Sub-Saharan African women living with HIV/AIDS: an exploration of general and spiritual coping strategies.
Hodge, David R. ; Roby, Jini L.
In its policy statement on HIV and AIDS, NASW (2003) underscored
the catastrophic nature of the HIV/AIDS crisis in many parts of the
world. Since the publication of this statement, little improvement has
occurred in the global picture. According to recent data from the Joint
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) (2007), the number of people living with HIV has
continued to increase. In 2007, more people than ever before were living
with HIV, approximately 33.2 million people globally (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007).
HIV/AIDS has been called the "quintessential social work
practice issue" (Kaplan, Tomaszewski & Gorin, 2004).Vulnerable
populations, which are central to the profession's mission, tend to
be disproportionately affected by the epidemic (Galambos, 2004). Among
the most vulnerable populations in the world are those living in
sub-Saharan Africa and, within this region, women, perhaps particularly
those with children (NASW, 2003).
Sub-Saharan Africa may be the most economically marginalized region
in the world, with less than 0.6 percent of the world's gross
domestic product (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
2005). This region accounts for approximately 10 percent of the
world's population (Mohammed, 2003), but almost two-thirds (68
percent) of those living with HIV/AIDS and 76 percent of AIDS deaths
globally (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007). Indeed, the leading cause of death in
sub-Saharan Africa is AIDS (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007).
Among those living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, 61 percent are
women (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007). Indeed, more women are living with HIV now
than ever before in Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe/Central Asia,
Latin American, and sub-Saharan Africa (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007). In
sub-Saharan Africa in particular, women carry a disproportionate share
of the AIDS burden (UNAIDS/WHO, 2006). Not only are they more likely to
be infected with HIV, they are also more likely to be responsible for
caring for others infected with HIV (UNAIDS/ WHO, 2006).
In addition to caring for themselves and others living with
HIV/AIDS, these women bear many extra burdens, including concerns about
child care (Mugambi, 2006; Withell, 2000). Most people infected with HIV
in sub-Saharan Africa are parents with young children (Mohammed, 2003).
In more developed nations, mothers can often look to grandparents and
other relatives to care for their children (Linsk & Mason, 2004).
Yet in many African nations, the magnitude of the epidemic has exhausted
the available social and economic resources (Foster, Levine, &
Williamson, 2005; Oleke, Blystad, & Rekdal, 2005). The lack of
able-bodied adults to care for orphaned children after a mother's
illness and death is a major concern (Bolton & Wilk, 2004;
Macintyre, Brown, & Sosler, 2001; Roby & Eddle man, 2007). This
situation represents a significant source of psychological stress for
mothers (Antle, Wells, Goldie, DeMatteo, & King, 2001; Marcenko
& Samost, 1999; Withell, 2000) and for children (Atwine,
Cantor-Graae, & Bajunirwe, 2005; Woodring, Cancelli, Ponterotto,
& Keitel, 2005).
In sum, the most representative person on the planet living with
HIV/AIDS is likely a sub-Saharan African woman with few economic or
educational assets. While dealing with her own infection, she must also
typically shoulder substantial caregiving responsibilities. Furthermore,
these responsibilities must be borne without the medications and heath
care resources often take for granted in more developed nations (NASW,
This reality implicitly raises the question--how do these women
cope? How do these women deal with the extremely trying life
circumstances that accompany HIV/AIDS? Research relevant to this
question is reviewed in the following section.
Surprisingly little research has been conducted on the coping
strategies used by sub-Saharan African women.As the NASW (2003) policy
statement on HIV/AIDS noted, virtually no attention has traditionally
been given to women living with HIV/ AIDS. Most HIV/AIDS research has
focused on populations in developed countries and, in this context, men
(Cotton et al., 2006; Siegel & Schrimshaw, 2002; Withell, 2000).
Fortunately, there are signs that women are beginning to receive
some attention--at least in the context of developed nations--as more
recent research has focused on issues that reflect women's
perspectives. For instance, two qualitative studies gave voice to the
experiences of HIV-positive mothers (Marcenko & Samost, 1999;
Tangenberg, 2001). A similar study of African American women living with
HIV/AIDS examined the ways in which families provide support and cause
stress (Owens, 2003). The challenges of parenting have been explored
through the eyes of HIV-positive mothers and HIV-affected fathers (Antle
et al., 2001). Research has also investigated caretakers'
perceptions of satisfaction and staff empathy at pediatric HIV/ AIDS
programs (Strug et al., 2003) and mothers' (N = 13) initial
reactions to an adult child's HIV diagnosis (Thompson, 2000).
Also in the developed world, researchers have examined the role of
spiritual activities as a resource among a sample of primarily poor,
HIV-infected African American mothers (Sowell et al., 2000). Consistent
with other research (Cotton et al., 2006; Dalmida, 2006; Marcenko &
Samost, 1999; Siegel & Schrimshaw, 2002; Tangenberg, 2001), this
study found that spirituality was inversely associated with emotional
distress. In other words, spirituality functioned as a strength that
helped women cope with HIV/AIDS (Sowell et al., 2000).
Similarly, some research has started to give voice to women's
perspectives in developing nations. For instance, one qualitative study
explored how HIV-infected mothers cope with their illness in Thailand
(Dane, 2002).
In the sub-Saharan epicenter of the HIV/AIDS crisis, however,
women's voices continue to be largely absent from the social work
literature. Our search of Social Work Abstracts (conducted on February
2, 2008)--using the search string ("HIV" or "AIDS")
and ("Africa" or "African") and ("women,"
"mothers," or "females")--produced five relevant
research articles. Of these, four of the studies exhibited, at best, a
marginal association with women's needs and concerns. One study
explored sexual help-seeking behaviors among adolescents in the West
African nation of Gambia, using single-sex focus groups (Miles, Shaw,
Paine, Hart, & Ceesay, 2001). An ethnographic study examined the
articulation of AIDS through gossip and rumor in South Africa (Stadler,
2003). A quantitative study explored whether knowing a person with AIDS
was associated with condom use, using data from the 1998 South African
Demographic and Health Survey of women (Camlin & Chimbwete, 2003).
Finally, an intervention study examined the efficacy of a modified
American alcohol and HIV prevention curriculum with ninth-grade students
in five South African schools (Karnell, Cupp, Zimmerman, Feist-Price,
& Bennie, 2006).
The most relevant study to emerge from our search was a qualitative
study of rural women (N = 22) in Kenya living with, or affected by,
HIV/AIDS (Mugambi, 2006). A grounded theory-informed approach was used
to understand how women's lives had been shaped by HIV/AIDS and how
counseling had affected their ability to cope with the daily challenges
they encountered. Among the themes that emerged were how poverty
compounded the difficulties of living with HIV/AIDS and how the spread
of the disease affected women through the loss of family members,
stigmatization, or both. The results also indicated that counseling and
local, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) played an important role in
helping the women cope.
Although relatively few details were reported due to the
study's focus on describing women's experiences,
Mugambi's (2006) findings implied that coping strategies played an
important role in helping women deal with the psychological stress that
accompanies HIV/AIDS. Yet, to our best knowledge, no study has appeared
in the social work literature examining how sub-Saharan African women
living with HIV/AIDS cope with the extraordinary challenges they face.
In other words, no study has specifically sought to determine the coping
strategies sub-Saharan African women use to deal with their lived
realities. In keeping with calls from NASW to adopt a global perspective
on the HIV/AIDS crisis (NASW, 2003), the present study sought to address
this gap in the literature.
The study was conducted in Uganda, at the AIDS Support Organization
(TASO) clinic in Entebbe. Like many other sub-Saharan African nations,
Uganda is classified by the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (2005) as one of the 50 least developed countries in the
world. In the early 1990s, Uganda represented the epicenter of the
HIV/AIDS crisis, with some of the highest prevalence rates in the world
(Mohammed, 2003).
Although Uganda continues to struggle with the ongoing epidemic,
more recently, HIV prevalence rates have declined to levels more in line
with the nation's East African neighbors (Green, Halperin,
Nantulya, & Hogle, 2006; UNAIDS/WHO, 2006). The estimated prevalence
rate in Uganda among adults, ages 15 to 49 years, was 6.7 percent in
2005 (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007). In comparison, estimates for other nations in
the region were as follows: Kenya (6.1 percent), United Republic of
Tanzania (6.5 percent), Burundi (3.3 percent), Rwanda (3.1 percent), and
Ethiopia (0.9 to 3.5 percent) (UN-AIDS/WHO, 2007).
TASO (2003) is the largest indigenous NGO providing HIV/AIDS
services in Uganda. The agency plays a leading role in the care and
support of people living with HIV/AIDS through comprehensive service
provision, including food support, nutrition education, medication, and
counseling (Mohammed, 2003). The Entebbe TASO clinic, located in a
semirural area in the central region of the country, has been the site
of numerous medical studies on HIV/AIDS (French et al., 2001, 2002;
Watera et al., 2006).
Sample Selection and Research Assistants
The TASO administration recommended interviewing women on Mondays
and Wednesdays over a one-month period as the best way to obtain a
representative sample. These two days were "open clinic days,"
on which anyone could receive outpatient services. The one-month time
frame was recommended because clients were encouraged to visit the
clinic monthly.
On open clinic days, clients would check in at the front desk and
wait, typically for a considerable length of time, until their names
were called to see a doctor and counselor. At initial check-in, TASO
staff verbally informed women about the opportunity to participate in
the study. To be included in the study, clients had to be raising
children under 15 years of age and be HIV positive. From May 31 through
to June 28, 2006, women who met the inclusion criteria, and expressed
interest in the study, were guided by TASO staff to interview locations
in the clinic.
The face-to-face interviews were conducted by three research
assistants who were fluent in English and Luganda, the language spoken
by most residents. The assistants were graduates of Makerere University,
Uganda's premier institution of higher learning. All assistants had
previous research experience, were familiar with the local culture, and
were trained and tested on their ability to administer the survey
instrument (Dane, 2002). After informed consent was obtained, the survey
instrument was administered orally in the respondent's language of
Survey Instrument
The survey instrument was constructed in consultation with a local
Ugandan advisory board, consisting of the research assistants, the
management of TASO Entebbe, and faculty from Makerere University. A
preliminary version of the instrument was written in English and
translated into Luganda. Direct back translations were not used because
this process arguably makes unwarranted assumptions that can threaten
validity of data (Zambrana, 1987). To ensure a culturally and
linguistically appropriate rendition, the survey was translated by
bilingual individuals familiar with local colloquialisms, symbolism, and
word structures (Dane, 2002).
The survey was pilot tested by the research assistants with women
from the Entebbe clinic (N = 6) and refined on the basis of feedback
from the women and the advisory board. The final questionnaire took
approximately 45 minutes to one hour to complete and included
demographic items, questions related to HIV/AIDS, and the dependent
To assess how women coped, the survey incorporated an adapted
version of Koenig et al.'s (1992) three-item coping index. This
mixed-methods index is widely used (Abernethy, Chang, Seidlitz, Evinger,
& Duberstein, 2002; Reger & Rogers, 2002; Tepper, Rogers,
Coleman, & Malony, 2001). It comprises three questions designed to
be administered sequentially: an open-ended question developed to
identify general coping strategies of any type, followed by two
questions intended to discover spiritual or religious coping strategies.This measure was deemed to be an appropriate choice given the
salience of spirituality in sub-Saharan Africa (Jenkins, 2002; Mbiti,
1970; Parrinder, 1993) and previous research revealing spirituality to
be an important coping resource among people living with HIV/AIDS
(Cotton et al., 2006; Dalmida, 2006; Marcenko, & Samost, 1999;
Siegel & Schrimshaw, 2002; Tangenb erg, 2001).
Of the three items, the first two are qualitative. The first item
asked, "How do you cope with your situation? How do you keep from
getting (more) depressed, sad, or discouraged?" The two-part second
item asked, "Do your spiritual or religious beliefs or activities
help you cope?" If respondents answered affirmatively, they where
asked, "How? Can you give some examples?"
The third (quantitative) item consisted of a visual analog scale
designed to assess the degree to which spiritual or religious beliefs or
activities helped women cope with their situation. The scale ranged from
0 = not at all to 10 = the most important factor that keeps me going.
Women were presented with the scale and asked, "To what extent do
your spiritual or religious beliefs or activities help you to cope with
your situation?" The responses were translated by the research
assistants and written in English.
Response Rate and Power
It is difficult to ascertain how many eligible women refused to
participant in the study. In addition, not all the women could he
interviewed by the time the clinic closed on some days. In such cases,
the women were invited to return another day. Although some women did
not return to complete the interviews, we are uncertain exactly how many
fell into this category. Similar to other studies, we have no
information on nonrespondents (Linsk & Mason, 2004; Mugambi, 2006).
A number of factors, however, suggest that it is plausible that the
sample represents a relatively accurate snapshot of women with children
younger than 15 years who attend the TASO Entebbe clinic. As mentioned
earlier, the wait time to receive clinic services was extended. The
interviews provided a way to pass the time, and participants seemed to
enjoy sharing their experiences. As with similar research (Dane, 2002),
a concrete incentive was used to thank individuals for their time and
encourage participation, namely a paraffin-burning lantern. Because this
lantern is a valuable household item in Uganda, it provided a strong
incentive to participate in and complete the interview.
The month-long sampling procedure yielded a sample of 162. A power
analysis was preformed using widely accepted values (that is, alpha =
.05, two-tailed; power = .80) (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). Based on this
analysis, the sample size of 162 enabled the study to detect a small to
medium effect size (that is, r = .22) (Faul & Erdfelder, 1992).
Data Analysis
For the qualitative analysis, the primary concepts mentioned by the
women were analyzed using a grounded theory-informed approach (Glaser
& Strauss, 1967). Specifically, a constant comparative methodology
was used, in which the data were examined for similarities, patterns,
and common threads (Strauss & Corbin, 1998; Thompson, 2000). In a
recursive process, the emerging themes were continually compared to
similar phenomena across interviews. The data were coded, organized into
themes, and labeled. As more data were reviewed, they were compared with
previous categories to determine their conceptual similarity. Data that
were conceptually different were given a new label, which served to
encapsulate the content in the category. Representative paraphrases,
quotes, or both were used to illustrate the categories that emerged from
the analysis.
For the quantitative analysis, a variety of statistical procedures
were used. Once the qualitative data were organized into relatively
discrete categories, variables were constructed for each of the
dependent measures. Bivariate analysis was then conducted with the
demographic items. The chi-square procedure was used to examine
relationships between categorical variables, t tests and one-way
analysis of variance were used to examine relationships between
categorical and continuous variables, and Pearson's correlation was
used to examine relationships between continuous variables. The results
of the analysis are reported in the next section, beginning with a brief
orientation to the various subsections.
The results are presented in four subsections. In the second and
third subsections, qualitative and quantitative findings are presented.
In the last subsection, descriptive and quantitative findings are
Sample Characteristics
The average woman in the sample was approximately 35 years old,
with three children (see Table 1). She had been coping with HIV/AIDS
since her late 20s and had received services from TASO for close to four
years. In Uganda, children usually spend seven years in primary school,
four years in secondary schools, and two years in high school. Only 3
percent of the sample had completed at least high school, and close to
70 percent had a primary education or less.
General Coping Strategies
Qualitative Findings. These women were asked how they coped with
their situation. Although nine categories emerged from the data, three
were particularly prominent. As might be expected given the location in
which the interviews occurred, the first category was TASO services.
Some 30.9 percent (n = 50) of respondents indicated that the services
provided by TASO enabled them to cope with their situation. The primary
service mentioned was counseling provided by TASO personnel, although
other services were frequently mentioned. As one woman commented, TASO
helped her to cope by providing food, medicine, and counseling, which
she did not have before.
The second most frequent means to cope was spirituality. Some 28.4
percent (n = 46) of women reported that prayer, God, Jesus, singing
worship music, and other expressions of spirituality enabled them to
deal with their problems. As one women stated, "The Gospel of Jesus
Christ renews nay hope in all situations."
The third most prominent method of coping was social support from
friends and family members. Just over 15 percent (n = 25) of the women
reported that friends and family members enabled them to persevere in
the midst of adversity. As one respondent simply stated, "My
friends encourage me!" All of the remaining categories were cited
by less than 10 percent of the respondents. These categories were
labeled "keeping busy/working" (7.4 percent, n = 12),
"listening to music/singing" (6.8 percent, n = 11),
"accepted the situation/feels fine" (4.9 percent, n = 8),
"unclassifiable" (3.1 percent, n = 5), "coping isn't
possible--feels depressed" (1.9 percent, n = 3) and "eating
well" (1.2 percent, n = 2). The unclassifiable label was used for
responses that were incongruent with other categories.
Quantitative Findings. The responses in the preceding section were
used to create a new four-category variable for bivariate analysis with
the demographic variables featured in Table 1. Three of the categories
discussed earlier were retained: TASO services, spirituality, and social
support from friends and family members. Those who reported that coping
was impossible were eliminated, and the remaining categories were
collapsed into a new, fourth category--other coping strategies.
Analysis with the four-category coping variable revealed that the
selection of coping strategies was unrelated to any of the demographic
variables. Additional analysis conducted with the three primary coping
strategies (TASO services, spirituality, social support) produced the
same result. Specifically, the choice of coping strategy was
unassociated with age, number of children, years sick,years attending
TASO, martial status, religion, urban or rural residence, raising only
biological children, or education (recoded into a new, two-category
variable: [1] no education to primary through grade 7 and [2] some
secondary education to postsecondary education).
Spiritual Coping Strategies
Qualitative Findings. After answering the general coping question,
respondents were asked if their spiritual or religious beliefs or
activities helped them cope.The vast majority answered affirmatively
(85.2 percent, n = 138).These women were then asked to provide examples
of how their beliefs or activities helped them to cope. From these data,
six categories emerged, of which three were particularly prominent.
A plurality of women (31.2 percent, n = 43) reported that they were
assisted through the support of other believers. Respondents indicated
that clergy, pastors, and other believers were instrumental in providing
them with emotional, financial, prayer, and social support. As one woman
commented, Christians have helped her through comforting her and showing
her love.
Twenty-nine percent (n = 40) of respondents indicated that prayer
was the vehicle used to cope. As one Muslim stated, "Praying all
the time helps me meet other people at the mosque who provide a great
sense of social capital to me." One women commented that when she
prays to God, she is given peace, while another poignantly stated,
"If I pray, I believe in another day."
Some 22.5 percent (n = 31) of respondents reported that trusting in
God was how they coped. Trusting in God included a wide range of
responses in which individuals looked to God for protection, provision,
and hope--often at points of extreme need. One respondent reported that
God helped her find a home after her sister chased her away from her
house upon learning she had HIV/AIDS. Another stated, "One time
many people could not stand my presence (they kept isolating me), but
believing in God gave me confidence and self-reliance." Yet another
mother reported, "There are times where I am really hopeless but
when I recall His promises and capacity, I regain hope."
The remaining categories each comprised less than 10% of the
responses. The categories included attending church/religious meetings
(8.7 percent, n = 12), unclassifiable (6.5 percent, n = 9), and reading
scriptures (2.2 percent, n = 3).
Quantitative Findings. For the quantitative analysis, this
information was collapsed into a new variable consisting of the
following four categories: support of fellow believers, prayer, trusting
in God, and other spiritual coping strategies. Of the demographic
variables, one achieved significance: urban or rural residence [[chi
square] (3, N = 137) = 17.88,p < .001].
Two differences were particularly notable.Those who lived in urban
areas were more likely to cope by accessing the support of other
believers compared with those who lived in rural areas (48.4 percent
versus 16.4 percent). Conversely, those who lived in rural areas were
more likely to report trusting in God (31.5 percent versus 12.5 percent)
or prayer (32.9 percent versus 23.4 percent) as coping strategies.
Extent of Spiritual Coping
Descriptive Findings. The mothers who indicated that they used
spiritual coping strategies were asked to assess the degree to which
spiritual or religious beliefs or activities helped them cope. On the
0-to-10 scale, the responses ranged from 2 to 10, with a mean score of
8.33 (SD = 2.04).Thus, for the 85 percent (n = 138) of the sample who
reported that spirituality helped them cope, it was, in aggregate, among
the most important factors in assisting them to deal with their
situation. In addition, 42.8 percent (n = 59) of the subsample indicated
that spirituality or religion was the most important factor that kept
them going. Stated differently, for 36.4 percent (n = 59) of the total
study sample (N = 162), spirituality or religion was the most important
factor that kept them going.
Quantitative Findings. In the bivariate analysis with the
demographic variables, one significant association emerged. The degree
to which spirituality was used to cope was weakly related with the
number of years respondents reported going to TASO (r = .177, p = .037).
More specifically, the longer respondents reported going to TASO, the
greater the degree to which they relied on spirituality to cope.
This study examined how one sample of sub-Saharan African women
cope with HIV/AIDS.
This study contributes to the knowledge base in four ways. First,
it gives voice to a previously overlooked population with few advocates
on the world stage. As far as we are aware, this is the first study in
social work exclusively dedicated to exploring how sub-Saharan African
women living with HIV/ AIDS cope with their circumstances. The NASW
(2003) AIDS and HIV policy statement calls on social workers to advocate
on behalf of those with HIV/AIDS throughout the world. Given that the
epicenter of the HIV/AIDS crisis is sub-Saharan Africa, where women are
disproportionately likely to be infected (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007), this study
represents a significant contribution to the literature. In short, it
advances our knowledge of how those at the center of the global AIDS
crisis deal with living with HIV/AIDS.
Second, this study corroborates and extends previous research. In
keeping with Mugambi's (2006) study of Kenyan rural women living
with HIV/AIDS, indigenous service providers played a significant role in
women's well-being. For many of the clients in this study, the
services provided by TASO played an important role in enabling them to
cope. Indeed, this was the most prominent response to the general coping
Consistent with previous work, this study also found that
spirituality and religion played an important role in coping (Cotton et
al., 2006; Dalmida, 2006; Marcenko & Samost, 1999; Siegel &
Schrimshaw, 2002; Tangenberg, 2001). In the United States, for instance,
spirituality was found to be a central strength among a group of
primarily African American mothers living with HIV (Marcenko &
Samost, 1999; Tangenberg, 2001). Spirituality may be a particularly
important coping asset among women with HIV/AIDS, because such women are
often stigmatized in the broader culture.
For many such women in this study, God's acceptance empowered
them to persevere in the face of social ostracism. Even if friends and
family rejected them, women could still find acceptance in the
present--and even hope for the future--through their relationship with
God. Notably, some 85 percent (n = 138) of the mothers reported that
spirituality played some role in helping them to cope, with more than
half of these (43 percent, n = 59) indicating that spirituality was the
most important factor that kept them going.The often instrumental role
that spirituality plays in helping people with HIV/AIDS cope underscores
the importance of professional training in spirituality to ensure that
practitioners both operationalize these strengths and interact with
clients in a spiritually sensitive manner (Canda & Furman, 1999;
Derezotes, 2006; Northcut, 2004).
This study's findings regarding social support are also
consistent with previous research conducted with Thai women living with
HIV/AIDS (Dane, 2002). Social support was a particularly important
coping method if understood broadly in a manner that incorporates both
secular and religiously based forms of support. Although, as implied
earlier, social networks can be sources of both strength and stress
(Dane, 2002; Owens, 2003).
A third way in which this study adds to the knowledge base is by
enhancing our ability to work with women living with HIV/AIDS. As the
International Federation of Social Workers' (1990) policy statement
on HIV/AIDS noted, HIV counseling should support those who are infected,
helping them to lead productive lives. Exploring how women cope provides
practitioners with valuable knowledge (Marcenko & Samost, 1999;
Thompson, 2000, Withell, 2000). Qualitative research can provide
practitioners with an array of options to explore with clients.
For instance, practitioners could explore the possibility of
collaborating with clergy to meet clients' needs (Gilbert, 2000).
More isolated clients in rural areas may not have access to
congregational support systems that urban residents often take for
granted, limiting the coping strategies at their disposal. Practitioners
may be able to link such clients with members from their faith tradition
in more populous areas. In turn, these individuals may be able to
provide additional support for rural women living with HIV/AIDS.
To help clients cope, practitioners might explore
"exceptional" events that help make challenges more manageable
(Hodge, 2003). For instance, after a time of prayer, singing worship
music, or meeting with supportive friends, clients may feel empowered to
persevere in the face of difficulties, difficulties that had previously
been viewed as overwhelming. Practitioners can work together with
clients to identify and implement such activities.
Similarly, spiritually modified cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
might be used with clients for whom spirituality is a central life
dimension (Nielsen, 2004). In a manner analogous to traditional CBT,
unproductive beliefs are identified and replaced with more salutary
beliefs. The distinguishing characteristic of spiritually modified CBT
is that detrimental thought patterns are replaced with productive schema
drawn from clients' spiritual narratives. The results of a recent
review suggest that spiritually modified CBT may yield equivalent or
enhanced outcomes compared with traditional CBT, while simultaneously
providing more culturally relevant services (Hodge, 2006).This approach
has been used with diverse populations in a variety of locations,
including China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and the United
States, suggesting that spiritually modified CBT may have some utility
with Ugandan women as well.
Another option that might be considered by those with appropriate
training is nurturing a client's relationship with God. In keeping
with Bowen and object relations theory, clients who experience
God's love and acceptance may enhance their ability to cope in
other relational settings (Jankowski, 2002). A change in one
relationship fosters change in others (Jankowski, 2002). Workers without
the necessary training might consider exploring clients' interests
in this option and then linking interested clients with clergy who share
clients' spiritual worldviews.
Some researchers have observed that many similarities in coping
strategies exist across various HIV-infected populations (Withell,
2000). Although it is important to guard against overgeneralizations,
coping strategies used by one population may have utility among other
groups. Thus, the results obtained with this sample of women may have
some utility with other women living with HIV/ AIDS. For example,
clients may be able to benefit from counseling that includes a spiritual
dimension (Dalmida, 2006).
Finally, this research contributes to the social work literature by
answering requests for additional information about HIV/AIDS. Studies of
graduate social work students in the United States (Silberman, 1998) and
India (Sachdev, 2005) found a need for more content to increase
students' competence in working with people with HIV/AIDS. This
study addresses that need by exploring the coping strategies used by an
understudied sample of women living with HIV/AIDS.
These contributions should be understood in the context of the
study's limitations, the most prominent of which is
generalizability. Although the results may have utility with other
groups, they cannot be generalized to other populations living with
HIV/AIDS. At best, the results may be reflective of mothers visiting the
Entebbe TASO clinic at a given point in time.
The results cannot, for instance, be generalized to all women who
are members of the Entebbe clinic. For instance, some eligible mothers
listed as TASO clients did not have the option of participating in the
study. Severity of illness, lack of transportation, and child care
responsibilities are some of the factors that precluded mothers from
attending the clinic.
Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that the sample is representative
of mothers with children under the age of 15 checking into the clinic
during the month-long study period because of the uncertain response
rate. A member of the research team who was on-site every day estimated
that 70 percent to 80 percent of those who met the inclusion criteria
participated in the study. As mentioned, however, we have no hard data
to support this estimate.
The absence of an accurate response rate raises questions about the
representativeness of the sample. It is possible, for instance, that
those who participated in the study differed in their perceptions from
those who chose not to participate. Without knowing the response rate,
it is impossible to generalize the findings to the wider sampling frame
(Babble, 2007).At worst, however, this study builds on, and extends,
previous research using nonprobability samples (for example, Mugambi,
It should also be kept in mind that Uganda has been in the
forefront of addressing the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa (Green et al.,
2006; Mohammed, 2003). Consequently, the women in this study may be
among the best supported, medically and socially, in the sub-Saharan
region. Although the findings are consistent with previous research on
Kenyan rural women living with HIV/AIDS (Mugambi, 2006), further
research is needed with other samples of sub-Saharan women to identify
points of similarity and dissimilarity with the findings reported in
this study.
The setting in which the interviews were conducted may also be a
limitation. Because the respondents were interviewed while waiting to
receive TASO services, they may have been more inclined to mention those
services as a coping method. Likewise, although previous research
suggested the inclusion of measures designed to explore spiritual and
religious coping strategies, the presence of such questions may
accentuate responses in this area. Furthermore, the salience of
spirituality in Africa (Jenkins, 2002; Mbiti, 1970; Parrinder, 1993) may
foster a tendency to use spiritual terminology to describe many aspects
of life.
Reliance solely on respondents' verbal reports might also be
counted as a limitation. As others have noted, interview data are
subject to misunderstandings common to any conversation (Woodring et
al., 2005). In addition, what a person says in one setting may not be
indicative of what would be reported in another setting.
Another consideration is the role of the translators. Although the
local research assistants were fluent in both languages, the translation
from Luganda into English while conducting the interview may have
resulted in some inaccuracies. Translating deeply personal thoughts,
especially those related to a person's spiritual or religious
beliefs and practices, may heighten the possibility of mistranslation.
Finally, it should be noted that content analysis is a subjective
enterprise in which the values of the coders influence the categorizing
and labeling of data (Tsang, 2001). For instance, it could easily be
argued that the various categories that emerged represent different
manifestations of social support. If the results are understood in this
light, then the study examines how different forms of social support
serve as coping strategies. While acknowledging the value of this and
other interpretations of the data, in this initial study we endeavored
to report the results in a manner that reflects the views of the
study's participants as closely as possible.
For too long, the voices of the women in the epicenter of the
global HIV/AIDS crisis have been absent from the social work literature.
It is time for their voices to be heard. This study represents an
initial first step toward this end by exploring how one sample of
sub-Saharan African women cope with HIV/AIDS. As such, it provides
important information for practitioners seeking to assist these women at
multiple levels.
In sub-Saharan Africa and many other regions in the world, more
women than ever before are living with HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007).
Further research that reflects the voices of these women is essential.
If we wish to help these resilient women live productive lives, we must
build on their strengths. To identity their strengths, we must listen to
their voices.
Original manuscript received December 21, 2006
Final revision received February 26, 2008
Accepted January 23, 2009
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David R. Hodge, PhD, is assistant professor, School of Social Work,
Arizona State University, and senior nonresident fellow, Program for
Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society, University of
Pennsylvania. Jini L. Roby, JD, MS W, is associate professor in social
work, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Correspondence can be
addressed to David R. Hodge, Mail Code 3251, 4701 West Thunderbird Road,
Glendale, AZ 853066612. The authors gratefully acknowledge the data
collection and project management assistance of Stacey Shaw, as well as
Ugandan research assistants Joy Wanjala, Julie Gaddimba, and Andrew
Kubbuka. Funding support was provided by the College of Family, Home and
Social Sciences at Brigham Young University. An earlier version of this
article was presented at a meeting of the Society for Social Work and
Research, January 17-20, 2008, Washington, DC.
HODGE AND RORY / Sub-Saharan African Women with HIV/AIDS:
Exploration of General and Spiritual Coping Strategies
Table 1: Sample Characteristics
Characteristic n % M SD
162 35.03 7.75
Children under 15 years 162 2.69 1.21
Years sick 158 5.79 4.22
Years attending TASO 162 3.733 3.54
HIV/AIDS 160 98.8
Tuberculosis/don't know 2 1.2
Marital status
Widowed 69 42.6
Married 39 24.1
Single 37 22.8
Divorced/separated 17 10.5
Only biological 130 80.2
Biological and relatives' 23 14.2
Only relatives' 9 5.6
None 20 12.1
Some primary 60 37.0
Primary-Grade 7 32 19.8
Some secondary 28 17.3
Secondary (4 years) 15 6.3
High school (2 years) 2 1.2
Postsecondary 4 2.5
Protestant 79 48.8
Catholic 68 42.0
Muslim 15 9.3
Urban 84 51.9
Rural 77 47.5
Note: TASO = the AIDS Support Organization.