Strategic and sporadic marine consumption at the onset of the Neolithic: increasing temporal resolution in the isotope evidence.
Montgomery, Janet ; Beaumont, Julia ; Jay, Mandy 等
Stable isotope analyses of Mesolithic and Neolithic human bone
collagen from northern and western Europe have been reported to
demonstrate a sharp shift away from the consumption of marine foods at
the onset of the Neolithic (Tauber 1981; Richards et al. 2003). This has
led to controversy over the apparent contradictions between the
Neolithic archaeology and the isotope data, with part of the discussion
being presented previously in Antiquity (Richards & Mellars 1998;
Schulting & Richards 2002; Bailey & Milner 2003; Hedges 2004;
Milner et al. 2004; Richards & Schulting 2006; Bonsall et al. 2009).
Some coastal site middens contain thousands of marine ecofacts,
suggesting that these resources must have played a significant part in
the subsistence base, and the suggestion that this was not the case has
also raised questions about why coastal dwellers would reject a readily
available food resource in the early days of establishing agriculture,
especially on marginal and remote islands. The previously published work
has utilised adult human bulk bone collagen which provides an average of
many years' diet and is thus a relatively blunt tool providing only
blurred temporal focus (Hedges et al. 2007). In the research presented
here we have used a new technique which utilises high-precision dentine increments, allowing us to increase temporal resolution and identify
dietary patterns over very short periods of an individual's early
life. Our findings hold significance not only for Neolithic Shetland,
which has "remained something of an enigma" (Sheridan 2012:
6), but also for understanding how the first farmers in marginal regions
across Atlantic Europe survived during periods of resource shortages and
famine. The results also address the paradox between the mainly
terrestrial dietary isotope ratios of humans and the continued presence
of marine food remains at some Neolithic sites.
A marginal environment for early farmers
Our study uses material dating to the Mesolithic-Neolithic
transition from the Shetland Islands: at 60[degrees] N, these are the
most northern Scottish islands in the North Atlantic (Figure 1) and an
ideal place to test the hypothesis that marine resources would be
included in the north-west European diet during this period if
conditions were difficult. Even accounting for the Holocene
hypsithermal, the climate would have been marginal for agricultural
purposes and expected to generate periods of crop failure and famine
(Birnie et al. 1993). According to the 'dietary shift' model,
marine resources are proposed to have been abandoned by choice at the
Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. The best place to confirm this is a
coastal, marginal environment where there is every reason to believe
that such resources would be key to survival.
The disarticulated remains of a minimum of 11 adults and 9
juveniles and infants (Walsh et al. 2012) were recovered from a
stone-lined, sub-rectangular pit, a non-megalithic funerary monument of
a type not previously suspected, that was uncovered during the 1977
construction works at Sumburgh Airport, at the southern tip of the
archipelago (Hedges & Parry 1980) (Figure 2). They are the only
skeletal remains of the Early Neolithic inhabitants to be recovered from
these islands. The importance of this area to the colonisation of the
archipelago has been further demonstrated by a Late Mesolithic-Early
Neolithic sequence of middens exposed by coastal erosion at West Voe,
some 400m to the south (Melton & Nicholson 2004, 2007; Melton 2009),
and by recent investigations at the internationally renowned site of
Jarlshof, on the opposite side of the voe (Dockrill & Bond 2009)
(Figure 1).
The human remains have been dated to between 3510 and 2660 BC (14
radiocarbon dates, calibrated taking into account a marine dietary
component; details in Table S1). The two superimposed middens at West
Voe are separated by a layer of sand and have been dated to c. 4300-3250
BC, the lower midden spanning the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition and
the upper, which has provided dates of c. 3500-3250 BC, overlapping with
the human remains found at Sumburgh. Mussels (Mytilus edulis), seals,
seabirds and a few small fish were found in the uppermost layers of the
lower midden together with sheep and cattle which predate the Sumburgh
humans. The upper midden was composed entirely of cockles (Cerastoderma
edule), many of which were shattered and discoloured from being heated,
with continuing evidence for sheep and cattle in associated layers and
contemporary with the human remains (Melton 2008, 2009). Together, they
provide direct evidence for subsistence practices adopted by the
earliest farmers, with the exploitation of marine resources (molluscs,
fish, seals and seabirds) apparently continuing alongside the adoption
of agriculture, represented by finds of cattle (confirmed by proteomics
analysis, M. Buckley pers. comm.) and sheep bones. The recent
investigations at Jarlshof have provided radiocarbon dates of 3770-3610
and 3640-3380 BC (both 95% probability; SUERC-15163 & 15123) from an
oyster shell and a charred grain of six-row barley respectively,
recovered from the earliest archaeological horizon. The dates indicate
that this layer is equivalent to some of the earliest deposits in the
West Voe midden sequence. The investment of labour to produce fertile
soils, initially by a build-up of ash-rich midden material followed by
organic additives, permits intensive arable production within small
managed plots. These soils provide an inherited resource that can build
in depth through time and be passed on to future generations; they also
form a catalyst for sedentary living. The crop six-row barley has an
added advantage as a commodity whose storable surplus in 'good
years' might be used in times of famine. Resilience and
sustainability demonstrated by the longevity of settlements could only
be achieved at such times of yield shortage ('bad years') by
the combined use of other resources within the mixed economy (Dockrill
& Bond 2009: 43-45). The archaeological evidence thus points to the
existence of a mixed agricultural economy, supplemented by the
exploitation of marine resources, at the time of the Sumburgh burials.
The burials cut into a 0.5m thick layer of storm sands which were
deposited c. 3500 cal BC. These sands separate the two middens at West
Voe (Gillmore & Melton 2011) and suggest that much of the local area
had been inundated by sand just prior to the commencement of the
interments at Sumburgh, increasing its agricultural marginality and
necessitating the creation of anthrosols capable of cereal production.
Carbon and nitrogen isotope data
One of the most widespread uses of [delta][sup.13]C and
[delta][sup.15]N values (the ratios of [sup.13]C/[sup.12]C and
[sup.15]N/[sup.14]N in a sample, relative to international standards) in
the context of palaeodietary studies is to document the consumption
levels of marine resources in prehistory. Marine food webs are
significantly enriched in [sup.13]C compared to those terrestrial
resources which have a [C.sub.3] photosynthetic pathway, while the
effects of marine environments and trophic levels mean that consumers of
marine resources will also show higher [delta][sup.15]N values
(Lee-Thorp 2008). The expectation for individuals with significant
levels of such resources in their diet relative to those with purely
terrestrial [C.sub.3] diets is that both [delta][sup.13]C and
[delta][sup.15]N values from their collagen extracts will be higher. In
this study, no consideration of [C.sub.4] terrestrial diets is required
since such plants were not present in prehistoric Britain.
The problem and the solution
Existing isotope data suggest the abandonment of marine food
consumption at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. Not only does the
archaeological evidence sometimes appear to refute the isotope data, but
it seems counterintuitive that the early farmers living at isolated and
marginal coastal locations would completely abandon an easily obtained
resource. A problem which has been difficult to address is that bulk
bone collagen, which is the material usually investigated for the
isotope analyses, reflects a weighted averaged diet over a long period
of an individual's life (Hedges et al. 2007). This means that short
periods of unusual consumption, such as might occur when marginal
environments do not yield sufficient terrestrial resources (e.g.
sporadic and unpredictable crop failure), will not be visible in the
target tissue. For this study we have used three distinct skeletal
collagen fractions with progressively finer temporal resolution: (1)
bulk bone; (2) bulk dentine; and (3) small (c. 1mm/20mg) incremental
dentine samples. The collagen in primary dentine, unlike bone, does not
remodel once mineralisation is complete, and the age at which human
teeth begin to form and the duration of their growth has been well
established (Hillson 2005; AlQahtani et al. 2010). New techniques for
targeting small incremental dentine samples which have formed over
periods of less than a year, as opposed to the larger increments
covering several years (Fuller et al. 2003), allow a temporally focused
study of an individual's diet in which short periods of marine
consumption may be visible (Beaumont et al. 2013).
Samples analysed
Collagen was extracted from: (1) 12 bulk bone samples; (2) bulk
samples of the root dentine of 17 permanent second molars; and (3)
incremental dentine samples processed from a further eight teeth.
Methods are described in Beaumont et al. (2013; Method 2 for incremental
sampling) and samples are detailed in Table S2. Up to 21 incremental
transverse samples from root apex to enamel-dentine junction were taken
from each tooth in the third group. These increments span periods of
formation, depending on the tooth involved, from just before birth up to
15 years. These three fractions therefore represent: (1) lifetime
averaged diet; (2) childhood averaged diet; and (3) serial data for
short periods of less than a year throughout childhood.
The composition of the primary dentine used in this study is, like
enamel, determined largely at the time of formation (Rowles 1967; Veis
1989). Nevertheless, the cells of dentine, the odontoblasts, remain
active, and formation of new, secondary dentine continues throughout
life, in layers lining the pulp cavity (van Rensburg 1987; Hillson
2005). The presence of secondary dentine is used as an ageing technique
and is rarely found in individuals below 30 years of age (Gustafson
1950). Further deposition of dentine mineral (as opposed to collagen)
within the dentinal tubules may occur in the fourth decade of life,
starting from the root tip and progressing at a relatively constant rate
(Nanci 2003; Hillson 2005). Any change to dentine composition over time
is, therefore, chiefly of an additive nature and will be negligible in
individuals under the age of 30, such as those in this study (Table S2).
As an extra precaution, all circumpulpal dentine was removed by reaming
prior to demineralisation (Beaumont et al. 2013). Quality indicators for
the processed samples are provided in Tables S3, S4 and S5 and all
collagen, both from bone and dentine, fits well into the accepted ranges
for atomic C:N ratios and percentages of carbon and nitrogen present
(van Klinken 1999). The samples are, therefore, considered to be free of
post-mortem contamination.
The disarticulated and commingled nature of the burial deposit
means that it is not possible to directly associate bone samples with
teeth. Whilst it is a possibility that the bone samples come from a
group of individuals with dietary histories different from a second
group represented only by the teeth samples, it is an exceptionally
unlikely one: the osteological analysis of the material concluded that
there were 11 adults and 9 juveniles or infants present, totalling 20
individuals (Walsh et al. 2012), whilst the sampled dental assemblage of
25 teeth represents a minimum number of 13 individuals (7 adults and 6
juveniles) (Table S2). Two of the juvenile bulk dentine samples (SUMB-5
and SUMB-11: upper and lower right second molars) may have come from the
same individual, based on tooth development and similarity of isotope
ratio data.
Mesolithic-Early Neolithic bone collagen data for terrestrial
animals, seals and seabirds from West Voe and Sumburgh have also been
obtained, together with modern Cerastoderma edule (cockle) flesh. The
midden material suggests that cockles were available and used during the
Neolithic, but the flesh is not preserved in the archaeological
contexts. The modern proxies were collected in order to provide an
estimate of their place in the food web, although the data obtained have
not been adjusted for the fossil fuel effect (see online supplementary
Results: bone collagen and bulk dentine collagen
Figure 3 (using data from Tables S3 and S4) plots the Sumburgh bone
and bulk dentine data separately (sample types (1) and (2)) with
comparative Mesolithic and Neolithic human data published for other
Scottish islands (Orkney Islands and Oronsay, see Figure 1). Also
plotted are archaeological animal bone data from the West Voe middens
and Sumburgh, together with the modern cockle flesh (see Table S4). The
Mesolithic Oronsay humans are high-level marine resource consumers
(plotting with the Neolithic marine-consuming animals), whilst the
Neolithic Orkney Islands individuals are considered to have a mainly
terrestrial diet (Schulting & Pdchards 2009; Schulting et al. 2010).
The highest [delta][sup.13]C value for the comparative Neolithic data
sets (-19.1 [per thousand]) is used as a conservative limit for a
largely terrestrial diet. The diet in that case was interpreted as
mainly terrestrial, although a small percentage of marine resources may
have been present and this is one of many locations in Europe where the
evidence seems to suggest a low level of such consumption which is not
easily identified from the bulk stable isotope data (Lubell et al. 1994;
Fischer et al. 2007; Eriksson et al. 2008; Bonsall et al. 2009; Smits et
al. 2010). Those individuals with carbon isotope ratios more enriched in
[sup.13]C than this limit are seen to the right of the middle vertical
line and it is these that are indicative of a marine component in the
diet. Only one of the bone collagen samples falls to the right of the
line together with 11 of the 25 bulk dentine data points which are
enriched in both [sup.13]C and [sup.15]N. There is no correlation
between the Sumburgh radiocarbon dates and the level of marine
consumption (Figure 4) and thus no suggestion that the earliest
Neolithic humans from this group relied more heavily on marine resources
than those living there later in the period.
[delta][sup.13]C values are affected by local environmental
conditions as well as dietary considerations. For this reason,
comparisons are best made with data sets from the same region and this
is why the Orkney Neolithic data have been shown here. End-members for
terrestrial and marine diets have been empirically estimated at -21.0
[per thousand] and -12.4 [per thousand] respectively and between these
two extremes the upper boundary for terrestrial diets, the lighter blue
line in Figure 3, as -19.1 [per thousand]. Terrestrial diets in the
region, therefore, are conservatively deemed to range between the
boundary value of -19.1 [per thousand] and the terrestrial end-member
(-21.0 [per thousand]; the green line in Figure 3), discussed in the
online supplementary material for the calibration of the radiocarbon
dates. This upper boundary is used for illustration based on the
interpretation of the geographically closest available data set for the
time and place under discussion. It would not necessarily reflect a
purely terrestrial diet in north-west Europe, however, but more probably
a low level of marine resource consumption at some time in an
individual's life. A more likely boundary for a purely terrestrial
diet in this region is -20.0 [per thousand] (Bonsall et al. 2009). If
that were used in this chart, the distinctions being highlighted would
only be reinforced. By using the more conservative boundary value of
-19.1 [per thousand], Figure 3 shows the very clear difference between
the analyses of bone collagen (an averaged lifetime dietary input) and
those of dentine (childhood dietary input) even where a low level of
marine consumption may be present.
Individuals who were juveniles at the time of death are circled
(Figure 3), with the bone collagen sample that is highlighted as a
marine consumer being from a five- to six-year-old child (Walsh et al.
2012). The bone collagen values represent a weighted lifetime dietary
average (Hedges et al. 2007), whilst the dentine reflects only
childhood. Thus the bulk dentine samples and the juvenile bone (which
represents no more than seven years of life) appear to indicate low
level marine resource consumption during childhood which is not visible
in the adult bone samples. Three of the [delta][sup.13]C values are
above--18.0 [per thousand], indicating a relatively higher level of
marine food consumption: all are juveniles. Two are bulk dentine
analyses of incompletely formed roots (SUMB-5 and SUMB-11; Figure 5) and
are suspected to be from the same individual aged 11.5 to 12.5 years at
death. The third is the bone of the five- to six-year-old child. In
addition, the [delta][sup.13]C values of enamel apatite which derive
from the whole diet (i.e. not just protein consumption) in early
childhood (Lee-Thorp et al. 1989) range from -16.7 [per thousand] to
-14.0 [per thousand] (Keefe 2007). The difference between the isotope
values obtained from dentine collagen and enamel apatite of each
individual tooth ranges from -5.7 [per thousand] to -2.9 [per thousand].
These differences indicate a dietary range from a fully
terrestrial/[C.sub.3] based diet through to one with a substantial
component of marine animal protein and thus concur with the conclusions
drawn from collagen alone (Lee-Thorp et al. 1989; Froehle et al. 2010).
Overall, this suggests that marine foods were a significant part of the
diet of young children but were no longer detectable in completed tooth
roots or adult bone samples. Did only children eat marine protein? Was
childhood-only consumption no longer visible in adult bone collagen due
to remodelling? Or were marine foods eaten by both adults and children
for short periods of time, such as a period of crop failure, which would
not be resolvable in adult bone due to slow bone turnover and lifelong
Results: incremental dentine samples
The age-constrained incremental dentine samples provide increased
focus to resolve this issue. Figure 6 shows data from three of the eight
teeth sampled in this way (the other five are shown in Figure S1). Only
one of the eight teeth (SUMB-41) shows a relatively low variation in
both [delta][sup.13]C and [delta][sup.15]N values that remain within the
terrestrial diet range over the first 10 years of life (Figure 6a). For
the other seven, the fluctuations have no consistent pattern of
chronology or magnitude, although the data for carbon and nitrogen
isotopes co-vary at most points and all indicate the likelihood of a
period of marine consumption at some time during childhood. The most
extreme of the fluctuations is shown for SUMB-42, an individual who
survived to adulthood, but between the ages of 7 and 10 appears to have
been a high-level marine food consumer (Figure 6b).
For most of the individuals, the relationship between the
[delta][sup.13]C and [delta][sup.15]N values indicates that these
fluctuations do not relate to breastfeeding at a late age as a possible
alternative famine strategy. In that case, the [delta][sup.13]C values
would be expected to be lower given that the introduction of foods other
than breast milk to the diet during the weaning process appears to have
a bigger impact on [delta][sup.13]C values than on [delta][sup.15]N
values (Fuller et al. 2006). The correlation between [delta][sup.15]N
and [delta][sup.13]C, together with the magnitude of the higher
[delta][sup.15]N values, also rules out physiological stress as the
driver for most of the samples (Mekota et al. 2006). SUMB-44, between
the ages of 10 and 16, does show a combination of relatively high
[delta][sup.15]N values with [delta][sup.13]C values within the range
expected for a terrestrial diet (Figure S1c). This could be explained by
the consumption of breast milk at a late age, or freshwater aquatic
resources. However, exclusively freshwater fish are unlikely to have
been available as there are no native species in the Shetland Islands:
today only a few species are established in the lochs and burns of
Shetland, and all of them have a salinity tolerance or a marine phase
and are thus unlikely to provide the required terrestrial
[delta][sup.13]C values (Johnston 1999: 116-17; Robson et al. 2012). A
further interpretation for SUMB-44 is that the high [delta][sup.15]N
values record a period of nutritional or physiological stress (Mekota et
al. 2006).
Three of these incrementally sampled teeth may indicate that
periods of marine consumption equate with crises which have led to early
mortality (SUMB-40, 8.8-9.5 years, Figure S1b; SUMB-43, 11.5-12.5 years,
Figure 6c; SUMB-46, 6.5-7 years, Figure S1e). These teeth were
incompletely formed at death as is also the case for SUMB-5 (Figure 5).
Their three profiles show high [delta][sup.15]N and [delta][sup.13]C
values at the end of their arrested sequence. In accordance with the
bulk root dentine for SUMB-5 and SUMB-11, which was also still forming
at death and for which very similar values were obtained, the data
suggest that marine foods were an important part of the diet at the end
of their lives.
Sporadic dietary shifts from terrestrial to marine protein
consumption are not visible in adult bone collagen data. That is one
reason why there may be an apparent discrepancy between the isotope data
for dietary change at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition and the
archaeological evidence, particularly in the form of marine resource
remains in middens. Bulk dentine samples suggest a marine input in
childhood, but it is the novel high-resolution dentine increments which
show that this is extremely unlikely to be long-term, low-level or
seasonal supplementation of a terrestrial diet with marine foods.
Instead, it is consistent with short-term episodes of high-level
consumption at different ages in different individuals. This strategic
consumption may be a response to unpredictable environmental crises
which led to a shortage of terrestrial foods and possibly, for some
children, death. The excavation of the later Neolithic Mound 11 on the
Torts Ness peninsula of Sanday, Orkney, provides evidence of an economy
where grain (six-row barley) was harvested early and heavy emphasis was
placed on fishing and bird capture; this suggests a site where such
periods of shortage occurred (Dockrill & Bond 2007: 38). Added to
this is the question of the contemporary organisation of society and how
this might correspond to the social access to the economic resource
(Dockrill & Bond 2007: 381).
The isotope data thus support the continued consumption of marine
resources such as seal and seabirds at Sumburgh, as indicated by the
archaeological assemblage at this marginal, coastal site, but only as a
short-term strategy. It also implies that even at the edge of the
Neolithic world, where the establishment of agriculture was difficult
and conditions adverse, requiring the use of midden material and organic
additives to establish small managed plots for cereal production
(Dockrill & Bond 2009), the Early Neolithic inhabitants of the
Shetland Islands were attempting to maintain a terrestrial diet,
resorting to marine foods only when necessity demanded. In other words,
the 'dietary shift' model at this time holds up even in an
environment where marine resources were key to survival. This is an
important step forward for understanding the development of the
Neolithic in north-west Europe. The increased temporal resolution
obtained from incremental dentine sampling brings the lives of ancient
people into sharper focus and enables diet in the last few months of
life to be ascertained. Attention should now be directed to less
marginal, mainstream sites in Britain, Scandinavia and other parts of
Europe to investigate whether marine foods were also consumed
sporadically in the earliest Neolithic in regions more favourable to
Funding for this project was provided by Historic Scotland, the
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, the NERC and the University of
Bradford. We are grateful to Carol Christiansen and the late Tommy Watt
at Shetland Museum for allowing us to sample the Sumburgh cist burials.
Samples were analysed at the Stable Isotope Facility at the University
of Bradford and radiocarbon dating was undertaken at the Scottish
Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). Deborah Lamb (UHI,
Shetland) and Jonathan Swale (Scottish Natural Heritage) collected the
modern cockles. We are indebted to Rebecca Nicholson for discussions and
advice on the availability of freshwater fish in the Shetland Islands,
Peter Montgomery for assistance with figures and Peter Rowley-Conwy and
Michael Church, who read and commented on early drafts.
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Received: 17 October 2012; Accepted: 6December 2012; Revised: 4
February 2013
Supplementary material, including Tables S1-S5 and Figure S1, is
provided online at
Janet Montgomery (1), Julia Beaumont (2), Mandy Jay (1,2,3), Katie
Keefe (4), Andrew R. Gledhill (2), Gordon T. Cook (5), Stephen J.
Dockrill (2) & Nigel D. Melton (1,2)
(1) Department of Archaeology, Durham University, South Road,
Durham DH1 3LE, UK (Email:
[email protected]; author for
(2) Archaeological Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of
Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK
(3) Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, Northgate
House, West Street, Sheffield S1 4ET, UK
(4) York Osteoarchaeology, Ivy Cottage, 75 Main Street, Bishop
Wilton, York Y042 1SR, UK
(5) Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Rankine
Avenue, East Kilbride G75 OQF, UK