The Africa growth initiative presents ... meeting the deadline: challenges to development in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kimenyi, Mwangi S. ; Routman, Brandon
Africa continues to face many challenges in achieving its
development goals, and its unlikely that many of the countries in
Sub-Saharan Africa will he able to meet the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) by 2015 as expected. The failure to meet the MDGs is due in part
to the limited amount of resources that are devoted to delivering social
services such as education and health. Resources are necessary to build
schools and health clinics, train and hire qualified service providers,
and equip the schools and clinics with the essential learning materials
for schools and drugs for health clinics. However, resources represent
just one challenge that is not necessarily the most important. Recent
evidence suggests that a crucial explanation for the poor human
development outcomes is the poor governance in the delivery of social
A common response to accelerating the pace of human development has
been to call for more resources. Donor countries especially have been
called on to support poor countries in delivering social services more
effectively and to more of their people. But while it is crucial for
more developed partners to honor their commitments, it is not reasonable
to expect them to donate significantly more resources over the next two
years, given that many of their economies are still experiencing slow
recovery after the global economic and financial crisis. But improvement
on the MDGs is still possible, and it does not necessarily require more
resources to make additional gains. In fact, evidence shows that there
is only a weak connection between more resources and improved delivery
of essential public services like healthcare and education. Thus,
increasing resources without implementing reforms in the systems of
service delivery may not boost the MDGs progress trajectory at all.
A large volume of empirical evidence suggests that the most
important barrier to progress in the MDGs is weak accountability in
service delivery. When providers and policymakers are not held
accountable by the citizens, resources made available to deliver public
services do not translate into desired outcomes. Instead, service
providers engage in activities that better serve their own interests,
often at the expense of the citizens. One of the most direct
manifestations of this is the leakage of resources: a large fraction of
resources meant to procure drugs and materials for clinics or books for
schools are siphoned by bureaucrats for their own use. The outcome of
such leakages is obvious--a lower quality and quantity of goods and
services are made available to those who should be benefiting from them.
Such behaviors have greatly undermined the achievement of the MDGs.
The other dimension of weak accountability is reflected by low
provider effort. The manifestations of this aspect are shocking in many
developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Teachers and
nurses do not show up for work, are not present in the appropriate areas
when they are at work, or do not provide the services that they should
be while they are there. Because they are not held accountable, they may
even be abusive to the clients they are supposed to be helping. Thus,
visiting service facilities can be an agonizing process for many people,
and is. characterized by poor service delivery, delays and long wait
lines. Moreover, while the failure of accountability in service delivery
is detrimental to most of society, it is especially detrimental to the
poor, who are disproportionately dependent on government assistance, are
the most likely victims, and are least able to rebound from its effects.
The poor often have no alternatives if they are denied medical treatment
or a quality education. In addition to the fact that the poor have
limited exit options from the publicly provided services, they also have
limited capacity to hold the providers accountable.
We report on some recent data on service delivery in the health and
education sectors in two African countries, Tanzania and Senegal, and on
education only in Kenya. The results are based on recent surveys
coordinated by one of the authors of this essay under the auspices of
the African Economic Research Consortium and the World Bank. The focus
is on social service delivery and specifically the delivery of primary
education and also basic health care, which are considered critical
aspects to human development. The surveys focus on service delivery
failures associated with absenteeism, tow-provider effort and leakage of
resources. These are aspects of service delivery for which the providers
have a fair degree of discretion and are thus susceptible to abuse. When
providers are absent from work or do not put in the effort required,
clients do not access the quantity and quality of services they are
expected to receive. Likewise, resource leakages imply that the resource
meant to finance the services are used to benefit public officials
instead of the clients. These measures are meant to be "report
cards" on the delivery of services as experienced by the clients.
Having such an assessment is a crucial first step in improving service
delivery outcomes for millions of people in Africa and the developing
Service Delivery Indicators
One of the most glaring pieces of evidence of poor service delivery
in Africa is the poor learning outcome in primary schools. The data of
the primary school enrollment MDG shows that there has been remarkable
progress in getting children to schools; in fact many countries are on
track to achieving this goal. Unfortunately, however, while children are
going to school, the quality of learning is extremely low and does not
measure up to expectations. For example, survey data from 150 primary
schools in Senegal, 180 in Tanzania and 300 in Kenya revealed that
performance of pupils was generally poor (although not uniformly so).
For example, while 86 percent of Kenyan fourth graders could read a
basic sentence, only 33 percent and 6 percent of Senegalese and
Tanzanian children in the same grade were able to do the same. Also
striking was the fact that 8 percent of Kenyan children, 14 percent of
Senegalese children and 17 percent of Tanzanian children were unable to
calculate the sum of two single-digit numbers.
These results do not represent isolated cases. Poor learning
outcomes are evidenced in many other countries, as demonstrated by the
Brookings Institution's Africa Learning Barometer. This is an
interactive tool that was created by the Center for Universal Education
at Brookings and This is Africa, which is a part of the Financial mes.
The Barometer displays visualizations on metrics such as school
enrollment and graduation rates, and levels of educational quality. The
question then is why the children enrolled in schools are not learning.
The answer is provided in part by three problems, the most serious of
which is teacher absenteeism. Absenteeism is defined as the share of
teachers who should be in school on a particular day but do not show up.
Data on provider absenteeism collected through unannounced school visits
found high rates of absenteeism: 23 percent in Tanzania, 18 percent in
Senegal and 15 percent in Kenya. Teacher absenteeism in African
countries compare dismally with those of the United States, where
teacher absenteeism is, on average, 5.3 percent. Furthermore, it is
important to note that in the United States, teacher substitutes are
engaged to cover for absent teachers.
The other factor that contributes to poor learning outcomes is the
low-effort among teachers: The survey results revealed that, even when
teachers showed up for work, they were not in the classroom 53 percent,
42 percent, and 29 percent of the time in Tanzania, Kenya, and Senegal,
respectively. Thus, being present in school does not mean that teachers
are actually teaching. The combined effect of teachers being absent from
school and also in class translates to a very low number of hours during
which pupils are being taught. Based on the survey results, on average
children were being taught for three hours and 15 minutes in Senegal,
two hours and 40 minutes in Kenya, and two hours and four minutes in
Tanzania every school day. Making matters worse, many of the teachers
were not adequately prepared to teach their material. 52 percent of the
teachers in Senegal, 42 percent of the teachers in Tanzania, and 33
percent of the teachers in Kenya lacked the requisite knowledge and
understanding of the subjects they taught.
The third problem impacting learning outcomes is that of resource
leakage. Ordinarily, resources that are meant to go to schools pass
through various administrative levels: from the central government
ministry to the Provincial and District levels, and eventually to the
provider facilities. In the process of this flow, resources are lost
through bureaucratic manipulation and irregular expenditures. The
implication of resource leakages is that although a country may record
high levels of resources allocated to primary schools, only a fraction
of the resources may actually reach the intended beneficiaries. The
survey results revealed that in Tanzania, 37 percent of a capitation
grant intended for the purchase of school supplies was leaked and thus
on average schools received only 63 percent of the intended allocation.
Previous studies found resource leakage rates in healthcare to be 38
percent in Kenya and 70 percent in Uganda. One consequence of this form
of corruption is that the materials used for instruction are often
lacking and the physical conditions of the classrooms are often not
conducive to learning. A scant 16 percent and 3 percent of schools in
Senegal and Tanzania had access to electricity, improved sanitation, and
clean water. Only 73 percent of Kenyan schools have clean toilets.
Textbooks are scarce: there are 2.5 textbooks per student in Senegal,
roughly one textbook per student in Tanzania, and one textbook for every
three students in Kenya. Although we cannot attribute the poor state of
facilities entirely to the leakage of the resources, it is apparent that
such leakage does indeed contribute to a poor learning environment.
The study in Tanzania and Senegal also included an examination of
the health sector in those countries, surveying roughly 150 medical
facilities in Senegal and 175 facilities in Tanzania. The findings from
these surveys are consistent with the results on the delivery of
education services discussed above and are equally discouraging. Staff
absenteeism was rampant: approximately one-fifth of medical workers from
the two countries were absent during an unannounced spot check. Observed
levels of effort were low: most of a clinician's clays are not
spent counseling patients. On average, a clinician counsels patients for
only 39 minutes a day in Senegal and 29 minutes a day in Tanzania. In
essence, provision of medical services is characterized by very low
provider effort. Although the cited study does not have data on the
leakage of resources in the provision of medical care, it does have
figures on the expenditure on primary health care which do reach the
level of the clinic (on a per capita basis.) In Tanzania this figure is
roughly US$7--for Senegal, it is US$1.78.
Compounding the failures due to provider absenteeism and low
effort, the surveys also revealed that medical staff is under-skilled.
In a simulation in which they were asked to diagnose patients
complaining of particular symptoms, a correct diagnoses was ascertained
57 percent of the time in Tanzania and only 34 percent of time in
Senegal. Alarmingly, only about a third of the clinicians in both
countries are able to diagnose the often fatal disease of diarrhea.
Finally, the poor infrastructure acerbates service delivery failures.
Only about 40 percent of the facilities in Senegal have electricity, as
well as clean water and sanitation facilities; about half that number
had these essential infrastructures in Tanzania. Only 78 percent of
clinics in Tanzania and 53 percent of clinics in Senegal have basic
medical equipment like a thermometer or a stethoscope.
The results from these studies are in line with those of previous
studies that have investigated service delivery in Africa and other
developing areas. For instance, a 2005 study found absentee rates of 2 7
percent in primary schools and 37 percent in primary health centers in
Uganda. The same study also found that only about 45 percent of teachers
in India were actually teaching even though they were not absent. This
means that just because teachers report for work, it does not
necessarily imply that they teach when they are expected to be in class.
Many times they are in school but absent from class when they are
supposed to be teaching.
Institutional Failures and Poor Service Delivery
The evidence discussed above suggests that there are serious
problems with the institutions of service delivery in developing
countries. The massive resource leakages, high levels of provider
absenteeism, and low effort have detrimental effects on the quantity and
quality of services that the client, especially the poor, receives.
Specifically, there are widespread accountability failures across the
service delivery chain. This can be shown by looking at a simple
framework of service delivery where several agents interact:
policymakers, providers, and the client/citizen.
Policymakers allocate the state's resources for particular
services and make these resources available to the providers. The
expectation is then that the policymakers will follow up with the
providers to make sure that they deliver the services to the poor--in
other words, the providers should be accountable to the policymakers.
Service providers include school administrators, teachers, doctors,
nurses, etc. The providers are the ones that interact directly with the
clients and are expected to be also accountable to the clients by
providing services as expected. But the policymaker should also be
accountable to the providers by honoring agreements between the two: pay
salaries and do so in time, provide logistical support, training, etc.
The anal group of actors are the clients or citizens who are supposed to
receive the services and include students, medical patients, and, in a
broad sense, taxpayers. In this framework, the clients/citizens should
also be able to hold the policymakers and providers accountable. We look
at these accountability relationships in more detail below.
Clients and Polity Makers
Occasionally referred to as the 'long route' of
accountability, clients should hold their elected officials responsible
for service delivery--what is referred to as voice. In fact, the idea
that a population rewards or punishes its officials through elections is
the basis of democratic theory. However, there are preconditions that
must be satisfied in order for the system to work well. For one, the
power of the political incumbency cannot be too strong; at a minimum,
free and fair elections must be held. Secondly, there must be credible
opposition parties that offer a distinct alternative to the policies of
the incumbency. And thirdly, voters must vote based on service delivery
performance, as opposed to voting along ethnic lines or for other
reasons. It is difficult for accountability to flourish when one or more
of these conditions are not satisfied. The service delivery failures
observed above suggest that the accountability relationship between the
clients and policymakers are weak--clients are not able to effectively
hold the policymakers accountable. Thus, even when the clients do not
receive the services due to them, they are not able to compel the
policymakers to reprimand the providers.
Service Providers and Polity Makers
Policymakers must be able to hold service providers responsible for
their actions. When such accountability breaks down, teachers and
medical workers, despite being absent, incompetent, and/or engaging in
larcenous behaviors, are not fired, or even, in many cases, reprimanded.
One general reason for this lack of accountability has to do with
political power. In many countries, teachers and their unions exert
influence over and in some extreme cases, have "captured" so
much institutional power that they can effectively block any reforms
they disagree with. A case study from Uganda illustrates this problem:
the Ministry of Education proposed a reform that would allow school
principals to devise performance goals to be achieved within a two year
time-frame. Head teachers would then sign a contract with the local
government, which stated that not achieving these goals were grounds for
demotion or transfer. Despite the fact that the principals were to
establish these targets themselves, the proposal was blocked by the
teachers' union in the country, which argued that the penalties
were too stringent. In essence, the countervailing power of providers
appears to be one reason for the poor accountability in service delivery
in Africa.
Service Providers and Clients
Finally, clients need to hold service providers responsible for
their performance--which is sometimes referred to as the "short
route" of accountability or simply, client power. In order to
engage in this type of collective action, clients need information to be
broadly disseminated. Parents need to low how often their child's
teacher is absent for instance, or how much the school district should
be receiving in state-allocated funds. A study that evaluated a
newspaper campaign in Uganda that made available information regarding a
large education grant that was disbursed in a monthly transfer to
various school districts revealed that when armed with such information,
citizens were able to monitor local officials and pressure the
educational system to improve. As a consequence, there was less leakage
of funds, higher school enrollment rates, and better student outcomes.
The foregoing discussion demonstrates the importance of good
governance in the delivery of public services. Failure of accountability
implies that both policymakers and citizens do not effectively monitor
and censure providers for poor performance. Likewise, the citizens are
not able to punish the policymakers for service delivery failures. It is
because of such weak accountability relationships that primarily
explains the poor state of service delivery.
There is no doubt that accelerating the pace of human development
in Africa would require additional commitment of resources to deliver
education and health services. However, more resources do not
necessarily imply that the quantity and quality of services will
improve. Even with the resources currently available, social service
delivery could be enhanced if there were improvements in accountability.
We have demonstrated that poor service delivery is in part due to weak
accountability along the service delivery chain--policy-makers, service
providers, and clients do not hold each other sufficiently responsible
for high absenteeism, low-effort, and leakage of resources. Additional
resources are therefore unlikely to result in major changes in terms of
quality and quantity of resources unless there are institutional reforms
that strengthen the accountability relationships. If the African
countries are to make major advances in meeting the MDGs, they must
focus on improving accountability in social service delivery.
MWANGI S. KIMENYI is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Africa
Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institution. He is also the Founding
Executive Director of the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and
Analysis. BRANDON ROUTMAN is a Research Assistant for the Africa Growth