Late glacial prehistory of central and southern Portugal.
Bicho, Nuno Ferreira
Very little is known of the Upper Palaeolithic of Portugal, although
it has been assumed to have the same general characteristics as
elsewhere in southwestern Europe. New evidence suggests clear
technological distinctions between Portugal and other areas of
southwestern Europe after the Last Glacial Maximum, c. 18,000
(uncalibrated) years ago, and allows an initial synthesis for Portuguese
Late Glacial prehistory, 16,000-8500 b.p.
Western Europe saw important transformations in hunter-gatherer
lifeways after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Among these changes,
faster and more significant after the Holocene began, are the lack of a
bifacial lithic technology such as that of the Solutrean, an increase in
microlithic point production and more diverse and complex lithic assemblages (Audouze 1987; Burdukiewicz 1986; Campbell 1986; Straus
1986a; 1986b). Along with these lithic changes, new hunting techniques
(Straus 1987) and economic systems exploiting a larger range of animals
and plants (Clark & Straus 1986) were developed. These
transformations were, sometimes, directly or indirectly caused by
environmental changes. Rising sea level and increased global temperature
altered river valleys and lacustrine environments, introducing animals
and plants as well as expanding and contracting their range. Though, in
a certain way, similar in all western Europe, these changes were neither
uniform nor contemporaneous across the region. After the LGM, central
and southern Portugal, and most likely southern Spain, felt a faster and
earlier palaeoenvironmental transformation than northern Iberia or
New data on palaeoenvironment and tardiglacial Portuguese prehistory
show significant differences between Portugal and the traditional core
areas of western Europe. This paper is based on recent analysis by this
author of material from the Bocas rock-shelter and from the Estremadura
project (directed by Drs Marks and Zilhao), as well as other published
The 1993 radiocarbon calibration extends the period where
determinations can be calibrated back to the LGM; but here, uncalibrated
determinations in years 'b.p.' are used, as has been
Brief history of Portuguese Palaeolithic archaeology
Research on the Palaeolithic period began early in Portugal. Cave
excavations carried out in 1866 by the National Geological Survey
(created in 1848; Zilhao in press a) were directed by the geologists
Carlos Ribeiro and Joaquim Filipe Nery Delgado, participants in the
major 19th-century debate over eoliths and Tertiary humans (Grayson
1986). They were also, without knowing it, pioneers in work on site
formation processes and taphonomic problems (Zilhao in press b). Despite
these promising independent origins, Portuguese Palaeolithic research
has, since then, been strongly influenced by French research.
In 1918, Abbe Breuil published a paper in a Portuguese journal
describing Palaeolithic finds from the Lisbon peninsula, pointing out
the similarities with the French Palaeolithic. Twenty years later,
Breuil returned to Portugal to expand his first 'Impressions',
and survey fluvial and coastal Pleistocene terraces with Georges
Zbyszewski (Breuil & Zbyszewski 1942; 1945). They found large river
valleys, as well as coastal cliffs, very rich in Palaeolithic artefacts.
Naturally, the lithic artefacts were divided following the French
chrono-cultural classification of Breuil (1912).
During some 20 years, beginning in the late 1930s, Manuel Heleno,
director of the National Museum of Archaeology, excavated in the Rio
Maior (inland) and Torres Vedras (coastal area north of Tagus river)
areas of the Portuguese Estremadura. Unfortunately, these excavations
did not follow modern procedures. Entire sites were excavated in long
trenches with very poor vertical control. The results were not published
beyond a few short notes labelling the assemblages by Breuil's
classification (Heleno 1944; 1956; cf. Zilhao 1985), which brought
'Aurignacian', 'Gravettian', 'Solutrean'
and 'Magdalenian' into the Portuguese Palaeolithic. Heleno was
not an archaeologist, but an historian interested only in establishing
the antiquity and background of the 'Portuguese nation'. Like
Breuil, he saw type-fossils as indicative of whole industries. As a
consequence, he assigned wrong classifications to some assemblages
(Zilhao 1985; 1987).
In the decade after Heleno's 1956 note, Jean Roche began
research on the Portuguese Palaeolithic (Roche 1964; 1979; 1982).
Breuil's classification was again used to identify lithic
assemblages from various cave and open-air sites, and again,
re-evaluation of cultural attributions has proved some wrong (Zilhao
1987; 1988).
Recent work by Zilhao and Araujo has greatly advanced the study of
the Final Upper Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic. They have studied
tardi-glacial and early Holocene sites (Araujo in press; Araujo &
Zilhao in press; Zilhao et al. 1987), and helped to correct cultural
attributions of assemblages excavated prior to 1980 (Zilhao 1985; 1987;
1988). Yet, except for Zilhao's (1987; 1990; 1991) study of the
Solutrean, there is no general synthesis of the Portuguese Late Upper
In 1987, Marks and Zilhao began in the Portuguese Estremadura to
build a chronological, environmental and cultural scheme for the Upper
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Portugal (Marks et al. in press). These
new data indicate that such periods as the Magdalenian or the Azilian,
well defined and represented in Cantabrian Spain and western France, are
not directly applicable to the terminal Pleistocene occupations of
Portugal (Bicho 1992a). The term Magdalenian, applied to Portuguese
assemblages, can be defined as a lithic techno-complex based on flake
and bladelet productions, covering the time-span from after the Late
Glacial Maximum (c. 18,000 b.p.) to Holocene times (c. 9000 b.p.). It
can be isolated from the Portuguese Solutrean by the lack of a bifacial
technology, a general decrease in tool size and an increase in backed
bladelets and micropoints (Bicho 1992a). After Solutrean times, major
technological and typological changes occurred only after 8500 b.p.,
with the introduction of the Mesolithic economy and the large-scale
production of geometrics using the micro-burin technique (Arnaud 1987;
1990; Vierra 1992). Although the Portuguese 'Magdalenian' is
different from that in northern Iberia, it shows the same general
variability as in the rest of western Europe. This wide variability both
at the micro- and macro-regional scale contrasts with the Solutrean,
which is more uniform across space. In Portugal, the term Magdalenian
is, essentially, a temporal term, while Solutrean has temporal,
technological, geographical and cultural meaning.
Palaeoenvironment of central Portugal: the Estremadura region
Portuguese Estremadura is located between c. 40 |degrees~ and 38
|degrees~ 30|prime~ latitude north. A coastal area, Estremadura is
bordered by the river Mondego to the north and by the Sado and Tagus
river valleys to the south and east. The environment of central Portugal
is deeply marked by the wide and plain valleys of the Tagus and the Sado
and their tributaries, as well as by the great topographic variability
of the limestone massif: the mountains of Serra d'Aire, Candeeiros
and Montejunto all rising above 600 metres. The coast, characterized by
a sinuous line of peninsulas, capes and river estuaries, is marked by
sand dunes dating to the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, separating
enclaves of much older high cliffs. The present climate, influenced by
Atlantic and Mediterranean elements, has a high gradient from north to
south in both temperature and rainfall (Ribeiro et al. 1988).
The traditional scenario for the Portuguese palaeoenvironment during
the LGM, based on geomorphology and the pollen sequence from northern
Spain and southern France (between 20,000 b.p. and 18,000 b.p.), is of a
treeless tundra vegetation above 700 m in the mountains of Estrela,
Cabreira, Geres and Peneda in central and northern Portugal (Daveau
1971; 1973; 1980; 1986). Lower altitudes were characterized by an open
pine forest, thicker in the river valleys. The polar front located
around the 42 |degrees~ parallel, with its strong, salty winds,
eliminated the vegetation cover and deposited sand dunes, creating a
'coastal desert' as far south as Lisbon (Daveau 1986; Zilhao
1987). This scenario is believed to have been stable between 15,000 b.p.
and c. 10,000 b.p., except for the contraction of the glaciers in the
lowlands around the mountains. By 11,000 b.p., a cold and dry period
(corresponding to Dryas III pollen zone sequence) caused an expansion of
the glaciers of Estrela and the regression of the pine forests to more
southern latitudes. Although palaeoenvironmental information is still
incomplete, new data from Rio Maior, various Estremaduran caves and two
lacustrine pollen sequences from the southern coast suggest instead that
climatic amelioration in central and southern Portugal occurred earlier
and more rapidly than in the rest of western Europe. The replacement of
Atlantic by Mediterranean species most likely occurred immediately after
the regression of the polar front located at 42 |degrees~ latitude,
around the Gulf of Biscay (CLIMAP 1976; McIntyre & Kipp 1976;
Ruddiman & McIntyre 1981). High frequencies of such microfaunal
species as Apodemus sylvaticus, Eliomys quercinus and Terricola
duodecimcostatus and reduced Microtus agrestis occur in a stratum (Eb)
of Caldeirao cave dated to between c. 15,000 b.p. and 10,000 b.p.
(Povoas et al. 1992). The increase of these three rodent species
indicates the development of a Mediterranean climate, probably with
pine, olive and oak forests, in a relatively high area (160 m)
characterized today by a pre-Atlantic climate. The stratum lacks such
colder climate macrofaunal species as ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), very important components of the earlier
Solutrean occupation of the cave (Povoas et al. 1991; Zilhao 1991), and
other Solutrean sites (Cardoso 1992). In the Magdalenian level of
Caldeirao and at the Algar de Cascais and Algar Joao Ramos (the latter
two are not anthropic assemblages: Cardoso 1992) Capra pyrenaica and
Rupicapra rupicapra were replaced by wild boar (Sus scrofa) and roe deer
(Capreolus TABULAR DATA OMITTED capreolus), two species adapted to
forested areas, as well as by red deer (Cervus elaphus), aurochs (Bos
primigenius) and horse (Equus), all species adapted to more open
temperate environments and humid in the case of aurochs (Cardoso 1992).
At Cabeco de Porto Marinho, wood charcoal from an archaeological level
dated to 11,200 b.p. (Figueiral in press) indicates a Mediterranean
forest with pine (Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster), evergreen and
deciduous oaks (Quercus ilex/suber), birch (Fraxinus angustifolia), wild
strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) and olive (Olea europea ?sylvestris).
Olive and wild strawberry trees suggest a warm and dry climate, similar
to that of today.
Pollen sequences are known from very few sites, all dated to Holocene
times. Lagoa Comprida, located in the Serra da Estrela at a high
elevation of 1600 m, provides a sequence dated between c. 9200 b.p. and
850 b.p. (Janssen & Woldringh 1981; Van den Brink & Janssen
1985). The lowermost zone is characterized by pine pollen (Pinus
sylvestris), with some non-arboreal pollen, suggesting an open pine
forest. Around 9000 b.p., the pollen assemblage exhibits a high
frequency of oak pollen and low frequencies of pine and non-arboreal
pollens. This oak forest lasted for about 800 years;. it was replaced
around 8300 b.p. by a mixed deciduous oak and birch forest that covered
the landscape until deforestation, around 5000 years ago, probably due
to human action (Van den Brink & Janssen 1985; Chester & James
1991). Another pollen sequence from Lagoa Travessa, south of Lisbon, is
dated between 7580 |+ or -~ 70 b.p. and present times (Mateus 1985).
After a coastal pine forest (Pinus pinaster) dated to 7600-6500 b.p.,
there was an increase in oak and alder pollens, as well as coastal scrub
and salt marsh species, corresponding to a marine transgression and the
retreat of the coastline.
These data show for the tardi-glacial and early Holocene in central
Portugal a gradual increase of vegetational density and diversity, with
a mix of Atlantic and Mediterranean species in the lowlands and river
valleys. This gradual increase was caused by the northern expansion of
the Mediterranean biotic communities that lived in southernmost Iberia
during the LGM. After the LGM, the tree and shrub vegetation mantle of
the mountains (cold-adapted pine species and some steppe vegetation)
slowly migrated upwards. Faunal communities that had been using the same
areas slowly disaggregated, with cold-adapted ibex and chamois moving
towards higher altitudes, while species like red deer, roe deer, wild
boar, horse and aurochs shared the lowlands.
Regional geomorphology was altered by the cut and fill of rivers,
caused by the Atlantic transgression during the last deglaciation,
culminating around 5000 b.p., with high sea level and lacustrine
environments in the Tagus and Sado basins. This cut and fill opened
areas for localized eolian movement of sands that would affect human
settlement, fauna and flora, while the coast was a permanent area of
beach and eolian action, as in the present.
In summary, the climate would have been moderate and relatively dry
after 16,000 b.p. with a progressive increase through time in both
temperature and moisture. The location and abundance of the different
trees were more a local consequence of soil composition, ground water
availability and atmospheric availability than global climatic
The sites: dating and location
There are only 18 sites in Portugal dated between 16,000 b.p. and c.
8500 b.p., although some have multiple levels. At Carneira there are
four different areas: Carneira, excavated by Heleno some 50 years ago;
Olival; Pinhal; and Carneira II (Bicho 1992a; Marks et al. in press).
Cabeco do Porto Marinho (CPM) also has multiple areas and archaeological
levels spanning the Aurignacian to the Bronze Age, with 11 levels dating
between 16,000 b.p. and 9000 b.p. (Bicho 1992a; Marks et al. in press).
Lapa do Suao, a cave site, contains Upper Palaeolithic and
Epipalaeolithic occupations among others (Roche 1979; 1982). Finally,
the rock-shelter of Bocas yielded five archaeological levels, of which
the three lowest are dated to c. 10,000 years ago. Most occupations
(site area, or archaeological level) are dated to after 12,000 b.p.
Although the overall number of sites is very low, their location
suggests that the coast was only rarely used as a settlement area before
10,000 years ago. Marine shells and fish bones from Caldeirao cave
(Zilhao 1992a; 1992b) show human movement between inland and coastal
areas. In Pre-Boreal and Boreal times both coastal and inland areas were
widely used by the hunter-gatherer communities. Sites tend to
concentrate in discrete areas, around the Rio Maior and Mira rivers, or
the coastal area north of the Tagus River. Shell-middens are present
only after 10,000 b.p.; both coastal (Pedra do Patacho) and inland sites
(e.g. Bocas and Casal Papagaio) have many marine and estuarine shells,
which indicate regular movement to and from the coast. While the coastal
site, Pedra do Patacho, is an open settlement, the two inland
shell-middens are in caves. All cave sites are inland, suggesting that
present coastal caves were not used during the terminal Upper
Palaeolithic, as they were during the Solutrean.
Open-air sites are located at low altitude (generally below 100 m
a.s.l.) in sand deposits, frequently dunes, within a few hundred metres
of a stream or near the confluence of two rivers. They also overlook
water from high points on the landscape; the southern sites, Palheiroes
do Alegra and Pedra do Patacho, overlook the Atlantic and, in the case
of the latter, the estuary of the Mira River.
Features and site function
In the Rio Maior area, the sites are on south-facing gentle slopes,
on the higher sand ridges between the rivers, sunnier locations that
offered protection from the predominant north winds. Hearths from the
Rio Maior sites have rocks and cobbles which would have provided
protection from the wind, but two Areeiro III hearths did not contain
rocks. They consisted only of large chunks of wood charcoal, piled
against each other in a concentric manner and protected by a natural
erosional cut of the sand dune (Bicho 1991). The stone hearths found at
some Rio Maior sites, as well as other sites, such as Ponta da Vigia (Zilhao et al. 1987), have semi-circles of angular, broken rocks and
large cobbles, as well as large, fractured quartzite cores. The large
cobbles are mostly quartz and quartzite, while the angular rock
fragments are quartz, quartzite, sandstone and basalt. Around these
hearths the artefact density is very high (Bicho 1992a; Marks 1991). At
Palheiroes do Alegra, the various hearths are 'cuvettes',
circular in shape with a few rocks and slightly elevated at the centre,
where the sand is very dark due to fire (Raposo et al. 1989). They are,
most likely, the same kind of hearth as at Areeiro III, but the charcoal
has disappeared as Palheiroes do Alegra is a surface site. The Rio Maior
archaeological levels are characterized by high frequencies of different
sized broken rocks and gravel, sometimes burned and very abundant,
although very rarely do they resemble the Magdalenian-age pavements
found in open-air sites in the Isle Valley of the Perigord (Gaussen
1980). Only one feature suggests a purposeful shape, a rectangle c. 3 x
2 m. In general, these rock concentrations are denser in the occupations
dated around 12,000 to 11,000 b.p. than in those older or younger.
Apparently, there are different types of sites. The most common type
is very large, with large areas of occupation (more than 100 sq. m in
area), very large lithic collections and features such as hearths and
rock concentrations. Such sites could possibly represent what Binford
(1980) has called base camps. The best examples of these occupations are
some later levels of Cabeco do Porto Marinho, Palheiroes do Alegra and,
possibly, Areeiro III (although this last might correspond to a
successive number of occupations during a few hundred years). The only
large occupation in a cave is represented by the levels
'Fundo' and '1' of the rock-shelter of Bocas I, with
large concentrations of lithic materials, including many large quartzite
and quartz cores, and thick deposits. In level '1', a thick
shell-midden marked by an abundance of estuarine shells, further
indicates a residential base camp. Short term open air camps, extending
over only a few square metres and, in general, concentrating around a
single hearth, are found in some levels of Cabeco do Porto Marinho and
some Carneira areas. This type, may in fact, represent remains of
specific activities, where there is low tool richness (cf. Chatters
1987; Thomas 1988; 1989), smaller assemblage size, and fewer and less
diversified features, as in the level dated to 10,940 b.p. of the
'CPM III Trench' area.
At Caldeirao cave (Zilhao 1992b) and in level '0' of Bocas
I, although the assemblage size is relatively large, the few tool
classes (i.e. low artefact class richness), high frequency of a very
specialized type of microlithic backed point, and a very narrow range of
lithic raw materials suggest possible logistical camps. The lack of
meat-bearing bones (Binford 1978; Chatters 1987; Davidson 1983) such as
vertebrae, ribs or proximal epiphyses of long bones, suggest a
dismemberment and butchering camp, consistent with the presence of
numerous aurochs and red deer teeth, as well as distal fragments of
tibia and aurochs astragalus. The location of Bocas is relevant, since
the site is in the middle of a deep and narrow canyon of the Rio Maior,
which provides the only easy communication between the eastern and
western parts of the region. The entrance of this canyon would be the
perfect place to ambush large game like aurochs and red deer, as well as
species of more forested areas such as wild boar and roe deer.
The bone and lithic assemblages: reduction strategies, technology and
Bone tools are rare in the Portuguese Palaeolithic, most likely due
to the low number of sites with preserved faunal remains. Bone tools,
mostly fragments, dated to after the LGM are present only at Caldeirao
cave (Zilhao pers. comm. 1992) and Bocas rock-shelter. These fragments
are, in general, distal portions of sagaies (bone joints). An
unpublished fragment recovered in the late 1930s by Manuel Heleno in
Bocas, is decorated with short, oblique parallel lines. There is no
evidence for harpoons.
Lithic raw materials largely indicate dependence upon local sources
with a strong preference for cherts. In the south, the local raw
material is greywacke, available on beaches as cobbles, and the
assemblages are mostly composed of it. Flint, not readily available
locally, occurs in very low frequencies, used intensively for the
manufacture of retouched tools. In the Rio Maior area and in the coast
north of the Tagus, quartzite and quartz are immediately available. At
Rio Maior, flint is also available at a distance of 1-3 km, depending on
the site (Marks et al. 1990), and assemblages are mainly of flint. There
were three different economic strategies for the different raw
materials. The strategy for quartz and quartzite was expediency (Binford
1979); time consumption for lithic procurement and transportation was
practically non-existent, shaping and preparation of the core very
simple, core maintenance very rare or absent. Also, the retouched tools
on these raw materials are very rare and, frequently, of very simple
form. This strategy is seen in Rio Maior (Bicho 1992a; in press a),
Palheiroes do Alegra (Raposo et al. 1989; Vierra 1992), Caldeirao
(Zilhao n.d.) and Ponta da Vigia (Vierra 1992; Zilhao et al. 1987). The
second strategy also present at these three latter sites, was TABULAR
DATA OMITTED curation, used for the silicious raw materials (Binford
1979), since the flint, jasper and chalcedony were brought from
non-local sources. The third strategy for flint and other silicious raw
materials was expenditure, time-consuming in transport of nodules, as
well as in their shaping, preparation and maintenance, which produced
large amounts of debitage and blanks for manufacture of formal retouched
tools. These tools were manufactured, used and discarded frequently
since the raw material was abundant. Different reduction sequences were
used for different raw materials (Bicho in press b). While flint was
largely used in all strategies, quartz and quartzite were used mostly in
unidirectional flaking; rarely quartz and quartzite cores exhibit
evidence for bi-directional and multi-directional strategies. Shaping
and preparation of the core was very different among the raw materials.
Flint cores were extensively prepared and the cortex removed from all
faces, while the cortex of quartz cores was rarely extensively removed.
This pattern was more extreme in the case of quartzite, where the
original core faces were rarely and never very extensively prepared
(Bicho 1992a).
The ratio of flint to non-silicious raw materials changed through
time and was different between the two facies ('Carinated' and
'Rio Maior'); the variability, both diachronic and synchronic,
is related to the increase in bladelet production. Although bladelet
cores were made in quartz, there are very few complete quartz bladelets.
Most complete bladelets and all retouched bladelet tools are on flint,
suggesting that flint was preferred for bladelet production because it
fractured less. As bladelet production increased, the frequency of
non-silicious raw materials decreased.
The assemblages from the Rio Maior area clustered into various groups
(Bicho 1992a; 1992b) based on technological attributes, that indicate
both diachronic change and synchronic diversity. The two technological
facies (synchronic variability) can be easily separated by high and low
frequencies of the carinated reduction strategy. Within each
technological facies there are temporal divisions. The
'Carinated' facies was present after 11,000 b.p., while the
'Rio Maior' facies was present, at least, since 16,000 b.p.
The 'Rio Maior' facies, the most common, is dated, in a
first phase to between 16,000 b.p. and 15,000 b.p.. Quartz and quartzite
expedient technology was common. Assemblages dated to 14,000 b.p. are
marked by a high frequency of quartz materials, in the form of very
large cores, as well as an abundance of large flakes. Flint material is
essentially similar to that of the older assemblages. From 12,000 b.p.
and 9000 b.p., two different phases (12,000 b.p. to 10,500 b.p. and
10,500 b.p. to 9000 b.p.) share an increase in platform facetting, an
increase in bladelet production and in flint use, this increase
depending on the distance to the source (Bicho 1992a).
The 'Carinated' facies is characterized by the extensive
use of carinated technology, although other strategies (unidirectional,
opposed, multi-directional) were also largely used. Non-silicious raw
materials were rare. Bladelet size is significantly different from those
of the other assemblages, while the bladelet tends to be twisted and
pointed. The 'Carinated' facies also shows some temporal
diversity. Pinhal da Carneira, dated to c. 11,000 b.p., is still very
similar both in technology and typology to most other assemblages dated
to between 11,000 b.p. and 9000 b.p., but the younger assemblage,
Areeiro III dated to c. 8500 b.p., is very different. This places the
change from Palaeolithic to Mesolithic later than elsewhere, since it is
only after 8500 b.p. that we see the material evidence (fauna, lithic
material, site location, settlement pattern) corresponding to the two
social-economic systems, change significantly.
Conclusions: subsistence and economy of the tardi-glacial
hunter-gatherers of central and southern Portugal
Tardi-glacial human occupations are known mostly from inland open air
sites in Estremadura, with only two sites located south of the Tagus,
close to the Mira River. This is a major contrast with the earlier
period, the Solutrean, when both cave and open air sites were frequently
used at inland and present coastal areas (Zilhao 1992b). Although the
distances from Solutrean and Magdalenian sites to the present coast are
different, distances to contemporary shore-lines may have been the same.
There is a significant difference in absolute areas and range of
occupation. After the LGM, coastal resources were more frequently used
as shown by marine shell, used in adornments, and the increase of fish
remains at Caldeirao cave (Zilhao 1992a; n.d.). There is earlier
evidence for shellfish consumption at Figueira Brava Cave, south of
Lisbon, during the final Mousterian c. 30,000 b.p. (Antunes et al. 1989;
Cardoso 1992). The human diet after the LGM was based on the large
herbivores such as red deer, roe deer, wild boar, horse, and aurochs.
From 10,000 b.p. there was a clear change in diet. Shell-middens, both
inland and coastal, indicate intensive use of estuarine and coastal
environments. There was regional variation in human subsistence. Hilly
areas, around the Caldeirao and Casal Papagaio caves, were probably
relatively dense forests, where the main prey species was red deer,
although rabbit and hare were also largely exploited (Zilhao 1992b), and
roe deer and wild boar less so (Zilhao 1987; 1992b). This faunal
assemblage contrasts sharply with that of the LGM, with ibex and chamois
(Zilhao 1992b). It is also different from other assemblages also dated
to after the LGM but located in flat plains such as the Rio Maior area.
In these flatter, lower areas, the river banks were forested with
Mediterranean and Atlantic tree types and contained animal species such
as red deer and wild boar. Further from the river, on the plains,
aurochs and horse lived in open Mediterranean woodland with oaks, pines
and olive trees. At Bocas, close to flat plains and forested river
banks, the prey species were red deer and aurochs. There is indirect
evidence that tardi-glacial hunter-gatherers were exploiting plant
resources; grinding stones (including hand-stones and milling-stones),
and charcoal from tree species which provide edible nuts and fruits such
as olives, acorns and wild tree strawberries. The grinding stones could
have been for ochre-processing, but there is no macroscopic evidence for
this. It is reasonable to think that they were used for
plant-processing. After 16,000 b.p., the subsistence of the
Tardi-glacial human groups was based on terrestrial mammals, mostly red
deer and wild boar or aurochs. Rabbits and hares were part of the diet,
mostly in hilly areas. Plant foods were available and were most likely
exploited. Shellfish, present at sites through and after the LGM, became
important only c. 10,000 b.p.. The inland shell-middens suggest groups
frequently moving between coastal and inland areas, using coastal,
estuarine, inland plain and inland mountain zones. During this period
both bladelet and micropoints became more common and smaller in size.
The increase of micropoints is possibly related to the development of
tip/barb for bow-and-arrow technology, as well as to change in mobility,
also suggested by different and more complex site location. The increase
in mobility was most likely related to the availability of new and more
diversified resources, that made possible a new scheduling of economic
activities, depending more on the seasonal rotation of the natural
resources such as plants, small mammals, fish, and birds. In the case of
Rio Maior, the coastal-inland movement may be a consequence of the
presence of good quality flint, although flint is found at a few coastal
points such as Lisbon and Nazare. For the southern sites, presently
known only on the coast, the likely sources for silicious raw material
are the inland mountains (Vierra 1992), suggesting, again, movement
between coastal and inland areas.
The change in the lithic technology, possibly an indirect consequence
of change in vegetation density from open to closed forests, culminated
around 6,500 years ago during the Flandrian transgression, with
extensive use of microburin technique and mass production of geometrics,
seen in the shell-middens of the Tagus and Sado basins (Arnaud 1990),
and on the Estremadura and Alentejo coasts (Vierra 1992).
The data presented here indicate palaeo-environmental changes earlier
in central Portugal than in the rest of Europe, influencing technology,
hunting strategies, and economic systems. This technology, more settled
and apparently more reliable, lasted until later, 8,500 b.p., than in
other areas of Europe, with a stability clearly different from the
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thank the National Science Foundation (Grant BNS-8803798 and
BNS-9107144), the Portuguese Government (Junta Nacional de Investigacao
Cientifica e Tecnologica, and Department of Archaeology of the Instituto
Portugues do Patrimonio Cultural), and the Institute for the Study of
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five years of work. I also wish to thank Dr David Meltzer for comments
on an earlier version of this paper, and my wife, Dr Maria Masucci, who
helped in the editing. In addition, helpful comments were offered by an
anonymous reviewer. The responsibility for the lithic analysis,
interpretation, conclusions and any possible errors are mine alone.
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