DNA in charred wheat grains from the Iron Age hillfort at Danebury, England.
Allaby, Robin G. ; Jones, Martin K. ; Brown, Terence A. 等
The genetic history of wheat is the story of the world's
temperate staple food. Archaeologically, charred grains are the common
way wheat is preserved. Study of burnt spelt wheat from the British Iron
Age shows DNA is present, and begins to shows the wheat's
DNA and ancient wheat
Genetic change, always central to studies of prehistoric agriculture,
still operates as the principal criterion for designating certain plant
and animal taxa as 'domesticated' (Harris & Hillman 1991)
rather than wild. To this end, much bio-archaeological research into
early agriculture has examined the gross morphology of plant and animal
remains for phenotypic features that on the one hand seem to correspond
to agricultural selection pressures, and on the other possess evidence
of a direct genetic basis. However, it has frequently proved difficult
to consolidate these two requirements. Features relating to larger, more
accessible fruits and seeds, or to smaller, more docile animals, have
often been judged as resulting from selection, but in many cases the
genetic basis to the trait is uncertain. In contrast, phenotypes with a
clear genetic foundation, such as the ploidy-dependent features of wheat
chaff (Kislev 1984; Gordon Hillman pers. comm.), are often difficult to
account for in terms of agricultural selection pressures. In other
words, we have clear evidence of past phenotypic change consistent with
what we assume to have been agricultural selection pressures, and we
know in broad terms that many of those changes are due, directly or
indirectly, to genetic events, but our existing methods constrain us
from tying these two strands strongly together.
The discovery of preserved DNA in a range of archaeological materials
could transform our approach. If the obstacles of survival, degradation,
contamination and taphonomy can be overcome, then such DNA as survives
in ancient plants and animals has the potential to provide a direct link
between genotype, phenotype and the cultural context. Not only would
this open the way to precision, it could also liberate our thinking from
the gross 'genetic events' of 'domestication' to the
perspective of a continuous evolutionary dynamic, in which the constant
restructuring in human society through space and time is reflected in an
equally continuous process of phylogenetic response, sometimes
minuscule, sometimes substantial, in the plants and animals with which
humans have been most closely associated.
We are attempting to start towards this goal with one of the most
abundant archaeological resources of agricultural relevance: preserved
wheat seeds. In archaeological contexts, plants are preserved
principally by one of four mechanisms: the partial or complete reduction
to carbon by heat; the exclusion of water in desiccating environments;
the exclusion of oxygen in anoxic, often waterlogged environments; and
partial mineralization by calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate or, less
commonly with archaeological remains, iron sulphide (pyrites). We do not
know which types of preservation might be compatible with retention of
DNA, but intuitively one might expect biomolecular decay to be retarded
in dry and/or anoxic settings. This conjecture is supported by reports
of ancient DNA in anoxically preserved plant remains from Miocene
deposits at Clarkia, Idaho (Golenberg et al. 1990; Golenberg 1991;
Soltis et al. 1992), and in maize cobs preserved through various
combinations of carbonization and desiccation (Rollo et al. 1991;
Goloubinoff et al. 1993), the latter papers also demonstrating the
phylogenetic inferences that are possible. Wheat and other Old World
cereals have been encountered in all four preservation states, but the
different states vary in their geographical and temporal coverages.
Anoxically preserved and dry preserved cereals have sometimes been
encountered in rich and impressive assemblages (e.g. Jacomet &
Schlichterle 1984; Rowley-Conwy 1991), but the fullest spatial and
temporal coverage is associated with carbonized remains: carbonized
remains are therefore the principal source material on which an ancient
DNA approach to wheat bio-archaeology must be based. We have examined
charred seeds of spelt wheat from the Iron Age hillfort at Danebury,
England (Jones 1984; Nye & Jones 1991), directly dated by the
conventional radio-carbon method to the second half of the 1st
millennium BC (Cunliffe 1984), for the presence of ancient DNA.
Procedures and results
Ancient DNA studies are almost entirely dependent on the polymerase
chain reaction (PCR; Saiki et al. 1988), a biochemical technique that
results in amplification of ||micro~gram~ quantities of DNA from minute
traces of starting material. The relatively large amounts of DNA
provided by PCR are sufficient for genetic analysis by, for example,
nucleotide sequencing (for a review of ancient DNA techniques see Brown
& Brown 1992). In a PCR experiment the genetic region to be
amplified is selected by two short, synthetic DNA molecules that are
added to the reaction mixture. These molecules attach to the substrate
DNA at either side of the target region and prime the amplification. In
our experiments we targeted a 246 base pair segment of DNA from a
polymorphic region, linked to the genes for the high-molecular-weight
(HMW) glutenin proteins, chosen partly on technical and partly on
scientific grounds. The technical advantage is that there are two pairs
of HMW glutenin genes per genome in wheat, so hexaploid spelt wheat
(with three genomes) has a total of 12 targets. Multiple targets
increase the chances of a successful amplification from small amounts of
starting DNA. In scientific terms the region is attractive because of
its polymorphic nature. Sixteen different allelic forms of the HMW
glutenin genes have been identified in modern European cultivars of
wheat, various combinations occurring within a single genotype (Payne
1987), and many additional alleles are known in wild populations (Ciaffi
et al. 1993). Six alleles have been characterized by nucleotide
sequencing, each recognizable by diagnostic sequence features within the
region targeted for amplification. Sequence analysis of the molecules
obtained by PCR of ancient DNA might lead to identification of the HMW
glutenin alleles present. Complete allelic typing of a single specimen
would be extremely time-consuming, but even a partial allele set might
allow broad phylogenetic comparisons to be made between different
specimens. In addition, the role of the HMW glutenins in determining the
viscoelastic properties of dough prepared from the grain (Flavell et al.
1989) has led to identification of modern alleles that confer
'good' or 'poor' bread-making qualities (Payne
1987). There is a certain appeal to the possibility that alleles
conferring defined bread-making qualities might be identifiable in
archaeological grain.
We subjected the charred grain to a standard nucleic acid extraction
procedure, previously shown to be applicable to preserved material
(Rogers & Bendich 1985). Initially the extracts were analysed by
hybridization probing, the results suggesting that nucleic acid might be
present (results not shown). Subsequently a PCR with the Danebury
extract gave rise to amplification products of the expected size. DNA
resulting from the PCR was cloned, and two nucleotide sequences
obtained, both clearly derived from wheat HMW glutenin genes. Neither
sequence was an exact match with any of the known alleles, though one
(DANEB1) displayed just a single difference to the 5(X) allele.
Single-position sequence changes can occur during PCR, this effect being
more frequent when the substrate DNA is chemically-damaged, which is
almost certainly the case with ancient DNA (Paabo 1989; Lindahl 1993).
It is therefore possible that DANEB1 and 5(X) are identical. The second
sequence, DANEB2, displayed eight nucleotide differences to the most
closely similar of the known sequences. DANEB2 therefore appears to
represent a novel HMW glutenin allele.
The major problem with ancient DNA studies lies with the difficulty
in establishing that amplification products derive from DNA preserved in
the specimens and not from modern contamination (reviewed by Brown &
Brown 1992). PCR is so sensitive that DNA present in the air and working
materials can easily give false-positive results. With archaeological
material the problem is magnified by the possibility of contamination
during the relatively uncontrolled conditions of the excavation. There
is no mechanism for proving beyond doubt that an amplification product
from ancient material is authentic; all that can be done is to take
suitable precautions to minimize the chances of contamination and to
carry out control experiments. Our project included precautions and
controls equivalent to those adopted by other groups working with
ancient DNA. We have also taken the added precaution in this pilot study
of working with particularly rich and well-sealed assemblages from
Danebury that were removed en bloc and immediately enclosed within
aluminium foil, rather than being put through sieving or flotation. The
only potential contamination on site would be from modern wheat pollen,
which the collection regime was designed to avoid. In fact, the
extraction procedure does not give significant yields of DNA from
pollen, probably because of difficulties in disrupting the tough
sporopollenin coat. Our laboratory technique incorporated standard
precautions for avoiding contamination in PCR experiments, including the
use of specialized equipment, autoclaved solutions, and a geographical
separation between the rooms used for DNA preparation and PCR analysis.
Our basic technique has proved reliable in projects involving PCR of
human material, where contamination with personal DNA can be a major
problem. The results of two control experiments are shown in FIGURE 2.
With the 'water blank', a PCR with water rather than DNA
extract gave no amplification product, showing that cross-contamination
of samples did not occur during the PCR experiment. In the second
control, no amplification product was seen when an 'extract
blank' was used in the PCR. The extract blank was prepared by
carrying out the entire extraction procedure without seeds, providing a
rigorous test for poor technique and contamination of working solutions.
Given these precautions and the results of the control experiments,
we believe that an acceptable degree of confidence can be assigned to
the results with the Danebury seeds. Not every extraction has succeeded,
suggesting perhaps that not all seeds in the sample contain amplifiable
DNA. In contrast, a single extraction with a second sample of charred
grain -- 3300-year-old emmer wheat from Assiros Toumba, Greece (Jones et
al. 1986; Jones 1987) -- has provided an amplification product of the
correct size (results not shown). We are modifying the extraction and
PCR techniques in attempts to improve the success rate with the Danebury
seeds, and are extending the work to a brooder range of archaeological
wheats in order to assess the overall potential of ancient DNA analysis.
To obtain information from which phylogenetic inferences can be made, it
will be necessary to study polymorphic sequences that enable different
populations of archaeological wheats to be distinguished. The glutenin
alleles may be suitable, though complete allelic typing of just one
specimen would require a substantial number of cloning and sequencing
experiments. Our current work will determine whether a phylogenetic
analysis based on the glutenin genes is technically feasible.
Despite its archaeological importance, our knowledge of the chemical
composition of carbonized plant tissue remains poor, and probably
inferior to that of its geological counterpart, fusain (Scott 1989).
While transformation by heat is clearly instrumental in creating a
microenvironment hostile to soil biota and therefore perhaps permitting
DNA preservation, visual inspection of carbonized specimens indicates a
range of transformation levels, from burst, distorted specimens through
to specimens more or less retaining their original shape and cellular
structure, and with several deviations from the soot-black colour of
full carbonization. As a working hypothesis we assume that such DNA as
persists in carbonized specimens is present in uncarbonized domains that
survive encased in transformed and thus protective tissue. An important
step for future work is to corroborate, or otherwise, this hypothesis. A
better understanding of the material may enable us to use the appearance
of specimens as a means of preselecting individual seeds likely to
contain ancient DNA. Analysis of individual seeds is desirable as most
archaeological assemblages are probably not genetically homogeneous. The
PCR technique is sensitive enough to amplify ancient DNA from a single
seed, but this approach will be extremely time-consuming if there is no
way of preselecting suitable specimens.
Acknowledgements. A preliminary report of this work has been
published as part of a review article (Brown et al. 1993). We are very
grateful to Glynis Jones, University of Sheffield, for supplying the
Assiros Toumba grain. We also thank Gordon Hillman (University of
London), Alan Clapham (University of Cambridge), Chris Howe (University
of Cambridge), Paul Sims (UMIST), Robert Sallares (UMIST) and Keri Brown
(UMIST) for helpful discussions. This work was begun with funding
provided by the Biomolecular Palaeontology Special Topic of the Natural
Environment Research Council, and subsequently supported by a research
grant from the Science-Based Archaeology Committee of the Science and
Engineering Research Council.
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