Ryan J. Rabett. Human adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: hominin dispersal and behaviour during the Late Quaternary.
Petraglia, Michael
RYAN J. RABETT. Human adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: hominin
dispersal and behaviour during the Late Quaternary. xii+372 pages, 73
illustrations, 10 tables. 2012. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
978-01-107-01829-7 hardback 65 [pounds sterling] & $99.
Good books on the Palaeolithic of Asia are hard to find.
Thankfully, Ryan Rabett has produced a quality volume that synthesises
important information about human occupation history in a poorly known
region of the world.
At first glance, the title of this book promises to provide the
reader with detailed information about the long history of hominin
adaptations in Asia as a whole. Yet, many areas of Asia are only
cursorily summarised (perhaps not surprising given that Asia covers 30
per cent of the world's total land surface area), and the evidence
for Lower and Middle Pleistocene occupations is only thinly reviewed
(again, perhaps unsurprising given that the span of human history ranges
back nearly two million years). The practical reality behind the title
of the book is that the majority of this work is dedicated to the last
40 000 years of human occupation history in Asia, with a particular
focus on Southeast Asia.
In the introductory chapter Rabett lays out three important
propositions to be explored in the book. The first proposition is
"that modern human behaviour is evolutionarily emergent rather than
attained" (p. 6). Connected to this, Rabett argues that it is
likely that hominins experienced "strong external selective
pressures prior to the Holocene and stronger internal selection
pressures thereafter" (p. 6). These are certainly important avenues
of research that should appeal to any scholar interested in the degree
to which human populations were shaped by, or interacted with, their
environments. Though Rabett makes the logical conclusion that
'modern human behaviour' is not the exclusive domain of our
own species, correctly indicating that evidence points to regional
differences in hominin behaviour, there is little in this book that
documents the adaptive and cultural variations in early hominins. While
one can also generally agree with Rabett that climate change likely
played a significant role in conditioning early hominin responses and
adaptations on a regional level, little information on behaviour is
provided in Chapter 3 (on Lower and Middle Pleistocene hominins) which
allows investigators to evaluate the degree to which hominins were able
to actively construct and modify their physical and social niches to
improve their chances of survival. This problem, in part, is likely
related to the quality of information currently obtainable from early
Pleistocene sites in Asia.
The degree to which external and internal selective forces acted on
humans is more firmly treated in Chapters 6 and 7, which entail detailed
treatments of the Southeast Asian record in the Last Termination (i.e.
22 000-11 700 cal BP) and the Early Holocene. Chapter 6 is a masterful
discussion of regional climate, human genetics and technological change,
the latter forming the majority of the chapter. Technologies made from
bone, lithic and shell are examined in great detail across Sunda. Most
impressive is the compilation of information on bone technology (bone
points and a variety of shaped implements), which shows significant
temporal and geographical variation. Review of lithic technologies
across Sunda reveals the range of formal and informal tool types used
(e.g. projectile points, tanged blades, scrapers, pebble tools). This
technological information nicely sets up Chapter 7, which examines
variations in subsistence strategies. Here faunal assemblages from three
principal areas are examined: the Niah Caves (Borneo), the Hang Boi Cave
(Vietnam) and the caves of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek (Malaysia). Tropical
subsistence strategies are shown to incorporate an incredible array of
vertebrate and invertebrate species that vary in the degree to which
they were incorporated into the dietary economy of foraging populations.
This new formulation then allows Rabett to examine the degree to which
external and internal forces operated on prehistoric cultures. In the
concluding chapter of the book (Chapter 8), Rabett suggests that
Pleistocene human adaptations are mostly a response to climatic and
ecological instability, whereas in the Holocene, the explosion of
diversity across cultural groups emerges out of the adoption of
different adaptive and social strategies.
Rabett's second proposition is that "the increasing pace
of climatic instability was a premier driver in hominin dispersive and
adaptive trajectories since at least the last inter-glacial" (p.
6). Chapter 5 takes up the question of the initial dispersal of Homo
sapiens across Asia, examining environmental, genetic and archaeological
evidence from north-eastern Africa to Southeast Asia. The 'Southern
Route Hypothesis' is examined relative to climatic trends and a
novel compilation of environmental and archaeological evidence across
South Asia, Sundaland, Wallacea, Sahul and western Melanesia. Though
regional differences in chronology, material culture and adaptations are
revealed, the quality of the data forces Rabett to conclude that
"[although there is good reason to believe that climatic and
environmental instability of the Late Pleistocene are strongly linked to
regional developments in hominin behavioural adaptations, there is not
yet sufficient chronological resolution to confidently match
archaeological trends to environmental ones" (p. 140). A richer
data-set is presented on the relationship between climate and dispersals
in Chapter 6, where late- to postglacial environmental changes are
examined relative to genetic, technological and subsistence trends. The
picture that emerges from archaeological research, and genetic studies,
is that the adaptive and demographic history of Southeast Asia is
intricate and complex--in part, likely tied to the effects of flooding
of the Sunda Shelf after the Last Termination.
Finally, the third proposition of the book is that
"regionalism in H. sapiens behaviour developed to a significant
degree through the demographic and acclimation processes of colonising
new or remodelled environments under these conditions of climatic
caprice" (p. 6). The point here is that evolutionary trajectories
of cultural behaviours across Asia must be understood in regional and
local contexts, thus allowing archaeologists to decipher the numerous
ways in which humans responded to climatic instability and their
transformed environments. Rabett effectively demonstrates temporal and
spatial variations in behaviour across Southeast Asia, thereby
highlighting the need to compare and contrast regional cultural
responses across Asia.
The concluding chapter (Chapter 8) nicely summarises the three main
propositions made in the book, but it also expands upon them in a
thoughtful conceptual model that centres on the underlying factors to be
considered in understanding colonisation and re-colonisation events. The
record of population change in Southeast Asia is examined under four
descriptive phases: transference (the initial exploitation of a new
environment), diversification (the way in which a colonising population
settles and adapts to a new setting), innovation (the relations between
innovative behaviour and demography) and divergence (the evolution of
existing knowledge domains into more locally pertinent ones).
In sum, this book is an excellent new contribution on the Late
Pleistocene history of Southeast Asia. The book challenges
archaeologists to think about how their regional records developed in
response to external and internal influences, ultimately leading to, as
Rabett aptly puts it, "a Pleistocene 'explosion' of new
life ways" (p. 290).
School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK
[email protected])