage (for example, Davis et al.,
1989; Mathieson, 1991;Venkatesh et al., 2003). Davis defined perceived
usefulness as "the degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would enhance his or her job performance" (p.
320). This definition clearly takes a personal perspective. Although
personal benefits are certainly important, users in the social services
are likely to think beyond their own benefits.
IT deployment in the social services sector is often mandatory
because many organizations are pressured to adopt IT to meet external
funding agencies' requirements. Resistance to IT could bring
serious consequences, such as the loss of funds. On the positive side,
IT has the potential to benefit organizations in numerous ways. For
example, IT may help organizations improve their efficiency through
faster data collection and distribution. The organizations can use the
collected data to make better decisions and improve the quality of the
services provided (Burt& Taylor, 2000). Using IT might promote
organizations' political profiles and improve their chances of
obtaining future funds (Dukler, 1989). Such considerations regarding
organizational benefits should motivate users to accept IT.
Moreover, two common sources of resistance to IT deployment in
nonprofits are the perception that IT expenditures compete with the
already scarce resources for their missions and concerns about how the
data will be used (Berlinger & Te'eni, 1999; Semke &
Nurius, 1991).At the core of both sources of hesitation is uncertainty
about the effect that IT would have on actual services. If users can be
assured that IT would improve the amount and quality of their services,
they should be more likely to embrace its deployment. Indeed, research
suggests that IT can lead to such improvements, especially if the
technology incorporates the functionality needed to support the
organization's daily operations (Semke & Nurius).
These considerations led us to decompose behavioral beliefs into
three types of usefulness: (1) perceived personal usefulness, which
reflects beliefs about the benefits one gains from using IT; (2)
perceived organizational usefulness, which refers to the extent to which
users believe they can bring value to their organization; and (3)
perceived client usefulness, which refers to the extent to which users
feel IT can benefit their clients. Perceived organizational and client
usefulness can be particularly important in affecting attitudes toward
IT usage in social work. Research comparing volunteers with paid
employees in nonprofits indicates that volunteers demonstrate more
organizational citizenship and commitment (Laczo & Hanisch, 1999;
Liao-Troth, 2001). Extrapolating these findings, we argue that users in
the social services sector value the perceived organizational and client
benefits more than users in other contexts and that they are motivated to use IT by altruistic considerations in addition to rational
calculations of personal benefits.
In the theory of planned behavior, normative beliefs represent the
social pressures to perform certain behaviors (Ajzen, 1991). Where IT
acceptance is concerned, such beliefs refer to the influences of salient
referents--people whose opinions one would value--on whether individuals
should use IT. Previous research has used various referent groups, such
as peers, superiors, subordinates, top management, MIS staff members,
local experts, and friends (for example, Karahanna, Straub, &
Chervany, 1999; Mathieson, 1991;Taylor & Todd, 1995). In the social
services sector, some of these groups are not applicable but others can
play an important role in convincing practitioners to use IT.
Many social services organizations do not have an MIS department.
Thus peers with technical know-how become important in providing the
necessary support (Saidel & Cour, 2003). Peer influences can be
significant, considering that employees in these organizations seem to
maintain more congenial relationships than employees in other types of
organizations (Laczo & Hanisch, 1999). Moreover, nonprofit
organizations tend to have a flatter structure, and their culture tends
to be more participatory and collegial (Mirvis, 1992), which makes the
opinions of top management and supervisors easier to reach the users and
more influential. Thus we use three salient referent groups: top
management, supervisors, and peers, to study social service
practitioners' embracement of IT.
Control beliefs capture the availability of the resources required
to perform a behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Taylor and Todd (1995) decomposed
them into self-efficacy--user beliefs in their competencies to use
IT--and two types of facilitating conditions: resource facilitating and
technology facilitating. Due to a dearth of resources (that is, time,
funds, and equipment) and usually insufficient technical support and
training, these factors can play an important role in the social
services sector. For our study, we refer to self-efficacy as users'
self-confidence in their ability to use IT, and replace the facilitating
conditions with perceived resources--the extent to which users believe
that they have all that is required to use the technology and that
consequently it is up to them to use it. As Chin (1998) demonstrated,
directly measuring perceived resources is comparable with enumerating
users' perceptions of the resources and help available to them.
Figure 2 presents our research model.
Following the tradition in IT acceptance research, we tested our
model with a survey. Data were collected from users of a Homeless
Management Information System (HMIS) implemented in a northeastern U.S.
state through an online survey. Homeless Management Information Systems
are applications that help homeless assistance providers collect
information about client needs, service usage, and service outcomes.
Some systems also provide access to resources, referral information, and
support for managing operations (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2004). By the end of 2005, there were more than 180
implementations throughout the nation, stemming from a 2001
congressional mandate to report on the extent of homelessness in the
nation and the efficiency of services provided by local jurisdictions.
Service providers must use these systems to receive government funds.
The system under study was a statewide implementation with 140 service
agencies deployed and an average of four users per agency.
All measures, except those for perceived organizational usefulness
and perceived client usefulness, were either adopted or adapted from
items that have been used repeatedly in previous research and have
demonstrated good psychometric properties. Perceived organizational
usefulness and perceived client usefulness were new constructs developed
for this study. Measures for both were developed along guidelines established in previous research (for example, Hartwick & Barki,
1994; Mathieson, 1991;Taylor & Todd, 1995;Venkatesh et al., 2003).
All measures were tested with a pilot survey of users of another HMIS in
another northeastern state. Appendix A enumerates the measures.
Survey Administration
An online survey was administered during the summer of 2005.
Contact was made with the system administrators at each agency and user
participation was solicited through mediation, which probably limited
our ability to recruit survey respondents. To draw participation, an
offer was made to select randomly one respondent and donate $100 to a
charity of his or her choice in his or her name. The final survey
questionnaire was four pages. The first page introduced the survey as
"a survey on the user experience with the Homeless Management
Information System" and included the lottery information. We asked
for demographic information on the second page. All constructs were
measured on the third page, and the items were arranged in random order.
Finally, a thank-you page concluded the survey.
Response Analyses
In total, 61 usable responses were received, although one omitted
some demographic information. Among the respondents, 73 percent were
female (n = 44) and 27 percent were male (n = 16). One-third of the
respondents were older than 50 years of age (n = 20), with another third
between 31 and 50 (n = 20). Eighteen other respondents were between 26
and 30. Only two of the respondents were 25 years old or younger. About
60 percent of the respondents had at least a college education (n = 36),
including 16 with postgraduate experience. Eleven respondents had less
than a high school education. Demographically, our respondents were
different from typical respondents (that is, college students or users
in business organizations) in previous studies.
Respondents represented 24 different agencies. Among the agencies,
15 had only one respondent. The agency that had the most respondents
(17) also had the largest number of users in the state. Our respondents
reported 35 different work titles, ranging from social worker to
administrator. The most reported title was case manager (n = 10). On
average, the vast majority of respondents (n = 58) had been working in
their current agency for more than seven years (M = 7.08), with a range
of 10 months to more than 21 years. Most had held their current titles
for more than four and a half years (M = 4.65). In general, the
respondents were familiar with the HMIS, reporting an average experience
with the system of almost three years (M = 2.97 years), with a range
from five to 56 months.
Measurement Properties
Partial least squares regression was used for data analysis. This
technique has minimal demands for sample data distribution, residual
distributions, and most importantly, sample size (Chin, 1998, 2000). In
our research model, a dependent variable had at most three independent
variables directly affecting it (see Figure 2).A sample size of 30
responses would be deemed sufficient with this technique based on the
regression heuristic of 10 cases per predicator (Chin, 1998). The
software used was PLS-Graph Version 03.00 Build 1126 (Chin, 2001).
To determine the measures' psychometric properties, we
examined the variables' composite reliabilities, the average
variances extracted by the variables from their indicators, the
correlations among variables, and the indicator-factor (cross-)loadings
(Chin, 1998). Table 1 presents the composite reliabilities, the average
variances extracted, and the correlations, all generated by PLS-Graph.
The factor loadings and cross-loadings were obtained through simple
manipulations of original data set and PLS-Graph output with SPSS (Gefen
& Straub, 2005) and are presented in Appendix B.
As demonstrated in Appendix B, the minimal indicator-construct
loading in this study was 0.77, with most loadings greater than 0.9. The
lowest composite reliability was 0.76 for perceived behavioral control.
All other composite reliabilities were greater than 0.85. Hence the
measures demonstrated high reliabilities. Furthermore, all loadings of
the indicators onto their own variables were significant at the p <
0.001 level (see Appendix B). The square roots of the average variances
extracted for all variables were larger than 0.75 (see Table 1). For all
constructs except perceived behavioral control, the indicator loadings
were at least one order of magnitude higher than their cross-loadings
with other constructs, and the square roots of all average variances
extracted were much higher than their correlations with other variables.
The square root of the average variance extracted for perceived
behavioral control (0.779) was only slightly higher than its correlation
with self-efficacy (0.776, Table 1). However, the loadings of the
indicators of the two variables onto themselves were still considerably
higher than their cross-loadings with the other variable (Appendix B).
Hence we maintained the discriminant validity between the two variables.
Thus we conclude that overall, the measurement models in this study are
Model Testing
Bootstrapping with 500 resamples was run to obtain the standard
errors for the path coefficient estimates. The statistical significances
of the path coefficients were then computed using t tests. Overall, the
model accounted for considerable variance in user intentions to use IT
([R.sup.2] = 0.41) and actual IT usage ([R.sup.2] = 0.68).
The analysis showed that the intentions to use IT strongly
predicted actual usage, with a coefficient of the path from intention to
actual usage as high as 0.69 (iv < 0.001) (Figure 3). In addition,
perceived behavioral control, as suggested by the theory of planned
behavior, had a smaller, but significant effect on IT usage ([beta] =
0.21, p < 0.05). Perceived behavioral control, in turn, was jointly
affected by self-efficacy and perceived resources ([beta] = 0.58,p <
0.001 and [beta] = 0.32, p < 0.05, respectively). Hence the more
comfortable and confident users felt about using an IT, the more they
intended to use the IT, and the more likely they were to use it.
The analysis also indicates that users who had a positive attitude
toward using IT were more inclined to use it. We had proposed that the
users' attitudes were formed by three different perceptions
regarding the benefits generated from using IT: personal usefulness,
organizational usefulness, and client usefulness. The effect of
perceived personal usefulness on attitudes was highly significant.
Although perceived organizational usefulness had no detectable effect on
attitudes, perceived client usefulness had a moderate effect ([beta] =
0.28, p = 0.14), lending some support to our argument that in the social
services sector, altruistic assessments caused by using a particular IT
positively affect users' attitudes toward using the technology.
According to the data, the social pressure to use IT in the social
services sector mostly comes not from top management and supervisors,
but from peers, as only the path coefficient from peer influence to
subjective norm was significant. This finding reiterates the importance
of peer support in using IT (Saidel & Cour, 2003). Surprisingly, the
data suggest that respondents did not react to the social pressure
exerted on them to use the technology, as the path coefficient from
subjective norm to the intention to use IT was insignificant. Thus the
effects of subjective norms on intention to use IT and its role as a
mediator between normative beliefs and user intentions to use IT were
inconclusive in this study.
The reported study applied the decomposed theory of planned
behavior to understand IT acceptance in the social services sector. The
research model was tested with survey data collected from users of an
HMIS. Although the data in general supported the research model, several
limitations should be noted when interpreting the study's findings.
Our inability to contact the users directly likely affected the sample
size negatively. Even though the sample size exceeded the baseline
requirement, a larger sample would bring more confidence to the
findings' generalizability. Nor could we determine how
representative our respondents were of all users. We observed that the
volunteers and staff members working in the agencies where the survey
was administered tended to be mature, female social workers. The agency
directors also viewed the respondents as representative. Nevertheless,
readers should use caution when generalizing our findings.
Theoretical Contributions and Future Research
The reported study made two theoretical contributions. First, it
identified a theoretical foundation on which IT acceptance in the social
services sector can be investigated systematically: the decomposed
theory of planned behavior. Using this theory, more studies could be
designed and results compared to lead us to a better understanding of
this important issue. Second, it shed new light on the important factors
that affect IT acceptance in the social services sector. When developing
the research model, we identified important behavioral, normative, and
control beliefs. In particular, we expanded the construct of perceived
usefulness to include not only the personal perspective, but also
organizational and client perspectives. Even though these two new
usefulness variables were derived in the context of social services
sector applications, they can be incorporated into other contexts as
well, as research on prosocial behavior has long suggested that
employees may perform certain behaviors not because such behaviors are
useful to them personally, but because doing so helps their
organizations or their clients (Brief & Motowidlo, 1986).
Although the data lend moderate support to the role that perceived
client usefulness plays in forming users' attitudes toward using
IT, no effect of perceived organizational usefulness was detected. One
possible explanation is that our respondents did not care about their
organizations, which we thought unlikely considering that our
respondents had worked in their organizations for an average of seven
years. We suspect that although the respondents were convinced of the
personal productivity gained by using the system, they doubted the
benefits that using the system brought to their clients, and even more
strongly doubted the benefits it brought to their organizations. We will
continue investigating both new usefulness perceptions in future studies
to be more conclusive about the roles both play in affecting IT
acceptance in the social services sector.
That subjective norms had no found effect on users' intentions
to use IT surprised us. The statistical technique we used--partial least
squares regression--is known to deflate path coefficients. That is, even
if there were a significant relationship between the two variables, the
technique may not be sensitive enough to detect it. The small sample
size used in this study also might have limited our ability to detect
the effects of subjective norms in this study. We should be able to
confirm the role of subjective norms in future studies with a larger
sample size.
Practical Implications
Findings from this study should interest administrators and
policymakers who are involved in IT deployment in the social services
sector. The study's framework provides considerable insights into
how we can design new, effective intervening measures to promote IT
acceptance. According to the research model, user acceptance is affected
by users' intentions to use IT and the capacity they have to carry
out their intentions. Because users' intentions are in turn
affected by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral
control, efforts to increase user acceptance should be directed at
forming positive attitudes toward technology usage, cultivating a social
environment favoring IT adoption, and increasing users' perceived
control over the applications they use.
To be more specific, we suggest five areas that administrators and
policymakers can address to achieve a more effective infusion of IT in
their organizations. First, administrators and policymakers can focus on
empowering users and transferring ownership to them of the technologies
and processes for which they are responsible. Empowerment means
delegating responsibility for defining how one's own functions
should be conducted. For example, a committee of case workers can he
appointed to define the procedures for collecting client data during
intake. The technological applications to be used should be adjusted to
conform to the defined procedures, not the other way around. This likely
will help convince users not only of their control over the technology,
but also of the technology's usefulness to themselves, their
organizations, and their clients.
Second, there are innumerable issues pertaining to the logistics of
where, how, when, and who interacts IT during IT deployments. Our study
suggests that users will be more receptive to resolutions to these
issues when peers, rather than administrators, propose them. Hence when
making IT-related decisions, administrations should promote and nurture processes that foster peer-based initiatives and self-managing teams,
that is, teams with responsibility for self-determination.
Self-management teams enable homogeneous groups of users to engage in
improvement, control, and innovation activities and can be an effective
management tool for promoting user acceptance of IT in the social
services sector.
Third, findings from this study hint at the benefit of expanding IT
training programs to include the concept of value to the client and
value to the organization. Conventional IT training programs tend to
focus on the technical aspects of computers, data, and the specific
applications in use. They are known to improve IT acceptance through
increasing self-efficacy (Bedard, Jackson, Ettredge, & Johnstone,
2003). We recommend adding to these programs an element that assures
users of the value that IT can bring to their organizations and clients.
As this study suggests, training programs would be significantly more
effective with these value propositions at the forefront.
Fourth, rewards and recognition systems are powerful change
enablers. Providing individual or group recognition based on performance
measures enables administrators to capitalize on the few instances in
which exemplary, innovative performance demonstrates achievement and
closure. We suggest restructuring performance measures of IT usage to
include measures of improvements to organizational performance and
client benefit in addition to personal productivity gain. Such
performance measures are based on a more comprehensive view of the
benefits of IT and should more effectively encourage users to use it.
Finally, but not least important, we strongly encourage
organizations in the social services sector to institutionalize a
structure, however modest, to support the IT infrastructure. Moreover,
users need to be reminded that help is available and should be taught to
use the help. Our study demonstrates that perceived resources
significantly affect perceived behavioral control and users'
intentions to use IT. The availability and sense of support should
enhance the users' belief that they have what they need to operate
the technology, which consequently will lead to a higher level of IT
Actual Usage:
I am currently a heavy user of the HMIS.
I use the HMIS frequently.
User Intention to Use IT:
I intend to use the HMIS as much as possible.
I try my best to use the HMIS.
I take every opportunity to use the HMIS.
Attitude toward Using IT:
Using the HMIS is a good idea.
Using the HMIS is a wise idea.
Subjective Norm:
People who are important to me think that I should use the HMIS.
People whose opinion I value prefer me to use the HMIS.
Perceived Behavioral Control:
Overall, I am capable of using the HMIS.
Nothing withholds me from using the HMIS.
Perceived Personal Usefulness
Using the HMIS increases my productivity.
Using the HMIS enhances my effectiveness.
I find the HMIS useful for my job.
Perceived Organizational Usefulness
Using the HMIS improves my agency's performance.
Using the HMIS increases my agency's productivity.
Using the HMIS enhances my agency's effectiveness.
Perceived Client Usefulness
Using the HMIS improves services to homeless people.
Using the HMIS enhances the effectiveness in helping homeless people.
The HMIS is useful for helping homeless people.
Top Manager Influence
The agency directors think I should use the HMIS.
The agency directors expect me to use the HMIS.
Supervisor Influence
My supervisor thinks that I should use the HMIS.
My supervisor expects me to use the HMIS.
Peer Influence
My close friends at work think that I should use the HMIS.
My peers think that I should use the HMIS.
If I want to, I can easily operate on my own any of the webpages
that I am supposed to use in the HMIS.
I am able to use the HMIS on my own.
Perceived Resources
I have everything I need to use the HMIS.
There are no barriers for me to use the HMIS.
I have access to the resources I need to use the HMIS.
Note: Items are measured with a seven-point kikert scale, ranging from
1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. HMIS = Homeless
Management Information System.
U1 0.93 0.72 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.57 0.43 0.29
U2 0.94 0.79 0.38 0.36 0.56 0.52 0.42 0.27
I1 0.73 0.92 0.48 0.39 0.53 0.60 0.48 0.33
I2 0.77 0.89 0.47 0.27 0.S7 0.43 0.36 0.26
I3 0.68 0.91 0.44 0.21 0.42 0.57 0.42 0.30
A1 0.44 0.56 0.96 0.37 0.43 0.71 0.63 0.62
A2 0.33 0.41 0.95 0.29 0.38 0.75 0.62 0.68
SN1 0.44 0.36 0.32 0.96 0.43 0.50 0.51 0.39
SN2 0.30 0.25 0.33 0.95 0.38 0.46 0.56 0.43
PBC1 0.56 0.52 0.38 0.45 0.77 0.40 0.29 0.14
PBC2 0.37 0.36 0.28 0.21 0.78 0.35 0.45 0.32
PPU1 0.53 0.57 0.72 0.37 0.41 0.93 0.81 0.74
PPU2 0.55 0.57 0.64 0.53 0.48 0.92 0.67 0.63
PPU3 0.54 0.51 0.76 0.52 0.46 0.94 0.75 0.68
POU1 0.42 0.41 0.61 0.62 0.49 0.74 0.95 0.74
POU2 0.46 0.46 0.64 0.48 0.47 0.78 0.97 0.80
POU3 0.42 0.45 0.63 0.52 0.41 0.80 0.96 0.80
PCU1 0.33 0.36 0.67 0.43 0.34 0.71 0.80 0.96
PCU2 0.28 0.29 0.63 0.45 0.27 0.71 0.79 0.97
PCU3 0.25 0.30 0.66 0.38 0.25 0.72 0.78 0.97
TMI1 0.52 0.55 0.32 0.51 0.52 0.36 0.40 0.18
TMI2 0.42 0.47 0.15 0.37 0.37 0.13 0.14 -0.07
SI1 0.44 0.51 0.33 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.29 0.07
SI2 0.45 0.47 0.29 0.41 0.46 0.36 0.31 0.14
PI1 0.47 0.44 0.35 0.66 0.37 0.57 0.58 0.49
PI2 0.47 0.45 0.40 0.68 0.42 0.55 0.59 0.48
SE1 0.53 0.55 0.38 0.53 0.70 0.55 0.56 0.43
SE2 0.45 0.49 0.26 0.28 0.66 0.19 0.18 0.02
PR1 0.43 0.31 0.33 0.40 0.67 0.42 0.42 0.31
PR2 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.24 0.52 0.43 0.43 0.45
PR3 0.41 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.60 0.45 0.44 0.39
Indicators TMI SI PI SE PR
U1 0.47 0.51 0.52 0.48 0.36
U2 0.49 0.41 0.38 0.57 0.41
I1 0.54 0.52 0.52 0.58 0.35
I2 0.54 0.52 0.34 0.55 0.36
I3 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.48 0.31
A1 0.30 0.30 0.37 0.35 0.32
A2 0.22 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.42
SN1 0.43 0.49 0.64 0.40 0.29
SN2 0.50 0.45 0.67 0.48 0.39
PBC1 0.53 0.46 0.34 0.55 0.28
PBC2 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.66 0.77
PPU1 0.19 0.25 0.50 0.39 0.47
PPU2 0.30 0.41 0.53 0.40 0.45
PPU3 0.30 0.38 0.56 0.40 0.43
POU1 0.34 0.33 0.65 0.42 0.43
POU2 0.28 0.30 0.54 0.40 0.48
POU3 0.28 0.32 0.54 0.41 0.46
PCU1 0.11 0.16 0.53 0.32 0.46
PCU2 0.09 0.10 0.47 0.21 0.41
PCU3 0.05 0.05 0.44 0.22 0.37
TMI1 0.95 0.73 0.53 0.60 0.39
TMI2 0.90 0.80 0.40 0.39 0.24
SI1 0.82 0.92 0.51 0.41 0.22
SI2 0.66 0.89 0.41 0.50 0.41
PI1 0.48 0.48 0.98 0.45 0.35
PI2 0.52 0.52 0.98 0.50 0.36
SE1 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.89 0.67
SE2 0.52 0.40 0.27 0.87 0.42
PR1 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.59 0.94
PR2 0.19 0.21 0.25 0.48 0.83
PR3 0.30 0.32 0.37 0.59 0.91
Note: U = Usage; I = User Intention to Use IT; A = Attitude toward
Using IT; SN = Subjective Norm; PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control;
PPU = Perceived Personal Usefulness; POU = Perceived Organizational
Usefulnes; PCU = Perceived Client Usefulness; TMI = Top Manager
Influence; SI = Supervisor Influence; PI = Peer Infuence; SE =
Self-Efficacy; PR = Efficacy; PR = Perceived Resources. All indicators
range from 0 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). N = 61. All
loadings are significant at p < 0.001 level.
Original manuscript received December 20, 2005
Final revision received July 31, 2006
Accepted September 11, 2006
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Wei Zhang, DBA, is assistant professor, and Oscar Gutierrez, Phil,
is associate dean, College of Management, University of Massachusetts,
Boston, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125. Address all
correspondence to Dr. Zhang at wei.
[email protected].
Table 1: Composite Reliabilities and Correlations among Latent
Variables Related to Technology Acceptance
Factor [[rho].sub.c] U I A SN PBC PPU
U 0.933 0.935#
I 0.934 0.805 0.909#
A 0.954 0.406 0.509 0.954#
SN 0.953 0.389 0.321 0.343 0.954#
PBC 0.755 0.596 0.563 0.423 0.425 0.779#
PPU 0.951 0.58 0.586 0.763 0.505 0.480 0.931#
POU 0.971 0.453 0.461 0.656 0.560 0.475 0.805
PCU 0.979 0.297 0.327 0.678 0.431 0.297 0.738
TMI 0.926 0.514 0.551 0.270 0.486 0.493 0.283
SI 0.904 0.487 0.541 0.340 0.491 0.470 0.371
PI 0.980 0.476 0.458 0.383 0.683 0.401 0.568
SE 0.871 0.563 0.595 0.369 0.462 0.776 0.425
PR 0.921 0.415 0.374 0.382 0.355 0.677 0.485
POU 0.958#
PCU 0.815 0.969#
TMI 0.312 0.085 0.928#
SI 0.329 0.109 0.818 0.908#
PI 0.601 0.497 0.511 0.509 0.980#
SE 0.430 0.260 0.552 0.495 0.481 0.878#
PR 0.480 0.424 0.35 0.342 0.366 0.621 0.892#
Note: [[rho]sub.c] = Composite Reliability. U = Usage. I = User
Intention to Use IT. A = Attitude toward Using IT. SN = Subjective
Norm. PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control. PPU = Perceived Personal
Usefulness. POU = Perceived Organizational Usefulness. PCU =
Perceived Client Usefulness. TMI = Top Manager Influence. SI =
Supervisor Influence. PI = Peer Influence. SE = Self-Efficacy.
PR = Perceived Resources. Note: Diagonal elements indicated by # are
the square roots of average variance extracted by variables from their