Infrared imaging of Precolumbian murals at Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico. (News & Notes).
Ware, G. ; Houston, S. ; Miller, M. 等
The Classic Maya ruins of Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico, contain what
may be the most thematically complex paintings in Precolumbian America.
In 1995-96, we recorded these murals by employing equipment that, to our
knowledge, had never before been used in remote settings. The results
suggest that polychrome paintings, including those in isolated places,
benefit from documentation beyond the range of human vision.
Bonampak Structure I has three rooms, each covered from floor to
capstone with murals. Room I displays feather dances and tribute
offerings. Infrared images reveal cacao beans and Spondylus shells;
glyphs itemize five units of 8,000 chocolate beans (Miller 1997). Two
`holy lords' appear in bloody conflict and the torture of
vanquished warriors in Room 2. Room 3 exhibits sun dances, penile bloodletting and human sacrifice.
Who painted the murals? Room 1 presents hieroglyphic evidence that
the overlord of Bonampak was a ruler of nearby Yaxchilan; at least one
Yaxchilan artisan sculpted the stone lintels. The small site of Bonampak
probably could not have supported the painterly skill evinced by the
calligraphic fluidity and varying style of the murals. Multiple master
painters from Yaxchilan were presumably at work. The related La
Pasadita, Guatemala, murals may also have been executed by painters from
ateliers at Yaxchilan (Kamal et al. 1999).
The Bonampak murals were likely painted after the dedication of
Structure 1 on 11 November AD 791 (Julian), just prior to the so-called
Maya collapse. Because of their supposedly unfinished character, one of
us previously proposed that the paintings recorded an `artistic and
inscriptional record' of the Classic Maya `demise' (Miller
1986: 151). However, excepting a few hieroglyphic captions, the
paintings show an almost microscopic scale and exceptional degree of
It is evident that the Bonampak murals were to be observed from
multiple viewing points, some only centimetres from the wall. The
paintings are not rough, unfinished works of art: only a few
hieroglyphic captions are missing. This points to one of two
explanations: (1) a deliberate omission of names, or (2) the name glyph pigments were more fragile than others. No pigments were observed in the
infrared within the captions, and the omissions remain as mysterious as
Many Maya pigments become transparent at near-infrared wavelengths,
thus allowing penetration to carbon-based under-drawing. Some pigments
are transparent at the wavelengths of infrared film; others require the
longer wavelengths provided by the infrared vidicon. Located in Room 3
is a profile image of the Maya hunting god Zip (FIGURE 1). Though
visible, the detail of the carbon-based under-drawing is difficult to
discern. An infrared vidicon image (FIGURE 2) discloses the carbon
under-drawing. Also, virtually none of the glyph detail of Room I
caption 33 is visible (FIGURE 3) while the infrared vidicon image
(FIGURE 4) reveals crisp outlines of the glyph block.
Exceptionally fine detail was found in Room 3, including previously
unseen microglyphs (FIGURE 5) and small, dynamic figures (not shown),
both extremely difficult to see at visible wavelengths. Small details
were observed in the other two rooms as well. Some calligraphic lines
are so thin as to appear to have been made with quills or brushes of
only a few hairs. This depth of detail indicates that the murals were
more finished than previously thought.
We conclude that the most viable approach to imaging ancient
paintings is multi-spectral, including infrared. No amount of squinting
or guesswork will detect details beyond human vision, though such images
may need complementary photographic formats. The success at remote
Bonampak recommends application of this technology to other sites and
traditions of painting.
Acknowledgements. We thank the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e
Historia (INAH), the Getty Grant Program, the National Geographic
Society, Yale University, and Brigham Young University. Expedition
members included David Wooddell, Justin Kerr, Steven Booras, and Jorge
and Victor Perez de Lara. Douglas M. Chabries, Doran J. Baker, David
Stuart, Sean Widauf, Michael Ware and David Oliver also helped.
CHRISTIANSEN & I. GRAHAM. 1999. Multispectral image processing for
detail reconstruction and enhancement of Maya murals from La Pasadita,
Guatemala, Journal of Archaeological Science 26: 1391-1407.
MILLER, M.E. 1986. The murals of Bonampak. Princeton (NJ):
Princeton University Press.
1997. Imaging Maya art. Archaeology May/June: 34-40.
* Ware & Houston, Brigham Young University, Provo UT 84604,
[email protected] Miller, Yale University, New Haven CT 06520, USA.
Taube, UC-Riverside, Riverside CA 92521, USA. De la Fuente, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, DF.