A recent find of a possible Lower Palaeolithic assemblage from the foothills of the Zagros Mountains.
The Mehran Plain to the northwest of the Deh Luran Plain is located
between the central parts of lowland Mesopotamia and the foothills of
the Zagros Mountains at an altitude of 100-400 m a.s.l. After a long
hiatus in archaeological fieldwork following the Iran-Iraq War of
1980-1988, in March 1997 a team from the Center for Archaeological
Research of the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, led by the late
Ali-Mohammad Khalilian, launched an archaeological survey of the Mehran
Plain. The work was continued in March 1999 by G. Nokandeh (field
director), F. Biglari, A. Azadi, N. Malek-Ahmadi (archaeologists) and S.
Heydari (geomorphologist).
Our team revisited, mapped and sampled 13 previously recorded
sites, among them three sites with Palaeolithic artefacts (FIGURE 1).
Perhaps the most important among the latter is Amar Merdeg, a cluster of
hills covering approximately 6 sq. km to the east of the Konjan-Cham
River, north of the town of Mehran. These hills may have been formed by
the accumulation of catastrophic flood alluviation during the
Pleistocene. They form an undulating skyline cut by river gullies. The
source of the sediments is the Aghajari formation and the overlying and
Bakhtiyari conglomerate of the Zagros front ranges (Eyvazi 1995). The
inner parts of this hilly area were not yet safe for survey because of
heavy military waste from the Iran-Iraq War; therefore we only collected
two samples from the surface of the eastern and southwestern margins of
the area.
Raw materials of various qualities are available in the area as
pebbles, cobbles, and nodules of chert, sandstone, and small amounts of
quartzite. The density and fine quality of these lithic resources may
have attracted people from the Palaeolithic period until late
prehistoric times. Artefacts form a sparse scatter over the surface of
the hills, but at some places have a denser concentration.
Lithic artefacts at Amar Merdeg are characterized by large numbers
of tested cobbles, cores, cortical debitage, and a smaller number of
tools, suggesting flint-knapping activities at the area (FIGURE 2).
Various fine-grained cherts, including fine red, white and brown, and
medium grey chert, were used for flake tools while coarse-grained
material like sandstone was often modified into chopping tools. Most
artefacts are heavily patinated, of which some have multiple levels of
patina, indicating that a significant period of time had elapsed between
one retouching episode and the subsequent ones. Tools primarily consist
of core-choppers (FIGURE 3) and flake tools such as notches,
denticulates, side-scrapers and inversely retouched pieces, but lack
bifaces. This could be the result of sampling error due to limited
survey area, or a real absence of bifaces in the industry.
The presence of chopping tools and the absence of typologically
later artefacts may place Amar Merdeg within the Lower Palaeolithic
Period (Bar-Yosef & Goren-Inbar 1993). Some assemblages from
open-air sites in the Zagros highlands are characterized by the presence
of similar core-choppers (Biglari & Abdi 1999), but Amar Merdeg is
the first known Palaeolithic occurrence in the region at such a low
altitude (200-300 m a.s.l.) with chopping tools. Since the Palaeolithic
sites of lowland regions of Mesopotamia and Susiana are buried by
younger sediments, only areas such as the Mehran Plain lying between the
lowlands and the foothills of the Zagros Mountains can provide us with
further insights into adaptive strategies of Palaeolithic people in the
region. To ascertain further the date of this assemblage and establish
its stratigraphic context, we plan to collect more samples from various
locales in the area, and to excavate selected areas in future seasons of
BIGLARI, F. & K. ABDI. 1999. Paleolithic artifacts from Cham-e
Souran, the Islamabad Plain, Central Western Zagros Mountains, Iran,
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 31: 1-8.
EYVAZI, J. 1995. Geomorphology of Iran. Tehran: Payam-e Nour
University Press. (In Persian.)
BAR-YOSEF, O. & N. GOREN-INBAR. 1993. The lithic assemblage of
`Ubeidiya: A Lower Paleolithic site in the Jordan Valley. Jerusalem:
Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Department of Archaeology, Abhar Azad University, Abhar, Iran.
[email protected] Heydari, Center for Archaeological Research, Iranian
Cultural Heritage Organization, Azadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran. Nokandeh,
Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, Golestan Province, Gorgan, Iran.